blob: beda71cd134341dd40f32ed58e6166a5c249fd68 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2018 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.internal.evaluation;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.TreeIterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.evaluation.Evaluator;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.ClassId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.CollectionTypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdResolver;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.PackageId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.PropertyId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.TypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.evaluation.EvaluationCache;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.values.SetValueImpl;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.NameUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.InvalidValueException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.SetValue;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.AbstractObjectManager;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.AbstractTransformer;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.AbstractTypedModelInstance;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.Connection;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.DefaultInterval;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.ExecutionVisitable;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.ExecutionVisitor;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.Interval;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.InvalidEvaluationException;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.InvocationFailedException;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.InvocationManager;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.ModeFactory;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.ObjectManager;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.TransformationExecutor;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.runtime.evaluation.Transformer;
* The abstract implementation of an auto-generated transformation provides the shared infrastructure for maintaining
* models and deferring invocation of not-ready mapping invocations.
public abstract class AbstractTransformerInternal /*extends AbstractModelManager*/ implements Transformer, ExecutionVisitable
public static abstract class Incremental extends AbstractTransformerInternal
protected Incremental(@NonNull TransformationExecutor executor, @NonNull String @NonNull [] modelNames,
@NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId, @NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes) {
super(executor, modelNames, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes) ;
@Deprecated /* @deprecated pass interval */
protected @NonNull Connection createConnection(@NonNull String name, @NonNull TypeId typeId, boolean isStrict) {
return createConnection(invocationManager.getRootInterval(), name, typeId, isStrict, ModeFactory.NON_INCREMENTAL);
protected @NonNull Connection createConnection(@NonNull Interval interval, @NonNull String name, @NonNull TypeId typeId, boolean isStrict, @NonNull ModeFactory modeFactory) {
return interval.createConnection(name, typeId, isStrict, modeFactory);
protected @NonNull InvocationManager createInvocationManager() {
return new IncrementalInvocationManager(executor);
@Deprecated /* @deprecated pass explit root interval */
protected @NonNull Model createModel(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes) {
return new Model.Incremental(this, modelName, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, getInvocationManager().getRootInterval());
protected @NonNull Model createModel(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes, @NonNull Interval rootInterval) {
return new Model.Incremental(this, modelName, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, rootInterval);
protected @NonNull ObjectManager createObjectManager() {
return new IncrementalObjectManager((IncrementalInvocationManager)invocationManager);
public ModeFactory getModeFactory() {
return ModeFactory.INCREMENTAL;
private static final @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer> EMPTY_INDEX_LIST = Collections.emptyList();
private static final @NonNull List<@NonNull Object> EMPTY_EOBJECT_LIST = Collections.emptyList();
public static class Model extends AbstractTypedModelInstance
public static class Incremental extends Model
public Incremental(@NonNull AbstractTransformerInternal transformer, @NonNull String name, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes, @NonNull Interval rootInterval) {
super(transformer, name, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, rootInterval);
public void remove(@NonNull EObject eObject) {
unaccumulateEObject(eClass2allClassIndexes, null, null, eObject);
* Remove eObject from the caches.
* <p>
* If eClass2allClassIndexes is non-null, eObject is removed from the allInstances() caches potentially updating eClass2allClassIndexes with
* the state of a new EClass.
* <p>
* If eClass2allPropertyIndexes is non-null, eObject is removed fromun the unnavigable opposites caches potentially updating eClass2allPropertyIndexes with
* the state of a new EClass.
private void unaccumulateEObject(@Nullable Map<@NonNull EClass, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer>> eClass2allClassIndexes,
@Nullable Map<@NonNull EClass, @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer>> eClass2allPropertyIndexes, @Nullable Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex,
@NonNull Object eObject) {
EClass eClass = transformer.eClass(eObject);
if (eClass2allClassIndexes != null) {
Set<@NonNull Integer> allClassIndexes = eClass2allClassIndexes.get(eClass);
if (allClassIndexes != null) {
for (@NonNull Integer classIndex : allClassIndexes) {
Connection.Incremental connection = (Connection.Incremental)classIndex2connection[classIndex];
if (eClass2allPropertyIndexes != null) {
Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex2 = eReference2propertyIndex;
assert eReference2propertyIndex2 != null;
List<@NonNull Integer> allPropertyIndexes = eClass2allPropertyIndexes.get(eClass);
if (allPropertyIndexes != null) {
Map<@NonNull Object, @NonNull Object>[] object2oppositeObject2 = transformer.object2oppositeObject;
assert object2oppositeObject2 != null;
for (@NonNull Integer propertyIndex : allPropertyIndexes) {
EReference @Nullable [] propertyIndex2eReference2 = transformer.propertyIndex2eReference;
assert propertyIndex2eReference2 != null;
EReference eReference = propertyIndex2eReference2[propertyIndex];
if (eReference != null) {
Object object = transformer.eGet(eObject, eReference);
assert object != null;
protected final @NonNull AbstractTransformerInternal transformer;
protected final @NonNull String name;
* The (input) root objects added explicitly by addRootObjects.
protected final @NonNull List<@NonNull Object> rootObjects = new ArrayList<>();
* The objects added by add filtered as defined by trackObjects.
protected final @NonNull List<@NonNull Object> potentialOrphanObjects = new ArrayList<>();
protected final @NonNull Map<@NonNull EClass, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer>> eClass2allClassIndexes = new HashMap<>();
* All possible allInstances() returns indexed by the ClassIndex of the ClassId for which allInstances() may be invoked.
protected final @NonNull Connection [] classIndex2connection;
private int isContainedCount = 0;
private int isNotContainedCount = 0;
* true to add all EObjects to allEObjects unconditionally
* false to add no EObjects to allEObjects unconditionally
* null to add EObjects to allEObjects unless isContained
private @Nullable Boolean trackAdditions = null;
public Model(@NonNull AbstractTransformerInternal transformer, @NonNull String name, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes, @NonNull Interval rootInterval) { // FIXME Bug 540500 per-model classIndex2classId etc
this.transformer = transformer; = name;
// Prepare the allInstances() fields
int classIds = classIndex2classId.length;
this.classIndex2connection = new @NonNull Connection [classIds];
for (int i = 0; i < classIds; i++) {
@NonNull ClassId classId = classIndex2classId[i];
String connectionName = name + "!" + classId.getName();
classIndex2connection[i] = rootInterval.createConnection(connectionName, classId, false, transformer.getModeFactory());
* Add eObject to the the allInstances() caches potentially updating eClass2allClassIndexes with
* the state of a new EClass.
private void accumulateEObject1(@NonNull Object eObject, @NonNull EClass eClass) {
Set<@NonNull Integer> allClassIndexes = eClass2allClassIndexes.get(eClass);
if (allClassIndexes == null) {
allClassIndexes = transformer.getClassIndexes(eClass);
eClass2allClassIndexes.put(eClass, allClassIndexes);
for (@NonNull Integer classIndex : allClassIndexes) {
* Add eObject to the caches.
* <p>
* If eClass2allPropertyIndexes is non-null, eObject is added to the unnavigable opposites caches potentially updating eClass2allPropertyIndexes with
* the state of a new EClass.
private void accumulateEObject2(@NonNull Object eObject, @NonNull EClass eClass,
@NonNull Map<@NonNull EClass, @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer>> eClass2allPropertyIndexes,
@Nullable Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex) {
Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex2 = eReference2propertyIndex;
assert eReference2propertyIndex2 != null;
List<@NonNull Integer> allPropertyIndexes = eClass2allPropertyIndexes.get(eClass);
if (allPropertyIndexes == null) {
allPropertyIndexes = transformer.getOppositePropertyIndexes(eReference2propertyIndex2, eClass);
eClass2allPropertyIndexes.put(eClass, allPropertyIndexes);
Map<@NonNull Object, @NonNull Object>[] object2oppositeObject2 = transformer.object2oppositeObject;
assert object2oppositeObject2 != null;
for (@NonNull Integer propertyIndex : allPropertyIndexes) {
EReference @Nullable [] propertyIndex2eReference2 = transformer.propertyIndex2eReference;
assert propertyIndex2eReference2 != null;
EReference eReference = propertyIndex2eReference2[propertyIndex];
if (eReference == null) {
PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId2 = transformer.propertyIndex2propertyId;
assert propertyIndex2propertyId2 != null;
PropertyId propertyId = propertyIndex2propertyId2[propertyIndex];
assert propertyId != null;
eReference = (EReference) NameUtil.getENamedElement(eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures(), propertyId.getName());
assert eReference != null;
Object object = transformer.eGet(eObject, eReference);
assert object != null;
object2oppositeObject2[propertyIndex].put(object, eObject);
* @deprecated provide isContained argument
public void add(@NonNull EObject eObject) {
add(eObject, false);
* Add another eObject to the model, which must be distinct from all previously added eObjects.
* If isContained, the caller asserts that the caller will define the eObjects eContainer eliminating
* the need for the eObject to be tracked as a potential orphan to be assigned to the model root.
public void add(@NonNull EObject eObject, boolean isContained) {
if ((trackAdditions == Boolean.FALSE) || (isContained && (trackAdditions == null))) {
else {
assert !potentialOrphanObjects.contains(eObject);
EClass eClass = transformer.eClass(eObject);
accumulateEObject1(eObject, eClass);
* Add eRootObjects to the modelIndex model.
public void addRootObjects(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ? extends Object> eRootObjects) {
Map<@NonNull EClass, @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer>> eClass2allPropertyIndexes = null;
Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex = null;
if (transformer.propertyIndex2propertyId != null) {
eClass2allPropertyIndexes = new HashMap<>();
eReference2propertyIndex = new HashMap<>();
for (@NonNull Object eRootObject : eRootObjects) {
// Accumulate the root object in the model extent
// Accumulate the root object and all its child objects in the allInstances() returns
EClass eRootClass = transformer.eClass(eRootObject);
accumulateEObject1(eRootObject, eRootClass);
if (eClass2allPropertyIndexes != null) {
accumulateEObject2(eRootObject, eRootClass, eClass2allPropertyIndexes, eReference2propertyIndex);
for (TreeIterator<? extends Object> tit = transformer.eAllContents(eRootObject); tit.hasNext(); ) {
Object eObject =;
if (eObject != null) {
EClass eClass = transformer.eClass(eObject);
accumulateEObject1(eObject, eClass);
if (eClass2allPropertyIndexes != null) {
accumulateEObject2(eObject, eClass, eClass2allPropertyIndexes, eReference2propertyIndex);
// protected @NonNull Connection createConnection(@NonNull Interval rootInterval, @NonNull ClassId classId, @NonNull String connectionName, boolean isStrict, boolean isIncremental) {
// return rootInterval.createConnection(connectionName, classId, isStrict, isIncremental);
// }
* This is solely used by the Model::allObjects Operation which is not needed by synthesized QVTr.
* @deprecated
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Object> getAllObjects() {
/* List<@NonNull Object> allEObjects2 = allEObjects;
if (allEObjects2 == null) {
allEObjects = allEObjects2 = new ArrayList<>();
List<@NonNull Object> rootEObjects2 = rootEObjects;
if (rootEObjects2 != null) {
for (@NonNull Object eRootObject : rootEObjects2) {
assert !allEObjects2.contains(eRootObject);
for (TreeIterator<? extends Object> tit = transformer.eAllContents(eRootObject); tit.hasNext(); ) {
Object eObject =;
if (eObject != null) {
assert !allEObjects2.contains(eObject);
} */
return potentialOrphanObjects;
public @NonNull Connection getConnection(int classIndex) {
return classIndex2connection[classIndex];
* This is solely used by the Model::objectsOfKind Operation which is not needed by synthesized QVTr.
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Object> getObjectsOfKind(org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class type) {
TypeId classId = type.getTypeId();
Integer classIndex = transformer.classId2classIndex.get(classId);
if (classIndex != null) {
Iterable<@NonNull Object> typedIterable = classIndex2connection[classIndex].typedIterable(Object.class);
// List<@NonNull Object> collection = new ArrayList<>();
// for (@NonNull Object object : typedIterable) {
// collection.add(object);
// }
return typedIterable;
* This is solely used by the Model::objectsOfType Operation which is not needed by synthesized QVTr.
* @deprecated
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Object> getObjectsOfType(org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class type) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Return all objects in the modelIndex model that conform to eClass.
protected @NonNull <T extends EObject> List<T> getObjectsByType(@NonNull EClass eClass) {
List<T> selectedEObjects = new ArrayList<T>();
if (rootEObjects != null) {
for (EObject eRootObject : rootEObjects) {
if (eClass.isInstance(eRootObject)) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T eObject2 = (T)eRootObject;
for (TreeIterator<EObject> tit = eRootObject.eAllContents(); tit.hasNext(); ) {
@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull EObject eObject =;
if (eClass.isInstance(eObject)) {
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T eObject2 = (T)eObject;
return selectedEObjects;
} */
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Object> getRootObjects() {
if (rootObjects.size() > 0) { // If we have explicit (input) roots
return rootObjects;
List<@NonNull Object> rootObjects2 = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Object eObject : potentialOrphanObjects) {
if (transformer.eContainer(eObject) == null) {
if (AbstractTransformer.CONTAINMENTS.isActive()) {
AbstractTransformer.CONTAINMENTS.println(name + " " + isContainedCount + "/" + (isContainedCount + isNotContainedCount));
return rootObjects2;
public String toString() {
return name + " " + rootObjects.size();
public @NonNull String getName() {
return name;
* Set the behavior of add(eObject,isContained),
* true to add all EObjects to allEObjects unconditionally,
* false to add no EObjects to allEObjects unconditionally,
* null to add EObjects to allEObjects unless isContained
public void setTrackAdditions(@Nullable Boolean trackAdditions) {
this.trackAdditions = trackAdditions;
public <@NonNull T> Iterable<T> typedIterable(Class<T> javaClass, org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class pivotType) {
TypeId typeId = pivotType.getTypeId();
Integer classIndex = transformer.classId2classIndex.get(typeId);
if (classIndex != null) {
Connection connection = classIndex2connection[classIndex];
return connection.typedIterable(javaClass);
return null;
@Deprecated // only used by exe2016/bugmde2016 tests
private static class UnenforcedSetAccumulator extends SetValueImpl implements SetValue.Accumulator
public UnenforcedSetAccumulator(@NonNull CollectionTypeId typeId) {
super(typeId, new ArrayList<Object>());
public boolean add(@Nullable Object value) {
assert !((Collection<Object>)elements).contains(value);
return ((Collection<Object>)elements).add(value);
protected final @NonNull TransformationExecutor executor;
/** deprecated use executor */
protected final @NonNull Evaluator evaluator;
protected final IdResolver.@NonNull IdResolverExtension idResolver;
protected final @NonNull Model @NonNull [] models;
protected final @NonNull Map<@NonNull String, @NonNull Integer> modelIndexes = new HashMap<>();
protected final boolean debugAssignments = AbstractTransformer.ASSIGNMENTS.isActive();
protected final boolean debugCreations = AbstractTransformer.CREATIONS.isActive();
protected final boolean debugExceptions = AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.isActive();
protected final boolean debugGettings = AbstractTransformer.GETTINGS.isActive();
protected final boolean debugInvocations = AbstractTransformer.INVOCATIONS.isActive();
* Unchanging configured list PropertyId for which unnavigable opposite navigation may occur indexed by the PropertyIndex for that PropertyId.
private final @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId;
* Unchanging configured map from the PropertyId for which unnavigable opposite navigation may occur to the PropertyIndex for that PropertyId.
private final @Nullable Map<PropertyId, Integer> propertyId2propertyIndex;
* Unchanging configured map from the PropertyIndex to the EReference for the opposite property navigation.
private final @Nullable EReference @Nullable[] propertyIndex2eReference;
* Unchanging maps from an EObject to its opposite using the Property whose PropertyIndex indexes the map.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Object, @NonNull Object> @Nullable [] object2oppositeObject;
* Unchanging configured map from the ClassId for which allInstances() may be invoked to the ClassIndex for that ClassId.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull ClassId, @NonNull Integer> classId2classIndex;
* Evolving map from the ClassId of some model object's class to all the ClassIndexes for which the model object
* might contribute to an allInstances() return. This is initially populated for the ClassIndexes of the ClassIds
* for which allInstances() may be invoked. It evolves lazily to include the ClassIds for all objects in the user
* models.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull ClassId, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer>> classId2classIndexes;
* Manager for the blocked and unblocked invocations.
protected final @NonNull InvocationManager invocationManager;
* Manager for the auxiliary object and property state.
protected final @NonNull ObjectManager objectManager;
* Cache of operation evaluations.
protected final @NonNull EvaluationCache evaluationCache;
protected AbstractTransformerInternal(@NonNull TransformationExecutor executor, @NonNull String @NonNull [] modelNames,
@NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId, @NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes) {
this.executor = executor;
this.evaluator = executor;
this.idResolver = (IdResolver.IdResolverExtension)executor.getIdResolver();
this.invocationManager = createInvocationManager();
this.objectManager = createObjectManager();
this.evaluationCache = createEvaluationCache();
this.models = new @NonNull Model @NonNull [modelNames.length];
Interval rootInterval = lazyCreateInterval(0);
for (int i = 0; i < modelNames.length; i++) {
String modelName = modelNames[i];
models[i] = createModel(modelName, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, rootInterval);
modelIndexes.put(modelName, i);
// Prepare the unnavigable opposite property fields
if (propertyIndex2propertyId != null) {
int propertyIds = propertyIndex2propertyId.length;
this.propertyIndex2propertyId = propertyIndex2propertyId;
Map<@NonNull PropertyId, @NonNull Integer> propertyId2propertyIndex2 = new HashMap<>(propertyIds);
this.propertyId2propertyIndex = propertyId2propertyIndex2;
this.propertyIndex2eReference = new @Nullable EReference @NonNull [propertyIds];
for (int propertyIndex = 0; propertyIndex < propertyIds; propertyIndex++) {
PropertyId propertyId = propertyIndex2propertyId[propertyIndex];
propertyId2propertyIndex2.put(propertyId, propertyIndex);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")@NonNull Map<@NonNull Object, @NonNull Object> @Nullable [] object2oppositeObject = (@NonNull Map<@NonNull Object, @NonNull Object> @NonNull []) new HashMap<?,?> @NonNull [propertyIds];
this.object2oppositeObject = object2oppositeObject;
for (int i = 0; i < propertyIds; i++) {
object2oppositeObject[i] = new HashMap<>();
else {
this.propertyIndex2propertyId = null;
this.propertyId2propertyIndex = null;
this.propertyIndex2eReference = null;
this.object2oppositeObject = null;
// Prepare the allInstances() fields
assert classIndex2allClassIndexes != null;
int classIds = classIndex2classId.length;
this.classId2classIndex = new HashMap<>(classIds);
this.classId2classIndexes = new HashMap<>(classIds);
for (int classIndex = 0; classIndex < classIds; classIndex++) {
ClassId classId = classIndex2classId[classIndex];
classId2classIndex.put(classId, classIndex);
Set<@NonNull Integer> superClassIndexes = new HashSet<>();
for (int allClassIndex : classIndex2allClassIndexes[classIndex]) {
classId2classIndexes.put(classId, superClassIndexes);
public <R> R accept(@NonNull ExecutionVisitor<R> visitor) {
return visitor.visitTransformer(this);
* Add eRootObjects to the modelIndex model.
public void addRootObjects(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ? extends Object> eRootObjects) {
@Deprecated /* @deprecated pass interval */
protected @NonNull Connection createConnection(@NonNull String name, @NonNull TypeId typeId, boolean isStrict) {
return createConnection(invocationManager.getRootInterval(), name, typeId, isStrict, getModeFactory());
protected @NonNull Connection createConnection(@NonNull Interval interval, @NonNull String name, @NonNull TypeId typeId, boolean isStrict, @NonNull ModeFactory modeFactory) {
return interval.createConnection(name, typeId, isStrict, modeFactory);
* Create the evaluationCache. Creates a EvaluationCache by default.
protected @NonNull EvaluationCache createEvaluationCache() {
return new EvaluationCache(executor);
protected @NonNull Interval createInterval(int intervalIndex) {
return new DefaultInterval(getInvocationManager(), intervalIndex);
* Create the InvocationManager. Creates a LazyInvocationManager by default.
protected @NonNull InvocationManager createInvocationManager() {
return new LazyInvocationManager(executor);
@Deprecated /* @deprecated pass explicit root interval */
protected @NonNull Model createModel(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes) {
return new Model(this, modelName, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, getInvocationManager().getRootInterval());
protected @NonNull Model createModel(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull PropertyId @Nullable [] propertyIndex2propertyId,
@NonNull ClassId @NonNull [] classIndex2classId, int @Nullable [] @NonNull [] classIndex2allClassIndexes, @NonNull Interval rootInterval) {
return new Model(this, modelName, propertyIndex2propertyId, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes, rootInterval);
@Deprecated // Use createConnection
protected SetValue.@NonNull Accumulator createUnenforcedSetAccumulatorValue(@NonNull CollectionTypeId typeId) {
return new UnenforcedSetAccumulator(typeId);
* Create the ObjectManager. Creates a LazyObjectManager by default.
protected @NonNull ObjectManager createObjectManager() {
return new LazyObjectManager((LazyInvocationManager)invocationManager);
protected @NonNull TreeIterator<? extends Object> eAllContents(@NonNull Object object) {
return ((EObject)object).eAllContents();
protected @NonNull EClass eClass(@NonNull Object object) {
return ((EObject)object).eClass();
protected @Nullable Object eContainer(@NonNull Object object) {
return ((EObject)object).eContainer();
protected @Nullable Object eGet(@NonNull Object object, @NonNull EStructuralFeature eFeature) {
return ((EObject)object).eGet(eFeature);
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Object> get(org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.@NonNull Class type) {
return models[0].getObjectsOfKind(type);
* Return the Set of all ClassIndexes to which an EClass instance contributes to allInstances() returns.
private @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer> getClassIndexes(@NonNull EClass eClass) {
// ClassId classId = IdManager.getClassId(eClass);
EPackage ePackage = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eClass.getEPackage());
PackageId packageId = IdManager.getPackageId(ePackage);
String className = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eClass.getName()); // FIXME Original name
ClassId classId = packageId.getClassId(className, eClass.getETypeParameters().size());
Map<@NonNull ClassId, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Integer>> classId2classIndexes2 = classId2classIndexes;
assert classId2classIndexes2 != null;
Set<@NonNull Integer> classIndexes = classId2classIndexes2.get(classId);
if (classIndexes == null) {
classIndexes = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull EClass eSuperClass : ClassUtil.nullFree(eClass.getESuperTypes())) {
Set<@NonNull Integer> partialResult = getClassIndexes(eSuperClass);
classId2classIndexes2.put(classId, classIndexes);
return classIndexes;
public @NonNull EvaluationCache getEvaluationCache() {
return evaluationCache;
public @NonNull TransformationExecutor getExecutor() {
return executor;
public @NonNull InvocationManager getInvocationManager() {
return invocationManager;
public @NonNull ModeFactory getModeFactory() {
return ModeFactory.NON_INCREMENTAL;
public @NonNull ObjectManager getObjectManager() {
return objectManager;
* Return all objects in the modelIndex model that conform to eClass.
protected @NonNull <T extends EObject> List<T> getObjectsByType(int modelIndex, @NonNull EClass eClass) {
return models[modelIndex].getObjectsByType(eClass);
} */
* Return the List of all PropertyIndexes for which an EClass instance could be the unnavigable opposite.
* eReference2propertyIndex contains known equivalences and may be updated if more are discovered
* using -1 as a propertyIndex for which no unnavigable opposite is appropriate.
private @NonNull List<@NonNull Integer> getOppositePropertyIndexes(@NonNull Map<@NonNull EReference, @NonNull Integer> eReference2propertyIndex, @NonNull EClass eClass) {
List<@NonNull Integer> propertyIndexes = null;
for (EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature : eClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures()) {
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EReference) {
EReference eReference = (EReference)eStructuralFeature;
Integer propertyIndex = eReference2propertyIndex.get(eReference);
if (propertyIndex == null) {
if ((eReference.getEOpposite() == null) && !eReference.isDerived() && !eReference.isTransient() && !eReference.isVolatile()) {
// PropertyId propertyId = IdManager.getPropertyId(eReference);
EClass eContainingClass = eReference.getEContainingClass();
EPackage ePackage = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eContainingClass.getEPackage());
PackageId packageId = IdManager.getPackageId(ePackage);
String className = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eContainingClass.getName()); // FIXME Original name
ClassId classId = packageId.getClassId(className, eContainingClass.getETypeParameters().size());
String propertyName = ClassUtil.nonNullEMF(eReference.getName()); // FIXME Original name
PropertyId propertyId = classId.getPropertyId(propertyName);
Map<PropertyId, Integer> propertyId2propertyIndex2 = propertyId2propertyIndex;
assert propertyId2propertyIndex2 != null;
propertyIndex = propertyId2propertyIndex2.get(propertyId);
if (propertyIndex == null) {
propertyIndex = -1;
eReference2propertyIndex.put(eReference, propertyIndex);
if (propertyIndex >= 0) {
if (propertyIndexes == null) {
propertyIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
return propertyIndexes != null ? propertyIndexes : EMPTY_INDEX_LIST;
* Return all the container-less objects in the modelName model.
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull EObject> getRootEObjects(@NonNull String modelName) {
Model model = getTypedModelInstance(modelName);
List<@NonNull EObject> rootEObjects = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Object rootObject : model.getRootObjects()) {
if (rootObject instanceof EObject) {
return rootEObjects;
* Return all the container-less objects in the modelName model.
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull Object> getRootObjects(@NonNull String modelName) {
return getTypedModelInstance(modelName).getRootObjects();
public @NonNull Model getTypedModelInstance(@NonNull String modelName) {
Integer modelIndex = modelIndexes.get(modelName);
if (modelIndex == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown model name '" + modelName + "'");
return models[modelIndex];
* The default handler for an exception during mapping execution rethrows an InvocationFailedException so that the
* caller may organize a re-exection when the reqired memory access can succeed. Errors are rethrown and should
* propagate to the transformation invoker, except for AssertionError which is is absorbed if the user has configured
* AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS to observe them on the console. All other exceptions are just absorbed since they
* may represent a predicate failure.
protected boolean handleExecutionFailure(@NonNull String mappingName, @NonNull Throwable e) throws InvocationFailedException {
if (e instanceof InvocationFailedException) { // Normal case - premature access needs a retry later
throw (InvocationFailedException)e;
else if (e instanceof InvalidEvaluationException) { // Real errors are fatal
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
throw (InvalidEvaluationException)e;
else if (e instanceof AssertionError) { // Debug case - assertion errors are diagnostic not catastrophic
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
else {
throw (AssertionError)e; // But if the user isn't watching them they are fatal
else if (e instanceof Error) { // Real errors are fatal
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
throw (Error)e;
else { // Other failures are just mappings whose predicates were not satisfied.
if (e instanceof InvalidValueException) { // Multiway branch to facilitate debugger breakpoints.
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
else if (e instanceof NullPointerException) {
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
else {
if (debugExceptions) {
AbstractTransformer.EXCEPTIONS.println("Execution failure in '" + mappingName + "' : " + e);
if (e instanceof Exception) {
throw new InvalidEvaluationException((Exception)e);
throw new InvalidEvaluationException(new RuntimeException(e));
/* protected void install(@NonNull InvocationConstructor constructor, int consumedConnections, @NonNull Connection @NonNull ... connections) {
// InvocationConstructor invoker = invocationManager.createInvoker(constructor, consumedConnections, interval, connections);
for (int i = 0; i < consumedConnections; i++) {
Connection consumedConnection = connections[i];
for (int i = consumedConnections; i < connections.length; i++) {
Connection appendedConnection = connections[i];
} */
protected @NonNull Interval lazyCreateInterval(int intervalIndex) {
if (intervalIndex < 0) {
return invocationManager.createInterval(); // Obsolete functionality
for (int i = invocationManager.getIntervalsSize(); i < intervalIndex; i++) {
Interval interval = invocationManager.basicGetInterval(intervalIndex);
return interval != null ? interval : createInterval(intervalIndex);
public void setExternalURI(@NonNull String modelName, @NonNull URI modelURI) {
Model model = getTypedModelInstance(modelName);
for (Object object : model.getRootObjects()) {
if (object instanceof org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Model) {
public @NonNull Object throwInvalidEvaluationException(@NonNull String message, Object... bindings) {
throw new InvalidEvaluationException(message, bindings);
* Return the string rendering of object for use in debug messages. The default just invokes String.valueOf().
* Derived implementations may provide metamodel-specific content.
protected @NonNull String toDebugString(@Nullable Object object) {
return AbstractObjectManager.toDebugString(object);