blob: 2d3f45c57db4a71a8294c78c2e48b8948b9a2990 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2019 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Property;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.UniqueList;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.ProblemHandler;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtb2qvts.OriginalContentsAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtb2qvts.LoadingRegionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtb2qvts.ScheduleManager;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.analysis.PartialRegionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.BasicPartitionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.PartitionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.PartitionsAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.utilities.CompilerUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.TypedModel;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.utilities.QVTbaseUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.ClassDatum;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.CollectionClassDatum;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Connection;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Edge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.EdgeConnection;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.LoadingRegion;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.MappingPartition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.MergedPartition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.NavigableEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.NavigationEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Node;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.NodeConnection;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Partition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.QVTscheduleFactory;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Region;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Role;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.RootRegion;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.DomainUsage;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.QVTscheduleUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.SymbolNameBuilder;
* ConnectionManager supervises the connections initially between rule-regions and ultimaately between partitions.
public class ConnectionManager
private static final @NonNull String JOIN_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX = "ja";
private static final @NonNull String JOIN_EDGE_PREFIX = "je_";
private static final @NonNull String JOIN_INPUT_PREFIX = "ji";
private static final @NonNull String JOIN_MIDDLE_PREFIX = "jm";
private static final @NonNull String JOIN_OUTPUT_PREFIX = "jo";
public static final @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition> EMPTY_PARTITION_LIST = Collections.emptyList();
protected final @NonNull ScheduleManager scheduleManager;
protected final @NonNull LoadingRegionAnalysis loadingRegionAnalysis;
* The per-class node connections that unite a set of sources via a shared connection.
public final @NonNull Map<@NonNull ClassDatum, @NonNull Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Node>, @NonNull NodeConnection>> classDatum2nodes2nodeConnections = new HashMap<>();
* The edge connections that unite a set of sources via a shared connection.
public final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull NavigableEdge>, @NonNull EdgeConnection> edges2edgeConnection = new HashMap<>();
* Analysis of the contents of the partitioned mappings, null prior to partitioning.
private final @NonNull OriginalContentsAnalysis originalContentsAnalysis;
* Ordered list of regions that call this region
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> partition2parents = new HashMap<>();
* Ordered list of regions that this region calls. May exclude some children whose dependencies are unsatisfied.
* May include non-children whose dependencies are satisfied by earlier child calls.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> partition2children = new HashMap<>();
public ConnectionManager(@NonNull ProblemHandler problemHandler, @NonNull ScheduleManager scheduleManager, @NonNull LoadingRegionAnalysis loadingRegionAnalysis) {
// super(qvtm2qvts.getEnvironmentFactory());
this.scheduleManager = scheduleManager;
this.loadingRegionAnalysis = loadingRegionAnalysis;
this.originalContentsAnalysis = scheduleManager.getOriginalContentsAnalysis();
public void addCallToChild(@NonNull Partition parentPartition, @NonNull Partition childPartition) {
List<@NonNull Partition> callableChildren = getCallableChildren(parentPartition);
assert !callableChildren.contains(childPartition);
* Return the connections that need to have uniqueness enforced explicitly.
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NodeConnection> analyzeStrictness() {
List<@NonNull NodeConnection> strictConnections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedRootRegions(scheduleManager.getScheduleModel())) {
for (@NonNull Connection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedConnections(rootRegion)) {
if (connection instanceof NodeConnection) { // EdgeConnections are not passed so need no enforcement
// boolean isDead = false;
NodeConnection nodeConnection = (NodeConnection)connection;
List<Node> passedTargetNodes = nodeConnection.getPassedTargetNodes();
if (passedTargetNodes.size() > 0) { // unpassed NodeConnections need no enforcement
boolean isImplicitlyUnique = true;
Iterable<Node> sourceNodes = nodeConnection.getSourceNodes();
int size = Iterables.size(sourceNodes);
if (size == 0) {
// isDead = true;
else if (size > 1) { // multiple source need enforcement
isImplicitlyUnique = false;
else {
ClassDatum classDatum = nodeConnection.getClassDatum();
if (classDatum.isDataType()) { // DataTypes need enforcement
isImplicitlyUnique = false;
if (!isImplicitlyUnique) {
strictConnections .add(nodeConnection);
return strictConnections;
* Create the Passed and Used Connections between all introducers and their corresponding consuming nodes.
public void createConnections(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Concurrency> partitionSchedule) {
Set<@NonNull Region> regions = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Concurrency concurrency : partitionSchedule) {
for (@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis : concurrency) {
// for (@NonNull Region region : regions) {
// createIncomingConnections(rootRegion, region);
// }
// scheduleManager.writeDebugGraphs("4-bindings", true, true, false);
// for (Region region : sortedCallableRegions) {
// region.checkIncomingConnections();
// }
* Create an EdgeConnection for the predicatedEdges and/or their target DataType node.
private void createAttributeEdgeConnection(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region, @NonNull Node castTargetNode, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> predicatedEdges) {
RootRegion invokingRegion2 = rootRegion;
assert invokingRegion2 != null;
Node castTarget = castTargetNode;
ClassDatum classDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(castTarget);
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge predicatedEdge : predicatedEdges) {
if (predicatedEdge.isNavigation()) {
NavigationEdge predicatedNavigationEdge = (NavigationEdge)predicatedEdge;
List<@NonNull NavigableEdge> attributeConnectionSourceEdges = null;
List<@NonNull String> partialNames = new ArrayList<>();
assert predicatedEdge.isNavigation();
assert predicatedEdge.getIncomingConnection() == null;
assert !predicatedEdge.isCast();
Property predicatedProperty = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(predicatedNavigationEdge);
assert !predicatedProperty.isIsImplicit();
assert classDatum.isDataType();
Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> realizedEdges = getNewEdges(predicatedEdge);
if (realizedEdges != null) {
ClassDatum predicatedSourceClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(predicatedEdge));
ClassDatum predicatedTargetClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(QVTscheduleUtil.getTargetNode(predicatedEdge));
Property oppositeProperty = predicatedProperty.getOpposite();
if (predicatedProperty.isIsMany()) {
predicatedTargetClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getElementalClassDatum((CollectionClassDatum)predicatedTargetClassDatum);
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge realizedEdge : realizedEdges) {
if (realizedEdge.isNavigation()) {
NavigationEdge predicatedRealizedEdge = (NavigationEdge)realizedEdge;
Property realizedProperty = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(predicatedRealizedEdge);
ClassDatum firstClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(realizedEdge));
ClassDatum secondClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(QVTscheduleUtil.getTargetNode(realizedEdge));
if (realizedProperty.isIsMany()) {
secondClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getElementalClassDatum((CollectionClassDatum) secondClassDatum);
ClassDatum realizedSourceClassDatum;
ClassDatum realizedTargetClassDatum;
if (realizedProperty == predicatedProperty) {
realizedSourceClassDatum = firstClassDatum;
realizedTargetClassDatum = secondClassDatum;
else {
assert realizedProperty == oppositeProperty;
realizedSourceClassDatum = secondClassDatum;
realizedTargetClassDatum = firstClassDatum;
boolean conformingSources = QVTscheduleUtil.conformantWith(predicatedSourceClassDatum, realizedSourceClassDatum);
boolean conformingTargets;
conformingTargets = QVTscheduleUtil.conformantWith(predicatedTargetClassDatum, realizedTargetClassDatum);
if (conformingSources && conformingTargets) {
if (attributeConnectionSourceEdges == null) {
attributeConnectionSourceEdges = new ArrayList<>();
Node sourceNode = QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceNode(predicatedEdge);
ClassDatum sourceClassDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(sourceNode);
if (attributeConnectionSourceEdges != null) {
EdgeConnection edgeConnection = getAttributeConnection(invokingRegion2, attributeConnectionSourceEdges, partialNames, predicatedProperty);
boolean differentProperty = false;
if (predicatedProperty.isIsMany()) {
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge sourceEdge : attributeConnectionSourceEdges) {
if ((sourceEdge instanceof NavigationEdge) && ((NavigationEdge)sourceEdge).isPartial()) {
differentProperty = true;
edgeConnection.addUsedTargetEdge(predicatedEdge, differentProperty);
if (s != null) {
s.append("\n Attribute EdgeConnection \"" + edgeConnection + "\" to " + castTarget);
for (@NonNull Edge sourceEdge : attributeConnectionSourceEdges) {
s.append("\n from " + sourceEdge.getOwningRegion() + " : " + sourceEdge.getSourceNode());
// Scheduler.CONNECTIONS.println(" classDatumAnalysis " + classDatumAnalysis);
// for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
// Scheduler.CONNECTIONS.println(" from " + sourceNode.getRegion());
// Scheduler.CONNECTIONS.println(" " + sourceNode);
// }
// for (@NonNull NavigationEdge realizedEdge : realizedEdges) {
// Scheduler.CONNECTIONS.println(" edge " + realizedEdge);
// }
* Create an EdgeConnection for the predicatedEdges and/or their target Class node.
private void createClassEdgeConnection(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region, @NonNull Node castTargetNode, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> predicatedEdges) {
RootRegion invokingRegion2 = rootRegion;
assert invokingRegion2 != null;
Node castTarget = castTargetNode;
ClassDatum classDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(castTarget);
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge predicatedEdge : predicatedEdges) {
assert predicatedEdge.isNavigation();
assert predicatedEdge.getIncomingConnection() == null;
assert !predicatedEdge.isCast();
Property predicatedProperty = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty((NavigationEdge)predicatedEdge);
assert !predicatedProperty.isIsImplicit();
boolean isDataType = classDatum.isDataType();
assert !isDataType;
Iterable<@NonNull Node> sourceNodes = getNewNodes(classDatum);
Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> realizedEdges = getNewEdges(predicatedEdge);
if (realizedEdges != null) {
Set<@NonNull Region> edgeSourceRegions = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull Region> nodeSourceRegions = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge realizedEdge : realizedEdges) {
if (sourceNodes != null) {
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
// Create an EdgeConnection for the edge realizations unless all edges are sources by node sources.
// if (!nodeSourceRegions.containsAll(edgeSourceRegions)) { // If edges are assigned independently of their targets.
Set<@NonNull Region> conformantEdgeSourceRegions = null;
List<@NonNull NavigableEdge> thoseEdges = null;
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge realizedEdge : realizedEdges) {
if (scheduleManager.isElementallyConformantSource(realizedEdge, predicatedEdge) && QVTscheduleUtil.isConformantTarget(realizedEdge, predicatedEdge)) {
if (thoseEdges == null) {
thoseEdges = new ArrayList<>();
conformantEdgeSourceRegions = new HashSet<>();
if (!thoseEdges.contains(realizedEdge)) {
assert conformantEdgeSourceRegions != null;
if (thoseEdges != null) { //&& !nodeSourceRegions.containsAll(conformantEdgeSourceRegions)) {
EdgeConnection edgeConnection = getEdgeConnection(invokingRegion2, thoseEdges, predicatedProperty);
if (s != null) {
s.append("\n EdgeConnection \"" + edgeConnection + "\" to " + predicatedEdge);
if (!Iterables.contains(edgeConnection.getTargetEdges(), predicatedEdge)) {
edgeConnection.addUsedTargetEdge(predicatedEdge, false);
if (s != null) {
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge thatEdge : thoseEdges) {
s.append("\n from " + thatEdge.getOwningRegion() + " : " + thatEdge);
// }
// Create a NodeConnection for the node realizations.
if ((sourceNodes != null)
&& !castTarget.isLoaded() // WIP and !isOnlyCast
&& !castTarget.isConstant()
&& !castTarget.isHead()
&& !castTarget.isOperation()
&& (castTarget.getIncomingConnection() == null)
// && !castTarget.isAttributeNode()
// && !rootRootRegion.isOnlyCastOrRecursed(predicatedNode)
// && !hasEdgeConnection(predicatedNode)
) {
NodeConnection predicatedConnection = getNodeConnection(invokingRegion2, sourceNodes, classDatum, scheduleManager.getDomainUsage(classDatum));
predicatedConnection.addUsedTargetNode(castTarget, false);
if (s != null) {
s.append("\n NodeConnection \"" + predicatedConnection + "\" to " + castTarget);
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
s.append("\n from " + sourceNode.getOwningRegion() + " : " + sourceNode);
// }
private @NonNull EdgeConnection createEdgeConnection(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Set<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceSet, @NonNull Property property, @NonNull SymbolNameBuilder s) {
// assert !property.isIsImplicit(); implicit opposite of a 1:N is the connected property
EdgeConnection edgeConnection = QVTscheduleFactory.eINSTANCE.createEdgeConnection();
// protected ConnectionImpl(@NonNull RootRegion region, @NonNull Set<@NonNull CE> sourceEnds, @NonNull String name) {
edgeConnection.setName(scheduleManager.getScheduleModel().reserveSymbolName(s, edgeConnection));
// }
// public EdgeConnectionImpl(@NonNull RootRegion region, @NonNull Set<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceEdges, @NonNull String name, @NonNull Property property) {
// super(region, sourceEdges, name);
for (@NonNull NavigableEdge sourceEdge : sourceSet) {
assert Iterables.contains(QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceEnds(edgeConnection), sourceEdge);
// assert edge.getRegion() == getRegion();
List<EdgeConnection> outgoingConnections2 = sourceEdge.getOutgoingConnections();
assert !outgoingConnections2.contains(edgeConnection);
// }
// return new EdgeConnectionImpl(this, sourceSet, s, property);
return edgeConnection;
* Create and return a NodeConnection to the nodes that can provide the sources for headNode.
* Returns null if the pattern surrounding the headNode conflicts with the pattern
* surrounding all possible sources.
private @Nullable NodeConnection createHeadConnection(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region, @NonNull Node headNode) {
RootRegion invokingRegion2 = rootRegion;
List<@NonNull Node> headSources = null;
// Locate compatible introducers and non-recursive producers
boolean isSpeculation = false;
Iterable<@NonNull Node> sourceNodes = getIntroducingOrNewNodes(headNode);
if (!scheduleManager.useActivators() && (sourceNodes != null)) {
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
if (sourceNode.isSpeculation()) {
isSpeculation = true;
ClassDatum classDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(headNode);
if (isSpeculation && !headNode.isSpeculated()) {
sourceNodes = originalContentsAnalysis.getOldNodes(classDatum);
assert sourceNodes != null;
if (sourceNodes != null) {
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceNodes) {
boolean isSource = true;
if (isSpeculation) {
if (headNode.isSpeculated()) {
// if (!sourceNode.isOld()) {
// isSource = false;
// }
else {
if (!sourceNode.isSpeculated() || !sourceNode.isHead()) {
isSource = false;
// Region sourceRegion = sourceNode.getRegion();
// if (sourceRegion != this) {
if (isSource) {
Map<@NonNull Node, @NonNull Node> called2calling = new HashMap<>();
if (isCompatiblePattern(region, headNode, sourceNode, called2calling)) {
if (headSources == null) {
headSources = new ArrayList<>();
// }
if (headSources == null) {
return null;
// Connect up the head
NodeConnection headConnection = getNodeConnection(invokingRegion2, headSources, classDatum, scheduleManager.getDomainUsage(classDatum));
if (headNode.isDependency()) {
headConnection.addUsedTargetNode(headNode, false);
else {
if (s != null) {
s.append((headNode.isDependency() ? "\n Extra NodeConnection " : "\n Head NodeConnection \"") + headConnection + "\" to " + headNode);
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : headSources) {
s.append("\n from " + sourceNode.getOwningRegion() + " : " + sourceNode);
return headConnection;
* Return the Connections to each of the head nodes. Returns null after registering region error problems,
* if the pattern surrounding any headNode conflicts with the pattern
* surrounding all its possible sources. (Any head with no sources is a non-invocation.)
private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull NodeConnection> createHeadConnections(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region) {
List<@NonNull NodeConnection> headConnections = null;
Iterable<@NonNull Node> headNodes = QVTscheduleUtil.getHeadNodes(region);
if (Iterables.isEmpty(region.getHeadNodes())) {
CompilerUtil.addRegionError(getProblemHandler(), region, "No head nodes");
for (@NonNull Node headNode : headNodes) {
if (headNode.isDependency()) {
createHeadConnection(s, rootRegion, region, headNode); /** Dependency nodes have extra not-head connections. */
else {
NodeConnection headConnection = createHeadConnection(s, rootRegion, region, headNode);
if (headConnection == null) {
if (!headNode.isThis()) {
CompilerUtil.addRegionError(getProblemHandler(), region, "No incoming connections for " + headNode.getName());
headConnection = createHeadConnection(s, rootRegion, region, headNode); // FIXME debugging
return null; // so matching only fails for unmatchable real heads
else {
if (headConnections == null) {
headConnections = new ArrayList<>();
// FIXME. If there are multiple heads and an internal node is reachable from more than one head, then the possible
// sources for the internal node are the intersection of the alternatives which may eliminate some call paths.
if (headConnections == null) {
CompilerUtil.addRegionError(getProblemHandler(), region, "No incoming connections");
return headConnections;
* Create the connections that establish the inter-region dependencies. A passed connection for each head node and
* used connections for each predicated edge. (Non-head nodes are necessarily connected by predicates to the head.)
* Every node/edge must have a connection to all its possible sources to ensure that the compile-time / run-time
* scheduler delays the execution of this region until the sources are available.
* Connections may be omitted when we can prove that the connection is available as a consequence of some restriction.
* - a connection to a CONSTANT source is unnecessary (always available)
* - a connection to a LOADED source is unnecessary (always available)
* - a connection to a source whose navigation path is incompatible with the head-to-target path is unnecessary
* - a connection to a node that is only used in cast form is unnecessary (the cast node provides more precision)
* - a connection to a cast edge is unnecessary (the cast edge extends a navigation edge that has a connection)
* Connections to attribute nodes are connected to just the edge; the datatyped node can be ambiguous
* Connections to realized nodes can be omitted if they are at one end of a realized edge
* Connections to edges account for type conformance of the nodes ends. The edge ends extend to account for casts.
* Each head node has a passed connection from its sources.
* Consistently related nodes navigable from the head have a bindable connection to the correspondingly related sources.
* Inconsistently related nodes navigable from the head have a computable connection to all compatibly typed sources.
* Unrelated nodes such as the internals of computations are not connected; their dependencies should be in dependency heads.
* Edges dependent on realization elsewhere are represented by connection from all head nodes of the dependent region
* to all heads of the realizing region.
public void createIncomingConnections(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region) {
if (s != null) {
s.append("\n " + region);
assert !(region instanceof LoadingRegion);
Iterable<@NonNull NodeConnection> headConnections = createHeadConnections(s, rootRegion, region);
if (headConnections == null) {
return; // Error already reported.
// Gather multiple edges sharing the same target to avoid multiple incoming connections -- FIXME no need to gather
Map<@NonNull Node, @NonNull List<@NonNull NavigableEdge>> castTargetNode2predicatedEdges = new HashMap<>();
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedEdges(region)) {
assert !edge.isCast();
if (edge.isPredicated() && edge.isNavigation()) {
NavigationEdge predicatedEdge = (NavigationEdge)edge;
assert predicatedEdge.getIncomingConnection() == null;
Property predicatedProperty = predicatedEdge.getReferredProperty();
if (!predicatedProperty.isIsImplicit()) { // unnavigable opposites are handled by the navigable property
Node castTargetNode = predicatedEdge.getEdgeTarget();
List<@NonNull NavigableEdge> predicatedEdges = castTargetNode2predicatedEdges.get(castTargetNode);
if (predicatedEdges == null) {
predicatedEdges = new ArrayList<>();
castTargetNode2predicatedEdges.put(castTargetNode, predicatedEdges);
for (@NonNull Node castTargetNode : castTargetNode2predicatedEdges.keySet()) {
List<@NonNull NavigableEdge> predicatedEdges = castTargetNode2predicatedEdges.get(castTargetNode);
assert predicatedEdges != null;
if (castTargetNode.isClass()) {
createClassEdgeConnection(s, rootRegion, region, castTargetNode, predicatedEdges);
else {
createAttributeEdgeConnection(s, rootRegion, region, castTargetNode, predicatedEdges);
private @NonNull NodeConnection createNodeConnection(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Node> sourceSet, @NonNull ClassDatum classDatum, @NonNull SymbolNameBuilder s) {
NodeConnection connection = QVTscheduleFactory.eINSTANCE.createNodeConnection();
connection.setName(scheduleManager.getScheduleModel().reserveSymbolName(s, connection));
for (@NonNull Node sourceNode : sourceSet) {
// assert !sourceNode.isConstant();
assert Iterables.contains(QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceEnds(connection), sourceNode);
// assert edge.getRegion() == getRegion();
List<NodeConnection> outgoingConnections2 = sourceNode.getOutgoingConnections();
assert !outgoingConnections2.contains(connection);
return connection;
* Create the Passed Node Connection between the trace node realized in an activator partition and predicated in other partitions.
* Create Used Edge Connections between each edge realized in the origial region and predicated in a aprtition.
public void createPartitionConnections(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Region region) {
Iterable<@NonNull MappingPartition> partitions = QVTscheduleUtil.getRegionPartitions(region);
RegionAnalysis regionAnalysis = scheduleManager.getRegionAnalysis(region);
if (Iterables.size(partitions) <= 1) {
return; // No trace connections if not actually partitioned
// Every (the) trace node that is realized in the original region and is predicated in one of the partitions requires
// a passed node connection.
Iterable <@NonNull Node> traceNodes = regionAnalysis.getTraceNodes();
for (@NonNull Node traceNode : traceNodes) {
Set<@NonNull Node> sourceNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition partition : partitions) {
Role nodeRole = QVTscheduleUtil.getRole(partition, traceNode);
if ((nodeRole != null) && nodeRole.isNew()) {
if (!sourceNodes.isEmpty()) {
ClassDatum classDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(traceNode);
NodeConnection connection = getNodeConnection(rootRegion, sourceNodes, classDatum, scheduleManager.getDomainUsage(classDatum));
Set<@NonNull Node> targetNodes = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition partition : partitions) {
Role nodeRole = QVTscheduleUtil.getRole(partition, traceNode);
if ((nodeRole != null) && nodeRole.isOld()) {
if (targetNodes.add(traceNode)) {
// Every edge that is realized in the original region and is predicated in one of the partitions requires
// a used edge connection.
for (@NonNull Edge edge : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedEdges(region)) {
if (edge.isRealized() && edge.isNavigation()) {
NavigationEdge navigationEdge = (NavigationEdge)edge;
if (!edge.isSecondary()) {
boolean isAwaited = false;
for (@NonNull PartitionAnalysis partitionAnalysis : regionAnalysis.getPartitionAnalyses()) {
Role role = partitionAnalysis.getPartition().getRole(navigationEdge);
if ((role != null) && role.isChecked()) {
isAwaited = true;
if (isAwaited) {
Property property = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(navigationEdge);
EdgeConnection connection = getEdgeConnection(rootRegion, Collections.singleton(navigationEdge), property);
connection.addUsedTargetEdge(navigationEdge, true);
else {
// SharedEdge
private @NonNull EdgeConnection getAttributeConnection(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceEdges, @NonNull List<@NonNull String> partialNames, @NonNull Property property) {
Set<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceSet = Sets.newHashSet(sourceEdges);
EdgeConnection connection = edges2edgeConnection.get(sourceSet);
if (connection == null) {
SymbolNameBuilder s = new SymbolNameBuilder();
for (@NonNull String partialName : partialNames) {
connection = createEdgeConnection(rootRegion, sourceSet, property, s);
edges2edgeConnection.put(sourceSet, connection);
return connection;
* Return the regions that this region can actually call directly after taking account the connection dependencies.
public @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition> getCallableChildren(@NonNull Partition partition) {
List<@NonNull Partition> children = partition2children.get(partition);
if (children == null) {
children = new ArrayList<>();
partition2children.put(partition, children);
return children;
* Return the regions that can actually call this region directly after taking account the connection dependencies.
public @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition> getCallableParents(@NonNull Partition partition) {
List<@NonNull Partition> parents = partition2parents.get(partition);
if (parents == null) {
parents = new ArrayList<>();
partition2parents.put(partition, parents);
return parents;
private @NonNull EdgeConnection getEdgeConnection(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceEdges, @NonNull Property property) {
Set<@NonNull NavigableEdge> sourceSet = Sets.newHashSet(sourceEdges);
EdgeConnection connection = edges2edgeConnection.get(sourceSet);
if (connection == null) {
SymbolNameBuilder s = new SymbolNameBuilder();
connection = createEdgeConnection(rootRegion, sourceSet, property, s);
edges2edgeConnection.put(sourceSet, connection);
return connection;
private int getFirstConsumption(@NonNull Connection connection) {
int firstConsumption = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : connection.getTargetPartitions()) {
int firstPass = targetPartition.getFirstPass();
if (firstPass <= firstConsumption) {
firstConsumption = firstPass;
assert firstConsumption != Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return firstConsumption;
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Connection> getIncomingConnections(@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis) { // FIXME cache
Partition partition = partitionAnalysis.getPartition();
/* Region region = partition.getOriginalRegion();
if (region != null) {
List<@NonNull Connection> connections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Node headNode : QVTscheduleUtil.getHeadNodes(region)) {
NodeConnection connection = headNode.getIncomingPassedConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
for (@NonNull Node node : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedNodes(region)) {
/* if (node.isDependency() || node.isPattern()) {
if (node.isLoaded() || node.isSpeculated() || node.isPredicated()) { // A DataType may be loaded but subject to an edge predication
NodeConnection connection = node.getIncomingUsedConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
else if (node.isTrue()) { // A <<success>> node * /
NodeConnection connection = getIncomingUsedConnection(node);
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
// }
for (@NonNull NavigationEdge edge : region.getPredicatedNavigationEdges()) {
EdgeConnection connection = edge.getIncomingConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
return connections;
else { */
List<@NonNull Connection> connections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Node headNode : QVTscheduleUtil.getHeadNodes(partition)) {
NodeConnection connection = headNode.getIncomingPassedConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
for (@NonNull Node node : partition.getPartialNodes()) {
/* if (node.isDependency() || node.isPattern()) {
if (node.isLoaded() || node.isSpeculated() || node.isPredicated()) { // A DataType may be loaded but subject to an edge predication
NodeConnection connection = node.getIncomingUsedConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
else if (node.isTrue()) { // A <<success>> node */
if (!node.isHead() || node.isDependency()) {
NodeConnection connection = getIncomingUsedConnection(node);
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
// }
for (@NonNull Edge edge : partition.getPartialEdges()) {
assert !edge.isCast();
if (((PartitionAnalysis)partitionAnalysis).isChecked(edge) && edge.isNavigation()) {
NavigableEdge navigationEdge = (NavigableEdge) edge;
EdgeConnection connection = navigationEdge.getIncomingConnection();
if ((connection != null) && !connections.contains(connection)) {
return connections;
// }
public @Nullable NodeConnection getIncomingUsedConnection(@NonNull Node node) {
NodeConnection incomingConnection = node.getIncomingConnection();
if ((incomingConnection != null) && incomingConnection.isUsed(node)) {
return incomingConnection;
else {
return null;
private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull Node> getIntroducingOrNewNodes(@NonNull Node headNode) {
ClassDatum classDatum = QVTscheduleUtil.getClassDatum(headNode);
if (!scheduleManager.isInput(scheduleManager.getDomainUsage(classDatum))) {
return originalContentsAnalysis.getNewNodes(classDatum); // FIXME also dependsOn ??
Set<@NonNull Node> nodes = new UniqueList<>();
for (@NonNull TypedModel iterates : QVTbaseUtil.getIterates(QVTscheduleUtil.getTypedModel(classDatum))) {
ClassDatum classDatum2 = scheduleManager.getClassDatum(iterates, headNode.getCompleteClasses());
Iterable<@NonNull Node> newNodes = originalContentsAnalysis.getNewNodes(classDatum2);
if (newNodes != null) {
for (@NonNull Node newNode : newNodes) {
return nodes;
private int getLastConsumption(@NonNull Connection connection) {
int lastConsumption = -1;
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : connection.getTargetPartitions()) {
int lastPass = targetPartition.getLastPass();
if (lastPass > lastConsumption) {
lastConsumption = lastPass;
assert lastConsumption >= 0;
return lastConsumption;
public @NonNull List<@NonNull Connection> getLoopingConnections(@NonNull Partition partition) {
List<@NonNull Connection> loopingConnections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Connection connection : getOutgoingConnections(partition)) {
for (@NonNull Partition sourcePartition : connection.getSourcePartitions()) {
if (partition == sourcePartition) {
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : connection.getTargetPartitions()) {
if ((partition == targetPartition) && !loopingConnections.contains(connection)) {
return loopingConnections;
private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getNewEdges(@NonNull NavigableEdge edge) {
return originalContentsAnalysis.getNewEdges(edge);
// private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getNewEdges(@NonNull PropertyDatum propertyDatum) {
// return originalContentsAnalysis.getNewEdges(propertyDatum);
// }
// private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getNewInverseEdges(@NonNull NavigableEdge edge, @NonNull ClassDatum requiredClassDatum) {
// return originalContentsAnalysis.getNewInverseEdges(edge, requiredClassDatum);
// }
private @Nullable Iterable<@NonNull Node> getNewNodes(@NonNull ClassDatum classDatum) {
return originalContentsAnalysis.getNewNodes(classDatum);
* Return all the next connections from this region to another region.
* Where this is a hierarchical region the connections are those from the hierarchical head to its immediate internal regions.
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Connection> getNextConnections(@NonNull Partition partition) {
return getOutgoingConnections(partition);
private @NonNull NodeConnection getNodeConnection(@NonNull RootRegion rootRegion, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> sourceNodes, @NonNull ClassDatum classDatum, @NonNull DomainUsage domainUsage) {
Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Node>, @NonNull NodeConnection> nodes2connection = classDatum2nodes2nodeConnections.get(classDatum);
if (nodes2connection == null) {
nodes2connection = new HashMap<>();
classDatum2nodes2nodeConnections.put(classDatum, nodes2connection);
Set<@NonNull Node> sourceSet = Sets.newHashSet(sourceNodes);
NodeConnection connection = nodes2connection.get(sourceSet);
if (connection == null) {
SymbolNameBuilder s = new SymbolNameBuilder();
s.appendString(scheduleManager.isInput(domainUsage) ? JOIN_INPUT_PREFIX : scheduleManager.isOutput(domainUsage) ? JOIN_OUTPUT_PREFIX : JOIN_MIDDLE_PREFIX);
connection = createNodeConnection(rootRegion, sourceSet, classDatum, s);
nodes2connection.put(sourceSet, connection);
return connection;
* Return all connections from this (hierarchical) region to another (hierarchical) region.
public @NonNull List<@NonNull Connection> getOutgoingConnections(@NonNull Partition partition) { // FIXME cache
List<@NonNull Connection> connections = new ArrayList<>();
// for (@NonNull Node node : QVTscheduleUtil.getOwnedNodes(region)) {
for (@NonNull Node node : partition.getPartialNodes()) {
Role role = partition.getRole(node);
if ((role != null) && !role.isChecked()) { //(role.isNew() || role.isLoaded())) {
for (@NonNull NodeConnection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingConnections(node)) {
if (connection.isPassed()) {
for (@NonNull NodeConnection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingConnections(node)) {
if (connection.isUsed()) {
// for (@NonNull NavigableEdge edge : region.getNavigationEdges()) {
for (@NonNull Edge edge : partition.getPartialEdges()) {
if (edge.isNavigation()) {
Role role = partition.getRole(edge);
if ((role != null) && !role.isChecked()) { // (role.isNew() || role.isLoaded())) {
for (@NonNull EdgeConnection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingConnections((NavigableEdge) edge)) {
return connections;
public @NonNull ProblemHandler getProblemHandler() {
return scheduleManager.getProblemHandler();
public @NonNull ScheduleManager getScheduleManager() {
return scheduleManager;
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getPassedBindingSources(@NonNull Node node) {
List<@NonNull Node> sources = new ArrayList<>();
NodeConnection connection = node.getIncomingPassedConnection();
if (connection != null) {
for (@NonNull Node source : QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceEnds(connection)) {
if (!sources.contains(source)) {
return sources;
public @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getUsedBindingSources(@NonNull Node node) {
List<@NonNull Node> sources = new ArrayList<>();
NodeConnection connection = getIncomingUsedConnection(node);
if (connection != null) {
for (@NonNull Node source : QVTscheduleUtil.getSourceEnds(connection)) {
if (!sources.contains(source)) {
return sources;
* Return true if the predicates of calledNode are not in conflict with the navigable paths from callingNode.
* called2calling identifies already identified conflict free pairs that do not need re-assessment.
private boolean isCompatiblePattern(@NonNull Region region, @NonNull Node calledNode, @NonNull Node callingNode, @NonNull Map<@NonNull Node, @NonNull Node> called2calling) {
Node oldPrevNode = called2calling.put(calledNode, callingNode);
if (oldPrevNode != null) {
return oldPrevNode == callingNode;
for (@NonNull Edge calledEdge : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingEdges(calledNode)) {
if (calledEdge instanceof NavigationEdge) {
NavigationEdge calledNavigationEdge = (NavigationEdge)calledEdge;
Node nextCalledNode = calledEdge.getEdgeTarget();
if (!nextCalledNode.isRealized() && !nextCalledNode.isDataType()) { // FIXME why exclude AttributeNodes?
Edge nextCallingEdge = callingNode.getOutgoingNavigableEdge(QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(calledNavigationEdge));
if (nextCallingEdge != null) {
Node nextCallingNode = nextCallingEdge.getEdgeTarget();
if ((nextCallingNode.isNullLiteral() != nextCalledNode.isNullLiteral())) {
return false;
if (!isCompatiblePattern(region, nextCalledNode, nextCallingNode, called2calling)) {
return false;
else {
// SharedEdge
return true;
public boolean isHazardousRead(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull Partition partition, @NonNull NavigationEdge edge) {
Property property = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(edge);
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String name = property.getName();
Property oppositeProperty = property.getOpposite();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String oppositeName = oppositeProperty != null ? oppositeProperty.getName() : null;
int firstConsumption = partition.getFirstPass();
int firstProduction = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lastConsumption = partition.getLastPass();
int lastProduction = -1;
Connection edgeConnection = edge.getIncomingConnection();
if (edgeConnection != null) {
int firstWrite = edgeConnection.getFirstPass();
if (firstWrite < firstProduction) {
firstProduction = firstWrite;
int lastWrite = edgeConnection.getLastPass();
if (lastWrite > lastProduction) {
lastProduction = lastWrite;
/* else {
Connection nodeConnection = QVTscheduleUtil.getTargetNode(edge).getIncomingConnection();
if (nodeConnection != null) {
int firstWrite = nodeConnection.getFirstPass();
if (firstWrite < firstProduction) {
firstProduction = firstWrite;
int lastWrite = nodeConnection.getLastPass();
if (lastWrite > lastProduction) {
lastProduction = lastWrite;
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("WIP missing edgeConnection");
} */
if (s != null) {
if (lastProduction < 0) {
s.append("\n unconnected");
else if (lastProduction < firstConsumption) {
s.append("\n no-observe produce:[" + firstProduction +".." + lastProduction +"] consume:[" + firstConsumption +".." + lastConsumption +"]");
else {
s.append("\n observe produce:[" + firstProduction +".." + lastProduction +"] consume:[" + firstConsumption +".." + lastConsumption +"]");
org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class owningClass = property.getOwningClass();
s.append(" " + (owningClass != null ? owningClass.getName() : "«cast»") + "::" + property.getName());
if (oppositeProperty !=null) {
s.append(" <=> " + oppositeProperty.getOwningClass().getName() + "::" + oppositeProperty.getName());
return (lastProduction >= 0) && (lastProduction >= firstConsumption);
public boolean isHazardousWrite(@Nullable StringBuilder s, @NonNull NavigationEdge edge) {
Property property = QVTscheduleUtil.getReferredProperty(edge);
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String name = property.getName();
Property oppositeProperty = property.getOpposite();
@SuppressWarnings("unused") String oppositeName = oppositeProperty != null ? oppositeProperty.getName() : null;
int firstConsumption = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int firstProduction = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lastConsumption = -1;
int lastProduction = -1;
for (@NonNull Connection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getOutgoingConnections(edge)) {
int firstRead = getFirstConsumption(connection);
if (firstRead < firstConsumption) {
firstConsumption = firstRead;
int lastRead = getLastConsumption(connection);
if (lastRead > lastConsumption) {
lastConsumption = lastRead;
int firstWrite = connection.getFirstPass();
if (firstWrite < firstProduction) {
firstProduction = firstWrite;
int lastWrite = connection.getLastPass();
if (lastWrite > lastProduction) {
lastProduction = lastWrite;
if (s != null) {
if (lastProduction < 0) {
s.append("\n unconnected");
else if (lastProduction < firstConsumption) {
s.append("\n no-notify produce:[" + firstProduction +".." + lastProduction +"] consume:[" + firstConsumption +".." + lastConsumption +"]");
else {
s.append("\n notify produce:[" + firstProduction +".." + lastProduction +"] consume:[" + firstConsumption +".." + lastConsumption +"]");
s.append(" " + property.getOwningClass().getName() + "::" + property.getName());
if (oppositeProperty !=null) {
s.append(" <=> " + oppositeProperty.getOwningClass().getName() + "::" + oppositeProperty.getName());
return (lastProduction >= 0) && (lastProduction >= firstConsumption);
public void mergePartitionsInto(@NonNull MergedPartition newPartition, @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull BasicPartitionAnalysis> oldPartitionAnalyses) {
List<@NonNull Partition> newCallableParents = getCallableParents(newPartition);
for (@NonNull BasicPartitionAnalysis oldPartitionAnalysis : oldPartitionAnalyses) {
Partition oldPartition = oldPartitionAnalysis.getPartition();
for (@NonNull NodeConnection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getIntermediateConnections(oldPartition)) {
List<@NonNull Partition> intermediatePartitions = QVTscheduleUtil.getIntermediatePartitions(connection);
boolean wasRemoved = intermediatePartitions.remove(oldPartition);
assert wasRemoved;
if (!intermediatePartitions.contains(newPartition)) {
for (@NonNull NodeConnection connection : QVTscheduleUtil.getRootConnections(oldPartition)) {
// Iterable<@NonNull Partition> sourcePartitions = connection.getSourcePartitions();
// boolean wasRemoved = intermediatePartitions.remove(subPartition);
// assert wasRemoved;
// if (!intermediatePartitions.contains(mergedPartition)) {
// intermediatePartitions.add(mergedPartition);
// }
List<@NonNull Partition> oldCallableParents = getCallableParents(oldPartition);
for (@NonNull Partition parentPartition : oldCallableParents) {
List<@NonNull Partition> parentPartitionCallableChildren = getCallableChildren(parentPartition);
int oldIndex = parentPartitionCallableChildren.indexOf(oldPartition);
int newIndex = parentPartitionCallableChildren.indexOf(newPartition);
if (newIndex < 0) {
parentPartitionCallableChildren.add(oldIndex, newPartition);
if (!newCallableParents.contains(parentPartition)) {
/* public void removeCallToChild(@NonNull Partition parentPartition, @NonNull Partition childPartition) {
} */
/* public void replaceCallToChild(@NonNull Partition parentPartition, @NonNull Partition oldPartition, @NonNull Partition newPartition) {
List<@NonNull Partition> parentPartitionCallableChildren = getCallableChildren(parentPartition);
int index = parentPartitionCallableChildren.indexOf(oldPartition);
parentPartitionCallableChildren.add(index, newPartition);
List<@NonNull Partition> oldPartitionCallableParents = getCallableParents(oldPartition);
} */