blob: f2aec907c9ad24695f98e8256cacba984474943b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2019 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.NameUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtb2qvts.ScheduleManager;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.analysis.PartialRegionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.PartitionedTransformationAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.PartitionsAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvts2qvts.partitioner.RootPartitionAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.utilities.CompilerUtil;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Connection;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.LoadingPartition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.Partition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.RootPartition;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.RootRegion;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtschedule.utilities.QVTscheduleUtil;
* ScheduleAnalysis analyses a sequence of concurrent partitions to identofy the necessary connections.
public class ScheduleAnalysis
protected final @NonNull PartitionedTransformationAnalysis partitionedTransformationAnalysis;
protected final @NonNull ScheduleManager scheduleManager;
protected final @NonNull ConnectionManager connectionManager;
* The overall RootPartition.
protected final @NonNull RootPartitionAnalysis rootPartitionAnalysis;
* All transitively callable partitions within the rootPartition.
protected final @NonNull List<@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis>> allPartitionAnalyses;
private final @NonNull LoadingPartition loadingPartition;
* Cached list of all incoming connections per-region.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Connection>> partition2incomingConnections = new HashMap<>();
* Cached list of all outgoing connections per-region.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Connection>> partition2outgoingConnections = new HashMap<>();
* Cached list of all source regions per-connection and whether the source has unserviced content for the connection.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Connection, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> connection2sourcePartitions = new HashMap<>();
* Cached list of all target regions per-connection and whether the connection has unserviced content for the target.
private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Connection, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> connection2targetPartitions = new HashMap<>();
* The immediate source region of each incoming connection.
//private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> target2sources;
* The immediate source regions for each set of regions forming a cycle.
//private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> cycle2sources;
* The cycle in which each region may participate.
//private final Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> partition2cycle;
* Depth in the call tree of each region. For the most part all source elements are at lower depth than target elements,
* however the call tree may have cycles which have the same depth throughout the cycle.
* FIXME this depth analysis has evolved from when scheduling made extensive use of MappingCalls. Now that
* Connections have been introduced, is the depth still useful and does it repeat some of the intervalIndex analysis?
//private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Integer> partition2pass;
* The parents (invokers) of each region.
//private final @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> partition2parents;
* The regions that have no outgoing passed connections.
* @param partitionedTransformationAnalysis
// private final @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition> unpassedPartitions = new HashSet<>();
public ScheduleAnalysis(@NonNull PartitionedTransformationAnalysis partitionedTransformationAnalysis, @NonNull ConnectionManager connectionManager, @NonNull RootPartitionAnalysis rootPartitionAnalysis) {
this.partitionedTransformationAnalysis = partitionedTransformationAnalysis;
this.scheduleManager = connectionManager.getScheduleManager();
this.rootPartitionAnalysis = rootPartitionAnalysis;
this.connectionManager = connectionManager;
this.allPartitionAnalyses = CompilerUtil.gatherPartitionAnalyses(rootPartitionAnalysis, new ArrayList<>());
Collections.sort(this.allPartitionAnalyses, NameUtil.NAMEABLE_COMPARATOR);
// Initialize the incoming/looping/outgoing connection analyses of each region
LoadingPartition loadingPartition = null;
for (@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis : this.allPartitionAnalyses) {
Partition partition = partitionAnalysis.getPartition();
if (partition instanceof LoadingPartition) {
assert loadingPartition == null;
loadingPartition = (LoadingPartition) partition;
assert loadingPartition != null;
this.loadingPartition = loadingPartition;
// Initialize the source/target of each connection.
// Compute the set of all connections that are not passed.
for (@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis : this.allPartitionAnalyses) {
// Identify all the source regions for each target region.
// this.target2sources = analyzeSources();
// Identify all the cycles and their immedite sources.
// this.cycle2sources = analyzeCycleSources();
// Identify all the region that participate in cycles.
// this.partition2cycle = analyzeCycleElements();
// Determine the call tree depth of each connection / region.
// this.partition2pass = analyzeDepths();
// Determine the call tree parents of each region.
// this.partition2parents = analyzeParents();
// System.out.println(toString());
* Initialize the incoming/looping/outgoing connection analyses of each region
private void analyzeConnections(@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis) {
Partition partition = partitionAnalysis.getPartition();
List<@NonNull Connection> incomingConnections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Connection connection : connectionManager.getIncomingConnections(partitionAnalysis)) {
if (!incomingConnections.contains(connection)) {
List<@NonNull Connection> outgoingConnections = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Connection connection : connectionManager.getNextConnections(partition)) {
if (!outgoingConnections.contains(connection)) {
if (outgoingConnections.size() > 1) { // Ensure that connection ordering is deterministic
Collections.sort(outgoingConnections, NameUtil.NAMEABLE_COMPARATOR);
partition2incomingConnections.put(partition, incomingConnections);
partition2outgoingConnections.put(partition, outgoingConnections);
// Determine the cycles and their sources.
/* private @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> analyzeCycleElements() {
Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> partition2cycle = new HashMap<>();
for (@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition> cycle : cycle2sources.keySet()) {
for (@NonNull Partition partition : cycle) {
partition2cycle.put(partition, cycle);
return partition2cycle;
} */
// Determine the cycles and their sources.
/* private @NonNull Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> analyzeCycleSources() {
Map<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> cycle2sources = new HashMap<>();
Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> target2sourcesClosure = CompilerUtil.computeClosure(target2sources);
Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> source2targetsClosure = CompilerUtil.computeInverseClosure(target2sourcesClosure);
for (@NonNull Partition partition : allPartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> sourcePartitions = target2sourcesClosure.get(partition);
Set<@NonNull Partition> targetPartitions = source2targetsClosure.get(partition);
assert (sourcePartitions != null) && (targetPartitions != null);
Set<@NonNull Partition> cyclicPartitions = new HashSet<>(sourcePartitions);
if (!cyclicPartitions.isEmpty() && !cycle2sources.containsKey(cyclicPartitions)) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> cycleSources = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition cyclicPartition : cyclicPartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> sources = target2sources.get(cyclicPartition);
assert sources != null;
cycle2sources.put(cyclicPartitions, cycleSources);
return cycle2sources;
} */
/* private @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Integer> analyzeDepths() {
// Loop to allocate connection/node element to each depth so that each element has as few sources at greater depth.
Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull Integer> partition2pass = new HashMap<>();
Set<@NonNull Partition> allPartitions = new HashSet<>(target2sources.keySet());
// Set<@NonNull Partition> pendingPartitions = new HashSet<>(allRegions);
Set<@NonNull Partition> pendingPartitions = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition partition : allPartitions) {
// Set<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> pendingCycles = new HashSet<>(cycle2sources.keySet());
Set<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> pendingCycles = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition> partitions : cycle2sources.keySet()) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> cycle = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition partition : partitions) {
partition2pass.put(rootPartition, 0);
for (int depth = 1; !pendingPartitions.isEmpty(); depth++) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> readyPartitions = new HashSet<>(partition2pass.keySet());
Set<@NonNull Partition> nowReadyPartitions = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition>> nowReadyCycles = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : pendingPartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> targetSourcePartitions = new HashSet<>(target2sources.get(targetPartition));
assert targetSourcePartitions != null;
if (targetSourcePartitions.isEmpty()) {
for (@NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition> targetCycle : pendingCycles) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> targetSourcePartitions = new HashSet<>(cycle2sources.get(targetCycle));
assert targetSourcePartitions != null;
if (targetSourcePartitions.isEmpty()) {
if (nowReadyPartitions.size() > 0) { // one or more elements has all sources at lower depths.
for (@NonNull Partition nowReadyPartition : nowReadyPartitions) {
partition2pass.put(nowReadyPartition, depth);
else { // else choose an elements with fewest greater depth sources.
Partition fewestBadSourcePartition = null;
int badSources = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : pendingPartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> targetSourcePartitions = new HashSet<>(target2sources.get(targetPartition));
assert targetSourcePartitions != null;
int targetSourceElementsSize = targetSourcePartitions.size();
if ((fewestBadSourcePartition == null) || (targetSourceElementsSize < badSources)) {
badSources = targetSourceElementsSize;
fewestBadSourcePartition = targetPartition;
assert fewestBadSourcePartition != null;
partition2pass.put(fewestBadSourcePartition, depth);
return partition2pass;
} */
/* private @NonNull Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> analyzeParents() {
Map<@NonNull Partition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Partition>> partition2parents = new HashMap<>();
partition2parents.put(rootPartition, Collections.emptyList());
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : allPartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> parentSet = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull Partition> sourcePartitions = target2sources.get(targetPartition);
assert sourcePartitions != null;
for (@NonNull Partition sourcePartition : sourcePartitions) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> sourceCycle = partition2cycle.get(sourcePartition);
if (sourceCycle != null) {
Set<@NonNull Partition> cycleSources = cycle2sources.get(sourceCycle);
assert cycleSources != null;
else {
if (parentSet.isEmpty()) {
List<@NonNull Partition> parentList = new ArrayList<>(parentSet);
Collections.sort(parentList, NameUtil.NAMEABLE_COMPARATOR);
partition2parents.put(targetPartition, parentList);
return partition2parents;
} */
* Initialize the source/target content of each connection of each region to empty.
* Compute the set of all connections that are not passed.
* Compute the set of all regions that are blocked by a mandatory dependence.
private void analyzeSourcesAndTargets(@NonNull Partition partition) {
// boolean hasPassedConnection = false;
// for (@NonNull Connection connection : getOutgoingConnections(partition)) {
// if (connection.isPassed()) {
// hasPassedConnection = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// (!hasPassedConnection) {
// unpassedPartitions.add(partition);
// }
for (@NonNull Connection connection : getIncomingConnections(partition)) {
List<@NonNull Partition> sourcePartitions = connection2sourcePartitions.get(connection);
if (sourcePartitions == null) {
sourcePartitions = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Partition sourcePartition : connection.getSourcePartitions()) {
if (!sourcePartitions.contains(sourcePartition)) {
connection2sourcePartitions.put(connection, sourcePartitions);
List<@NonNull Partition> targetPartitions = connection2targetPartitions.get(connection);
if (targetPartitions == null) {
targetPartitions = new ArrayList<>();
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : connection.getTargetPartitions()) {
if (!targetPartitions.contains(targetPartition)) {
connection2targetPartitions.put(connection, targetPartitions);
protected void buildCallTree(@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Concurrency> partitionSchedule) {
CallTreeBuilder callTreeBuilder = new CallTreeBuilder(this, rootPartitionAnalysis.getPartition(), loadingPartition);
private void checkPassNumbers(@NonNull Connection connection) {
@SuppressWarnings("unused") int firstPass = connection.getFirstPass();
int lastPass = connection.getLastPass();
for (@NonNull Partition sourcePartition : connection.getSourcePartitions()) {
// assert sourcePartition.getFirstPass() <= firstPass;
assert sourcePartition.getLastPass() <= lastPass;
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : connection.getTargetPartitions()) {
// boolean isCyclic = false;
// for (EObject eObject = targetPartition; eObject instanceof Partition; eObject = eObject.eContainer()) {
// if (eObject instanceof CyclicPartition) {
// isCyclic = true;
// break;
// }
// }
// if (isCyclic) {
// assert firstPass <= targetPartition.getFirstPass();
assert lastPass <= targetPartition.getLastPass();
// }
// else {
// assert firstPass < targetPartition.getFirstPass();
// assert lastPass < targetPartition.getLastPass();
// }
public @NonNull ConnectionManager getConnectionManager() {
return connectionManager;
protected @NonNull Iterable<? extends @NonNull Connection> getConnections() {
return connection2targetPartitions.keySet();
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Connection> getIncomingConnections(@NonNull Partition partition) {
List<@NonNull Connection> incomingConnections = partition2incomingConnections.get(partition);
assert incomingConnections != null;
return incomingConnections;
public @NonNull Partition getLoadingPartition() {
return loadingPartition;
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Connection> getOutgoingConnections(@NonNull Partition partition) {
List<@NonNull Connection> outgoingConnections = partition2outgoingConnections.get(partition);
assert outgoingConnections != null;
return outgoingConnections;
public @NonNull RootPartition getRootPartition() {
return rootPartitionAnalysis.getPartition();
public @NonNull ScheduleManager getScheduleManager() {
return scheduleManager;
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Partition> getSourcePartitions(@NonNull Connection connection) {
List<@NonNull Partition> sourceRegions = connection2sourcePartitions.get(connection);
assert sourceRegions != null;
return sourceRegions;
protected @NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Partition> getTargetPartitions(@NonNull Connection connection) {
List<@NonNull Partition> targetPartitions = connection2targetPartitions.get(connection);
if (targetPartitions != null) {
return targetPartitions;
CompilerUtil.addConnectionWarning(scheduleManager.getProblemHandler(), connection, "No outputs");
return Collections.emptyList();
private void propagatePassNumbers(@NonNull Partition sourcePartition, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Connection> changedConnections) {
Iterable<@NonNull Integer> sourcePasses = QVTscheduleUtil.getPasses(sourcePartition);
for (@NonNull Connection outgoingConnection : getOutgoingConnections(sourcePartition)) {
boolean isChanged = false;
for (int sourcePass : sourcePasses) {
if (outgoingConnection.addPass(sourcePass)) {
isChanged = true;
if (isChanged) {
private void propagatePassNumbers(@NonNull Connection incomingConnection, @NonNull Set<@NonNull Partition> changedPartitions) {
List<@NonNull Integer> connectionPasses = incomingConnection.getPasses();
for (@NonNull Partition targetPartition : getTargetPartitions(incomingConnection)) {
boolean isChanged = false;
int lastPass = targetPartition.getLastPass();
for (int connectionPass : connectionPasses) {
if ((connectionPass > lastPass) && targetPartition.addPass(connectionPass)) {
isChanged = true;
if (isChanged) {
public void schedule(@NonNull RootPartition rootPartition, @NonNull List<@NonNull Concurrency> partitionSchedule) {
RootRegion rootRegion = QVTscheduleUtil.getOwningRootRegion(rootPartition);
int passNumber = 0;
int cycleDepth = 0;
int cycleStart = 0;
Set<@NonNull Partition> changedPartitions = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull Concurrency concurrency : partitionSchedule) {
if (concurrency.isCycleStart()) {
if (cycleDepth == 1) {
cycleStart = passNumber;
Set<@NonNull Connection> incomingConnections = new HashSet<>();
Set<@NonNull Connection> outgoingConnections = new HashSet<>();
for (@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> partitionAnalysis : concurrency) {
Partition partition = partitionAnalysis.getPartition();
Iterables.addAll(incomingConnections, getIncomingConnections(partition));
Iterables.addAll(outgoingConnections, getOutgoingConnections(partition));
Set<@NonNull Connection> loopedConnections = new HashSet<>(incomingConnections);
for (@NonNull Connection loopingConnection : loopedConnections) {
if (concurrency.isCycleEnd()) {
if (cycleDepth == 0) {
for (int cyclePass = cycleStart; cyclePass < passNumber; cyclePass++) {
Concurrency concurrency2 = partitionSchedule.get(cyclePass);
assert concurrency2 != null;
assert cycleDepth == 0;
scheduleManager.writeDebugGraphs("6-pass", rootRegion, false, true, false);
* Ensure connection responds to all sources.
for (@NonNull Connection connection : getConnections()) {
for (@NonNull Partition sourcePartition : getSourcePartitions(connection)) {
for (int sourcePass : sourcePartition.getPasses()) {
* Propagate the additional connection indexes to their outgoing connections.
Set<@NonNull Connection> changedConnections = Sets.newHashSet(getConnections());
while (!changedPartitions.isEmpty()) {
for (@NonNull Partition changedPartition : changedPartitions) {
propagatePassNumbers(changedPartition, changedConnections);
for (@NonNull Connection changedConnection : changedConnections) {
propagatePassNumbers(changedConnection, changedPartitions);
scheduleManager.writeDebugGraphs("7-passes", rootPartition.getOwningRootRegion(), false, true, false);
for (@NonNull Connection connection : getConnections()) {
public @NonNull String toString() {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
List<@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis>> list = new ArrayList<>(allPartitionAnalyses);
Collections.sort(list, NameUtil.NAMEABLE_COMPARATOR);
for (@NonNull PartialRegionAnalysis<@NonNull PartitionsAnalysis> entry : list) {
if (s.length() > 0) {
s.append(entry.getPartition().getPassRangeText() + " : " + entry.getName());
return s.toString();