blob: 156530fa0c09d546622b0a77d8f46e4fd28254b0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtp2qvts;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.CompleteClass;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Property;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.TypedElement;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.Nameable;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.compiler.internal.qvtp2qvts.analysis.ClassDatumAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.graphs.GraphStringBuilder;
* Node provides the analysis and status of a node in the pattern match or construction of a Mapping
* or Composite Region.
public interface Node extends ConnectionEnd, GraphStringBuilder.GraphNode, Nameable, Visitable
* The prioritized utility of each node.
public enum Utility {
STRONGLY_MATCHED, // Reachable by to-1 navigation from a head node, or by to-? to an ExplicitNull
WEAKLY_MATCHED, // else unconditionally used in a computation or navigation
// UNCONDITIONALLY_PREDICATING, // else always computable as part of a predicate
// CONDITIONALLY_PREDICATING, // else selectively computable as part of a predicate depending on if conditions
// UNCONDITIONALLY_COMPUTED, // else always computable
CONDITIONAL, // else selectively computable depending on if conditions / loops
DEPENDENCY, // else solely used to establish a dependency
DEAD // else never used
void addIncomingConnection(@NonNull NodeConnection connection);
void addIncomingEdge(@NonNull Edge edge);
void addOutgoingConnection(@NonNull NodeConnection connection);
void addOutgoingEdge(@NonNull Edge edge);
void addTypedElement(@NonNull TypedElement typedElement);
* Create a new nodeRole node in region with the saem name, type etc as this node.
@NonNull Node createNode(@NonNull NodeRole nodeRole, @NonNull Region region);
void destroy();
* Accumulate this node and all passed binding sources in the call-tree ancestry of this node.
* On completion there is exactly one entry per region from each possible call path.
void getAllAncestors(@NonNull Set<@NonNull Node> ancestors);
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Edge> getArgumentEdges();
@Nullable Edge getAssignmentEdge(@NonNull Property source2targetProperty);
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getAssignmentEdges();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getCastEdges();
@NonNull ClassDatumAnalysis getClassDatumAnalysis();
@NonNull CompleteClass getCompleteClass();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Edge> getComputationEdges();
@Nullable NodeConnection getIncomingConnection();
@NonNull List<@NonNull Edge> getIncomingEdges();
@Nullable NodeConnection getIncomingPassedConnection();
@Nullable NodeConnection getIncomingUsedConnection();
@NonNull String getLabel();
@NonNull String getName();
@Nullable NavigableEdge getNavigationEdge(@NonNull Property source2targetProperty);
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getNavigationEdges();
@Nullable Node getNavigationTarget(@NonNull Property source2targetProperty);
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getNavigationTargets();
@NonNull NodeRole getNodeRole();
@NonNull List<@NonNull NodeConnection> getOutgoingConnections();
@NonNull List<@NonNull Edge> getOutgoingEdges();
// @Nullable InterRegionEdge getPassedBindingEdge();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NodeConnection> getOutgoingPassedConnections();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NodeConnection> getOutgoingUsedBindingEdges();
* Get all sources that pass a value to this target.
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getPassedBindingSources();
* Get all targets that are passed a value from this source.
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getPassedBindingTargets();
@Nullable Edge getPredicateEdge(@NonNull Property source2targetProperty);
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull NavigableEdge> getPredicateEdges();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Edge> getRecursionEdges();
* Get all 'targets' that pass a value to this target recursively.
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getRecursionSources();
* Get all 'sources' that pass a value to this target recursively.
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getRecursionTargets();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull ? extends Edge> getResultEdges();
@NonNull SchedulerConstants getSchedulerConstants();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull TypedElement> getTypedElements();
@NonNull Iterable<@NonNull Node> getUsedBindingSources();
@NonNull Utility getUtility();
* Return true if this node is a Class object.
boolean isClass();
boolean isComposed();
* Return true if this node is a constant that can be computed at compile time.
* isConstant() is exclusive to isLoaded()/isSpeculation()/isSpeculated()/isPredicated()/isRealized()
boolean isConstant();
* Return true if this node is a DataType value.
boolean isDataType();
* Return true if this node is a dependency; something from another region used by a computation for this node's region.
* A tree of dependency nodes and edges may provide an incoming edge for an operation to express the hidden computations of the operation.
boolean isDependency();
* Return true if this node is an explicitly null value.
boolean isExplicitNull();
* Return true if this node is part of an OCL expression; an iteration or operation other than
* oclAsType() / includes().
boolean isExpression();
* Return true if this node is part of a head group from which many other nodes are navigable.
boolean isHead();
* Return true if this node is a LoopExp iterator.
boolean isIterator();
* Return true if this node is part of the checkable input domain and so may be loaded at will to satisfy
* the requirements of mapping execution.
* isLoaded() is exclusive to isConstant()/isPredicated()/isSpeculation()/isSpeculated()/isRealized()
boolean isLoaded();
* Return true if after execution this node exactly corresponds to a non-null object or to a non-null value or to an explicit null.
* Conversely return false if this node is optionally null or part of a conditional expression evaluation.
* Collections are never null-valued, not even empty collections.
* *deprecated try to use isUnconditional or getUtility
boolean isMatched();
* Return true if this node is for a speculation/realized element.
boolean isNew();
* Return true if this node is for a constant/loaded/predicated/speculated element.
boolean isOld();
boolean isOperation();
* Return true if this node is a pattern variable (class/datatype/null/true).
boolean isPattern();
* Return true if the value of this node is part of the navigation path that must be validated
* by predicate matching prior to execution of a mapping.
* isPredicated() is exclusive to isConstant()/isLoaded()/isSpeculation()/isSpeculated()/isRealized()
boolean isPredicated();
* Return true if the value of this node is determined by execution of a mapping.
* isRealized() is exclusive to isConstant()/isLoaded()/isSpeculation()/isSpeculated()/isPredicated()
boolean isRealized();
* Return true if this is a required element, i.e. it has a TypedElement with a non-zetro lowrr bound.
boolean isRequired();
* Return true if this node is a speculated middle trace element that may havew benn created in anticipation
* of other dependencies.
* isSpeculated() is exclusive to isConstant()/isLoaded()/isSpeculation()/isPredicated()/isRealized()
boolean isSpeculated();
* Return true if this node is a/the speculation of the realized middle trace element that is created in anticipation
* of other dependencies.
* isSpeculation() is exclusive to isConstant()/isLoaded()/isPredicated()/isSpeculated()/isPredicated()/isRealized()
boolean isSpeculation();
* Return true if this is a TrueNode that terminates a complex predicate expression.
boolean isTrue();
* Return true if this node is unconditionally used in a computation of navigation. .e it does not form
* part of a loop or a then/else arm.
boolean isUnconditional();
boolean refineClassDatumAnalysis(@NonNull ClassDatumAnalysis newClassDatumAnalysis);
void removeIncomingConnection(@NonNull NodeConnection connection);
void removeIncomingEdge(@NonNull Edge edge);
void removeOutgoingConnection(@NonNull NodeConnection connection);
void removeOutgoingEdge(@NonNull Edge edge);
* Redesignate a head node as not-a-head, typically following a multi-headed split.
void resetHead();
* Redesignate a guard node as a head.
void setHead();
void setUtility(@NonNull Utility utility);
void toGraph(@NonNull GraphStringBuilder s);
@NonNull String toString();