blob: 4aca01dca0782941acf3969c9108143e891b6c96 [file] [log] [blame]
* «codeGenHelper.getCopyright(' * ')»
* This code is 100% auto-generated
* using:
* Do not edit it.
package cg;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.evaluation.Evaluator;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.ClassId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.CollectionTypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdManager;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.IdResolver;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.NsURIPackageId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.RootPackageId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.ids.TypeId;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.classifier.ClassifierAllInstancesOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.collection.CollectionAsSetOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.collection.CollectionSelectByKindOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.collection.CollectionUnionOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.collection.OrderedCollectionFirstOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.library.string.StringConcatOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ValueUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.BagValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.InvalidValueException;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.OrderedSetValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.SetValue;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.pivot.qvtbase.evaluation.AbstractTransformationExecutor;
import test.simplerdbms.Column;
import test.simplerdbms.ForeignKey;
import test.simplerdbms.Key;
import test.simplerdbms.Schema;
import test.simplerdbms.SimplerdbmsFactory;
import test.simplerdbms.SimplerdbmsPackage;
import test.simplerdbms.Table;
import test.simpleuml.Association;
import test.simpleuml.Attribute;
import test.simpleuml.Classifier;
import test.simpleuml.Package;
import test.simpleuml.PackageElement;
import test.simpleuml.PrimitiveDataType;
import test.simpleuml.SimpleumlPackage;
import test.umltordbms.AssociationToForeignKey;
import test.umltordbms.AttributeToColumn;
import test.umltordbms.ClassToTable;
import test.umltordbms.FromAttribute;
import test.umltordbms.NonLeafAttribute;
import test.umltordbms.PackageToSchema;
import test.umltordbms.PrimitiveToName;
import test.umltordbms.UmltordbmsFactory;
import test.umltordbms.UmltordbmsPackage;
* The umlRdbms transformation:
* <p>
* Construct with an evaluator
* <br>
* Populate each input model with {@link addRootObjects(String,List)}
* <br>
* {@link run()}
* <br>
* Extract each output model with {@link getRootObjects(String)}
public class umlRdbms extends AbstractTransformationExecutor
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ RootPackageId PACKid_$metamodel$ = IdManager.getRootPackageId("$metamodel$");
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, SimplerdbmsPackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, UmltordbmsPackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NsURIPackageId PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML = IdManager.getNsURIPackageId("", null, SimpleumlPackage.eINSTANCE);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Association = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("Association", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_AssociationToForeignKey = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("AssociationToForeignKey", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Attribute = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("Attribute", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_AttributeToColumn = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("AttributeToColumn", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Class = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("Class", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_ClassToTable = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("ClassToTable", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Class_0 = PACKid_$metamodel$.getClassId("Class", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Classifier = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("Classifier", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Column = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS.getClassId("Column", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_ForeignKey = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS.getClassId("ForeignKey", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_FromAttribute = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("FromAttribute", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Key = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS.getClassId("Key", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_NonLeafAttribute = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("NonLeafAttribute", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Package = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("Package", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_PackageElement = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("PackageElement", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_PackageToSchema = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("PackageToSchema", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_PrimitiveDataType = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_simpleUML.getClassId("PrimitiveDataType", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_PrimitiveToName = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_UMLtoRDBMS.getClassId("PrimitiveToName", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Schema = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS.getClassId("Schema", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassId CLSSid_Table = PACKid_http_c_s_s_www_eclipse_org_s_qvt_s_examples_s_0_1_s_SimpleRDBMS.getClassId("Table", 0);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_2 = "2";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_BOOLEAN = "BOOLEAN";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_Boolean = "Boolean";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_Integer = "Integer";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_NUMBER = "NUMBER";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_String = "String";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_VARCHAR = "VARCHAR";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR__ = "_";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR__pk = "_pk";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR__tid = "_tid";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_base = "base";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_persistent = "persistent";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String STR_primary = "primary";
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId BAG_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_AttributeToColumn);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId BAG_CLSSid_FromAttribute = TypeId.BAG.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_FromAttribute);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_AssociationToForeignKey = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_AssociationToForeignKey);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_Attribute = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Attribute);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_Column = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Column);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_ForeignKey = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_ForeignKey);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_Key = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Key);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId ORD_CLSSid_PackageElement = TypeId.ORDERED_SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_PackageElement);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_Association = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Association);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_Attribute = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Attribute);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_AttributeToColumn);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_Class = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Class);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_ClassToTable = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_ClassToTable);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_FromAttribute = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_FromAttribute);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_NonLeafAttribute = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_NonLeafAttribute);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_Package = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_Package);
public static final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ CollectionTypeId SET_CLSSid_PrimitiveToName = TypeId.SET.getSpecializedId(CLSSid_PrimitiveToName);
/* Outer-to-Middle Property navigation caches */
protected final @NonNull Map<Table,ClassToTable> OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_table = new HashMap<Table,ClassToTable>();
protected final @NonNull Map<test.simpleuml.Class,ClassToTable> OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_umlClass = new HashMap<test.simpleuml.Class,ClassToTable>();
protected final @NonNull Map<Attribute,FromAttribute> OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute = new HashMap<Attribute,FromAttribute>();
protected final @NonNull Map<PrimitiveDataType,PrimitiveToName> OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive = new HashMap<PrimitiveDataType,PrimitiveToName>();
* Array of the ClassIds of each class for which allInstances() may be invoked. Array index is the ClassIndex.
private static final @NonNull ClassId[] classIndex2classId = new ClassId[]{
CLSSid_Package // 0 => Package
* Mapping from each ClassIndex to all the ClassIndexes to which an object of the outer index
* may contribute results to an allInstances() invocation.
* Non trivial inner arrays arise when one ClassId is a derivation of another and so an
* instance of the derived classId contributes to derived and inherited ClassIndexes.
private final static @NonNull int[][] classIndex2allClassIndexes = new int[][] {
{0} // 0 : Package -> {Package}
public umlRdbms(final @NonNull Evaluator evaluator) {
super(evaluator, new String[] {"uml", "rdbms", "middle"}, null, classIndex2classId, classIndex2allClassIndexes);
public boolean run() {
return __root__();
protected @NonNull List<test.simpleuml.Class> getAllSupers(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class cls) {
@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull List<test.simpleuml.Class> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
return emptyList;
protected @NonNull List<Attribute> getAllAttributes(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class cls_0) {
@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull List<Attribute> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
return emptyList;
protected @NonNull List<Association> getAllForwards(final @Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class cls_1) {
@SuppressWarnings("null")@NonNull List<Association> emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
return emptyList;
* map __root__ in umlRdbms) {
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* for p1 : simpleuml::Package in simpleuml::Package.allInstances()
* {
* map packageToSchemaLM {
* p := p1;
* }}
* }
protected boolean __root__() {
try {
// predicates
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class TYP_simpleuml_c_c_Package_0 = idResolver.getClass(CLSSid_Package, null);
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ SetValue allInstances = ClassifierAllInstancesOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(evaluator, SET_CLSSid_Package, TYP_simpleuml_c_c_Package_0);
final List<Package> UNBOXED_allInstances = allInstances.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, Package.class);
assert UNBOXED_allInstances != null;
for (Package p1 : UNBOXED_allInstances) {
if (p1 != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package symbol_1 = (Package)p1;
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map packageToSchemaLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle ( |
* )
* {realize p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* p2s = p;
* p2s =;
* }
* for child : simpleuml::PackageElement in p.elements {
* map integerToNumberLM {
* p := p;
* prim := child;
* p2s := p2s;
* }
* map booleanToBooleanLM {
* p := p;
* prim := child;
* p2s := p2s;
* }
* map stringToVarcharLM {
* p := p;
* prim := child;
* p2s := p2s;
* }}
* for child : simpleuml::PackageElement in p.elements {
* map classToTableLM {
* p := p;
* c := child;
* p2s := p2s;
* }
* map associationToForeignKeyLM {
* p := p;
* a := child;
* p2s := p2s;
* }}
* map packageToSchemaMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* }
* }
protected boolean packageToSchemaLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<PackageElement> elements_0 = p.getElements();
assert elements_0 != null;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ PackageToSchema p2s_11 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createPackageToSchema();
assert p2s_11 != null;
// assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = p.getName();
// mapping statements
for (PackageElement child : elements_0) {
if (child != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageElement symbol_5 = (PackageElement)child;
if (symbol_5 instanceof PrimitiveDataType) {
integerToNumberLM(p, p2s_11, (PrimitiveDataType)symbol_5);
if (symbol_5 instanceof PrimitiveDataType) {
booleanToBooleanLM(p, p2s_11, (PrimitiveDataType)symbol_5);
if (symbol_5 instanceof PrimitiveDataType) {
stringToVarcharLM(p, p2s_11, (PrimitiveDataType)symbol_5);
for (PackageElement child_0 : elements_0) {
if (child_0 != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageElement symbol_13 = (PackageElement)child_0;
if (symbol_13 instanceof test.simpleuml.Class) {
classToTableLM((test.simpleuml.Class)symbol_13, p, p2s_11);
if (symbol_13 instanceof Association) {
associationToForeignKeyLM((Association)symbol_13, p, p2s_11);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map packageToSchemaMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms ( |
* )
* {realize s : simplerdbms::Schema;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* p2s = s;
* }
* map packageToSchemaMR_1 {
* s_1 := s;
* p2s_1 := p2s;
* }
* for child : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName in p2s.primitivesToNames {
* map integerToNumberMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* p2n := child;
* }
* map booleanToBooleanMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* p2n := child;
* }
* map stringToVarcharMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* p2n := child;
* }}
* for child : umltordbms::ClassToTable in p2s.classesToTables {
* map classToTableMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* c2t := child;
* s := s;
* }}
* }
protected boolean packageToSchemaMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ Schema s_2 = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createSchema();
assert s_2 != null;
// assignments
// mapping statements
packageToSchemaMR_1(p2s, s_2);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<PrimitiveToName> primitivesToNames = p2s.getPrimitivesToNames();
assert primitivesToNames != null;
for (PrimitiveToName child : primitivesToNames) {
if (child != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName symbol_5 = (PrimitiveToName)child;
integerToNumberMR(symbol_5, p2s);
booleanToBooleanMR(symbol_5, p2s);
stringToVarcharMR(symbol_5, p2s);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<ClassToTable> classesToTables = p2s.getClassesToTables();
assert classesToTables != null;
for (ClassToTable child_0 : classesToTables) {
if (child_0 != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable symbol_11 = (ClassToTable)child_0;
classToTableMR(symbol_11, p2s, s_2);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map packageToSchemaMR_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s_1 : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (s_1 : simplerdbms::Schema;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* s_1 =;
* }
* }
protected boolean packageToSchemaMR_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Schema s_1) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = p2s_1.getName();
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map integerToNumberLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* prim : simpleuml::PrimitiveDataType;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* {realize p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* prim.namespace = = 'Integer'p2s.umlPackage = p)
* { |
* p2n = p2s;
* p2n = prim;
* p2n = + '2' + 'NUMBER';
* }
* }
protected boolean integerToNumberLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveDataType prim) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package umlPackage = p2s_0.getUmlPackage();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p_0.equals(umlPackage);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = prim.getName();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = STR_Integer.equals(name);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace = prim.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = p_0.equals(namespace);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_3 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createPrimitiveToName();
assert p2n_3 != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive.put(prim, p2n_3);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_NUMBER);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map integerToNumberMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* p2n.owner = = 'Integer' + '2' + 'NUMBER')
* { |
* }
* }
protected boolean integerToNumberMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName p2n, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_2) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = p2n.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(STR_Integer, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_NUMBER);
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = sum_0.equals(name);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PackageToSchema owner = p2n.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = p2s_2.equals(owner);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map booleanToBooleanLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* prim : simpleuml::PrimitiveDataType;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* {realize p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* prim.namespace = = 'Boolean'p2s.umlPackage = p)
* { |
* p2n = p2s;
* p2n = prim;
* p2n = + '2' + 'BOOLEAN';
* }
* }
protected boolean booleanToBooleanLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_3, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveDataType prim_0) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package umlPackage = p2s_3.getUmlPackage();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p_1.equals(umlPackage);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = prim_0.getName();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = STR_Boolean.equals(name);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace = prim_0.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = p_1.equals(namespace);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_3 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createPrimitiveToName();
assert p2n_3 != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive.put(prim_0, p2n_3);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_BOOLEAN);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map booleanToBooleanMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* p2n.owner = = 'Boolean' + '2' + 'BOOLEAN')
* { |
* }
* }
protected boolean booleanToBooleanMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_4) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = p2n_0.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(STR_Boolean, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_BOOLEAN);
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = sum_0.equals(name);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PackageToSchema owner = p2n_0.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = p2s_4.equals(owner);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map stringToVarcharLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* prim : simpleuml::PrimitiveDataType;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* {realize p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* prim.namespace = = 'String'p2s.umlPackage = p)
* { |
* p2n = p2s;
* p2n = prim;
* p2n = + '2' + 'VARCHAR';
* }
* }
protected boolean stringToVarcharLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_5, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveDataType prim_1) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package umlPackage = p2s_5.getUmlPackage();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p_2.equals(umlPackage);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = prim_1.getName();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = STR_String.equals(name);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace = prim_1.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = p_2.equals(namespace);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_3 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createPrimitiveToName();
assert p2n_3 != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive.put(prim_1, p2n_3);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_VARCHAR);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map stringToVarcharMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* p2n.owner = = 'String' + '2' + 'VARCHAR')
* { |
* }
* }
protected boolean stringToVarcharMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_6) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = p2n_1.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(STR_String, STR_2);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, STR_VARCHAR);
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = sum_0.equals(name);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PackageToSchema owner = p2n_1.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = p2s_6.equals(owner);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* c : simpleuml::Class;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* |
* )
* {realize c2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* c.kind = 'persistent'c.namespace = pp2s.umlPackage =
* p)
* { |
* c2t = p2s;
* c2t = c;
* c2t =;
* }
* for anAttribute : simpleuml::Attribute in c.attributes {
* map classPrimitiveAttributesLM {
* c := c;
* a := anAttribute;
* fao := c2t;
* }
* map classComplexAttributesLM {
* c := c;
* a := anAttribute;
* fao := c2t;
* }
* map complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM {
* ca := anAttribute;
* c := anAttribute.type;
* }
* map complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM {
* ca := anAttribute;
* c := anAttribute.type;
* }}
* }
protected boolean classToTableLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p_3, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_7) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = c.getKind();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = STR_persistent.equals(kind);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace = c.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = p_3.equals(namespace);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package umlPackage = p2s_7.getUmlPackage();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = p_3.equals(umlPackage);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable c2t_3 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createClassToTable();
assert c2t_3 != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_umlClass.put(c, c2t_3);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = c.getName();
// mapping statements
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<Attribute> attributes = c.getAttributes();
assert attributes != null;
for (Attribute anAttribute : attributes) {
if (anAttribute != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute symbol_6 = (Attribute)anAttribute;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type_0 = symbol_6.getType();
if (type_0 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM::c\'");
classPrimitiveAttributesLM(symbol_6, c, c2t_3);
classComplexAttributesLM(symbol_6, c, c2t_3);
if (type_0 instanceof test.simpleuml.Class) {
complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM((test.simpleuml.Class)type_0, symbol_6);
if (type_0 instanceof test.simpleuml.Class) {
complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM((test.simpleuml.Class)type_0, symbol_6);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* c2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (s : simplerdbms::Schema;
* |
* )
* {realize t : simplerdbms::Table;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* c2t.owner =
* p2s)
* { |
* t = 'base';
* t = s;
* }
* map classToTableMR_1 {
* c2t_1 := c2t;
* t_1 := t;
* }
* map classToTableMR_2 {
* t_2 := t;
* c2t_2 := c2t;
* }
* for child : umltordbms::AssociationToForeignKey in c2t.associationsToForeignKeys {
* map associationToForeignKeyMR {
* p2s := p2s;
* dt := t;
* sc2t := t.ClassToTable;
* dc2t := t.ClassToTable;
* a2f := child;
* s := s;
* st := t;
* rk := c2t.primaryKey;
* }}
* for child : umltordbms::FromAttribute in c2t.fromAttributes->union(
* c2t.fromAttributes->selectByKind(umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute).fromAttributes)
* {
* map attributeColumnsMR {
* c2t := c2t;
* a2c := child;
* t := t;
* }}
* }
protected boolean classToTableMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable c2t, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_8, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Schema s) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PackageToSchema owner = c2t.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p2s_8.equals(owner);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.Class TYP_umltordbms_c_c_NonLeafAttribute_0 = idResolver.getClass(CLSSid_NonLeafAttribute, null);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<FromAttribute> fromAttributes = c2t.getFromAttributes();
assert fromAttributes != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_fromAttributes = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_FromAttribute, fromAttributes);
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ Table t_0 = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createTable();
assert t_0 != null;
// assignments
// mapping statements
classToTableMR_1(c2t, t_0);
classToTableMR_2(c2t, t_0);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<AssociationToForeignKey> associationsToForeignKeys = c2t.getAssociationsToForeignKeys();
assert associationsToForeignKeys != null;
for (AssociationToForeignKey child : associationsToForeignKeys) {
if (child != null) {
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable ClassToTable_0 = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_table.get(t_0));
if (ClassToTable_0 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'associationToForeignKeyMR::sc2t\'");
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AssociationToForeignKey symbol_5 = (AssociationToForeignKey)child;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Key primaryKey = c2t.getPrimaryKey();
if (primaryKey == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'associationToForeignKeyMR::rk\'");
associationToForeignKeyMR(symbol_5, ClassToTable_0, t_0, p2s_8, primaryKey, s, ClassToTable_0, t_0);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue selectByKind = (SetValue)CollectionSelectByKindOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(evaluator, BOXED_fromAttributes, TYP_umltordbms_c_c_NonLeafAttribute_0);
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue.Accumulator accumulator = ValueUtil.createBagAccumulatorValue(BAG_CLSSid_FromAttribute);
@Nullable Iterator<?> ITERATOR__1 = selectByKind.iterator();
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue collect;
while (true) {
if (!ITERATOR__1.hasNext()) {
collect = accumulator;
@Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ NonLeafAttribute _1 = (NonLeafAttribute);
* fromAttributes
if (_1 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::FromAttributeOwner::fromAttributes\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<FromAttribute> fromAttributes_1 = _1.getFromAttributes();
assert fromAttributes_1 != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_fromAttributes_1 = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_FromAttribute, fromAttributes_1);
for (Object value : BOXED_fromAttributes_1.flatten().getElements()) {
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue union = (BagValue)CollectionUnionOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(BOXED_fromAttributes, collect);
final List<FromAttribute> UNBOXED_union = union.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, FromAttribute.class);
assert UNBOXED_union != null;
for (FromAttribute child_0 : UNBOXED_union) {
if (child_0 != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ FromAttribute symbol_9 = (FromAttribute)child_0;
if (symbol_9 instanceof AttributeToColumn) {
attributeColumnsMR((AttributeToColumn)symbol_9, c2t, t_0);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableMR_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (c2t_1 : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (t_1 : simplerdbms::Table;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* c2t_1 = t_1;
* t_1 =;
* }
* }
protected boolean classToTableMR_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable c2t_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table t_1) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_table.put(t_1, c2t_1);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = c2t_1.getName();
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableMR_2 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (c2t_2 : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (t_2 : simplerdbms::Table;
* |
* )
* {realize pk : simplerdbms::Key;
* realize pc : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* pk = t_2;
* pk = 'primary';
* pc = t_2;
* pc = OrderedSet{pk
* }
* ;
* pc = 'NUMBER';
* }
* map classToTableMR_2_1 {
* c2t_2_1 := c2t_2;
* pk_2_1 := pk;
* pc_2_1 := pc;
* }
* map classToTableMR_2_2 {
* pk_2_2 := pk;
* pc_2_2 := pc;
* t_2_2 := t_2;
* }
* }
protected boolean classToTableMR_2(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable c2t_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table t_2) {
try {
// predicates
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ Column pc = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createColumn();
assert pc != null;
final /*@Thrown*/ Key pk = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createKey();
assert pk != null;
// assignments
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ OrderedSetValue OrderedSet = ValueUtil.createOrderedSetOfEach(ORD_CLSSid_Key, pk);
final List<Key> UNBOXED_OrderedSet = OrderedSet.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, Key.class);
assert UNBOXED_OrderedSet != null;
// mapping statements
classToTableMR_2_1(c2t_2, pc, pk);
classToTableMR_2_2(pc, pk, t_2);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableMR_2_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (c2t_2_1 : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (pk_2_1 : simplerdbms::Key;
* pc_2_1 : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* c2t_2_1 = pk_2_1;
* c2t_2_1 = pc_2_1;
* }
* }
protected boolean classToTableMR_2_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable c2t_2_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column pc_2_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Key pk_2_1) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classToTableMR_2_2 in umlRdbms) {
* middle ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (pk_2_2 : simplerdbms::Key;
* pc_2_2 : simplerdbms::Column;
* t_2_2 : simplerdbms::Table;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* pc_2_2 = + '_tid';
* pk_2_2 = + '_pk';
* }
* }
protected boolean classToTableMR_2_2(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column pc_2_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Key pk_2_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table t_2_2) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_0 = t_2_2.getName();
// creations
// assignments
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name_0, STR__tid);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name_0, STR__pk);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map associationToForeignKeyLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (p : simpleuml::Package;
* sc : simpleuml::Class;
* dc : simpleuml::Class;
* a : simpleuml::Association;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* sc2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* dc2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* {realize a2f : umltordbms::AssociationToForeignKey;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* a.namespace = psc.namespace = pp2s.umlPackage =
* p)
* { |
* sc2t = p2s;
* a2f = sc2t;
* a2f = dc2t;
* a2f = a;
* a2f = if a.destination = dc and a.source = sc
* then
* else
* if a.destination <> dc and a.source = sc
* then + '_' +
* else
* if a.destination = dc and a.source <> sc
* then + '_' +
* else + '_' + + '_' +
* endif
* endif
* endif;
* }
* }
protected boolean associationToForeignKeyLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Association a, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Package p_4, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_9) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class destination = a.getDestination();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class dc = destination;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace = a.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p_4.equals(namespace);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package umlPackage = p2s_9.getUmlPackage();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = p_4.equals(umlPackage);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class source = a.getSource();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class sc = source;
if (dc == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::ClassToTable::umlClass\'");
if (dc instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)dc;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable ClassToTable = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_umlClass.get(dc));
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable dc2t_0 = ClassToTable;
if (sc == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::ClassToTable::umlClass\'");
if (sc instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)sc;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Package namespace_0 = sc.getNamespace();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = p_4.equals(namespace_0);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable ClassToTable_0 = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_ClassToTable_umlClass.get(sc));
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable sc2t_0 = ClassToTable_0;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = a.getName();
@NonNull /*@Caught*/ Object CAUGHT_self_0;
try {
if (dc instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)dc;
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean self_0 = (destination != null) ? destination.equals(dc) : (dc == null);
CAUGHT_self_0 = self_0;
catch (Exception e) {
CAUGHT_self_0 = ValueUtil.createInvalidValue(e);
@NonNull /*@Caught*/ Object CAUGHT_b;
try {
if (sc instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)sc;
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean b = (source != null) ? source.equals(sc) : (sc == null);
CAUGHT_b = b;
catch (Exception e) {
CAUGHT_b = ValueUtil.createInvalidValue(e);
final /*@NonInvalid*/ boolean symbol_4 = CAUGHT_self_0 instanceof InvalidValueException;
/*@Thrown*/ boolean symbol_12;
if (symbol_4) {
final /*@NonInvalid*/ boolean symbol_5 = CAUGHT_b instanceof InvalidValueException;
/*@Thrown*/ boolean symbol_7;
if (symbol_5) {
if (CAUGHT_self_0 instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)CAUGHT_self_0;
symbol_7 = (Boolean)CAUGHT_self_0;
else {
if (CAUGHT_b instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)CAUGHT_b;
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_2 = CAUGHT_b == Boolean.FALSE;
/*@Thrown*/ boolean symbol_6;
if (eq_2) {
symbol_6 = ValueUtil.FALSE_VALUE;
else {
if (CAUGHT_self_0 instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)CAUGHT_self_0;
symbol_6 = (Boolean)CAUGHT_self_0;
symbol_7 = symbol_6;
symbol_12 = symbol_7;
else {
if (CAUGHT_self_0 instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)CAUGHT_self_0;
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_3 = CAUGHT_self_0 == Boolean.FALSE;
/*@Thrown*/ boolean symbol_11;
if (eq_3) {
symbol_11 = ValueUtil.FALSE_VALUE;
else {
if (CAUGHT_b instanceof InvalidValueException) {
throw (InvalidValueException)CAUGHT_b;
final /*@NonInvalid*/ boolean symbol_8 = CAUGHT_b instanceof InvalidValueException;
/*@Thrown*/ boolean symbol_10;
if (symbol_8) {
symbol_10 = (Boolean)CAUGHT_b;
else {
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_4 = CAUGHT_b == Boolean.FALSE;
/*@NonInvalid*/ boolean symbol_9;
if (eq_4) {
symbol_9 = ValueUtil.FALSE_VALUE;
else {
symbol_9 = ValueUtil.TRUE_VALUE;
symbol_10 = symbol_9;
symbol_11 = symbol_10;
symbol_12 = symbol_11;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ AssociationToForeignKey a2f_0 = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createAssociationToForeignKey();
assert a2f_0 != null;
// assignments
@Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String symbol_33;
if (symbol_12) {
symbol_33 = name;
else {
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String symbol_32;
if (symbol_12) {
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_0 = dc.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name_0, STR__);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, name);
symbol_32 = sum_0;
else {
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_6 = sc.getName();
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String symbol_31;
if (symbol_12) {
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_1 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR__);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_2 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum_1, name_6);
symbol_31 = sum_2;
else {
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_4 = dc.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_3 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name_4, STR__);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_4 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum_3, name);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_5 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum_4, STR__);
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_6 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum_5, name_6);
symbol_31 = sum_6;
symbol_32 = symbol_31;
symbol_33 = symbol_32;
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map associationToForeignKeyMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2s : umltordbms::PackageToSchema;
* sc2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* dc2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* a2f : umltordbms::AssociationToForeignKey;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (s : simplerdbms::Schema;
* st : simplerdbms::Table;
* dt : simplerdbms::Table;
* rk : simplerdbms::Key;
* |
* )
* {realize fk : simplerdbms::ForeignKey;
* realize fc : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* a2f.owner = sc2ta2f.referenced = dc2tp2s.schema = sst.schema = s)
* { |
* fk =;
* fc = +
* '_tid';
* fk = st;
* fc = st;
* }
* map associationToForeignKeyMR_1 {
* fk := fk;
* fc := fc;
* dt := a2f.referenced.table;
* rk := rk;
* }
* map associationToForeignKeyMR_2 {
* a2f_1 := a2f;
* fk_1 := fk;
* fc_1 := fc;
* }
* }
protected boolean associationToForeignKeyMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AssociationToForeignKey a2f, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable dc2t, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table dt, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PackageToSchema p2s_10, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Key rk, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Schema s_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable sc2t, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table st) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable owner = a2f.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = sc2t.equals(owner);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ ClassToTable referenced = a2f.getReferenced();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = dc2t.equals(referenced);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Schema schema = p2s_10.getSchema();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_1 = s_0.equals(schema);
if (!eq_1) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Schema schema_0 = st.getSchema();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_2 = s_0.equals(schema_0);
if (!eq_2) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = a2f.getName();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ Column fc_0 = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createColumn();
assert fc_0 != null;
final /*@Thrown*/ ForeignKey fk_0 = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createForeignKey();
assert fk_0 != null;
// assignments
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR__tid);
// mapping statements
if (referenced == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::ClassToTable::table\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Table table = referenced.getTable();
if (table == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'associationToForeignKeyMR_1::dt\'");
associationToForeignKeyMR_1(table, fc_0, fk_0, rk);
associationToForeignKeyMR_2(a2f, fc_0, fk_0);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map associationToForeignKeyMR_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle ( |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (fk : simplerdbms::ForeignKey;
* fc : simplerdbms::Column;
* dt : simplerdbms::Table;
* rk : simplerdbms::Key;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* fk = rk;
* fc = OrderedSet{fk
* }
* ;
* fc = rk.column->first().type;
* }
* }
protected boolean associationToForeignKeyMR_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table dt_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column fc, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ForeignKey fk, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Key rk_0) {
try {
// predicates
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
// assignments
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ OrderedSetValue OrderedSet = ValueUtil.createOrderedSetOfEach(ORD_CLSSid_ForeignKey, fk);
final List<ForeignKey> UNBOXED_OrderedSet = OrderedSet.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, ForeignKey.class);
assert UNBOXED_OrderedSet != null;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<Column> column = rk_0.getColumn();
assert column != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ OrderedSetValue BOXED_column = idResolver.createOrderedSetOfAll(ORD_CLSSid_Column, column);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Column first = (Column)OrderedCollectionFirstOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(BOXED_column);
if (first == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'simplerdbms::Column::type\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String type = first.getType();
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map associationToForeignKeyMR_2 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (a2f_1 : umltordbms::AssociationToForeignKey;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (fk_1 : simplerdbms::ForeignKey;
* fc_1 : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* a2f_1 = fk_1;
* a2f_1 = fc_1;
* }
* }
protected boolean associationToForeignKeyMR_2(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AssociationToForeignKey a2f_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column fc_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ForeignKey fk_1) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classPrimitiveAttributesLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c : simpleuml::Class;
* t : simpleuml::PrimitiveDataType;
* a : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* {realize atc : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* a.owner = cfao.umlClass =
* c)
* { |
* atc = a;
* atc = fao;
* atc = p2n;
* atc = a.kind;
* atc =;
* atc = Set{atc
* };
* }
* }
protected boolean classPrimitiveAttributesLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute a_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable fao) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class owner = a_0.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = c_0.equals(owner);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class umlClass = fao.getUmlClass();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = c_0.equals(umlClass);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = a_0.getType();
if (!(type instanceof PrimitiveDataType)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveDataType t_0 = (PrimitiveDataType)type;
if (t_0 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::PrimitiveToName::primitive\'");
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName PrimitiveToName = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive.get(t_0));
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_3 = PrimitiveToName;
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ AttributeToColumn atc = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeToColumn();
assert atc != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.put(a_0, atc);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = a_0.getKind();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = a_0.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue Set = ValueUtil.createSetOfEach(SET_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn, atc);
final List<AttributeToColumn> UNBOXED_Set = Set.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, AttributeToColumn.class);
assert UNBOXED_Set != null;
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map classComplexAttributesLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c : simpleuml::Class;
* t : simpleuml::Class;
* a : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* |
* )
* {realize fa : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* a.owner = cfao.umlClass =
* c)
* { |
* fa = a;
* fa = fao;
* fa = a.kind;
* fa =;
* fa = fao.fromAttributes.leafs->asSet();
* }
* }
protected boolean classComplexAttributesLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute a_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable fao_0) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class owner = a_1.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = c_1.equals(owner);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class umlClass = fao_0.getUmlClass();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq_0 = c_1.equals(umlClass);
if (!eq_0) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = a_1.getType();
if (!(type instanceof test.simpleuml.Class)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class t_0 = (test.simpleuml.Class)type;
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ NonLeafAttribute fa = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createNonLeafAttribute();
assert fa != null;
// assignments
OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.put(a_1, fa);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = a_1.getKind();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = a_1.getName();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<FromAttribute> fromAttributes = fao_0.getFromAttributes();
assert fromAttributes != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_fromAttributes = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_FromAttribute, fromAttributes);
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue.Accumulator accumulator = ValueUtil.createBagAccumulatorValue(BAG_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn);
@Nullable Iterator<?> ITERATOR__1 = BOXED_fromAttributes.iterator();
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue collect;
while (true) {
if (!ITERATOR__1.hasNext()) {
collect = accumulator;
@Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ FromAttribute _1 = (FromAttribute);
* leafs
if (_1 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::FromAttribute::leafs\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<AttributeToColumn> leafs = _1.getLeafs();
assert leafs != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_leafs = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn, leafs);
for (Object value : BOXED_leafs.flatten().getElements()) {
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue asSet = CollectionAsSetOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(collect);
final List<AttributeToColumn> UNBOXED_asSet = asSet.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, AttributeToColumn.class);
assert UNBOXED_asSet != null;
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c : simpleuml::Class;
* ca : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* ca.type =
* c)
* { |
* }
* for anAttribute : simpleuml::Attribute in c.attributes {
* map complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM_1 {
* c_1 := c;
* ca_1 := ca;
* fao_1 := fao;
* a_1 := anAttribute;
* }}
* }
protected boolean complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute ca) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ FromAttribute FromAttribute = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.get(ca));
if (!(FromAttribute instanceof NonLeafAttribute)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ NonLeafAttribute fao_2 = (NonLeafAttribute)FromAttribute;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = ca.getType();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = c_2.equals(type);
if (!eq) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<Attribute> attributes = c_2.getAttributes();
assert attributes != null;
for (Attribute anAttribute : attributes) {
if (anAttribute != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute symbol_1 = (Attribute)anAttribute;
if (fao_2 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM_1::fao_1\'");
complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM_1(symbol_1, c_2, ca, fao_2);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM_1 in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c_1 : simpleuml::Class;
* t_1 : simpleuml::PrimitiveDataType;
* a_1 : simpleuml::Attribute;
* ca_1 : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao_1 : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* p2n_1 : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* {realize fa : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* fa = fao_1;
* fa = Set{fa
* };
* fa = a_1;
* fa = p2n_1;
* fa = a_1.kind;
* fa = + '_' +;
* }
* }
protected boolean complexAttributePrimitiveAttributesLM_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute a_1_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_1_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute ca_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NonLeafAttribute fao_1) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = a_1_0.getType();
if (!(type instanceof PrimitiveDataType)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveDataType t_1_0 = (PrimitiveDataType)type;
if (t_1_0 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::PrimitiveToName::primitive\'");
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName PrimitiveToName = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_PrimitiveToName_primitive.get(t_1_0));
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_1_0 = PrimitiveToName;
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ AttributeToColumn fa = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createAttributeToColumn();
assert fa != null;
// assignments
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue Set = ValueUtil.createSetOfEach(SET_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn, fa);
final List<AttributeToColumn> UNBOXED_Set = Set.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, AttributeToColumn.class);
assert UNBOXED_Set != null;
OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.put(a_1_0, fa);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = a_1_0.getKind();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = ca_1.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR__);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_0 = a_1_0.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, name_0);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c : simpleuml::Class;
* ca : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* ca.type =
* c)
* { |
* }
* for anAttribute : simpleuml::Attribute in c.attributes {
* map complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM_1 {
* ca_1 := ca;
* a_1 := anAttribute;
* c_1 := c;
* fao_1 := fao;
* }}
* }
protected boolean complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_3, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute ca_0) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ FromAttribute FromAttribute = ClassUtil.nonNullState (OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.get(ca_0));
if (!(FromAttribute instanceof NonLeafAttribute)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ NonLeafAttribute fao_2 = (NonLeafAttribute)FromAttribute;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = ca_0.getType();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = c_3.equals(type);
if (!eq) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<Attribute> attributes = c_3.getAttributes();
assert attributes != null;
for (Attribute anAttribute : attributes) {
if (anAttribute != null) {
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute symbol_1 = (Attribute)anAttribute;
if (fao_2 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM_1::fao_1\'");
complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM_1(symbol_1, c_3, ca_0, fao_2);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM_1 in umlRdbms) {
* uml (c_1 : simpleuml::Class;
* ca_1 : simpleuml::Attribute;
* t_1 : simpleuml::Class;
* a_1 : simpleuml::Attribute;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* middle (fao_1 : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* |
* )
* {realize fa : umltordbms::NonLeafAttribute;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* a_1.owner =
* c_1)
* { |
* fa = fao_1;
* fa = fao_1.fromAttributes.leafs->asSet();
* fa = a_1;
* fa = a_1.kind;
* fa = + '_' +;
* }
* }
protected boolean complexAttributeComplexAttributesLM_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute a_1_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ test.simpleuml.Class c_1_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Attribute ca_1_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ NonLeafAttribute fao_1_0) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class owner = a_1_1.getOwner();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = c_1_1.equals(owner);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Classifier type = a_1_1.getType();
if (!(type instanceof test.simpleuml.Class)) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ test.simpleuml.Class t_1_0 = (test.simpleuml.Class)type;
final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ IdResolver idResolver = evaluator.getIdResolver();
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ NonLeafAttribute fa = UmltordbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createNonLeafAttribute();
assert fa != null;
// assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<FromAttribute> fromAttributes = fao_1_0.getFromAttributes();
assert fromAttributes != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_fromAttributes = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_FromAttribute, fromAttributes);
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue.Accumulator accumulator = ValueUtil.createBagAccumulatorValue(BAG_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn);
@Nullable Iterator<?> ITERATOR__1 = BOXED_fromAttributes.iterator();
@NonNull /*@Thrown*/ BagValue collect;
while (true) {
if (!ITERATOR__1.hasNext()) {
collect = accumulator;
@Nullable /*@NonInvalid*/ FromAttribute _1 = (FromAttribute);
* leafs
if (_1 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::FromAttribute::leafs\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ List<AttributeToColumn> leafs = _1.getLeafs();
assert leafs != null;
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue BOXED_leafs = idResolver.createSetOfAll(SET_CLSSid_AttributeToColumn, leafs);
for (Object value : BOXED_leafs.flatten().getElements()) {
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ SetValue asSet = CollectionAsSetOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(collect);
final List<AttributeToColumn> UNBOXED_asSet = asSet.asEcoreObjects(idResolver, AttributeToColumn.class);
assert UNBOXED_asSet != null;
OPPOSITE_OF_FromAttribute_attribute.put(a_1_1, fa);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = a_1_1.getKind();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = ca_1_0.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(name, STR__);
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name_0 = a_1_1.getName();
final @NonNull /*@Thrown*/ String sum_0 = StringConcatOperation.INSTANCE.evaluate(sum, name_0);
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map attributeColumnsMR in umlRdbms) {
* middle (c2t : umltordbms::ClassToTable;
* a2c : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* p2n : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (t : simplerdbms::Table;
* ct : String;
* |
* )
* {realize c : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* }
* where ( |
* c2t.table =
* t)
* { |
* c = t;
* }
* map attributeColumnsMR_1 {
* a2c_1 := a2c;
* c_1 := c;
* }
* map attributeColumnsMR_2 {
* a2c_2 := a2c;
* c_2 := c;
* p2n_2 := p2n;
* ct_2 := ct;
* }
* map attributeColumnsMR_3 {
* c_3 := c;
* a2c_3 := a2c;
* }
* }
protected boolean attributeColumnsMR(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AttributeToColumn a2c, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ ClassToTable c2t_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Table t) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ Table table = c2t_0.getTable();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = t.equals(table);
if (!eq) {
return false;
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName type = a2c.getType();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_3 = type;
if (p2n_3 == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null source for \'umltordbms::PrimitiveToName::typeName\'");
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String typeName = p2n_3.getTypeName();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String ct = typeName;
// creations
final /*@Thrown*/ Column c_4 = SimplerdbmsFactory.eINSTANCE.createColumn();
assert c_4 != null;
// assignments
// mapping statements
attributeColumnsMR_1(a2c, c_4);
if (ct == null) {
throw new InvalidValueException("Null binding for \'attributeColumnsMR_2::ct_2\'");
attributeColumnsMR_2(a2c, c_4, ct, p2n_3);
attributeColumnsMR_3(a2c, c_4);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map attributeColumnsMR_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (a2c_1 : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (c_1 : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* a2c_1 = c_1;
* }
* }
protected boolean attributeColumnsMR_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AttributeToColumn a2c_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column c_1_2) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map attributeColumnsMR_2 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2n_2 : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* a2c_2 : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (c_2 : simplerdbms::Column;
* ct_2 : String;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* a2c_2.type =
* p2n_2)
* { |
* c_2 = ct_2;
* }
* map attributeColumnsMR_2_1 {
* p2n_2_1 := p2n_2;
* ct_2_1 := ct_2;
* }
* }
protected boolean attributeColumnsMR_2(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AttributeToColumn a2c_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column c_2_0, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String ct_2, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_2) {
try {
// predicates
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ PrimitiveToName type = a2c_2.getType();
final /*@Thrown*/ boolean eq = p2n_2.equals(type);
if (!eq) {
return false;
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
attributeColumnsMR_2_1(ct_2, p2n_2);
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map attributeColumnsMR_2_1 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (p2n_2_1 : umltordbms::PrimitiveToName;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (ct_2_1 : String;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* p2n_2_1 = ct_2_1;
* }
* }
protected boolean attributeColumnsMR_2_1(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ String ct_2_1, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ PrimitiveToName p2n_2_1) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;
* map attributeColumnsMR_3 in umlRdbms) {
* middle (a2c_3 : umltordbms::AttributeToColumn;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* rdbms (c_3 : simplerdbms::Column;
* |
* )
* { |
* }
* where ( |
* )
* { |
* c_3 =;
* c_3 = a2c_3.kind;
* }
* }
protected boolean attributeColumnsMR_3(final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ AttributeToColumn a2c_3, final @NonNull /*@NonInvalid*/ Column c_3_0) {
try {
// predicates
// creations
// assignments
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String name = a2c_3.getName();
final @Nullable /*@Thrown*/ String kind = a2c_3.getKind();
// mapping statements
return true;
catch (Exception e) {
return false;