blob: 3fa1491da3b09de6b52249b7f08af75cd99490e1 [file] [log] [blame]
import cs : 'generated/MiniOCLCS.ecore#/'
import as : '/resource/org.eclipse.qvtd.doc.miniocl/model/MiniOCL.ecore#/'
import 'MiniOCLCS2ASHelpers.ocl'
import 'MiniOCLCS2ASLookup.ocl'
import 'MiniOCLCS2ASDisambiguation.ocl'
package cs
context RootCS
def : ast() : as::Root[1] =
as::Root {
ownedPackages = packages.ast()->asOrderedSet() -- FIXME
context PackageCS
def : ast() : as::Package[1] =
as::Package {
name = name.toString(), -- FIXME bug 494252
ownedClasses = classes.ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
ownedPackages = packages.ast()->asOrderedSet() -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
context ClassCS
def : ast() : as::Class[1] =
as::Class {
name = name.toString(),
ownedOperations = operations.ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
ownedProperties = properties.ast()->asOrderedSet() -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
--ownedInvariants = ConstraintCS::allInstances()->select(x | x.ast().ownedSpecification.ownedSelfVar.type = ast()),
-- ownedInvariants = self->closure(oclContainer())->selectByKind(RootCS)
-- .contraints.invariants->select(x | x.ast().ownedSpecification.ownedSelfVar.type = ast())
-- .ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
-- superClasses = if _extends = OrderedSet {} then null else OrderedSet {ast().lookupClass(_extends)} endif
--context InvariantCS
--def : ast() : as::Constraint[1] =
-- as::Constraint {
-- name = 'Constraint',
-- ownedSpecification = as::ExpressionInOCL {
-- ownedBody = self.exp.ast(),
-- ownedSelfVar = as::Variable{name='self', type= ast().Class}
-- },
-- Class = ast().lookupClass(oclContainer().oclAsType(ConstraintsDefCS).typeRef)
-- }
context PropertyCS
def : ast() : as::Property[1] =
as::Property {
name = name.toString(),
type = ast().lookupClass(typeRef)
context OperationCS
def : ast() : as::Operation[1] =
as::Operation {
name = name.toString(),
type = ast().lookupClass(resultRef),
ownedParameters = params.ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
ownedBodyExpression = as::ExpressionInOCL {
language = 'OCL',
ownedBody = self._body.ast(),
ownedSelfVar = as::Variable{name='self', type= self.ast().owningClass},
type = self._body.ast().type
context ParameterCS
def : ast() : as::Parameter[1] =
as::Parameter {
name = name.toString(),
type = ast().lookupClass(typeRef)
context ExpCS
def : ast() : as::OCLExpression[1] =
invalid -- to be overridden
context CallExpCS
def : ast() : as::CallExp[1] =
context NavigationExpCS
def : ast() : as::CallExp =
null -- to be overriden
context NameExpCS
def : ast() : as::OCLExpression[1] =
-- if isOpCallExpWithImplicitSource()
-- then as::OperationCallExp {
-- ownedSource = let referredVar : as::Variable = ast().lookupVariable('self')
-- in as::VariableExp {
-- referredVariable = referredVar,
-- type = referredVar.type
-- },
-- ownedArguments = roundedBrackets?.args.ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
-- referredOperation = ast().lookupOperationFrom(ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).ownedSource.type, expName, ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).ownedArguments),
-- type = ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).referredOperation?.type
-- }
-- else if isOpCallExpWithExplicitSource()
-- then as::OperationCallExp {
-- ownedSource = parentAsCallExpCS()?.source?.ast(),
-- ownedArguments = roundedBrackets?.args.ast()->asOrderedSet(), -- FIXME remove asOrderedSet()
-- referredOperation = ast().lookupOperationFrom(ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).ownedSource.type, expName, ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).ownedArguments),
-- type = ast().oclAsType(as::OperationCallExp).referredOperation?.type
-- }
-- else
if isPropCallExpWithExplicitSource()
then as::PropertyCallExp {
ownedSource = parentAsCallExpCS()?.source?.ast(),
referredProperty = ast().lookupPropertyFrom(ast().oclAsType(as::PropertyCallExp).ownedSource.type, expName),
type = ast().oclAsType(as::PropertyCallExp).referredProperty?.type
else if isVariableExp()
then as::VariableExp {
referredVariable = ast().lookupVariable(expName.pathElements->first()),
type = ast().oclAsType(as::VariableExp).referredVariable.type
else if isPropCallExpWithImplicitSource()
then as::PropertyCallExp {
ownedSource = let referredVar : as::Variable = ast().lookupVariable('self')
in as::VariableExp {
referredVariable = referredVar,
type = referredVar.type
referredProperty = ast().lookupPropertyFrom(ast().oclAsType(as::PropertyCallExp).ownedSource.type, expName),
type = ast().oclAsType(as::PropertyCallExp).referredProperty?.type
endif endif endif -- endif endif