blob: 00e24832cfc12dad1a9b110834db4c3fd936c883 [file] [log] [blame]
source cs : 'generated/MiniOCLCS.ecore#/'
target as : '/resource/org.eclipse.qvtd.doc.miniocl/model/MiniOCL.ecore#/'
helpers {
as::Class {
commonSupertype(another : Class) : Class :=
let allSupertypes = self->asOrderedSet()->closure(superClasses),
allOtherSupertypes = another->asOrderedSet()->closure(superClasses)
in allSupertypes->intersection(allOtherSupertypes)->any(true);
conformsTo(another : Class) : Boolean :=
self = another or
cs::NavigationExpCS {
parentAsCallExpCS() : CallExpCS :=
let container = self.oclContainer()
in if container.oclIsKindOf(CallExpCS)
then container.oclAsType(CallExpCS)
else null
cs::NameExpCS {
isNavExpOfACallExpCS() : Boolean :=
let parentCallExpCS = parentAsCallExpCS()
in parentCallExpCS <> null and parentCallExpCS.navExp = self;
cs::PropertyCS {
computeLowerBound() : Integer :=
if multiplicity = null then 0
else if multiplicity.opt then 0
else if multiplicity.mult then 0
else if multiplicity.mandatory <> 0 then multiplicity.mandatory
else multiplicity.lowerInt
endif endif endif
computeUpperBound() : Integer :=
if multiplicity = null then 1
else if multiplicity.opt then 1
else if multiplicity.mult then -1
else if multiplicity.mandatory <> 0 then multiplicity.mandatory
else if multiplicity.upperMult then -1
else multiplicity.upperInt
endif endif endif endif
disambiguation {
CollectionLiteralPartCS {
withoutLastExpression := last = null;
withLastExpression := last <> null;
NameExpCS { -- Note: order of the disambiguation rules matters
isOpCallExpWithExplicitSource :=
roundedBrackets <> null and isNavExpOfACallExpCS();
isOpCallExpWithImplicitSource :=
roundedBrackets <> null and not isNavExpOfACallExpCS();
isPropCallExpWithExplicitSource :=
roundedBrackets = null and isNavExpOfACallExpCS();
isVariableExp :=
roundedBrackets = null and not isNavExpOfACallExpCS()
and lookup(Variable, expName.pathElements->first()) <> null;
isPropCallExpWithImplicitSource :=
roundedBrackets = null and not isNavExpOfACallExpCS()
and lookup(Property, expName) <> null;
LetExpCS {
singleVarDecl := letVars->size() = 1;
multipleVarDecls := letVars->size() > 1;
mappings {
create Root from RootCS {
ownedImports := imports.trace;
ownedPackages := packages.trace;
ownedConstraints := constraints.invariants.trace;
create Import from ImportCS {
alias := if alias = null then null else alias endif;
uri := uri;
create Constraint from InvariantCS {
ownedSpecification := as::ExpressionInOCL {
language = 'OCL',
ownedBody = exp.trace,
ownedSelfVar = as::Variable { name = 'self',
type = trace.constrainedElement }
constrainedElement := lookup(Class, self.ConstraintsDefCS.typeRef);
create Package from PackageCS {
name := name;
ownedPackages := packages.trace;
ownedClasses := classes.trace;
create Class from ClassCS {
name := name;
ownedProperties := properties.trace;
ownedOperations := operations.trace;
superClasses := if _extends ->notEmpty()
then _extends->collect(x | lookup(Class,x))
else OrderedSet{}
create Operation from OperationCS {
name := name;
type := lookup(Class, resultRef);
ownedParameters := params.trace;
ownedBodyExpression := as::ExpressionInOCL {
language = 'OCL',
ownedBody = body.trace,
ownedSelfVar = as::Variable {name = 'self' , type = trace.owningClass }
create Variable from ParameterCS {
name := name;
type := lookup(Class,typeRef);
create Property from PropertyCS {
name := name;
lowerBound := computeLowerBound();
upperBound := computeUpperBound();
type := lookup(Class, typeRef);
-- Expressions
refer CallExp from CallExpCS :=
create OperationCallExp from EqualityExpCS {
ownedSource := left.trace;
ownedArguments := right.trace;
referredOperation := lookupExported(Operation, trace.ownedSource.type,
opName, trace.ownedArguments);
type := lookup(Class, 'Boolean');
create VariableExp from NameExpCS
when fall_back {
referredVariable := null;
type := lookup(Class, 'OclVoid');
create VariableExp from NameExpCS
when isVariableExp {
referredVariable := lookup(Variable, expName.pathElements->first());
type := trace.referredVariable.type;
create PropertyCallExp from NameExpCS
when isPropCallExpWithExplicitSource {
ownedSource := parentAsCallExpCS()._source.trace;
referredProperty := lookupExported(Property,trace.ownedSource.type,expName);
type := trace.referredProperty?.type;
create PropertyCallExp from NameExpCS
when isPropCallExpWithImplicitSource {
ownedSource := let referredVar = lookup(Variable, 'self')
in as::VariableExp {
referredVariable = referredVar,
type = referredVar.type
referredProperty := lookupExported(Property,trace.ownedSource.type,expName);
type := trace.referredProperty?.type;
create OperationCallExp from NameExpCS
when isOpCallExpWithExplicitSource {
ownedSource := parentAsCallExpCS()._source.trace;
ownedArguments := roundedBrackets.args.trace;
referredOperation := lookupExported(Operation,trace.ownedSource.type,
expName, trace.ownedArguments);
type := trace.referredOperation?.type;
create OperationCallExp from NameExpCS
when isOpCallExpWithImplicitSource {
ownedSource := let referredVar = lookup(Variable, 'self')
in as::VariableExp {
referredVariable = referredVar,
type = referredVar.type
ownedArguments := roundedBrackets.args.trace;
referredOperation:= lookupExported(Operation,trace.ownedSource.type,
expName, trace.ownedArguments);
type := trace.referredOperation?.type;
create LetExp from LetExpCS
when singleVarDecl {
ownedVariable := letVars->at(1).trace;
ownedIn := inExp.trace;
type := inExp.trace.type;
create LetExp from LetExpCS
when multipleVarDecls {
ownedVariable := letVars->first().trace;
ownedIn := letVars->excluding(letVars->first())->reverse()
->iterate(x : LetVarCS; acc : as::OCLExpression = inExp.trace |
as::LetExp {
ownedVariable = x.trace,
ownedIn = acc,
type = acc.type
type := inExp.trace.type;
create Variable from LetVarCS {
name := name;
ownedInitExp := initExp.trace;
type := if typeRef <> null then lookup(Class,typeRef) else trace.ownedInitExp.type endif;
create IterateExp from IterateExpCS {
ownedIterator := itVar.trace;
ownedResult := accVar.trace;
ownedBody := exp.trace;
ownedSource := parentAsCallExpCS()._source.trace;
type := trace.ownedResult.type;
create IteratorExp from CollectExpCS {
iterator := 'collect';
ownedIterator := if itVar = null
then as::Variable { name='self', type=lookup(Class,'OclAny') }
else itVar.trace
ownedBody := exp.trace;
ownedSource := parentAsCallExpCS()._source.trace;
type := lookup(Class,'Collection');
create Variable from IteratorVarCS {
name := itName;
type := if itType <> null then lookup(Class,itType) else lookup(Class,'OclAny') endif;
create Variable from AccVarCS {
name := accName;
ownedInitExp := accInitExp.trace;
type := if accType <> null then lookup(Class,accType) else trace.ownedInitExp.type endif;
create CollectionLiteralExp from CollectionLiteralExpCS {
kind := kind;
ownedParts := parts.trace;
type := lookup(Class,'Collection');
create CollectionItem from CollectionLiteralPartCS
when withoutLastExpression {
ownedItem := first.trace;
type := trace.ownedItem.type;
create CollectionRange from CollectionLiteralPartCS
when withLastExpression {
ownedFirst := first.trace;
ownedLast := last.trace;
type := trace.ownedFirst.type;
name_resolution {
targets {
NamedElement using name scaped_with '_';
Package qualifies Package using ownedPackages,
Class using ownedClasses;
Class qualifies Operation using ownedOperations,
Property using ownedProperties;
Operation filtered_by arguments : OrderedSet(OCLExpression)
when ownedParameters->size() = arguments->size() and
arguments->forAll(x |
let argIdx = arguments->indexOf(x)
in x.type.conformsTo(ownedParameters->at(argIdx).type));
inputs {
PathElementCS using elementName;
qualifier PathNameCS using pathElements;
providers {
Root {
in current_scope provides adding
Package using ownedPackages, exported ownedImports;
Import {
in exported_scope provides
Package using loaded Package from uri;
Package {
in current_scope provides occluding
Package using ownedPackages
Class using ownedClasses;
Class {
vars allSuperClasses = self->closure(superClasses);
in current_scope provides occluding
Operation using ownedOperations occluding allSuperClasses.ownedOperations
Property using ownedProperties occluding allSuperClasses.ownedProperties;
in exported_scope provides
Operation using ownedOperations occluding allSuperClasses.ownedOperations
Property using ownedProperties occluding allSuperClasses.ownedOperations;
Operation {
in current_scope provides occluding
Variable using ownedParameters;
ExpressionInOCL {
in current_scope provides occluding
Variable using ownedSelfVar;
LetExp {
in current_scope
for all excepting ownedVariable
provides occluding Variable using ownedVariable;