blob: c76e2b24bb17719211ce85dcf1701bc41bcc04ec [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2016, 2019 Willink Transformations and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* E.D.Willink - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.utilities;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.EMap;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.EMOFExtendedMetaData;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.ecore.es2as.Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.internal.utilities.PivotConstantsInternal;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ClassUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.TreeIterable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.URIUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.utilities.ValueUtil;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.IntegerValue;
import org.eclipse.ocl.pivot.values.UnlimitedNaturalValue;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelDiagram;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelDomainNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelInvocationEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelInvocationNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelPatternEdge;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.RelPatternNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.TxDiagram;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.TxKeyNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.TxPackageNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.TxPartNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.TxTypedModelNode;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.UMLXNamedElement;
import org.eclipse.qvtd.umlx.UMLXTypedElement;
* Class owning methods used for service: umlx. The service methods
* should be prefixed by umlx to avoid conflict with other services.
public class UMLXServices
public UMLXServices() {}
protected void appendMultiplicity(@NonNull StringBuilder s, int lower, int upper) {
if (upper == 1) {
s.append(lower == 1 ? "[1]" : "[?]");
else {
if (upper < 0) {
if (lower == 0) {
else if (lower == 1) {
else {
s.append("[" + lower + "..*]");
else if (lower == upper) {
s.append("[" + lower + "]");
else {
s.append("[" + lower + ".." + upper + "]");
protected void appendType(StringBuilder s, @NonNull UMLXTypedElement umlxTypedElement) {
if (umlxTypedElement.isIsMany()) {
if (umlxTypedElement.isIsUnique()) {
s.append(umlxTypedElement.isIsOrdered() ? "OrderedSet" : "Set");
else {
s.append(umlxTypedElement.isIsOrdered() ? "Sequence" : "Bag");
EClassifier eClassifier = umlxTypedElement.getReferredEClassifier();
if (eClassifier != null) {
s.append(eClassifier.eIsProxy() ? EcoreUtil.getURI(eClassifier) : String.valueOf(eClassifier.getName()));
if (umlxTypedElement.isIsMany()) {
else {
s.append(umlxTypedElement.isIsRequired() ? "[1]" : "[?]");
protected void appendTypedElement(StringBuilder s, @NonNull UMLXTypedElement umlxTypedElement, @NonNull String nameTypeSeparator) {
appendType(s, umlxTypedElement);
protected @NonNull String defaultName(@NonNull EObject context, @NonNull Class<? extends UMLXNamedElement> newClass, @NonNull String prefix) {
Set<@NonNull String> allNames = new HashSet<>();
Resource eResource = context.eResource();
assert eResource != null;
for (EObject eObject : new TreeIterable(eResource)) {
if (newClass.isAssignableFrom(eObject.getClass())) {
for (int i = allNames.size(); true; i++) {
String newName = prefix + i;
if (!allNames.contains(newName)) {
return newName;
private int getEOppositeLower(@NonNull EReference eReference) {
EReference eOpposite = eReference.getEOpposite();
if (eOpposite != null) {
return eOpposite.getLowerBound();
EAnnotation oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PACKAGE_NS_URI_2_0);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_KEY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
String lowerValue = details.get(Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_LOWER_KEY);
IntegerValue one = ValueUtil.ONE_VALUE;
IntegerValue lower = lowerValue != null ? ValueUtil.integerValueOf(lowerValue) : one;
if (lower.isInvalid()) {
// logger.error("Invalid " + Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_LOWER_KEY + " " + lower);
lower = one;
return lower.intValue();
else {
oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_ANNOTATION_SOURCE);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_COMMENT_BODY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
String lowerValue = details.get("lower");
IntegerValue lower = lowerValue != null ? ValueUtil.integerValueOf(lowerValue) : PivotConstantsInternal.ANNOTATED_IMPLICIT_OPPOSITE_LOWER_VALUE;
if (lower.isInvalid()) {
// logger.error("Invalid " + Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_LOWER_KEY + " " + lower);
return lower.intValue();
return 0;
private String getEOppositeName(@NonNull EReference eReference) {
EReference eOpposite = eReference.getEOpposite();
if (eOpposite != null) {
return eOpposite.getName();
EAnnotation oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PACKAGE_NS_URI_2_0);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_KEY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
return oppositeName;
else {
oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_ANNOTATION_SOURCE);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_COMMENT_BODY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
return oppositeName;
return "«inferred»";
private int getEOppositeUpper(@NonNull EReference eReference) {
EReference eOpposite = eReference.getEOpposite();
if (eOpposite != null) {
return eOpposite.getUpperBound();
EAnnotation oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PACKAGE_NS_URI_2_0);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_KEY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
String upperValue = details.get(Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_UPPER_KEY);
UnlimitedNaturalValue unlimitedOne = ValueUtil.UNLIMITED_ONE_VALUE;
UnlimitedNaturalValue upper = upperValue != null ? ValueUtil.unlimitedNaturalValueOf(upperValue) : unlimitedOne;
if (upper.isInvalid()) {
// logger.error("Invalid " + Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_UPPER_KEY + " " + upper);
upper = unlimitedOne;
return upper.intValue();
else {
oppositeRole = eReference.getEAnnotation(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_NAME_ANNOTATION_SOURCE);
if (oppositeRole != null) {
EMap<String, String> details = oppositeRole.getDetails();
String oppositeName = details.get(EMOFExtendedMetaData.EMOF_COMMENT_BODY);
if (oppositeName != null) {
String upperValue = details.get("upper");
UnlimitedNaturalValue upper = upperValue != null ? ValueUtil.unlimitedNaturalValueOf(upperValue) : PivotConstantsInternal.ANNOTATED_IMPLICIT_OPPOSITE_UPPER_VALUE;
if (upper.isInvalid()) {
// logger.error("Invalid " + Ecore2ASReferenceSwitch.PROPERTY_OPPOSITE_ROLE_UPPER_KEY + " " + upper);
return upper.intValue();
return 0;
public int umlxBorderSize(EObject context) {
return 4;
* Return a default name for context.
public @NonNull String umlxDefaultName(EObject context) {
if ((context instanceof RelPatternNode) && !((RelPatternNode)context).isExpression()) {
return defaultName(context, RelPatternNode.class, "NewClass");
else if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
return defaultName(context, RelDiagram.class, "NewRelation");
else if (context instanceof TxTypedModelNode) {
return defaultName(context, TxTypedModelNode.class, "NewTypedModel");
return "«umlxDefaultName»";
public EObject umlxEdgeContext(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelInvocationNode) {
return context;
else if (context instanceof RelPatternNode) {
return ((RelPatternNode)context).getOwningRelDomainNode();
return context;
* Return the label at the target end of an InvocationEdge.
public @NonNull String umlxInvocationEdgeEndLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelInvocationEdge) {
RelPatternNode relPatternNode = ((RelInvocationEdge)context).getReferredRelPatternNode();
if (relPatternNode != null) {
return String.valueOf(relPatternNode.getName());
return "";
* Return true if this part of a UMLX:then (QVTr:where) clause
public boolean umlxInvocationIsThen(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelInvocationNode) {
return ((RelInvocationNode)context).isIsThen();
if (context instanceof RelInvocationEdge) {
RelInvocationNode owningSource = ((RelInvocationEdge)context).getOwningRelInvocationNode();
return (owningSource != null) && owningSource.isIsThen();
return false;
* Return the label at the source end of a PatternEdge.
public @NonNull String umlxPatternEdgeBeginLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EReference) {
EReference eReference = (EReference)eStructuralFeature;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append(" ");
appendMultiplicity(s, getEOppositeLower(eReference), getEOppositeUpper(eReference));
return s.toString();
return "";
* Return the label at the source end of a PatternEdge.
public @NonNull String umlxPatternEdgeCenterLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
int sourceIndex = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getSourceIndex();
if (sourceIndex > 0) {
return "«" + sourceIndex + "»";
else if (sourceIndex < 0) {
return "«rest»";
return "";
* Return the label at the target end of a PatternEdge.
public @NonNull String umlxPatternEdgeEndLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature != null) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append(" ");
appendMultiplicity(s, eStructuralFeature.getLowerBound(), eStructuralFeature.getUpperBound());
return s.toString();
return "";
* Return true if the PatternEdge source is the target's container.
public boolean umlxPatternEdgeSourceIsContainer(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EReference) {
EReference eOpposite = ((EReference)eStructuralFeature).getEOpposite();
return (eOpposite != null) && eOpposite.isContainer();
return false;
* Return true if a PatternEdge target is the source's container.
public boolean umlxPatternEdgeTargetIsContainer(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EReference) {
return ((EReference)eStructuralFeature).isContainer();
return false;
* Return true if a PatternEdge target is a datatype.
public boolean umlxPatternEdgeTargetIsDataType(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((RelPatternEdge)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature instanceof EAttribute) {
return true;
return false;
* Return true if a PatternEdge target is a member of the source.
public boolean umlxPatternEdgeTargetIsMember(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
return ((RelPatternEdge)context).getSourceIndex() > 0;
return false;
* Return true if a PatternEdge target is the rest of the source.
public boolean umlxPatternEdgeTargetIsRest(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternEdge) {
return ((RelPatternEdge)context).getSourceIndex() < 0;
return false;
/* public @NonNull EObject umlxRelDiagramRootExpression(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
// return "new " + ((TxDiagram)context).getName() + " TxDiagram";
return context;
} */
/* public @NonNull Collection<EObject> umlxRelDiagramSelectExpression(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
RelDiagram relDiagram = (RelDiagram)context;
List<EObject> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
return Collections.emptyList();
} */
public @NonNull String umlxRelDiagramTitleExpression(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
return "UMLX Relation " + ((RelDiagram)context).getName();
return "new UMLX Relation Diagram";
public @NonNull Collection<EObject> umlxRelDiagramSemanticsCandidatesExpression(EObject context) {
List<EObject> candidates = new ArrayList<>();
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
RelDiagram relDiagram = (RelDiagram)context;
else {
return candidates;
* Return the label of a KeyNode.
public @NonNull String umlxRelLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
RelDiagram relDiagram = (RelDiagram)context;
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
if (relDiagram.isIsTop()) {
s.append("«top» ");
if (relDiagram.isIsAbstract()) {
s.append("«abstract» ");
return s.toString();
else if (context instanceof RelDomainNode) {
TxTypedModelNode txTypedModelNode = ((RelDomainNode)context).getReferredTxTypedModelNode();
if (txTypedModelNode != null) {
if (((RelDomainNode)context).isIsEnforced()) {
return "«enforce» " + String.valueOf(txTypedModelNode.getName());
else {
return String.valueOf(txTypedModelNode.getName());
else {
return "«primitive»";
else if (context instanceof RelInvocationNode) {
RelDiagram relDiagram = ((RelInvocationNode)context).getReferredRelDiagram();
if (relDiagram != null) {
return String.valueOf(relDiagram.getName());
else {
return "«null-referredDiagram»";
else if ((context instanceof RelPatternNode) && !((RelPatternNode)context).isExpression()) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
RelPatternNode relPatternClassNode = (RelPatternNode)context;
// appendTypedElement(s, relPatternClassNode, "\n");
List<String> initExpressionLines = relPatternClassNode.getInitExpressionLines();
if (initExpressionLines.size() > 0) {
s.append(" :=");
for (String line : initExpressionLines) {
return s.toString();
else if ((context instanceof RelPatternNode) && ((RelPatternNode)context).isExpression()) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
boolean firstLine = true;
for (String line : ((RelPatternNode)context).getInitExpressionLines()) {
if (!firstLine) {
firstLine = false;
return s.toString();
return "«umlxRelLabel - " + context.getClass().getName() + " - " + context.eClass().getName() + "»";
* Return true if this is an expression pattern node
public boolean umlxRelPatternNodeIsExpression(EObject context) {
return (context instanceof RelPatternNode) && ((RelPatternNode)context).isExpression();
* Return true if this is not a required pattern node
public boolean umlxRelPatternNodeIsOptional(EObject context) {
if ((context instanceof RelPatternNode) && !((RelPatternNode)context).isExpression()) {
return !((RelPatternNode)context).isIsRequired();
return false;
* Return true if this is a root of a pattern
public boolean umlxRelPatternNodeIsRoot(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelPatternNode) {
return ((RelPatternNode)context).isIsRoot();
return false;
public EObject umlxSelfExpression(EObject context) {
return context;
public int umlxSize(EObject context) {
return 9;
public int umlxWidth(EObject context) {
return 7;
public @NonNull String umlxTooltipExpression(EObject context) {
return "Tooltip for " + context.eClass().getName();
/* public @NonNull EObject umlxTxDiagramRootExpression(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof TxDiagram) {
// return "new " + ((TxDiagram)context).getName() + " TxDiagram";
return context;
} */
public @NonNull String umlxTxDiagramTitleExpression(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof TxDiagram) {
return "UMLX Transformation " + ((TxDiagram)context).getName();
return "new UMLX Transformation Diagram";
* Return the label of a KeyNode.
public @NonNull String umlxTxLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof RelDiagram) {
RelDiagram relDiagram = (RelDiagram)context;
if (((RelDiagram)context).isIsTop()) {
return "«top»\n" + String.valueOf(relDiagram.getName());
else {
return String.valueOf(relDiagram.getName());
else if (context instanceof TxKeyNode) {
EClassifier eClassifier = ((TxKeyNode)context).getReferredEClass();
if (eClassifier != null) {
return String.valueOf(eClassifier.getName());
else {
return "«null-referredClass»";
else if (context instanceof TxPackageNode) {
EPackage ePackage = ((TxPackageNode)context).getReferredEPackage();
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
s.append(" : ");
URI uri = EcoreUtil.getURI(ePackage);
uri = URIUtil.deresolve(uri, context.eResource().getURI());
return s.toString();
else if (context instanceof TxPartNode) {
EStructuralFeature eStructuralFeature = ((TxPartNode)context).getReferredEStructuralFeature();
if (eStructuralFeature != null) {
return String.valueOf(eStructuralFeature.getName());
else {
return "«null-referredProperty»";
else if (context instanceof TxTypedModelNode) {
return String.valueOf(((TxTypedModelNode)context).getName());
else if (context instanceof UMLXTypedElement) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
appendTypedElement(s, (UMLXTypedElement)context, " : ");
return s.toString();
return "«umlxTxLabel - " + context.getClass().getName() + " - " + context.eClass().getName() + "»";
public @NonNull Collection<@NonNull EObject> umlxTxTransformationNodeCandidates(EObject context) {
List<@NonNull EObject> candidates = new ArrayList<@NonNull EObject>();
if (context instanceof TxDiagram) {
return candidates;
* Return the label of a KeyNode.
public @NonNull String umlxTypeLabel(EObject context) {
if (context instanceof UMLXTypedElement) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
appendType(s, (UMLXTypedElement) context);
return s.toString();
return "«umlxTypeLabel - " + context.getClass().getName() + " - " + context.eClass().getName() + "»";