blob: 72e0242b795a7b430292948283c924214510c9ea [file] [log] [blame]
# <copyright>
# Copyright (c) 2008 Open Canarias and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
# A. Sánchez-Barbudo - initial API and implementation
# </copyright>
# $Id:,v 1.2 2008/12/05 10:20:49 radvorak Exp $
pluginName = QVT Operational QVTOperational Edit Support
providerName = Open Canarias S.L.
_UI_CreateChild_text = {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text2 = {1} {0}
_UI_CreateChild_text3 = {1}
_UI_CreateChild_tooltip = Create New {0} Under {1} Feature
_UI_CreateChild_description = Create a new child of type {0} for the {1} feature of the selected {2}.
_UI_CreateSibling_description = Create a new sibling of type {0} for the selected {2}, under the {1} feature of their parent.
_UI_PropertyDescriptor_description = The {0} of the {1}
_UI_Constructor_type = Constructor
_UI_ConstructorBody_type = Constructor Body
_UI_ContextualProperty_type = Contextual Property
_UI_EntryOperation_type = Entry Operation
_UI_Helper_type = Helper
_UI_ImperativeCallExp_type = Imperative Call Exp
_UI_ImperativeOperation_type = Imperative Operation
_UI_Library_type = Library
_UI_MappingBody_type = Mapping Body
_UI_MappingCallExp_type = Mapping Call Exp
_UI_MappingOperation_type = Mapping Operation
_UI_MappingParameter_type = Mapping Parameter
_UI_ModelParameter_type = Model Parameter
_UI_ModelType_type = Model Type
_UI_Module_type = Module
_UI_ModuleImport_type = Module Import
_UI_ObjectExp_type = Object Exp
_UI_OperationBody_type = Operation Body
_UI_OperationalTransformation_type = Operational Transformation
_UI_ResolveExp_type = Resolve Exp
_UI_ResolveInExp_type = Resolve In Exp
_UI_VarParameter_type = Var Parameter
_UI_Unknown_type = Object
_UI_Unknown_datatype= Value
_UI_ContextualProperty_context_feature = Context
_UI_ContextualProperty_initExpression_feature = Init Expression
_UI_ContextualProperty_overridden_feature = Overridden
_UI_Helper_isQuery_feature = Is Query
_UI_ImperativeCallExp_isVirtual_feature = Is Virtual
_UI_ImperativeOperation_body_feature = Body
_UI_ImperativeOperation_context_feature = Context
_UI_ImperativeOperation_isBlackbox_feature = Is Blackbox
_UI_ImperativeOperation_overridden_feature = Overridden
_UI_ImperativeOperation_result_feature = Result
_UI_MappingBody_endSection_feature = End Section
_UI_MappingBody_initSection_feature = Init Section
_UI_MappingCallExp_isStrict_feature = Is Strict
_UI_MappingOperation_disjunct_feature = Disjunct
_UI_MappingOperation_inherited_feature = Inherited
_UI_MappingOperation_merged_feature = Merged
_UI_MappingOperation_refinedRelation_feature = Refined Relation
_UI_MappingOperation_when_feature = When
_UI_MappingOperation_where_feature = Where
_UI_MappingParameter_extent_feature = Extent
_UI_MappingParameter_referredDomain_feature = Referred Domain
_UI_ModelType_additionalCondition_feature = Additional Condition
_UI_ModelType_conformanceKind_feature = Conformance Kind
_UI_ModelType_metamodel_feature = Metamodel
_UI_Module_configProperty_feature = Config Property
_UI_Module_entry_feature = Entry
_UI_Module_isBlackbox_feature = Is Blackbox
_UI_Module_moduleImport_feature = Module Import
_UI_Module_ownedTag_feature = Owned Tag
_UI_Module_ownedVariable_feature = Owned Variable
_UI_Module_usedModelType_feature = Used Model Type
_UI_ModuleImport_binding_feature = Binding
_UI_ModuleImport_importedModule_feature = Imported Module
_UI_ModuleImport_kind_feature = Kind
_UI_ObjectExp_referredObject_feature = Referred Object
_UI_ObjectExp_body_feature = Body
_UI_OperationBody_content_feature = Content
_UI_OperationBody_variable_feature = Variable
_UI_OperationalTransformation_intermediateClass_feature = Intermediate Class
_UI_OperationalTransformation_intermediateProperty_feature = Intermediate Property
_UI_OperationalTransformation_modelParameter_feature = Model Parameter
_UI_OperationalTransformation_refined_feature = Refined
_UI_OperationalTransformation_relation_feature = Relation
_UI_ResolveExp_condition_feature = Condition
_UI_ResolveExp_isDeferred_feature = Is Deferred
_UI_ResolveExp_isInverse_feature = Is Inverse
_UI_ResolveExp_one_feature = One
_UI_ResolveExp_target_feature = Target
_UI_ResolveInExp_inMapping_feature = In Mapping
_UI_VarParameter_kind_feature = Kind
_UI_Unknown_feature = Unspecified
_UI_DirectionKind_in_literal = in
_UI_DirectionKind_inout_literal = inout
_UI_DirectionKind_out_literal = out
_UI_ImportKind_extension_literal = extension
_UI_ImportKind_access_literal = access
_UI_ModuleImport_module_feature = Module
_UI_OperationBody_operation_feature = Operation
_UI_VarParameter_ctxOwner_feature = Ctx Owner
_UI_VarParameter_resOwner_feature = Res Owner