| ## promoteToEclipse.*.properties |
| ## specific version of promoteToEclipse.sh properties |
| ## |
| ## NOTE: |
| ## You must rename this file to promoteToEclipse.$subprojectName.properties for it to be |
| ## found when using the -sub flag; otherwise you'll have to use the -f flag to specify |
| ## a CUSTOM-named properties file |
| |
| # product being built (folder name prefix) |
| projectName=m2m |
| subprojectName=qvtoml |
| projectNameVanity=`echo $projectName $subprojectName | tr "a-z" "A-Z"`; # or something else manually assigned |
| |
| # used to determine the actual name of the SDK zip (when builds are aliased) |
| SDKfilenamepattern="$projectName-$subprojectName-SDK-*.zip" |
| |
| # the following two arrays must be the same size (or else the second one will default to blank) |
| javadocModuleArray=( "$projectName-$subprojectName" ); # array, project-subproject, for the name of the zip scp'd to remote, eg. foo-bar-doc.zip |
| # if "", create in $projectName/javadoc; if "/path", create in $projectName/$subprojectName/javadoc |
| javadocFolderArray=( "/$subprojectName" ); # array of path fragments |
| # list of targets to use when executing fixJavadocs.sh |
| javadocTargetArray=( "-sub $subprojectName" ); |
| |
| # publisher of newsgroup announcements |
| newsgroupPublisherEmail="Radek Dvorak <dvorak.radek@gmail.com>" |
| newsgroup=eclipse.modeling.$projectName.$subprojectName |
| # to thread posts under an existing post (or posts) enter the slash-escaped Message-ID for which this is a reply, |
| # eg: <du7hic\$qos\$1@utils.eclipse.org> |
| newsgroupThreadReferences="" |
| |
| # default eclipse.org, build server, mapfile server usernames |
| user=$USER |
| # if no value set here or by -userIES flag, default to -user flag or value in properties file |
| userIES= |
| |
| # group permissions on eclipse.org so that anyone can change files |
| eclipseUserGroup="$projectName"admin |
| eclipsePermsDir=2775 |
| eclipsePermsFile=664 |
| |
| # group permissions on build box so that anyone can change files |
| buildUserGroup="www" |
| buildPermsDir=2775 |
| buildPermsFile=664 |
| |
| # IES map file branch (required) |
| branchIES= |
| |
| # IES map file template: use "buildIDactual" and "webPath" as placeholders |
| IESmapfileArray=( |
| "$projectName-$subprojectName-runtime-buildIDactual.zip=webPath | | | runtime | $subprojectName" |
| "$projectName-$subprojectName-SDK-buildIDactual.zip=webPath | | | sdk | $subprojectName" ); # array of lines |
| |
| |
| # default setting for whether to do or skip the drop upload section: 0 = do, 1 = skip |
| dodrop=1 |
| |
| # default setting for whether to do or skip the javadoc section: 0 = do, 1 = skip |
| dodocs=1 |
| |
| # default setting for whether to do or skip the Update Manager jars section: 0 = do, 1 = skip |
| UMjars=1 |
| |
| #default buildID |
| buildID= |
| |
| #default branch |
| branch=3.0.0 |
| cvsbranch=HEAD |
| |
| #do RSS feed file update? |
| RSS=1 |
| |
| # do search cvs update? |
| searchCVS=1 |
| # how long to block before giving up (in seconds, eg., 1200 for 20 mins wait) |
| searchCVSTimeout=1200 |
| |
| #do IES mapping file update? |
| IES=0 |
| |
| #close bugzillas in ASSIGNED state? |
| bugz=0 |
| # default setting for whether to do or skip checking for the existence of the new build in the release notes / database before attempting to close bugs: 1 = do, 0 = skip |
| checkReleaseExists=1 |
| |
| # debug output |
| debug=0 ; # values can be 0,1,2 |
| |
| #clean up /tmp folder? |
| noclean=0; |
| |
| # compare drops folder after scp upload? |
| noCompareDropsFolders=0 ; # default 0, do compare; set 1 to bypass or pass in querystring |
| |
| # compare UM folder after scp upload? |
| noCompareUMFolders= ; # default 0, do compare; set 1 to bypass or pass in querystring |
| |
| # announce new build in newsgroup? (default 0) |
| announce=0; |
| |
| |
| #server on which builds occur (need to ssh to this box as $user@$buildServerFullName) |
| buildServerFullName=`hostname` |
| |
| #server on which eclipse's production CVS is located (need to ssh to this box as $user@$eclipseServerFullName) |
| eclipseServerFullName=dev.eclipse.org |
| |
| #server on which eclipse's production files are located (downloads, javadoc, etc.): ssh as $user@$downloadServerFullName) |
| downloadServerFullName=download1.eclipse.org |
| |
| #paths on \$downloadServerFullName where files are published |
| projectWWWDir=/home/data/httpd/download.eclipse.org/modeling/$projectName |
| projectDropsDir=$projectWWWDir/$subprojectName/downloads/drops |
| |
| #paths to build base, scripts, and drops on build server |
| baseBuildDir=/home/www-data/build/modeling/$projectName |
| buildScriptsDir=/home/www-data/build/modeling/scripts |
| buildDropsDir=$baseBuildDir/$subprojectName/downloads/drops |
| |
| # path to website on build server |
| localWebDir=/var/www/html/modeling/$projectName |
| |
| # urls |
| releaseNotesURL=http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/$projectName/news/relnotes.php?project=$subprojectName |
| downloadsURL=http://www.eclipse.org/modeling/$projectName/downloads/?project=$subprojectName |
| |
| ### ANT OPTIONS ### |
| ANT=/opt/apache-ant-1.6/bin/ant |
| |
| ### DEFAULT BEHAVIOUR AND JVM OPTIONS :: buildUpdate.sh ### |
| |
| # specify the correct java home & vm used to run the build |
| javaHome=/opt/sun-java2-1.4 |
| vm=$javaHome/bin/java |
| |
| # zips to unpack for UM jar generation |
| filePrefixesToUnzipArray=( "$projectName-$subprojectName-Master-" ); |
| |
| # ant script and target to be executed |
| antScript=org.eclipse.releng.generators/buildProductUpdateJars.xml |
| target=run |
| |
| # default operations |
| builder=1 # get builder packages from cvs |
| promote=0 # don't promote by default |
| skipjars=0 # when promoting, upload all jars (don't skip) |
| cleanup=1 # delete temp stuff when done |
| |
| # compare UM folder after scp upload? |
| noCompareUMFolders=0 ; # default 0, do compare; set 1 to bypass or pass in querystring |
| |
| # do 4-part jars? |
| no4thPart=0; |
| |
| # where to get releng.generators.ProductUpdateBuilder, jars & ant scripts |
| relengGeneratorsCVSPath=releng-common/tools/updates/org.eclipse.releng.generators |
| |
| # use a default value for basebuilderBranch? 0 = no, 1 = yes |
| useDefaultBasebuilderBranch=0 |
| |
| # See http://wiki.eclipse.org/Modeling_Project_Releng/Releasing#Contributing_To_Ganymede_Update_Site |
| # pattern to use when searching for features to include in coordsite; defaults to ".*eclipse/features/org.eclipse..*(${subprojectName}|${subprojectName}.sdk)_.*\/$" |
| coordsiteFeaturePattern="" |
| # pattern to use when setting feature to include in coordsite's main feature ('Models and Model Development'); all other matching features will go in 'Enabling Features' |
| coordsiteMainFeaturePattern="" |