blob: a3f5197160a86a0e4a0acee59f046063ec8635ad [file] [log] [blame]
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Copyright (c) 2019 Mia-Software and others.
This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
Unknown - initial API and implementation
<Workbook xmlns = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' xmlns:ss = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet'>
<Worksheet ss:Name = 'Metric 1'>
<Column ss:Width = '200.0'/>
<Column ss:Width = '200.0'/>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'></Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Number of bugs per severity type</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Blocker</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>4.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Critical</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>8.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Major</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>34.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Normal</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>265.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Minor</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>23.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Trivial</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>7.0</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Enhancement</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>112.0</Data>
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<Column ss:Width = '200.0'/>
<Column ss:Width = '200.0'/>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'></Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Percentage of bugs per severity type</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Blocker</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>0.8830022075055187</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Critical</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>1.7660044150110374</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Major</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>7.50551876379691</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Normal</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>58.498896247240616</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Minor</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>5.077262693156733</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Trivial</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>1.5452538631346577</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'String'>Enhancement</Data>
<Data ss:Type = 'Number'>24.724061810154524</Data>