blob: ef69c9c6b44bc004689209d142325aa03fdd04fb [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes" ?>
Copyright (c) 2019 Mia-Software and others.
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Unknown - initial API and implementation
<!DOCTYPE bugzilla SYSTEM "">
<bugzilla version="2.22.1"
<creation_ts>2005-09-05 08:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>UMLX documentation page: dead link</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-09-05 11:57:52</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-05 08:31:18</bug_when>
<thetext>UMLX Documentation Page
E.D.Willink, The UMLX Language Definition is a dead link
/viewcvs/indextech.cgi/gmt-home/subprojects/UMLX/doc/Umlx.pdf: unknown location</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-05 11:57:52</bug_when>
Yes. There is no need for a place-holding link for now, so link now commented
Bugzilla left opening pending production of the missing document.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-04-01 08:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>java.lang.NumberFormatException on making &apos;mapsTo&apos; syntax error in ATL</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-02 10:24:00</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-04-01 08:02:59</bug_when>
<thetext>I had a syntax error in my ATL transformation, which wasn&apos;t properly reported by
the ADT editor. Instead, it generated a silent error in the background:
java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: &quot;&apos;60&quot;
at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.MarkerMaker.eObjectToPbmMarker(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.MarkerMaker.createPbmMarkers(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.MarkerMaker.resetPbmMarkers(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.AtlBuildVisitor.visit(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource$2.visit(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource$1.visitElement(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.AtlBuilder.fullBuild(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.builder.AtlBuilder$
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86, WS=gtk, NL=nl_NL
The rule that triggered this exception was:
rule Operation {
from s : INMODEL!Operation
to t : OUTMODEL!Operation mapsTo t (
name &lt;-,
owner &lt;- s.owner,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
ownerScope &lt;- s.ownerScope,
isAbstract &lt;- s.isAbstract,
concurrency &lt;- s.concurrency)
The &quot;mapsTo t&quot; should have been &quot;mapsTo s&quot;.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-04-08 06:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL &quot;mapsTo&quot; directive seems to be ignored</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-02 10:25:48</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-04-08 06:11:50</bug_when>
<thetext>One can use the &quot;mapsTo&quot; directive in ATL to indicate which target element
corresponds to which source element. This is necessary if another element needs
to link to the element that represents the source element in the target model.
rule TaggedValue {
from s : INMODEL!TaggedValue
to t : OUTMODEL!TaggedValue mapsTo s (
name &lt;-,
modelElement &lt;- s.modelElement,
isSpecification &lt;- s.isSpecification,
dataValue &lt;- s.dataValue,
type &lt;- s.type,
referenceValue &lt;- s.referenceValue)
The above rule copies TaggedValues from the source model to the target model.
The &quot;modelElement&quot; attribute points to the element that owns the tagged value.
This should point to the element in the target model that maps to the particular
&quot;modelElement&quot; in the source model. The following rule copies AssociationEnds,
that may have tagged values:
rule AssociationEnd {
from s : INMODEL!AssociationEnd (
s.visibility &lt;&gt; #vk_public)
to t : OUTMODEL!AssociationEnd mapsTo s (
name &lt;-,
association &lt;- s.association,
stereotype &lt;- s.stereotype,
participant &lt;- s.participant,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
targetScope &lt;- s.targetScope,
changeability &lt;- s.changeability,
ordering &lt;- s.ordering,
aggregation &lt;- s.aggregation,
isNavigable &lt;- s.isNavigable,
multiplicity &lt;- s.multiplicity)
If this rule is then combined with the following rule, which creates a setter
operation for single, navigable association ends:
rule PublicSingleAssociationEndSetter {
from s : INMODEL!AssociationEnd (
s.isNavigable and
s.multiplicity.range-&gt;select(r|r.upper&lt;&gt;1)-&gt;isEmpty() and
s.visibility = #vk_public)
to set : OUTMODEL!Operation (
name &lt;- &apos;set&apos; +,
owner &lt;- s.association.connection-&gt;select(x|x&lt;&gt;s)-&gt;first().participant,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
ownerScope &lt;- s.targetScope,
isAbstract &lt;- false,
concurrency &lt;- #cck_sequential),
setp : OUTMODEL!Parameter (
name &lt;-,
behavioralFeature &lt;- set,
type &lt;- s.participant,
kind &lt;- #pdk_in),
setbody : OUTMODEL!ProcedureExpression (
language &lt;- &apos;java&apos;,
body &lt;- &apos;this.&apos; + + &apos; = &apos; + + &apos;;&apos;),
setm : OUTMODEL!Method (
owner &lt;- s.association.connection-&gt;select(x|x&lt;&gt;s)-&gt;first().participant,
body &lt;- setbody,
specification &lt;- set)
..then the tagged value all of a sudden showed up under the newly created setter
operation. It turns out that whichever rule came last determines which element
&quot;maps to&quot; the source element. I worked around this problem by moving all
&quot;mapsTo&quot; rules behind the rules that introduce additional elements.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-04-21 04:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL fails to copy MOF StructureType types (ERROR: null)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-02 10:21:59</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-04-21 04:01:19</bug_when>
<thetext>The UML 1.4 Diagram Interchange meta-model uses MOF StructureType elements to
describe elements like &quot;Point&quot;, &quot;Dimension&quot;, etc. When running a transformation
that copies such elements in debug mode, I get (ERROR: null). On the command
line, the following is shown (everything above the &quot;ERROR&quot; line is &apos;normal&apos;):
Strange !!! This method is not good: public static
Parameter: 1
Parameter: 2
Trying to connect to remote debuggee
Initializing MDR...
[org.netbeans.mdr.Logger] Metamodel specific JMI class org.omg.uml.UmlPackage
not found. Using bytecode generation to create it.
********************************* ERROR *********************************
at org.mda.asm.NetworkDebugger.error(
at org.mda.asm.StackFrame.printStackTrace(
at org.mda.asm.StackFrame.printStackTrace(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.exec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.realExec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.realExec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.exec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.realExec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMOperation.exec(
at org.mda.asm.ASMInterpreter.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlLauncher.launch(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlLauncher.debug(
I&apos;ve used the DIModelCopy.atl transformation on the BreakoutModel.xmi model with
the M2_DiagramInterchangeModel.xmi meta-model for my test. All can be found here:
-- or --
svn co -r 886</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-06-02 04:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL helpers not found if using more than one library</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-02 10:26:02</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-06-02 04:31:30</bug_when>
<thetext>When using the builtin &quot;strings&quot; library together with a home-built &quot;Java.atl&quot;
library, helper functions from the &quot;strings&quot; library are *sometimes* not found.
Note that the user-defined library refers to the &quot;strings&quot; library, as does the
&quot;Accessors.atl&quot; model transformation itself:
Java.asm --uses--&gt; strings.asm
Accessors.asm --uses--&gt; strings.asm
Accessors.asm --uses--&gt; Java.asm
The &quot;strings&quot; helper functions are *only* not found for the &quot;Accessors&quot; model
transformation; the &quot;Java&quot; library always works.
When I restart eclipse, then rebuild all my .atl files, the transformation works
I&apos;ve tried changing the order of the &quot;uses&quot; statements, but that makes no
difference. I&apos;ve even tried &quot;forwarding&quot; the helper functions from my user
library (i.e. define a &quot;stringStartsWith&quot; in &quot;Java.atl&quot; that invokes the
&quot;startsWith&quot; from &quot;strings&quot;), but this also makes no difference.
The ATL files I&apos;ve used can be found here:
The models I&apos;ve tested with and their launch configurations can be found here:</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-06-15 10:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL uses M3 elements instead of M2 elements with same name, when setting meta-model to #MOF</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-15 10:31:11</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-06-15 10:31:12</bug_when>
<thetext>Version: CVS 14/06/2005
Since the 01/06/2005 version of ATL it is possible to set the meta-model
directly to #MOF or #EMF. The ModelCopyGenerator.atl transformation uses the UML
1.4 meta-model as model input and the MOF 1.4 meta-model as the meta-model.
Previously, I pointed ATL to a file containging the explicit MOF 1.4 meta-model.
When running the transformation with #MOF as meta-model, any matches against a
UML meta-class for which a MOF meta-class with the same name exists, will
instead match against the MOF meta-class.
Example: the following helper should generate a rule for each UML 1.4 meta-class:
helper context INMODEL!Class def : toString() : String =
if not self.isAbstract and self.inclusionCondition() then
&apos;rule &apos; + + &apos; {\n&apos; +
&apos; from s : INMODEL!&apos; + + self.inputConstraint() + &apos;\n&apos; +
&apos; to t : OUTMODEL!&apos; + + &apos; mapsTo s (&apos; +
self.contentsToString() + &apos;)\n&apos; +
The context of the helper is a MOF Class. This should match the UML Package at
some point, which is a MOF Class. Instead it matches the MOF Package element.
For all UML elements that do not have a MOF counterpart, things work fine.
Work-around: set the meta-model to an explicit MOF meta-model in a file, not to
<creation_ts>2005-09-26 15:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Wrong metamodel names cause NPE at runtime</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-01 03:22:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-26 15:49:31</bug_when>
<thetext>I used the wrong metamodel name in type expressions, for example
&quot;X3GL!Method&quot; instead of &quot;Spring!Method&quot;. This could have been checked
at (*.atl to *.asm) compile time instead of runtime where it caused a
NPE. I would expect that the ATL builder already says &quot;X3GL:
undeclared identifier&quot; and generates a marker in Eclipse.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-01 03:22:44</bug_when>
<thetext>It seems as if this bug does not only apply to metamodel names but to any
undeclared identifier in the ATL script. It seems as if ATL compiles but does
not execute semantic checks until runtime.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-09-26 15:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Mismatch in metamodel names causes NPE, too!</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-09-26 15:53:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-26 15:53:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I used the wrong case when writing metamodel names, for example
SPRING!Service instead of Spring!Service. The ATL VM could have
checked this before it crashed with a NPE. The ATL compiler could
not check this because the create-statement at the beginning of the
ATL source file was correct but did not match the run
<creation_ts>2005-10-03 12:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Need reusable transformation rules</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-08 05:17:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-10-03 12:51:00</bug_when>
<thetext>I need transformation rules placed in a library, just like helpers can be placed
in a library. That way, I would be able to use the same rules in several
transformation scripts.
I need it because I write several transformations from UML to different Java
frameworks; all these transformations would use some common rules, e.g.
<creation_ts>2005-10-03 12:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Need aliases for metamodels</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-10-03 13:06:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-10-03 12:59:26</bug_when>
<thetext>This is a proposal for a small change in the ATL transformation language:
I write several transformations from UML to different Java frameworks, e.g.
Spring or Hibernate. All these transformations would use some common rules, e.g.
The output metamodel names will be different (e.g. &quot;Spring&quot; or &quot;Hibernate&quot;). All
these metamodels will have clustering imports to the 3GL metamodel. I need to be
able to write
rule UMLOpTo3GLMethod {
from e : UML!Operation
to out : 3GL!Method
I want to be able to place that rule into a reusable library (see my other
bugzilla entry for this).
The name &quot;3GL&quot; is not known in all the different transformation scripts. ATL
does not know that it stands for the same metamodel that it already processes.
So, I think, an easy way for you to implement this would be aliases for
metamodel names, like this:
create OUT: Spring alias 3GL from IN: UML;
After the word &quot;alias&quot;, a comma-separated list of alias names could follow until
the word &quot;from&quot; appears.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-11-01 03:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add MOF operations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-03 16:33:36</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-01 03:41:51</bug_when>
<thetext>If a class inside a metamodel has an operation, please add the possibility to
call this method from inside an ATL script.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-01 03:43:09</bug_when>
<thetext>If possible, please do it independently of the repository type (i.e. MDR or EMF).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-11-16 10:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL User Doc is missing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-16 10:35:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-16 10:35:20</bug_when>
<thetext>ADT Version 20051102
The file is not included in the org.atl.eclipse.adt.doc.user plugin.
In the source repository the file has been placed in the archive folder,
while the build tries to find it in the plugin root.
It should be in the plug-in root as the help system looks for it there as well.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-01-09 15:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Spurious parse failures after editing meta-model</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-01-09 16:06:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-09 15:48:35</bug_when>
<thetext>I find that meta-models suddenly develop parse failures which I am unable to cure by rational means. The following is a strange, but I think consistent repro:
Using the EMF2KM3 example, run up Eclipse on the CVS of this morning, run up a nested Eclipse session, and run the EMF2KM3 transformation on Sample.ecore.
Then append (before the &quot;&gt;&quot;)
nsURI=&quot;; nsPrefix=&quot;ecore&quot;
to the second line (ecore:EPackage) of Sample.ecore.
Save the edit.
Rerun the transformation - no problem.
Rerun the transformation - parse error in invoking console.
Sometimes undoing the edit reverts to no error.
If that fails to repro, try a few more simple edits such as new line
formatting to the ecore:EPackage line.
? Is a ResourceSet getting cached and so failing to refresh consistently
for changed edits. ?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-09 16:06:46</bug_when>
<thetext>It&apos;s the nsURI that does it:
nsURI=&quot;; nsPrefix=&quot;xyzzy&quot;
causes no trouble but the correct URI:
nsURI=&quot;; nsPrefix=&quot;xyzzy&quot;
gives a parse error, which doesn&apos;t go away when changed back to
nsURI=&quot;; nsPrefix=&quot;xyzzy&quot;
Parse error is:
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.ClassNotFoundException: Class &apos;EPackage&apos; not found. (platform:/resource/Translator/QVT/qvtbase.ecore, 5, 34)
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.validateCreateObjectFromFactory(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createObjectByType(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createTopObject(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.processElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIHandler.processElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.startElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.SAXWrapper.startElement(
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.load(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLResourceImpl.doLoad(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getTargetModels(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.adaptMetamodel(
at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getTargetModels(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getTargetModels(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-01-17 04:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>module attributes are not available in variable view during debug process</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-01-17 04:29:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-17 04:29:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Module attributes are not available in variable view during debug process.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-01-26 08:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Sort metamodels in the Atlantic zoo by name not by URI</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-01-26 08:57:55</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-26 08:57:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodels in Atlantic zoo ( are sorted by URI. Sorted these elements by name will be more elegant.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-25 01:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>AM3 does work in start</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-25 01:07:47</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-25 01:07:47</bug_when>
<thetext>AM3CorePlugin implements start() and can do significant work there, including reading of broken user files with consequent premature error regeneration. This is bad Eclipse practise since plugins should not delay startup.
The most that AM3 should do is create delegates for required resources, which can then be read if they are actually required.
AM3 must not cause significant delay to users who have AM3 installed but who are not actively using AM3.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-25 05:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>AM3 Ant tasks do not dispose ASMEMFModels after running</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 07:53:05</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 05:06:24</bug_when>
<thetext>All ASMEMFModels loaded via am3.loadModel are left in memory after running. This can be noticed by checking the registered meta-model URIs (these are removed when an ASMEMFModel is removed from memory). This behaviour is not consistent with normal ATL runs, after which an ASMEMFModel is always unregistered and disposed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 10:36:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50823)
The AM3BuildListener class listens to Ant builds and cleans up the models after Ant finishes.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 10:38:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50824)
Updated version of the LoadModelTask class that registers an AM3BuildListener for each model that is loaded.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 07:26:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55483)
Patch to integrate AM3BuildListener
This patch is done against the latest source zip from CVS. Please note that merging local changes is very difficult if the source is committed as a zipfile. Can you please consider committing the ant task source directly?
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 07:53:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55485)
Patch to integrate AM3BuildListener
Added addConfiguredSuperimpose() method and refactored addition of superimposed asm files.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-25 10:36</date>
<date>2006-09-25 10:38</date>
<date>2006-12-12 07:26</date>
<desc>Patch to integrate AM3BuildListener</desc>
<date>2006-12-12 07:53</date>
<desc>Patch to integrate AM3BuildListener</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-01-16 12:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>.ecore metamodels do not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-16 12:57:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>MacOS X</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-16 12:57:39</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;ve tried several metamodels available from page and I was no able to load a single one of them. Usually there are 2 packages in the .ecore file one containing the metamodel of the &quot;Language&quot; (e.g. C, Java, C#) and the PrimitiveTypes. When I load the metamodel while creating new EMF project I always get an error from the &quot;Language&quot; package and only PrimitiveTypes are able to be loaded.
The problem occurs in the &quot;New EMF Project --&gt; Package Selection&quot; window and does not let to continue creating the project if the package &quot;Language&quot; is selected. When I try to select the &quot;Language&quot; package individually I get the error &quot;An error has occurred. See error log for more details&quot;. The error log generated is the following:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 2007-01-16 18:45:18.361
!MESSAGE Unhandled event loop exception
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 2007-01-16 18:45:18.362
!MESSAGE java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.eclipse.emf.converter.util.ConverterUtil.computeRequiredPackages(
at org.eclipse.emf.converter.ui.contribution.base.ModelConverterPackagePage.validate(
at org.eclipse.emf.importer.ui.contribution.base.ModelImporterPackagePage.validate(
at org.eclipse.emf.converter.ui.contribution.base.ModelConverterPackagePage.ePackageCheckStateChanged(
at org.eclipse.emf.converter.ui.contribution.base.ModelConverterPackagePage$2.widgetSelected(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.Action.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$2(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$5.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
I&apos;m using Eclipse 3.2.1 with EMF plugin 2.2.0</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-30 08:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[ant tasks] absent metamodel in outModel triggers a NPE</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-30 08:58:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-30 08:58:14</bug_when>
<thetext>A Null Pointer Exception occurs when the metamodel of an &quot;outModel&quot; is not specified in a &quot;am3.atl&quot; task, while the user expects an error.
&lt;am3.atl path=&quot;/MMatrixes-0.1/THM2MMatrixes/THM2MMatrixes.asm&quot;&gt;
&lt;inModel name=&quot;IN&quot; model=&quot;thm&quot;/&gt;
&lt;inModel name=&quot;THM&quot; model=&quot;THM&quot;/&gt;
&lt;inModel name=&quot;MMatrixes&quot; model=&quot;MMatrixes&quot;/&gt;
&lt;outModel name=&quot;OUT&quot; model=&quot;mat&quot;/&gt;
C:\Users\frizonde\workspace\MMatrixes-0.1\models\sample\M2THM.xml:26: java.lang.NullPointerException</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-02 06:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>No error message on missing input files</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-02 06:41:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-02 06:41:28</bug_when>
<thetext>There does not seem to be any error reporting when the ATL tool is executed and the input file does not exist. Instead, an essentially empty output file is produced quietly.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-22 10:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Finish version 0.7 of ATL User Manual</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-01 09:29:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-22 10:55:22</bug_when>
<thetext>&quot;Problems view&quot; part( should be completed and a screenshot added.
Transformation ATL2Problem should be committed and tested.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-01 09:29:08</bug_when>
<thetext>It lacks figure &quot;The Table Metamodel&quot; of Appendix D.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-23 09:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Resources should be taken out of resource set</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-25 05:10:36</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-23 09:56:59</bug_when>
<thetext>As you use ATL to do more and more transforms, it creates more and more
resources in a ResourceSet. However ATL never takes these resources out of
the resource set once it has finished with them, so the resource set just
builds up and up with resource objects that are not used anymore.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-11 10:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Model path names are saved in alphabetic order and if the referenced model name is saved after the referring model, the reference is wrong</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-11 10:19:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-11 10:00:52</bug_when>
<thetext>After enabling &quot;inter-model references&quot; the trace example is working.
However, I&apos;ve got another little problem. I&apos;m developing another
transformation, I only choose the trace example since I assumed this
one really should work. In my case, the metamodel isn&apos;t call &quot;Trace&quot;
and I didn&apos;t call the model variable in the transformation &quot;trace&quot;.
So, simply take the mentioned trace example and rename Trace to
ATrace. I&apos;m not sure whether this is complete nonsense (and I miss
something else) or if it&apos;s an ATL bug. So, what&apos;s happening?
That&apos;s the original transformation with &quot;trace: Trace&quot;:
module a2b; -- Module Template
create OUT : B1, trace: Trace from IN : A1;
rule X {
x: A1!X
y: B1!Y (
bar &lt;-
traceLink : Trace!TraceLink (
ruleName &lt;- &apos;X&apos;,
targetElements &lt;- Sequence{y}
do {
traceLink.refSetValue(&apos;sourceElements&apos;, Sequence{x});
It&apos;s working now, here&apos;s an excerpt from the generated trace model:
&lt;TraceLink ruleName=&quot;X&quot;&gt;
&lt;sourceElements href=&quot;platform:/resource/atl1/a1model.ecore#/1&quot;/&gt;
&lt;targetElements href=&quot;/atl1/b1model.ecore#/1&quot;/&gt;
Now, simply rename &quot;trace: Trace&quot; to &quot;atrace: ATrace&quot; (BTW: The
&quot;refactor&quot; menu in the outline isn&apos;t working, is it?).
Of course, the launch configuration has to be changed, too. This is
the beginning of the refactored transformation:
module a2b; -- Module Template
create OUT : B1, atrace: ATrace from IN : A1;
a2b.atl, renamed trace to atrace
This is the result of the very same transformation, with the very
same metamodels and models, but with a renamed model and metamodel:
&lt;TraceLink ruleName=&quot;X&quot;&gt;
&lt;sourceElements href=&quot;platform:/resource/atl1/a1model.ecore#/0&quot;/&gt;
&lt;targetElements href=&quot;OUT#/1&quot;/&gt;
The problem here is that the reference is wrong. Instead of
referencing &quot;atl1/b1model.ecore&quot;, some strange &quot;OUT#/1&quot; is references
which doesn&apos;t exist. I think that this is a bug in ATL. It seems as
if the model path names are loaded in alphabetic order (ATrace &lt; OUT
&lt; Trace), and if the referenced model name is loaded after the
referring model, the path can&apos;t be resolved.
Bug reported by Jens Von Pilgrim.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-14 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL should register a file association mapping for *.asm to avoid confusion with CDT</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-14 05:32:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-14 05:27:43</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL&apos;s virtual machine runs on *.asm files;
unfortunately, ATL doesn&apos;t register a file association for *.asm.
If the C/C++ dev. tools are installed (i.e.,
then CDT associates *.asm for assembler language files.
With Eclipse 3.2M6 and CDT 3.0.2 and ATL (from CVS head as of April 14),
I ran into an enless trap with an error dialog:
Error notifying a preference change listener. Check the log for details.
This dialog comes back a gazillion times.
There is undoubtedly a bug in CDT.
However, there is also a subtle bug in ATL too!
ATL in fact makes a specific use of *.asm files for its virtual machine.
To avoid confusing other tools that might use *.asm for other things,
ATL should register a suitable file association mapping
in the preference settings so that Eclipse can recognize an overloaded
file association and ask the user to resolve the overloading ambiguity
w.r.t. which association behavior to invoke (e.g., ATL, CDT, ....)
For the CDT folks, here&apos;s a stack trace in the log.
I had to kill eclipse.
java.vendor=Apple Computer, Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=macosx, ARCH=ppc, WS=carbon, NL=en_US
Framework arguments: -feature org.eclipse.sdk.ide
Command-line arguments: -os macosx -ws carbon -arch ppc -consoleLog -data /Users/rouquett/Projects/Eclipse/areas.Powerphone.local/rse1.workspace -feature org.eclipse.sdk.ide -debug /Users/rouquett/Projects/Eclipse/areas.Powerphone.local/rse1.options
This is a continuation of log file /Users/rouquett/Projects/Eclipse/areas.Powerphone.local/rse1.workspace/.metadata/.bak_0.log
Created Time: 2006-04-14 01:55:11.503
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui.workbench 4 2 2006-04-14 01:55:11.511
!MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: &quot;org.eclipse.ui.workbench&quot;.
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmTextTools.adaptToPreferenceChange(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmTextTools$PreferenceListener.propertyChange(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore$
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.firePropertyChangeEvent(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.setToDefault(
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.MarkerAnnotationPreferences.useAnnotationsPreferencePage(
at org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI.useAnnotationsPreferencePage(
at org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CUIPreferenceInitializer.initializeDefaultPreferences(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.PreferenceServiceRegistryHelper.runInitializer(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.PreferenceServiceRegistryHelper.applyRuntimeDefaults(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.PreferencesService.applyRuntimeDefaults(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.DefaultPreferences.applyRuntimeDefaults(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.DefaultPreferences.loadDefaults(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.DefaultPreferences.load(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.EclipsePreferences.create(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.EclipsePreferences.internalNode(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.EclipsePreferences.node(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.preferences.AbstractScope.getNode(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.DefaultScope.getNode(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.getDefaultPreferences(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.getPreferenceNodes(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.internalGet(
at org.eclipse.ui.preferences.ScopedPreferenceStore.getString(
at org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceConverter.getColor(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.text.AbstractCScanner.addToken(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.text.AbstractCScanner.initialize(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmCodeScanner.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmTextTools.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.cdt.ui.CUIPlugin.getAsmTextTools(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmTextEditor.initializeEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditor.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.cdt.internal.ui.editor.asm.AsmTextEditor.&lt;init&gt;(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.osgi.RegistryStrategyOSGI.createExecutableExtension(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ExtensionRegistry.createExecutableExtension(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ConfigurationElement.createExecutableExtension(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.registry.ConfigurationElementHandle.createExecutableExtension(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin.createExtension(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.registry.EditorDescriptor.createEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.getEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$10(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenWithMenu.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenWithMenu.access$0(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenWithMenu$2.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.notifyListeners(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-14 05:32:19</bug_when>
<thetext>The suggestion should be for ATL to register:
a) a content type for the ATL virtual machine programs
b) a file association mapping *.asm to ATL virtual machine programs.
<creation_ts>2006-04-30 02:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Large errors cause eclipse to freeze</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-30 02:37:36</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-30 02:37:36</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL seems to map the console output to the current console, instead of the console of launcher of eclipse.
That is, if I have ATL checked out in my workbench and run a runtime workbench. If I run a transformation, the output appears in my &quot;runtime workbench&quot; not my original one.
This is fine, but if I have a large error message it causes eclipse to freeze. According to bug #136943 you cannot write to your own console in the UI thread.
Can we change ATL so any console writes happen from a separate thread?
<creation_ts>2006-05-11 06:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel-instances messed up in ASMEMFModel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-11 06:58:20</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 06:58:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Under some circumstances the metamodel-instances (EClasses) used in ASMEMFModel are inconsistent.
The ASMEMFModel uses the metamodel at two different layers: on ASMEMFModel#metamodel.extent and as part of ASMEMFModel#extent. It can happen, that these metamodels are not the same (in the meaning of &quot;==&quot;). This causes for example the method ASMEMFModel#getElementsByType(String) to return no result, because that method based on EClass#isInstance(EObject), where the EClass comes from the metamodel.extent and the EObject from extent, which needs identity (&quot;==&quot;) between both metamodel-instances.
The following example triggers the error:
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
ASMEMFModel mofmm = (ASMEMFModel)AtlModelHandler.getDefault(&quot;EMF&quot;).getMof();
ASMEMFModel classesMM1=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes&quot;,mofmm,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),(ModelLoader)null);
ASMEMFModel classesMM2=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes&quot;,mofmm,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),(ModelLoader)null);
ASMEMFModel classesInst2=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Instance&quot;,classesMM1,new FileInputStream(&quot;My.classes&quot;),(ModelLoader)null);
Assert.assertEquals(&quot;Number of Classes in sourcemodel is not correct&quot;,2,classesInst2.getElementsByType(&quot;Class&quot;).size());
The example uses the following two files, but the error is independent
the files:
########### ClassesSmall.ecore ###########
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;ecore:EPackage xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot; xmlns:xmi=&quot;; xmlns:xsi=&quot;; xmlns:ecore=&quot;; name=&quot;Classes&quot; nsURI=&quot;http://dummy/tests/simpleuml/smallclasses&quot; nsPrefix=&quot;cd&quot;&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Class&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EAttribute&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; eType=&quot;ecore:EDataType;/&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Classdiagram&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EReference&quot; name=&quot;class&quot; upperBound=&quot;-1&quot; eType=&quot;#//Class&quot; containment=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
########### My.classes ###########
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;cd:Classdiagram xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot; xmlns:xmi=&quot;; xmlns:cd=&quot;http://dummy/tests/simpleuml/smallclasses&quot;&gt;
&lt;class name=&quot;Model&quot; /&gt;
&lt;class name=&quot;ModelElement&quot; /&gt;
<creation_ts>2006-05-11 22:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Missing ASMEMFModelElement#hashCode() causes failures in transformation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-14 21:48:58</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 22:18:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Under some circumstances (I can not exactly describe them, but look at the example-code) the map ASMExecEnv#vmTypeOperations uses other instances of ASMEMFModelElement representing Ecore-objects (like EClass) as keys than that ones you get with ASMOclAny#getType().
The problem occures, when both are equal (for example, both represent the same EClass), but are different instances (&quot;!=&quot;). In that case, the VM doesn&apos;t find any valid operations for the getType()-type, because of the lack of overriding the hashCode() in ASMEMFModelElement there are no registered operations for that instance.
This results in different &quot;could not find operation&quot;-errors, which are sometimes followed by an EmptyStackException.
The following code triggers that bug:
import java.util.*;
import org.atl.eclipse.engine.*;
import org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.*;
import org.atl.engine.vm.nativelib.ASMModel;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
public class HashCodeBug {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{
ASMModel in=test((ASMModel)null);
private static ASMModel test(ASMModel in) throws Exception {
Set s=EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.keySet();
ASMModel mof1=ASMEMFModel.getMOF();
ASMModel classes1=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes1&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)mof1,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),null);
ASMModel classes2=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes2&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)mof1,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),null);
ASMModel out=ASMEMFModel.newASMEMFModel(&quot;OUT&quot;,(ASMEMFModel) classes2,null);
/* If I load it for the second time, I get an NPE from org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHelperImpl.setValue(...) for any reason, which is followed by the bug descripted above.
To avoid that XMLHelper-exception, I use that line. */
if (in==null)
in=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;IN&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)classes1,new FileInputStream(&quot;My.classes&quot;),null);
EMFModelLoader ml=new EMFModelLoader();
ASMModel mof2=ASMEMFModel.getMOF();
return in;
private static void launchTrafo(ASMModel in,ASMModel inMM, ASMModel out, ASMModel outMM) throws Exception {
AtlLauncher myLauncher = AtlLauncher.getDefault();
AtlModelHandler mh=AtlEMFModelHandler.getDefault(&quot;EMF&quot;);
Map models=new HashMap();
myLauncher.launch(new File(&quot;Class2Class.asm&quot;).toURL(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, models,Collections.EMPTY_MAP,true);
module Class2Class;
create OUT : Classes2 from IN : Classes1;
rule CD2CD {
cd1 : Classes1!Classdiagram
cd2 : Classes2!Classdiagram (
packages &lt;- p
p : Classes2!Package (
rule C2C {
c1 : Classes1!Class
c2 : Classes2!Class (
name &lt;-
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;ecore:EPackage xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot;
xmlns:xmi=&quot;; xmlns:xsi=&quot;;
xmlns:ecore=&quot;; name=&quot;Classes&quot;
nsURI=&quot;http://dummy/tests/simpleuml/smallclasses&quot; nsPrefix=&quot;cd&quot;&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Class&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EAttribute&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; eType=&quot;ecore:EDataType;/&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Classdiagram&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EReference&quot; name=&quot;class&quot; upperBound=&quot;-1&quot;
eType=&quot;#//Class&quot; containment=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;cd:Classdiagram xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot; xmlns:xmi=&quot;;
&lt;class name=&quot;Model&quot; /&gt;
&lt;class name=&quot;ModelElement&quot; /&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 21:48:58</bug_when>
<thetext>The example-code had some errors.
Here is the correct bug-triggering code:
import java.util.*;
import org.atl.eclipse.engine.*;
import org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.*;
import org.atl.engine.vm.nativelib.ASMModel;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class TestMissingHashCode extends TestCase {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
TestMissingHashCode t=new TestMissingHashCode();
public void testBug() throws Exception{
ASMModel mof1=ASMEMFModel.getMOF();
ASMModel classes1=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes1&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)mof1,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),null);
ASMModel out=ASMEMFModel.newASMEMFModel(&quot;OUT&quot;,(ASMEMFModel) classes1,null);
ASMModel in1=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;IN&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)classes1,new FileInputStream(&quot;My.classes&quot;),null);
EMFModelLoader ml=new EMFModelLoader();
ASMModel mof2=ASMEMFModel.getMOF();
assertNotSame(&quot;Wrong testsetting!&quot;,mof1,mof2);
ASMModel classes2=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;Classes2&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)mof2,new FileInputStream(&quot;ClassesSmall.ecore&quot;),null);
out=ASMEMFModel.newASMEMFModel(&quot;OUT&quot;,(ASMEMFModel) classes2,null);
ASMModel in2=ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(&quot;IN&quot;,(ASMEMFModel)classes2,new FileInputStream(&quot;My.classes&quot;),null);
private static void launchTrafo(ASMModel in,ASMModel inMM, ASMModel out, ASMModel outMM) throws Exception {
AtlLauncher myLauncher = AtlLauncher.getDefault();
AtlModelHandler mh=AtlEMFModelHandler.getDefault(&quot;EMF&quot;);
Map models=new HashMap();
myLauncher.launch(new File(&quot;Class2Class.asm&quot;).toURL(), Collections.EMPTY_MAP, models,Collections.EMPTY_MAP,true);
module Class2Class; -- Module Template
create OUT : Classes2 from IN : Classes1;
rule CD2CD {
cd1 : Classes1!Classdiagram
cd2 : Classes2!Classdiagram (
class &lt;- Classes1!Class.allInstances()
rule C2C {
c1 : Classes1!Class
c2 : Classes2!Class (
name &lt;-
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;ecore:EPackage xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot;
xmlns:xmi=&quot;; xmlns:xsi=&quot;;
xmlns:ecore=&quot;; name=&quot;Classes&quot;
nsURI=&quot;http://dummy/tests/simpleuml/smallclasses&quot; nsPrefix=&quot;cd&quot;&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Class&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EAttribute&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; eType=&quot;ecore:EDataType;/&gt;
&lt;eClassifiers xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EClass&quot; name=&quot;Classdiagram&quot;&gt;
&lt;eStructuralFeatures xsi:type=&quot;ecore:EReference&quot; name=&quot;class&quot; upperBound=&quot;-1&quot;
eType=&quot;#//Class&quot; containment=&quot;true&quot;/&gt;
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot;?&gt;
&lt;cd:Classdiagram xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot; xmlns:xmi=&quot;;
&lt;class name=&quot;Model&quot; /&gt;
&lt;class name=&quot;ModelElement&quot; /&gt;
This code triggers also an bug while loading the model for the second time, but this the code also results in the expected inconsistences in the ASMExecEnv#vmTypeOperations.
In the testcases of my real application, this inconsistences occures without triggering the NPE in XMLHelperImpl.
I think this bug should only need an hashCode()-implementation in ASMOclAny to fix it.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-26 01:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Non-deterministic transform results</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-03 07:02:30</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-26 01:33:20</bug_when>
<thetext>The attached example (next merssage) gives different results on successive run attempts. (The source model contains 4 Relation instances. The result contains
between 0 and 4 transformed instances.)
Repeatable on Eclipse 3.1 or 3.2RC5 with corresponding EMF.
Using ATL from CVS as at 25-May-2006 with Dennis&apos;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-26 01:34:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=42678)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-03 07:02:30</bug_when>
<thetext>The non-determinism was caused by how much got done before a crash.
The crash was caused by iteration over a collection of undefined&apos;s.
public ASMOclAny get(StackFrame frame, String name) {
frame.printStackTrace(&quot;ERROR: OclUndefined has no property&quot;);
return null;
public ASMOclAny get(StackFrame frame, String name) {
frame.printStackTrace(&quot;ERROR: OclUndefined has no property: &apos;&quot; + name + &quot;&apos;&quot;);
return null;
would at least improve the chances of understanding the buried diagnostic.</thetext>
<date>2006-05-26 01:34</date>
<creation_ts>2006-06-03 07:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL output() does not work as documented</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-03 07:27:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-03 07:27:53</bug_when>
<thetext>on p 16 of ATL User Manual 0.7
output(s : String) is documented.
The actual implementation is of output() which writes self_value.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-04 02:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>KM3 Startup does undesirable startup activity</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-10 07:01:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-04 02:49:12</bug_when>
<thetext>org.atl.eclipse.km3.StartUp loads EMF models, slowing Eclipse start-up.
This is bad Eclipse practice.
Suggestion: change AtlModelHandler.defaultModelHandlers to an initialise on first access policy:
Map getDefaultModelHandlers() {
if (defaultModelHandlers == null) {
defaultModelHandlers = new HashMap();
... load extension points
return defaultModelHandlers;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-05 08:17:20</bug_when>
<thetext>I believe the KM3 plugin should register the KM3 metamodel.
EMF provides some support for metamodel registration.
For instance, the org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package extension point does register a metamodel but requires generated code to be provided.
Is there an EMF extension point appropriate for the KM3 plugin?
If this is not the case, what other option do we have?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-05 15:57:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Meta-models registered in plug-ins should definitely use the EMF registration point, since this does nothing until an Ecore plug-in is started, and then populates the registry with model references, which are not resolved until the model is used.
If you add:
the missing nsURI and nsPrefix to PrimitiveTypes
the missing instanceClassName to each of Bollean, Integer, String
you can create an EMF project from km3.ecore, use genmodel to generate the
model code and plugin. Using EMF 2.2.0RC6a there is one warning in the manifest due to an expecation that there will be a PrimitiveTypes.util package which is not generated for a DataType only package. Just delete the spurious package export.
This can all quite happily fit in the existing km3 plugin. (no need to generate edit and editor or test plug-ins). The plugin will be more standard if km3.ecore is at model/km3.ecore.
Since PrimitiveTypes is a regular requirement for ATL, you might care to factor it out as a separate model.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-05 16:50:20</bug_when>
<thetext>I do not consider generating Java code for the KM3 metamodel to be an appropriate solution:
- the purpose of a metamodel is not to generate code,
- the KM3 metamodel is not handled by Java code but by model transformations. Therefore, I believe it does not make a lot of sense to generate Java code for it.
Isn&apos;t there a simpler way to register metamodels?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-06 02:16:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Generating Java code is the required solution today - because EMF has always been perceived as a Java code generator.
EMF package registration works by installing instances of EPackage.Descriptor in the global package registry. These are converted on demand by the getEPackage() method.
It should be possible for KM3 to install an EPackage.Descriptor that implements getEPackage() to load the Ecore file, rather than access the eINSTANCE of the generated code as EPackageDescriptor does at present.
This would solve the KM3 problem, and could also form the basis of an interactively invoked meta-model registration. Perhaps a .metamodels file in a project with GMT nature would automatically install its content.
I think we could contribute the alternate EPackage.Descriptor back to EMF so that it is automatically used for package registrations of the form
&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package&quot;&gt;
uri = &quot;;
ecoreModel = &quot;model/KM3.ecore&quot; /&gt;
although this is perhaps twisting &apos;generated_package&apos; a bit far.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-06 06:37:10</bug_when>
The idea of using generated_package or a new extension point just like it (dynamic_package) to register the location of a dynamic package seems reasonable. Unless KM3 is some huge monster of a model whose generated code will bloat the byte code of the system significantly, generating the package/code for it is likely to result in a better performing and more compact instances even if only dynamic APIs are typically used.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-06 14:33:43</bug_when>
<thetext>I shall continue this discussion for a potentially wider audience under the &quot;Is Ecore fit for MOF meta-modelling?&quot; thread on the Modeling project newsgroup.
There are some much wider philosophical issues.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-10 07:01:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I have made this contribution as part of Bug 145239.
Once/if implemented you can just put something like
&lt;extension point=&quot;org.eclipse.emf.ecore.generated_package&quot;&gt;
uri = &quot;;
model = &quot;model/KM3.ecore&quot;
package = &quot;KM3&quot; /&gt;
uri = &quot;;
model = &quot;model/KM3.ecore&quot;
package = &quot;PrimitiveTypes&quot; /&gt;
in plugin.xml.
You might even be able to imitate org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.EMOF* to support use of *.km3 as a first class model representation.
<creation_ts>2006-06-04 03:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ASMEMFModel corrupts global package registry</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-25 05:33:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-04 03:15:52</bug_when>
<thetext>ASMEMFModel.adaptMetamodel invokes EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(nsURI, p) and consequently changes the global package registry for all other applications.
The local package registry should be updated, by using resourceSet.getPackageRegistry() in place of EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-05 07:47:03</bug_when>
<thetext>Remark: The solution to this issue should take model edition into account.
The current solution registers source and target metamodels of a transformation globally.
One consequence of this is that source and target models can be edited with EMF reflective editor after the transformation has been executed at least once.
If the metamodels were only registered locally, what about model edition?
One possibility would be to provide a separate registration action that users would only execute when appropriate.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-05 15:39:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Execution of a transformation should not have the side effect of changing the Eclipse configuration.
Adding an install meta-model capability could be very interesting - if it can work. I assumed that it required a nested Eclipse invocation, and so in OMELET I had to create a separate meta-model registrey that loaded the Eclipse registry. This is certainly work putting a separate meta-model tools plug-in,
where other good things like EMFmerger might also reside. These tools could be usefully shared by many GMT and beyond projects.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-06 06:39:21</bug_when>
<thetext>A registration that replaces an existing registration of some model that is expected to be statically registered will have bad consequences.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 09:57:49</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #3)
&gt; A registration that replaces an existing registration of some model that is
&gt; expected to be statically registered will have bad consequences.
Bug # 155673 also deals with registration of models. Even though its patch makes sure an existing registry entry is never overwritten, it doesn&apos;t use a local package registry.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 05:33:01</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #1)
&gt; Remark: The solution to this issue should take model edition into account.
&gt; The current solution registers source and target metamodels of a transformation
&gt; globally.
&gt; One consequence of this is that source and target models can be edited with EMF
&gt; reflective editor after the transformation has been executed at least once.
&gt; If the metamodels were only registered locally, what about model edition?
&gt; One possibility would be to provide a separate registration action that users
&gt; would only execute when appropriate.
It is not necessary to register a meta-model in order to edit it with the Ecore reflective editor: if you set the nsURI to something like &quot;platform:/resource/projectname/metamodel.ecore&quot;, then EMF will find it.
Note that this solution also works *before* running any ATL transformations. Also note that since ASMEMFModels are now disposed after use, the registration is gone anyway, except in the case of AM3 Ant tasks (see Bug # 158523). For now, we can use the effects of this bug to test for the presence of Bug # 158523 ;-).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-04 05:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>iterate() incomplete and mis-documented</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-04 05:48:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-04 05:48:53</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL 0.7 User manual p 24 shows &quot;-&gt;iterate(iterator, ...&quot;
This syntax fails to parse. ATL is more consistent with OCL requiring
&quot;-&gt;iterate(iterator; ...&quot;
but does not accept the full OCL syntax
-&gt;iterate(iterator : type; ...</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-13 01:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Allow inter-model references causes deep copy</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-08 05:44:49</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-13 01:45:39</bug_when>
<thetext>If I switch on &quot;Allow inter-model references&quot; for a non-refinement-mode ATL
transformation, it displays unexpected deep copy behaviour: each assignment
in a rule becomes a deep copy right up to the source model boundaries
(external references are not copied, but the reference is copied).
Even if another rule matches a source element that will be deep copied, that
source element will still be deep copied, unless a target element of the same
meta-class is created. If such a target element is created, that element will
not be contained by its original containing element (unlike refinement mode).
Please note that this behaviour occurs *without* using refinement mode.
This behaviour is currently demonstrated in the following transformation:;view=markup
If you want to try it for yourself, check out the following subversion folders
as Eclipse projects:
Note that the UML2Accessors transformation cannot work with refinement mode,
because multiple, referenced models are involved (profiles). It currently
makes use of this &quot;bug&quot; (feature?) to make the transformation much more
concise (4 rules).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-27 02:05:01</bug_when>
<thetext>The &quot;deep copy&quot; is not done properly, atl least for uml2. The applied profiles and stereotypes in the resulting model are no longer recognised by the uml2 editor.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-08 05:44:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Allow-inter-model-references completely switches off the &quot;checkSameModel&quot; condition. This condition should probably be still enabled whenever there is a containment relationship. Containment in EMF can never cross models.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-14 07:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ASMString.writeTo() writes relative filenames based on current working dir</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:50:27</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-14 07:47:12</bug_when>
<thetext>ASMString.writeTo() writes relative filenames based on current working directory, i.e. via &quot;new File(filename)&quot;. This is very convenient for command-line invocations of ATL, where the current working dir is the directory of invocation. However, this does not make sense in the Eclipse workbench, in which the current working directory is set to the user&apos;s home directory. In addition, changing the current working directory is an unsafe solution, since this would affect all Eclipse-based threads. See also:;messageID=89333
A solution would be to use the Eclipse workspace for file I/O, just like all other I/O functionality built into ATL. Since the Eclipse workspace API cannot be used outside Eclipse, the solution must provide a fallback to the standard current working directory solution. Patch upcoming...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-14 07:53:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44392)
Patch for resolving writeTo() filenames against the Eclipse workspace
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-14 08:14:09</bug_when>
<thetext>I agree with your comment and thank you for the patch.
I also use the occasion to advertise the new ant tasks that provide better support for writing query results to files.
A brief description of this (with links to examples) is provided in the wiki:
This new solution is more elegant but is not usable when multiple files have to be written from the same query yet.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 05:19:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Will this patch be merged into CVS?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:25:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49331)
Patch for resolving writeTo() filenames against the Eclipse workspace
Eclipse 3.2 jars cause NoClassDefFoundError to be thrown on trying to resolve files against the Eclipse workspace. This was not caught by the previous patch.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:50:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch</thetext>
<date>2006-06-14 07:53</date>
<desc>Patch for resolving writeTo() filenames against the Eclipse workspace</desc>
<date>2006-09-04 05:25</date>
<desc>Patch for resolving writeTo() filenames against the Eclipse workspace</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-15 11:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL console output goes to MOFScript console</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-15 11:10:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 11:10:12</bug_when>
<thetext>When both ATL and MOFScript windows are open in an RSA workspace, all diagnostic output from the ATL tools seems to go to the MOFScript console instead. It does not seem to matter which console is selected as the active (visible) one.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-15 20:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>SimpleDebugger can induce a deadlock on IOConsolePartitioner</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-14 19:36:58</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 20:48:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Using ATL, I have ran into the same bug as
Ed Willink albeit for different reasons.
In this case, the ATL SimpleDebugger makes extensive use of System.out.
According to Kevin Barnes, one shouldn&apos;t use the UI thread when writing to the console, see his comments here:
In my case, I happened to run the ATL transformation
from an Eclipse Monkey script which happens to be
executed on the UI thread.
This is how it happened.
1) According to Eclipse Monkey, we can use System.out for printing purposes
2) An uncaught exception occured in: ASMEMFModelElement.set(..) line 220
which caused printing the ATL VM stack frame.
3) The ATL SimpleDebugger prints stack frames to System.out.
4) The volume of information printed out exceeded the IOConsolePartitioner buffer
IOConsolePartitioner.streamAppended(IOConsoleOutputStream, String) line: 467
5) The IOConsolePartitioner blocks on the pendingPartitions array
(see line 467 of IOConsolePartitioner) that owns a partition whose
stream happens to be the one used by MessageConsoleStream, i.e., System.out.
However, since MessageConsoleStream itself took exclusive access
to the stream (see MessageConsoleStream(IOConsoleOutputStream).write(String) line: 218), we have a deadlock since the only code that can
&apos;notify&apos; the pendingPartitions array is a call to IOConsolePartitioner.runInUIThread(...)
But indeed, this is the UI thread, so game over!
Using Kevin&apos;s suggestions
I have made a patch to ATL&apos;s OutputStreamRedirector
to do the printing asynchronously in case the ATL transformation
happens to run on the UI thread. However, this can cause a gazillion
jobs due to the extensive use of System.out.print... in the ATL
code, e.g., ExecEnv and, particularly, in SimpleDebugger and NetworkDebugger
where it would be more efficient to use StringWriter/PrintWriter objects
to reduce the number of jobs writing to the console and avoid
multiplexing console output if multiple transformations are running concurrently.
For debugging purposes, I found it easier to launch the ATL transformation
as a job instead of calling directly AtlLauncher.launch(..)
Here&apos;s my stack trace:
owns: MessageConsoleStream (id=525)
owns: OutputStreamRedirector (id=526)
waiting for: ArrayList&lt;E&gt; (id=524)
Object.wait(long) line: not available [native method]
ArrayList&lt;E&gt;(Object).wait() line: 474 [local variables unavailable]
IOConsolePartitioner.streamAppended(IOConsoleOutputStream, String) line: 467
MessageConsoleStream(IOConsoleOutputStream).notifyParitioner(String) line: 238
MessageConsoleStream(IOConsoleOutputStream).encodedWrite(String) line: 233
MessageConsoleStream(IOConsoleOutputStream).write(String) line: 218
MessageConsoleStream.print(String) line: 49
MessageConsoleStream.println(String) line: 74
OutputStreamRedirector.println(String) line: 30
NullPointerException(Throwable).printStackTrace(PrintStream) line: 465
SimpleDebugger.error(StackFrame, String, Exception) line: 144
NativeStackFrame(StackFrame).printStackTrace(String, Exception) line: 85
ASMEMFModelElement.set(StackFrame, String, ASMOclAny) line: 220
ASMOclAny.refSetValue(StackFrame, ASMOclAny, ASMString, ASMOclAny) line: 116
GeneratedMethodAccessor15.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: not available
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
ClassNativeOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 59
ASMEMFModelElement(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMEMFModelElement(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMEMFModelElement.invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 486
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 309
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 309
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 309
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List, ASMOclType) line: 60
ASMModule(ASMOclAny).invoke(StackFrame, String, List) line: 50
ASMOperation.realExec(ASMStackFrame) line: 214
ASMOperation.exec(StackFrame) line: 155
ASMInterpreter.&lt;init&gt;(ASM, ASMModule, ASMExecEnv, Map) line: 276
AtlLauncher.launch(ASM, Map, Map, Map, Debugger) line: 98
AtlLauncher.launch(URL, Map, Map, Map, Debugger) line: 70
AtlLauncher.launch(URL, Map, Map, Map, boolean) line: 53
AtlLauncher.launch(URL, Map, Map, Map) line: 49
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
MemberBox.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 174, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: 197
OptRuntime.callN(Function, Scriptable, Object[], Context, Scriptable) line: 83
c1._c1(c1, Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: 65, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: not available
ContextFactory.doTopCall(Callable, Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: 304
ScriptRuntime.doTopCall(Callable, Context, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: 2769, Scriptable, Scriptable, Object[]) line: not available
MenuRunMonkeyScript(RunMonkeyScript).run(String, Object[]) line: 114, Object[]) line: 31
RecreateMonkeyMenuAction$ line: 179
RecreateMonkeyMenuAction$3(Action).runWithEvent(Event) line: 499
ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(Event, boolean) line: 539
ActionContributionItem.access$2(ActionContributionItem, Event, boolean) line: 488
ActionContributionItem$5.handleEvent(Event) line: 400
EventTable.sendEvent(Event) line: 66
MenuItem(Widget).sendEvent(Event) line: 1085
Display.runDeferredEvents() line: 3164
Display.readAndDispatch() line: 2840
Workbench.runEventLoop(Window$IExceptionHandler, Display) line: 1914
Workbench.runUI() line: 1878
Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Display, WorkbenchAdvisor) line: 419
PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(Display, WorkbenchAdvisor) line: 149 line: 95
PlatformActivator$ line: 78
EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(Object) line: 92
EclipseAppLauncher.start(Object) line: 68 line: 400[], Runnable) line: 177
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
Main.invokeFramework(String[], URL[]) line: 336
Main.basicRun(String[]) line: 280[]) line: 977
Main.main(String[]) line: 952
in which the ATL
transformation is launch</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 20:49:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44608)
Patch to ATL OutputStreamRedirector for avoiding deadlocks on console stream output
<date>2006-06-15 20:49</date>
<desc>Patch to ATL OutputStreamRedirector for avoiding deadlocks on console stream output</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-15 21:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Suggestion to use EClass.getEStructuralFeatures() instead of getEAttributes/getEReferences</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-15 21:02:37</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 21:02:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Wit Eclipse 3.2 / EMF 2.2, I get a lot of messages like this
during an ATL refinement transformation of Ecore models:
Please fix your code to add using EClass.getEStructuralFeatures() instead of EClass.getEAttributes()
Please fix your code to add using EClass.getEStructuralFeatures() instead of EClass.getEReferences()
THese messages come from respectively:
in /org.eclipse.emf.ecore/src/org/eclipse/emf/ecore/impl/
I am not 100% positive but I believe this is due to code here:
more specifically, the method:
ASMEMFModelElement.set(StackFrame frame, String name, ASMOclAny value)
which does:
EList l = (EList)object.eGet(feature);
Object val = asm2EMF(frame, sv, name, feature);
try {
l.add(val); &lt;&lt;&lt; I think this eventually calls the comparator function
object that EClassImpl.getEAll{Attributes/References} creates
However, I&apos;m not sure how this code should be modified
to be cleaner for EMF 2.2 without breaking EMF 2.1 backwards compatibility.
-- Nicolas.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-22 20:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Ecore pair of EEnum + EEnumLiteral vs. ATL only ASMEnumLiteral</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-22 20:58:26</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-22 20:57:28</bug_when>
<thetext>There have been some problems with enumeration literals in ATL
I stumbled on closely-related problems with Ecore =&gt; Ecore model transformations
involving ATL rules like:
y:MOF!EEnum(... eLiterals&lt;-x.eLiterals ...)
The problem is due to the way ATL converts &quot;external&quot; objects
(in this case an Ecore Enumerator/EEnumLiteral object)
into ATL VM objects of a type ASMOclAny.
for Ecore Enumerator, the conversion is:
(see: org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModelElement)
ASMOclAny emf2ASM(StackFrame frame, Object value) {
} else if(value instanceof Enumerator) {
ret = new ASMEnumLiteral(((Enumerator)value).getName());
} ...
i.e., ASMEnumLiteral is a wrapper around Enumerator.getName(), just a string.
It looses important information that should be preserved:
Without this info, it is impossible to, e.g.,
preserve an enumeration declared in something like this:
enum { answer = 42; }
the best we&apos;d get would be:
enum { answer = 1; }
Worse, because ASMEnumLiteral is &quot;just&quot; a wrapper around a java.lang.String,
it breaks the counterpart conversion from ASM to Ecore:
Object asm2EMF(StackFrame frame, ASMOclAny value, ...)
} else if (value instanceof ASMEnumLiteral) {
String name = ((ASMEnumLiteral)value).getName();
EClassifier type = ((EClass)((ASMEMFModelElement)getMetaobject()).object)
ret = ((EEnum)type).getEEnumLiteral(name).getInstance();
The problem here is that when executing something like:
x.eLiterals &lt;- y.eLiterals
the ATL VM must iterate over the EEnum.eLiterals collection of &apos;y&apos;
for each value (i.e., Ecore Enumerator)
it does:
1) Enumerator =&gt; emf2ASM() =&gt; ASMEnumLiteral
2) ASMEnumLiteral =&gt; asm2EMF() =&gt; ???
In this case, the above logic fails because we&apos;re in a context
where there is not enough &quot;meta&quot; object context to find what EEnum
type the result of (2) should be added to.
This means that simple rules like this:
rule enumLiteral {
x : MOF!EEnumLiteral
y : MOF!EEnumLiteral(
name &lt;- x.getName(),
value &lt;- x.getValue(),
literal &lt;- x.getLiteral()
rule enums {
e : MOF!EEnum
f : MOF!EEnum (
name &lt;-,
eLiterals &lt;- e.eLiterals
This doesn&apos;t work!
The asm2EMF convertion trips ClassCastException errors
because the &quot;type&quot; is EEnumLiteral, not EEnum.
To fix this problem, there is a small patch necessary
to use to &quot;preserve&quot; the Enumerator.{value,literal} information
after conversion by emf2ASM into an ASMEnumLiteral object.
Once this is done, the conversion back from ASMEnumLiteral to EEnumLiteral
must be done &quot;implicitly&quot; by operating on OCL collections of literals; i.e:
rule makeEnumLiteral(l : MOF!EEnumLiteral) {
enl : MOF!EEnumLiteral (
name &lt;- l.getName(),
value &lt;- l.getValue()
do {
enl; -- we need the &quot;result&quot; of this rule!
rule enums {
e : MOF!EEnum
f : MOF!EEnum (
name &lt;-,
eLiterals &lt;- e.eLiterals-&gt;collect(elit | thisModule.makeEnumLiteral(elit))
This works!
Why? Take the small patch, rebuilt ATL and try it.
The long answer is that the &quot;collect(...)&quot; expression is &quot;compiled&quot;
into a bunch of ATL VM code that, essentially, does some magic
that can be &quot;procedurally&quot; described like this:
Sequence(ASMEnumLiterals) temp = Sequence{};
foreach eCoreEnumLiteral in e.eLiterals {
let enl : ASMEnumLiteral = &quot;call&quot;(makeEnumLiteral(emf2ASM(eCoreEnumLiteral)));
temp = temp &quot;include&quot; enl;
f.eLiterals = asm2EMF(temp);
the conversion of an ASM collection converts each element;
but it happens in a &quot;frame&quot; where &quot;f&quot; turns out to have type=EEnum !
I&apos;m not sure if my explanation is 100% correct but after 2 days
of beating my head on this nasty bug, this seems to be a reasonable
explanation for bug reporting purposes.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-22 20:58:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=45137)
Patch of ASMEMFModelElement and of ASMEnumLiteral
<date>2006-06-22 20:58</date>
<desc>Patch of ASMEMFModelElement and of ASMEnumLiteral</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-23 08:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Code assist always fails with an error</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-23 08:20:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-23 08:20:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Whenever code assist gets activated, it fails with an error.
Tried on both Eclipse 3.1 and 3.2 (current stack trace is from 3.2, Build id: I20060602-1317). ATD is the latest available (from 20060113).
If the LHS (the part before the dot) is a valid identifier, the stack trace is:
org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.text.atl.AtlCompletionProcessor.getErrorMessage(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant.computeCompletionProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.computeProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.access$17(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.showProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant$
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
... 20 more
Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can&apos;t find bundle for base name org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.AtlUIMessages, locale de_DE
at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(
at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.AtlUIMessages.&lt;clinit&gt;(
... 30 more
Otherwise (with an invalid LHS):
org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.text.atl.AtlCompletionProcessor.getErrorMessage(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant.computeCompletionProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.computeProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.access$17(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.CompletionProposalPopup.showProposals(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.ContentAssistant$
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
... 20 more
<creation_ts>2006-07-20 13:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Using ATL&apos;s ASMMap feature for handling EMF annotations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-20 14:47:55</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-20 13:17:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Version 0.7 of the ATL User Manual includes documentation for the ASMMap type
of the ATL virtual machine. This type is potentially useful for operating on
EMF models that can make extensive use of annotations as described in Christian W. Damus&apos; excellent EMFT article on EMF &amp; OCL
Unfortunately, the ATL virtual machine currently limits the use of
ASMMap to internal operations. The attached patches enable using
ASMMap objects to manipulate EMF annotations like those described
in Christian&apos;s EMFT article.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-20 13:19:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=46590)
Patch to ATL&apos;s VM native library (ASMMap) and to ATL&apos;s EMF model
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-20 13:35:55</bug_when>
<thetext>With the above patch, it is possible to generate EMF annotations
from ATL transformations.
module ...
create OUT : MOF from ...
rule makeAnnotation (sourceURI : String) {
ann : MOF!EAnnotation( source &lt;- sourceURI )
do {
ann; -- get the result
rule OperationInvariant {
... -- some source element/condition triggering this rule
using {
genmodelDirectives : MOF!EAnnotation =
details : Map(String, String) =
Map{ (&apos;invariant&apos;,
&apos;not manager.oclIsUndefined() implies employees-&gt;notEmpty()&apos;)
}; -- I&apos;m using Christian&apos;s example to illustrate how to do it in ATL
oo : MOF!EOperation (...)
do {
genmodelDirectives.details &lt;- details;
oo.eAnnotations &lt;-
if details.isEmpty()
then Sequence{} -- don&apos;t pollute the EMF model w/ empty annotations
else Sequence{ genmodelDirectives } -- produce annotations only when needed
The transformation can be simplified a bit by replacing
the &apos;if details.isEmpty() ... endif&apos; test above with
the equivalent line below:
oo.eAnnotations &lt;- Sequence{ genmodelDirectives }
However, there&apos;s a tradeoff between transformation complexity
vs. keeping the EMF models free of incidental junk.
If avoiding junk matters, then the test above will only
produce &lt;eAnnotations ...&gt; tags in the EMF model
only when there is at least one &apos;detail&apos; entry.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-20 14:47:55</bug_when>
<thetext>To avoid generating &apos;junk&apos; annotations (i.e., no details) in ATL,
we have to do something slightly trickier than I described earlier:
rule makeAnnotation (sourceURI : String, annotationDetails : Map(String,String)) {
ann : MOF!EAnnotation( source &lt;- sourceURI, details &lt;- annotationDetails )
do {
ann; -- get the result
rule OperationInvariant {
... -- some source element/condition triggering this rule
using {
details : Map(String, String) =
Map{ (&apos;invariant&apos;,
&apos;not manager.oclIsUndefined() implies employees-&gt;notEmpty()&apos;)
}; -- I&apos;m using Christian&apos;s example to illustrate how to do it in ATL
oo : MOF!EOperation (...)
do {
oo.eAnnotations &lt;-
if details.isEmpty()
then Sequence{} -- don&apos;t pollute the EMF model w/ empty annotations
let genmodelDirectives : MOF!EAnnotation =
(&apos;;, details)
in Sequence{ genmodelDirectives }
In other words, we have to defer the creation of MOF!EAnnotation nodes
until we know for sure that they are needed -- i.e., details.isNotEmpty().
<date>2006-07-20 13:19</date>
<desc>Patch to ATL&apos;s VM native library (ASMMap) and to ATL&apos;s EMF model</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-07-24 10:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL engine EBNF Extractor does not recognize MapExp</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-24 10:32:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-24 10:32:03</bug_when>
<thetext>In a HOT, i&apos;d like to generate an empty Map Expression in a binding statement of an action block. It was working 3 weeks ago but now, it throws me this exception:
org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractionException: cannot find mathing template for: MapExp (full stack trace below).
My code is very simple:
stmt1 : ATL!BindingStat (
source &lt;- stmt1_source,
value &lt;- mapInit
mapInit : ATL!MapExp (
elements &lt;- Sequence{}
As i launch ADT&apos;s stuff in a separate workbench, my first eclipse workbench (the one lauching the other with ADT) displays this stack trace in the console:
org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractionException: cannot find mathing template for: MapExp
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serialize(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serialize(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serialize(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serialize(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeProperty(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeqElem(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serializeSeq(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.serialize(
at org.atl.engine.extractors.ebnf.EBNFExtractor.extract(
at org.eclipse.am3.ui.action.ActionEBNFExtractor$
I hope it will help to resolve the bug.
<creation_ts>2006-08-31 09:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Enumerations bug with MDR</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-31 09:20:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 09:19:22</bug_when>
<thetext>There is a conversion bug in ASMMDRModelElement.asm2Java for enumeration literals preventing usage of enumerations defined in sub-sub-packages.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-24 08:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL mess up VE</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-24 08:42:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows 2000</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-24 08:42:54</bug_when>
<thetext>It seems the installaion of the ATL Pluggins mess up the VE installation in 3.2.
I have applied the patches for eclipse 3.2, they work well.
The problem with the VE still remains.
See bug</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-14 05:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Console does not display debug message anymore</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-14 05:15:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-14 05:15:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi all,
I wanted to use the old school &quot;debug(msg)&quot; method in an ATL transformation. Unfortunatly, since the last CVS update (12-13-2006), the ATL console do not display messages anymore. Instead, there is a lot of messages, for instance:
WARNING: overwriting local EMF registry entry for PrimitiveTypes
ASMEMFModel pb disposed
Best regards,</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-31 11:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>no access to the help documentation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-31 11:04:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-31 11:04:27</bug_when>
I&apos;ve installed the last ATL version with MDR included : ADT 20060630 (withMDR4ATL) and deployed it into the plugins directory of my Eclipse. I&apos;ve completed the instllation by adding the antlr library. The trouble is that the ATL&apos;s documentation from the Help menu online doesn&apos;t appear when i click on there. For all nodes of the documentation tree i get the message as follow : &quot;The topic that you have requested is not available. The link may be wrong, or you may not have the corresponding product feature installed. This online help only includes documentation for features that are installed.&quot;,
what did i forget to do ?
<creation_ts>2007-03-26 08:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL plugin doesn&apos;t generate output</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-26 08:29:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-26 08:29:35</bug_when>
<thetext>The ATL plugin doesn&apos;t generate output files. When following the tutorial, the plugin doesn&apos;t start the transformation but gives Eclipse error &quot;An internal error occured during: Launching&quot;.
With the specified environment it is necessary to also install the Epsilon plugin and manually register each ECore metamodel (generated from km3 file) to succesfully parse the authors.ecore file.
jdk 1.5.0p6
eclipse 3.2.2
adt_am3 plugins from 2007-02-16
EMF 2.2.1 (from 2007-02-13)
Epsilon 1.0.0/1.0.1
QVTP plugin 0.1.0
VE plugin 2006-09-18
Apache ANT plugin
UML2 2007-02-14</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[examples] More than one model, metamodel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:09:42</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:09:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Doku: Mehr als ein Modell, mehrere Metamodelle, ResourceSet, ggfs. Projekte in den Classpath der Run-Configuration</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[examples] EMF Example: Name-Uniqueness constraint dokumentieren</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:15:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:15:54</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand-plugin] Ctrl-Blank support for other templates would be useful</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:19:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:19:00</bug_when>
<thetext>If I write &lt;&lt;EXPAND and then press Ctrl-Blank I want to see
the other templates that are available to be called</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] F3 / Ctrl-Shift-G Support f�r Templates, Metaclasses, Extensions, etc.</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-16 07:15:36</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:23:10</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:14:10</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:15:36</bug_when>
<thetext>NOT CLOSED! (sorry for that)</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[editors] Automatic Code Completion</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:24:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:24:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Kannst Du einbauen, dass die Autovervollst�ndigung bei bestimmten Zeichen automatisch aufpoppt? Also bei &gt;&gt; die Keywords und bei . die verf�gbaren Sachen Atrribute, Operationen und Extensions? (Ich hoffe, Du weisst was ich meine).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 16:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] Error Messages in embedded Expressions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:17:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 16:24:37</bug_when>
<thetext>If there is an error in an expression embedded the workflow file, such as
&lt;expression value=&quot;model.eAllContents.unio( {model})&quot;/&gt;
(the &quot;n&quot; in &quot;union&quot; is missing!) then this error is not reported. It just quietly does not work.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-26 06:39:43</bug_when>
<thetext>currently expressions must be checked inside the respective component, because expressions are passed as strings.
Additionally we just can check, if the parser is lucky with the expression.
Analyzation needs static type information about the contents of the workfow context. We don&apos;t have that :-(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-26 06:42:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Checking at runtime is perfectly ok. The problem with the bug I
submitted was that if the runtime check failed, there was no error
message to the developer.
So it was very hard to fix the bug, because it simply didn&apos;t work and
no report was given. Seems like the AnalyzerIssues are not reported back
to the developer.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:17:29</bug_when>
<thetext>in generator and checkccomponent the analyuer issues should
be reported to the user if there is a problem. These two components
use expressions specified in the workflow file.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-04 12:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] Document Bernd&apos;s new Recipes</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-04 12:05:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-04 12:05:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Make sure the srcpath is removed from all the
docs and also from all the examples!</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-27 14:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] use of parentheses in case of extension</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-27 14:03:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-27 14:03:43</bug_when>
<thetext>It is unintuitive to use parenthesis for extensions, but
not for properties. Assume, you have the following:
* a metaclass with a property X
* an extension called SomeSpecialX
from the templates, you have to use blabla.X and
blabla.SomeSpecialX(). To make it even more confusing,
if you define a derived property in the metaclass (by
manual programming in oAW Classic) it is also used without
the parenthesis.
Therefore: I&apos;d suggest to make parenthesis optional,
if no parameters are required, so you could say in the
case above
<creation_ts>2006-03-27 14:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] strange rebuild behaviour</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-31 08:56:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-27 14:46:58</bug_when>
<thetext>The rebuild/refresh does not work consistently.
Sometimes, if I regenerate a metaclass using the
metamodel generator and do a refresh, the templates
are not reevaluated. Even when I do a clean/rebuild,
problems are not always found.
This looks like some kind of caching bug.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:09:40</bug_when>
<thetext>More evidence: If template A calls template B,
and I add a parameter to B and save it, then I
do *not* get an error in template A - this is a
bug. Actually, it is really a pity, since such
changes happen all the time and an error marker in
the IDE would be a major benefit of an editor.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-31 08:56:12</bug_when>
<thetext>These are two different things:
1) Changes on Metamodel aren&apos;t noticed
I couldn&apos;t reproduce this.
2) A signature change doesn&apos;t automatically trigger an analyzation for all referencing resources.
This is no bug. It&apos;s a missing feature :-(</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 13:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[constraints] error messages with more context</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-28 13:01:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:01:29</bug_when>
<thetext>When reporting a constraint violation (or more
generally, an issue) we need to know more context.
For example, if I have several CheckComponents in
the workflow and I have an error, I want to see
which of the components (and maybe, which .chk
file and in which line) the constraint was evaluated.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 13:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] &quot;lazy regions&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-28 13:12:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:12:24</bug_when>
<thetext>I would really like to be able to write the following:
--- snip ---
&lt;&lt;REGION SomeName&gt;&gt;
Other ... template ... stuff
... here I now know that I have to add something to
the region defined above (typically, imports in Java)
&lt;&lt;REGIONAPPEND SomeName&gt;&gt;
This code is now added to the location in the
code where the REGION tag was added above
<creation_ts>2006-04-03 07:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Integration of astyle or other beautifiers</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-17 18:46:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-03 07:20:35</bug_when>
<thetext>In oaw4 there is so far no support for beautifying generated C or C++ code.
Therefore an integration of astyle or similar is needed.
Possibly interesting: the astyle plugin of jedit:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 04:02:17</bug_when>
<thetext>I found a &quot;ArtisticStyleBasedBeautifier.class&quot; in ...classic.ant_4.1.0.v20060816.jar - is this bug fixed with that?
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 18:46:35</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-04-13 05:46</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-04-13 05:46:52</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-13 05:46:52</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be useful to have proxies for model elemnets automatically
supported in some way. Here is a (german) description to remind us
of what I meant originally. Other ways of solving the described problem
might be better suited.
ich mache mir gerade Gedanken �ber Proxies im Modell.
Angenommen Du hast eine Klasse X mit den Properties a
und b. Und angenommen, Du m�chtest in Deinem Modell
Referenzen auf dieses X haben k�nnen, dann kann man
(jetzt schon) folgendes tun:
Neue Klasse XProxy die von X erbt, und eine Referenz
auf den delegate vom Typ X hat. Au�erdem werden alle
Operationen (a und b) als Weiterleitung auf den delegate
Die Frage ist also, wie bekommt man die Implementierung
dieser Operationen hin.
Ich habe mal ein paar Stunden mit AspectJ rumgespielt
um einen around() advice einzubauen. Aus verschiedenen
Gr�nden geht das nicht (kann ich Dir mal am Telefon
Ne andere M�glichkeit w�re, die Implementierung der
Klasse (XProxyImpl) so umzubauen, dass sie an den
delegate delegiert. Dazu m�sste man Code generieren
und den von EMF �berschriebenen Code ver�ndern.
Die hat die �blichen Probleme -- wir wollen den von
EMF generierten Code nicht anfassen.
Eine andere M�glichkeit w�re die folgende:
wir k�nnten die Methoden durch &quot;Extensions&quot; �berschreiben.
Dazu m�sste man
* Extensions auch ohne Klammern schreiben k�nnen
(was wir ja eh geplant haben)
* und 2. die Precedence ge�ndert werden, sodass im
Zweifelsfall die Extension dient (wenn man die Klammern
weglassen kann, ist die syntaktische Form identisch).
Nat�rlich m�sste man dann - basierend auf dem Metamodell
welches u.a. den Proxy definiert - die Extension automatisch
zu generieren. Das w�re technisch kein Problem und vor allem,
wir m�ssen den generierten Code nicht anfassen, sondern wir
�berschreiben&apos;s quasi mit einer Extension.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-31 04:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[extend] paranthesis optional</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 07:32:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 04:44:06</bug_when>
<thetext>In case an extension has no paramter (except it&apos;s &quot;this&quot; parameter),
it should be possible to call the extension without (), to make it
look like a property. This makes it transparent whetehr a property
is a native metamodel property, or one that has been contributed by
an extension.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:32:54</bug_when>
<thetext>This is feature request, not a bug. Setting severity down to enhancement.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-31 05:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] static checking too strict</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-16 09:15:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 05:25:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume you want to write the following extension:
String runtimeClassName( State this ):
Named.isInstance(this) ? ((Named)this).name.toFirstUpper()+&quot;State&quot; : &quot;StartState&quot;;
At least the editor (don&apos;t know about the runtime) will not let you do
that, because State is not a subclass of Named. However, because of multiple
inheritance, subclasses of State might also be a subclass of Named.
I would like to be able to cast down to arbitrary types, independent of whether
the static analysis &quot;thinks&quot; that is correct.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 09:11:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Maybe we should think about a syntax for supressing static checking?
String runtimeClassName( State this ):
this.~name != null ? this.~name.toFirstUpper()+&quot;State&quot; :
so a tilde indicates, that this expression (and subexpression?)
should not be validated (i.e. is dynamically typed)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 09:15:59</bug_when>
<thetext>yes. let&apos;s do that.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-31 05:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] error message in case of missing metamodel configuration</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-31 05:52:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 05:52:49</bug_when>
<thetext>I developed a code generator that had to work with two metamodels.
In the Editor, in included the IMPORT statement in the templates
and added the project dependency to the EMF metamodel project. Every-
thing worked find.
Then I ran the code generator and got all kinds of weird error messages
(property not found, etc.). The reason was that I&apos;d forgotten to add the
additional &lt;metamodel&gt;...&lt;/metamodel&gt; declaration for the generator
Since the error message didn&apos;t say so, I searched ages!
We need some kind of error (or at least a warning, such as &quot;cannot find
a type definition for XY, maybe the metamodel declaration is missing&quot;) to
point people to that.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-12 15:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] Error MEssages when wrong metamodel is selected in preferences</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-05 02:01:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-12 15:16:05</bug_when>
<thetext>&gt; Diesmal haben mir die globalen oAW-Preferences den Streich gespielt -
&gt; stand noch auf &quot;JavaBeans Metamodels&quot;.
ah ja, schei� defaults....!
&gt; Etwas unsch�n sind die Fehlermeldungen dazu in constraints.chk und in den
&gt; *.xpt: &quot;Couldn&apos;t find property &apos;name&apos; for type &apos;Object&apos;&quot; usw.
&gt; ... egal, jetzt klappts auf alle F�lle, und vielleicht k�nnt Ihr da ja
&gt; was am Toolsupport machen. Ansonsten hat bei mir auch Nachdenken geholfen :)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-05 02:01:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Rating down to enhancement</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-26 15:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend] Syntactic Sugar for Sets</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 07:33:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-26 15:19:52</bug_when>
<thetext>is it possible to add syntactic sugar for set operations,
specifically the + or || to union sets?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:33:35</bug_when>
<thetext>This is feature request, not a bug. Setting severity down to enhancement.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-28 15:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] flatten loses type information</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 15:08:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 15:08:48</bug_when>
<thetext>... which results in a number of not so nice
casts being required. Can we add the typing to
<creation_ts>2006-08-02 10:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>POST/PRE in &quot;FOREACH&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-02 10:04:12</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 10:04:12</bug_when>
<thetext>This is a feature request. for convinience only.
I have certain type of classes that should have a constructor that includes all its attributes plus one boolean parameter at the end. In case there are no attributes, the constructor parameters should include only the boolean parameter.
So I wrote something like this:
�IF attribute.size &gt; 0�
�EXPAND java::class::ParameterDeclaration FOREACH attribute SEPARATOR &quot;,&quot;�, boolean selfRegister)
(boolean selfRegister)
my suggestion is to write something like that:
�EXPAND java::class::ParameterDeclaration FOREACH attribute SEPARATOR &quot;,&quot; POST &quot;,&quot;� boolean selfRegister)
you can ofcourse add the &quot;PRE&quot; attribute also.
see also:;showtopic=1736&amp;lastpost=true</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-02 12:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[UML2] synthetic types</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-02 12:38:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 12:38:19</bug_when>
<thetext>This would be a solution for
We need to create a synthetic (anonymous) if something like the foloowing apllies:
There is a stereotype pp::MyPackage extending uml::Package
and a model instance of uml::Model where the MyPackage stereotype is applied.
The instance is actually of asynthetic subtype which extends &apos;uml::Model&apos; and &apos;pp::MyPackage&apos;</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-16 02:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Editors] Enums marked after each metamodel change</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:38:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-16 02:56:18</bug_when>
<thetext>I have found a strange problem, which I want to mention to you, since
you are planning on releasing 4.1 quite soon.
I have a relatively large template (.xpt) file (~780 lines) in which the
first DEFINE does a test on some enumeration values:
&lt;&lt;IF profile.platform != PlatformF::WINXP_VC71 &amp;&amp;
profile.platform != PlatformF::WIN2K_VC71 -&gt;&gt;
Well, whenever I do some changes to the file and save it, this line
comes us with the errors:
&quot;Unknown omlmodelf::MapMetaDataF property, variable, type or enumeration
literal &apos;PlatformF::WINXP_VC71&apos;&quot; and
&quot;Unknown omlmodelf::MapMetaDataF property, variable, type or enumeration
literal &apos;PlatformF::WIN2K_VC71&apos;&quot;
MapMetaDataF is the object for which the DEFINE including the IF
statement is defined.
Then, I just make some change to make the template dirty, save it again
and... the error message disappears!
I can definitely live with it, but I just wanted to mention it.
By the way, you probably already know that, but the literal values never
show up in the autocomplete.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:38:04</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:38:24</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-17 05:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[JavaMetaModel] Handling Arrays as Collection</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-17 05:50:34</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-17 05:50:34</bug_when>
<thetext>In Forum Thread;showtopic=1901
it was requested that arrays are handled as collections for the JavaBeans metamodel.
�FOREACH this.getMethods() AS e�
getMethods() returns an array, FOREACH does not work.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-22 04:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[release] Bundle ZIPs to whole distribution</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-22 04:45:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 04:45:20</bug_when>
<thetext>To download an openArchitectureWare release it is annoying to have several ZIPs that have to be downloaded. Further, there is no ZIP available for all the documentation papers.
For convenience there should be one ZIP file containing the whole openArchitectureWare distribution, or at most 3 (Modules, Samples, Docs).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-23 07:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>pbm with source location of plugins</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:31:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-23 07:59:36</bug_when>
<thetext>launched a workflow
got errors with stacks in the console view
-&gt; clicking any class from the satck results in the following error message :
nnn is not a valid line number in org.openarchitectureware....</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 05:57:48</bug_when>
<thetext>looks like the problem comes from the build/delivery process : (for instance) none of the archives under the org.openarchitectureware.classic.feature.source_4.1.0.v20060816 folder contains the package org.openarchitectureware.meta</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:31:53</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-25 03:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XPand editor does not resolve cross-references to another metamodel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-13 12:08:34</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 03:43:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Version 4.1-final from 16.08.2006:
I&apos;ve got an emf metamodel that uses references to another emf metamodel. Everytime such a reference is used in a XPand template, it is marked as an error (&quot;Couldn&apos;t find property &apos;crossRef&apos; for type &apos;Set&apos; or inner type &apos;pkg::SourceType&apos;&quot;, where crossRef is a reference in metamodel A referencing an element in metamodel B).
Each metamodel is in a separate file and separate project, but both are contained in the classpath.
Autocompletion does not offer the attribute in its list.
Generation works fine without problems.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 05:17:00</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 155204 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 12:08:34</bug_when>
<thetext>This bug discusses the same issue as bug 156215</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-28 21:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Enhance the newline generation control in Xpand</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-28 21:35:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 21:35:19</bug_when>
<thetext>A nice solution to handle the situations in which une must generate a single long line of code (like for instance in the Visual Studio project files .vcproj) would be the introduction of another flavor of the &gt;&gt;, say =&gt;&gt;, which would remove ALL the following whitespaces, including AND FOLLOWING any newline. And of course, one would also predefine the &lt;&lt;=&gt;&gt; construct ;-). That way one could still use indentation when creating a single line of code:
&lt;&lt;IF pid_S.matches(&quot;.*D.*&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;EXPAND includeFiles(&quot;A&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;IF pid_S.matches(&quot;.*E.*&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;EXPAND includeFiles(&quot;B&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;FOREACH generateUserFunctionModuleSet_X() AS fmodule_S =&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;IF pid_S.matches(&quot;.*D.*&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;IF pid_S.matches(&quot;.*E.*&quot;)=&gt;&gt;
<creation_ts>2006-08-29 10:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>checkfile editor (*.chk) doesnt recognize multiline comment</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:26:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-29 10:01:19</bug_when>
<thetext>The checkfile editor DOES recognize comments like:
01: /*
02: context ....
03: */
Having only
02: context ...
it does also recognize the comment when inserting a &quot;/*&quot; in front of line 02.
But it DOES NOT recognize the comment correctly when inserting the &quot;/*&quot; in line 01. It does ignore all errors inside (so it&apos;s a comment), but it does not make it gree (syntax highlighting).
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:26:53</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-30 05:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[ext] create ext-statement for JAVA method</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-30 05:30:40</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 05:30:40</bug_when>
<thetext>You could see the methods of a java class inside the Package Explorer of Eclipse. When dragging a method and dropping on the extension editor (*.ext) the signature could be generated.
public class Helper {
public static String camelcase(String name) {
+- Helper
+-- camelcase(String) &lt;-- drag this and drop onto ext.file
--&gt; result
String camelcase(String name) : JAVA Helper.camelcase(java.lang.String);
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-31 07:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xPand] sorting of lists</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-31 07:53:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 07:53:20</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be nice to have a sort-feature for lists. E.g. for statemachines
�DEFINE root FOR Statemachine�
�FOREACH actions.sort(name) AS a�
this would sort the list of actions according to the actions name attribute value.
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-01 06:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oaw-classic examples: scm-workflow parameters should come from external</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-13 03:24:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-01 06:15:58</bug_when>
<thetext>In the oaw-classic scm.generator example (version 4.1 final), the parameters &quot;srcGenPath&quot;, &quot;xmlMapFile&quot; and &quot;toolAdapterClassname&quot; should not be set in the file (in the scm.generator project), since they are specific to the project using the cardridge. Different project using the cardridge might require different setting here.
Instead, they should be passed in from the workflow.oaw file in the scm.helloWorld project, just like the &quot;appProjectName&quot; and other parameters. Even better, they should be put into a file in that project, that is then refrenced by the workflow.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:24:18</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 07:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[check] CodeCompletion: keywords as suggestions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-04 07:42:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 07:42:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Keywords (import, extension, context, ...) should also be available via code completion.
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 07:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[check] CodeCompletion: acitvating should not be case sensitive</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-04 07:42:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 07:42:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Code Completion is case sensitive. E.g. you need to type &quot;eC&quot; for &quot;eContainer&quot; - a simple &quot;ec&quot; does not work.
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 07:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[check] CodeCompletion: analyze classpath</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-04 07:45:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 07:45:16</bug_when>
<thetext>When typing
import XX
at &apos;XX&apos; code completion could suggest all available model files (from classpath or workflow?) - similar to Javas code completion while typing a full qualified classname.
extension XX
could also suggest all ext-files.
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-06 03:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[doc - r05_workflowReference] : what is Ant&apos;s classpath</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:16:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:27:56</bug_when>
<thetext>In the chapter &quot;Starting with Ant&quot; you show the &lt;workflow&gt; task and how to &lt;taskdef&gt; that. But you does not say a word about the classpath to use for that. Where is the task?
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:36:09</bug_when>
<thetext>the workflow ant tasks is an extension of ant&apos;s java ant task, therefore it can be configured with the same classpath declarations the java ant task uses.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:36:55</bug_when>
<thetext>... we should definitely make sure that this is explained in the documentation, too ;-) ... so leave it open</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:53:48</bug_when>
<thetext>No, I dont mean the manual of the &lt;workflow&gt; task. Ok, that&apos;s missing too.
In which jar file is the implementation class?
classpath=&quot; ???? &quot;
Especially when invoking the task from Ant (command line/CruiseControl), you dont have any other libs around...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:16:11</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-12 10:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Xpand] TODO-Tags in REM</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-27 02:02:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 10:56:52</bug_when>
<thetext>It is desirable to mark REM statements as TODO comments that will be displayed in the task view like Java TODO tags in Eclipse.
&lt;&lt;REM TODO&gt;&gt;Template not complete here&lt;&lt;ENDREM&gt;&gt;
Leads to entry in &quot;tasks&quot; view when selecting the template.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-27 02:02:07</bug_when>
<thetext>In JDT the comment is parsed
(see Eclipse Config | Java Compiler | Task Tags)
So in oAW that would be a simple rem-statement
&lt;&lt;REM&gt;&gt;TODO Template not complete here&lt;&lt;ENDREM&gt;&gt;
And maybe configurable ...
&lt;&lt;REM&gt;&gt;JAN you should do ....&lt;&lt;ENDREM&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;REM&gt;&gt;KARSTEN dont forget to ...&lt;&lt;ENDREM&gt;&gt;</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-12 11:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] Access to nested classes requires IMPORT of main class</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-03 15:59:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 11:16:54</bug_when>
<thetext>public class MainClass {
public static class SubClass { ... }
Suppose we have some getter (JavaBeans Metamodel) that returns a collection of &apos;SubClass&apos; instances.
In a template there is a FOREACH statement accessing this getter (package of &apos;MainClass&apos; is imported):
�FOREACH (List[MainClass::SubClass])subclasses) AS cls�...�ENDFOREACH�
This will mark an error. It can be worked around by importing &apos;MainClass&apos;:
�IMPORT my::package::MainClass�</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-12 11:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugin] Code completion for superclasses</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-12 11:24:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 11:24:03</bug_when>
<thetext>When opening the code completion window with STRG+SPACE only the features of the class itself are suggested, but not of its superclasses. To avoid performance issues the super-feature should be evaluated if STRG+SPACE is typed a second time.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-15 05:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText editor enhancements (code folding,tooltips,format)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-15 05:55:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows NT</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 05:48:57</bug_when>
<thetext>maybe its possible to add some of the existing eclipse javaeditor features to the generated xText (dsl) editor: code folding,tooltips,format..</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 05:55:37</bug_when>
<thetext>yes, we&apos;d really like to! It&apos;s bascially a question of time, developers, resources, money.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-20 05:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>unreferenced module elements not instantiated</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-20 05:03:15</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 05:03:15</bug_when>
<thetext>oaw-classic, version 4.1 final:
Affects at least the MagicDraw (11.5) ToolAdapert, others might be affected as well.
I am using a profile module, containing a shared package with several classes and other elements that make up my DSL.
Some of the classes defined in the profile are not directly referenced from any elements in my model, but are intended to be used from a ModelModifier that &quot;weaves&quot; these classes into my model.
However, unreferenced elements from a module are currently not instantiated, so the ModelModifier has no access to them.
--&gt; Either always instantiate all module elements, or provide configuration option to enforce this for a specific module.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-21 08:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>programmatic adding of global vars is unnecessarily complicated</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-21 08:37:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-21 08:37:46</bug_when>
<thetext>imagine using a subclassed XtendComponent and trying to add a global variable (the data comes from some kind of wizard).
it would be nice to have a direct method like addGlobalVarDef(String name, String value) {...}, but instead one has to instantiate AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent.GlobalVarDef, set the values and finally add this object via addGlobalVarDef...
by the way, having a AbstractExpressionsUsingWorkflowComponent.GlobalVarDef(String name, String value) constructor could be helpful, too.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-27 02:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend] no mm-support in typed lists</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-27 02:07:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-27 02:07:41</bug_when>
<thetext>I have a metamodell (EMF):
&quot;Table&quot; has &quot;Attribute&quot;s (attributes:List)
&quot;Table&quot; can extend other Tables (superentity:Table)
Now I needed an extension to get all (inclusive the inherited) attributes of a table:
List[Attribute] allAttributes(Table this) :
? attributes
: attributes.addAll(superentity.allAttributes());
Inside the brackets [] there is no context assist of the metamodell:
does not work.
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-04 05:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel implementation for XSD</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-04 07:03:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 05:17:04</bug_when>
<thetext>For processing of XML files it would be nice to have a metamodel implementation based on XSD schema files. For XML files that apply to the schema this metamodel an instantiator is needed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 06:17:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Ecore has this feature.
So from my point of view, this is invalid</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 07:03:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Bernd, you are thinking about the XSD2Ecore facility?
Yes, that&apos;s a way to transfer the XSD to Ecore and then work upon the generated Ecore metamodel. Reason for this feature request is
a) the generation of the resulting .ecore metamodel is an additional step and has to be done each time the .xsd changes
b) the importer is not documented well. I searched and tried a while and finally manged to get it working. OK, we could provide the links to the docs and explain the process in an additional article to make this task easier for those searching for it.
c) How are then XML documents read and instantiated into this Ecore metamodel? I haven&apos;t found it, please help.
d) It would be nice if the editors will reflect directly the schema.
<creation_ts>2006-10-04 14:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Compile/obfuscate templates</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-04 14:00:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 14:00:46</bug_when>
<thetext>For users who do not want to distribute the source code of their cartridges it is desirable to provide obfuscation or compiled version of their sources.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-08 08:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] Error opening the .recipe file</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-22 07:09:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-08 08:40:06</bug_when>
<thetext>I have created a recipe file and choosed &quot;[ContextMenu]/Open with/ Recipe File Editor&quot; (or double click on the file). This action fails with the following stack trace in the editor view:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleLoader.findClass(
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
Opening the recipe with the &quot;Open Recipes&quot; action works.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-08 08:40:36</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51609)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-22 07:09:21</bug_when>
<thetext>See;showtopic=194 for additional hints.
<date>2006-10-08 08:40</date>
<creation_ts>2006-10-10 08:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Recipe view and open recipe file</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-29 07:08:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 08:46:07</bug_when>
<thetext>If a recipe file which is opened in the recipe view is deleted/moved/... the recipe view gives an error message. An observer is needed to register on the file (most likely using the Eclipse Resource Plugin).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-10 08:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[eclipse-integration] Composite Recipe Check, right click -&gt; Evaluate</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-29 07:09:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 08:49:51</bug_when>
<thetext>If you define a composite recipe check and load it in the recipe view, right click on the composite recipe and execute &quot;Evaluate&quot;. This fails with an error message popping up. However, it is supposed to re-evaluate all its child recipes.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-10 09:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] collect statement evaluation wrong</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-10 09:48:05</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 09:47:17</bug_when>
<thetext>In the attached project from an Itemis workshop you find an oAW workflow gen_library.oaw which uses an extent function in the file oaw4.workshop.library.generator/oaw/entity/ModelProperties.ext. In this file I have two lines of extent code which should be semantically the same. However, in one case the generated file has no methods and in in the other case it is generated correctly.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 09:48:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51681)
The oAW project which shows the described error
<date>2006-10-10 09:48</date>
<desc>The oAW project which shows the described error</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] SWITCH f�r Xpand</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-11 08:07:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:07:16</bug_when>
<thetext>In the following case neither IF/ELSEIF nor Expression&apos;s switch() is the appropriate way to express conditions:
�switch (expression) {
case &apos;000001&apos; : &quot;create some very large code that cannot be expressed in an expression&quot;;
case &apos;000002&apos; : ....
case &apos;000003&apos; : ....
case &apos;000004&apos; : ....
case &apos;999999: : &quot;even here create code that should normally be in Xpand;
The alternative with IF/ELSEIF cascades is not nice either:
�IF expression==&apos;000001&apos;�
do some stuff
�ELSEIF expression==&apos;000002&apos;�
do other stuff
Nicer with SWITCH:
�SWITCH expression�
�CASE &apos;000001&apos;�do some stuff�ENDCASE�
�CASE &apos;000002&apos;�do other stuff�ENDCASE�
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] Passing int to extension function fails at runtime</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-01 09:20:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:13:18</bug_when>
<thetext>See attached project:
We created an extension function with parameter of type &apos;int&apos; (same for &apos;Integer&apos;) which delegates to a JAVA method. The function is not marked as an error, but at generation time the call fails:
3695 ERROR WorkflowRunner - null:in test.ext on line 1 &apos;List getSomethingInteger(List source,Integer value)&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: null:in test.ext on line 1 &apos;List getSomethingInteger(List source,Integer value)&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.JavaExtensionStatement.evaluateInternal(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:14:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51749)
Small project reproducing this bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 09:20:09</bug_when>
<thetext>The garanteed java type for int is java.lang.Number.
Note, that JAVA extension are not type checked!</thetext>
<date>2006-10-11 08:14</date>
<desc>Small project reproducing this bug</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugin] color decorators for generated code</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-07 03:34:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:17:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Eclipse provides the feature of decorating files in the package explorer. It would be useful if generated files are marked with a different color (gray). For files containing protected regions another color should be used (gray with red).
By doing this users can easily distinguish
- 100% generated files
- mixed code
- 100% manual code</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 03:34:08</bug_when>
<thetext>There is a plug-in which does this for all EMF-generated code, see
Do we still want to implement our own color decorators?
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] plugin: document decorators for code assist</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-11 08:23:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:21:27</bug_when>
<thetext>TODO: Explain the icons within the Code Assist feature list.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] built-in: undocumented features</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-11 08:22:31</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:22:31</bug_when>
<thetext>The Built-In API does not contain docs for List functions: first, last, withoutFirst/Last, indexOf
Some methods are undocumented. This should be improved.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-23 05:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>dynamic expansion of template : (fully qualified) definition name given at run-time</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-22 08:57:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-23 05:04:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Coudl the Xpand language be extended as to include a new statement - let&apos;s call it DYNXPD, that would
* have the same syntax as the &quot;regular/static&quot; EXPAND statement
* but allow the definitionName to be an expression evaluating to a String ?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 08:57:09</bug_when>
<thetext>See also this thread:</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-02 11:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xTend: Typing of add(...) operations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-02 11:04:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 11:04:37</bug_when>
<thetext>The add(...) operations on collection should be typed
to the element type of the collection (which is known
from the EMF meta model).
among other things, this avoids add( ..collection.. )
calls, which lead to rather strange (i.e. non-intuitive)
error messages in turn.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-21 06:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem instantiating a metamodelpackage</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-21 06:50:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-21 06:48:51</bug_when>
<thetext>I have a metamodel consisting of different packages. I create a model
for a specific package using the generated emf-Editor.
The XMI-Instatiator WorkflowComponent fails to instantiate this model:
The namespace of the mm-package, which the model is an instance of, is
not found in the metamodel file (please see attached exception-trace, and forum;showtopic=2564)
I attached a zipped Workspace to reproduce the Problem.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-21 06:49:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54252)
zipped eclipse workspace to reproduce the bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-21 06:50:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54253)
exception stacktrace
<date>2006-11-21 06:49</date>
<desc>zipped eclipse workspace to reproduce the bug</desc>
<date>2006-11-21 06:50</date>
<desc>exception stacktrace</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-11-29 05:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Strange behaviour for implicit iterators</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-29 05:19:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-29 05:19:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume a meta model that has a metaclass A with a to-one reference to a metaclass B called b.
If I call a.b in an expression, the resulting collection contains nulls
for each of the As where the b reference is null.
This looks like unintended behaviour....</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-30 03:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Xpand2] Omit &quot;trivial&quot; generation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-30 03:49:17</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-30 03:48:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Wenn in unserem Projekt Code generiert wird, dann sind wir bestrebt, die Anzahl �nderungen klein zu halten. Da wir in einem EJB-Umfeld arbeiten, gehen die Turnaroundzeiten sonst unzumutbar hoch.
Ich habe XPand jetzt beigebracht, nur dann das Generat rauszuschreiben, wenn es sich in mehr als nur dem white space von der letzten Version unterscheidet - eine Heuristik, die sich seit Jahren bei uns bew�hrt hat.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-30 03:49:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54765)
2. Verbesserte Handhabung von Protected Regions
Wir nutzen den Generator ganz bewusst, um auch den Coderahmen f�r handcodierte Files zu generieren (ich weiss, das AW-Tema sieht das Thema anders). Da bei uns richtig viele Protected Regions anfallen, ist es f�r uns besser, wenn die Protected egions nur bez�glich einer einzelnen Datei eindeutig sein m�ssen.
Au�erdem hatten einen Mechanismus zum Herausgeben der nicht genutzten Protected Regions, den ich auch eingebaut habe.</thetext>
<date>2006-11-30 03:49</date>
<creation_ts>2006-12-04 12:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error Reporting needs to be improved</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-04 12:08:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-04 12:08:00</bug_when>
<thetext>If I have some kind of exception within an xtend transformation, the exception only reports the location in the (EMF) code where the problem appeared, but not the line in the xtend file from which it was called. This needs to be improved. It is really complicated to track down an error otherwise.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-06 02:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XPand: Improved handling of protected regions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-06 03:05:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 02:57:04</bug_when>
<thetext>In our project the built-in handling of protected regions doesn&apos;t satisfy our needs. Therefore I have written sum extensions to XPand which provide
- ability to handle protected regions in file scope (up to now global scope)
- improved handling of protected regions (store them in a separate file, one file
per modified file, at the end of the actual file)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 03:03:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55112)
Attached zip-File contains modified sources for Relase 4.1.1
The file also contains modifcations for Bug 166929 (XPand: Ignore trivial changes in generated files)</thetext>
<date>2006-12-06 03:03</date>
<desc>Attached zip-File contains modified sources for Relase 4.1.1</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-12-06 03:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XPand: Ignore trivial chages</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-12 17:07:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 03:01:13</bug_when>
<thetext>In large Projects it is essential to only modify files which &quot;really&quot; have changed. The suggested extension suppresses writing of files which differ from the previous version only in white space.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 03:05:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug 166928 has an attachment with modified sources. They implement this enhancement too.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-12 17:07:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60619)
Former Solution migrated into PostProcessor
Meanwhile I found a better solutil for this: I wrote a postprocessor which implements the desired behavor. If you like, you may integrate this int oaw.</thetext>
<date>2007-03-12 17:07</date>
<desc>Former Solution migrated into PostProcessor</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-12-07 05:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Usage of EnumerationLiterals for Tagged Values</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-07 05:47:58</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-07 05:47:58</bug_when>
<thetext>When using an Enumeration type in a tagged value definition and defining the value for a stereotyped element with a literal from that enumeration the generator cannot access this literal properly.
Reason is that the generator identifies the type of the tagged value to be the Enumeration itself (EnumType), not to be an EnumerationLiteral.
See discussion in the forum.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-11 10:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Misleading error message if collections are null</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-11 10:05:22</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 10:03:44</bug_when>
<thetext>When evaluating a collection value and the collection itself is null the error message &apos;Collection expected! in template...&apos; appears. This is misleading if the template itself is correct and the error reason is that the collection value is null. Better would be &apos;Collection expected, but retrieved a null value!&apos; in this case.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 10:05:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Forum message e.g.;showtopic=2752&amp;lastpost=true</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-11 14:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Aspects dont respect inheritance hierachy</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-11 14:38:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 14:38:35</bug_when>
<thetext>I have CollectionIteratorAction Meta-Class and LoopAction Meta-Class. Collection... inherits Loop. Having aspects declared like
�AROUND m2t_transforms::seff::Action FOR CollectionIteratorAction�
�AROUND m2t_transforms::seff::Action FOR LoopAction�
// Loop
works but if you switch the order you&apos;ll get Loop twice. Seems as if it takes the first matching aspect. But shouldn&apos;t it take the first matching aspect in the deepest inheritance level?</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-19 15:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>INT Token does not accept negative numbers</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-19 15:34:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-19 15:34:12</bug_when>
<thetext>I need a token type that allows me to specify negative numbers
(such as in -1 for &quot;unbounded&quot; multiplicities). The INT type
does not allow me to do that.
Can we maybe add a SIGNEDINT token type?</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-27 11:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>reporting errors from within a transformation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-27 11:44:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-27 11:44:28</bug_when>
<thetext>It is necessary to be able to report an issue (error, warning)
from within a transformation</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-27 11:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>error reporting if an extension include is invalid</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-27 11:45:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-27 11:45:13</bug_when>
<thetext>If an included extend file is not found, I get all kinds of ohter errors, but none that directly hints at the invalid include</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-22 08:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Access to context information</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-22 08:36:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-22 08:36:37</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be useful to have access to context information within expressions, esp. file name and line of the current evaluated syntax element. With this feature it should be possible to print out the template location which is the origin of some generated code, e.g. for debugging purposes.
This could be achieved by introducing &quot;global&quot; extensions, since the location is not bound to a specific object like other extensions.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-30 08:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xPand: compare Integer and Real with null does not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-30 08:03:13</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-30 08:03:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
Compare an integer or real type in Xpand with null:
&lt;&lt;IF (intType == null) ...&gt;&gt;
This gives a NullPointerException on generating, if intType is non-null.
More information:
Proposed fix for (and an analogous modification to
new OperationImpl(this, &quot;==&quot;, getTypeSystem().getBooleanType(), new Type[] { getTypeSystem()
.getObjectType() }) {
public Object evaluateInternal(final Object target, final Object[] params) {
if (target == null)
return new Boolean(target == params[0]);
if (params[0] == null) return false; // &lt;- INSERTED
return new Boolean(toLong(target).equals(toLong(params[0])));
new OperationImpl(this, &quot;!=&quot;, getTypeSystem().getBooleanType(), new Type[] { getTypeSystem()
.getObjectType() }) {
public Object evaluateInternal(final Object target, final Object[] params) {
if (target == null)
return new Boolean(target != params[0]);
if (params[0] == null) return true; // &lt;- INSERTED
return new Boolean(!toLong(target).equals(toLong(params[0])));
<creation_ts>2007-02-01 09:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Another Error Reporting Problem</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-01 09:14:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 09:14:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Here&apos;s another case where an XTend transformation fails (with some EMF-internal problems) and I cannot see in which line of the Xtend trafo file the problem occurs:
16 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - openArchitectureWare 4.1.1, Build 200612121814
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - running workflow: L:/siemensCT/smarthome.example/src/wf-exampleFromCbd.oaw
31 INFO WorkflowRunner -
750 INFO CompositeComponent - workflow wf-trafoCbdToOsgi.oaw
750 INFO CompositeComponent - XmiReader: file &apos;test.xmi&apos; =&gt; slot &apos;cbdmodel&apos;
781 INFO CompositeComponent - XmiReader: file &apos;testMixin.xmi&apos; =&gt; slot &apos;mixinmodel&apos;
781 INFO CompositeComponent - workflow wf-cbdconstraints.oaw
781 INFO CompositeComponent - CheckComponent: slot cbdmodel check file(s): cbdmmConstraints cbdmmConstraints2 operationsmmConstraints
1016 INFO CompositeComponent - ExtIssueReporter
1016 INFO CompositeComponent - XtendComponent: executing &apos;cbd2osgi&apos;
1125 INFO CompositeComponent - XmiWriter: slot &apos;osgiModel&apos; =&gt; file &apos;osgidump.xmi&apos;
1156 INFO CompositeComponent - workflow wf-apigenerator.oaw
1156 INFO CompositeComponent - Generator: generating &apos;cbd::api::root::root FOR cbdmodel&apos; =&gt; directory &apos;src-gen/&apos;
1500 INFO Generator - Written 4 files to outlet [default](src-gen/)
1500 INFO CompositeComponent - workflow wf-osgiBackend.oaw
1500 INFO CompositeComponent - CheckComponent: slot osgiModel check file(s): osgimmConstraints osgimmConstraints2
1531 INFO CompositeComponent - XtendComponent: executing &apos;fixupModel&apos;
1547 ERROR WorkflowRunner -
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExpressionExtensionStatement.evaluateInternal2(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExpressionExtensionStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.Extension.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.OperationCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.ChainExpression.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExpressionExtensionStatement.evaluateInternal2(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExpressionExtensionStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.Extension.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.OperationCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ExpressionFacade.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ExpressionFacade.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.XtendComponent.invokeInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.lib.AbstractWorkflowComponent2.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The &apos;no null&apos; constraint is violated
at org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList.validate(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreEList.validate(
at org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList.addUnique(
at org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifyingListImpl.doAddUnique(
at org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.impl.NotifyingListImpl.addUnique(
at org.eclipse.emf.common.util.BasicEList.add(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.types.CollectionTypeImpl$6.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.OperationImpl.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.OperationCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
... 23 more</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-16 07:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[classic] EMFInstantiator does not work for attribute types different to String</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-16 07:42:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-16 07:42:14</bug_when>
<thetext>When having an ECore metamodel with attributes e.g. of type Boolean the EMFInstantiatorService fails with an error:
ERROR org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.MappingInstantiator - Error occured while instantiating the metamodel: The value of type &apos;class java.lang.String&apos; must be of type &apos;class java.lang.Boolean&apos;</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-18 12:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Inheritation between different metamodels</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-18 12:11:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-18 12:09:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Affecting oAW core 4.1.1.v20061128
Consider the following two metamodels (see attached project):
- metamodel::Entity extends emof::NamedElement
Metamodel.ecore references the superclass NamedElement by file reference:
This file reference doesn&apos;t work with oaw, so resolving the feature NamedElement::name in metamodels::Entity throws an Exception:
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.FeatureNotFoundException: Feature &apos;name&apos; not found. (file:/E:/EclipseProjects/oawInheritation/bin/model.xmi, 3, 27)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-18 12:11:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59241)
<date>2007-02-18 12:11</date>
<creation_ts>2007-02-19 03:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>support for platform: protocol</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-19 03:53:32</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 03:50:59</bug_when>
<thetext>When editing a metamodel, the standard Eclipse ecore editor saves references to metamodels from another plugin using the platform protocol
In earlier versions the editor would save a relative reference to the plugin, but since EMF 2.3.0 the above mentioned absolute reference to the plugin is used. It would be nice if oaw understood this platform protocol.
The attached metamodel.ecore is a slightly modified version of the metamodel example of oaw defining the name property as a UML string.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 03:53:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59247)
ecore metamodel containing UML reference using platform protocol
<date>2007-02-19 03:53</date>
<desc>ecore metamodel containing UML reference using platform protocol</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-19 16:28</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Lifecycle callbacks for WorkflowComponent</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-19 16:28:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 16:28:19</bug_when>
<thetext>To manage external resources from a WorkflowComponent (e.g. database connection) the interface should specifiy some lifecycle callbacks that should span &quot;checkConfiguration&quot; and &quot;invoke&quot;. Before any action is done on the workflow component the framework should call the &quot;createComponent&quot; lifecycle method. After successfully returning from &quot;createComponent&quot; (i.e. without any exception thrown) it should be guaranteed (by means of a finally block) that the &quot;destroyComponent&quot; lifcycle method is called. It could be considered to use some special annotations similarly to EJB3 lifecycle annotations to specify lifecycle methods.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-26 06:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Project wizard: More detailed configuration for target project</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-26 06:44:25</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 06:44:25</bug_when>
<thetext>The Project Wizard should be conifgurable for other typical project layouts:
- UML2 usage
- Classic oAW
Especially the Plugin-Dependencies and Metamodel contributors should be pre-configured.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-28 05:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Single-line comment on last line of extend file crashes parser</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-28 05:32:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-28 05:32:08</bug_when>
<thetext>When the last line of an extend file contains a single-line comment (// ...),
the parser crashes. Also, the extend file editor doesn&apos;t show the comment in its respective colour.
oAW version: 4.1.1v20061128
file 1:
// ====================================&lt;&lt;eof&gt;&gt;
file 2:
Void test() : Void; // ====================================&lt;&lt;eof&gt;&gt;
Error output for test file was:
Caused by: line 1:978: unexpected char: 0xFFFF
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.parser.Scanner.nextToken(
at antlr.TokenBuffer.fill(
at antlr.TokenBuffer.LA(
at antlr.LLkParser.LA(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.parser.ExtensionParser.start(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.XtendResourceParser.parse(
... 19 more</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-02 00:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XmiReader does not find model if the model file is created within workflow</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 00:46:30</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 00:46:30</bug_when>
<thetext>See attached forum posting.
The user makes use of the EA_Xmi2Exporter to export an EA model. Afterwards the XmiReader wants to read the file but does not find it. This problem is also adressed in the EA tutorial.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-06 11:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Code Completion does not offer static properties for types</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-06 11:18:50</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-06 11:16:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Static properties like Enum Literals or constants in Java classes/interfaces must be offered by the code completion.
In the attached example the Enum &quot;Multiplicity&quot; has the enum literal &quot;multiple&quot;. After typing Multiplicity::CTRL/SPACE it is expected that &quot;multiple&quot; will be offered by code completion.
�IF ref.targetMultiplicity==Multiplicity::multiple�
See attached projects for reproduction.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-06 11:18:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60325)
Reproducing Project
<date>2007-03-06 11:18</date>
<desc>Reproducing Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-07 11:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Dependencies between Constraints</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-07 11:25:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-07 11:25:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Often, constraints depend on each other. That means, if some constraint A does not validate, there&apos;s no reason to evaluate another constraint. Currently, this cannot be expressed, resulting in all kinds of follow-up errors or exceptions.
This could be solved by supporting dependencies between constraints:
Here is a context with a new construct, a constraint ID, which can be
added optionally before the constraint itself.
aConstraindID: context SomeType ERROR &quot;message&quot;: expression;
Here&apos;s the constraint that depends on the above one:
context SomeType ERROR &quot;anotherMessage&quot; depends aConstraintID: expression;
This constraint will only be checked if the constraint identified by the ID mentioned after &quot;depends&quot; has been validated successfully.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-08 12:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Default value of Attribute as Enumeration Literal does not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-08 15:55:09</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-08 12:53:28</bug_when>
<thetext>See URL for forum thread.
My UML model defines a an Enumeration class, &quot;MyEnumerationClass,&quot;
with five literals:
| MyEnumerationClass |
| literal1 |
| literal2 |
| literal3 |
The model also defines class A, with Attribute attr as follows:
| A |
| attr: MyEnumerationClass = literal1 |
The enumeration literal &quot;literal1&quot; is intended to be the default
value of A.attr. In my templates, attr.hasInitValue always returns
&quot;false,&quot; while attr.InitValue always returns &quot;null&quot;.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-16 06:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Inifinite Recursion Detection too eager</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-16 06:48:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 06:48:07</bug_when>
<thetext>The infinite recursion detection is too eager.
I can provide an example case, if needed. For the
time being, I have simply removed the check.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-20 05:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>referencing native rules</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-20 05:56:30</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 05:56:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Number :
Native REAL : &quot; &apos;0&apos;..&apos;9&apos;+ (&apos;.&apos; &apos;0&apos;..&apos;9&apos;*)? &quot;;
leads to this error:
An call to &apos;REAL&apos; of type xtext::NativeLexerRule is not allowed here!
Changing the Number rule to:
Number :
Passes syntax checking.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-20 15:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Method uml::Package::createOwnedPackage(String) not found in Xtend function</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-20 15:22:22</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 15:21:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Steps to reproduce:
1) Import attached project
The project contains a simple trafo:
create Model transformModel(Package m) :
setName(&quot;Test&quot;) -&gt;
this.createOwnedPackage(&quot;test&quot;) -&gt;
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
Couldn&apos;t find operation &apos;createOwnedPackage(String)&apos; for type &apos;uml::Model&apos; thread3703bug/src ModelTransformation.ext line: 4 1174418383707 2232
This method is defined for type uml::Package. Strange: Other create-methods of this type are found, e.g. &quot;createOwnedEnumeration(String)&quot;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 15:22:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61448)
Reproducing Project
<date>2007-03-20 15:22</date>
<desc>Reproducing Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-20 15:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Nullpointer in Code Completion</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-20 15:35:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 15:33:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Steps to reproduce:
1) Import attached project
2) Open file &quot;ModelTransformation.ext&quot;
3) Place cursor before &quot;add&quot;
Tue Mar 20 20:32:16 CET 2007
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.editor.codeassist.ProposalFactoryEclipseImpl.computeReturnType(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.editor.codeassist.ProposalFactoryEclipseImpl.createPropertyProposal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.codeassist.ExpressionProposalComputer.getAllMemberProposals(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.codeassist.ExpressionProposalComputer.computeProposals(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.editor.codeassist.XtendContentAssistProcessor.internalComputeCompletionProposals(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.editor.codeassist.AbstractOawContentAssistProcessor.computeCompletionProposals(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 15:34:01</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61451)
Reproducing Project
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 15:35:12</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61452)
Full Stacktrace
<date>2007-03-20 15:34</date>
<desc>Reproducing Project</desc>
<date>2007-03-20 15:35</date>
<desc>Full Stacktrace</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-21 10:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Unnamed Error in ErrorLog when unselect UML Pofile in Project</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-21 10:49:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 10:48:12</bug_when>
When unselect UML Profile in Project properties an unnamed Error appears in Error LOG:
at org.eclipse.jface.text.ListLineTracker.getLineNumberOfOffset(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker.getLineNumberOfOffset(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument.getLineOfOffset(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawMarkerManager$1.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation$
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawMarkerManager.internalAddMarker(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawMarkerManager.addMarker(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.AbstractOawResource.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.internal.OawProject.analyze(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation$
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 10:49:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61553)
Screenshot of property unselection
<date>2007-03-21 10:49</date>
<desc>Screenshot of property unselection</desc>
<filename>Error in unselect uml.png</filename>
<creation_ts>2007-03-22 15:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>OAW 4.1.2 Xtext generating wrong grammar for String alternatives</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-23 04:42:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 15:25:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Try this XText grammar:
String DslType :
String DslJavaIdentifier :
ID (&quot;.&quot; ID)*;
2. The generated parser has compilation errors
More information:
This is also reported in the forum, with another example.
This worked in oAW 4.1.2</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-23 04:42:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Typo: This worked in oAW 4.1.1.
Changed Severity, since there is a workaround.;lastpost=true</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-27 02:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Xtend-Editor: Code-Completion does not work when comment contains semicolon</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-27 02:58:18</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 02:56:16</bug_when>
<thetext>The Xtend Editor does not provide the Code Completion feature if a comment contains a semicolon:
import ecore;
create EClass myClass (EClass src) :
this.setName( -&gt;
// until here code completion works
this.setEAnnotations(src.eAnnotations) -&gt;
// but not from here, since this line contains a semicolon;
this.setAbstract(src.abstract) -&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 02:58:18</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62054)
Reproducing Project
<date>2007-03-27 02:58</date>
<desc>Reproducing Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-28 09:54</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Resource loading fails for two dirrerent xText editors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-28 09:57:57</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-28 09:54:47</bug_when>
<thetext>1)create two different xText projects
2)start eclipse application with generated editors
open file for the first editor - all is OK the open file for the second editor - error
open file for the second editor - all is OK the open file for the first editor - error
error like:
org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ConfigurationException: org/example/exampledsl.ecore (No such file or directory)
at org.openarchitectureware.emf.EcoreUtil2.getEPackage(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel.setMetaModelFile(
at org.example.exampledslUtilities.getMetaModels(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.AbstractLanguageUtilities.getExecutionContext(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.AbstractLanguageUtilities.parse(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.marker.MarkerManager.parseAndAnalyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.AbstractXtextEditor.refresh(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.AbstractXtextEditor.doSetInput(
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor$
at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext.runInCurrentThread(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.ApplicationWindow$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.internalInit(
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.init(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createSite(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.getEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$10(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility.openInEditor(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility.openInEditor(
at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction.dispatchRun(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerActionGroup.handleOpen(
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.fireOpen(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.handleOpen(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$6.handleOpen(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.fireOpenEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.access$2(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy$1.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
Caused by: org/example/exampledsl.ecore (No such file or directory)
at Method)
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.URIConverterImpl.createFileInputStream(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.URIConverterImpl.createInputStream(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
at org.openarchitectureware.emf.EcoreUtil2.getEPackage(
... 72 more</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-28 09:57:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62227)
projects with two editors - try it and see error
<date>2007-03-28 09:57</date>
<desc>projects with two editors - try it and see error</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-28 10:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>class AbstractOAWConstraints changes the resource loader</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-28 10:46:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-28 10:46:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Use oAW GMF adapter for model validation
2. Once a validation is performed, the resource loader is changed.
3. It is not possible to load other resources anymore via the Eclipse Buddy loading mechanism.
More information:
The method &quot;validate&quot; of class AbstractOAWConstraints contains the line
ResourceLoaderFactory.setCurrentThreadResourceLoader(new ResourceLoaderImpl(getClass().getClassLoader()));
which causes the problem, since the resource loader is changed but never changed back to the original one again.
My tests show that the line can be completely removed as with oAW 4.1.2 the Eclipse Buddy loading mechanism can now be used to load resources from projects that depend on oAW.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-28 14:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Invalid antlr dependency</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-28 14:50:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-28 14:50:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
The dependencies to antlr and jalopy in maven poms are invalid.
refers to jalopy 1.5b5.
It must be: jalopy 1.5-RC3P1
refers to antlr 2.7.6rc1
It must be: antlr 2.7.7
More information:
Discussion at</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-29 13:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Stereotypes on EnumerationLiteral don&apos;t work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-29 13:19:08</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-29 13:19:08</bug_when>
<thetext>When applying a stereotype on an EnumerationLiteral the runtime type will not be of the StereotypeType, it will remain an EnumerationLiteral instance.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-31 16:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Failed to create parent directories</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-31 16:39:40</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-31 16:39:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
When building multiple modules with fornax-oaw-m2-plugin this exception will occur:
2594 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Failed to create parent directories of file C:\Development\workspace-sculptor\sculptor-helloworld-parent\..\sculptor-helloworld\src\main\java\org\fornax\cartridges\sculptor\examples\helloworld\milkyway\domain\
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create parent directories of file C:\Development\workspace-sculptor\sculptor-helloworld-parent\..\sculptor-helloworld\src\main\java\org\fornax\cartridges\sculptor\examples\helloworld\milkyway\domain\
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.FileHandleImpl.writeAndClose(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.OutputImpl.closeFile(
More information:
I have debugged FileHandleImpl and found that the targetFile must be an absolute file, otherwise this will occur.
The simple patch is in FileHandleImpl constructor:
public FileHandleImpl(final Outlet outlet, final File f) {
this.outlet = outlet;
targetFile = f.getAbsoluteFile();
It is only a problem when building/generating from a parent module. When building/generating from the child module it works fine.
The complete example for reproducing this is described at:</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-28 05:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>metamodelGenerator: Support more meta-associations in AssocRefines</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-11 08:51:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 05:29:52</bug_when>
<thetext>oaw-classic metamodelGenerator:
I&apos;m currently using the &lt;&lt;refines&gt;&gt; stereotype to refine meta-associations of type &quot;Requirement&quot; and &quot;AssociationEnd&quot;, along with the already supported ones.
Find attached a simple patch that adds support for this to the AssocRefines.xpt template.
Works fine for me; but maybe there are other places where this should be taken care of: I noticed that Class.xpt does some magic for &quot;Attribute&quot; and &quot;Operation&quot; refines-associations...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 05:30:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51070)
Adding support for Requirement and AssociationEnd refinements
<date>2006-09-28 05:30</date>
<desc>Adding support for Requirement and AssociationEnd refinements</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-26 02:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XMLBeautifier does not handle ENTITY entries</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-26 02:30:24</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 02:30:24</bug_when>
<thetext>Given the following generated code:
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot;?&gt;
&lt;!DOCTYPE hibernate-configuration PUBLIC
&quot;-//Hibernate/Hibernate Configuration DTD 3.0//EN&quot;
&lt;!ENTITY MappingFile SYSTEM &quot;hibernate/config/hibernate.mappings.include&quot;&gt;
The beautifier changes the ENTITY declaration to this:
&lt;!ENTITY MappingFile SYSTEM &quot;file:///...path_to_project.../hibernate/config/hibernate.mappings.include&quot;&gt;
This is an unwanted behaviour.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-04-04 09:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Recipe Evaluation fails with NPE</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-04-04 09:46:49</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 09:41:33</bug_when>
<thetext>It is reported that evaluation of a recipe fails in specific cases. See attached projects.
In this project the view will show for 2 failing tests. If explicitly invoked the Evaluate function the user gets a NPE:
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.core.CompositeCheck.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.eval.CheckEvaluator.evaluate(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 09:42:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62919)
Reproducing Project
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 09:42:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62920)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 09:46:49</bug_when>
<thetext>The EvaluationContext in this example has no reference to an Evaluator, which leads to the Nullpointer.
In class CheckEvaluator the reference is set for the EvaluationContext in methode evaluate only for the method with parameter CheckSet:
public void evaluate( CheckSet checks ) {
There exists a second method evaluate() where this reference is not set:
public void evaluate( Check c ) {
if ( ( c.getTrigger() == EvalTrigger.ON_CHANGE &amp;&amp; context.evaluateOnChangeTriggeredCheck() ) ||
Added the call:
public void evaluate( Check c ) {
<date>2007-04-04 09:42</date>
<desc>Reproducing Project</desc>
<date>2007-04-04 09:42</date>
<creation_ts>2007-03-27 08:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add &quot;Run&quot; menu on oAW projects</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-27 09:09:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 08:39:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Currently, workflow files can be run from Eclipse by selecting the workflow file and selecting &quot;Run as oAW workflow&quot; from the context menu. It would be lovely if we could also run workflows by just selecting the project and choosing &quot;Run as workflow&quot; (as can be done with Java projects).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 09:03:07</bug_when>
<thetext>One project can contain more than one workflow, e.g. with different configurations. See the uml2ecore cartridge for example.
I&apos;m not sure that this makes sense. Perhaps one should provide an dialog that lets you select one of the found runs. Also consider that there exists a &quot;Launch View&quot;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 09:08:56</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #1)
&gt; One project can contain more than one workflow, e.g. with different
&gt; configurations. See the uml2ecore cartridge for example.
True. I just had alook what JDT does in a case where we have more than one main
class in the selected project. It display a dialog and asks the user to select
one of the displayed main classes. In the spirit of Eclipse, I&apos;d try to mimick
this behaviour for oAW runs.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 09:09:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62081)
What happens when you try to launch a Java project with more than one main files.
<date>2007-03-27 09:09</date>
<desc>What happens when you try to launch a Java project with more than one main files.</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-04-04 18:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Generate ANT file for workflow</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-04-05 03:24:30</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 18:16:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Just like PDE supports exporting a plugin-definition to an ANT file, oAW should support exporting a workflow to an ANT file.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-01 12:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>OAW editors: Renaming OAW files doesn&apos;t remove the OAW control</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-05 02:09:05</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-01 12:55:55</bug_when>
<thetext>The xpand editor for examples controls files with the ending xpt (e.g. test.xpt). If there is an error in the xpt file, the errors are shown on the fly after the save. If you now rename a erroneous file (e.g. test.xpt_error), OAW should release the validation of the renamed file. This is not the case, the errors in the renamed file (test.xpt_error) are still shown.
Have seen this behaviour also in the generated editor of the xText framework for a given DSL.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-05 02:09:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Still present with new builder process.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create new oAW project with simple example
2) Copy Simple.xpt =&gt; Simple1.xpt
3) Make an error within Simple1.xpt
=&gt; Error is shown in Problems view
4) Rename Simple1.xpt =&gt; Simple1.xpt_err
=&gt; Problems are still present
<creation_ts>2006-11-13 01:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[type-system] Access to type cache returns wrong type instance</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-11 08:37:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-13 01:04:30</bug_when>
<thetext>See attached project: A JavaBeans model is read using a special parser. When trying to generate something access to property &apos;name&apos; fails although it exists.
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;name&apos;:in Root.xpt on line 5 &apos;name&apos;
I tried to debug this and found out (maybe some hints help?):
- Accessing the type cache returns for the Mib instance with name &apos;ENTITY-MIB&apos; a StringTypeImpl
- Before that &apos;ENTITY-MIB&apos; was accessed as a string so the return of StringTypeImpl was OK then
- Before that call already a call to the type system with the Mib instance as argument returned an ObjectTypeImpl, which is OK
- The instantiated JavaBean class has a toString() method that returns its name</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-13 01:09:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53726)
Reproducing project
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-13 01:10:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53727)
Reproducing project
Had to split the project because attachment was too large</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-15 04:57:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Additional hint:
The problem disappears when the property &quot;name&quot; is not accessed in the FILE statement.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 08:37:49</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 150787 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<date>2006-11-13 01:09</date>
<desc>Reproducing project</desc>
<date>2006-11-13 01:10</date>
<desc>Reproducing project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-25 16:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Code completion does not work on types in create extensions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-25 16:14:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-25 16:14:14</bug_when>
<thetext>The following code can be used as an example (GMF-sample in the repository - AddEmergencyShutdown.ext)
private create State this createShutDown() :
code completion does not work in the whole first line</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-18 16:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[uml2ecore] File encoding not configurable</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-22 04:21:34</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 16:13:16</bug_when>
<thetext>The cartridge workflow does not allow to configure the file encoding. On Mac I get the typical encoding problems then:
org/openarchitectureware/util/uml2ecore/templates/files.xpt: unexpected char: 0xB4
The fileEncoding property should configurable, with a default value &quot;ISO-8859-1&quot;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 16:22:54</bug_when>
<thetext>good point, but how do I specify default parameters for workflow properties?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 04:21:34</bug_when>
<thetext>You can include a properties file from within the cartridge and reference e.g. a property ${fileEncoding}. In this properties file (e.g. &quot;;) this property is defined.
When invoking the cartridge you can specify also the fileEncoding property, which overloads the default setting.
<creation_ts>2007-04-03 08:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[uml2ecore] Datatype mapping not sufficient</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-04-03 09:24:16</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-03 08:15:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Datatype mapping is rather limited. Currently only String, int and boolean are mapped. Double and further known types from Ecore are missing.
Types from Ecore that are not mapped from UML2 at this time are
- EBigDecimal
- EBigInteger
- EByte
- EChar
- EDouble
- EFloat
- ELong
- EShort</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-03 08:22:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Additionally custom datatypes in UML could be mapped to custom datatypes in Ecore.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-03 09:24:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Added mappings for
- byte
- char
- double
- float
- long
- short
to class TypeMapper.
@Markus: please decide further improvements regarding this issue.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-09 13:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>am3.atl ant task does not support &quot;allow inter-model references&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-13 08:44:39</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-09 13:51:03</bug_when>
<thetext>The am3.atl ant task does not support setting the &quot;allow inter-model references&quot; flag (or &quot;checkSameModel&quot; flag). This prevents proper handling of uml2 files with external references and/or applied profiles.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-09 13:57:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44018)
Fixed version of
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.
This version also fixes &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Bug 143215&lt;/a&gt; for AM3.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-09 14:00:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44019)
Fixed version of
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.
This version also fixes Bug 143215 for AM3.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-13 08:44:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Committed patch provided by Dennis.
Thanks for these contributions :-)</thetext>
<date>2006-06-09 13:57</date>
<desc>Fixed version of</desc>
<date>2006-06-09 14:00</date>
<desc>Fixed version of</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-08 08:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF4ATL does not support meta-models spread over several files (Resources)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:49:12</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-08 08:43:22</bug_when>
<thetext>The EMF4ATL repository engine does not support meta-models than span over more than one file: only model elements from the &quot;root&quot; meta-model are found, while model elements from referenced meta-models cannot be found.
Example root meta-model:;view=markup
Example referenced meta-model:;view=markup
Example transformation + libs:;view=markup;view=markup;view=markup</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-08 08:48:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40582)
Patch for multiple-file meta-models
This patch fixes loading of meta-models (extent) including referenced meta-models (referencedExtents). It also implements name-based lookup for both the main extent and all of the referencedExtents.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-08 11:07:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40598)
Updated patch that addresses getElementsByType() as well
This patch fixes loading of meta-models (extent) including referenced
meta-models (referencedExtents). It also implements name-based lookup for both
the main extent and all of the referencedExtents. This is an updated patch that addresses getElementsByType() as well.
It also does an extent.unload() within the dispose() method and dispose() is called by the finalize() method. This code needs testing against this issue:
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 10:30:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40945)
Updated patch that ensures reference lookup happens after extent.load() and generates warnings for reference lookup failure
This patch fixes loading of meta-models (extent) including referenced
meta-models (referencedExtents). It also implements name-based lookup for both
the main extent and all of the referencedExtents. This is an updated patch that
addresses getElementsByType() as well.
It also does an extent.unload() within the dispose() method and dispose() is
called by the finalize() method. This code needs testing against this issue:
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 11:17:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Latest patch gives trouble with meta-classes that can &quot;alternatingly contain&quot; eachother, causing a StackOverflowError in ASMEMFModel.addReferencedExtentsFor().</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 11:43:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40954)
Updated patch that prevents StackOverflowError in ASMEMFModel.addReferencedExtentsFor()
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-22 09:01:45</bug_when>
<thetext>External superclasses of meta-classes are not found. Example: UML2 imports Ecore, but the only reference is to EModelElement via a superclass relationship. The ASMEMFModel.addReferencedExtentsFor() method should also go through superclasses in addition to references.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 10:23:53</bug_when>
<thetext>I committed the last version of this patch (2006-05-10 11:43) on CVS.
This will allow other &quot;CVS users&quot; to test it and I hope to provide some feedbacks.
Thanks for your contribution Dennis.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 04:15:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43687)
Additional patch that searches referenced superclasses
This patch extends the addReferencedExtentsFor() method to navigate the superclasses as well in the search for referenced Resources.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:28:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49332)
Additional patch that searches referenced data types
This patch extends the addReferencedExtentsFor() method to navigate the
referenced data types as well in the search for referenced Resources.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:49:12</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch</thetext>
<date>2006-05-08 08:48</date>
<desc>Patch for multiple-file meta-models</desc>
<date>2006-05-08 11:07</date>
<desc>Updated patch that addresses getElementsByType() as well</desc>
<date>2006-05-10 10:30</date>
<desc>Updated patch that ensures reference lookup happens after extent.load() and generates warnings for reference lookup failure</desc>
<date>2006-05-10 11:43</date>
<desc>Updated patch that prevents StackOverflowError in ASMEMFModel.addReferencedExtentsFor()</desc>
<date>2006-06-07 04:15</date>
<desc>Additional patch that searches referenced superclasses</desc>
<date>2006-09-04 05:28</date>
<desc>Additional patch that searches referenced data types</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-15 10:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>MDR4ATL from CVS does not support fully qualified meta-class names</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-10 05:38:34</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-15 10:02:50</bug_when>
<thetext>MDR4ATL does not support fully qualified names of meta-classes, like this:
rule SignalEvent {
from s : INMODEL!State_Machines::SignalEvent
to t : OUTMODEL!SignalEvent mapsTo s (
name &lt;-,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
isSpecification &lt;- s.isSpecification,
taggedValue &lt;- s.taggedValue,
templateParameter &lt;- s.templateParameter,
constraint &lt;- s.constraint,
stereotype &lt;- s.stereotype,
targetFlow &lt;- s.targetFlow,
comment &lt;- s.comment,
clientDependency &lt;- s.clientDependency,
parameter &lt;- s.parameter,
sourceFlow &lt;- s.sourceFlow,
signal &lt;- s.signal)
EMF4ATL already supports this.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-15 10:05:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41444)
Patch for fully qualified meta-class names
This patch allows the use of fully qualified meta-class names, separated by &apos;::&apos;. The behaviour should be the same as in EMF4ATL.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-19 08:37:05</bug_when>
<thetext>The proposed patch ( does not solve the entire problem. MDR meta-models are serialised in XMI 1.2, which means that XML tags start with &lt;namespace&gt;:&lt;meta-class&gt;. The namespace is the top-level package. When there are several meta-classes with the same name, one has to use more than one top-level package (Poseidon 4.x uses the &quot;UML&quot; top-level package as well as the &quot;UML2&quot; top-level package). This causes problems in the ASMMDRModel.newASMMDRModel() method, where only one top-level package is retrieved, depending on the meta-model name used in the ATL transformation (e.g. &quot;UML&quot;).
When using the wrong -- or too little -- top-level packages, MDR fails loading all model elements of which the meta-class is not in the provided top-level package.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 10:44:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Committed this patch on CVS.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-10 05:38:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=45993)
Patch to bring project in compliance w.r.t. 3.2 doc on Eclipse + Ant
<date>2006-05-15 10:05</date>
<desc>Patch for fully qualified meta-class names</desc>
<date>2006-07-10 05:38</date>
<desc>Patch to bring project in compliance w.r.t. 3.2 doc on Eclipse + Ant</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-23 10:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>UML2 models are not written correctly: wrong Resource factory used</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:49:58</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-23 10:08:29</bug_when>
<thetext>ASMEMFModel.newASMEMFModel() uses the symbolic model name, e.g. &quot;OUT&quot;, as a URI to create a new EMF Resource. EMF uses the file extension in the Resource URI to resolve the correct factory, reader and writer classes for the Resource. If there&apos;s no file extension, the default Ecore XMI reader and writer will be used.
This forms a problem for UML2 models created by the UML2 plug-in, which uses its own model reader and writer. The problem is most noticeable when using UML2 Profiles: profiles are stored in external files and use a special URI resolving mechanism, which is not part of EMF. Any applied stereotypes in UML2 models written by ATL cannot be read back by the UML2 plug-in. The XML contents of the files also look noticeably different:
- xmi:id properties are absent
- xsi:schemaLocation in the top-level element looks different
Since the real model URI is always known before the transformation, the proposal is to add a method that receives the URI in addition to the symbolic name, the meta-model and the model loader.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 06:06:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43696)
This patch creates new models with URI
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 06:08:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43697)
This patch creates new models with URI
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 06:10:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43699)
This patch creates new models with URI
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 06:12:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=43700)
This patch creates new models with URI
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-07 06:19:54</bug_when>
<thetext>After applying previous patches, profiles and their stereotypes can be resolved. The profile URIs used in the created model are absolute URIs, however (i.e. platform:/resource/MyProject/profiles/MyProfile.uml2). In the source model, these URIs were relative (i.e. ../profiles/MyProfile.uml2).
This makes it difficult to move the output models (including profiles) to a different directory or use them outside Eclipse. Loading and saving the output models in the UML2 editor works around the problem for now.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-08 11:02:14</bug_when>
<thetext>I committed these patchs.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 12:56:55</bug_when>
<thetext>There&apos;s still a problem if the file path contains, for example, space characters. The URI should be encoded but isn&apos;t.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-09 19:33:12</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49798)
Encode URI
This is what I changed to make it work for me.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:49:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch</thetext>
<date>2006-06-07 06:06</date>
<desc>This patch creates new models with URI (emf4atl)</desc>
<date>2006-06-07 06:08</date>
<desc>This patch creates new models with URI (mdr4atl)</desc>
<date>2006-06-07 06:10</date>
<desc>This patch creates new models with URI (engine)</desc>
<date>2006-06-07 06:12</date>
<desc>This patch creates new models with URI (debug)</desc>
<date>2006-09-09 19:33</date>
<desc>Encode URI</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-30 08:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Registered EMF models are unloaded in dispose(), causing an NPE on next use</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:51:07</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 08:09:14</bug_when>
I&apos;m trying to define simple ANT Tasks, but there are some disapointing random messages.
First of all, this is my ANT Task :
&lt;target name=&quot;all&quot; depends=&quot;loadModels&quot;&gt;
&lt;target name=&quot;loadModels&quot;&gt;
&lt;!-- Load ATL metamodel --&gt;
&lt;am3.loadModel modelHandler=&quot;EMF&quot; name=&quot;ATL&quot; metamodel=&quot;MOF&quot; nsUri=&quot;; /&gt;
&lt;!-- Load KM3 metamodel --&gt;
&lt;am3.loadModel modelHandler=&quot;EMF&quot; name=&quot;KM3&quot; metamodel=&quot;MOF&quot; nsUri=&quot;; /&gt;
&lt;!-- Load current metamodel --&gt;
&lt;am3.loadModel modelHandler=&quot;EMF&quot; name=&quot;MM&quot; metamodel=&quot;MOF&quot; path=&quot;${metamodelsPath}/${metamodel_filename}&quot; /&gt;
Not a esoteric example ;)
So, the first time i launch the ant script, i got messages telling me everything is ok. After a random number of executions (from 3 to 10), it fails and give me error message (see at the end of the post for complete message).
I don&apos;t understand the behaviour. Between succesive executions, i didn&apos;t change anything.
Any help would be appreciated !!
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model ATL
[am3.loadModel] java.lang.NullPointerException
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.addAllReferencedExtents(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
[am3.loadModel] at .java:74)
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at 6)
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.AntLaunchDelegate$
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model KM3
[am3.loadModel] java.lang.NullPointerException
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.addAllReferencedExtents(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] a t
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets(
[am3.loadModel] ; at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.AntLaunchDelegate$
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] Loading of model MM
[am3.loadModel] org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Package with uri &apos;; not found. (file:/D:/eclipse_workspace/HOTMatchAndDiff/metamodels/Relational-KM3.ecore, 2, 191)
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.handleErrors(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.load(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLResourceImpl.doLoad(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFMod el.loadASMEMFModel(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeTargets(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3. loadModel] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.AntLaunchDelegate$
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] Caused by: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.PackageNotFoundException: Package with uri &apos;; not found. (file:/D:/eclipse_workspace/HOTMatchAndDiff/metamodels/Relational-KM3.ecore, 2, 191)
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.getPackageForURI(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.getFactoryForPrefix(
[am3 .loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createObjectByType(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createTopObject(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.processElement(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIHandler.processElement(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.startElement(
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.startElement(
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at$ContentDispatcher.scanRootElementHook(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at Source)
[am3.loadModel] &amp;nbs p; at Source)
[am3.loadModel] at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.load(
[am3.loadModel] ... 26 more
[am3.loadModel] java.lang.NullPointerException
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.adaptMetamodel(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
[am3.loadModel] at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at Model(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.EclipseDefaultExecutor.executeT argets(
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
[am3.loadModel] at
[am3.loadModel] at org.eclipse.ant.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.AntLaunchDeleg ate$
[am3.loadModel] at Source)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 08:10:33</bug_when>
I found where this issue come from. The dispose() method is sometime
called by finalize() method in
I don&apos;t know why this method is called from time to time by the
garbage collector, but it doesn&apos;t have to.
I comment its call in finalize() and everything is ok now. I know it&apos;s
not a good solution, but it is the only one i found.
Hope this help
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 08:17:16</bug_when>
<thetext>The NPE problem occurs when a model is &quot;loaded&quot; from URI. In this case, the model isn&apos;t explicitly loaded, but resolved in a registry. If a resource in a registry is unloaded, it will not be reloaded on use.
A possible fix is to record for each model whether is was explicitly loaded and only unload in this case. This also requires recording extra registry entries that ATL makes, since these entries need to be unregistered before a model is unloaded.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 08:18:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49049)
Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 17:12:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Short version:
I believe ASMEMFModelElement.dispose() has a reasonable intent
but the means used to achieve it (i.e., calling Resource.clear()
and ResourceSet.remove()) is unwise.
Search for references to Resource.unload(). It is used for
EMFT Transaction support (i.e., a resource change induces unload + (re)load).
I haven&apos;t seen any other EMF-related code call Resource.unload() explicitly
like it is done in ASMEMFModelElement.
Long version:
These problems have been vexing me for a while as well, enough to dig
deeper into finding out what&apos;s going on.
First, I&apos;d suggest adding Monkey scripts to monitor the &quot;health&quot; of EMF&apos;s
model registry with a Monkey DOM that has the following functions:
public EPackage.Registry getDefaultEMFRegistry() {
return EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE;
public List&lt;String&gt; getRegistryKeys(final EPackage.Registry registry) {
final Set&lt;String&gt; keys = (Set&lt;String&gt;) registry.keySet();
final List&lt;String&gt; registryKeys = new ArrayList&lt;String&gt;(keys);
return registryKeys;
public EPackage getEPackageIfLoaded(final EPackage.Registry registry, final String nsURI) {
final Object ePackage = registry.get(nsURI);
if (ePackage instanceof EPackage) {
return (EPackage) ePackage;
} else {
return null;
Then, using the attached Monkey scripts, you can monitor the state of the EMF registry through the travails of ATL.
The scripts produce 3 sets of numbers
tabulating the results of examining each
URI entry in the EMF registry:
+P = there is an EPackage instance object registered at that URI
-P = either the URI maps to null or to a delegate object.
+R = if the EPackage object has a legit. Resource object
-R = otherwise
The 3 sets of numbers are:
+P+R =&gt; there is an EPackage object w/ a Resource object registered at the URI
+P-R =&gt; there is an EPackage object but no Resource object registered at the URI
-P-R =&gt; the URI points to a delegate
My experience w/ ATL led me to propose an &quot;invariance&quot; claim
in a sort of &quot;model checking&quot; way:
For all EMF-related operations on resources and resource contexts,
the following invariant should always be true: +P-R == 0
In practice, one can observe violations of this invariant property
(i.e., +P-R &gt; 0) when an exception is thrown inside an Ant build script
that uses am3 tasks; regardless of whether the exception happens inside
an am3 task or a non-am3 task.
Here&apos;s my explanation of the bug:
(see org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner)
Method run = classInternalAntRunner.getMethod(&quot;run&quot;, null); //$NON-NLS-1$
run.invoke(runner, null);
} catch ...
} catch (Exception e) {
String message = (e.getMessage() == null) ? InternalCoreAntMessages.AntRunner_Build_Failed__3 : e.getMessage();
IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.ERROR, AntCorePlugin.PI_ANTCORE, AntCorePlugin.ERROR_RUNNING_BUILD, message, e);
throw new CoreException(status);
} finally {
buildRunning= false;
Notice the code that restores the original class loader.
What&apos;s the big deal about that?
Most of the ATL tasks in
use a map of &quot;models&quot; i.e., Map&lt;String, ASMModel&gt;
For example, the am3.load task does something like:
String name = ...;
ASMModel loadedModel = AM3AntToolkit.loadModel(name, ...);
getProject().addReference(name, loadedModel);
The am3.atl task fetches the &quot;in&quot; models using getProject().getReference(name)
and for the &quot;out&quot; models, it does:
ASMModel currentAsmModel = amh.newModel(name, metamodel);
getProject().addReference(name, currentASMModel);
The org.atl.engine.vm.ACTInterpreter executes the ATL code in the VM.
Before executing the operations of the *.asm ATL script, it adds all
of the models to its execution environment.
When everything works peachy clean, the stack of VM frames will be
empty by the time the VM is finished and when the AntRunner finalization
work restores the original classloader context, there is no &quot;junk&quot; for the garbage collector to cleanup on the ant classloader.
On the other hand, when an exception unwinds the stack from somewhere in the code of an am3 task and is caught up in the AntRunner exception handler,
the finalization work will restore the original classloader context while the now defunct ant classloader context has a bunch of objects that haven&apos;t been cleaned up by stack unwinding =&gt; i.e., the VM execution environment, the VM interpreter, etc... so when the GC examines these things and finds live references to some objects, e.g., ASMModel, it finalizes them and now everything goes bonkers....
So, the moral of the story is that we have a case of subtle violation of classloader boundaries during exception handling. I&apos;m not sure how someone like Stuart Halloway would describe this problem but I&apos;m certain that somewhere, there are a bunch of &quot;classloader rules&quot; that we&apos;re violating big time.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 17:15:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49219)
Eclipse Monkey scripts to look at the EMF model registry
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-01 07:45:21</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #4)
&gt; Short version:
&gt; I believe ASMEMFModelElement.dispose() has a reasonable intent
&gt; but the means used to achieve it (i.e., calling Resource.clear()
&gt; and ResourceSet.remove()) is unwise.
Hmm, the ResourceSet used by ASMEMFModel is a private one that is used only by ATL. I don&apos;t know whether or when resources are automatically removed from a ResourceSet, but it seems safe to remove Resources that we&apos;ve also added ourselves..
The same goes for Resource.unload(): this is now only called on Resources that we&apos;ve explicitly loaded into our private ResourceSet (hence is not shared with other Eclipse plugins).
I do agree that called ResourceSet.remove() and Resource.unload() on shared objects is very unsafe.
&gt; Search for references to Resource.unload(). It is used for
&gt; EMFT Transaction support (i.e., a resource change induces unload + (re)load).
&gt; I haven&apos;t seen any other EMF-related code call Resource.unload() explicitly
&gt; like it is done in ASMEMFModelElement.
I don&apos;t like the unload() either: as references to the Resource are removed, it should be cleared up automagically. Fr�d�ric&apos;s experiences showed him otherwise, however, so he had to add this.
&gt; Long version:
&gt; These problems have been vexing me for a while as well, enough to dig
&gt; deeper into finding out what&apos;s going on.
&gt; First, I&apos;d suggest adding Monkey scripts to monitor the &quot;health&quot; of EMF&apos;s
&gt; model registry with a Monkey DOM that has the following functions:
&gt; public EPackage.Registry getDefaultEMFRegistry() {
&gt; return EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE;
&gt; }
&gt; @SuppressWarnings(&quot;unchecked&quot;)
&gt; public List&lt;String&gt; getRegistryKeys(final EPackage.Registry registry) {
&gt; final Set&lt;String&gt; keys = (Set&lt;String&gt;) registry.keySet();
&gt; final List&lt;String&gt; registryKeys = new ArrayList&lt;String&gt;(keys);
&gt; Collections.sort(registryKeys);
&gt; return registryKeys;
&gt; }
&gt; public EPackage getEPackageIfLoaded(final EPackage.Registry registry,
&gt; final String nsURI) {
&gt; final Object ePackage = registry.get(nsURI);
&gt; if (ePackage instanceof EPackage) {
&gt; return (EPackage) ePackage;
&gt; } else {
&gt; return null;
&gt; }
&gt; }
&gt; Then, using the attached Monkey scripts, you can monitor the state of the EMF
&gt; registry through the travails of ATL.
&gt; The scripts produce 3 sets of numbers
&gt; tabulating the results of examining each
&gt; URI entry in the EMF registry:
&gt; +P = there is an EPackage instance object registered at that URI
&gt; -P = either the URI maps to null or to a delegate object.
&gt; +R = if the EPackage object has a legit. Resource object
&gt; -R = otherwise
&gt; The 3 sets of numbers are:
&gt; +P+R =&gt; there is an EPackage object w/ a Resource object registered at the URI
&gt; +P-R =&gt; there is an EPackage object but no Resource object registered at the
&gt; URI
&gt; -P-R =&gt; the URI points to a delegate
&gt; My experience w/ ATL led me to propose an &quot;invariance&quot; claim
&gt; in a sort of &quot;model checking&quot; way:
&gt; For all EMF-related operations on resources and resource contexts,
&gt; the following invariant should always be true: +P-R == 0
&gt; In practice, one can observe violations of this invariant property
&gt; (i.e., +P-R &gt; 0) when an exception is thrown inside an Ant build script
&gt; that uses am3 tasks; regardless of whether the exception happens inside
&gt; an am3 task or a non-am3 task.
This is indeed exactly the problem condition. The patch should make sure that any Resource that will be unloaded is first unregistered.
However: things get more interesting below... ;-)
&gt; Here&apos;s my explanation of the bug:
&gt; (see org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner)
&gt; Method run = classInternalAntRunner.getMethod(&quot;run&quot;,
&gt; null); //$NON-NLS-1$
&gt; run.invoke(runner, null);
&gt; } catch ...
&gt; } catch (Exception e) {
&gt; String message = (e.getMessage() == null) ?
&gt; InternalCoreAntMessages.AntRunner_Build_Failed__3 : e.getMessage();
&gt; IStatus status= new Status(IStatus.ERROR,
&gt; AntCorePlugin.PI_ANTCORE, AntCorePlugin.ERROR_RUNNING_BUILD, message, e);
&gt; throw new CoreException(status);
&gt; } finally {
&gt; buildRunning= false;
&gt; Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader);
&gt; }
&gt; Notice the code that restores the original class loader.
&gt; What&apos;s the big deal about that?
&gt; Most of the ATL tasks in
&gt; use a map of &quot;models&quot; i.e., Map&lt;String, ASMModel&gt;
&gt; For example, the am3.load task does something like:
&gt; String name = ...;
&gt; ASMModel loadedModel = AM3AntToolkit.loadModel(name, ...);
&gt; getProject().addReference(name, loadedModel);
&gt; The am3.atl task fetches the &quot;in&quot; models using getProject().getReference(name)
&gt; and for the &quot;out&quot; models, it does:
&gt; ASMModel currentAsmModel = amh.newModel(name, metamodel);
&gt; getProject().addReference(name, currentASMModel);
&gt; AtlLauncher.getDefault().launch(....);
&gt; The org.atl.engine.vm.ACTInterpreter executes the ATL code in the VM.
&gt; Before executing the operations of the *.asm ATL script, it adds all
&gt; of the models to its execution environment.
&gt; When everything works peachy clean, the stack of VM frames will be
&gt; empty by the time the VM is finished and when the AntRunner finalization
&gt; work restores the original classloader context, there is no &quot;junk&quot; for the
&gt; garbage collector to cleanup on the ant classloader.
&gt; On the other hand, when an exception unwinds the stack from somewhere in the
&gt; code of an am3 task and is caught up in the AntRunner exception handler,
&gt; the finalization work will restore the original classloader context while the
&gt; now defunct ant classloader context has a bunch of objects that haven&apos;t been
&gt; cleaned up by stack unwinding =&gt; i.e., the VM execution environment, the VM
&gt; interpreter, etc... so when the GC examines these things and finds live
&gt; references to some objects, e.g., ASMModel, it finalizes them and now
&gt; everything goes bonkers....
&gt; So, the moral of the story is that we have a case of subtle violation of
&gt; classloader boundaries during exception handling. I&apos;m not sure how someone like
&gt; Stuart Halloway would describe this problem but I&apos;m certain that somewhere,
&gt; there are a bunch of &quot;classloader rules&quot; that we&apos;re violating big time.
So... I&apos;ve fixed the wrong problem, since the finalization should never occur to begin with? Or do you mean that we should never mess with objects from another class loader (e.g. shared Resources)?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:30:45</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #3)
&gt; Created an attachment (id=49049) [edit]
&gt; Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 05:20:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Nicolas&apos; point about violating class loader rules in AM3 Ant tasks is starting to catch up with me :-/ . Bug # 158523 indicates that ASMEMFModels are not unloaded after running a normal Ant session (without thrown Exceptions).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 05:25:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Latest patch causes meta-models that are already registered not to be registered again. This causes problems when loading a model on top of that meta-model: this model uses the registered EPackage and not the EPackage that was just loaded from the meta-model. This problem only manifests itself when an ASMEMFModel wasn&apos;t disposed (and hence unregistered), i.e. in AM3 Ant tasks.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 10:57:53</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50827)
Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources and postponed loading of uninitialised EMF meta-models
This patch always registers a meta-model, even if there&apos;s already a registry entry. It does so in the *local* package registry, however. This way, EMF will always use the meta-model that is registered by ATL. A warning is generated if an existing registry entry is overwritten.
This patch also includes the code for postponed loading of registered meta-models for which the Eclipse plugin has not yet been loaded by OSGI. See also Bug # 156103.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 04:09:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53190)
Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources and postponed loading of uninitialised EMF meta-models
The previous version of this patch would cause ATL to always use the default XMI resource factory. The original &quot;init()&quot; method has been restored, which registers the fallback resource factory in the global registry instead of the local (overriding) registry.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:51:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.</thetext>
<date>2006-08-30 08:18</date>
<desc>Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources</desc>
<date>2006-08-31 17:15</date>
<desc>Eclipse Monkey scripts to look at the EMF model registry</desc>
<date>2006-09-25 10:57</date>
<desc>Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources and postponed loading of uninitialised EMF meta-models</desc>
<date>2006-11-03 04:09</date>
<desc>Patch for safe unloading of EMF Resources and postponed loading of uninitialised EMF meta-models</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 05:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF4ATL does not support embedded meta-models, such as UML2 profiles</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:51:40</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:34:42</bug_when>
<thetext>EMF4ATL cannot find EPackages and EClasses that are wrapped inside other model elements. An example of this situation are UML2 profiles: a profile contains one or more embedded EPackages that form a little meta-model. This meta-model can be used to create Stereotype applications.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:36:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49333)
Patch for supporting wrapped meta-models
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:51:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-04 05:36</date>
<desc>Patch for supporting wrapped meta-models</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 05:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF4ATL does not support mixed content in EMF-XSD meta-models</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:52:00</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:43:31</bug_when>
<thetext>EMF can be used to create meta-models from XML schemas. This is convenient for the manipulation of structured XML data that has no meta-model yet, such as Hibernate Mapping (
ATL can use these meta-models with the exception of &quot;mixed&quot; content, such as the &quot;xxx&quot; string in the following XML tag:
&lt;param name=&quot;ParamName&quot;&gt;xxx&lt;/param&gt;
EMF uses the FeatureMapEntry data type to represent mixed content. EMF4ATL does not support the assignment of this data type.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:44:36</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49334)
Patch for supporting assignment of FeatureMapEntry attributes
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:52:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-04 05:44</date>
<desc>Patch for supporting assignment of FeatureMapEntry attributes</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 05:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL does not support module-level inheritance</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:51:52</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 05:53:23</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL modules are currently stand-alone: it is not possible to reuse rules from other modules in a new module. If ATL supports module-level inheritance, a new module can import and override rules from another module.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 06:02:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49335)
Patch for supporting module-level inheritance
This patch allows for modules to import and override matched rules from another module. This is done by load-time ASM transformation (I like the sound of that, let&apos;s say it again: &quot;load-time ASM transformation&quot; ;-)).
The patch requires the root module to be specified as the main transformation and any child module (that inherit from the root module) to be specified as libraries.
This isn&apos;t optimal, since the order in which the child modules override the rules is unspecified. The user is currently responsible for avoiding conflicts between child modules. In the future, the AtlLauncher and the Eclipse user interface should support a special run configuration field for specifying a sorted list of child modules (or similar).
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-07 08:45:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49601)
New version of, supporting attribute helpers
This version allows child modules to add their own attribute helpers.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 13:50:06</bug_when>
<thetext>When considering what the term &quot;inheritance&quot; stands for, it turns out that it doesn&apos;t really apply to ATL modules. There are no instances of modules in a way that they can conform to a module type, sub-type or super-type. All it has in common with inheritance, is that one can extend and override the functionality of an ATL module with another module.
A better term for the submitted patch is &quot;superimposition&quot; of modules on top of eachother. Superimposition also indicates that modules can be stacked on top of eachother in any order at load time. Inheritance is a design time construct.
I propose to rename the AtlModuleInheritance class to AtlSuperimposeModule, which is the name I&apos;ll use in future patches (there are newer versions waiting).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 05:49:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50017)
Patch for supporting module superimposition
This patch uses the term &quot;superimposition&quot; instead of inheritance. It also creates a special parameter in the AtlLauncher for superimposed modules. Superimposed modules are no longer in the same map as libraries, which means that libraries are treated the original way and superimposed modules are now configured in a separate, sorted list.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 05:52:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50018)
Patch that introduces an Advanced tab in the launch configuration with support for module superimposition
This patch adds module superimposition support to the launch configuration interface. It also fixes a minor bug in the MainAtlTab in which the selected model transformation field is emptied after returning to the main tab from another tab.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 05:54:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50019)
Updated version of that supports module superimposition
Could not make a patch, because source code is not properly checked into CVS (zipped).
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 05:56:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50020)
New Java file that implements the nested &lt;superimpose path=&quot;xyz&quot;/&gt; element.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-04 11:20:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54977)
Updated that supports atl2006 asm code
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:51:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-04 06:02</date>
<desc>Patch for supporting module-level inheritance</desc>
<date>2006-09-07 08:45</date>
<desc>New version of, supporting attribute helpers</desc>
<date>2006-09-13 05:49</date>
<desc>Patch for supporting module superimposition</desc>
<date>2006-09-13 05:52</date>
<desc>Patch that introduces an Advanced tab in the launch configuration with support for module superimposition</desc>
<date>2006-09-13 05:54</date>
<desc>Updated version of that supports module superimposition</desc>
<date>2006-09-13 05:56</date>
<date>2006-12-04 11:20</date>
<desc>Updated that supports atl2006 asm code</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 06:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL debugger does not work in Eclipse 3.2</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-05 10:15:42</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 06:47:59</bug_when>
<thetext>When trying to debug an ATL transformation in Eclipse 3.2, several things go wrong:
- Eclipse does not switch to the Debug view
- The control buttons for running, stepping, etc., are greyed out
- No variables can be introspected
- Line number lookup in the source files doesn&apos;t work</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-05 10:15:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Debugger should work now in Eclipse 3.2 (excepting the switch to the Debug view)</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-14 03:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>MDR4ATL cannot save models outside an Eclipse session</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:54:31</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 03:50:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi all,
On Tuesday 12 September 2006 18:58, Milan Milanovic wrote:
&gt; Hi Frédéric,
&gt; I tested today your KM3Projector class in detail. I tried to narrow my
&gt; problem with running ATL transformation programmatically.
&gt; It seems that when MDR is used as hanlder for both, input and output model
&gt; then output model is emtpy !
Thanks for giving more detailed information. This is something I can test
&gt; When EMF is used for input, or output then it works.
&gt; Is anyone tried to run transformation using MDR as model handler for input
&gt; and output models ?
Actually, I can&apos;t use MDR for *output* outside Eclipse. Luckily, I did get an
exception thrown at me (I use Eclipse 3.2): first, a ClassNotFoundException
got thrown, saying that org.eclipse.osgi.BundleActivator was necessary. When
I added that to the classpath, I got to the *real*
problem: &quot;java.lang.IllegalStateException: Workspace is closed.&quot; MDR4ATL
tries to access the Eclipse Workspace for resolving URIs. This prevents
MDR4ATL from saving models outside Eclipse.
This is also contrary to loading models, for which you can just use an
InputStream. A command-line interface to ATL cannot use any save method with
an OutputStream.
I&apos;ll submit a bug report for this...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 04:35:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50133)
Patch that adds saveModel(ASMModel, OutputStream) to AtlModelHandler and AtlEMFModelHandler
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 04:36:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50134)
Patch that adds saveModel(ASMModel, OutputStream) to AtlMDRModelHandler
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 05:48:56</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50241)
Patch that provides a fallback method for saving to URI outside Eclipse
Changing the AtlModelHandler interface was a bad idea: it breaks other model handler implementations. This patch simply fixes the existing saveModel(ASMModel, String) method.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:54:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-14 04:35</date>
<desc>Patch that adds saveModel(ASMModel, OutputStream) to AtlModelHandler and AtlEMFModelHandler</desc>
<date>2006-09-14 04:36</date>
<desc>Patch that adds saveModel(ASMModel, OutputStream) to AtlMDRModelHandler</desc>
<date>2006-09-15 05:48</date>
<desc>Patch that provides a fallback method for saving to URI outside Eclipse</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-10-12 05:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Resolving references over multiple models fails</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-26 09:28:38</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-12 05:31:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi Mike,
Am 27.09.2006 um 17:42 schrieb Michael R�ger:
&gt;&gt; On Wednesday 27 September 2006 09:12, Michael Rÿfffffffffffcger
&gt;&gt; wrote:
&gt;&gt;&gt; Hi Matthias,
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; If the DataType is inside a separate UML profile resource, the
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; rule does
&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt; not fire.
&gt;&gt;&gt; Yes, matched rules are only fired for all elements in the IN models.
&gt;&gt; So, (yet) another solution is to add the profile as an input model
&gt;&gt; to the
&gt;&gt; transformation ;-).
&gt; This has not worked for my dereference problem, because the same model
&gt; elements are seen by atl twice (one in the input model and the
&gt; other in
&gt; the referenced model). ;(
&gt; I think the same will happen here and the rule will not fire for the
&gt; referenced elements. Mathias, please give it a try and tell us if you
&gt; succeed with the adding of the profile as a 2nd input model. I hope it
&gt; works because this way you will not need my extra dereference
&gt; transformation.
&gt; Mike
I have given this a try (made EnterpriseAppProfile.profile.uml2
another input model). Suddenly, a very strange effect occurs: The
rule fires for the referenced elements (datatype elements) but the
transformed Property element in the output model does not point to
the transformed Type element! It points to the original,
untransformed PrimitiveType element in the UML profile model! Now, I
am totally confused. ???
The output looks like this:
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a9&quot; name=&quot;Date&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a10&quot; name=&quot;void&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a11&quot; name=&quot;String&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a12&quot; name=&quot;licensePlate&quot;&gt;
&lt;type href=&quot;platform:/resource/ATL_Test/Models/
You see, the PrimitiveType elements Date, void and String were
transformed into a9, a10 and a11, but the licensePlate property of
the car does not point to a11 (i.e. String) but to the original UML
model element in the EnterpriseAppProfile.profile.uml2 model resource!
The original elements in the profile looked like this:
&lt;ownedMember xmi:type=&quot;uml:Package&quot;
xmi:id=&quot;_wIlIr0zcEdu93P4SMLjz7g&quot; name=&quot;primitivetypes&quot;&gt;
&lt;ownedMember xmi:type=&quot;uml:PrimitiveType&quot;
xmi:id=&quot;_wIlIsEzcEdu93P4SMLjz7g&quot; name=&quot;Date&quot;/&gt;
&lt;ownedMember xmi:type=&quot;uml:PrimitiveType&quot;
xmi:id=&quot;_wIlIsUzcEdu93P4SMLjz7g&quot; name=&quot;String&quot;/&gt;
&lt;ownedMember xmi:type=&quot;uml:PrimitiveType&quot;
xmi:id=&quot;_wIlIskzcEdu93P4SMLjz7g&quot; name=&quot;void&quot;/&gt;
You recognize the internal id of String: &quot;_wIlIsUzcEdu93P4SMLjz7g&quot;?
a12 points to this element instead of its transformed counterpart, a11.
How can that be possible? ATL transforms correctly but links
P.S.: The ZIP file on my web page
contains all these models, metamodels and transformations. You can
easily try it yourself to reproduce the bug. Just remove the comment
in the second line of UML2EnterpriseApp.atl so that it includes the
profile as a second IN model:
create OUT : EnterpriseApp from IN: UML2, PRO: UML2;</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-12 05:33:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51838)
Testcase that demonstrates the bug. Tested in Eclipse 3.2</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-12 05:41:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51839)
Output of the UML2EnterpriseApp.atl transformation
The output of the UML2EnterpriseApp.atl transformation shows the status of the TransientLinkSet resolve table during the transformation. The problem becomes clear during the execution of the UMLPropertyToOOPProperty rule:
UMLPropertyToOOPProperty: &apos;birth&apos;
UMLPropertyToOOPProperty: IN!Date
Here, the &apos;birth&apos; property supposedly has IN!Date as its type. This is not true, since Date resides in the PRO model, not the IN model. The TransientLink in the links table shows this correctly:
TransientLink {rule = &apos;UMLPrimitiveTypeToOOPDatatype&apos;, sourceElements = {type = PRO!Date}, targetElements = {out = OUT!Date}, variables = {}},
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-12 06:37:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51840)
Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject
This patch ensures that ASMEMFModelElement.emf2ASM() resolves the real ASMEMFModel when converting an EObject to an ASMEMFModelElement. This means it also gives an error when it can&apos;t find the real ASMEMFModel. The previous behaviour was to just assume that the EObject was part of the same ASMEMFModel as the current (referring) ASMEMFModelElement.
Unfortunately, this patch also includes the changes for bug nr 156094. These changes haven&apos;t yet been committed to CVS.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-16 14:18:31</bug_when>
<thetext>The patch of 2006-10-12 (id=51840) creates unwanted side effects in existing transformations. For example, the UML2Copy.atl transformation (;view=markup) uses IN as input model and OUT as output model. If the IN model contains references to an external model, then the UML2Copy.atl transformation must be adapted to include that external model -- even though the external references only need to be preserved, not transformed.
It seems better to fall back to the existing behaviour of using the same model as the referring element as a &quot;proxy&quot; for the referred to (external) element. Of course, if that external element is actually part of one of the models that are parameters of the transformation, then no &quot;proxy&quot; may be used.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-16 14:27:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52057)
Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject
This patch ensures that ASMEMFModelElement.emf2ASM() resolves the real
ASMEMFModel when converting an EObject to an ASMEMFModelElement. It
does not give an error when it can&apos;t find the real ASMEMFModel, but uses the ASMEMFModel containing the model element referring to the EObject as a &quot;proxy&quot; (i.e. fall back to the old behaviour). Unfortunately, this patch also includes the changes for bug nr 156094. These changes haven&apos;t yet been committed to CVS.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 15:26:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi Dennis,
after I applied your patch and ran the UML2EnterpriseApp transformation again, the result was perfect at first:
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;ISO-8859-1&quot;?&gt;
&lt;xmi:XMI xmi:version=&quot;2.0&quot; xmlns:xmi=&quot;; xmlns:Data.EnterpriseApp.core=&quot;http:///Data/EnterpriseApp/core.ecore&quot; xmlns:Data.OOP.core=&quot;http:///Data/OOP/core.ecore&quot;&gt;
&lt;Data.EnterpriseApp.core:Reference xmi:id=&quot;a1&quot; target=&quot;a4&quot; source=&quot;a3&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.EnterpriseApp.core:Reference xmi:id=&quot;a2&quot; target=&quot;a5&quot; source=&quot;a3&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.EnterpriseApp.core:Service xmi:id=&quot;a3&quot; sourceReferences=&quot;a1 a2&quot; name=&quot;RegistryService&quot; methods=&quot;a6&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.EnterpriseApp.core:Entity xmi:id=&quot;a4&quot; name=&quot;Person&quot; properties=&quot;a14 a13 a16&quot; targetReferences=&quot;a1&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.EnterpriseApp.core:Entity xmi:id=&quot;a5&quot; name=&quot;Car&quot; properties=&quot;a12 a15&quot; targetReferences=&quot;a2&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Method xmi:id=&quot;a6&quot; name=&quot;register&quot; instanceScope=&quot;true&quot; parameters=&quot;a7 a8&quot; returnType=&quot;a11&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Parameter xmi:id=&quot;a7&quot; name=&quot;owner&quot; type=&quot;a4&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Parameter xmi:id=&quot;a8&quot; name=&quot;car&quot; type=&quot;a5&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a9&quot; name=&quot;String&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a10&quot; name=&quot;Date&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Type xmi:id=&quot;a11&quot; name=&quot;void&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a12&quot; name=&quot;owner&quot; type=&quot;a4&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a13&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; type=&quot;a9&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a14&quot; name=&quot;property&quot; type=&quot;a5&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a15&quot; name=&quot;licensePlate&quot; type=&quot;a9&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Data.OOP.core:Property xmi:id=&quot;a16&quot; name=&quot;birth&quot; type=&quot;a10&quot;/&gt;
But when I simply run the transformation once more, an exception occurs (see attachment). When I shutdown Eclipse and restart it (it was a runtime workbench with the ATL plugins loaded), then the same thing happens again: First time, every thing works OK, second time: the exception is thrown again.
I attach the output from the ATL console which contains the stacktrace.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 15:30:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52155)
Exception stacktrace from the ATL console
This is the output in the ATL console when the exception occurs upon the second time I run the UML2EnterpriseApp transformation. -- Matthias Bohlen</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-18 03:08:29</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #7)
&gt; Created an attachment (id=52155) [edit]
&gt; Exception stacktrace from the ATL console
&gt; This is the output in the ATL console when the exception occurs upon the second
&gt; time I run the UML2EnterpriseApp transformation. -- Matthias Bohlen
I didn&apos;t manage to reproduce this exception. Please note that the patch you applied is not the latest patch. It should not make a difference in this case, however, since ATL should never behave different on a first run and subsequent runs.
This sounds very much like either a memory management or a model registry issue: some &quot;history&quot; of the first transformation run is left behind, which causes the conditions for the second run to be different from the first.
I&apos;ve only very limited experience with such &quot;history&quot; effects:
Can you tell exactly which patches you have applied? Some of the &quot;older&quot; patches introduced problems like this. The latest patch to Bug # 155673 indicates whenever entries in the model registry are overwritten and it indicates when ASMEMFModels are disposed (and hence also unregistered). That gives us a better chance on tracking down this issue.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 06:47:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55482)
Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject
Updated patch against current CVS.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 09:28:38</bug_when>
<thetext>integrated patch (id=55482)</thetext>
<date>2006-10-12 05:33</date>
<date>2006-10-12 05:41</date>
<desc>Output of the UML2EnterpriseApp.atl transformation</desc>
<date>2006-10-12 06:37</date>
<desc>Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject</desc>
<date>2006-10-16 14:27</date>
<desc>Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject</desc>
<date>2006-10-17 15:30</date>
<desc>Exception stacktrace from the ATL console</desc>
<date>2006-12-12 06:47</date>
<desc>Patch to ASMEMFModelElement that resolves the real ASMModel for each EObject</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-12-12 08:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Model element introspection fails during debugging</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-26 09:33:47</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 08:36:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060629-1905
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Start debug session.
2. Choose &quot;step over&quot; until a model element with references shows up in the Variables window.
3. Try to expand the model element in the Variables window.
More information:
Two exceptions are thrown: one local exception that goes into the Eclipse Error Log and one &quot;remote&quot; exception that goes into the console.
From the console exception, it becomes clear that the ATL VM LocalObjectReference.get() method does not pass a stackframe to ASMModelElement.get(). This creates problems with the latest ASMEMFModelElement, which uses the stackframe to access the available ASMModels. See also Bug # 160646.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 08:39:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55489)
Patch against LocalObjectReference that passes a stackframe to ASMModelElement.get()
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 09:33:47</bug_when>
<thetext>integrated patch (id=55489)</thetext>
<date>2006-12-12 08:39</date>
<desc>Patch against LocalObjectReference that passes a stackframe to ASMModelElement.get()</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-28 09:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>wrong (abstract + static) or missing (final) modifiers predicates</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 02:14:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 09:16:40</bug_when>
<thetext>(tested with MD10.5 and Aris mapping files/adapters and respective models)
* method isAbstract always evaluates to false : whatever the properties values within the model - both for classes and operations
* method isStatic always evaluates to false for operations : whatever the properties values within the model
(not a surprise with Aris since this property is not xmi exported !...)
* NO method dealing with the final modifier on operations
(assume it is isLeaf for classes, isReadOnly for attributes...)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 10:15:36</bug_when>
<thetext>was wrong with Aris xmi export : the static property IS exported - thru the ownerScope one. The mapping ownerScope/OwnerScope was just missing in the aris-xm11_all.xml file for the Operation ModelElement. Added the following lines after the visibility/Visibility mapping - and isStatic is now OK (for Aris at least) :
&lt;Source type=&quot;Attribute&quot; name=&quot;ownerScope&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Target type=&quot;Attribute&quot;&gt;OwnerScope&lt;/Target&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 10:47:49</bug_when>
<thetext>noticed that the isAbstract/Abstract mapping was declared only for classes in the aris_xm11_all.xml file. So, added it too for Operations (after the ownerScope/OwnerScope as described above in comment #1) and it works too. But the bug is still there for classes...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 05:20:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Sorry : isAbstract also works for classes (just messed up in my extensions calls). So, finally :
* isAbstract
aris_xm11_all.xml file needs to be completed as to define the mapping isAbstract/Abstract for Operation
* isStatic
aris_xm11_all.xml file needs to be completed as to define the mapping ownerScope/OwnerScope for Operation
* NO method dealing with the final modifier on operations
(assume it is isLeaf for classes, isReadOnly for attributes...)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 02:05:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49326)
Aris mapping file upgraded for Abstract &amp; OwnerScope props handling on Operation
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 16:09:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Checked in improved mapping file. Will have to check other mappings.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:21:38</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<date>2006-09-04 02:05</date>
<desc>Aris mapping file upgraded for Abstract &amp; OwnerScope props handling on Operation</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-30 10:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] Poseidon: operations without return type are implicit void</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 02:14:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 10:50:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Tilo Thiele reports that method Operation::hasReturnType() never returns false, because at least Poseidon assigns implicitly &quot;void&quot; as return type.
The situation has to be examined and compared to other tools.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:24:34</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-01 09:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Handling of nested/inner classes and interfaces</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-22 06:43:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-01 09:06:42</bug_when>
<thetext>see post;lastpost=true</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-01 09:10:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49255)
simple model with inner class ClassInC in ClassC
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:22:04</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 11:43:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50340)
Metamodel excerpt</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 11:50:41</bug_when>
<thetext>* Classic Metamodel extended: &quot;Class&quot; has a composition to itself called &quot;nestedClassifier&quot;. See attached screenshot.
* Extended reference model description and compliance test.
* Extended refernce model for MagicDraw
* Fixed mapping for MagicDraw 11
other tools not fixed yet.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 12:50:53</bug_when>
<thetext>Extended mappings
- aris_xmi11_all.xml
- poseidon40_xmi12_all.xml
<date>2006-09-01 09:10</date>
<desc>simple model with inner class ClassInC in ClassC</desc>
<date>2006-09-17 11:43</date>
<creation_ts>2006-09-01 12:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Bad exception-handling in MetaEnvironmentConstraintsChecker (and Checks.error())</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 02:14:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-01 12:31:49</bug_when>
<thetext>oaw-classic, version 4.1 final, method
private void checkContraints(Element element, boolean secondTime)
in Class org.openarchitectureware.core.constraint.MetaEnvironmentConstraintsChecker:
In case an Exception is thrown when trying to invoke checkConstraints(), the Element causing the Exception and full stack-trace should be logged, probably before(!) the call to Checks.error().
Reason: At least in my case, Checks.error() throws an exception itself, leaving you with no hint where the original problem was.
See the stack-trace I get below.
9469 ERROR - class not set!
org.openarchitectureware.core.meta.core.ModelIncompleteException: class not set!
at org.openarchitectureware.core.meta.core.Element.reportModelIncomplete(
at org.openarchitectureware.meta.uml.classifier.AttributeBase.Class(
at org.openarchitectureware.meta.uml.classifier.Attribute.getLocation(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.debug.errorAndDebug.GeneratorMessageDesc.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.debug.errorAndDebug.ErrorDesc.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.debug.errorAndDebug.ContextBoundErrorDesc.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.constraint.ChecksDefaultReportingStrategy.error(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.constraint.Checks.error(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.constraint.MetaEnvironmentConstraintsChecker.checkContraints(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.constraint.MetaEnvironmentConstraintsChecker.checkContraintsForAllElements(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.oawclassic.ModelChecker.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:25:27</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-11 06:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[umlMetamodel] Provide metaclass &quot;Stereotype&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 10:20:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 06:03:59</bug_when>
<thetext>It is desirable to have access to each stereotype an Element has. Therefore a new metaclass &quot;Stereotype&quot; should be introduced. It is associated by &quot;ModelElement&quot;.
See URL for Forum Thread.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:23:23</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 02:46:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel is extended by type Stereotype.
Missing: Unittests and Toolmappings.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 10:20:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Tool-Mapping for MagicDraw 9 complete</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 16:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Tool adapter for borland together designer</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 10:30:40</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 16:44:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I would like to suggest a tool adapter for together designer XMI files. There are many adapters for other tools, but not yet for together designer.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 10:30:40</bug_when>
Please provide a reference model according to this doc and attach it to this bug report:*checkout*/architecturware/oaw_v4/classic/classic.xmiInstantiator/docs/pdf/ReferenceModel.pdf
<creation_ts>2006-10-19 02:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[SCM example] update docs / check example</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 02:14:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-19 02:55:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Attila Bak reported on 2006-10-19:
Is there an up-to-date documentation for the SCM example?
I tried to generate and build it but i got all kind of errors.
TODO: Check this example and update docs.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-22 07:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] Multiple Stereotypes</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 02:14:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-22 07:51:19</bug_when>
<thetext>When an element has assigned multiple stereotypes only the first found type will be instantiated.
In attached example the class &quot;Author&quot; is assigned stereotypes &quot;entity&quot; and &quot;DAO&quot;, but only an instance of &quot;Entity&quot; class is created.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-22 07:51:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52486)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-22 07:52:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52487)
Reproducing project
<date>2006-10-22 07:51</date>
<date>2006-10-22 07:52</date>
<desc>Reproducing project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-29 09:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>problems with generation of ASM file</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-29 10:51:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-29 09:19:15</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL does not compile if there is another empty ATL file in a given directory.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-29 10:50:41</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62392)
Bug correction (for m2m.atl)
File size was not checked in the ResourceVisitor (AtlBuildVisitor). When trying to read 0-length file, ATL compiler version checker was rising a null pointer exception.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-29 10:51:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=62393)
Bug correction (for gmt.atl)
The same as above, but for gmt.atl</thetext>
<date>2007-03-29 10:50</date>
<desc>Bug correction (for m2m.atl)</desc>
<filename>Bug #179981 patch.txt</filename>
<date>2007-03-29 10:51</date>
<desc>Bug correction (for gmt.atl)</desc>
<filename>Bug #179981 patch (gmt).txt</filename>
<creation_ts>2006-12-07 19:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Ecipse Run/Debug Dialog defined environment variables should be taken as properties</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 08:26:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-07 19:53:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: 4.1.1
Steps To Reproduce:
To customize oaw workflows inside eclipse it would be useful to have the environment variables available as properties of the run/debug dialog in the workflow. E.g. when you control the packages that should be tranformed you could create different setups in eclipse and run them depending on would you need.
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 07:08:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Setting to &apos;enhancement&apos; since this is no real bug.
@Clemens: Could you please take this wish in respect for creation of your new launch dialog?</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-14 14:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL + AM3 configuration patches for Eclipse 3.1 =&gt; 3.2</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-10 05:43:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 14:09:32</bug_when>
<thetext>For a while, I&apos;ve used ATL/AM3/AMW on Mac (at home) and Linux (at work)
with various versions of Eclipse 3.2. I&apos;m attaching a patch to files
of the ATL &amp; AM3 plugins that, IMHO, require some fixes to make sure
the capabilities work properly.
The patches fall into 3 categories:
- / .classpath
These are necessary to ensure that current dependencies
on third-party libraries are known to the compiler
so that, at runtime, the plugins won&apos;t run into annoying
&quot;class not found&quot; problems with things like antlr/...
or for the mdr libraries.
AM3 has a missing dependency on ant.jar which can cause
subtle and confusing classloader problems as I reported
I made the patch on the mac and the .classpath for:
needs to be cleaned up to get a dependency on JRE1.4
to ensure that Java 1.4 users can run the AM3 ant tasks properly
without running into java bytecode version incompatibilities.
- source code portability
- PDE changes from 3.1 =&gt; 3.2
This one is a bit subtle and I can&apos;t pinpoint what specifically
changed in PDE but it breaks AM3 at startup if it isn&apos;t fixed:
-- Nicolas.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 14:10:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41416)
Patches to ATL and AM3 for Eclipse calisto portability.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 14:13:28</bug_when>
<thetext>These patches work for me on Mac OSX (10.4.6) and linux (RHEL4) using Java 1.5
(and Java 1.4 in a few places such as AM3 ant tasks)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 11:55:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Applied this patch on CVS code.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-10 05:36:53</bug_when>
<thetext>The patches submitted before are insufficient; essentially, my sandbox at
home worked but my sandbox at work didn&apos;t and I couldn&apos;t figure out what
the difference was...
Well, the gist of the answer boils down to 3 important aspects
of building ant tasks for Eclipse:
The new patches make small but important changes:
1) unzip the ant task source code and let PDE build it
2) add to CVS the PDE settings required to make sure that
the AM3 ant tasks will be loaded on the ant classloader.
3) fix the path of the ant tasks in the xml library
There is also a minor bug I ran into when running
some ant build.xml files that use am3.* tasks (finally!)
Some of the GMT examples still don&apos;t work as advertised
but there&apos;s a lot of progress w.r.t. the previous situation
where it wasn&apos;t clear why things worked sometimes vs didn&apos;t other times.
Now, the answer = the patches + links for RTFM on Eclipse &amp; Ant.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-10 05:42:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=45994)
Bring project in compliance w.r.t. Eclipse 3.2 guidelines for building ant tasks
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-10 05:43:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=45995)
fix to minor bug in ATL&apos;s ASMModel
<date>2006-05-14 14:10</date>
<desc>Patches to ATL and AM3 for Eclipse calisto portability.</desc>
<date>2006-07-10 05:42</date>
<desc>Bring project in compliance w.r.t. Eclipse 3.2 guidelines for building ant tasks</desc>
<date>2006-07-10 05:43</date>
<desc>fix to minor bug in ATL&apos;s ASMModel</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-04 07:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF4ATL does not resolve proxy EPackages - NPE on using uninitialised meta-models</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-15 12:59:39</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-04 07:00:32</bug_when>
<thetext>EMF4ATL throws a NullPointerException when trying to use uninitialised EMF meta-models. This happens for Eclipse EMF-based plugins that provide a meta-model, such as UML2, IODT ontology tools (, HibernateMapping30 (, etc.
The NPE is thrown when EMF4ATL tries to access the Resource of the EPackage, which turns out to be null.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 10:35:51</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #0)
&gt; The NPE is thrown when EMF4ATL tries to access the Resource of the EPackage,
&gt; which turns out to be null.
It turns out the NPE is thrown on accessing the EPackage (&quot;pack&quot;), which is already null. This means the EMF package registry itself returns null for the given nsURI.
I&apos;m currently testing a modification that postpones loading the extent. On the first call to getExtent(), the ASMEMFModel should try to load the extent again. The assumption here is that getExtent() is only called after loading a model that is an instance of this meta-model.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 10:45:58</bug_when>
<thetext>This bug is related to the way OSGI works in Eclipse: an Eclipe plugin is only loaded after the first access to one of it&apos;s classes. For EMF plugins, this means that a meta-model is not available in the EMF registry before the plugin is loaded. The EMF plugin is loaded once a model is actually loaded (class access). The startup code of the EMF plugin then registers the meta-model.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 11:02:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Patch with id 50827 of Bug # 155673 addresses this issue.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:53:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch 50827 of Bug # 155673.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 06:42:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55481)
Patch that rolls back init() behaviour
&gt; Integrated patch 50827 of Bug # 155673.
This patch used the local registry to register the &quot;*&quot; fallback resource factory. The fallback resource factory must however be registered against the global registry, otherwise _all_ global registrations will be overriden.
This patch also removes the call to addAllReferencedExtents() in the constructor, since the extent may not have been loaded yet.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-15 12:51:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Reopened this bug</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-15 12:59:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch</thetext>
<date>2006-12-12 06:42</date>
<desc>Patch that rolls back init() behaviour</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-04-03 17:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend error messages report wrong problem</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:16:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-03 17:44:22</bug_when>
<thetext>consider this:
String someExt(SomeCLass) : Java x.y.ZClass(lala)
if you forget to call the operation (like ZClass.someProperty(lala)) then
the error is &quot;x not found&quot; which is strange...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:15:45</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:16:13</bug_when>
<thetext>doch nicht grfixt.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-27 11:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>&quot;phantom errors&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-04-04 08:41:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-27 11:45:44</bug_when>
<thetext>After reopening Eclipse, all kinds of errors are shown in
Extend files and templates. Klicking into the file, or
changing something and then saving it again makes the errors
go away ... strange.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-28 08:26:52</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 08:36:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Phantom errors still occur.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 08:41:41</bug_when>
<thetext>some kind of info?</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-10 20:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>uml tag values of type &apos;int&apos; can&apos;t be processed</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-15 07:34:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-10 20:37:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Only tag values of uml type &apos;Integer&apos; can be processed by the xpand workflow.
When an uml tag value is defined as &apos;int&apos; the xpand editor is not able to resolve the tag value. The xpand workflow can&apos;t process that tag too.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-11 05:05:24</bug_when>
<thetext>Seems to be a tooling problem. Here are my observations using MD 12.0:
- Defined two tagged values for some stereotype, one of type &apos;int&apos; (&quot;intTag&quot;) the other of type &apos;Integer&apos; (&quot;integerTag&quot;)
- Defined values for the tags in a stereotyped class
- exported to EMF UML2
Result: The &quot;intTag&quot; value is *not* defined in the export, but the &quot;integerTag&quot; is.
&lt;ownedMember xmi:type=&quot;uml:Class&quot; xmi:id=&quot;_yoOWOLmyEduhPO2n50lewA&quot; name=&quot;Book&quot;&gt;
&lt;eAnnotations xmi:id=&quot;_yoOWObmyEduhPO2n50lewA&quot; source=&quot;appliedStereotypes&quot;&gt;
&lt;contents xmi:type=&quot;Persistence_0:Persistence__Entity&quot; xmi:id=&quot;_yoOWOrmyEduhPO2n50lewA&quot; integerTag=&quot;987654321&quot;/&gt;
Reported this bug to NoMagic.
Added hint in the UML2 adapter reference docs.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-15 07:28:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59045)
an oaw project that documents the problem
The problematic int value tag usage can be found in:
src/main/resources/templates/Template.oaw, ln. 20
Remove the comment an you will see that the int-tag can not be resolved.
The workflow also generates an error.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-15 07:34:12</bug_when>
<thetext>The int-tag resolution problem still exists.
The attached project can be used to verify the issue.
see: src/main/resources/templates/Template.xpt, ln. 20
The tag is exported correctly (by MagicDraw 12.0).
That can be seen in the file:
src/main/resources/uml/int_model.uml2 (Data.myPackage.X.p1 &amp; p2)
When you remove the comment in ln. 20 of Template.xpt, the issue gets visible in the IDE. The workflow fails in that case too.
<date>2007-02-15 07:28</date>
<desc>an oaw project that documents the problem</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-27 08:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW log view should have hyperlinked error message</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-04-04 20:47:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 08:32:55</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be lovely if error messages would be hyperlinked, so users can jump directly to the offending location.
453 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Couldn&apos;t resolve properties file! [&lt;property file=&apos;;/&gt;]
453 ERROR WorkflowRunner - property hallo not specified. Dereferenced at in D:/data/Projekte/oAW_Playground/runtime-oAW-4_1_x-devel/my.generator.project/src/workflow/generator.oaw:9
Holding CTRL, the filename in the above log output should hyperlinked to the corresponding source location.
Also, in text like this:
187 INFO WorkflowRunner - running workflow: D:/data/Projekte/oAW_Playground/runtime-oAW-4_1_x-devel/my.generator.project/src/workflow/generator.oaw
the file name should be hyperlinked.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 06:18:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Oaw-specific hyperlinks have been added to the eclipse console.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 06:20:06</bug_when>
<thetext>There are no hyperlinks for workflows, but for Xtend and Xpand files.
So I reopen this again, since Peter meant workflow files.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-04-04 20:47:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Added filename hyperlinks. Filename with linenumber info (as in &quot;D:/data/Projekte/oAW_Playground/runtime-oAW-4_1_x-devel/my.generator.project/src/workflow/generator.oaw:9&quot;) hyperlinks are still missing.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-06 01:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>openArchitectureWare 4.1.1 core Sources contains wrong archives</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 09:45:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 01:24:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Open org.openarchitectureware.core.feature.source_4.1.1.v20061128
2. Open each of the zip-files contained in the subfolders.
They all contain the same sources (the emf-Part of oaw core?)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 17:47:54</bug_when>
<thetext>this is a very weird...
we are using an automatic pde build. this build also creates the update side.
the funny thing is that it builds the right jars for the &quot;normal&quot; build, but not for the update-site build.
So a workaround for this issue is to download the build from to get the right sources. (Maybe you have to delete the source plugins before, as the are unpacked in the normal build and packed in the update site...)
I&apos;ll have a look on that and maybe have to open a bug for pde build.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-06 18:12:26</bug_when>
<thetext>investigating a bit I found bug 139268.
This one describes the problem and proposes a fix.
I&apos;ll give it a try :-)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:45:09</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed in oaw 4.1.2 beta</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-09-22 15:37</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2005-09-25 13:10:52</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-22 15:37:22</bug_when>
<thetext>I installed the following components:
JAva 1.5.0 update 5
Eclipse 3.1
EMF 2.1.0
GEF 3.1
UML2 1.1.0
Cairo 1.0.0
FreeType 2.1.10
When I attempt to add a persistent link in a UMLX diagram, I get the error
listed at the end of this message.
I have installed in my cairo directory. What is the correct
version of Cairo I should use?
org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Unable to load graphics library [Cairo is
required] (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
/hp410/eclipse_3_1_0/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/76/1/.cp/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics.reconcileHints(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics.checkGC(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics.checkPaint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics.drawPolyline(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.SWTGraphics.drawPolyline(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Polyline.outlineShape(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape.paintFigure(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.ConnectionLayer.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Viewport.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintChildren(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paintClientArea(
at org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.paint(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:
/hp410/eclipse_3_1_0/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/76/1/.cp/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.System.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.Library.loadLibrary(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.cairo.Cairo.&lt;clinit&gt;(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
... 54 more</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-09-25 13:10:52</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;m afraid I don&apos;t use Linux and know nothing of Cairo.
Your stack traces show no org.eclipse.gmt.umlx classes anywhere.
Your &quot;persistent link&quot; comment suggests that you are doing something quite
interesting, way beyond a novice user, so I need to know much more about what
command caused your problem.
A Search of Bugzilla for Cairo reveals in 103311, 103317, 106527 that there may
well be a Linux-GTK/Cairo issue. It is certainly nothing to do with UMLX.
You might search for Cairo on the SWT user group. On 9-Jul-2005
a &quot;UnsatisfiedLinkError for; thread on the GEF newsgroup
instructed the postee to try the SWT user group. </thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-03-10 06:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>GUI exception in ATL</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-09 05:26:15</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-03-10 06:51:43</bug_when>
I get an exception every time I click in the ATL-Editor window. I use: Eclipse
3.1M5a, EMF 2.1.0 and the current version of ATL. I opened the Book2Publication
example. I have added the two different stack traces, I get.
Best Regards
Nicolas Cabanis
Error 2005-03-10 12:42:01.255 java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlContentOutlinePage.doSetSelection
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlContentOutlinePage.setSelection
at org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer.firePostSelectionChanged
at org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer.firePostSelectionChanged
at org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer$
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runTimer(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.messageProc(
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(
prviously, I got the following stack trace:
Error 2005-03-10 12:40:33.802 Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-
in: &quot;org.eclipse.ui.workbench&quot;.
org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Widget is disposed
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.checkWidget(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.checkParent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlOutlinePage.createControl
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlContentOutlinePage.createControl
at org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline.doCreatePage
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.createPage(
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.partActivated(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartListenerList$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartListenerList.firePartActivated
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.firePartActivated
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.setActivePart
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.activate
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$8
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor
at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenFileAction.openFile
at org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.OpenActionGroup.runDefaultAction
at org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.MainActionGroup.runDefaultAction
at org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigator.handleOpen
at org.eclipse.ui.views.navigator.ResourceNavigator$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.fireOpen
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.handleOpen
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$6.handleOpen
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.fireOpenEvent
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.access$2(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy$1.handleEvent
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-06-09 05:26:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Managed case where ATL Editor and ATL Outline are not sync.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-05-06 14:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Another GUI exception in ATL</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-06-09 05:20:58</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-05-06 14:24:11</bug_when>
OS : Linux
Eclipse 3.0.2 linux gtk (M200503110845)
EMF 2.0.2
ATL eclipse plugin : 01/13/2005
When I create a new configuration (in debug or run mode) for an ATL
tranformation, I cannot configure the launching parameters and I get the
following stack trace :
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path for project must have only one segment.
at org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Assert.isLegal(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.MainAtlTab$1.modifyText(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo.setText(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.MainAtlTab.initializeFrom(
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer.fireSelectionChanged(
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WWinPluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-06-09 05:20:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Under OS Linux, method AtlLauncherTools.fileNames was called before Project name
field was answered (may be due to &quot;event listener manager&quot; different with Windows).
Added a conditional for this case.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-11-14 16:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>IllegalArgumentException with style project name</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-15 08:33:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-14 16:27:33</bug_when>
<thetext>When launching a transformation with org.eclipse.gmt.umlx.translators as the
project name I get.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path must include project and resource name:
at org.eclipse.core.internal.utils.Assert.isLegal(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.newResource(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Container.getFile(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
Problem goes away if project name changed to Translators.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-15 08:33:07</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed a bug: now a project, a folder or an ATL transformation can have a &apos;.&apos; in
its name</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-11-20 16:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fatal error on XML Injector</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-22 03:53:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-20 16:23:49</bug_when>
<thetext>When we try to launch XML Injector on an XML file badly formed, a fatal error is produced.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-22 03:53:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Now in &quot;fatalError()&quot; method, only errors are reported. Deleted instruction &quot;System.exit()&quot;.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2005-11-21 04:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL transformation using a library helper provokes an error</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-21 04:48:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-21 04:26:24</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi, I download today the last version of the CVS. When I try to run
a transformation with a library helper this error happen:
An internal error occurred during: &quot;Launching&quot;.
If I put the path as a external path the transformation work without
The trace:
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-21 04:48:14</bug_when>
<thetext>The method getASMFile() was called on an ASM file!!! Now URL of current ASM file is directly returned.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-01-09 09:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL File wizard creates files at the project root</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-01 09:20:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-09 09:56:22</bug_when>
<thetext>ATL transformations created with ATL file wizard are created at the project root.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-27 13:35:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=46900)
Corrective patch
Concerned files:
It replaces project choice on the first wizard page by a folder choice. The default value is the current selected container (worskspace project or folder) on the parent container of the current selected file.
Patch based on some code from AMW.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-01 09:20:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated this patch.
<date>2006-07-27 13:35</date>
<desc>Corrective patch</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-01-16 10:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problems with debug view during ATL debugging (version for Eclipse 3.1)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-05 08:43:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-16 10:55:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Problems with debug view during ATL debugging (version for Eclipse 3.1).
Information and icons displayed are sometimes not sync with current state of debug process. Maybe management problem of debug events.
This seems to be due to new implementation of debug model (since Eclipse 3.1).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-05 08:43:24</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-01-17 10:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Synchronization problems between generic editor and generic outline</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-23 09:58:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-17 10:14:46</bug_when>
<thetext>There are synchronization problems between generic editor and generic outline.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-23 09:58:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-01-31 09:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Dialog box &quot;Metamodel by URI&quot; needs a vertical scroll bar</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-01-31 09:41:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-31 09:36:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Dialog box &quot;Metamodel by URI&quot; needs a vertical scroll bar.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-01-31 09:41:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Added vertical and horizontal scroll bars</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel UMLDI.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-06 08:20:04</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:26:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel UMLDI.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-06 08:20:04</bug_when>
<thetext>updated UMLDI.km3 file</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:28</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel XHTML.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:35:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:28:01</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel XHTML.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:35:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel SVG.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-06 08:20:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:29:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel SVG.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-06 08:20:41</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed errors in SVG metamodel</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel SDM.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-06 08:21:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:30:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel SDM.km3 in AtlanticZoo has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-06 08:21:51</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed errors and most of warning in SPM metamodel</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLPrintingSetup.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:39:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:31:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel MSOfficeExcel_SpreadsheetMLPrintingSetup.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:39:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel MavenMaven.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:39:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:32:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel MavenMaven.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:39:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel JAVA3.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-06 04:54:40</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:33:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel JAVA3.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-06 04:54:40</bug_when>
<thetext>2 classifiers can&apos;t have the same name.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel Java-20040316.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:39:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:34:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel Java-20040316.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:39:03</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel GeoTrans.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:38:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:35:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel GeoTrans.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:38:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel DOT.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:37:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:36:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel DOT.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:37:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel DiagramInterchange.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:36:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:37:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel DiagramInterchange.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:36:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-05 16:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Metamodel Ant.km3 has compilation errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-05 17:36:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 16:38:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel Ant.km3 has compilation errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-05 17:36:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Errors fixed</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-15 18:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add TCS syntax highlighting</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-16 11:30:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-15 18:21:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Add TCS syntax highlighting model in plugin Textual Generic Editor</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-16 11:30:48</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-05-10 11:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>MSProject.km3 bug DataType Date does not exist</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-10 12:10:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 11:44:58</bug_when>
<thetext>MSProject.km3 bug DataType Date does not exist
I created a new class Date and added datatype Integer
and I deleted Datatype Date</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 11:45:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=40957)
Patch for MSProject.km3
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 12:10:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Applied and committed patch for MSProject2.km3 created by Jossic Albin.</thetext>
<date>2006-05-10 11:45</date>
<desc>Patch for MSProject.km3</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-11 19:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>AM3 Ant tasks need to implement the &quot;setProject(..)&quot; method</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-14 14:11:28</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 19:03:57</bug_when>
<thetext>On Eclipse Calisto (3.2RC3), Eclipse uses Ant 1.6.5.
When the am3.loadModelTask executes, the stack trace has:
LoadModelTask.execute() line: 43
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object...) line: 585
TaskAdapter.execute() line: 123
The code
uses Java reflection to invoke the &lt;am3.loadModel&gt; task
as shown below.
Notice that prior to invoking the LoadModelTask.execute() method,
the TaskAdapter.execute() method invokes, if defined,
LoadModelTask.setProject(...) as shown below:
(Part of TaskAdapter from eclipse/plugins/org.apache.ant_1.6.5/lib/ant.jar)
public void execute() throws BuildException {
Method setProjectM = null;
try {
Class c = proxy.getClass();
setProjectM =
c.getMethod(&quot;setProject&quot;, new Class[] {Project.class});
if (setProjectM != null) {
setProjectM.invoke(proxy, new Object[] {getProject()});
} catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// ignore this if the class being used as a task does not have
// a set project method.
} catch (Exception ex) {
log(&quot;Error setting project in &quot; + proxy.getClass(),
throw new BuildException(ex);
Method executeM = null;
try {
Class c = proxy.getClass();
executeM = c.getMethod(&quot;execute&quot;, new Class[0]);
if (executeM == null) {
log(&quot;No public execute() in &quot; + proxy.getClass(),
throw new BuildException(&quot;No public execute() in &quot;
+ proxy.getClass());
executeM.invoke(proxy, null); &lt;&lt;&lt; line 123
The CVS version 1.5 of /
yields the following type hierarchy for setProject(...)
Unfortunately, the introspection code produces
a NoSuchMethodException exception:
Even more strange, instead of the &quot;throw new BuildException(ex)&quot;
to pop the stack, the execution continues with the reflective invocation
of LoadModelTask.execute().
When the control reaches LoadModelTask.execute(),
we eventually reach line 43:
getProject().addReference(&quot;%&quot; + modelHandler, amh.getMof());
Since setProject(..) hasn&apos;t been called;
getProject() returns NULL and thus the NullPointerException
that finally pops the stack.
Two things baffle me:
1) why did the reflective mechanism fail
to find the inherited setProject(...) method?
2) why did the BuildException thrown in TaskAdapter not pop the stack
when the getProject()=&gt;null=&gt;method dispatch code did?
Is there something about java 1.4 vs. 1.5 or about Eclipse 3.1 vs. 3.2
that is causing this?
I&apos;m runnning on Linux RHEL4.
-- Nicolas.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 20:44:40</bug_when>
<thetext>I followed w/ the debugger what happens here.
1) In TaskAdapter:
setProjectM = c.getMethod(&quot;setProject&quot;, new Class[] {Project.class});
The &quot;getMethod&quot; is invoked starting from LoadModelTask
successively up the inheritance hierarchy.
When it reaches:
we eventually get to calling: Class.searchMethods(...)
where methods includes the desired &quot;setProject(..)&quot; method
from ProjectComponent.
private static Method searchMethods(Method[] methods,
String name,
Class[] parameterTypes)
Method res = null;
String internedName = name.intern();
for (int i = 0; i &lt; methods.length; i++) {
Method m = methods[i];
if (m.getName() == internedName
&amp;&amp; arrayContentsEq(parameterTypes, m.getParameterTypes())
&amp;&amp; (res == null
|| res.getReturnType().isAssignableFrom(m.getReturnType())))
res = m;
When the loop reaches the &quot;setProject(...)&quot; method,
the comparison of method parameters fails:
arrayContentsEq(parameterTypes, m.getParameterTypes())
Here, parameterTypes is an array of 1 entry for
but the two objects are not exactly identical in the sense of
the criteria in Class.arrayContentsEq(Object[] a1, Object[] a2)
I&apos;m attaching a screenshot. Look at the variables window
which shows you that we have 2 objects that are not &quot;==&quot;
and yet represent the &quot;same&quot; class.
Seems to me like a class loader problem but I&apos;m really unclear
where it is coming from.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 20:46:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41274)
Screenshot of the debugger at the root symptom of the bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 14:11:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Resolved with patches of</thetext>
<date>2006-05-11 20:46</date>
<desc>Screenshot of the debugger at the root symptom of the bug</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-12 09:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add IEEE1471 Metamodel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-12 10:04:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-12 09:51:12</bug_when>
<thetext>there are 2 metamodels:
conceptual model
based viewpoint metamodel</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-12 10:04:24</bug_when>
<thetext>Bugzilla is not adapted for this.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-18 09:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Adding of two new metamodels for ADM KDM (OMG RFP)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-31 10:32:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 09:29:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Adding to the zoo of two new metamodels for ADM KDM (OMG RFP)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 09:30:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41877)
KM3 file of the KDMSimplified metamodel
To add to the Atlantic Zoo</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 09:32:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41878)
KM3 file of the complete KDM metamodel
To add to the Atlantic Zoo</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 10:32:00</bug_when>
<thetext>I added these metamodels to Atlantic zoo.</thetext>
<date>2006-05-18 09:30</date>
<desc>KM3 file of the KDMSimplified metamodel</desc>
<date>2006-05-18 09:32</date>
<desc>KM3 file of the complete KDM metamodel</desc>
<creation_ts>2005-04-01 08:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>&apos;notEmpty()&apos; operation does not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2005-11-21 10:34:30</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-04-01 08:14:16</bug_when>
<thetext>When I try to use the &apos;notEmpty()&apos; operation, as in:
rule AssocToArrayList {
from s : INMODEL!AssociationEnd (
s.isNavigable and
using { list : INMODEL!Class =
INMODEL!Class.allInstances()-&gt;select(c|;List&apos;)-&gt;first(); }
to t : OUTMODEL!Attribute mapsTo s (
name &lt;-,
owner &lt;- s.association.connection-&gt;select(x|x&lt;&gt;s)-&gt;first().participant,
type &lt;- list,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
ownerScope &lt;- s.targetScope,
changeability &lt;- s.changeability,
initialValue &lt;- value),
value : OUTMODEL!Expression (
language &lt;- &apos;java&apos;,
body &lt;- &apos;new java.util.ArrayList();&apos;)
ADT tells me the &apos;notEmpty()&apos; operation is not available for type &apos;Sequence&apos;.
The ATL manual says otherwise. If I try the following workaround with &apos;not
isEmpty()&apos;, things do work:
rule AssocToArrayList {
from s : INMODEL!AssociationEnd (
s.isNavigable and
not s.multiplicity.range-&gt;select(r|r.upper&lt;&gt;1)-&gt;isEmpty())
using { list : INMODEL!Class =
INMODEL!Class.allInstances()-&gt;select(c|;List&apos;)-&gt;first(); }
to t : OUTMODEL!Attribute mapsTo s (
name &lt;-,
owner &lt;- s.association.connection-&gt;select(x|x&lt;&gt;s)-&gt;first().participant,
type &lt;- list,
visibility &lt;- s.visibility,
ownerScope &lt;- s.targetScope,
changeability &lt;- s.changeability,
initialValue &lt;- value),
value : OUTMODEL!Expression (
language &lt;- &apos;java&apos;,
body &lt;- &apos;new java.util.ArrayList();&apos;)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-15 09:16:22</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #0)
This bug seems to have been fixed some time ago. Do you still have this problem?
If not, I will mark this bug as FIXED.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-21 10:11:00</bug_when>
<thetext>My latest test has shown that notEmpty() currently works. See also:*checkout*/svn-gen/UML1CaseStudies/uml1cs-transformations/AssociationAttributes.atl?rev=2698</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2005-11-21 10:34:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Ok, thanks. I mark this bug as fixed.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-08 07:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF enum Literals doesn&apos;t return the implenting instance</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-11 04:20:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows 2000</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-08 07:21:51</bug_when>
<thetext>I was facing dificulties to set enum litrals to generated emf based models, i found that asm2EMF returns ((EEnum)type).getEEnumLiteral(name) whicht is an EEnumLiteral, but the default generatet EMF implentation expect the generatet interface of the enumlit.
It&apos;s ((EEnum)type).getEEnumLiteral(name).getInstance();
the following changes works for me
in asm2EMF :
} else if (value instanceof ASMEnumLiteral) {
String name = ((ASMEnumLiteral)value).getName();
EClassifier type = ((EClass)((ASMEMFModelElement)getMetaobject()).object).getEStructuralFeature(propName).getEType();
//change for EMF enum
if (type.getInstanceClass()!= EEnum.class) {
EEnumLiteral lit = ((EEnum)type).getEEnumLiteral(name);
ret = lit.getInstance();
ret = ((EEnum)type).getEEnumLiteral(name);
and in
emf2ASM :
else if(value instanceof Enumerator) {
ret = new ASMEnumLiteral(((Enumerator)value).getName());
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-11 04:20:16</bug_when>
<thetext>The code was patched as suggested.
Thank you.
<creation_ts>2006-04-14 05:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>KM3 EnumLiteral objects need a *unique* value when mapped to ECORE EEnumLiteral objects</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-14 07:05:45</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-14 05:49:45</bug_when>
<thetext>The org.atl.eclipse.km3/src/org/atl/eclipse/km3/resources/KM32EMF.asm
transformation is the code that defines how
KM3&apos;s Enumeration + EnumLiteral objects
are mapped into ECORE&apos;s EEnum and EEnumLiteral objects.
In ECORE, an EEnumLiteral object has an optional &apos;Value&apos; attribute (EInt) but:
- the default value is 0
- the value must be unique
Currently, KM32ECORE.asm does not specify the value of EEnumLiteral objects created for KM3 EnumLiteral objects.
This means that the KM3 model:
enumeration Broken {
literal A;
literal B;
will create a broken ECORE model where A and B will be EEnumLiteral objects
with no specified value. By default, A.value = B.value = 0.
This is a violation of the unicity constraint on EEnumLiteral.value
within the scope of an ECORE EEnum object.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-14 07:05:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Ecore!EEnumLiteral are now created with a value equal to their position in the list of KM3!EnumLiterals of their owning KM3!Enumeration.
Thanks for reporting.
<creation_ts>2006-06-19 10:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>metadata error in CADM</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-21 10:52:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:32:46</bug_when>
<thetext>metadata error in CADM metamodel (C4ISR Core Architecture Data Model)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:34:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44815)
patch for CADM metamodel in km3
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-21 10:52:18</bug_when>
<thetext>committed patch</thetext>
<date>2006-06-19 10:34</date>
<desc>patch for CADM metamodel in km3</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-19 10:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>patch for IEEE1471 Conceptual Model</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-21 10:33:56</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:36:17</bug_when>
<thetext>gros changement � cause de la transformation IEEE2MoDAF</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:36:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44817)
patch for IEEE1471 Conceptual Model
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-21 10:33:56</bug_when>
<thetext>Committed patch</thetext>
<date>2006-06-19 10:36</date>
<desc>patch for IEEE1471 Conceptual Model</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-19 10:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>patch for MoDAF-AV metamodel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-21 10:14:05</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:38:02</bug_when>
<thetext>gros changements � cause de la transformation IEEE1471 to MoDAF</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 10:38:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44818)
patch for MoDAF -AV metamodel
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-21 10:14:05</bug_when>
<thetext>committed patch</thetext>
<date>2006-06-19 10:38</date>
<desc>patch for MoDAF -AV metamodel</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-01 10:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem when calling an injector in &quot;AM3.loadModel&quot; ANT tasks with MDR as model handler</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-01 12:56:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 10:40:08</bug_when>
<thetext>The following task works well:
&lt;am3.loadModel modelHandler=&quot;MDR&quot; name=&quot;KM3&quot; metamodel=&quot;MOF&quot; path=&quot;KM3.xmi&quot;/&gt;
But the following task causes an error:
&lt;am3.loadModel modelHandler=&quot;MDR&quot; name=&quot;KM3model&quot; metamodel=&quot;KM3&quot; path=&quot;${sourceModel}&quot;&gt;
&lt;injector name=&quot;ebnf&quot;&gt;
&lt;param name=&quot;name&quot; value=&quot;KM3&quot;/&gt;
&lt;pathelement location=&quot;KM3-importer.jar&quot;/&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 12:56:37</bug_when>
<thetext>This error seems not related to the AM3 ANT tasks. With other metamodels (e.g. KM3_2006) and its injector, there is no error.
The bug seems to be related to KM3_2007.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 17:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Several links are broken in ATL Transformations list page</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-22 09:04:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 17:32:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Links in several transformation description are broken. These are links to Dennis Wagelaar web site.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-22 09:04:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Updated links to Dennis Wagelaar CVS</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-04 04:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem during ATL compilation process with Eclipse 3.0</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-04 04:43:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-04 04:21:31</bug_when>
<thetext>There is an error during ATL compilation with Eclipse 3.0.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.atl.engine.injectors.ebnf.ATLLexer
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
at org.atl.engine.injectors.ebnf.EBNFInjector2.performImportation(
at org.atl.engine.injectors.ebnf.EBNFInjector2.performImportation(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlParser.parseToModelWithProblems(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlParser.parseWithProblems(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlParser.parse(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlContentOutlinePage.setUnit(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.ui.outline.AtlContentOutlinePage.createControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline.doCreatePage(
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.createPage(
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.partActivated(
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.showBootstrapPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.createPartControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline.createPartControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.createChildControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane.createChildControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.busyRestoreView(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.restoreView(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$ViewReference.getPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$1.propertyChange(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart.setVisible(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane.setVisible(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentablePart.setVisible(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.DefaultPartPresentation.selectPart(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.refreshPresentationSelection(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.createControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.createControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartSashContainer.createControl(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveHelper.activate(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective.onActivate(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.onActivate(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow.setActivePage(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow.restoreState(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.restoreState(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$10(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.restoreState(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchConfigurer.restoreState(
at org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor.openWindows(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.init(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-04 04:43:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed the bug.
ClassLoader management seems to be different between Eclipse 3.0 and Eclipse 3.1.
Called method performImportation of ebnfInjector with ATLLexer and ATLParser in parameter to solve the problem.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-11 10:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Refactoring operation doesn&apos;t work in ATL Outline View</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-26 09:11:45</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-11 10:02:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Refactoring operation doesn&apos;t work in ATL Outline View</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 09:11:45</bug_when>
<thetext>deleted useless refactoring operation</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-27 15:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Ecore metamodel to KM3 subpackages issue.</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-04-27 16:40:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-27 15:53:49</bug_when>
<thetext>When extracting Ecore metamodel to KM3 it not generates subpackages.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-27 15:55:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=39713)
EMF2KM3.atl which work with subpackages too.
Copy EMF2KM3.asm into org.atl.eclipse.km3 / src / org / atl / eclipse / km3 / resources</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-27 16:40:53</bug_when>
<date>2006-04-27 15:55</date>
<desc>EMF2KM3.atl which work with subpackages too.</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-10 11:54</creation_ts>
<short_desc>AtlModelHandler.getDefault(&quot;MDR&quot;) throws NullPointerException outside Eclipse</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-30 10:33:42</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-10 11:54:17</bug_when>
<thetext>The current (CVS 10/05/2006) AtlModelHandler.getDefault() method doesn&apos;t check whether Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns something useful. Outside Eclipse, it returns null. This causes ATL to throw a NullPointerException, where it should have thrown the RuntimeException(&quot;Model handler for &quot; + repository + &quot; not found. You may need to install a model handler plugin.&quot;) or perhaps something of not being able to access the Eclipse extension registry.
If one wants to use AtlMDRModelHandler outside Eclipse, it would be nice if AtlMDRModelHandler can register directly with AtlModelHandler instead of with Eclipse? Otherwise, the command line interface can only provide a fixed number of hard-coded AtlModelHandlers by direct instantiation. If AtlMDRModelHandler can add itself to the defaultModelHandlers field of AtlModelHandler, the problems seems to be solved.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 07:05:41</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41098)
Checks if Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns null and adds registerDefaultHandler() method for use outside Eclipse
This patch checks if Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns null and throws a RuntimeException with appropriate message if it does. It also adds a static registerDefaultHandler() method, which allows Java programs outside Eclipse to add new model handlers programmatically.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 07:07:49</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #1)
&gt; Created an attachment (id=41098) [edit]
&gt; Checks if Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns null and adds
&gt; registerDefaultHandler() method for use outside Eclipse
&gt; This patch checks if Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns null and throws a
&gt; RuntimeException with appropriate message if it does. It also adds a static
&gt; registerDefaultHandler() method, which allows Java programs outside Eclipse to
&gt; add new model handlers programmatically.
Signed off by Dennis Wagelaar &lt;; to be published under
the Eclipse Public License v.1.0 ( or
any later version.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 10:33:42</bug_when>
<thetext>I committed this patch.
Thanks again Dennis ;-)</thetext>
<date>2006-05-11 07:05</date>
<desc>Checks if Platform.getExtensionRegistry() returns null and adds registerDefaultHandler() method for use outside Eclipse</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-30 04:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF 2.1 vs. 2.2 =&gt; eClassifier + eSubpackage fixes</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-30 09:42:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 04:16:34</bug_when>
<thetext>The EMF 2.1 vs. EMF 2.2 difference has a visible effect on
the KM32EMF transformation which, given a simple KM3 metamodel like this:
package Foo {
class Bar {}
produces an EMF model with 2 &quot;Bar&quot; EClass objects instead of one:
Briefly, during the ATL transformation process, the ATL virtual
machine constructs a bunch of objects (e.g., matched &amp; called rules)
during a phase where these objects will be part of the model&apos;s
resource &quot;extent&quot; (in ECORE).
In a subsequent phase, the virtual machine sets the
attributes of all of the objects it has previously created
such as name, type and, for MOF!EPackage, eClassifiers and eSubpackages.
For example:
rule Package {
e : KM3!Package
c : MOF!EPackage (
name &lt;-,
eClassifiers &lt;- e.contents-&gt;select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(KM3!Classifier)), eSubpackages &lt;- e.contents-&gt;select(e | e.oclIsKindOf(KM3!Package)),
During this phase, the virtual machine calls an internal &quot;set&quot; operation
to update the various attributes &apos;name&apos;, &apos;eClassifiers&apos; and &apos;eSubpackages&apos;...
The problem is that whenever an EObject is added either somewhere in a list of &apos;eClassifiers&apos; or &apos;eSubpackages&apos;, that object must no longer be a &quot;toplevel&quot; object of the model otherwise the object will be reachable from two paths:
1) as a &quot;toplevel&quot; object - e.g.: model.getExtent().getContents()
2) as a &quot;contained&quot; object in another object&apos;s eClassifiers/eSubpackages
If, as I suspect, &apos;eClassifiers&apos; and &apos;eSubpackages&apos; define
the semantics of object containement in ECORE, then I believe
that unique path reachability should be a typestate invariant property
of ECORE models.
I have checked the fix by applying the KM32EMF transformation
to several KM3 metamodels in: org.eclipse.am3.zoos.atlantic
and comparing the results with the ECORE models in org.eclipse.am3.zoos.atlantEcore. It seems to be OK.
More fixes are needed, e.g., to ensure the same unique path reachability
typestate invariant property holds in the UI code for the ATL outline.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 04:17:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=42925)
Path to
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-30 09:42:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Tests are ok for me for Eclipse 3.1/EMF 2.1 and Eclipse 3.2/EMF 2.2.
Thanks for your contribution Nicolas.</thetext>
<date>2006-05-30 04:17</date>
<desc>Path to</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-06-15 11:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Iterative output patterns do not work in lazy rules</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-19 05:43:58</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 11:35:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Any attempt to use iterative output patterns in lazy rules seems to trigger an error in the ATL compiler.
The file dump.txt contains the console dump from an attempt to compile the script in file test1.atl. The script in test2.atl, that only differs from the other by having the iterative pattern in a matched rule, compiled fina and works as expected.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 11:36:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44531)
console dump from an attempt to compile test1.atl
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 11:36:36</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44532)
the script that does not compile
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-15 11:36:56</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44533)
the script that does compile
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-19 05:43:58</bug_when>
<thetext>This behavior is actually *normal*.
Iterative target patterns are being deprecated in favor of lazy rules.
Therefore, old program with such patterns in standard rules still work. But new programs cannot use them in lazy rules.
Thanks for reporting this anyway. This entry may serve as a documentation of this *feature*.</thetext>
<date>2006-06-15 11:36</date>
<desc>console dump from an attempt to compile test1.atl</desc>
<date>2006-06-15 11:36</date>
<desc>the script that does not compile</desc>
<date>2006-06-15 11:36</date>
<desc>the script that does compile</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-07-24 09:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add the ability to get the resource URI with EMF repository</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-05 09:42:57</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-24 09:00:30</bug_when>
<thetext>When generating a weaving model, it is a shame that we are not able to get the models resources URIs. This patch enable it in a similar way to allInstances() operation.
If you do MM!Element.resourceURI() you will get the metamodel resource URI
If you do MM!Element.resourceURIOf(&quot;model_name&quot;) you will get model resource URI
It is a quick and dirty hack but it works :D
This patch apply to org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl/
It has been tested with the latest CVS version of ATL.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-24 09:02:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=46701)
Patch for org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl\src\org\atl\engine\repositories\emf4atl\ASMEMFModelElement
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-05 09:42:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Closed as WONTFIX</thetext>
<date>2006-07-24 09:02</date>
<desc>Patch for org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl\src\org\atl\engine\repositories\emf4atl\ASMEMFModelElement</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-07-24 10:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem generating variables references in HOT (Ecore2ATL)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-14 04:03:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-24 10:21:35</bug_when>
<thetext>A bug appear in the new CVS version of ATL/AM3 (it already worked 3 weeks ago).
In a HOT, in order to make reference to a variable, i have to create a VariableExp like this :
thisModuleVar : ATL!VariableExp (
referredVariable &lt;- thisModuleVarDecl
Every uses of this kind of construct results in blank with Ecore2ATL. The generated ATL model (.ecore) is correct but the extraction in ATL concrete syntax fails.
First example:
I&apos;d like to create a call to &quot;thisModule.mymodel&quot; global variable
thisModuleVarDecl : ATL!VariableDeclaration (
varName &lt;- &apos;thisModule&apos;
thisModuleVar : ATL!VariableExp (
referredVariable &lt;- thisModuleVarDecl
stmt_model_source : ATL!NavigationOrAttributeCallExp (
name &lt;- &apos;mymodel&apos;,
source &lt;- thisModuleVar
The results after serialization : &quot;.model&quot; without the &quot;thisModule&quot; before the dot.
Second example: I&apos;d like to do a binding between a variable in a SimpleOutPatternElement and another SimpleOutPatternElement like this (this is what i expected) :
model: MM!Model(
name &lt;- &apos;mymodel&apos;,
aModelRef &lt;- outModelRef
outModelRef: MM!ModelRef(
name &lt;- &apos;mymodelref&apos;
For this i did :
opeModel_leftModel : ATL!Binding (
propertyName &lt;- &apos;aModelRef&apos;,
value &lt;- opeaModelRef_var
opeaModelRef : ATL!SimpleOutPatternElement (
varName &lt;- &apos;outModelRef&apos;,
bindings &lt;- Sequence{[...]},
type &lt;- [...]
opeaModelRef_var : ATL!VariableExp (
referredVariable &lt;- opeaModelRef
But i get this:
model: MM!Model(
name &lt;- &apos;mymodel&apos;,
aModelRef &lt;-
outModelRef: MM!ModelRef(
name &lt;- &apos;mymodelref&apos;
despite the ATL model is also correct from this point of view (everything is well referenced etc.)
It must come from the Ecore2ATL extractor (i think).
Sorry for the lack of patch :/
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-14 04:03:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug corrected.
There was a problem in the TCS of ATL when using &quot;OclUndefinedExp&quot; and &quot;VariableExp&quot; elements. We replaced it with a correct version.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-05 10:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL launch configuration (ModelChoiceTab) cannot handle more than 5 libraries</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-05 13:13:41</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 10:38:18</bug_when>
<thetext>When entering the 6th library in the launch configuration, the following stack trace is added to Eclipse error log:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Index out of bounds
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.SWT.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.error(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table.getItem(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.ModelChoiceTab.canSave(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.ModelChoiceTab.initializeFrom(
at org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchConfigurationTabGroup.initializeFrom(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer.displayInstanceTabs(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer.inputChanged(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationTabGroupViewer.setInput(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationsDialog.handleLaunchConfigurationSelectionChanged(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.launchConfigurations.LaunchConfigurationsDialog$4.selectionChanged(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.firePostSelectionChanged(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.handlePostSelect(
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$5.widgetSelected(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.firePostSelectionEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.access$4(
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy$
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools$
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(
at org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools.openLaunchConfigurationDialogOnGroup(
at org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools.openLaunchConfigurationDialogOnGroup(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WWinPluginAction.runWithEvent(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.handleWidgetSelection(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.access$2(
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$5.handleEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.runApplication(
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.internal.adaptor.EclipseAppLauncher.start(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 13:13:41</bug_when>
<thetext>This bug is fixed on CVS.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-09 19:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Search for Java method too restrictive</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-12 04:54:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-09 19:47:17</bug_when>
<thetext>In an EMF model, it is not possible to call a Java method with primitive type parameters on a model object. For example, I have an ATL transformation that creates as output a UML profile. To create extensions I want to call the stereotype method createExtension(org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class metaclass, boolean isRequired). ATL can&apos;t find this method, but if I change the method to take a Boolean parameter it works.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-09 19:51:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49799)
Match primitive types and wrapper classes.
This is what I did to make it work for me. I don&apos;t know if all the types can actually occur in ATL.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 04:54:03</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated patch.
Thanks ;-)</thetext>
<date>2006-09-09 19:51</date>
<desc>Match primitive types and wrapper classes.</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-27 09:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Memory Leak during execution of model transformation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 09:22:15</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 09:24:19</bug_when>
<thetext>There are some memory leaks during execution of an ATL model transformation.
Here is the report of Markus Herrmannsd�rfer:
I am trying to use ATL for model migration between two different versions of a metamodel.[...]
My first step was to generate a complete identity transformation and to run it on a big model (roughly 100.000 instances or 10 MB of XML data). Later the generated transformation should be edited in order to adjust it to the new metamodel version. The transformation takes 1:30 min which is not a problem, but about 100 MB of memory used during transformation will never be freed again (even after manually executing garbage collection). That means that I can only execute a small amount of transformation in a chain, before my eclipse instance runs out of memory.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 09:26:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59875)
Sample project to test Memory Leak
Sample project provided by Markus Herrmannsd�rfer to test Memory Leak problems </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 08:05:18</bug_when>
<thetext>The problem seems to solve itself when running the transformation through AM3 ant tasks: about 30 seconds after executing the build.xml file, you get your memory back ;-). That may be because Eclipse cleans up the mess after Ant runs :-/.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 11:49:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug resolved:
- OclType.subtypes was keeping a reference on each model element
- Each metamodel was having a reference to every model conforming to him (ASMModel.submodels)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 11:50:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug closed</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 12:00:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks guys! Is the fix in head?
- ian</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 12:02:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Yes, it is in head ;)
(In reply to comment #5)
&gt; Thanks guys! Is the fix in head?
&gt; - ian
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-01 20:12:29</bug_when>
<thetext>After updating from cvs, I see a problem when executing the Families2Persons example. Sometimes it works, but more often it throws an exception (~80% of cases). The problem disappears if I replace (1.22) with the previous version (1.21) from cvs. Now the transformation always runs without error. The change in the dispose method seems to break something.
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource$IOWrappedException: Class &apos;Family&apos; not found. (platform:/resource/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore, 3, 28)
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.handleErrors(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.load(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLResourceImpl.doLoad(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl.ResourceImpl.load(
at org.atl.engine.repositories.emf4atl.ASMEMFModel.loadASMEMFModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.engine.AtlEMFModelHandler.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.loadModel(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getSourceModels(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
Caused by: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.ClassNotFoundException: Class &apos;Family&apos; not found. (platform:/resource/Families2Persons/sample-Families.ecore, 3, 28)
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.validateCreateObjectFromFactory(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createObjectByType(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.createTopObject(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.processElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMIHandler.processElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.startElement(
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLHandler.startElement(
at Source)
at Source)
at$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xmi.impl.XMLLoadImpl.load(
... 17 more
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.getSourceModels(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.runAtlLauncher(
at org.atl.eclipse.adt.launching.AtlLaunchConfigurationDelegate.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchConfiguration.launch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin.buildAndLaunch(
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.DebugUIPlugin$
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 07:08:41</bug_when>
<thetext>I reopen the bug and look at this problem.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 08:11:35</bug_when>
<thetext>I found that the problem is not in the dispose() method but in adaptMetamodel in line 371. It should be nsURI = p.getName(); instead of nsURI = model.getName();
With this change the Families2Persons transformation works as expected without throwing exceptions.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 08:32:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Yes. I found it too. I commited the corrected version of ASMEMFModel.adaptMetamodel().
The model.getName() was a previous test for myself, and i forgot to replace it with the original version. Sorry.
Thanks for your help.
I am waiting for your reply to change this from re-open to fixed.
Best regards,
(In reply to comment #9)
&gt; I found that the problem is not in the dispose() method but in adaptMetamodel
&gt; in line 371. It should be nsURI = p.getName(); instead of nsURI =
&gt; model.getName();
&gt; With this change the Families2Persons transformation works as expected without
&gt; throwing exceptions.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:21:04</bug_when>
<thetext>It works for me now.
(In reply to comment #10)
&gt; Yes. I found it too. I commited the corrected version of
&gt; ASMEMFModel.adaptMetamodel().
&gt; The model.getName() was a previous test for myself, and i forgot to replace it
&gt; with the original version. Sorry.
&gt; Thanks for your help.
&gt; I am waiting for your reply to change this from re-open to fixed.
&gt; Best regards,
&gt; Mikael
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:22:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks ;)
(In reply to comment #11)
&gt; It works for me now.
&gt; </thetext>
<date>2007-02-27 09:26</date>
<desc>Sample project to test Memory Leak</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-02-20 17:25</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-02-24 18:02:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-20 17:25:24</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 18:02:02</bug_when>
<thetext>That was only a test.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-20 17:33</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-02-24 18:02:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-20 17:33:04</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 18:02:27</bug_when>
<thetext>That was only a test.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-20 17:37</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-02-24 18:02:47</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-20 17:37:19</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 18:02:47</bug_when>
<thetext>That was only a test.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 12:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>&quot;unnecessary cast&quot; and collection types</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-22 07:25:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 12:40:23</bug_when>
<thetext>the expression &apos;(List[String]){}&apos; should work but fails:
Unnecessary Cast from List to List,</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-22 07:25:46</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed (see org/openarchitectureware/expression/ast/</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 12:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EcoreUtil2.getEPackage() can not load resource from jar</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-02 08:24:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 12:41:30</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;ve got an error trying to reference ecore model located in the standalone jar.
The problem seems to be in EcoreUtil2.getEPackage() method, where only file part of the URL is used.
Ecore fails to resolve such URL because getFile() method returns part of the URL without the &quot;jar:&quot; prefix.
I&apos;ve tried following fix:
// Original: URI fileURI = URI.createFileURI(url.getFile());
URI fileURI = URI.createURI(url.toString());
The fix works for botch cases - whether the model file is on the classpath or in the jar.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-02 08:24:51</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 13:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[extend / check] single line comments</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-22 07:26:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 13:01:56</bug_when>
<thetext>single line comments not supported. e.g.:
// my comment</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-22 07:26:48</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed (see org/openarchitectureware/check/</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 14:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Xpand2] genmodel::GenEnum.ecoreEnum is of type Object</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-01 05:48:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 14:27:13</bug_when>
<thetext>�DEFINE Package FOR genmodel::GenPackage�
�EXPAND Enum FOREACH genEnums�
�DEFINE Enum FOR genmodel::GenEnum�
aufzurufen. Dann sagt er folgendes:
3750 ERROR - Couldn&apos;t find property &apos;name&apos; for type Object:in templates/Root.xpt
on line 21 &apos;;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find property
&apos;name&apos; for type Object:in templates/Root.xpt on line 21 &apos;;
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator.invoke(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-01 05:48:12</bug_when>
<thetext>The genmodel references the Ecore model by URI.
This is resolved using EPackage.Registry.
For each loaded ecore model the EPackage.Registry is updated now.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-21 14:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[RC2 - expressions] NPE in AbstractTypImpl.getAllFeatures</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-08 12:46:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-21 14:29:00</bug_when>
<thetext>java.lang.NullPointerException at
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 12:46:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Mmmh... the desciption is a bit short.
I really can&apos;t see why or when a NPE happens.
I&apos;ll close it for now. Should be reopened when more infoprmation is available.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-24 16:24</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] improve error handling</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-08 12:48:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 16:24:01</bug_when>
<thetext>the analyzation and error handling of workflow descriptions must be improved:
- good error messages on unkown attributes
- good error messages on not found resources (cartridges, classes, property-files)
- good error messages on unambigous configurations (e.g. &lt;component idRef=&quot;id&quot; class=&quot;my.Class&quot;&gt;)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 12:48:12</bug_when>
<thetext>The error handling has been improved.
If there are more issues in this area coming up, we need more specific bug reports.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-24 16:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow-plugin] FEATURE: refresh project after workflow launch</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-01 05:49:26</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 16:26:05</bug_when>
<thetext>The project containing the started workflow, must be refreshed after the process has finished.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-01 05:49:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Stephane Ducas fixed this issue.
Now the whole workspcae is refreshed after a workflow invocation.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-24 16:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[editor plugins] incorrect indentation on tab/shift</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:14:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 16:27:49</bug_when>
<thetext>lines following an empty line are not indented correctly.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 12:49:26</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;ve tested it, but couldn&apos;t reproduce it.
Any hints, how to provoke this missbehaviour?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:14:51</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-24 17:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] cartridge file not found: reasonable error message</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-26 02:44:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 17:57:39</bug_when>
<thetext>If you call a cartridge, and the file cannot be found,
a strange (and unreadable) exception shows up. We
neeed a good error message.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-26 02:44:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Error message is now printed - specifically, the issues are reported in case of an exception.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-24 18:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] Background loading</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:15:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-24 18:00:46</bug_when>
<thetext>Since refresh after running does not work,
we need the same background thread thing as
in the log view.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 12:50:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Refresh after running workflows from eclipse now works.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:15:37</bug_when>
<thetext>works now because of automatic refresh</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] org.openarchitectureware im Workflow</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-26 04:40:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:02:18</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be nice if we could leave away the org.openarchitectureware
package prefix in the workflow file and just write oaw.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:56:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Why don&apos;t we just remove components to the Java package &apos;oaw&apos;?
It would be much more straight forward, wouldn&apos;t it?
Additionally, on the Java level components are clearly be identified...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-26 04:40:19</bug_when>
<thetext>I really don&apos;t want to start refactoring all that stuff again.
I don&apos;t think the this one &quot;trick&quot; is a problem. And you don&apos;t
have to use it :-)
I have added the feature.
So oaw. is expanded to org.openarchitectureware.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] component fragments for AOP</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:08:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:05:17</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:08:27</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] component fragments for AOP</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-15 13:52:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:05:23</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-15 13:52:29</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] component fragments for AOP</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-02-25 04:07:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:06:21</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:07:13</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[wombat] Workflow Component umstellen auf Complex Params</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:39:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:10:45</bug_when>
<thetext>... to make configuration nicer :-)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:39:46</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[wombat] load script from classpath</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:40:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:12:10</bug_when>
<thetext>... like any other workflow component does typically.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:40:01</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[ocl adapter] move constraints to file</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 15:27:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:12:57</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 15:27:53</bug_when>
<thetext>as of now, the OCL implementation is not very important,
so we will not change anything here. As soon as there&apos;s
a need, things can be changed accordingly.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[ocl adapter] OSLO</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 15:28:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:13:27</bug_when>
<thetext>&gt; ich habe dein Tutorial zu OCL und EMF auf den OAW Seiten gefunden. In
&gt; diesem Tutorial hast du die Kent OCL Bibliothek benutzt.
&gt; Vielleicht w�rde dich interesieren, dass das Fraunhofer Institut Fokus
&gt; dieses Projekt von Kent �bernommen hat.
&gt; Das Ganze ist jetzt ein Open Source Project und hei�t OSLO (Open Source
&gt; Libary for OCL),
&gt; wir haben bereits viele Fehler , die in der Kent Bibliothek vorhanden
&gt; waren, behoben.
&gt; Die Benutzung hat sich nicht wesentlich ver�ndert.
&gt; Ich hoffe ein Blick lohnt sich f�r dich, die Project Hompage ist unter
&gt; zu erreichen.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 15:28:10</bug_when>
<thetext>as of now, the OCL implementation is not very important,
so we will not change anything here. As soon as there&apos;s
a need, things can be changed accordingly.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[core-plugins] Outlines for Editors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-11 10:25:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:17:54</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-11 10:25:44</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[extension] JAVA extension classes should be cached objects...</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-14 12:57:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:22:11</bug_when>
<thetext>... instead of static methods, so that polymorphic
method calls can be used.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:14:02</bug_when>
<thetext>You can simply utilize the polymorphism provided by Xtend.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:15:06</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-14 12:57:24</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] NONL support</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:42:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:22:39</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 13:04:03</bug_when>
Instead of &lt;&lt;NONL&gt;&gt; from the old Xpand version I&apos;ve integrated the rails syntax.
Write a minus sign just before th closing bracket to remove the whole line from the generated output.
For an Xpand template:
...template text
&lt;&lt;anyxpandstatement -&gt;&gt;
template text...
The following code is generated:
...template text
template text...
If a line contains characters only the whitespace between the statement and the characters will be reomved.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:42:07</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[general] Can we add a small icon to the project if it has the Expand Nature?</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:44:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:23:40</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 13:07:48</bug_when>
<thetext>We have the project&apos;s properties page showing a corresponding checkbox, now.
Does this fit our needs?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:44:28</bug_when>
<thetext>props page</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-25 04:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] Condition Execution</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:45:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-25 04:25:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Conditionale Ausf�hrung von
- Workflow Componenten (wenn Prop defined)
- Templates
--&gt; Var Mgt.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 13:33:44</bug_when>
<thetext>A first draft is implemented you can write
&lt;component .../&gt;
&lt;if condition=&quot;false&quot;&gt;
&lt;component .../&gt;
&lt;component .../&gt;
&lt;component .../&gt;
The simple true/false semantic should be replaced with the use of expressions based on the workflow context.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:45:01</bug_when>
<thetext>see previous comment</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-02-28 16:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[checks] Extemsions in Checks</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 15:31:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-02-28 16:05:42</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be nice if it were possible to also
define extensions directly in the checks files
so that check constraints can be modularized in
the same file.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 15:31:37</bug_when>
<thetext>isn&apos;t really important...</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-03 06:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Configurable File Extensions for Beautifiers</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:47:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-03 06:42:16</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be useful to be able to configure
the extensions that particular beautifiers
consider. Eg there are many XML files that
you might want to beautify that have exten-
sions other than .xml</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:47:59</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-03 13:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] Workflow Reference: Task Definition f�r Workflow ANT Task is missing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:18:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-03 13:06:19</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:18:01</bug_when>
<thetext>added to docs.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-03 13:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] Default Evaluation toString()</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:48:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-03 13:07:08</bug_when>
<thetext>if there&apos; sin the templates a statement &lt;&lt;x&gt;&gt; and x evaluates to something other
than String or int then DO NOT implicitly call toString(), but rather make this
an erorr (or at least a warning)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:48:48</bug_when>
<thetext>is ok so</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-03 13:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] Migration Docs Name/toString difference</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:19:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-03 13:07:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Migration Guide: toString is default in case of model elements, in 3.x it was NameS()</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-07 11:23:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I take this up in the doku.
Check in until Friday.
Greetings Clemens</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:19:27</bug_when>
<thetext>added to docs.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-04 05:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] Error Handling: a nicer error message might be good - see description</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:49:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-04 05:12:21</bug_when>
<thetext>49891 [main] ERROR org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner - null:in JavaValueType.xpt on line 109 &apos;attr.EnumTokenSize.==(&quot;1&quot;)&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: null:in JavaValueType.xpt on line 109 &apos;attr.EnumTokenSize.==(&quot;1&quot;)&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.IfStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.IfStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ForEachStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.FileStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.AbstractDefinition.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.AbstractDefinition.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.AbstractDefinition.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.AbstractDefinition.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.AbstractDefinition.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.String not supported
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.types.IntegerTypeImpl.toLong(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.types.IntegerTypeImpl.access$000(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.types.IntegerTypeImpl$6.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.baseimpl.OperationImpl.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.OperationCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
... 34 more</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:49:39</bug_when>
<thetext>wont fix</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-07 14:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[emf] capital first letter of metamodel package</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-10 02:40:07</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-07 14:39:01</bug_when>
<thetext>it seems that some aspects of oaw and/or eclipse
don&apos;t work right if the name of the package starts
with a first capital letter.
as of now, this is just a suspicion.....</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 02:40:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Could not reproduce this. If there is more evidence please reopen the bug and attach a sample project for reproduction.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-07 14:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[poseidon-adapter] version 4 &amp; tagged values</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-10 11:22:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-07 14:42:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Version 4 adapter ignores tagged values</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-15 02:56:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Hi, I have the same Problem with Poseidon 3.0.1.
I fixed this by changing the line
&lt;Source type=&quot;Path&quot;&gt;UML:TagDefinition&lt;/Source&gt;
in the TaggedValue Extension to
&lt;Source type=&quot;Reference&quot; /&gt;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-26 17:06:06</bug_when>
Added &quot;AttributeReference&quot; line to Tagged Value mapping.
&lt;Extension name=&quot;TaggedValue&quot; id=&quot;TaggedValue&quot;&gt;
&lt;Source type=&quot;Node&quot;&gt;UML:TaggedValue&lt;/Source&gt;
&lt;Source type=&quot;Path&quot;&gt;UML:TaggedValue.type&lt;/Source&gt;
&lt;Source type=&quot;Path&quot;&gt;UML:TagDefinition&lt;/Source&gt;
&lt;Source type=&quot;AttributeReference&quot; name=&quot;xmi.idref&quot;/&gt;
&lt;Source type=&quot;Attribute&quot; name=&quot;name&quot; /&gt;
&lt;Target type=&quot;Attribute&quot;&gt;Tag&lt;/Target&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 11:22:24</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-08 03:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[wombat] &apos;String&apos; name can not be used as a metamodel element</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 16:34:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 03:31:58</bug_when>
<thetext>following script fails:
test(mymodel#String s)
with the error:
Exception parsing script &apos;test.wbt&apos;: line 2:17: expecting IDENTIFIER, found &apos;String&apos;
It&apos;s impossible to use a metamodel elements with the name String (probably with other Wombat build-in types as well). It could be problematic to work with third-party models that uses such names.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:21:58</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 16:34:43</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed by developers</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-08 03:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[editors] Setting Dirty in Editors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:25:45</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 03:44:53</bug_when>
<thetext>If the automatic build is turned off in eclipse, and
you change something in an xpand editor (and presumably,
also in the othre editors) then the &quot;dirty&quot; flag of the
project is not set, so you don&apos;t get the &quot;build&quot; item
enabled in the project menu.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:25:45</bug_when>
<thetext>cannot reproduce</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-08 04:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand]: Error Message when parsing Templates</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 15:57:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 04:48:00</bug_when>
<thetext>If I run the generator and it comes across a parsing error
it tells me the problem (&quot;Unexpected Token xyz&quot;), as well as the
line in the file, but it does not tell me the file name.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 15:57:48</bug_when>
<thetext>error messages improved.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-08 05:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[classic] Dump not Written in case of Errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:26:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-08 05:43:08</bug_when>
<thetext>If in classicinit.oaw there are errors, the workflow is stopped.
as a consequence, the dump writer is not run, so the dump is not
written. bad for debugging. Must be changed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:26:29</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-10 11:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] NPE on evaluate action</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-16 07:19:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-10 11:12:12</bug_when>
<thetext>In the emf example i got an npe when evaluating the recipe for &apos;Vehicle2&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.core.CompositeCheck.evaluate(Unknown Source)
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.eval.CheckEvaluator.evaluate(Unknown Source)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 16:00:37</bug_when>
<thetext>I think this one is fixed, there were a couple of problems
in the Recipe Viewer that had been fixed a while ago.
Please close the bug (I can&apos;t do it).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:19:11</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-14 14:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[builder] Errors reported by builder after Eclipse start</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-31 02:37:55</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-14 14:48:48</bug_when>
<thetext>The classic.metamodelGenerator project shows invalid errors after starting Eclipse. After cleaning the project the errors disappear.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-14 14:49:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=36269)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:27:37</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-31 02:37:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Sven reported RESOLVED, but the state was not changed.</thetext>
<date>2006-03-14 14:49</date>
<creation_ts>2006-03-21 08:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] Workflow produces logfile</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-25 03:53:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-21 08:06:21</bug_when>
<thetext>The execution of a workflow file produces a [workflow-file].log logfile by default. This is an unwanted side effect, especially when providing an explicit for logging configuration. At least it should be configurable (default: off). It could default to &quot;on&quot; when no is provided.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-20 15:36:51</bug_when>
<thetext>I don&apos;t like the .log file either. Moreover, producing this logfile implies a dependency on log4j. This is unnecessary, since all the rest is being logged with commons-logging.
To be precise, the following classes produce the dependency:
* oaw.workflow.logging.LoggingAppender: used for logging to the .log file
* oaw.workflow.logging.LogViewLogger: totally bogus class. unused afaik. and it better be not used...
* oaw.workflow.WorkflowRunner: registers the LoggingAppender</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-25 03:53:17</bug_when>
Sven Efftinge, Tuesday, July 25 2006 @ 09:23 AM CEST
The &apos;hard-wired&apos; logging stuff has already been removed in the 4.1 stream.
<creation_ts>2006-03-21 15:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[umlmetamodel] Namespace must extend Element</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-26 14:44:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-21 15:57:58</bug_when>
<thetext>The Namespace metaclass derives from ModelElement. It must derive from Element, because the references &apos;Provision&apos;, &apos;Requirement&apos; and &apos;Documentation&apos; must also exist for Namespace elements.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-26 14:41:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=36960)
New structure
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-26 14:44:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Because Namespace is defined in core package it was not possible to have UML from Namespaces to other elements and vice versa.
The solution is that a new class &quot;UMLNamespace&quot; was derived from core Namespace which defines the needed associations &quot;requirement&quot; and &quot;provision&quot; to class Dependency. The bidirectional association between ModelElement and Dependency was splitted. The association roles &quot;client&quot; and &quot;supplier&quot; now point to Element instead of ModelElement.
The classes Package and Subsystem are now derived from UMLNamespace, so they now have associations &quot;Provision&quot;, &quot;Requirement&quot; and a property &quot;Documentation&quot;.
<date>2006-03-26 14:41</date>
<desc>New structure</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-03-24 02:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[builder] Only .xpt files should be scanned</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-17 07:50:31</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-24 02:11:12</bug_when>
<thetext>I have renamed a corrupt xpt template file to *.xpt.tmp. The builder still shows errors for these files. Then, I created a folder &quot;temp&quot; in my project which is not a source folder, moved the files to there and the builder shows still errors for these files.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-17 07:50:31</bug_when>
<thetext>This error does not occur any more with current 4.2 development state.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-27 14:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[checks] import does not completely work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:31:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-27 14:09:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume you have the following checks file
import mm;
import org::openarchitectureware::core::meta::core;
import org::openarchitectureware::meta::uml::classifier;
context Server ERROR &quot;Operationen m�ssen Events oder Dienste sein&quot;:
Operation.forAll( o | Event.isInstance(o) || Dienst.isInstance(o) );
in the last line, the Event.isInstance(o) does not work
although the Event class is in the mm package imported above.
You have to write
context Server ERROR &quot;Operationen m�ssen Events oder Dienste sein&quot;:
Operation.forAll( o | mm::Event.isInstance(o) || mm::Dienst.isInstance(o) );
i.e. qualifying Event explicitly using mm::Event</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:31:16</bug_when>
<thetext>name clash with properties, probably.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-27 14:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] error as tooltips on the markers</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:51:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-27 14:48:15</bug_when>
<thetext>it would be nice if the error markers in the
gutter would feature a tooltip help with the error
message. Currently, the errors are only shown in the
error list.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:51:41</bug_when>
<thetext>clemens has done it.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-27 14:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[classic.dump] automatic refresh</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 12:12:31</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-27 14:51:20</bug_when>
<thetext>... does not always work.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 12:59:40</bug_when>
<thetext>upon a change in the file, it does a refresh,
but not a reload as would be necessary.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 12:12:17</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 12:12:31</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 12:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] cartridge call with &quot;inheritAll&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 12:12:40</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 12:57:30</bug_when>
<thetext>I would like to have a way to pass on
all properties defined in the current workflow
file when calling another one using the
&lt;cartridge file=&quot;...&quot;/&gt; construct, something
list ant&apos;s inheritAll.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 12:12:40</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 13:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] flatten required</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:49:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:04:01</bug_when>
<thetext>If I collect a list of lists of lists using a
recusive approach (sich I can&apos;t add to a list
passed as an argument...) I need a &apos;flatten&apos;
operation to flatten the list of lists of lists.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:49:25</bug_when>
<thetext>is available</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 13:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] New View</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:49:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:06:52</bug_when>
<thetext>We need a new view, that shows a list of the recently
executed .oaw files. A double click on the respective
entry in the list should re-run the workflow.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:49:44</bug_when>
<thetext>has been added.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-28 13:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[classic.dump] find by (quali) name does not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 11:39:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-28 13:07:32</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 11:39:41</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-30 04:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] Error Resolving Properties</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-03-30 05:13:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 04:44:41</bug_when>
<thetext>I have problems resolving properties from extensions; take the
classic.scm example. There is an extension called SCMComponent.ext
if you change that to include the lala extension at the end as in
import scm::mm::comp;
needsDecoratorProxy(SCMComponent c) :
String lala(org::openarchitectureware::core::meta::core::Element e) : NameS+&quot;lala&quot;+Name;
it complains that it cannot find the NameS and the Name property (as well as others, too). Also, at runtime I get an exception:
4110 ERROR - Exception occured:
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;NameS&apos;:in scm/templates/SCMComponent.ext on line 6 &apos;NameS&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.FeatureCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.OperationCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
However, the properties are clearly there.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:13:39</bug_when>
<thetext>this is no bug</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-30 04:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[extend] REeturn Types Problem</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-31 04:41:36</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 04:58:11</bug_when>
<thetext>If I create an Extension with a non-trivial return type it can&apos;t
resolve it; again, SCM Example:
import scm::mm::comp;
needsDecoratorProxy(SCMComponent c) :
String lala(org::openarchitectureware::core::meta::core::Element e) : NameS+&quot;lala&quot;+Name;
SCMComponent Comp(org::openarchitectureware::core::meta::core::Element e): null;
If I call the Comp() extension from somewhere, I get a property/extension
not found error in the editor. To fix it, I have to do one of the following:
write &lt;&lt;Comp(this)&gt;&gt; instead of &lt;&lt;Comp()&gt;&gt;
in the extension file, define the return type with explicit qualification:
scm::mm::comp::SCMComponent Comp(org::openarchitectureware::core::meta::core::Element e): null;
seems like the imports don&apos;t work for return types.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 04:41:36</bug_when>
<thetext>this one has been fixed a long time ago.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-30 05:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] asSet</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:16:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:07:27</bug_when>
<thetext>must be called toSet; toList must be added to docs.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:16:50</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-04-11 14:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] notExists</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 06:28:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-11 14:17:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Please add a new collection function: notExists,
as the opposite of exists</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 06:28:02</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-04-11 14:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] new collections operation: contains</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 06:04:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-11 14:19:17</bug_when>
<thetext>We need a new collection function contains(x) als
shorthand for select(v | v == x ).size == 1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 06:04:01</bug_when>
<thetext>is available now.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-12 16:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] chain expression and extensions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:46:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-12 16:17:21</bug_when>
<thetext>x.y.z.a.b notation does not work if you have an extension in the middle,
such as in x.y.z().a.b where z() is an extension to y</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:28:42</bug_when>
<thetext>couldn&apos;t reproduce this. Any additional information?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:46:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Never reproduced</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-18 10:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ListTypeImpl: field parsing fails with EvaluationException</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 06:01:45</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-18 10:41:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug and solution description see URL field.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-02 15:50:40</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 06:01:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Changed state to FIXED</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-19 12:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] new wizards for creating file types</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-14 16:36:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-19 12:26:50</bug_when>
<thetext>We need New-&gt;Check File/Template File/Extend File/Workflow File menu
entries ... so people can more easily create the respective file types.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-14 16:36:09</bug_when>
<thetext>wizards added.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-19 12:28</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend] strange error message when invoking xtend from wf</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:38:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-19 12:28:04</bug_when>
<thetext>if the file specified in the &lt;invoke value=&quot;...&quot;&gt; element is not found,
the component crashed with some &quot;null file&quot; stuff insteaf of reporting the error reasonably.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:38:19</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed. reasonable error message is now reported.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-19 12:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[emf] auto-regenerate by ant</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 10:55:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-19 12:29:12</bug_when>
<thetext>we need an ant task (or something similar) that rebuilds all
the EMF editor crap, such as genmodel, editors, etc. (and
deletes all these things before!!)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:30:47</bug_when>
<thetext>This is something EMF should provide (and i think they have it already)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:14:17</bug_when>
<thetext>If EMF is responsible for that, why not closing the bug?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-13 03:01:23</bug_when>
<thetext>... or move the Bug to EMF ...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 10:55:18</bug_when>
<thetext>Closed, since this is not oAW&apos;s issue</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-25 09:04</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[check] Multiple Check Files</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-15 03:22:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-25 09:04:58</bug_when>
<thetext>It should be possible to specify multiple check files in a single component,
like this:
&lt;component class=&quot;oaw.check.CheckComponent&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;mm&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModelPackage value=&quot;statemachine2.Statemachine2Package&quot;/&gt;
&lt;checkFile value=&quot;oaw4::demo::gmf::statemachine2::constraints::StatemachineLiveErrors&quot;/&gt;
&lt;checkFile value=&quot;oaw4::demo::gmf::statemachine2::constraints::OtherErrors&quot;/&gt;
&lt;expression value=&quot;model.eAllContents.union( {model} )&quot;/&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-03 04:33:12</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 139432 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-15 03:22:02</bug_when>
<thetext>added the feature.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-27 06:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend] Convenience Methods in XtendFacade</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:24:32</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-27 06:18:39</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;d like to see a number of convenience methods
like e.g. for calling extensions with no, or one
parameters (so the array initializer notation can
go away).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:24:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Convenience Methods added up to three parameters.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-04-30 06:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Multible files in CheckComponent</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-03 04:33:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-30 06:05:04</bug_when>
In the actual release one could only assign 1 checkfile at CheckComponent in Workflow.
It would be great, if its possible to assign more files.
&lt;component class=&quot;org...CheckComponent&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModel class=&quot;org...JavaMetaModel&quot;&gt; ... &lt;/metaModel&gt;
&lt;checkFile value=&quot;path::file1&quot; /&gt;
&lt;checkFile value=&quot;path::file2&quot; /&gt;
&lt;checkFile value=&quot;path::file3&quot; /&gt;
&lt;expression value=&quot;me.getElements(&apos;ModelElement&apos;)&quot; /&gt;
Saves space in workflow file and make it easier to read.
Kind regards
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-04-30 12:57:14</bug_when>
<thetext>duplicate of 138350. But I cannot change the status.
Insufficient Priviledges :-(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-03 04:33:12</bug_when>
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 138350 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-11 07:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[builder] &quot;Phantom errors&quot; reported because of NullPointer</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:59:52</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 07:05:50</bug_when>
<thetext>The OawBuilder fails with a NullPointerException when trying to load an Extension. As a result phantom errors are reported, but code generation is executed as expected.
Reported in forum posting:;lastpost=true
org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException(/oaw4.metamodel)[566]: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.core.internal.builder.XpandResourceParser.parse(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.internal.OawProject.findOawResource(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawBuilder.reloadResource(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-11 09:35:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=41112)
OAW-Workspace that produces the NullPointerException
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:32:18</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:59:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Changed state to FIXED</thetext>
<date>2006-05-11 09:35</date>
<desc>OAW-Workspace that produces the NullPointerException</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-13 06:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand editor] Iterator Code Completion</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:10:06</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-13 06:07:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Does not workd, somehow. Bernd, please add details.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:37:57</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:10:06</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-05-13 06:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand editor] &lt;&lt;-&gt;&gt; does not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:09:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-13 06:08:51</bug_when>
<thetext>It is not possible to use &lt;&lt;-&gt;&gt; to remove the folllowing line
break without doing something else in the escape sequence.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 07:39:00</bug_when>
<thetext>write &lt;&lt;null-&gt;&gt; or &lt;&lt;&apos;&apos;-&gt;&gt; instead</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:09:19</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-05-13 06:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand editor] more -&gt;&gt; problems</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:08:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-13 06:10:15</bug_when>
<thetext>When I write
&lt;&lt;EXPAND Something-&gt;&gt;;
it generator wrong code; it does not remove the crlf after the
semicolon, rather the minus removes the semicolon itself.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 08:47:52</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:08:46</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-05-17 04:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[extensions] contribute the IO library for extensions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:44:58</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-17 04:11:04</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:44:58</bug_when>
<thetext>were already there :-)</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-17 06:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[check] Simpler Specification of the Expression</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 05:20:42</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-17 06:56:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Usually, you&apos;ll need an expression like
&lt;expression value=&quot;model.eAllContents.union( {model} )&quot;/&gt;
there should be a shortcut such as
&lt;emfChildExpression value=&quot;model&quot;/&gt;
for that.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:20:42</bug_when>
<thetext>For EMF models, instead of specifying the typical &lt;expression value=&quot;slot.eAllContents.union({slot})&quot;/&gt; you can now simply write &lt;emfAllChildrenSlot value=&quot;slot&quot;/&gt;</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-21 15:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>OAW Plugins 4.1 : RUN AS doesn&apos;t work any more</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-10 08:52:06</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-21 15:13:00</bug_when>
After installing oaw plugins from the command Run as OAW workflow (right mouse click on *.oaw) does not work any more.
So execution of oaw workflows is blocked.
I&apos;m using:
eclipse SDK 3.1.2
EMF SDK 2.1.2
eclipse UML2 1.1.1
oaw uml2 adapter 4.0
Regards, Ueli</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 08:48:28</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:15:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Sven, have you forgotten to close the bug?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 07:35:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Problem is that we do not have the proper Bugzilla rights. We are in discussion with Bugzilla administration. Only the reporters can mark them fixed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 08:52:06</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-05-23 04:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] ClassNotFoundException for org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 06:02:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-23 04:59:17</bug_when>
- oAW4.0 Final
- Eclipse 3.1.2 and 3.2
- Mac OS X (others unknown)
Opening a .recipe file leads to a ClassNotFoundException.
(see URL for forum thread)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:05:00</bug_when>
<thetext>cannot reproduce.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 06:02:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Changed state to WORKSFORME</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-31 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] too many run configurations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 05:03:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 05:27:34</bug_when>
<thetext>At least here, oAW still creates a new run configuration each
time I (re-)run a workflow. This is certainly not intended.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 05:03:11</bug_when>
<thetext>cannot reproduce</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-31 10:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>OAW CVS classic build error</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-22 06:03:35</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-31 10:15:08</bug_when>
I got the newest OAW from CVS. Classic always stops compiling.
Ant build fails with error message:
X:\..\classic\classic.release\build.xml:29: The following error occurred while
executing this line:
x:\..\classic\classic.workflow\build.xml:54: X:\..\classic\core.release not
file: in ..\classic\classic.release
change pathToCore=../ to pathToCore=../../core
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 15:54:40</bug_when>
Bug is obsolete, because oAW is build only with Eclipse means, using the Export feature. All projects are now Plugin projects.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-22 06:03:35</bug_when>
<thetext>see above</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-06 03:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Strange property Name: ...xpand2.Generator.prSrcPathes</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 03:10:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-06 03:35:27</bug_when>
<thetext>The property org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator.prSrcPathes seems to be misspelled.
According to the spec (r20_xpandReference.pdf), it should be named prSrcPaths.
(The class contains no $version tag, I took it from the CVC on 20060601.)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 04:58:53</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 03:10:25</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-06-09 05:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[uml2] UML2 Support broken</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 04:57:05</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-09 05:50:53</bug_when>
<thetext>The UML Support is currently broken. I get the following exception;
I use 3.2RC7 of everything. There&apos;s also a discussion thread in the GMT newsgroup on the UML2 problems with oAW that seems related.
0 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 INFO - openArchitectureWare v4 -- (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors
0 INFO - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 INFO - running workflow: L:/oaw4/oaw4.demo.emf.uml2.generator/src/workflow.oaw
0 INFO -
Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage$Registry.getEFactory(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/eclipse/emf/ecore/EFactory;
at org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.UMLFactoryImpl.init(
at org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLFactory.&lt;clinit&gt;(
at org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.UMLPackageImpl.&lt;init&gt;(
at org.eclipse.uml2.uml.internal.impl.UMLPackageImpl.init(
at org.eclipse.uml2.uml.UMLPackage.&lt;clinit&gt;(
at org.openarchitectureware.uml2.Setup.&lt;init&gt;(
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorCreator.createBean(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorCreator.visitComponentAST(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorBase.visit(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.AbstractASTBase.accept(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorCreator.createBean(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorCreator.visitComponentAST(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.VisitorBase.visit(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.AbstractASTBase.accept(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.WorkflowFactory.parseInitAndCreate(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.ast.util.WorkflowFactory.parseInitAndCreate(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.prepare(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-16 09:14:48</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 04:57:05</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-06-23 09:26</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Jalopy beautifier: convention file configurable</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-23 09:29:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-23 09:26:25</bug_when>
<thetext>JavaBeautifier should be configurable by specifying the code conventions file.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-23 09:29:19</bug_when>
<thetext>New property for beautifier added: &apos;configFile&apos;.
- JavaBeautifier 1.10
- JavaImportBeautifier 1.5</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-26 14:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xtend] NullPointer when adding to collections</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-14 12:56:45</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-26 14:48:32</bug_when>
<thetext>If I have a metaclass A and a metaclass B, with A having a to-many
reference to B (let&apos;s say it&apos;s called bs) then writing an xTend trafo
that says someOtherSetOrList )
will procude a null evaluation.
You have to use
someA.setBs( someOtherSetOrList )
In case you just want to add one other set that&apos;s not a problem,
but if you want to add multiple things, you&apos;d have to union the
various sets together. Not very nice.
Also, since the add(...) operation is available in extend (and
so is addAll(...)) it should work....</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-27 02:27:39</bug_when>
<thetext>seems that the &apos;bs&apos; reference is not initialized with an empty collection. xtend is not responsible for a proper initialization of model elements.
If this is not the case could you please add the NPE stacktrace (or the line and file the NPE is produced)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 09:55:31</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-14 12:56:45</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-06-29 04:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[recipe] NPE when evaluating recipe in EMF sample (Version 4.1.0.RC1)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:47:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-29 04:47:44</bug_when>
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.core.CompositeCheck.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.recipe.eval.CheckEvaluator.evaluate(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:47:00</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-07-17 06:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Evaluation fails</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-11 08:37:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-17 06:16:41</bug_when>
<thetext>Using the following code
// Version information from BusinessComponent �getComponent.getQualifiedName�
private static final String modelVersion = &quot;�getModelVersion�&quot;;
�PROTECT CSTART &apos;/*&apos; CEND &apos;*/&apos; ID getQualifiedName+&quot;.VersionInfo&quot; �
private static final String interfaceVersion = &quot;�getModelVersion�&quot;;
private static final long serialVersionUID = �getSerialVersionUID�;
will cause an error in line 52 which is the fourth line above:
2594 ERROR Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;getModelVersion&apos;:in java/BOImpl.xpt on line 52 &apos;getModelVersion&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;getModelVersion&apos;:in java/BOImpl.xpt on line 52 &apos;getModelVersion&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.FeatureCall.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
Changing the code to:
// Version information from BusinessComponent �getComponent.getQualifiedName�
private static final String modelVersion = &quot;�getModelVersion�&quot;;
�PROTECT CSTART &apos;/*&apos; CEND &apos;*/&apos; ID getQualifiedName �
private static final String interfaceVersion = &quot;�getModelVersion�&quot;;
private static final long serialVersionUID = �getSerialVersionUID�;
makes it work. I noticed similar problems using LET blocks. Debugging the code the typesystem (JavaTypeSystem) return a String on the first call to getModelVersion the correct type is returned. The + operation add a String instead of the correct type to the type cache, which is returned on the second call to getModelVersion which fails because getModelVersion not found in String.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 08:37:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Similar situation as in Bug#164281. Closing this one since Bug#164281 contains a reproducing example project.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 164281 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-07-17 09:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Syntax assist is wrong</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 02:36:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-17 09:13:44</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;m using metamodell without and explicit implementation. The expand editor mark the access to metamodel properties like &quot;getClasses&quot; as invalid and suggests &quot;classes&quot; as valid, but the workflow fails with &quot;classes&quot;.
Sample which has no error marks in the editor but fails in the workflow:
�DEFINE Root FOR JavaModelPackage�
�ERROR &quot;Root called on &lt;&lt;Package&gt;&gt; &quot;�
�EXPAND Root FOREACH classes�
Error-Log in workflow:
Root called on &lt;&lt;Package&gt;&gt;
2500 ERROR Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;classes&apos;:in Root.xpt on line 22 &apos;classes&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find type or property &apos;classes&apos;:in Root.xpt on line 22 &apos;classes&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.FeatureCall.evaluateInternal(
Sample with is wrong in editor but works in workflow:
�DEFINE Root FOR JavaModelPackage�
�ERROR &quot;Root called on &lt;&lt;Package&gt;&gt; &quot;�
�EXPAND Root FOREACH getClasses�
Errormessage from Problem-View:
Unknown org::umlmda::uml::generator::java::JavaModelPackage property, variable, type or enumeration literal &apos;getClasses&apos;
Using the second form and ignoring the errors ;-)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 03:48:09</bug_when>
<thetext>What metamodel contributor do you use?
(see window-&gt;preferences...-&gt;openArchitectureWare)
Make sure your workspace (or at least your project) is configured with the &quot;oAWClassic metamodel contributor&quot;</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:36:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Since this bug is rather old, I do not really experience problems with that in practice and there is no reproducing attachment I&apos;ll close this.
You might reopen it when experience problems again. In that case please attach a small project or steps to reproduce.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-07-22 15:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Provide an oAW project creation wizard</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-10 16:46:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-22 15:17:22</bug_when>
<thetext>I found it quite a hassle to make a project work with oAW. In the same way you can create an EMF project that is configured with all dependencies, I suggest a project creation wizard, that creates a project with the oAW nature (which you already have) and correct dependencies.
When I created my oAW project I added all jars I found in the plug-ins. This works but is certainly not the minimal set of jars. Which jars are really needed?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 16:02:56</bug_when>
oAW 4.1 provides a project creation wizard as well as wizards for creating oAW files.
Generator project
Workflow file
xPand Template
xTend File
Xtext Projects
The project is set up with minimal dependencies. </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 16:46:37</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-07-24 11:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW Eclipse PlugIn Vers.:</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-01 05:38:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-24 11:31:23</bug_when>
<thetext>If all of metamodel contributors are removed, so that the oAW settings looks like this:
#Mon Jul 24 17:24:54 CEST 2006
it&apos;s inmossible to edit the metamodel contributors feature again cause an &quot;java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument cannot be null&quot; - Exception occurs.
Sorry for my english... ;)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:44:32</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-23 15:57:36</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed in
- OawProjectPropertyPage 1.10</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 05:38:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks Karsten!</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-07-28 04:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Newline parenthesis</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 08:01:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-28 04:07:12</bug_when>
<thetext>I have to generate files (like Visual Studio project files) in which newlines are relevant, so I was trying to use the whitespace control feature, as documented in the Xpand manual.
There is says:
&quot;... Additionally, all following whitespace including the first newline character (\r\n is handled as one character) is also removed.&quot;
Well, it does not seem to work that way:
If I have this code in the macro (I use simple &lt;&lt; and &gt;&gt; because I don&apos;t know how to generate the correct ones in the mail editor):
LINESTART &lt;&lt;IF &quot;a&quot; == &quot;a&quot; -&gt;&gt;
We have a &lt;&lt;ENDIF -&gt;&gt;
I would expect to get the following result:
But what I get instead is:
We have a
The only way I found to put everything on one line I the following one, which is not very readable:
LINESTART &lt;&lt;IF &quot;a&quot; == &quot;a&quot; -&gt;&gt; We have a &lt;&lt;ENDIF -&gt;&gt; LINEEND
In other words, it does not seem that the newline character following the
-&gt;&gt; is actually removed. At least not in all situations.
If you can look into this, it would also be very practical to have a way to simply tell the generator to ignore a newline, some compilers do that if you have a \ character right before the newline. An empty command like
that would ignore all the following whitespace including the first newline character would be very practical, since it would allow to split long lines in the macros. And one could also use this syntax, which would be much more readable:
LINESTART &lt;&lt;-&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;IF &quot;a&quot; == &quot;a&quot; -&gt;&gt;
We have a &lt;&lt;-&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;ENDIF -&gt;&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:43:55</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 05:09:51</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 08:01:00</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-07-28 05:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>M2 repository</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-02 03:52:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-28 05:52:17</bug_when>
<thetext>The dependencies in the pom files in the repository appear to be broken. Some examples include:
* core.workflow is looking for log4j 1.0.4, which does not exist on ibiblio. The current log4j there is 1.2.13. This appears to be a cut/paste typo of the commons-logging version.
* uml2.adapter has numerous problems with its dependencies: it refers to group org.eclipse.uml whereas the repository uses group org.eclipse.uml2. It also contains a dependency on itself.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-19 05:40:13</bug_when>
Thorsten Kamann updated the repository yesterday</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-02 03:52:23</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-01 15:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] template polymorphism problem</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-02 11:47:18</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-01 15:15:00</bug_when>
<thetext>i&apos;m using from the update site, EMF-based UML2 with a profile that defines a stereotype &quot;core::PlexxPackage&quot; on uml::Package. the following template fails:
�DEFINE Root FOR core::PlexxPackage�
�EXPAND Package::Package FOR this�
�DEFINE Root FOR uml::Package�
�IF core::PlexxPackage.isInstance(this)�
�ERROR &quot;oh oh&quot;�
i think i shouldn&apos;t receive an &quot;oh oh&quot; message, but instead expand Package::Package.xpt, shouldn&apos;t i? the given example is invoked for the top-level model element, maybe that&apos;s the problem. changing the order in the template does not help.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-01 15:35:25</bug_when>
<thetext>i just gave it one more try and found out that it&apos;s the order of the metamodels as they are specified in the generator component in the workflow.
this does not work:
&lt;component id=&quot;generator&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;EcoreMM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot; metaModelPackage=&quot;org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage&quot;/&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;UML2MM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.uml2.UML2MetaModel&quot; /&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;coreMM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.uml2.profile.ProfileMetaModel&quot; profile=&quot;core.profile.uml&quot; /&gt;
&lt;expand value=&quot;templates::Root::Root FOR coreTestModel&quot;/&gt;
&lt;path value=&quot;${srcGenPath}/&quot;/&gt;
this does: [putting the profile metamodel before the UML metamodel]
&lt;component id=&quot;generator&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;EcoreMM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot; metaModelPackage=&quot;org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage&quot;/&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;coreMM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.uml2.profile.ProfileMetaModel&quot; profile=&quot;core.profile.uml&quot; /&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;UML2MM&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.uml2.UML2MetaModel&quot; /&gt;
&lt;expand value=&quot;templates::Root::Root FOR coreTestModel&quot;/&gt;
&lt;path value=&quot;${srcGenPath}/&quot;/&gt;
is there anything we can do about that?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 06:43:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Are sure, that core::PlexxPackage stereotype really extends uml::Package?
Could you provide the profile file (or a similar one)?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 11:15:14</bug_when>
<thetext>yes, core::PlexxPackage extends uml::Package, and that might also be part of the problem: the model root element is of course a uml::Model, which extends uml::Package.
i&apos;ve sent the profile to your private email address (non-disclosure and stuff...)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 11:30:06</bug_when>
<thetext>The implementation askes the metamodel implementations in the configured order.
If an implementation &apos;feels&apos; responsible for an object (i.e. returns a type) it is considered the actual type, as along as the following metamodel implementations don&apos;t return a more specific type (i.e. a type that extends the actual type).
In your case the first implementation (Built-In Metamodel) returns &apos;Object&apos;
The second (EMF) returns null
The third (UML2) returns &apos;uml::Model&apos; which is a specialization of &apos;Object&apos;
The last (profile) returns &apos;core::PlexxPackage&apos; which is *not* more special than &apos;uml::Model&apos; as they are not assignable to each other (both just extend uml::Package)
So, I guess at least for the time being you have to know the described behaviour and configure your workflow appropriately. If you don&apos;t have any further suggestions I would like you to close this bug.
I will add a respective paragraph to the expression documentation. Thanx!
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-02 11:47:18</bug_when>
<thetext>so the problem is that an object can be an instance of multiple classifiers, in this case uml::Model and core::PlexxPackage, an on the meta-meta-model level, oaw::Object.getType() can only return one (the most specific) type.
what if oaw::Object.getTypes() would return both uml::Model and core::Package? in my case, that would solve the problem, since it would invoke the core::PlexxPackage template (the most specific that is defined). but if i had these templates
�DEFINE Root FOR core::PlexxPackage�
�DEFINE Root FOR uml::Model�
�DEFINE Root FOR uml::Package�
that would be ambigious. so returning multiple types would have no benefit. except that maybe a user could now define the preferred template to be evaluated by the order in the xpt file, and not through the order given in the workflow, which in my eyes would be more logical.
but anyway, i can live with a note in the documentation about the fact and close this bug. should we ever require an object to be an instance of multiple types, we can open a new enhancement request.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-03 12:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW Eclipse-Plugin xTend Vers.:</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-13 09:03:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-03 12:38:03</bug_when>
<thetext>uml::Property.setVisibility(VisibilityKind::private) fails!
Cause private, default etc. will interpreted as syntax elements.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:41:49</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-13 09:03:44</bug_when>
<thetext>escape character for identifiers added.
Prefix it with &apos;^&apos;.
Example : uml::VisibilityKind::^private</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-05 08:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW 4.1 RC2: oAW Log View doesn&apos;t work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-25 02:09:09</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-05 08:56:53</bug_when>
<thetext>Unable to create view: Plug-in org.openarchitectureware.workflow was unable to load class org.openarchitectureware.workflow.view.LogView.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:40:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Log View will be removed. TOBEFIXEDIN411</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-16 09:14:52</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 02:09:09</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-07 05:10</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Polymorphism of EMF UML2 stereotypes using oAW-check</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-29 07:06:37</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-07 05:10:04</bug_when>
<thetext>When using check language combined with a emf uml2 metamodel polymorphism don&apos;t works.
E.g.: Define two stereotypes A and B where B extends A. Now define some constraints checks for A using the check language. We expect the checks for A are also proceeded for B but this don&apos;t happens.
The cause for this error is at: org.openarchitectureware.uml2.profile.StereotyoeType.isInstance(Object o)
The element is compared with the actual applied stereotype only instead of with all general types too.
A bug with the exactly same cause was already fixed at org.openarchitectureware.uml2.profile.StereotyoeType.getContributedFeatures() by sefftinge.
Look at the differences between revision 1.12 and 1.13 for detailes.
To fix the problem just replace:
return ele.getAppliedStereotype(this.stereoType.getQualifiedName()) != null;
List&lt;Stereotype&gt; all = ele.getAppliedStereotypes();
for (Stereotype st : all) {
if(isStereoTypeAssignable(st, StereotypeType.this.stereoType)){
return true;
I would be nice when the bug is fixed before oAW 4.1 RC3 releases.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:39:59</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 09:55:40</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 08:00:36</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-29 07:06:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Already marked fixed for v4.1.1</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-09 08:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] XPathParser problem with ARIS/Powerdesigner</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-09 17:21:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 08:20:55</bug_when>
<thetext>In the referenced forum thread problems are reported using ARIS.
ARIS Output
&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;UTF-8&quot; ?&gt;
&lt;XMI xmi.version=&quot;1.1&quot; xmlns:UML=&quot;//org.omg/UML/1.4&quot;&gt;
leads to:
18000 ERROR DTMWrapper$DummyErrorListener - XPath parser error
javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: Nach dem Token &apos;/&apos; oder &apos;//&apos; wurde ein Positionsschritt erwartet.
The leading slashes in the namespace URI lead to the exception. The URI should not be interpreted by the XPathParser.
Similar problem arises with PowerDesigner:;showtopic=1811</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 17:13:53</bug_when>
<thetext>The problem is quite common. These links give more information:
Some links lead to changes from Xalan 2.3 to 2.7. Normally the problem should not exist with Xalan 2.7, but oAW uses exactly this version.
------------------ quote --------------------------
2.3.1 treated the expression // as equivalent to
/descendant-or-self::node(), but only the latter is a syntactically
correct XPath expression. You should be able to use the latter with the
Xalan-J 2.7 Interpretive processor.
------------------ quote --------------------------
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 17:21:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Implemented a FilterReader which filters the leading slashes from the namespace URI. (UMLNamespaceFixFilterReader)
ARISAdapter wraps the CharacterStream with this reader by overriding openDesign() method.
- UMLNamespaceFixFilterReader 1.1
- ARISAdapter 1.2</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-09 19:54</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Failing Polymorphism mechanism in XPAND</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-14 18:56:51</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 19:54:28</bug_when>
<thetext>Having (EMF) model classes separated in separate model packages (see test.test2.CAA) the polymorphism mechanism of XPAND fails.
test.BA -&gt; (inherits from) test.A
test.Package (Top Model Component)
|_ items (Reference on a Set of type test.A)
test.CA -&gt; test.A
test.test2.CAA -&gt; test.CA
For Instances of Type A and BA the correct XPAND templates are called. When resolving instances of type CAA a template for the target type &apos;Object&apos; is required (the content type of the model set though would be A, the correct type CAA). Additionally an exception is logged to the console (provided at the end of this bug entry).
This is a blocker since it prevents separating models into packages and using specialization/generalization.
My environment is:
- Eclipse 3.2.0 - M20060629-1905
- EMF 2.2.0 200606272057
- oaW 4.1, RC2.
- JDK 1.5.0_06
(- SuSE Linux 10.0)
The exception thrown was:
2509 ERROR WorkflowRunner - No Definition &apos;Polymorphism for Object&apos;
found!:in Root.xpt on line 6 &apos;EXPAND Polymorphism FOREACH items&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: No Definition
&apos;Polymorphism for Object&apos; found!:in Root.xpt on line 6 &apos;EXPAND Polymorphism
FOREACH items&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-09 19:58:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=47670)
EMF models and oAW templates/files used.
Added EMF models and oAW templates/files for illustrating the problem. The folder &apos;running&apos; contains a running version of the model and test generator templates. The folder &apos;failing&apos; contains the failing version of the same files.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-14 18:56:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed in 4.1-RC3</thetext>
<date>2006-08-09 19:58</date>
<desc>EMF models and oAW templates/files used.</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-20 07:34</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Property unknown in oAW 4.1</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-19 14:17:46</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 07:34:46</bug_when>
<thetext>The Xpand2 generator property prSrcPathes isn&apos;t known any more since oAW 4.1.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:36:58</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 14:15:50</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #1)
OK. I think it&apos;s not simple &quot;INVALID&quot;. Due to the fact that this property was mispelled it&apos;s incompatible to oAW 4.1. I would suggest to resurrect this property for compatibility and convenience reasons with a direct warning that this property would die for oAW 5.0.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-19 14:17:46</bug_when>
<thetext>Sorry, Steffen. I close this issue since it is really not urgent. In the meanwhile most users have migrated to oAW4.1+ and this is a normal migration issue.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-20 07:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>toolMappingFile unknown</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-20 16:25:14</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 07:41:09</bug_when>
<thetext>The ToolMappingFile magicdraw_xmi21_v10_all.xml isn&apos;t known any more since oAW 4.1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 16:24:36</bug_when>
<thetext>The new tool mapping file magicdraw_xmi21_all.xml behaves as expected.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-20 07:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Collection expected!:in workflow-description since oAW 4.1 (Classic Model)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-20 16:25:14</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 07:42:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Generator doesn&apos;t generate any more since oAW 4.1
[java] 3736 ERROR - Collection expected!:in workflow-description on line 1 &apos;me.getElements(&apos;Model&apos;)&apos;
[java] org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Collection expected!:in workflow-description on line 1 &apos;me.getElements(&apos;Model&apos;)&apos;
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator.invokeInternal(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.lib.AbstractWorkflowComponent2.invoke(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
[java] at
[java] at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(
[java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
[java] at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[java] at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
[java] at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at
[java] at</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 16:25:14</bug_when>
<thetext>The new tool mapping file fixed the collection problem.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-20 10:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Publish Javadoc</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-23 02:30:32</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-20 10:09:00</bug_when>
<thetext>On Javadoc API documentation should be published.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-23 02:30:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Javadocs for oAW 4.1.0 (Core/Classic) are now available on</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-21 06:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] Poseidon: Exceptions not supported</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-24 15:09:43</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-21 06:42:27</bug_when>
<thetext>For Poseidon exceptions - modelled as raised signals for operations - are not assigned to the &apos;Exception&apos; collection of Operation.
Mapping of exceptions in the XMI export for Poseidon are in a specific node &apos;UML:A_context_raisedSignal&apos;:
&lt;UML:Operation xmi.idref=&apos;...&apos;/&gt;
&lt;UML:Exception xmi.idref=&apos;...&apos;/&gt;
&lt;UML:Operation xmi.idref=&apos;...&apos;/&gt;
&lt;UML:Exception xmi.idref=&apos;...&apos;/&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-24 15:09:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Problem is solved.
- PoseidonAdapter::fixDesign()
- improved tool mapping
<creation_ts>2006-08-22 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[release] Maven repository does not contain oAW4.1 Final</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-19 05:04:06</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:27:01</bug_when>
<thetext>The Maven2 repository on contains still the version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. The final release is not available yet.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-19 05:04:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Thorsten Kamann has updated the M2 repository yesterday.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-22 05:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] Report version number</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-01 07:49:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:37:13</bug_when>
<thetext>By now when starting the workflow there is no version reported in the log. It would be nice for error tracking to print out the exact oAW version, also for interim builds.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:33:09</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 13:34:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Not fixed sufficiently. In WorkflowRunner the version number is hard coded:
-----------------------;openArchitectureWare 4.1.1 -- (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors&quot;);
This should be more flexible by reading the version number from some central location. Further, some build number should be included.
When some build is released this central version number should be increased automatically by the build process.
I think the best way is to read the manifest file:
Bundle-Version: 4.1.1.qualifier
When a build is done this is replaced like wanted:
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-01 07:49:18</bug_when>
<thetext>Introduced a new method getVersion() in the workflow runner, which reads the Manifest of the core.workflow plugin. In an installation the exact build number is reported as e.g. &quot;4.1.1, Build 200609291913&quot;. This feature only works when the plugin is deployed, but not in a development workspace. As a fallback the version &quot;4.x Development&quot; is reported.
<creation_ts>2006-08-23 07:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Xtend code completion does not always work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 08:00:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-23 07:50:35</bug_when>
<thetext>does not work neither with NamingConventions.ext of oaw4.demo.classic.uml example project nor with any of my own ext files
but works with the oaw4.demo.classic.scm.generator !..</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:32:32</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 09:13:10</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 08:00:29</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-24 05:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[workflow] Cartridge Invocation doesn&apos;t work with packages</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 08:00:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-24 05:25:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume you have a workflow cartridge in a package oaw.test
The workflow file is called myCartridge.oaw.
Calling that cartridge from another one should work like this:
&lt;cartridge file=&quot;oaw::test::myCartridge.oaw&quot;/&gt;
However, this does not work. If I move the myCartridge.oaw
into the default package and write
&lt;cartridge file=&quot;myCartridge.oaw&quot;/&gt;
then things work out. There seems to be a problem with qualified
cartridge names.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-24 06:59:08</bug_when>
<thetext>you have to use / as a delimiter in the cartridge call, not ::
Enhancement: Also support :: so that it&apos;ll be consistent with
the rest of oAW</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:30:46</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 08:59:03</bug_when>
<thetext>also make sure the .oaw extension need not be specified;
this makes cartridge references look and feel the same
as referencing any other relevant oAW artifact.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 09:55:49</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 08:00:12</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-25 04:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] additional primitive operations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 08:08:15</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 04:38:37</bug_when>
<thetext>I would like to see the following additional operations:
String.contains(String substring)
returns true iff this.indexOf(substring) &gt;= 0
returns the first element of a normal select, null if
the select result was empty
Collection.containsAll(Collection c)
returns true if this contains all the elements given in c</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 07:29:46</bug_when>
<thetext>contains() has been added.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 07:56:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Collection.selectFirst(e|expr-with-e) added.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 08:06:52</bug_when>
<thetext>containsAll() has already been integrated somehow :-)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 08:08:15</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-25 04:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] New Project Wizard needs</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-16 09:32:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 04:39:54</bug_when>
<thetext>The New Project wizard does not add
to the generated project; as a consequence, such
projects cannot be exported as a plugin.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:28:32</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-16 09:32:21</bug_when>
<thetext> added.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-25 07:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XPand editor does not resolve cross-references to another metamodel</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-05 05:17:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 07:00:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Version 4.1-final from 16.08.2006:
I&apos;ve got an emf metamodel that uses references to another emf metamodel. Everytime such a reference is used in a XPand template, it is marked as an error (&quot;Couldn&apos;t find property &apos;crossRef&apos; for type &apos;Set&apos; or inner type &apos;pkg::SourceType&apos;&quot;, where crossRef is a reference in metamodel A referencing an element in metamodel B).
Each metamodel is in a separate file and separate project, but both are contained in the classpath.
Autocompletion does not offer the attribute in its list.
Generation works fine without problems.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 05:17:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Somehow I entered exactly the same bug twice, see Bug 155184 =&gt; so I will resolve this one.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 155184 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-25 11:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>bad performance when generating from a model containing a large list</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 08:00:05</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 11:06:02</bug_when>
<thetext>I use the xpand2.Generator on a very simple model containing a list of a few thousand entries. Calling a very simple template takes a very long time and CPU usage goes up to 100%.
For example:
2000 elements in the list generating 4000 lines takes 20 seconds
8000 elements in the list generating 16000 lines takes 160 seconds
I think this is just way too much, there might be some effective caching mechanisms reducing this time significantly...
The model contains a list of events, where all possible type of events in the metamodel are derived from a base event type. The metamodel has a bidirectional reference between the list of events and each event (making it unidirectional does not change the timings significantly, however).
The template basically contains a DEFINE for each type of event (using polymorphism), each producing a text output of a few lines. All DEFINEs are contained in a single file.
I packaged a sample project demonstrating these issues and I will try to add it to this bug report.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-25 11:17:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=48732)
zipped project to demonstrate the perfomance issues
Adjust the number of elements to create in the list of the model (see components/ and run the workflow to observe the performance.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 05:49:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks, for the project!
Seems that the &quot;suppress-newline feature&quot; (the hyphen) is implemented somewhat expensive :-(.
If you remove the hyphens from the templates the respective times are:
2000 elements in the list generating 4000 lines takes 750 ms
8000 elements in the list generating 16000 lines takes 1906 ms
I will have a closer look, but for now you should consider not to use the hyphens.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-28 08:25:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Well, &quot;somewhat expensive&quot; is quite a diplomatic expression for quite an unexpected impact, one single hyphen at the end of a DEFINE statement seems to make the workflow slower by a factor greater than!
Maybe you should change the syntax from &apos;-&apos; to &apos;+++&apos; to make the user more aware of the side effects of this ;-)
Not using hyphens is a problem for me at the moment, as the output format is newline- and whitespace-aware (and therefore depends on newlines only occuring at certain places)... =&gt; let me know when a fixed version or a patch is available...
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:27:48</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 02:39:22</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 08:00:05</bug_when>
<date>2006-08-25 11:17</date>
<desc>zipped project to demonstrate the perfomance issues</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-31 12:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>metamodelGenerator: AssocRefines.xpt renders invalid code</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-28 05:12:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 12:33:58</bug_when>
<thetext>oaw-classic version 4.1
Project classic.metamodelGenerator
File templates/code/assoc/AssocRefines.xpt, line 50:
return (�Opposite.Class.FullyQualifiedOriginalName()�)org.openarchitectureware.core.meta.util.MMUtil.filterByView( (Element)temp.get( 0 ) );
--&gt; Casts to unqualified type &quot;Element&quot;, which is never imported.
Generated classes don&apos;t compile.
Suggested fix: either use fully-qualyfied class-name or make sure an appropriate import statement is rendered into the class. Should be org.openarchitectureware.core.meta.core.Element
Best regards!</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 09:21:38</bug_when>
- AssocRefines.xpt 1.2</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 05:12:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Fix verified.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-05 11:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem with ecore references to other meta models (containment = false)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:59:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 11:45:28</bug_when>
<thetext>OAW does not seem to recognize reference attributes (containment = false) whose type is defined in another (referenced) Ecore model. All other attributes of a meta class instance can be accessed, and the generated java code (meta model implementation) looks o.k.
As an example, we&apos;ve modified some OAW samples: the class Entity defined in data.ecore has a new attribute &quot;type&quot; which references a meta class defined in type.ecore (new project oaw4.demo.emf.type). The template file &quot;Root.xpt&quot; in oaw4.demo.emf.datamodel.generator/templates includes a new template &quot;Type FOR Entity&quot; which tries to access the new &quot;type&quot; attribute. The template editor displays a problem: &quot;Unknown data::Entiy property, variable, type or enumeration literal &apos;type&apos;&quot;. To reproduce, import the 3 projects contained in the attachment and reevaluate the template (resave template file &quot;Root.xpt&quot;).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 11:46:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49406)
3 eclipse projects to reproduce problem
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 11:49:39</bug_when>
<thetext>I have had exactly the same problem yesterday. </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 08:13:46</bug_when>
<thetext>OAW runtime works despite the problems displayed in Eclipse if all referenced meta models are specified in the workflow&apos;s generator component.
However, the generator does NOT issue a warning if a model reference cannot be resolved, instead it instanciates an empty model instance with no data... Especially, platform references (platform:/...) cannot be resolved, file references seem to be required.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 11:16:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Two observations:
1. Workflow
In the workflow component the metamodels must be explicitly listed, not just referenced.
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;mm&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModelPackage value=&quot;data.DataPackage&quot;/&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;mmtype&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModelPackage value=&quot;type.TypePackage&quot;/&gt;
Error: (The one mentioned in the bug description)
&lt;metaModel idRef=&quot;mm&quot; /&gt;
&lt;metaModel id=&quot;mmtype&quot; class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModelPackage value=&quot;type.TypePackage&quot;/&gt;
2. oAW nature
The reported error goes away if we patch the ecore file that contains the cross file reference, i.d. data.ecore:
Replace in line 17
eType=&quot;ecore:EClass ../../oaw4.demo.emf.type/metamodel/type.ecore#//MyExternalDataType&quot;
eType=&quot;ecore:EClass platform:/resource/oaw4.demo.emf.type/metamodel/type.ecore#//MyExternalDataType&quot;
The is particularly striking because oAW can&apos;t handle platform URIs elsewhere. Unfortunately, if the model is modified using the Eclipse Ecore Model Editor, this change will be overwritten. But I don&apos;t know how to force Eclipse to write platform URIs instead. (IHMO, platform URIs should be preferred to relative paths in Ecore models anyway.)
I consider this observation less a workaround, but a hint to the oAW developers how to fix the issue.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 11:23:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50047)
corrected workflow, patched ecore model
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 08:38:11</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 09:55:00</bug_when>
<thetext>du bist ein schatz :-)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:59:18</bug_when>
<date>2006-09-05 11:46</date>
<desc>3 eclipse projects to reproduce problem</desc>
<date>2006-09-13 11:23</date>
<desc>corrected workflow, patched ecore model</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-05 12:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Log Output not very useful</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 04:23:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 12:00:30</bug_when>
<thetext>The current log output is not very useful. Instead of seeing that a component of a specific type has been started, I would rather like information about
what the component does; e.g.
* an XMI Reader should report which file it reads
* a constraint check should show the constraint file it used
* a transformation component should show the top level expression
To implement this, I would like to add an operation getLogString() to the
WorkflowComponent interface that can be implemented to return a useful log
message. The default can stay as it is now.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:32:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Why can&apos;t we just use the commons logging api?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 16:43:45</bug_when>
<thetext>It&apos;s not about the logging technology, it&apos;s rather about the
log&apos;s content! So I want to provide some standardized means
of how *useful* log output is created.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 04:23:53</bug_when>
<thetext>In the WorkflowComponentWithID interface there&apos;s a new method getLogMessage() that returns the text to be output. In AbstractWorkflowComponent it is implemented &apos;empty&apos;, so you don&apos;t have to care in all component implementations.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-05 15:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expressions] typeSelectNot</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-11 09:18:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 15:56:50</bug_when>
<thetext>I would like to have a fucntion that picks all objects in a list that are *not* of a specific subtype.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 03:34:22</bug_when>
<thetext>How often do you need that?
Couldn&apos;t you just write
&apos;myList.without(myList.typeSelect(MyType))&apos; in that case?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 16:44:45</bug_when>
<thetext>I could, but adding this additional function is also not a lot of effort. Even I can (and probably will :-)) add it.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:17:28</bug_when>
<thetext>will not be fixed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:18:13</bug_when>
<thetext>will not be fixed.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-06 04:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[doc - r20_xPandReference] - found more Beautifier in the jars ...</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-12 01:57:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 04:02:42</bug_when>
<thetext>The reference (pdf created 14.08.2006 15:52:57 by Sven with OO) say that there are two Beautifiers: java+xml. But I found more in ...classic.ant_4.1.0.v20060816.jar:
- ArtisticStyleBasedBeautifier
- CppBeautifier
- BlankLineRemover ???
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 04:05:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Oh - one more note.
The reference doc sais also, when implementing your own beatifier, you have to implement the interface PostProcessor and lists that. The listing is wrong, because it hasnt the method
public void afterClose(FileHandle impl);
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-10 08:05:48</bug_when>
1) Only implementations of the PostProcessor interface are beautifiers that are includable in the workflow. At this time only the following classes implement this interface
- org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.JavaBeautifier
- org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.XmlBeautifier
The other beautifiers are migrated from oAW3 and are only pluggable in &quot;old-style&quot; ant plugin. The whole project containing this feature (package org.openarchitectureware.core.ant) is now deprecated and planned for removal soon.
2) The postprocessor interface has the described interface:
public interface PostProcessor {
public void beforeWriteAndClose(FileHandle impl);
public void afterClose(FileHandle impl);
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 03:26:21</bug_when>
<thetext>1) Thanks for clarification.
2) So the reference doc has the failure (afterClose() not described).
I downloaded the (odt)-source from cvs [1], but I couldnt create a patch file :-(
So I post the whole OpenDocument-Text file.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 03:27:41</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49815)
Reference document - updated for Beautifier-Interface
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 08:30:35</bug_when>
<thetext>docs fixed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 01:57:16</bug_when>
<thetext>ODT upgedated - PDF not.
Are the PDFs only created during release?</thetext>
<date>2006-09-11 03:27</date>
<desc>Reference document - updated for Beautifier-Interface</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-07 17:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>various parts - XmiWriter, XTend</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-17 13:25:22</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-07 17:03:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume you are using a M2M transformation in order to generate a model file, e.g. a meta model. As for example in uml2ecore, where I use an M2M to create a
ecore file from a uml2 model.
Now consider, you have a project structure as follows:
* theProject
* src
* src-gen
Assume you want to write the generated .ecore file into the src-gen folder, so that the file will be on the classpath for subsequent work. So, the file you
write using the XMIWriter; you specify the file to be called
Now, the problem is that the &apos;src-gen&apos; will be part of some internal referneces in the ecore file. However, if you use it, since src-gen is part of the classpath, the file cannot be opened/used, since src-gen is wrong.
A solution for this problem is probably to distinguish between a base path and a file name in the XMIWriter.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:15:46</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:15:56</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 13:25:22</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-07 17:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xTend] Polymorhpism Problem in Editors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-02 08:55:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-07 17:07:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Assume you have a metamodel as follows: Class Entity, Class Type, where Entity extends Type.
Also assume, you have two extensions as follows:
qualifiedName(Type this): bla bla;
qualifiedName(Entity this): bla bla;
In other words, you redefine the extension qualifiedName for a subtype. When you want to invoke this extension from, say, a .chk file, the editor complains about ambiguous extensions. It doesn&apos;t know which one to invoke; although I guess the right behaviour would be to invoke the &quot;most specific&quot; one.
Note that the runtime constraint checker handles this correctly. It seems to be a problem with type checking in the editor.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:09:55</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 08:55:49</bug_when>
<thetext>cnnot reproduce</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-11 11:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add support for UML 2.0 enumerations to OAW4.1 Classic</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-01 13:11:13</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 11:13:28</bug_when>
<thetext>We would like to be able to use UML 2.0 enumerations in Classic mode. This probably requires changes to both the metamodel (Enumeration would be a subtype of Type, and would have an ordered collection of EnumerationLiterals) and the mapping file. Our application uses MagicDraw 11 and 11.5. This would enable a much cleaner use of enumerations for attributes than our present solution, which creates ad hoc stereotypes, e.g.,
myAttribute: String &lt;&lt;enumerated=ChoiceA!ChoiceB!ChoiceC&gt;&gt;
Real UML 2.0 enumerations could also be subclassed, something not possible with the above kludge.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:22:55</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 04:43:59</bug_when>
<thetext>OAW ships with the obsolete JDOM version &quot;1.0beta10&quot; which is unfortunately not compatible with the current version &quot;1.0&quot;.
Thus one gets the following compile error when integrating OAW into a build environment that uses the latest JDOM:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jdom.Parent.addContent(ILorg/jdom/Content;)Lorg/jdom/Parent;
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.toolsupport.uml.magicdraw.MagicDrawModuleMerger.merge(
I suggest that MagicDrawModuleMerger should be updated and that JDOM 1.0 should be included in OAW.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 04:48:29</bug_when>
<thetext>sorry I just messed up with my browser tabs... the last comment was intended for BUG 157142</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 02:45:56</bug_when>
Added DataType, Enumeration and EnumerationLiteral.
Extended Unittests and fixed mapping for MagicDraw 10/11.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-01 13:11:13</bug_when>
<thetext>I haven&apos;t yet been able to test this on a new OAW candidate release, and haven&apos;t been able to build OAW from CVS, but I can see from the source code that Karsten has implemented this change, and I take his word for it that it works!</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-11 11:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>org.openarchitectureware.emf.XmiReader should offer selector methods to acces modelFile and outputSlot</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-20 09:07:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 11:56:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Subclasses may not acces the private fields modelFile and outputSlot what makes it impossible to extend or customize the functionality of invoke or loadFile.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 12:03:41</bug_when>
We&apos;ll fix it in oAW 4.1.1; for the time being, though, you can always override the setters and remember the value somewhere else, so it should not be a showstopper.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 13:59:51</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 09:07:17</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-12 05:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>NullPointerException in GlobalVarExpression</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-28 05:02:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 05:38:14</bug_when>
<thetext>GlobalVarExpression.evaluateInternal() throws NullPointerException in line 45 if Variable o is null.
There is already a null check above, and a warning is given if o == null.
evaluateInternal should return null in that case.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:52:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50012)
trivial patch
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:58:33</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 13:56:57</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 13:57:51</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 05:02:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Fix verified.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-13 03:52</date>
<desc>trivial patch</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-13 03:14</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] Evaluationg Type-Modifier for arrays</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-24 16:19:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:14:25</bug_when>
<thetext>When declaring an attribute to be an array the following warning is printed:
WARN &lt;&gt; importMessageDTOs: ignoring value for nonexisting property TypeModifier = [[]]
The mappings and metamodel should be extended to support type modifiers.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-24 16:19:14</bug_when>
<thetext>- Added attribute &quot;typeModifier&quot; to metaclass Attribute
- Extended compliance test
- Tested with MagicDraw 11
other tools must be tested against the compliance test.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-13 04:46</creation_ts>
<short_desc>JDOM version upgrade</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-02 04:48:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 04:46:39</bug_when>
<thetext>OAW ships with the obsolete JDOM version &quot;1.0beta10&quot; which is unfortunately not
compatible with the current version &quot;1.0&quot;.
Thus one gets the following compile error when integrating OAW into a build
environment that uses the latest JDOM:
I suggest that MagicDrawModuleMerger should be updated and that JDOM 1.0 should
be included in OAW.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 14:07:58</bug_when>
- added jdom-1.0.jar to core.lib
- updated manifest
- fixed MagicDrawModuleMerger
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-02 04:48:54</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-14 14:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[MMGenerator] Improve generated code</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-14 14:16:49</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 14:12:34</bug_when>
<thetext>1) Many methods generated by the MMGenerators into the metaclasses are not really necessary, since the methods may be already available in superclasses. If possible, methods should only generated once in the baseclasses.
2) The generated classes can contain some Javadocs, especially some overview in the class header documentation. This would make it a lot easier to read the source code.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-14 14:16:49</bug_when>
<thetext>1) The MMGenerator templates have been reworked. Responsible for suppressing many methods is the extension &quot;genSuperClass()&quot;, which returns true if the metaclass has a super-metaclass that is already generated. Methods that do not need to be redefined usually prove &quot;genSuperClass()&quot; to false to suppress redundant generation.
2) Class.xpt has now some documentation generation template code. In the class header documentation about
- defined attributes
- navigable associations to other metaclasses
- configuration (isAbstract, isIncomplete, ...)
is rendered. This makes it comfortable to read the Javadocs.
Also some methods have been documented.
<creation_ts>2006-09-15 04:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>LanguageUtilities.getImage shouldn&apos;t be final in AbstractLanguageUtilities</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-17 04:48:04</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows NT</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 04:17:43</bug_when>
<thetext>LanguageUtilities.getImage shouldn&apos;t be final in AbstractLanguageUtilities in order to provide custom images (via extensions -&gt; like labels) in outline view.
(org.openarchitectureware.xtext.LanguageUtilities.getImage is final in
best regards
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 04:19:48</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-16 09:37:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Operation is no longer final. This fix is probably a workaround, a more convient means of exchanging the icon should be provided in the future.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-16 09:40:02</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 04:48:04</bug_when>
<thetext>Ok, thanks mark it as fixed.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-15 05:45</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-09-15 05:52:29</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows NT</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 05:45:40</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 05:52:29</bug_when>
<thetext>sorry typo!</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-15 07:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText Enum support broken in 4.1</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:58:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows NT</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-15 07:16:17</bug_when>
<thetext>the xText Enum example from xTextReference manual (p6)
Enum DataType :
produces a java.lang.RuntimeException: line x:y: expecting ID, found &apos;String&apos;
Generally it seems that enum support is broken in 4.1 cause i cant get any enum sample working for me.
following sample also doesnt work in 4.1
//specify your DSL grammar rules here ...
Model :
//defines the entity type...
Entity :
(type=EntityTypeEnumeration)? &quot;entity&quot; name=ID &quot;{&quot;
//EntityTypeEnumeration used to apply different cache strategies ..
Enum EntityTypeEnumeration:
..//xtext.example/src-gen//org/example/parser/exampledsl.g:57:6: no definition of rule config
..//xtext.example/src-gen//org/example/parser/exampledsl.g:58:10: no definition of rule basic
Exiting due to errors.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 04:49:25</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:58:54</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-20 08:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Doc] &apos;aspects&apos; vs. &apos;advices&apos;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-14 03:05:47</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 08:48:48</bug_when>
<thetext>&quot;I&apos;m using OAW 4.0 RC3 but I found no differences to 4.0 final or 4.1 final.
I&apos;m trying to work with the aspect-oriented programming. It doesn&apos;t work.
In the exsample r20_xPandReference.pdf page 14 is an example with aspects.
&lt;component class=&quot;oaw.xpand2.Generator2&quot;&gt;
&lt;fileEncoding value=&quot;ISO-8859-1&quot;/&gt;
&lt;metaModel class=&quot;oaw.type.emf.EmfMetaModel&quot;&gt;
&lt;metaModelPackage value=&quot;org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EcorePackage&quot;/&gt;
&lt;expand value=&quot;example::Java::all FOR myModel.get(0)&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- aop configuration --&gt;
&lt;aspects value=&apos;example::Aspects1, example::Aspects2&apos;/&gt;
&lt;!-- output configuration --&gt;
&lt;outlet path=&apos;main/src-gen&apos;/&gt;
&lt;outlet name=&apos;TO_SRC&apos; path=&apos;main/src&apos; overwrite=&apos;false&apos;/&gt;
&lt;beautifier class=&quot;oaw.xpand2.output.JavaBeautifier&quot;/&gt;
&lt;beautifier class=&quot;oaw.xpand2.output.XmlBeautifier&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- protected regions configuration --&gt;
&lt;prSrcPathes value=&quot;main/src&quot;/&gt;
&lt;prDefaultExcludes value=&quot;false&quot;/&gt;
&lt;prExcludes value=&quot;*.xml&quot;/&gt;
If I use the Generator org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator I get the following error.
No getter or adder method for property &apos;aspects in clazz &apos;org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator&apos; found
If I try to use the Generator2 org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator2 I get the error
Class not found: &apos;org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator2&apos;
I looked in every version. There is no And I looked in every generator for the propertie aspects. There is no such propertie.
Is the documentation further than the programming? :-) or do I make something wrong?
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 10:18:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Take a look at the data model sample... it works there...
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-14 03:00:20</bug_when>
<thetext>See Markus&apos; comment above</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-14 03:05:47</bug_when>
<thetext>documentation has been updated</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-20 09:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>MetamodelReaderPlugin doesn&apos;t compile</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-03 04:10:30</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 09:00:41</bug_when>
<thetext>The current CVS version (1.5) of is incomplatible with the latest changes to the XMIInstantiator class (version 1.15).
The attached patch fixes the compile problem in MetamodelReaderPlugin.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-20 09:01:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50554)
Patch fixing compile error in MetamodelReaderPlugin
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-01 12:02:19</bug_when>
a) In the patch an import was changed that lead to the compile error.
b) The package is deprecated since it contains the &quot;old&quot; generator plugin from oAW3. This plugin is not used anymore. The package will be removed in oAW4.2.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-03 04:10:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Well, might be something wrong with my setup.
I required the patch to make the latest sources from CVS compile on my system.
Anyway, if it&apos;s going to be removed, I don&apos;t mind.
<date>2006-09-20 09:01</date>
<desc>Patch fixing compile error in MetamodelReaderPlugin</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-25 06:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Generalization with StarUML fails</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:58:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 06:12:14</bug_when>
<thetext>oAW cannot handle Generalizations when it imports a XMI-File which has been exported from StarUML.
Whithin the workflow-log the Warning Message &quot;BaseUMLToolAdapter - removing dangling Generalization Generalization [] []&quot; occurs. See also the XMI Export from StarUML in the Attachments.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 06:14:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50807)
XMI-export from StarUML
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-01 09:08:56</bug_when>
A new mapping &quot;staruml_xmi11_all.xml&quot; is now available which fixes the problem. The old mapping &quot;staruml5_xmi13_all.xml&quot; will be removed with oAW4.2.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:58:21</bug_when>
<date>2006-09-25 06:14</date>
<desc>XMI-export from StarUML</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-26 09:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Private attributes in XmiWriter</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-18 16:01:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-26 09:02:52</bug_when>
<thetext>the attributes should be protected (or get/set should be used) so subclassing is a bit easier (eg. if one wants to modify the path resolving behavior in invoke())</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-18 16:01:44</bug_when>
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 165778 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-27 11:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>setStandardUML2Setup throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-20 14:45:57</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-27 11:51:01</bug_when>
<thetext>org.openarchitectureware.uml2.Setup.setStandardUML2Setup() throws an StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in line 38 (CVS revision 1.5) under some circumstances.
Debugging shows path to be &quot;metamodels/UML.metamodel.uml&quot;, so the expression
path.lastIndexOf(&quot;/metamodels&quot;) returns -1; causes substring() to throw an Exception.
Fixed (?) by replacing this with path.lastIndexOf(&quot;metamodels/&quot;).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 04:38:12</bug_when>
<thetext>The &quot;fix&quot; suggested by me is invalid:
It makes the Exception vanish, but seems to prevent profiles from beeing propperly applied. Still investigating...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 04:54:14</bug_when>
<thetext>OK, the fix actually was to make sure that org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources_2.0.1.v200608030300.jar is on the classpath. ;-)
Would be nice to handle the case when EcoreUtil2.getURI() actually doesn&apos;t find the resource with an appropriate error message.
Reducing severity to &quot;enhancement&quot;...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-26 16:01:29</bug_when>
If &quot;metamodels/UML.metamodel.uml&quot; is not accessible an IllegalStateException will be thrown:
if (uri != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException(&quot;Missing required plugin &apos;org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources&apos; in classpath.&quot;);
This situation should not happen. Normally when having the UML2 Adapter in the classpath also the required plugin will be there, since the manifest declares a runtime dependency to the org.eclipse.uml2.uml.resources plugin.
- Setup 1.6</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-20 14:45:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks for fixing this.
The problem ocurred when working outside Eclipse, using a purely Ant based generate/build process. So I had to manage dependencies myself...
<creation_ts>2006-09-27 15:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText Editor: validation of syntactically incorrect parts of the DSL failed in certain condition</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:58:04</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-27 15:39:50</bug_when>
<thetext>The generated xText editor failed to detect and show syntactically incorrect input in following cases:
a) The grammer:
Model :
MetaData :
&quot;metadata&quot; &quot;{&quot;
&quot;name&quot; name=STRING
The Input:
metadata {
name &quot;Test&quot;
after the valid entry you can add what you wan&apos;t, the editor accepts all
b) With the following model definition
you can always enter incorrect data, also typos in the MetaData definition aren&apos;t recognized, for example the following is possible:
met adata {
name &quot;Test model&quot;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 05:11:12</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:58:04</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-10-04 16:39</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText Enhancements: Allow more complex rule definition</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:57:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 16:39:39</bug_when>
<thetext>You can define a complex rule e.g.:
rule1 &quot;,&quot; rule2 &quot;,&quot; rule3 &quot;,&quot; rule4 &quot;,&quot; rule5 &quot;,&quot; rule6 &quot;,&quot; nomore;
The generated parser fails to compile, because of the limitation of the create method of the EcoreModelFactory class.
Please enhance the generation of the EcoreModelFactory to support more complex rules. My grammer needs e.g. 10 rules.
The workaround is to introduce subrules, but thats makes the grammer definition and the generated ecore model more complex.
thanks, Marcel</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-05 03:44:13</bug_when>
<thetext>This has been fixed in CVS.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:57:50</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-10-10 04:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugin] Code Completion for Xtend/Check</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 07:42:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 04:45:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Code completion feature is very desirable when editing Xtend and Check files. If this feature should already exist it does not work with Eclipse3.2/oAW4.1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 07:42:17</bug_when>
<thetext>It was a bug, and fixed meanwhile. With 4.1.1 it works fine.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-10 05:17</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[expression] &quot;implies&quot; keyword</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:49:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-10 05:17:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Like in OCL it is desirable to have the &quot;implies&quot; keyword for boolean expression/specifying invariants.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:49:12</bug_when>
<thetext>implies has been added some time ago</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] suppress blankline for template lines that do not produce code</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 09:52:39</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:16:10</bug_when>
<thetext>�FOREACH something AS x�
�IF condition�
In this example online the line containing &quot;output&quot; does produce useful code. The other lines contain only Xpand keywords, but anyway whitespaces and newlines are produced. The production of useless blank lines should be suppressed. This feature should be on as default, but maybe disabled by a keyword for DEFINE.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:09:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Why don&apos;t use the hyphen?
�FOREACH something AS x-�
�IF condition-�
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:52:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Reason is that we had to use too many hyphens and it is easy to forget them and they do not make the Xpand code readable. The customer has in the meanwhile tons of Xpand code and all they want to do is to completely suppress unneccessary blank lines. Another side effect in the project is that the Whitespace production consumes very measurable performance impacts, whereas skipping does perform well.
However, the automaticHyphens feature does not produce the wanted output, it suppresses too much.
The feature is realized in the meanwhile. It is possible to configure the new BlankLineSkippingOutput that does that job:
&lt;component class=&quot;...&quot;
&lt;output class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.output.BlankLineSkippingOutput&quot;/&gt;
<creation_ts>2006-10-17 07:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Workflow errors don&apos;t get transmitted to ant task</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-22 03:36:48</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 07:25:27</bug_when>
<thetext>When errors are reported by the Workflow, this information is not communicated to the Workflow Ant Task, with the consequence that ant will report &quot;build succeeded,&quot; when in fact it has failed. We have implemented a fix in our project (a fix that appears to work only in 4.1.1) by subclassing WorkflowRunner so that its Main method checks the code returned by the WorkflowRunner and throws a BuildException if the code is false:
boolean success = new WorkflowRunner().run(wfFile, monitor, params, null);
if (!success) {
System.out.println(&quot;**************** ApdmWorkflowRunner failed ****************&quot;);
throw new BuildException(&quot;**************** Workflow failed ****************&quot;);
else {
System.out.println(&quot;**************** ApdmWorkflowRunner succeeded ****************&quot;);
and created a new version of the Workflow Ant Task that invokes this subclass:
public void execute() throws BuildException {
// setting of parameters is copied from base class impl
for (Iterator iter = params.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
Param param = (Param);
if (param!=null) {
String paramString = &quot;-p&quot;+param.getName()+&quot;=&quot;+param.getValue();
log(&quot;Adding param: &quot; +paramString);
log(&quot;Adding param: &quot; +this.getFile());
// super.setClassname(WorkflowRunner.class.getName());
// we use a workflow runner that throws an exception if there are workflow errors
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 07:51:01</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52104)
Workflow Ant task revised to handle Workflow Errors
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 07:53:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52105)
Subclass of WorkflowRunner that throws build exception when error is reported
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-19 07:35:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed for 4.1.1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-22 03:36:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Tested it on one of our standard projects by introducing an error in one of our templates, and the ant build failed appropriately.</thetext>
<date>2006-10-17 07:51</date>
<desc>Workflow Ant task revised to handle Workflow Errors</desc>
<date>2006-10-17 07:53</date>
<desc>Subclass of WorkflowRunner that throws build exception when error is reported</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-10-20 06:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>org.openarchitectureware.core.feature.source doesn&apos;t contains workflow source code</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:57:34</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-20 06:33:30</bug_when>
<thetext>I just have installed the oaw eclipse plugins and found out, that org.openarchitectureware.core.workflow_4.1.0.v20060816/ and org.openarchitectureware.core.xpand2_4.1.0.v20060816/ are identical and contain the xpand2 source code. So the workflow source code is missing.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 04:33:57</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed in 4.1.1 alpha (tag v20061102)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:57:34</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-10-30 11:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XSLT Component in a oAW Workflow</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-02 04:40:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-30 11:15:52</bug_when>
<thetext>I created a component for launching an XLS transformation on a xmi file.
In first, I made an independant java project so as to test my transformation in xsl... it worked well.
When i wrapp it in an AbstractWorkflowComponent, and call it from an oAW project, it crashes :
&quot;Exception in thread &quot;main&quot; java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serializer/SerializerTrace
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(
at org.apache.xalan.processor.ProcessorStylesheetElement.getStylesheetRoot(
at org.apache.xalan.processor.ProcessorStylesheetElement.startElement(
at org.apache.xalan.processor.StylesheetHandler.startElement(
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.startElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanStartElement(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl$NSContentDispatcher.scanRootElementHook(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl$JAXPSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
at org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTemplates(
at org.apache.xalan.processor.TransformerFactoryImpl.newTransformer(
at my.poc.raffinage.XmiMarker.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(
In my java project i use directly jaxp api with basic implementation.
What about oAW ? You are loading Xalan 2.7 and XercesImpl 2.7.0 ... does my error come from any conflict ?
Thx forward
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-30 11:26:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52937)
component which launches XSLTranformation and throws exception
component which launches XSLTranformation and throws exception</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-30 11:28:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52938)
oAW workflow
oAW Workflow which calls the component XmiMarker</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-30 11:33:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52939)
input model
the model i give to the xsl transformation</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-30 11:36:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52940)
xsl sheet
xsl sheet</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 04:40:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Sorry, was easy to resolve : just had to import serializer.jar in the librairies of my project... cause its unbundled in Xalan 2.7.0.</thetext>
<date>2006-10-30 11:26</date>
<desc>component which launches XSLTranformation and throws exception</desc>
<date>2006-10-30 11:28</date>
<desc>oAW workflow</desc>
<date>2006-10-30 11:33</date>
<desc>input model</desc>
<date>2006-10-30 11:36</date>
<desc>xsl sheet</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-11-01 06:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Xpand] Cannot qualifiy names in AROUND templates</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-24 07:57:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 06:38:46</bug_when>
<thetext>If I try to specify qualified names in a around advice as in
&lt;&lt;AROUND this::is::my::template FOR SomeType&gt;&gt;
I get a parse error: unexpected token &apos;::&apos;, at the location of
the first :: This problem is in the editos as well as during
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 09:55:57</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 07:57:17</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-11-02 08:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW cannot handle multiple stereotypes.</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 05:26:00</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-02 08:08:10</bug_when>
<thetext>When using model elements with more than one stereotype only the first one in the stereotype list is applied for template usage.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:26:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Duplicate of Bug#167187
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 167187 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-08 04:37</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XpandResourceParser ignores file encoding</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-21 11:10:19</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 04:37:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Method org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.core.internal.builder.XpandResourceParser.parse(IFile, IOawResource) in oAW 4.1 instantiates Scanner with InputStream, which totally ignores file encoding. This leads to &quot;unexpected char&quot; OawBuilder errors for .xpt files with UTF-8 encoding, for example. It should wrap InputStream with InputStreamReader, with charset taken from IFile.getCharset().</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 04:45:15</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 163777 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 08:24:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53459)
Proposed patch
Created a patch for XpandResourceParser.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-16 08:40:41</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-21 11:10:19</bug_when>
<date>2006-11-08 08:24</date>
<desc>Proposed patch</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-11-08 04:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Xpand Editor ignores .xpt file encoding</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-08 04:45:15</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 04:40:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Method org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.core.internal.builder.XpandResourceParser.parse(IFile, IOawResource) in oAW 4.1 instantiates Scanner with InputStream, which totally ignores file encoding. This leads to &quot;unexpected char&quot; OawBuilder errors for .xpt files with UTF-8 encoding, for example. It should wrap InputStream with InputStreamReader, with charset taken from IFile.getCharset().</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 04:45:15</bug_when>
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 163776 ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-08 06:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Xpand Scanner does not support Unicode properly</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-11-21 11:08:49</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 06:25:27</bug_when>
<thetext>XpandParser.g (oAW 4.1) has this rule for Scanner:
protected VOCAB :
Because of this, Scanner does not recognize chars in range &apos;\u0100&apos;..&apos;\ufffe&apos;
(which includes Russian chars for example). It should probably be:
protected VOCAB :
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-08 08:42:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=53460)
Proposed patch
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-16 08:40:57</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-21 11:08:49</bug_when>
<date>2006-11-08 08:42</date>
<desc>Proposed patch</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-11-09 12:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Race condition in ResourceLoaderFactory</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-10 07:22:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-09 12:57:49</bug_when>
I&apos;m trying to invoke a generator from my ui. And sometimes I get a generator.aow not found, and after repeating the same code it works fine. This problem occours more often on my dual-core pc than on my single-core notebook.
From what I could see it happens that the generator gets a ResourceLoader from ResourceLoaderFactory that is a EclipseResourceLoaderImpl with a cl from the XTextPlugin. In those cases where it worked the code was invoked on a different Worker Thread then before where it failed.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-10 06:17:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I figured out that it works as expected if you start the WorkflowRunner in a new Thread Object instead of a Job. But this is just a workaround and in my eyes not a solution.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 03:03:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Is there any chance to really reproduce this? </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:46:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Is this really oAW&apos;s problem? The WorkflowRunner is normally run within its own VM instance, using a LaunchConfiguration. It seems that you run the WorkflowRunner within a plugin, am I right?
However, we do not have influence on Eclipse&apos;s ResourceLoader. But you can write your own that won&apos;t fail. It can be registered by
before executing the workflow.
I close this issue since we won&apos;t be able to reproduce it. I work also on a dual core machine and do not expect problems. </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-10 07:22:50</bug_when>
<thetext>You are right that there are no race conditions if it is run in a sperte VM. But how should I be able to report errors during the run to the user in a convinence way? Or even progress?
Just showing the (filtered) stdout is not enough for me. I want to have the Issue Objects and ProgressMonitor.
ResourceLoaderFactory.setCurrentThreadResourceLoader(resourceLoader); does not help in this case. The Problem with it is that it attaches the resourceLoader to a Thread, and if the Thread already has one attached it does nothing.
The first thing that I tried is to run it from WorkspaceJob as this seemed quite logical to me. But WorkspaceJob has a pool of Threads. And thus makes it quite unpredictable. Even creating a new Thread Object as I stated before just helps once. After the workflow once ran in this Thread it works there for ever in most cases.
The real solution to this problem was archived by using
With this bug it is possible to attach the right ClassLoaders to the ResourceLoader for any newly created Thread.
Here is the code I&apos;m currently using:
This is my ResourceLoader:
I&apos;m not exactly happy with this solution. But at least it works now.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-24 09:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>org.openarchitectureware.emf.XmiWriter should provide better support for subclassing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-18 16:01:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-24 09:03:40</bug_when>
<thetext>modelFile, inputSlot and pathPrefix should be made protected or get-methods should be introduced to retrieve them</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-18 15:52:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Added getters for modelFile and inputSlot. Left out pathPrefix, since it is computed from modelFile and used for internal reasons only. If you really need a getter for this attribute then reopen this report.
Rating down to enhancement, since it is no real bug that WorkflowComponents do not offer getters for their properties.
Fixed in XmiWriter 1.19</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-18 16:01:44</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 158739 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-11-29 07:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>&quot;abstract&quot; workflows</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-12 11:22:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-29 07:03:22</bug_when>
<thetext>I would like to see an additional property on workflow definitons
that states that workflows are &quot;abstract&quot;. abstract workflows are
not meant to be called directly, rather they are expected to be called
from another workflow.
If we had this &quot;abstract&quot; property, we could output a nice error
message that tells the developers that the file should not be called
directly - instead of getting all kinds of &quot;property suchandsuch not
defined&quot; messages.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-12 11:22:59</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-11-29 14:44</creation_ts>
<short_desc>can&apos;t find a non-terminal when doing syntax checking</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:32:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-29 14:44:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Error occurs whenever trying syntax checking for the following on basis of the pfdsl.xtxt:
I am not sure the source of the problem. Is it a bug in the generated ANTLR grammar or a mistake in the XTXT grammar?
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Couldn&apos;t find type NamedVariables in nofile on line 1 &apos;org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.ConstructorCallExpression@4be179&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.ConstructorCallExpression.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.Expression.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ExpressionFacade.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ExpressionFacade.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.parser.EcoreModelFactory.create(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-29 14:50:20</bug_when>
<thetext>The problem has been found in both 4.1 and 4.1.1 versions.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:32:38</bug_when>
<thetext>It&apos;s your xtxt grammar which is ambiguous.
<creation_ts>2006-12-04 15:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Top Level Outline Element missing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 04:51:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-04 15:13:39</bug_when>
<thetext>As can be seen from the illustration in the attachment, the top most outline element does not appear in the outline view. It should be the module &quot;de&quot;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-04 15:14:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=54991)
The screenshot showing the bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 04:51:50</bug_when>
<thetext>The root element of a model is never shown in the outline view. This is intended!
Add an additional root rule such as:
Model : (modules+=Module)*;
<date>2006-12-04 15:14</date>
<desc>The screenshot showing the bug</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-12-19 14:36</creation_ts>
<short_desc>INT Token Type</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 04:52:46</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-19 14:36:23</bug_when>
<thetext>In addition to ID and String, I would like to see an INT token type.
Currently, it is already syntax-highligted in the editor, but the meta
model nonetheless will contain an EString.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 04:52:46</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-20 05:19</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Actions are executoed for last alternative only</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 04:54:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-20 05:19:37</bug_when>
<thetext>see :;showtopic=2819</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 04:54:03</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-27 11:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>no line numbers in the error message</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-15 05:35:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-27 11:41:50</bug_when>
<thetext>If I have errors in Extens transformations that are reported
at runtime, there are no line numbers in the error message</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-15 05:35:38</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-30 16:13</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Bad highlighting when using identifiers containing &quot;ID&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:33:41</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-30 16:13:44</bug_when>
<thetext>When using identifiers containing &quot;ID&quot; as a substring in a xText editor
for example writing such expression:
I get &quot;ID&quot; from &quot;VOID&quot; highlighted.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:33:41</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-01-06 10:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fix Mapping for MagicDraw 9.5</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-06 10:20:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-06 10:15:33</bug_when>
<thetext>- the new Stereotype Element is not supported
- Enumerations are not supported
- Attribute::TypeModifier is not mapped (UMLClassDiagramComplianceTest::testCheckAttribute1)
- Nested Classes / Interfaces within Classes are not supported (UMLClassDiagramComplianceTest::testNestedClass / testNestedInterface)
- stereotyped AssociationEnds not supported (UMLClassDiagramComplianceTest::testStereotypedAssociationEnd)
- Default value of AsscociationEnd::Navigable must be &quot;false&quot; (was: true)
- Default value of AssociationEnd::MultiplicityMin was wrong set to &quot;0&quot; (but it was necessary to set it explicitly to 0 for MD 10+)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-06 10:20:23</bug_when>
<thetext>- &apos;magicdraw_xmi12_V9_all.xml&apos; was fixed
- some changes in setting of default values made in the tool adapter classes
- reference model adjusted
- Class support compliance test is OK now</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-10 05:47</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Need a provision to define global variables in XPand templates</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 09:05:18</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows 2000</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 05:47:26</bug_when>
<thetext>We need a way where we can define global vriables in XPand templates.
Iam aware of LET and ENDLET but the template will be crowded with
LET and ENDLET every time I define a new local variable.
Just like any programming language it will be greate if XPand can offer some means to define all variables at one place and which can be used all over the template. In that way LET , LETs me down :-) .
Please provide such a feature in XPand
Thanks and regards
Reply from Karsten Thoms
By now this is not planned. You may open a feature request so that this won&apos;t be forgotten. (see our Contact page). Issues in the forum tend to be forgotten if they are not handled immediately.
Kind regards,
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:05:18</bug_when>
<thetext>The global var feature works or all oaw languages (check, xtend, xpand). See reference documentation.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-14 04:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Alternativ order will cause crash</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 05:20:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-14 04:41:18</bug_when>
<thetext>When using for example:
((optionA?&quot;optionA&quot;) | (optionB?&quot;optionB&quot;))*
Then the generated editor will go wild when running in Plugin Runtime. 100% CPU. Need to kill jvm.
The purpose is to be able to create a language where you can use the options in any order.
optionA optionB
optionB optionA
I&apos;m using Eclipse 3.2.1 and oAW 4.1.1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 05:11:38</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 05:20:08</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-01-16 05:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error Reporting when a constraint fails</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 05:14:27</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-16 05:35:23</bug_when>
<thetext>I am trying to validate a number of non-trivial constraints in an xText editor. If something goes wrong in the constraint evaluation (i.e. not a failed constrained in the sense of the expression evaluating to false, but rather some kind of internal exception) I need to see this problem somewhere. Currently, there&apos;s no reporting whatsoever, and it is very hard to find a broken constrasint.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 05:14:27</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;ve added logging everywhere in the code, so the user should get the needed feedback.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-23 12:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>In Xtext the Syntax ( A | B ) gets convertet to ( A | B )? in the ANTLR File</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:34:08</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-23 12:53:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
1.Create xtxt File with Syntax (A | B)
2.Generate Parser
3.Lock into *.g File
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:34:08</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-02-01 08:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error in Builder</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 01:47:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 08:48:21</bug_when>
<thetext>When building an .ext file, I get a NPE in the Builder, more specifically in the oAW EMF type system. here&apos;s the stack trace:
at org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel.getNamedElementRec(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel.access$1(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel$2.createNew(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.util.Cache.get(
at org.openarchitectureware.type.emf.EmfMetaModel.getTypeForName(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.TypeSystemImpl.internalGetTypeForName(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.TypeSystemImpl.getTypeForName(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ExecutionContextImpl.getTypeForName(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.Extension.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExtensionFile.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.core.internal.XtendResourceImpl.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.core.internal.XtendResourceImpl.analyze(
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 01:47:17</bug_when>
<thetext>This bug cannot be reproduced with the information provided. Please attach a reproducing project. The bug is likely to be dependent to a specific model. Testet with my own EMF model with Xtend transformation I get no NPE.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-02 05:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error Message that says nothing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-04 04:10:55</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-02 05:52:18</bug_when>
<thetext>Attached is a screenshot of an editor error that seems strange. First of all, the error message doesn&apos;t tell me anything. Second, the statement is corrent, since clone() does return a collection - and the casting should work. At runtime, the transformation works.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-02 05:52:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58105)
Screenshot of the error message
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-04 04:10:55</bug_when>
<thetext>It was just a bad error message. the analyzer couldn&apos;t find the type.
<date>2007-02-02 05:52</date>
<desc>Screenshot of the error message</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-07 17:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>The Xtext generated generator is not filling the model correctly</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:41:41</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 17:43:40</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
Create the following Language:
(persons+=Person &quot;.&quot;)+;
&quot;name&quot; name=ID (&quot;,&quot; attributes+=Attribut)+;
email?&quot;email&quot; emailAddress=STRING |
street?&quot;street&quot; streetName=STRING |
streetnumber?&quot;streetnumber&quot; number=INT |
friend?&quot;friend&quot; name=ID;
Build the following Main.xpt:
�IMPORT bug�
�DEFINE main FOR Main�
�FILE &quot;output.txt&quot;�
�EXPAND person FOREACH persons�
�DEFINE person FOR Person�
Neue Person:
Name: �name� AttributeSize: �attributes.size�
�FOREACH attributes AS att�
�IF == &apos;TRUE&apos;�E-Mail: �att.emailAddress��ENDIF�
�IF att.street == &apos;TRUE&apos;�Street: �att.streetName��ENDIF�
�IF att.streetnumber == &apos;TRUE&apos;�Streetnumber: �att.number��ENDIF�
�IF att.friend == &apos;TRUE&apos;�Friend: ���ENDIF�
Use it on the following Test file:
name Peter, email &quot;;, street &quot;Hamburger Strasse&quot;, streetnumber 1.
name Klaus, email &quot;;, friend Peter.
The expected Output:
Neue Person:
Name: Peter AttributeSize: 0
Street: Hamburger Strasse
Streetnumber: 1
Neue Person:
Name: Klaus AttributeSize: 1
Friend: Peter
But the followig Output is produced:
Neue Person:
Name: Peter AttributeSize: 0
Neue Person:
Name: Klaus AttributeSize: 1
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 17:45:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58496)
The Language
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 17:46:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58497)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 17:48:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58498)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:41:41</bug_when>
<thetext>The email, street, streetnumber and friend attributes are of type boolean.
Therfore you have to write:
�DEFINE person FOR Person�
Neue Person:
Name: �name� AttributeSize: �attributes.size�
�FOREACH attributes AS att�
�IF�E-Mail: �att.emailAddress��ENDIF�
�IF att.street�Street: �att.streetName��ENDIF�
�IF att.streetnumber�Streetnumber: �att.number��ENDIF�
�IF att.friend�Friend: ���ENDIF�
<date>2007-02-07 17:45</date>
<desc>The Language</desc>
<date>2007-02-07 17:46</date>
<date>2007-02-07 17:48</date>
<creation_ts>2007-02-19 05:45</creation_ts>
<short_desc>XPand: NullPonterException when loading missing import file</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-20 15:08:51</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 05:45:08</bug_when>
<thetext>When an XPand templates tries to import an expression file which is missing, it just throws a NullPointerException. The user is not told the reason, why this happens.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 05:49:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59250)
Fixed implementation of the ExtensionFile class
Instead of an undefined NullPointer exception, the ExtensionFile class throws a runtime Exception with a correct error message.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:08:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Choosed a different approach than the attached patch. Instead of throwing a RuntimeException in ExtensionFile::getPublicExtensions() the error is detected when calling analyze(). In case of an error an AnalyzationIssue is added, which leads to an entry in the problems view at development time.
ExecutionContext: Access to the resource manager was needed.
Added test AnalyzationTest::testBug174611()
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:08:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59411)
<date>2007-02-19 05:49</date>
<desc>Fixed implementation of the ExtensionFile class</desc>
<date>2007-02-20 15:08</date>
<creation_ts>2007-03-07 11:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Editors don&apos;t catch errors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-13 09:03:42</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-07 11:20:30</bug_when>
<thetext>I am not sure if this is something that is new in the current oaw 4.1.2 or not.
Today a customer entered the following code:
Connection( Building ) someFunction( Type this ): ....
as you can see, it says Connection instead of Collection, and it uses the ( and ) parantheses instead of [ and ] for generics.
The editor did not show an error... but the Xpand templates that used the respective xtend file could not find the extension someFunction. So, parsing and evaluation failed, but the editors did not show this.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-12 12:59:35</bug_when>
<thetext>In another instance today, I forgot to add a semicolon after an expression in an extension file, and the whole file &quot;died&quot;, i.e. the outline didn&apos;t show anything, and all other files (tempaltes, etc.) that included this file were completely broken. The missing semicolon, however, was never reported...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-13 09:03:42</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-03-12 17:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ProtectedRegionResolverImpl fails upon empty srcsPathes definition</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-22 15:49:23</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-12 17:00:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Disabeling the protected region resolver is only possible by passing an empty srcsPathes definition in the generator workflow. The ProtectedRegionImpl class fails in getSrcPathes(): An empfty definition leads to a list containing one file with empty name and directory - which at least under window fails.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-12 17:03:00</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60616)
Is srcsPaths is empty, we return an empty File-Array. Otherwise no change.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-12 18:37:31</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60629)
Second fix: Fixes lots of wron warnings when empty handler is used.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 15:49:23</bug_when>
<date>2007-03-12 17:03</date>
<desc>Is srcsPaths is empty, we return an empty File-Array. Otherwise no change.</desc>
<date>2007-03-12 18:37</date>
<desc>Second fix: Fixes lots of wron warnings when empty handler is used.</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-13 06:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Problem with the alphabetical sorting in outlines in Xtend files</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-13 12:57:19</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-13 06:03:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Currently, the alphabetical sorting is based on the text that is shown in the outline view. For create extensions, the text begins with the type that is created, e.g.
SomeType createSomething( params )
now, if I want to search for the createSomething extension,
* I cannot type &quot;c&quot; in order to get there, because it is
lised under &quot;S&quot; (because of the return type).
* also, I often can&apos;t even see the name of the function, since
it is scrolled out to the right.
Therefore, I suggest to change the outline representaion of
create extensions to the following:
createSomething( params ) creates SomeType
This should be an easy fix that solves all the problems.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-13 12:57:19</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-01-22 17:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[MOFScript] objectsOfType() yields empty result (unexpectedly!)</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-29 09:05:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-22 17:49:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060629-1905
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Take the metamodel and the model I provided as attachment.
2. Run the *.m2t script I provided as attachment.
3. Watch the console: it should print some lines but does not.
More information:
I could not set a valid GMT component in the &quot;Component:&quot; field of this bug. MOFScript is missing as a GMT component. Please forward this bug to the
committers of MOFScript.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-22 17:52:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=57311)
Small transformation script to reproduce the bug
The input model contains several instances of &quot;Type&quot;, so this script should yield a non-empty result.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-22 17:53:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=57312)
The input model for the script.
This input model causes the error when the script runs on it.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-22 17:55:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=57313)
The metamodel of the input model for the transformation
This is the very simple metamodel on which the input model for the transformation is based.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-23 08:46:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Moved this bug to the new MOFScript component.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-29 09:05:16</bug_when>
<thetext>This bug is not really a bug. The metamodel in your example is not a metamodel of the input model you have. Your metamodel does not provide any &quot;root&quot; element which represents the model and which contains the other elements. You need to have a class as a root which contains references (with containment=true) in order to populate the model.
This is appearently why MOFScript cannot resolve any objects with the &apos;objectsOfTtype&apos;.</thetext>
<date>2007-01-22 17:52</date>
<desc>Small transformation script to reproduce the bug</desc>
<date>2007-01-22 17:53</date>
<desc>The input model for the script.</desc>
<date>2007-01-22 17:55</date>
<desc>The metamodel of the input model for the transformation</desc>
<creation_ts>2004-01-12 17:18</creation_ts>
<delta_ts>2006-09-28 07:36:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2004-01-12 17:18:47</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2004-01-12 17:19:43</bug_when>
<thetext>Ooops sorry! My nephew at the keyboard again!</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-28 07:36:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Moving this bug to delete the &quot;Core&quot; component... re: bug 159086 </thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-03-07 14:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] ctrl-blank and namespaces</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 07:28:58</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-07 14:41:04</bug_when>
<thetext>if you import a namespace X, and then ctrl-blank
to code-complete a metaclass in that namespace X,
then you still get the fully qualified name although
there is a namespace import for that respective
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:27:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=56139)
Proposal (Xpand)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:28:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=56140)
Inserted text</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:28:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Is this really a bug? You want to know from which namespace the proposed type is, don&apos;t you?
See screenshots: I&apos;ve imported namespace &quot;java::util::prefs&quot;, for example. The proposed completion for &quot;Pref&quot; is &quot;Preferences - java::util::prefs&quot;.
That&apos;s exactly the behaviour for the completion proposals in Java editors. When, for example, &quot;java.util.*&quot; is imported in Java and you type &quot;Collections&quot; and then press CTRL+SPACE you get the proposal &quot;Collections - java.util&quot;.
<date>2006-12-24 07:27</date>
<date>2006-12-24 07:28</date>
<creation_ts>2006-05-13 06:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[editors] Blank after Ctrl-Space</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-19 16:50:50</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-13 06:06:26</bug_when>
<thetext>When Inserting a keyword using Ctrl-Space, there&apos;s a blank
too much at the end of the inserted text.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-19 16:50:50</bug_when>
<thetext>The whitespace was intended, but it is not always the right choice.
For closing keywords (ENDDEFINE, ENDFILE) the right choice for insertion is a closing bracket. I think that is what you meant? Otherwise neither blank nor bracket would be the option.
Same for REM, since this tag is empty.
Changed KeywordProposalComputer and added a unittest for it.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-05-13 06:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[editors] code completion unintuitivity</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 07:30:47</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-13 06:11:50</bug_when>
<thetext>When I type, for example
and then press CTRL-Space to complete the syntax
by e.g. selecting the EXPAND keyword from the list,
the resulting text is
so the original piece of text is not removed</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:30:47</bug_when>
<thetext>When typing &quot;�EX&quot; and then CTRL+SPACE, select &quot;EXPAND&quot; from the proposal list, the result is &quot;�EXPAND &quot; (inluding trailing space, which is OK here - see Bug#141662).
That&apos;s the expected behaviour in my opinion</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-05 08:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW 4.1 RC2: XPand-Editor Syntax checking doesn&apos;t recognize inherited operations</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-10 02:41:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-05 08:51:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Having two Metaclasses
public SuperMeta .. { public ElementSet MySet(){ .. } }
public SubMeta extends SuperMeta .. {}
the Xpand Editor signals a Syntax Error within Templates like
&lt;&lt;DEFINE something FOR SubMeta&gt;&gt;
&lt;&lt;DoSomethingWith MySet&gt;&gt;
If i Add
public ElementSet MySet() {return super.MySet};
to SubMeta,
everything seems to be ok.
BTW.: I&apos;m using the Classic MM
(Code Geenration works in both cases)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:41:16</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-01 06:33:53</bug_when>
<thetext>Unfortunately I cannot reproduce the problem.
Is it still present? Could you provide a small example?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 15:11:49</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=56657)
Example Project
Project with &quot;Entity&quot; and &quot;SubEntity&quot;. &quot;Entity&quot; defines &quot;MySet&quot;. See Entity.xpt, no error occurs.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 02:41:38</bug_when>
<thetext>This one is not reproducible. Attached sample project is working.</thetext>
<date>2007-01-09 15:11</date>
<desc>Example Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-15 08:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[Xpand2] Exception when creating directory with tailing &apos;0&apos; in directory name</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 08:18:57</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-15 08:58:58</bug_when>
<thetext>When creating a file and a directory using the FILE-statement with something like
�FILE &quot;test0&quot;+&quot;/&quot;+&quot;foo.txt&quot;�
or just
�FILE &quot;0&quot;+&quot;/&quot;+&quot;foo.txt&quot;�
a FileNotFoundException is thrown and no directory or file is created.
Suprisingly it works when using an underscore before the &apos;0&apos;
�FILE &quot;test_0&quot;+&quot;/&quot;+&quot;foo.txt&quot;�
works fine. Also just creating a file called &apos;0&apos; with �FILE &quot;0&quot;� works</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:39:14</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 08:18:57</bug_when>
<thetext>Tried to reproduce it, but I did not get the exception. If the error still exists in your environment please attach a reproducing project.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-24 07:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugins] Cannot load extensions from JAR</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-19 02:42:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-24 07:02:01</bug_when>
<thetext>The editors (not the runtime system) cannot load an
extension from a JAR file. This is somewhat annoying
e.g. for the IO.ext debug extension, since that is
typically deployed via the installed plugins (i.e.
JAR files).</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:30:10</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:22:05</bug_when>
<thetext>Added test &quot;Bug155018Test&quot; to project plugin.oaw4.test to reproduce this. </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-14 10:39:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Severity changed, since other problems seem arise from this bug also (e.g.;lastpost=true).
There seems to be another bug that has the same background: When opening an Xpand file from a cartridge file the outline view fails with a Nullpointer, since the resource cannot be located. (see OawModelManager)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 02:42:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Main reason for the problem was that the code was dependent on using the IFile interface for the resources to load. In case of opening entries from a Jar the resources did not implement IFile but its superinterface IStore. Some code fragments (esp. interface ResourceContributor and the implementing classes) had to be refactored.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-30 05:16</creation_ts>
<short_desc>&quot;case&quot; inside other terms is recognized as reserved word</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 07:35:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-30 05:16:12</bug_when>
<thetext>If you have an extension
String camelcase(String name) : JAVA Helper.camelcase(java.lang.String);
the &quot;case&quot; inside &quot;camelcase&quot; is highlighted (*.ext, *.xpt).
PlugIns-Version: 4.1.0.v20060816</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:25:44</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 07:35:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Refactored the XtendKeywordRule to class KeywordRule. The class does not use its own IRule implementation anymore and derives from WordRule. However, that did not work either without slight modification. The scanner must look backward to prove if the preceding character is a whitespace.
- ContentScanner (xtend.editor and check.editor)
- KeywordRule (new)
- XtendKeywordRule (removed)</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-31 12:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error handling when WorkflowRunner is run from eclipse plugin</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 08:03:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 12:02:16</bug_when>
<thetext>When workflow is used from an eclipse plugin there is no error message logged in the case when workflow file can not be opened/found.
WorkflowRunner&apos;s prepare method contains try block in which workflow initialization takes place. The block catch clause handles only ConfigurationException but WorkflowFactory throws the following exception: IllegalArgumentException(&quot;Couldn&apos;t load file &quot; + fileName).
This issue leads to a workflow log without any error messages.
May be the better idea could be be to throw ConfigurationException(IllegalArgumentException)?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:23:56</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-11 09:24:00</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 08:03:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Caught that special IllegalArgumentException in WorkflowRunner and it will be thrown further as a ConfigurationException. Other IllegalArgumentExceptions will be rethrown.
Maybe its worth to think about catching runtime exceptions to avoid similar problems? Anyway, this special case is now handled.
- WorkflowRunner 1.36</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-05 02:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] Initial Values for Primitives</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-07 03:20:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-05 02:33:24</bug_when>
<thetext>XMI Export for default values are &quot;incomplete&quot; if the InitialValue is the default value of some type, e.g. &apos;0&apos; for Integer, &apos;false&apos; for boolean.
Problem reported for MagicDraw, other tools unknown.
Provide a mapping for type-&gt;defaultValue. Implement mapping in base tooladapter class, if initial value is not set for primitive types.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:23:46</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 03:20:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Initial values are explicitly set. When some error with this occurs in some tool a specific bug should be created (or reopen this).</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-12 11:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Access to constants defined in interface / class</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 17:29:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-12 11:07:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Example: Constants interface like follows:
public interface Constants {
public final static char MYCHAR = &apos;a&apos;;
public final static String MYSTRING = &quot;s&quot;;
�DEFINE Root FOR Object�
�switch (&apos;a&apos;) {
case Constants::MYCHAR : &quot;someExpr&quot;
default : &quot;...&quot;
Unknown Object property, variable, type or enumeration literal &apos;Constants::MYCHAR&apos;
Same error when accessing String typed constants.
�switch (&quot;a&quot;) {
case Constants::MYSTRING : &quot;someExpr&quot;
default : &quot;...&quot;
Unknown Object property, variable, type or enumeration literal &apos;Constants::MYSTRING&apos;</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 17:25:54</bug_when>
<thetext>This is a problem of the JdtMetaModel</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 17:29:38</bug_when>
Extended unittest JdtMetaModelTest</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-21 04:15</creation_ts>
<short_desc>UTF8 support by XpandTemplateParser</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 14:54:12</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-21 04:15:15</bug_when>
<thetext>would it possible to have it with next release ?
apprently the patch is given in the attached URL</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-21 07:37:49</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 14:54:12</bug_when>
<thetext>The patched class XpandTemplateParser does not exist anymore.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-09-25 04:52</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Reduce TypeNameUtil usage</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-10 16:34:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 04:52:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Doing some performace profiling on the oAW 4.1 generator workflow showed the class org.openarchitectureware.expression.TypeNameUtil as one of the major hot-spots; at least in my environment (oaw-classic, based on the scm.generator example project).
More specifically, calling m.matches() in the getGroup() method seems very time-consuming.
Tuning TypeNameUtil itself (see TypeNameUtil.patch) brought only little performance gain, but reducing the number of calles to TypeNameUtil by caching Type lookups in TypeSystemImple (see TypeSystemImpl.patch) brought a signifficant speedup (&gt;10% of overall workflow run-time).
I attach the profiler results (from Eclipse TPTP) in CSV format.
The corresponding trcaxmi-files can be made available on request.
I assume that the results can be reproduced using the scm.generator example project (perhaps with a somewhat larger input model), but I didn&apos;t try that.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 04:53:23</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50794)
patch for improved pattern usage
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 04:54:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50795)
patch for caching Type lookups
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 04:58:55</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50796)
Profiler results, with patches applied
profiler results from Eclipse TPTP in CSV format, with both patches applied.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-25 05:00:46</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50798)
Profiler results, with unpatched version
Profiler results from Eclipse TPTP in CSV format, using the original (unpatched) oaw 4.1 jars.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 16:34:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Patch is applied, tests are green. Thanks for the patch!</thetext>
<date>2006-09-25 04:53</date>
<desc>patch for improved pattern usage</desc>
<date>2006-09-25 04:54</date>
<desc>patch for caching Type lookups</desc>
<date>2006-09-25 04:58</date>
<desc>Profiler results, with patches applied</desc>
<date>2006-09-25 05:00</date>
<desc>Profiler results, with unpatched version</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-10-04 14:28</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[PoseidonAdapter] Class &quot;String&quot;</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-07 03:18:42</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-04 14:28:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Poseidon always exports a UML:Class with name &quot;String&quot;. Other tools use normally a DataType or PrimitiveType for &quot;String&quot;, which is better. The Poseidon Adapter should fix this by removing the Class instance and replace it by a PrimitiveType instance.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 03:18:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed mappings for Poseidon and MagicDraw 9. Added new test method in compliance test.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-11 08:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[plugin] code completion: keywords missing</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-24 07:53:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:20:11</bug_when>
<thetext>The Code Assist feature does not propose the REM and the ERROR keyword within a DEFINE block.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-11 08:20:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=51750)
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:53:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Added proposal for &quot;REM block&quot;. The ERROR prosal is not really needed, since there exists a keyword proposal when typing &lt;&lt;ERR CTRL+SPACE.
- StatementProposalComputer 1.10</thetext>
<date>2006-10-11 08:20</date>
<creation_ts>2006-10-17 10:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[docs] EMF Example - Setting project dependencies</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-04 08:20:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-17 10:21:50</bug_when>
<thetext>With oAW4.1 the preferred way to set up project dependencies is to use plugin-dependencies. The Screenshot in &quot;Setting up the project dependencies&quot; shows the old way with defining the JARs on the Library page in the project&apos;s build path.
The tutorial has to be updated.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-04 08:20:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Tutorial was checked and updated.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-07 19:59</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Multiple Stereotypes but only one type is available in OAW</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 05:26:00</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-07 19:59:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: 4.1.1
Steps To Reproduce:
I defined two stereotypes in an UML 2 model and assigned it to a class. In the model transformation I tried to check for both types, but only the first was detected. The second stereotype is not available.
According to Markus with 4.1.1 the Type implementation has changed and multiple inheritance is possible now, so it should be possible to use both stereotypes.
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-08 15:21:37</bug_when>
<thetext>Normally each element can only be of one type. In case of stereotyped elements they are of type &apos;StereotypeType&apos;. This does not allow to apply more than one stereotype for one element.
Worked this around by introducing a new subclass &apos;MultipleStereotypeType&apos;, which wraps all applied stereotypes. The methods from StereotypeType were overriden to evaluate each stereotype. Had to introduce a method &apos;isCompatible&apos;, because &apos;StereotypeType::isAssignableFrom(MultiStereotypeType)&apos; evaluates to false.
Extended the unit test by introducing an element &apos;TestC&apos; which is of stereotype &apos;A&apos; and &apos;B&apos;. The new method ProfileMetaModelTest::testMultipleStereotypes() tests this case.
- ProfileMetaModel
- StereotypeType
- MultipleStereotypeType (new)
- ProfileMetaModelTest
Fixed for 4.2.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:26:00</bug_when>
<thetext>*** Bug 163201 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-11 16:22</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Reduce third party dependencies</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-06 16:31:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-11 16:22:32</bug_when>
<thetext>we need to reduce the dependencies to third parties.
Currently most of the jars contained in core.lib project are deps needed by classic.
@Karsten: Could you introduce a new project classic.lib, so we can simply remove all jars not directly referenced from the core?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:12:16</bug_when>
<thetext>Created project /oaw_v4/classic/classic.lib.
Only the libraries
- jdom-1.0.jar
- xalan-2.7.0.jar
were identified to be specific for classic. Some libraries were obsolete:
- jaxen-core-1.0.jar
- jaxen-dom-1.0.jar
- saxpath-1.0.jar
- oro-2.0.8.jar
The first 3 were used by a &quot;FixEA&quot; component in MetamodelGenerator, which was removed.
Removed all these libraries from core.lib.
Updated classic projects&apos; manifest files to use the classic libraries plugin.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 07:47:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Updated feature.xml (Classic)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-08 15:25:13</bug_when>
<thetext>- jaxen-core-1.0.jar
- jaxen-dom-1.0.jar
- saxpath-1.0.jar
were used by the MagicDrawModuleMerger at runtime, so added them to classic.lib</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-06 16:30:43</bug_when>
<thetext>I do not experience problems with the new configuration, so I&apos;ll close this issue.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-06 16:31:13</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-12 07:50</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Changes to deal with EMF&apos;s Java 5.0 changes</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 05:47:20</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-12 07:50:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: I20061102-1715
Steps To Reproduce:
core.emftools plugin is not compilable using J2SE-1.5 environment unless the following issues related to EMF&apos;s generics support are fixed:
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
The method add(EObject) in the type List&lt;EObject&gt; is not applicable for the arguments (Object) org.openarchitectureware.core.emftools/main/src/org/openarchitectureware/emf line 88 1165836898804 2333476
Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
Type mismatch: cannot convert from TreeIterator&lt;EObject&gt; to Iterator&lt;Object&gt; org.openarchitectureware.core.emftools/main/src/org/openarchitectureware/type/emf line 200 1165926786916 2366600
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-18 07:03:55</bug_when>
<thetext>There are just two simple casts that need to be added to the code! Without them, building against the HEAD-version of EMF is not possible.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:21:16</bug_when>
<thetext>I&apos;ve changed both files using the provided information.
Since I haven&apos;t got EMF&apos;s Head installed it would be great if you check if the changes work for you.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:47:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Verfied that changes work with current EMF HEAD.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-14 11:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Incorrect mapping of multivalued Tagged Value</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 14:42:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-14 11:09:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
Tagged values with multiplicity [0..*] are mapped to the type itself, not Collection[Type].
More information:;showtopic=2766</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-14 11:11:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=55683)
Patch and elementary test
I think this patch shoul solve the type mapping problem.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 14:42:44</bug_when>
<thetext>applied the patch. thanks for this!</thetext>
<date>2006-12-14 11:11</date>
<desc>Patch and elementary test</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-12-14 15:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Make Core Workflow registerable for buddies</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-26 09:32:59</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-14 15:56:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Steps To Reproduce:
Try to register a ResourceLoader for ResourceLoaderFactory from a foreign Plugin.
Add Eclipse-BuddyPolicy: registered to the manifest of core.workflow</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 14:28:08</bug_when>
<thetext>Changed in Manifest.MF 1.12
Please verify that it satisfy your needs</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-26 09:32:59</bug_when>
<thetext>Tried myself. It only works for BuddyPolicy &apos;dependent&apos;, so changed it.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-17 07:21</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] JavaBeautifier - temporary file is not removed</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-12-17 07:31:38</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-17 07:21:11</bug_when>
<thetext>The JavaBeautifier creates a temporary file for the formatted code. This temporary file is not deleted, so the beautifier creates a lot of garbage on disc.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-17 07:31:38</bug_when>
<thetext>- JavaBeautfier 1.11</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-12-30 14:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Special quote character used in xPand cause errors in UTF-8</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 14:21:58</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-30 14:02:55</bug_when>
<thetext>I use UTF-8 as the default encoding for the whole workspace.
When I create a sample generator project, I get errors when executing workflow file. Exception is attached as a comment.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-30 14:03:05</bug_when>
<thetext>0 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 INFO WorkflowRunner - openArchitectureWare 4.1.1, Build v20061128
281 INFO WorkflowRunner - (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors
281 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
281 INFO WorkflowRunner - running workflow: C:/Eclipse-Workspaces/smartlang/my.generator.project1/src/workflow/generator.oaw
311 INFO WorkflowRunner -
1743 INFO CompositeComponent - XmiReader: file &apos;model.xmi&apos; =&gt; slot &apos;model&apos;
1783 INFO CompositeComponent - Generator: generating &apos;template::Simple::javaClass FOREACH model.entities&apos; =&gt; directory &apos;src-gen/&apos;
2003 ERROR WorkflowRunner - template/Simple.xpt: unexpected char: 0x412
java.lang.RuntimeException: template/Simple.xpt: unexpected char: 0x412
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.parser.Xpand2ResourceParser.parse(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ResourceManagerDefaultImpl.loadResource(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.XpandExecutionContextImpl.findTemplate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.XpandExecutionContextImpl.findDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.invokeDefinition(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.ExpandStatement.evaluateInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.ast.Statement.evaluate(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.Generator.invokeInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.lib.AbstractWorkflowComponent2.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(
Caused by: line 1:1: unexpected char: 0x412
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.parser.Scanner.nextToken(
at antlr.TokenBuffer.fill(
at antlr.TokenBuffer.LA(
at antlr.LLkParser.LA(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.parser.XpandParser.template(
at org.openarchitectureware.xpand2.parser.Xpand2ResourceParser.parse(
... 13 more
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-30 14:03:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Editor does not report any errors</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:52:36</bug_when>
<thetext>Did you also configure explicit the fileEncoding parameter for the generator component?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 13:25:47</bug_when>
<thetext>No. With this option everything works fine. Thank you. Sorry for disturbing :(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 14:21:58</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-01-10 12:06</creation_ts>
<short_desc>incorrect split of path and filename in XmiWriter</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-14 11:34:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-10 12:06:39</bug_when>
<thetext>+++ this is a follow-up on Bug #156610 +++
The split into model path and filename in the method checkConfiguration is not correct - it only works, if the modelFile only contains one &quot;/&quot;; otherwise, the modelFile will still contain a part of the path.
To fix this, simply replace
int p = modelFile.indexOf(&quot;/&quot;);
int p = modelFile.lastIndexOf(&quot;/&quot;);</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-14 11:34:13</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed, thanx.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-21 14:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Operation must derive from ModelElement</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-05 00:54:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-21 14:07:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Version: 4.1.1
Operation derives from CustomModelElement, but needs to derive from ModelElement. Operation misses otherwise properties from ModelElement, e.g. Documentation.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-21 14:08:48</bug_when>
<thetext>The metamodel is currently in migration to MagicDraw. Until the migration is finished the class hierarchy is fixed manually.
Modified class OperationBase.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-05 00:54:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Metamodel is fixed and code newly generated.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-21 15:51</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Add possibility to react on exceptions during execution</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-21 16:17:33</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-21 15:51:11</bug_when>
<thetext>Currently all exceptions occuring during code generation are reported as runtime exceptions, eventually wrapped by EvaluationException. In any case code generation stops immediately when an exception occurs and there is no means to influence this behaviour.
The idea is to introduce an ExceptionHandler, which will be informed about occuring exceptions. The normal behaviour is unchanged - throwing a RuntimeException/EvaluationException if somethings wrong. This behaviour will be implemented by a default implementation. The implementation of the exception handling can be influenced by a custom implementation that can be registered at the Xpand2 Generator component.
Steps to realize this feature:
- Introduce an ExceptionHandler interface (core.expressions)
- provide a default implementation for this interface
- modify ExecutionContext by adding a reference to an ExceptionHandler instance
- modify Generator component to be able to register a custom ExceptionHandler implementation</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-21 16:17:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Tagged state before change with tag
- core.expressions
- ExceptionHandler (new)
- ExceptionHandlerDefaultImpl
- ExecutionContext 1.12
- ExecutionContextImpl 1.22
- Expression 1.8
- Extension 1.26
- ExtensionFile 1.14
- core.check
- Check 1.13
- CheckFileAST 1.9
- core.xpand2
- Generator 1.39
- XpandExecutionContextImpl 1.18
- package xpand2.ast: modified several files
- plugin.oaw
- PluginExecutionContextImpl 1.7
- plugin.xpand.editor
- XpandPluginExecutionContextImpl 1.8
<creation_ts>2007-01-25 08:23</creation_ts>
<short_desc>oAW Xpand ERROR statement does not work as documented</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 02:29:25</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-25 08:23:42</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20060921-0945
Steps To Reproduce:
According to the documentation, the ERROR statement should throw an XpandException and abort the evaluation. Instead of actually doing this, the ERROR statement only writes the expression to the console.
More information:</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:29:25</bug_when>
<thetext>The ERROR keyword is deprecated and will be removed in 4.2.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-01-31 15:55</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error Message incomplete</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-08 02:21:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-31 15:55:34</bug_when>
<thetext>As can be seen from the following example, the error message does not
include the file in which the error occured. It was, in fact, in one
of the two check files that had been run in the CheckComponent.
0 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 INFO WorkflowRunner - openArchitectureWare 4.1.1, Build 200612121814
32 INFO WorkflowRunner - (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors
32 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 INFO WorkflowRunner - running workflow: L:/siemensCT/smarthome.cbd.example/src/exampleFromCbd.oaw
94 INFO WorkflowRunner -
1360 INFO CompositeComponent - workflow trafoCbdToOsgi.oaw
1360 INFO CompositeComponent - XmiReader: file &apos;Test.xmi&apos; =&gt; slot &apos;cbdmodel&apos;
1438 INFO CompositeComponent - CheckComponent: slot cbdmodel check file(s): cbdmmConstraints cbdmmConstraints2
1875 INFO CompositeComponent - XtendComponent: executing &apos;cbd2osgi&apos;
1907 INFO CompositeComponent - CheckComponent: slot model check file(s): osgimmConstraints osgimmConstraints2
2047 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Type not found : Operation in null on line 13 &apos;Operation&apos;
org.openarchitectureware.expression.EvaluationException: Type not found : Operation in null on line 13 &apos;Operation&apos;
at org.openarchitectureware.check.ast.Check.validate(
at org.openarchitectureware.check.ast.CheckFileAST.check(
at org.openarchitectureware.check.CheckFacade.checkAll(
at org.openarchitectureware.check.CheckComponent.invokeInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.lib.AbstractWorkflowComponent2.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.main(</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:20:24</bug_when>
throw new EvaluationException(&quot;Type not found : &quot; + type.getValue(), type);
The argument &apos;type&apos; is used to resolve the error location. But for types there can be no location.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:21:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Passed now &apos;this&apos; (Check element) to the EvaluationException. The error message becomes clearer:
Type not found : MistypedNamedElement in Constraints on line 3 &apos;MistypedNamedElement &quot;Name must not be null&quot;&apos;
<creation_ts>2007-02-01 16:00</creation_ts>
<short_desc>More Error Reporting</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-07 03:12:53</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 16:00:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Here is an erroneous oaw workflow:
0 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - openArchitectureWare 4.1.1, Build 200612121814
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - (c) 2005, 2006 and contributors
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
31 INFO WorkflowRunner - running workflow: L:/siemensCT/smarthome.example/src/wf-exampleFromCbd.oaw
31 INFO WorkflowRunner -
828 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Property &apos;invoke&apos; not specified properly (syntax by example: &apos;org::myExtensions::doStuff(mySlot)&apos;)
828 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Workflow interrupted because of configuration errors.
As you can see, there&apos;s some kind of problem with an &quot;invoke&quot; tag. However,
the error message does not say which workflow file and which workflow component
contains the problem.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 03:03:29</bug_when>
<thetext>The error occurs in XtendComponent during invocation of method
public void checkConfigurationInternal(final Issues issues)
In this method the component does not know about the workflow file it is executed in. It only has to check its configuration and reports errors. The configuration check is worth thinking about some refactoring. However, I will add some more sophisticated error messages.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-07 03:12:53</bug_when>
<thetext>First of all, of the component&apos;s Id is set it will be printed out in the ERROR Issue.
The &quot;invoke&quot; property will be parsed and you get more details of the error. Possible messages (my component Id is &quot;Transformer&quot;)
- invoke: null =&gt; &quot;3480 ERROR Transformer: Property &apos;invoke&apos; not specified.&quot;
- invoke: &quot;GARBAGE&quot; =&gt; &quot;3488 ERROR Transformer: Error parsing property &apos;invoke&apos;: Could not extract name of the extension file.&quot;
- invoke: &quot;GARBAGE::transform&quot; =&gt; &quot;3474 ERROR Transformer: Property &apos;invoke&apos; not specified properly. Extension file &apos;GARBAGE&apos; not found.&quot;
- invoke: &quot;transform::start()&quot; =&gt; &quot;4911 INFO Transformer: executing &apos;transform&apos;&quot;
<creation_ts>2007-02-09 03:32</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Fix for writing XMI-Files using emf.XmiWriter</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-09 03:48:21</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-09 03:32:05</bug_when>
<thetext>When using tzhe XmiWriter from a workflow on windows, it inserts the device name just before the last slash in the URI.
The following code fragment fixes it.
Replace line 104 by
// Fix: EMF-Resource builds wrong file name, if used on a file
// on windows (it places the Device-Carater immediately before
// the last Slash). So we write explicitly to the path if the
// URI is a file URI.
if (r.getURI().isFile()) {
File file = new File (pathPrefix + &quot;/&quot; + modelFile);
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(file);, null);
else {;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-09 03:33:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58637)
Fixed implementation if the XmiWriter lcass
The attached file contains the fully fixed implementation of the XmiWriter. This ifx also changes the log to wroite out the full path name of the generated file.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-09 03:48:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Fix accepted and checked in. Thanx.</thetext>
<date>2007-02-09 03:33</date>
<desc>Fixed implementation if the XmiWriter lcass</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-19 10:42</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Workspace window freezes during GMF adapters live validation</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-23 09:07:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-19 10:42:04</bug_when>
<thetext>The thread which is running the oAW validation watchdog causes the main thread to sleep for long time (several minutes depending on teh stack size). The main thread is blocked by the watchdog thread since both try to obtain a monitor lock on the BatchValidationManager instance.
I debugged the problem and found the cause in the implementation of the method &apos;getActiveWBWindow&apos; in the class &apos;OAWValidationAction&apos;. This method tries to get the workbench window and recursively calls itself after 100ms if this does not succeed. Since this never succeeds in my environment it will continue calling itself recursively until a stack overflow occurs. This takes a long time because of the 100ms rest. The reason for failing to access the workspace window can be found in the following line:
The call to asyncExec() will be executed asynchronously. The watchdow thread will directly continue executing the following instructions:
IWorkbenchWindow workbenchWindow = fetcher.window;
if ( workbenchWindow == null){...}
Since the execution of the &apos;fetcher&apos; is scheduled somehow, it is possible or even likely that the if-condition always evaluates to true - like in my case. This results in the described behaviour. To solve the problem i used:
instead. &apos;syncExec&apos; causes the calling thread to wait for completion. This makes sure that the results are available.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 03:31:03</bug_when>
<thetext>Sadly the described solution is not reliable enough. It is still possible that the main and watchdog threads block each other. (Even though i was only able to reproduce the deadlock while debugging and never observed it in normal operation)
So a solution requires more effort. Basically there should be no &apos;syncExec&apos; calls whithin the watchdog thread while this thread holds a lock on the BatchValidationManager. </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-23 09:06:56</bug_when>
<thetext>Partially it was already fixed by Bernd (OAWValidationAction). But it did not work when debugging on multicore machines. There was also potential of deadlocks in BatchValidationManager.
- OAWValidationAction
- BatchValidationManager</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-23 09:07:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59652)
<date>2007-02-23 09:07</date>
<creation_ts>2007-02-20 15:29</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Abort evaluation when ProgressMonitor signals canceling</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-20 15:34:47</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:29:51</bug_when>
<thetext>It is possible to pass a ProgressMonitor to the Workflow execution. But when the ProgressMonitor is set to canceled the generator does not stop evaluation.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:34:45</bug_when>
<thetext>When evaluating a statement first the monitor is queried if it request canceling the process. If so, the evaluation stops here.
To get access to the ProgressMonitor the interface ExecutionContext was extended by method getMonitor(). In the implementation class this method was already existent.
- ExecutionContext
- Statement</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:34:47</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59413)
<date>2007-02-20 15:34</date>
<creation_ts>2007-02-20 15:48</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Make Output implementation configurable for xpand2.Generator</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-20 16:00:15</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 15:48:56</bug_when>
<thetext>The generator uses by default the class OutputImpl as an implementation of the Output interface. It would be useful to make the implementation class configurable for the Generator component.
Actual reason is that a customer wants to suppress all generated unneccesary blank lines. However, the &quot;automaticHyphens&quot; property does not produce the desired output, since not after all statements a newline should be suppressed, only when a blank line is produced.
For this a derivation of OutputImpl (&quot;BlankLineSkippingOutput&quot;) was implemented.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 16:00:12</bug_when>
<thetext>Interface &quot;Output&quot; was extended by method addOutlet(), since it was necessary in class Generator to remove dependency from OutputImpl and act on the interface level.
Added a setter setOutput(). The getter getOutput() retrieves the configured instance or initailizes lazy an instance of OutputImpl (default case), when no Output implementation is explicitely configured.
Added class BlankLineSkippingOutput.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 16:00:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59416)
<date>2007-02-20 16:00</date>
<creation_ts>2007-02-27 01:20</creation_ts>
<short_desc>MagicDraw 11.6/12.1: Tagged values named &apos;property&apos; and &apos;type&apos; not valid</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-27 14:16:45</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 01:20:43</bug_when>
<thetext>It is reported (see URL) that tagged values must not be named &apos;property&apos; and/or &apos;type&apos;. This leads to errors during import.
To examine: Is it a fault of MagicDraw or what component is responsible for this bug?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 14:15:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59914)
Sample Project
Project which has a MagicDraw 12.0 model with a stereotype defining tagged values named &apos;property&apos; and &apos;type&apos;.
The XmiReader reads this model without complaining.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 14:16:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Cannot reproduce the problem. Even the project referenced in the forum thread works.</thetext>
<date>2007-02-27 14:15</date>
<desc>Sample Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-15 06:38</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Updatesite does not contain new version</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-16 05:10:35</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-15 06:38:43</bug_when>
<thetext>I can not find oaw 4.1.2 on the Updatesite</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-15 06:58:45</bug_when>
<thetext>That&apos;s what we wrote in our release news:
The update site will be updated later this week. However, you can download the distribution already from our download page.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-15 17:24:42</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 03:48:14</bug_when>
<thetext> does not include the new version.
I still can not use the Eclipse Update Manager.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 05:10:35</bug_when>
<thetext>now it works</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-22 10:03</creation_ts>
<short_desc>WorkflowRunner - Couldn&apos;t find operation &apos;getTest3()&apos; for test::test2. in m2m.ext on line 20</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-22 11:57:34</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 10:03:20</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Import reproducing project
2. change workspaceRoot in oaw/
More information:
some operations of the metamodel test.ecore can be used in the extend-file m2m, some cause a &quot;Couldn&apos;t find operation&quot; error. changing the metamodel and regenerating the model code sometimes seems to have an impact on which operations can&apos;t being found. in the attached project only the getters can&apos;t be found.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 10:04:07</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61670)
test project
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 11:54:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61694)
Fixed Project
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-22 11:57:34</bug_when>
<thetext>Since get-Methods indicate access to properties these &quot;operations&quot; are not provided as operations, they are properties of the metaclass. Properties can be accessed simply by typing their name.
So instead of typing
you use
Different are setter methods, since they are real operations on the metatype.
See attached project for fix.
<date>2007-03-22 10:04</date>
<desc>test project</desc>
<date>2007-03-22 11:54</date>
<desc>Fixed Project</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-23 12:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Ant-Workflow NullPointerException if workflow fails</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-23 12:22:24</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-23 12:02:49</bug_when>
<thetext>If a workflow fails in the ant task, ant only displays a null pointer exception. Reason is that the ant-Task expects besides the exception also a cause - which is not always the case. The accompanying patch fixes the problem</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-23 12:04:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61845)
Complete Fixed in Line 75 is marked with &quot;:FIX:&quot;
File is the source delivered with Release 4.1.2</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-23 12:22:24</bug_when>
<thetext>Patch verified and applied.</thetext>
<date>2007-03-23 12:04</date>
<desc>Complete Fixed in Line 75 is marked with &quot;:FIX:&quot;</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-27 03:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>AOP-Example: Advice is not executed</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-27 03:36:57</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 03:33:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Project oaw4.demo.emf.datamodel.generator-aop
The code in Advices.xpt is not woven around the target definition.
Expected: The generated classes contain an AttrInfo instance variable for each attribute.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 03:36:57</bug_when>
In Advices.xpt the template name must be full qualified or qualified with wildcard &apos;*&apos;.
�AROUND Impl FOR data::Entity�
This definition cannot be found. Changed to:
�AROUND templates::Root::Impl FOR data::Entity�</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-06-04 03:35</creation_ts>
<short_desc>WeaverResourceUtil corrupts global package registry</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-10-02 05:27:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-04 03:35:54</bug_when>
<thetext>WeaverResourceUtil.registerResource invokes EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.put(nsURI, pkg) and consequently changes the global package registry for all other applications.
The local package registry should be updated, by using
resource.getResourceSet().getPackageRegistry() in place of EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.
(This of course requires that resources are looked up in the local package registry in the first place, so that delegation enables both local and gloabl registry to be searched.)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-31 18:27:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Actually, I&apos;m unconfortable w/ the use of EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE altogether.
The EMF SDO project has a decent way of creating a ResourceSet
(see org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo.util.SDOUtil.createResourceSet)
The UMLX project is also attempting to do something reasonable.
However, it looks to me that the approach taken in the webtools
project for integrating EMF w/ the rest of the Eclipse workspace stuff
is perhaps the cleanest way to go about it. Unfortunately, the API
is volatile at the moment.
Regardless which approach is taken, I think that ATL, AM3 and AMW should use *one* centrally-defined mechanism to deal with ResourceSets, whether it is SDO&apos;s, UML&apos;s or the EMF Workbench&apos;s.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-02 05:27:02</bug_when>
Now the plugin access a list of local resource sets.
However, it is not yet centralized with other GMT/AMMA plugins (this is an issue for future versions).
Important issue to be considered: how to access the global registry in a coherent way, because a metamodel and a model need to be in the same registry to be able to edit them with the Ecore editor.
<creation_ts>2007-01-16 06:08</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Not possible to create / edit AMW model in the projects created outside of the default Eclipse workspace.</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-25 08:34:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-16 06:08:33</bug_when>
<thetext>The AMW model editor calculates all file paths relatively to the default workspace root.
This makes it impossible to have AMW project located outside of the default Eclipse workspace.
Typically, the full file name is computed like this:
String fullPath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getLocation().toString() + metafile;
The solution I&apos;ve tried is to replace above code with the following:
String fullPath = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot().getFile(new Path(metafile)).getLocation().toString();
As a result, an absolute path of the given file is returned.
Fixes were necessary in following files:, and
Probably it would be not too bad to refactor this code into the separate utility method.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-25 08:34:02</bug_when>
<thetext>I integrated the modifications suggested.
The code is now factored in the method WeaverResourceUtil.getFullPath().</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-01 13:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error when I used the action &quot;Inject KM3 to MOF 1.4 Metamodel&quot; from the KM3 plugin</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-02 04:47:03</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-01 13:12:45</bug_when>
<thetext>I tried to generate a metamodel from a KM3 file by using the action &quot;Inject KM3 to MOF 1.4 Metamodel&quot;. The generated metamodel seems to be incorrect.
e.g. for ATOM.km3, the result is the following:
&lt;?xml version = &apos;1.0&apos; encoding = &apos;ISO-8859-1&apos; ?&gt;
&lt;XMI xmi.version = &apos;1.2&apos; xmlns:Model = &apos;org.omg.xmi.namespace.Model&apos; timestamp = &apos;Thu Feb 01 18:59:26 CET 2007&apos;&gt;
&lt;XMI.exporter&gt;Netbeans XMI Writer&lt;/XMI.exporter&gt;
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-02 04:47:03</bug_when>
<thetext>This problem is solved with the last version of the KM3 plugin.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-16 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>ATL does not support long integer</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-16 08:36:32</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 05:27:50</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: I20061102-1715
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Use a metamodel that have some features with ELong type (for example)
2. Try to put some integers value in those features
3. You get a ClassCastException : java.lang.Integer is incompatible with ...
More information:
ATL has a limited set of primitive types.
It could be nice to change ASMInteger so the underlying Java type would be long instead of int.
It could be also nice to support BigInteger.
Is there a workaround ?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 05:47:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61073)
Here is the patch for this bug.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 05:49:56</bug_when>
<thetext>Dear Delphin,
The bug is fixed with the previous patch.
I&apos;m waiting for some comments about it before closing the bug and commiting it to CVS.
Best regards.
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 08:27:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Thanks, the transformation doesn&apos;t crash now.
But I guess it does not yet allows to carry integer bigger than 32 bits.
For example 8589934592 will fail.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 08:36:32</bug_when>
<thetext>You guess right. This patch is just a workaround to return a Long integer but the VM continue to internally work with Integer.
Using BigInteger (or Long) for ASMInteger has to be tested thoroughly from a performance and compatibility point of view before any update of the VM.
Any help on this is welcome ;)
(In reply to comment #3)
&gt; Thanks, the transformation doesn&apos;t crash now.
&gt; But I guess it does not yet allows to carry integer bigger than 32 bits.
&gt; For example 8589934592 will fail.
<date>2007-03-16 05:47</date>
<desc>Here is the patch for this bug.</desc>
<filename>Bug #177717 patch.txt</filename>
<creation_ts>2007-02-25 03:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Cannot manage order of meta model contributors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-05 01:57:16</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-25 03:40:51</bug_when>
<thetext>I need to define not only which meta model contributors should be used within my project (workspace) but also the order in which they are asked about types.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-05 01:56:02</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=60243)
The new oAW properties page</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-05 01:57:16</bug_when>
<thetext>With the new properties dialog the order of metamodel contributors is configurable. </thetext>
<date>2007-03-05 01:56</date>
<filename>Bild 1.jpg</filename>
<creation_ts>2007-03-16 04:07</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Incorrect handling of &quot;Next&quot; button in oAW &quot;File New&quot; wizards</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-18 17:33:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 04:07:39</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: I20070222-0951
Steps To Reproduce:
1) Click File -&gt; New -&gt; Other
2) Choose xPand Template
3) Click Next
4) Choose a location for the new file
5) Enter a file name
6) Click &quot;Next&quot; -&gt; nothing will happen
7) Click &quot;Finish&quot; -&gt; the file will be created as expected.
In step (6), the &quot;Next&quot; button must not be enabled.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 17:33:17</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-03-16 05:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Enhance code completion in workflow files</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-20 06:03:26</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 05:58:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Workflow files can be configured using property files. It would be nice if the code completion feature could offer a list of properties from the associated property file.
&lt;property file=&quot;; /&gt;
&lt;component id=&quot;dirCleaner&quot;
class=&quot;org.openarchitectureware.workflow.common.DirectoryCleaner&quot; &gt;
&lt;directories value=&quot;&quot;/&gt;
When the cursor is situated between the quotation marks in the &lt;directories value=&quot;&quot;/&gt; tag, code completion should offer this list:
When the user chooses an entry from this list, the entry must be inserted in variable notation:
&lt;directories value=&quot;${modelFile}&quot;/&gt;
This should work for property files as well as for properties defined in the workflow file itself.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 06:03:26</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed. Properties will be read from &lt;property name=&quot;somename&quot; value=&quot;somevalue&quot; /&gt; tags and external property files.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-16 10:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Provide oAW perspective</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-18 17:58:48</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-16 10:41:28</bug_when>
<thetext>We should provide an oAW perspective. This would give us the chance to customize the contents of the &quot;File -&gt; New&quot; menu and the &quot;New&quot; context menu (I find it quite cumbersome to click my way through &quot;File -&gt; New -&gt; Other -&gt; openArchitectureWare -&gt; (some artifact type)&quot; just to create an oAW file.
How much nicer it would be to just click &quot;File -&gt; New -&gt; Check file&quot; !</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 17:57:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=61232)
oAW Perspective
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 17:58:48</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed. The new oAW perspective is based on the Java perspective, but adds a properties view and of course a list of &quot;New&quot; wizards.</thetext>
<date>2007-03-18 17:57</date>
<desc>oAW Perspective</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-20 14:31</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Error message when removing all metamodel contributors</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-21 07:37:44</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Mac OS</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-20 14:31:52</bug_when>
<thetext>Steps to reproduce:
1) Take some oAW project with project specific settings
2) Open the project&apos;s properties
3) Remove all metamodel contributors
4) Apply the settings
=&gt; The error view reports an info message:
&quot;Metamodel contributor &apos;&apos; is not available&quot;
This message should be suppressed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 03:31:01</bug_when>
<thetext>Could not reproduce (on Windows). Could you specify the exact versions you&apos;re using?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 03:49:28</bug_when>
Eclipse 3.2.2
oAW 4.1.2 final
Its only a message with severity INFO, but it occurs in the error log.
If you cannot reproduce it assign I will assign the bug to myself.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 07:37:44</bug_when>
<thetext>Reproduced &amp; Fixed. Thanks for insisting :-)</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-27 05:02</creation_ts>
<short_desc>F11 Missing in oAW Perspective</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-27 09:40:42</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 05:02:00</bug_when>
<thetext>The oAW Perspective (which is great, by the way!) does not map the F11 / Ctrl+F11 shortcut to re-run the most recent Java program. Since this mechanism is also used to (re-)run an oAW generator workflow, this feature is really important.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-27 09:40:42</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-27 09:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText Editor: keywords are also colorized at the end of an identifier</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:25:17</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-27 09:05:53</bug_when>
<thetext>The generated editor for a given DSL always colorize the keywords of the DSL when the keyword is containd at the end of an identifier. The colorize rule seems to be something like keyword and the next charachter is a blank, then colorize. And so all keywords embedded at the end of an identifier will be colorized. Example: keyword &quot;string&quot;, DSL: &lt;type identifier&gt;: string mystring. The result is that both &quot;string&quot;, the keyword &quot;string&quot; and the embedded part of &quot;mystring&quot; are colorized
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:25:17</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-09-29 08:25</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText feature request: Number token</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:26:10</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-29 08:25:20</bug_when>
<thetext>It would be nice to have something like a number token to generate DSL with number semantics, for example a language with &quot;size&quot; keyword and after the blank there should be a number to define the size. To avoid the input through a string token with the annoying &quot;...&quot; characters, it would be nice to define the value direct through a number token. I am not sure when there is a number token for integer values, there should be perhaps also one for a float token.
Thanx, Marcel</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-29 08:38:43</bug_when>
<thetext>There is such a token alread. But it&apos;s not documented.
The keyword is &quot;INT&quot;.
StrintType :
&quot;String&quot; (&quot;(&quot; maxval=INT &quot;)&quot;)?;
something like that...</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 10:51:00</bug_when>
<thetext>@Sven: Please update the documentation</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:26:10</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-10-20 12:41</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Unable to specify string rules in xtext for real numbers in oaw4.1</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:24:58</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-20 12:41:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Found in oaw 4.1 xtext.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Following rule is written trying to represent real numbers in xtext.
String real:
(&quot;-&quot;|&quot;+&quot;)? INT &quot;.&quot; INT ((&quot;e&quot;|&quot;E&quot;)(&quot;-&quot;|&quot;+&quot;)? INT)? ;
Expected Result : to match 1.22e12
Actual Result : was only matching 1.22+e12 or 1.22-e12 is also doing matches to 1.22 e 12. Possible because white space is default seperator.
Would be great if there is a REString rule or something to that effect where we directly specify what characters to match.
Other examples:
String binary:
( &quot;+&quot; | &quot;-&quot; )? (&quot;0&quot;|&quot;1&quot;)+ ( &quot;b&quot; | &quot;B&quot; );
Was not matching 01b
String hex:
(&quot;0x&quot; | &quot;0X&quot;) (&quot;a&quot; | &quot;A&quot; | &quot;b&quot; | &quot;B&quot; | &quot;c&quot; | &quot;C&quot; | &quot;d&quot; | &quot;D&quot; | &quot;e&quot; | &quot;E&quot; | &quot;f&quot; | &quot;F&quot;|INT)+;
Was not matching 0xFF</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 07:51:22</bug_when>
<thetext>Just a remarker (for me):
For String rules we need to genereate Scanner rules instead of parser rules.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-24 08:12:57</bug_when>
<thetext>This is no blocker (perhaps for your specific problem). Rating this down to &apos;major&apos;.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:24:58</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed with introducion of native rules</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-10-21 21:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>BugFix - Userdefined Strings (with custom delimiters) do not work</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:27:30</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-21 21:43:38</bug_when>
<thetext> </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-21 21:46:21</bug_when>
<thetext>Using strings like STRING(&quot;$&quot;,&quot;$&quot;) did not work in XText. The editor accepted it, but the transformer didn&apos;t receive any values from the string.
There was a type in the template for the ANTLR grammar. The attached patch fixes it.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-21 21:47:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52481)
Patch to fix bug
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 05:30:44</bug_when>
<thetext>@Sven: Could you please verify the attached patch?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:27:30</bug_when>
<thetext>The STRING(..,..) token, and the LINE(..) token have been replaced with native rules.</thetext>
<date>2006-10-21 21:47</date>
<desc>Patch to fix bug</desc>
<filename>xtext.core.patch - custom strings bug.txt</filename>
<creation_ts>2006-10-21 21:49</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Strange token names in generated Grammar. Like TOKENIIIIIIIIIIIII</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 04:49:02</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-21 21:49:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Suggestion: Use Roman numbers.
Patch attached ;)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-10-21 21:50:01</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=52482)
Patch to fix request
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-14 05:07:16</bug_when>
<thetext>(In reply to comment #1)
&gt; Created an attachment (id=52482) [details]
&gt; Patch to fix request
Why roman numbers?!
What about using the string rule name?
I have tried to define tokens using the string rule like:
String DebuggerKeyword :
String BeginPunctuator :
The generated ANTLR code is:
ruleDebuggerKeyword returns [String s=null, temp=null] :
{ if (s==null) { s= LT(0).getText(); } else { s+=LT(0).getText();}}
ruleBeginPunctuator returns [String s=null, temp=null] :
{ if (s==null) { s= LT(0).getText(); } else { s+=LT(0).getText();}}
It seems like the annoying &quot;TOKEN...&quot; is generated whenever the keyword doesn&apos;t begin with a letter or underscore.
Strange, isn&apos;t it?</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 04:49:02</bug_when>
<date>2006-10-21 21:50</date>
<desc>Patch to fix request</desc>
<filename>xtext.core.patch - tokens with roman numbers.txt</filename>
<creation_ts>2006-11-03 04:01</creation_ts>
<short_desc>xText parser error reporting is not working properly</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:22:28</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-11-03 04:01:00</bug_when>
<thetext>If typing some wrong syntax based on the following gramar rule, no error output is shown. Just the Eclipse console shows some exception output.
xtext rule:
&quot;Aspect&quot; name=ID
(&quot;extends&quot; aspectGeneralization=AspectGeneralization)?
(&quot;depends&quot; (aspectDependencies+=AspectDependency)+)?
wrong syntax example (missing curly bracket) should show an error output, but validates to true:
Aspect foobar {
console output:
line 3:18: expecting TOKENII, found &apos;null&apos;
at antlr.Parser.match(
at de.exxcellent.plexx.parser.xxaspectParser.ruleAspect(
at de.exxcellent.plexx.parser.xxaspectParser.ruleAspectContainer(
at de.exxcellent.plexx.xxaspectUtilities.internalParse(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.AbstractLanguageUtilities.parse(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.XtextReconcilingStrategy.reconcile(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.XtextReconcilingStrategy.reconcile(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.MonoReconciler.process(
at org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.AbstractReconciler$
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.marker.XtextResourceChangeListener.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.marker.XtextResourceChangeListener$2$1.execute(
at org.eclipse.ui.actions.WorkspaceModifyOperation$
at org.openarchitectureware.xtext.editor.marker.XtextResourceChangeListener$
! But:
Aspect foobar {
Aspect foobar {}
validates to false</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:22:28</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-10 04:53</creation_ts>
<short_desc>String is always recognized as Keyword</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 04:52:26</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-10 04:53:10</bug_when>
<thetext>Version is 4.1.1 final
E.g. this does not work:
Enum DataType :
As String is recognized as a keyword and the parser tells me that this tokes is unexpected</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 04:52:26</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-12-27 11:43</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Editor Convenience</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-04 04:13:22</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-12-27 11:43:51</bug_when>
<thetext>In somewhat bigger Extend files, it is really very hard to
navigate because the Outline view is not alphabetically
sorted and there&apos;s no &quot;Go To Definition&quot; feature</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 02:31:51</bug_when>
<thetext>Rating down to enhancement</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 09:42:29</bug_when>
Bug is left for now open as there is a small bug in this feature: the outline is always &quot;one step behind&quot;</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-04 04:13:13</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-04 04:13:22</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2007-02-08 16:18</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF enum type cast error</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-22 16:21:06</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 16:18:17</bug_when>
<thetext>Sorry I posted description of the phenomenon at the forum:;showtopic=3202
I will attach you the project to reproduce the bug. To compile my own example maybe is not necessary, but i just point to you the source of it:
The xtext source is at q7.dsl/src/q7dsl.xtxt
The problematic code is at q7/src/convertor/
Cheers -- yijun</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 17:00:33</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=58607)
the workspace in order to reproduce the error</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-08 17:10:09</bug_when>
<thetext>(From update of attachment 58607)
&gt;&lt;HTML&gt;&lt;HEAD/&gt;&lt;SCRIPT src=&quot;chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/injection_graph_func.js&quot; id=&quot;injection_graph_func&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot;/&gt;&lt;LINK id=&quot;injection_graph_css&quot; charset=&quot;utf-8&quot; rel=&quot;stylesheet&quot; type=&quot;text/css&quot; href=&quot;chrome://skype_ff_toolbar_win/content/injection_graph.css&quot;/&gt;&lt;BODY&gt;&lt;PRE&gt;the workspace contains the related projects. Please import them when your Eclipse is equiped with oaW 4.1.1 (xtext):
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-22 16:21:06</bug_when>
<thetext>Fixed in Xtext 4.1.2</thetext>
<date>2007-02-08 17:00</date>
<desc>the workspace in order to reproduce the error</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-02-20 02:11</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Hierarchical grammars lead to OOM-Exceptions</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-02 05:16:25</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 02:11:38</bug_when>
<thetext>Sven, please see the attachment.
The grammar is a grammar for a simple language.
In the zip you&apos;ll find some samples illustrating the problem</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-20 02:12:09</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59349)
grammar and sample
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-02 05:16:25</bug_when>
<date>2007-02-20 02:12</date>
<desc>grammar and sample</desc>
<creation_ts>2007-03-18 15:54</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[uml2ecore] Property resourcePerToplevelPackage</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-21 16:16:54</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 15:54:18</bug_when>
<thetext>The property &quot;resourcePerToplevelPackage&quot; is required by the cartridge. If not specified I get
property resourcePerToplevelPackage not specified!
Is this property really required? It is not documented in the reference doc, so this doc should be updated. Further in the docs of the workflow it seems to be documented wrong, since it has the same doc as the includedPackages property (copy/paste?)
&lt;!-- as well as the packages that should be included in the transformation --&gt;
&lt;globalVarDef name=&quot;includedPackages&quot; value=&quot;&apos;${includedPackages}&apos;&quot;/&gt;
&lt;!-- as well as the packages that should be included in the transformation --&gt;
&lt;globalVarDef name=&quot;resourcePerToplevelPackage&quot; value=&quot;&apos;${resourcePerToplevelPackage}&apos;&quot;/&gt;</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 16:16:54</bug_when>
<thetext>fixed - documentation updated.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-03-18 15:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[uml2ecore] Dependency to stdlib</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-03-21 16:18:15</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-18 15:58:19</bug_when>
<thetext>If only a dependency to uml2ecore exists the workflow execution complains the missing stdlib dependency:
402 ERROR WorkflowRunner - Class not found: &apos;org.openarchitectureware.util.stdlib.ExtIssueReporter&apos; [bean component class=&apos;org.openarchitectureware.util.stdlib.ExtIssueReporter&apos; in org/openarchitectureware/util/uml2ecore/uml2ecoreWorkflow.oaw:46]
I guess that this dependency should be reexported in the uml2ecore plugin.
(Of course adding a dependency to stdlib solves the problem, too. But this is just a workaround)</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-03-21 16:18:15</bug_when>
<thetext>reexport flag added.</thetext>
<creation_ts>2007-02-26 07:56</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Duplicate entries in problems view when using oAW-GMF-Adapter</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-02-27 05:33:41</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 07:56:15</bug_when>
<thetext>Build ID: M20070212-1330
Steps To Reproduce:
1. Install the statemachine2 example from the tutorial &apos;From Frontend to Code...&apos;
2. Install the projects included in the attachment
3. Create a statemachine diagram and create a model which includes some violation of the constraints.
4. duplicate entries appear in the problems view.
More information:
When more than one validation plugin, which uses the oAW-GMF-Adapter infrastructure (like oaw4.demo.gmf.statemachine2.etc&apos;, is used within a workspace, then multiple entries of validation issues appear in the problems view (one per plugin). So each validation plugin cares about all possible constraints and not just for those which it is implemented for.
In order to reproduce the problem, the projects contained in the attached archive file can be used.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 08:01:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59779)
eclipse projects to reproduce the problem
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-26 08:08:29</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=59780)
a screenshot...
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-02-27 05:33:41</bug_when>
<thetext>The problem is the usage of the generated ValidationAction from gmf.
This actions sets the markers. When it is called. In oAW I do not have a change change that. To avoid this problem you have write your own ValidationAction which (prior it runs) checks if the element to check is on its diagram.
Maybe we can someday provide a utility for that.</thetext>
<date>2007-02-26 08:01</date>
<desc>eclipse projects to reproduce the problem</desc>
<date>2007-02-26 08:08</date>
<desc>a screenshot...</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-03-24 02:12</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[builder] Extension files from other projects not found</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-06-28 06:01:11</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-24 02:12:09</bug_when>
<thetext>I have to cartridge projects. Project A has an extension file de::itemis::oaw::javabasics::ext::NameConventions. Project B has a project reference to Project A and uses an extension defined in &quot;NameConventions&quot;.
The builder reports this error:
Error parsing extensions : Unable to load extension file : de::itemis::oaw::javabasics::ext::NameConventions</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:10:47</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-28 06:00:32</bug_when>
<thetext>Changed state to FIXED</thetext>
<creation_ts>2006-08-14 14:05</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xmiInstantiator] MagicDraw11: PrimitiveType instantiation from profiles</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-17 08:55:54</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-14 14:05:48</bug_when>
<thetext>When using MagicDraw11 instantiation of PrimitiveTypes defined in profiles (e.g. &quot;String&quot; from the UML profile) fails. The types are instantiated twice, leading to an AttributeStoreException:
540 ERROR &lt;&lt;Key&gt;&gt; [no Name@30774096]: could not set property Type = [&lt;&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;&gt; [no Name@6686632], &lt;&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;&gt; [no Name@29307400]]
org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.AttributeStoreException: attribute Type of &lt;&lt;Key&gt;&gt; [no Name@30774096] cannot be set to [&lt;&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;&gt; [no Name@6686632], &lt;&lt;PrimitiveType&gt;&gt; [no Name@29307400]]
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.DefaultInstantiatorService.setAttribute(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.MappingInstantiator.setProperties(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.MappingInstantiator.instantiateMetamodel(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.MappingInstantiator.loadDesign(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.frontends.xmi.workflow.XMIInstantiator.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.internalInvoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.container.CompositeComponent.invoke(
at org.openarchitectureware.workflow.WorkflowRunner.executeWorkflow(
Problem does not exist if &quot;String&quot; is defined within the model.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-13 03:17:05</bug_when>
<thetext>TOBEFIXEDIN411 </thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 08:45:25</bug_when>
<thetext>Problem was solved by Ingo Feltes.
In MagicDraw 11 the XMI export contains more than one xmi:Extension areas. File MagicDrawModuleMerger fixed.
- MagicDrawModuleMerger 1.7</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 08:53:30</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=50338)
Patched file
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-17 08:55:54</bug_when>
<thetext>Verified by Unittest.</thetext>
<date>2006-09-17 08:53</date>
<desc>Patched file</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-09-06 18:09</creation_ts>
<short_desc>EMF2KM3 transformation don&apos;t work for subPackages</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-09-07 10:32:14</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 18:09:17</bug_when>
<thetext>EMF2KM3.atl transformation don&apos;t work for subPackages</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 18:10:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=49562)
Fixed EMF2KM3 for subPackages
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-06 18:11:27</bug_when>
<thetext>EMF2KM3.atl fixed for subPackages and oreder when upperBound = 1</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-07 10:30:03</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-09-07 10:32:14</bug_when>
<thetext>Integrated in CVS</thetext>
<date>2006-09-06 18:10</date>
<desc>Fixed EMF2KM3 for subPackages</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-03-20 09:40</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand-plugin] Parser issues using EMF metamodel for UML2</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-02 16:38:49</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-20 09:40:57</bug_when>
<thetext>The parser in the plugin seems to have several problems with my EMF-based UML2 models. Both global and project prefs are set to EMF metamodel, and UML2.ecore can be found in the classpath. All extensions and templates are syntactically correct - the generator produces the correct output without any errors. But my problem view shows 126 errors, many of the are surely interrelated somehow, so I post all of them in one single bug report instead of separate bugs for each issue.
1) Builtin String-Type methods cannot be found for uml2::Strings. The following extension
String getJavaName(uml2::Package p) :
p.qualifiedName.replaceAll(&quot;::&quot;, &quot;.&quot;)
produces this error: Couldn&apos;t find operation &apos;replaceAll(String,String)&apos; for type &apos;uml2::String&apos;.
p.qualifiedName returns a uml2::String, which is implemented as java.lang.String. The generator accepts all methods of the builtin String type. The plugin does not.
The same error applies to the &quot;+&quot; operator on Strings and the like, e.g. the &quot;==&quot; operator for comparing uml2::UnlimitedNatural with Integers.
2) Another problem occurs with this extension fragment, which uses the first extension:
extension extensions::Package;
String getImplBasePackageName(uml2::Class bo) :
bo.package.getJavaName() + &quot;.implbase&quot;
The error is: couldn&apos;t resolve return type for extension String getJavaName(uml2::Package p)! Errors : [[Callable not found] - Couldn&apos;t find operation &apos;replaceAll(String,String)&apos; for type &apos;uml2::String&apos; : p.qualifiedName.replaceAll(&quot;::&quot;,&quot;.&quot;)]
I don&apos;t see why the return type cannot be resolved when it is written in the extension declaration. So even _if_ parsing one extension body produces errors, _using_ that extension in other places should not produce a problem marker. This behavior results in an explosion of error markers.
3) Error parsing switch statement. The following extension
String getJavaTypeName(uml2::Type t) :
({t}.typeSelect(uml2::DataType)).size != 0 ?
(switch ( {
case &quot;Integer&quot;: &quot;Integer&quot;
case &quot;String&quot; : &quot;String&quot;
case &quot;Boolean&quot; : &quot;Boolean&quot;
case &quot;Real&quot; : &quot;java.math.BigDecimal&quot;
default: t.getFullyQualifiedJavaName()
produces this NPE (taken from the Error Log view):
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.SwitchExpression.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.expression.ast.IfExpression.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExpressionExtensionStatement.analyzeInternal(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.Extension.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.ast.ExtensionFile.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.core.internal.XtendFileImpl.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.xtend.core.internal.XtendFileImpl.analyze(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.internal.OawProject.findOawResource(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawBuilder.reloadResource(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawBuilder$XpandResourceVisitor.visit(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource$2.visit(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource$1.visitElement(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator.doIteration(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator.doIteration(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator.doIteration(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator.doIteration(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.watson.ElementTreeIterator.iterate(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Resource.accept(
at org.openarchitectureware.core.builder.OawBuilder.fullBuild(
4) Probably as a follow-up error of this, the following template definition
�DEFINE Attribute FOR uml2::Property�
private �this.getJavaMemberTypeName()� �� =
�IF this.upperBound() == 1�
�IF this.isOrdered�
new java.util.LinkedList()
new java.util.HashSet()
which uses the above extension from extensions::Type.ext produces the following list of errors:
* Line 2: Error parsing extensions : Unable to load extension file : extensions::Type
* Line 3: Couldn&apos;t find operation &apos;==(Integer)&apos; for type &apos;uml2::UnlimitedNatural&apos;
* Line 6: Boolean expected!
What is the problem in line 6, &quot;�IF this.isOrdered�&quot;?
5) Extension &quot;extensions::StringHelper&quot; defines this:
String buildUppercaseName(String name) :
JAVA de.exxcellent.plexx.util.StringHelper.buildUppercaseName(java.lang.String);
Another extension is defined as follows:
extension extensions::StringHelper;
String getUppercaseName(uml2::NamedElement e) :
But I receive the following error:
Couldn&apos;t find extensions : buildUppercaseName( Even changing the signature from &quot;buildUppercaseName(String name)&quot; to &quot;buildUppercaseName(uml2::String name)&quot; does not help.
So, that&apos;s it for the moment. Let me know if you need any more information.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-23 08:52:39</bug_when>
<thetext>There are different issues:
1) we cannot use the EMFMetamodel implementation for UML2, because UML2 uses it&apos;s own primitive types, which have to be mapped to oAW&apos;s built in types accordingly.
At least for static analyzation. Working on it.
2) The analyzation of extensions was context sensitive so far (even if you have specified a return type). I changed this. Now, the return type will be used if exists.
3) The NPE issue in the switchAST is fixed.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:28:25</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-02 16:38:22</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-02 16:38:49</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-03-21 08:30</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[xpand] Performance enhancement for ResourceManager</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 16:17:59</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-21 08:30:41</bug_when>
<thetext>The ResourceManagerDefaultImpl maintains a HashMap of parsed resources. But when a resouce is requested, it is always parsed again, instead of first looking it up in the HashMap. This is a major performance bottleneck. In my example, a generator run took 7,5 minutes. Using the parsed resource HashMap (see attached patch) it only took less than 2 minutes.
[The patch looks a bit awkward because of the changed indentation...]</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-21 08:31:27</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=36656)
Patch using the HashMap
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-21 12:18:40</bug_when>
<thetext>APPLIED ADN FIXED!</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-03-30 05:50:54</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 16:17:07</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 16:17:59</bug_when>
<date>2006-03-21 08:31</date>
<desc>Patch using the HashMap</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-05-17 06:57</creation_ts>
<short_desc>FIXED [xtend] Namespace Delimiter Wrong</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-05-18 06:38:08</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-17 06:57:13</bug_when>
<thetext>The delimited between an extend file and the root function
in the XTend Component must be ::, not .</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 05:08:41</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-05-18 06:38:08</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-06-20 14:58</creation_ts>
<short_desc>Project specific settings are only stored in workspace scope, not in project scope</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-07-04 14:31:47</delta_ts>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-20 14:58:37</bug_when>
<thetext>The project specific settings for the metamodel are stored in the workspace scope, not in the project scope (i.e. under a &quot;.settings&quot; directory in the project path).
This is bad when working with teams, since each team member will have to set the metamodel preference individually.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-20 15:00:35</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=44937)
proposed patch
Proposed patch for storing the preferences in the project scope. Forgive me if I did it clumsily - I&apos;m not an Eclipse Platform expert ;-)
This is a project-level patch.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-04 14:31:24</bug_when>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-07-04 14:31:47</bug_when>
<date>2006-06-20 15:00</date>
<desc>proposed patch</desc>
<creation_ts>2006-08-22 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[release] Maven repository does not contain oAW4.1 Final</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-22 05:29:01</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:27:16</bug_when>
<thetext>The Maven2 repository on contains still the version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. The final release is not available yet.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:28:34</bug_when>
<thetext>duplicate entry</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:29:01</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-08-22 05:27</creation_ts>
<short_desc>[release] Maven repository does not contain oAW4.1 Final</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2006-08-22 05:29:31</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:27:24</bug_when>
<thetext>The Maven2 repository on contains still the version 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT. The final release is not available yet.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:29:20</bug_when>
<thetext>duplicate entry</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-08-22 05:29:31</bug_when>
<creation_ts>2006-06-21 08:33</creation_ts>
<short_desc>OAW4.0 / OAW-Classic: Reload of project in eclipse generates error</short_desc>
<delta_ts>2007-01-09 16:22:13</delta_ts>
<op_sys>Windows XP</op_sys>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2006-06-21 08:33:34</bug_when>
Working with eclipse 3.1.2 / emf_sdo 2.1.2 / oaw 4.0.0 / oaw_classic
Having a java project in eclipse with enabled openArchitectureware nature and enabled oaw_classic metamodel.
When unloading project from eclips workspace and importing existing project again, oaw-nature is still enabled but oaw_classic as project specific setting not.
When activating, following error occures:
An internal error occured during: &quot;Analyzing &lt;project&gt;.
Ambigues operations:
And in all template and exchange files the metamodel classes could not be found.
Disable oaw nature in project options.
Remove project from workspace.
Import project to workspace again and set oaw nature and metamodel type.
Regards, Ueli</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 15:02:19</bug_when>
<thetext>Created an attachment (id=56655)
Example Project
Error does not occur with this project. Metamodel settings are correct after importing.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 15:02:45</bug_when>
<thetext>Bug does not occur with current state.</thetext>
<long_desc isprivate="0">
<bug_when>2007-01-09 16:22:13</bug_when>
<thetext>I checked it with oaw 4.1.1 v20061128 and it worked.</thetext>
<date>2007-01-09 15:02</date>
<desc>Example Project</desc>