blob: 312defd4aa13e43d187d0f4dbdd56537eada9380 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2008, 2019 Mia-Software and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Nicolas Bros (Mia-Software) - initial API and implementation
* Nicolas Payneau (Mia-Software) - Enable editability
package org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.editors;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.UnexecutableCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.DeleteCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.RemoveCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.SetCommand;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain.EditingDomain;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateChildAction;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateSiblingAction;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CutAction;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.DeleteAction;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.EditingDomainActionBarContributor;
import org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.ValidateAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.GroupMarker;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuListener;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.IToolBarManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.Separator;
import org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionItem;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionProvider;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IStructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent;
import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredSelection;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.Messages;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.BrowseAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.DecreaseFontSizeAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.ExecuteSelectedQueryAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.IBrowserActionBarContributor;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.IncreaseFontSizeAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.LoadCustomizationsAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.LoadFacetsAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.OpenTableEditorAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.RefreshViewerAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.RemoveQueryAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.RestoreFontSizeAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.SelectQueryAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.ShowBothPanelsAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.ShowOnlyInstancesPanelAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.ShowOnlyTypesPanelAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.actions.ShowPropertiesViewAction;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.core.QueryItem;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.editors.table.TableEditor;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.uicore.internal.model.ITreeElement;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.uicore.internal.model.LinkItem;
import org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.uicore.internal.model.ModelElementItem;
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorPart;
import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants;
/** Action bar contributor for the MoDisco Ecore model browser. */
public class BrowserActionBarContributor extends EditingDomainActionBarContributor implements
IBrowserSelectionChangedListener, IBrowserActionBarContributor {
private static final String EDIT_MENU_ID = "org.eclipse.modisco.infra.browser.editMenu"; //$NON-NLS-1$
/** This keeps track of the active editor. */
private IEditorPart fActiveEditor;
/** This keeps track of the current selection provider. */
private ISelectionProvider selectionProvider;
/** This action opens the "Properties" view. */
private final IAction showPropertiesViewAction = new ShowPropertiesViewAction();
public EcoreBrowser getBrowser() {
return (EcoreBrowser) this.fActiveEditor;
/** This action opens a table editor on the current selection. */
private final IAction openTableEditorAction = new OpenTableEditorAction(this);
* This action refreshes the viewer of the current editor if the editor
* implements {@link org.eclipse.emf.common.ui.viewer.IViewerProvider}.
private final IAction refreshViewerAction = new RefreshViewerAction(this);
* This action makes it possible to select a query to be shown on each
* occurrence of the selected model element
private final IAction selectQueryAction = new SelectQueryAction(this);
/** Executes the selected query(-ies) */
private final IAction executeSelectedQueryAction = new ExecuteSelectedQueryAction(this);
/** Removes the selected query(-ies) */
private final IAction removeQueryAction = new RemoveQueryAction(this);
* The current selection, updated when an event is received from the
* selection provider
private ISelection fSelection;
public ISelection getSelection() {
return this.fSelection;
* An action to show the selected element in the list of instances of its
* metaclass
private final Action browseAction = new BrowseAction(this);
/** An action to increase font size */
private final Action increaseFontSizeAction = new IncreaseFontSizeAction(this);
/** An action to decrease font size */
private final Action decreaseFontSizeAction = new DecreaseFontSizeAction(this);
/** An action to restore font size */
private final Action restoreFontSizeAction = new RestoreFontSizeAction(this);
private final Action loadCustomizationsAction = new LoadCustomizationsAction(this);
private final Action loadFacetsAction = new LoadFacetsAction(this);
private final Action showOnlyInstancesPanelAction = new ShowOnlyInstancesPanelAction(this);
private final Action showOnlyTypesPanelAction = new ShowOnlyTypesPanelAction(this);
private final Action showBothPanelsAction = new ShowBothPanelsAction(this);
* This will contain one
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateChildAction} corresponding to
* each descriptor generated for the current selection by the item provider.
private Collection<IAction> createChildActions;
* This is the menu manager into which menu contribution items should be
* added for CreateChild actions.
private IMenuManager createChildMenuManager;
private IMenuManager editorMenuManager;
// private final IAction loadMetamodelAction = new Action(
// Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_loadMetamodel) {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// UriSelectionDialog uriSelectionDialog = new UriSelectionDialog(
// BrowserActionBarContributor.this.fActiveEditor.getSite().getShell());
// uriSelectionDialog.setTitle(Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_chooseMetamodel);
// if ( == Window.OK) {
// String uri = uriSelectionDialog.getUriSelected();
// EPackage ePackage = EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(uri);
// EList<Resource> resources = getBrowser().getResourceSet().getResources();
// if (ePackage.eResource() != null &&
// !resources.contains(ePackage.eResource())) {
// resources.add(ePackage.eResource());
// }
// }
// }
// };
// /**
// * This will contain one
// * {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateSiblingAction}
// corresponding
// * to each descriptor generated for the current selection by the item
// * provider.
// */
// private Collection<IAction> createSiblingActions;
// /**
// * This is the menu manager into which menu contribution items should be
// * added for CreateSibling actions.
// */
// private IMenuManager createSiblingMenuManager;
public BrowserActionBarContributor() {
this.validateAction = new ValidateAction() {
public boolean updateSelection(final IStructuredSelection selection) {
return super.updateSelection((IStructuredSelection) BrowserUtils
/** This adds {@link Action}s to the tool bar. */
public void contributeToToolBar(final IToolBarManager toolBarManager) {
* When the active editor changes, this remembers the change and registers
* with it as a selection provider.
public void setActiveEditor(final IEditorPart part) {
this.fActiveEditor = part;
// Switch to the new selection provider.
if (this.selectionProvider != null) {
if (part == null) {
this.selectionProvider = null;
} else {
if (part instanceof EcoreBrowser) {
final EcoreBrowser browser = (EcoreBrowser) part;
this.selectionProvider = browser.getSite().getSelectionProvider();
// Fake a selection changed event to update the menus.
if (browser.getEditorSelection() != null) {
selectionChanged(new SelectionChangedEvent(this.selectionProvider,
* This implements
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener}, memorizing
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent}s to be able to
* build the menu when they are about to be shown (see
* {@link BrowserActionBarContributor#menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager)}).
public void selectionChanged(final SelectionChangedEvent event) {
this.fSelection = event.getSelection();
/** Update actions state depending on the selection in the editor */
private void updateActions(final ISelection selection) {
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
} else {
* Whether to enable the browse action. The browse action is enabled only if
* the selected element corresponds to an EObject.
private boolean enableBrowse(final ISelection selection) {
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
final IStructuredSelection structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
if (structuredSelection.size() != 1) {
return false;
final Object element = structuredSelection.getFirstElement();
if (element instanceof ModelElementItem) {
EObject eObject = ((ModelElementItem) element).getEObject();
Resource eResource = eObject.eResource();
if (eResource != null) {
ResourceSet resourceSet = eResource.getResourceSet();
if (resourceSet == getBrowser().getResourceSet()) {
return true;
return false;
return false;
/** This populates the pop-up menu before it appears. */
public void menuAboutToShow(final IMenuManager menuManager) {
if (!getBrowser().isReadOnly()) {
final MenuManager submenuManager = new MenuManager(Messages.UI_CreateChild_menu_item);
submenuManager.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() {
public void menuAboutToShow(final IMenuManager manager) {
BrowserActionBarContributor.this.createChildActions, null);
// submenuManager = new
// MenuManager(Messages.UI_CreateSibling_menu_item);
// populateManager(submenuManager, this.createSiblingActions, null);
// menuManager.insertBefore("edit", submenuManager); //$NON-NLS-1$
int nSelectedModelElementItems = selectionCount(ModelElementItem.class);
if (nSelectedModelElementItems > 0) {
if (nSelectedModelElementItems > 1) {
} else {
int nSelectedQueries = selectionCount(QueryItem.class);
if (nSelectedQueries > 0) {
if (nSelectedQueries > 1) {
} else {
if (!getBrowser().isReadOnly()) {
menuManager.add(new Separator());
menuManager.add(new GroupMarker(IWorkbenchActionConstants.MB_ADDITIONS));
* De-populate and re-populate the menu based on the current selection.
* Query for the children and siblings that can be added to the selected
* object and update the menus accordingly.
private void updateMenu() {
// Remove any menu items for old selection
if (this.createChildMenuManager != null) {
depopulateManager(this.createChildMenuManager, this.createChildActions);
// if (this.createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
// depopulateManager(this.createSiblingMenuManager,
// this.createSiblingActions);
// }
Collection<?> newChildDescriptors = null;
// Collection<?> newSiblingDescriptors = null;
ISelection selectionOnBrowser = null;
if (this.fSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection
&& ((IStructuredSelection) this.fSelection).size() == 1) {
if (this.fActiveEditor instanceof EcoreBrowser) {
selectionOnBrowser = ((EcoreBrowser) this.fActiveEditor).getSelection();
Object selectedObject = ((IStructuredSelection) this.fSelection).getFirstElement();
EditingDomain domain = getBrowser().getEditingDomain();
newChildDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(selectedObject, null);
// newSiblingDescriptors = domain.getNewChildDescriptors(null,
// selectedObject);
if (selectedObject instanceof LinkItem) {
LinkItem linkItem = (LinkItem) selectedObject;
selectionOnBrowser = new StructuredSelection(
((ModelElementItem) linkItem.getTreeParent()).getEObject());
// Generate actions for selection; populate and redraw the menus
this.createChildActions = generateCreateChildActions(newChildDescriptors,
// this.createSiblingActions =
// generateCreateSiblingActions(newSiblingDescriptors,
// selectionOnBrowser);
if (this.createChildMenuManager != null) {
populateManager(this.createChildMenuManager, this.createChildActions, null);
// if (this.createSiblingMenuManager != null) {
// populateManager(this.createSiblingMenuManager,
// this.createSiblingActions, null);
// this.createSiblingMenuManager.update(true);
// }
private int selectionCount(final Class<?> clazz) {
ISelection selection = getSelection();
int count = 0;
if (selection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) selection;
Iterator<?> iterator = structuredSelection.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object element =;
if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(element.getClass())) {
return count;
public IEditorPart getActiveEditor() {
return this.fActiveEditor;
public void contributeToMenu(final IMenuManager menuManager) {
this.editorMenuManager = new MenuManager(Messages.UI_modiscoEditor_menu,
menuManager.insertAfter("additions", this.editorMenuManager); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator());
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator());
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator("settings")); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator("actions")); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator("additions")); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.editorMenuManager.add(new Separator("additions-end")); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Prepare for CreateChild item addition or removal.
this.createChildMenuManager = new MenuManager(Messages.UI_CreateChild_menu_item);
this.createChildMenuManager.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() {
public void menuAboutToShow(final IMenuManager manager) {
// so that the "New Child" item is updated in the main menu
this.editorMenuManager.insertBefore("additions", this.createChildMenuManager); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Prepare for CreateSibling item addition or removal.
// this.createSiblingMenuManager = new
// MenuManager(Messages.UI_CreateSibling_menu_item);
// submenuManager.insertBefore("additions", this.createSiblingMenuManager); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Force an update because Eclipse hides empty menus now.
this.editorMenuManager.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() {
public void menuAboutToShow(final IMenuManager menuManag) {
* This generates a {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateChildAction}
* for each object in <code>descriptors</code>, and returns the collection
* of these actions.
protected Collection<IAction> generateCreateChildActions(final Collection<?> descriptors,
final ISelection selection) {
Collection<IAction> actions = new ArrayList<IAction>();
if (descriptors != null) {
for (Object descriptor : descriptors) {
actions.add(new CreateChildAction(this.fActiveEditor, selection, descriptor));
return actions;
* This generates a
* {@link org.eclipse.emf.edit.ui.action.CreateSiblingAction} for each
* object in <code>descriptors</code>, and returns the collection of these
* actions.
protected Collection<IAction> generateCreateSiblingActions(final Collection<?> descriptors,
final ISelection selection) {
Collection<IAction> actions = new ArrayList<IAction>();
if (descriptors != null) {
for (Object descriptor : descriptors) {
actions.add(new CreateSiblingAction(this.fActiveEditor, selection, descriptor));
return actions;
* This populates the specified <code>manager</code> with
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem}s based on the
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction}s contained in the
* <code>actions</code> collection, by inserting them before the specified
* contribution item <code>contributionID</code>. If
* <code>contributionID</code> is <code>null</code>, they are simply added.
protected void populateManager(final IContributionManager manager,
final Collection<? extends IAction> actions, final String contributionID) {
if (actions != null) {
for (IAction action : actions) {
if (contributionID != null) {
manager.insertBefore(contributionID, action);
} else {
// manager.add(this.loadMetamodelAction);
* This removes from the specified <code>manager</code> all
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem}s based on the
* {@link org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction}s contained in the
* <code>actions</code> collection.
protected void depopulateManager(final IContributionManager manager,
final Collection<? extends IAction> actions) {
if (actions != null) {
IContributionItem[] items = manager.getItems();
for (IContributionItem contributionItem : items) {
// Look into SubContributionItems
while (contributionItem instanceof SubContributionItem) {
contributionItem = ((SubContributionItem) contributionItem).getInnerItem();
// Delete the ActionContributionItems with matching action.
if (contributionItem instanceof ActionContributionItem) {
IAction action = ((ActionContributionItem) contributionItem).getAction();
if (actions.contains(action)) {
protected boolean removeAllReferencesOnDelete() {
return true;
* Overridden to deny deleting elements from the EPackage registry
* (metamodels), and ask the user whether to delete an element from the
* whole model or only remove it from under a reference
protected DeleteAction createDeleteAction() {
return new DeleteAction(removeAllReferencesOnDelete()) {
public Command createCommand(final Collection<?> selection) {
if (allowEditing(selection)) {
ISelection originalSelection = null;
EcoreBrowser browser = getBrowser();
if (browser != null) {
originalSelection = browser.getEditorSelection();
LinkItem parentLinkItem = null;
if (originalSelection instanceof IStructuredSelection) {
IStructuredSelection structuredSelection = (IStructuredSelection) originalSelection;
Iterator<?> iterator = structuredSelection.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Object selected =;
if (selected instanceof ModelElementItem) {
ModelElementItem modelElementItem = (ModelElementItem) selected;
ITreeElement treeParent = modelElementItem.getTreeParent();
if (treeParent instanceof LinkItem) {
LinkItem linkItem = (LinkItem) treeParent;
if (parentLinkItem == null) {
parentLinkItem = linkItem;
} else if (parentLinkItem != linkItem) {
parentLinkItem = null;
} else {
parentLinkItem = null;
} else {
parentLinkItem = null;
if (parentLinkItem != null) {
EReference reference = parentLinkItem.getReference();
if (!reference.isContainer() && !reference.isContainment()
&& !reference.isDerived()) {
return removeOrDeleteCommand(this.domain, selection,
parentLinkItem.getParent(), reference);
return super.createCommand(selection);
// editing not allowed
return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
protected Command removeOrDeleteCommand(final EditingDomain domain,
final Collection<?> selection, final EObject owner, final EReference reference) {
final Command deleteCommand = DeleteCommand.create(domain, selection);
final Command removeCommand;
if (reference.isMany()) {
removeCommand = RemoveCommand.create(domain, owner, reference, selection);
} else {
removeCommand = SetCommand.create(domain, owner, reference, null);
AbstractCommand askUserCommand = new AbstractCommand() {
private static final int DELETE_FROM_MODEL = 0;
private static final int REMOVE_FROM_LINK = 1;
private static final int NO_OPERATION = 2;
private int operation = -1;
private void performCommand() {
if (this.operation == DELETE_FROM_MODEL) {
if (deleteCommand.canExecute()) {
} else if (this.operation == REMOVE_FROM_LINK) {
if (removeCommand.canExecute()) {
public void redo() {
if (this.operation == DELETE_FROM_MODEL) {
} else if (this.operation == REMOVE_FROM_LINK) {
public boolean canExecute() {
return deleteCommand.canExecute() || removeCommand.canExecute();
public void execute() {
if (this.operation == -1) {
if (deleteCommand.canExecute() && removeCommand.canExecute()) {
MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog(null,
Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_deleteOrRemove, null,
MessageDialog.QUESTION, new String[] {
Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_remove }, 1) {
// style hint for MacOSX
setShellStyle(getShellStyle() | SWT.SHEET);
this.operation =;
} else if (deleteCommand.canExecute()) {
if (MessageDialog.openQuestion(null,
Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_deleteButNotUnlink)) {
this.operation = DELETE_FROM_MODEL;
} else {
this.operation = NO_OPERATION;
} else if (removeCommand.canExecute()) {
if (MessageDialog.openQuestion(null,
Messages.BrowserActionBarContributor_removeButNotDelete)) {
this.operation = REMOVE_FROM_LINK;
} else {
this.operation = NO_OPERATION;
public boolean canUndo() {
if (this.operation == DELETE_FROM_MODEL) {
return deleteCommand.canUndo();
} else if (this.operation == REMOVE_FROM_LINK) {
return removeCommand.canUndo();
return true;
public void undo() {
if (this.operation == DELETE_FROM_MODEL) {
} else if (this.operation == REMOVE_FROM_LINK) {
return askUserCommand;
* Overridden to deny deleting elements from the EPackage registry
* (metamodels)
protected CutAction createCutAction() {
return new CutAction() {
public Command createCommand(final Collection<?> selection) {
if (allowEditing(selection)) {
return super.createCommand(selection);
return UnexecutableCommand.INSTANCE;
* Returns false to avoid changing elements from the EPackage registry (i.e.
* metamodels)
* @see Bug 319015 - [Model Browser] Null Pointer after deleting a field in
* a model
* @see Bug 319016 - [Model Browser] ClassCastException while saving a model
private static boolean allowEditing(final Collection<?> selection) {
for (Object selected : selection) {
if (selected instanceof EObject) {
EObject eObject = (EObject) selected;
Resource eResource = eObject.eResource();
if (eResource != null) {
URI uri = eResource.getURI();
if (uri != null
&& EPackage.Registry.INSTANCE.getEPackage(uri.toString()) != null) {
return false;
return true;