blob: b16e5c6db29d9a2249159702260459f2008dbc12 [file] [log] [blame]
Some explanations about EPackage uris for the webappXX ecore definitions
The ecore definitions are generated from .dtd and .xsd (.dtd are first translated to .xsd)
Default .ecore generation from .xsd leads to something like :
<details key="namespace" value="##targetNamespace"/>
<details key="namespace" value="##targetNamespace"/>
- First problem : the same namespace is used for webapp 2.5, webapp 3.0, ejbjar 3.0, ejbjar 3.1
It results in some conflict in EPackage Registry.
-> The solution is to rely on version specific namespaces usually indicated in "xsi:schemalocation" of xml files.
But it requires to maintain xml metadata to the right namespace for serialization.
so, we modify .ecore definition like this :
<details key="namespace" value=""/>
<details key="namespace" value=""/>
- Second problem : such nsURI are already used within WTP bundles (for the latest versions)
-> The solution is to define MoDisco specific EPackage uris
<details key="namespace" value=""/>
<details key="namespace" value=""/>
- Third problem : with MoDisco specific uris, xml files cannot be read anymore since neither ""
nor "" (without WTP) are known in EPackage registry
-> The solution is to affect some URIHandler to each Resource created for having the subsitution :
"" -> ""