blob: 618ac316a280daa4ed7f1e331c630dc1df4fee6b [file] [log] [blame]
-- @atlcompiler atl2006
-- ******************************************************************************
-- Copyright (c) 2006 INRIA.
-- All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
-- are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
-- Contributors:
-- INRIA - Initial implementation
-- ******************************************************************************
--@name Table2SVG
--@version 1.0
--@domains Table, SVG, Pie chart
--@authors Eric Vepa (eric.vepa <at>
--@date 2006/08/04
--@description This transformation is used to transform generic tables into SVG pie charts. Each entry table is a two columns table (two cells per row). The first row contains two cells with a String (the first cell contains nothing and the second cell, the name of the chart). The other rows contains one cell with a name as String and an other cell with the value as Double.
module Table2SVG; -- Module Template
create OUT : SVG from IN : Table;
--@begin attribute helper radius
--@comments radius of the pie chart
helper def : radius : Real = 100;
--@end attribute helper radius
--@begin attribute helper scale
--@comments scale of the pie chart
helper def : scale : Real = 0.9;
--@end attribute helper scale
--@begin attribute helper allValidTables
--@comments returns all valid tables, ie tables which can be represented as pie chart
helper def : allValidTables : Sequence(Table!Table) =
--@end attribute helper allValidTables
--@begin attribute helper maxSizeName
--@comments returns the max size of all name of a table
helper def : maxSizeName : Integer =
thisModule.allValidTables->iterate(table; max:Integer=0|
let maxTable : Integer =
table.rows->subSequence(2,table.rows->size())->iterate(row; max:Integer=0|
let value : Integer = row.cells->first().content->size() in
if value > max
then value
else max
endif)*10*thisModule.scale in
if maxTable > max
then maxTable
else max
--@end attribute helper maxSizeName
--@begin attribute helper angle
--@comments current angle rotation for a sector
helper def : angle : Real = 0;
--@end attribute helper angle
--@begin helper toDegree
--@comments converts from radians to degrees
helper context Real def : toDegree() : Real =
--@end helper toDegree
--@begin helper radianAngle
--@comments converts the angle value, stored in the cell, from radians to degrees
helper context Table!Cell def : radianAngle() : Real =
--@end helper radianAngle
--@comments creates the SVG file with one svg tag
helper def: svgFile : SVG!SvgFile = OclUndefined;
helper def: color : String = '0';
helper def: getNextColorIndex(color : String) : String =
if color = '0'then
if color = '127' then
--@begin entrypoint rule SvgFile
entrypoint rule SvgFile() {
svgFile:SVG!SvgFile (
tag <- svg
svg:SVG!Svg (
size <- svgSize,
namespace <- '',
version <- '1.1'
svgSize:SVG!Dimension (
width <- 2*(thisModule.radius+thisModule.maxSizeName)*thisModule.allValidTables->size()*thisModule.scale,
height <- 2*(thisModule.radius+thisModule.maxSizeName)*thisModule.scale
do {
thisModule.svgFile <- svgFile;
for (table in thisModule.allValidTables) {
--@end entrypoint rule SvgFile
--@begin lazy rule Table2PieChart
--@comments creates a pie chart (SVG group) for one valid table
lazy rule Table2PieChart {
table:Table!Table (
g:SVG!G (
attribute <- transl,
attribute <- scale,
groupContent <- Sequence{rect, text,
--@comments creates a complete pie chart for table with one valued row or a sector for each row
if table.rows->size() = 2 then
table.rows->subSequence(2,table.rows->size())->collect(row | thisModule.Row2Sector(row))
scale:SVG!Scale (
sx <- thisModule.scale,
sy <-
transl:SVG!Translate (
ty <- (thisModule.svgFile.tag.size.height/2)*,
tx <- transl.ty+(thisModule.allValidTables->indexOf(table)-1)*thisModule.svgFile.tag.size.height*
rect:SVG!Rect (
size <- rectSize,
position <- rectCoord,
fill <- 'none'
rectSize:SVG!Dimension (
width <- thisModule.svgFile.tag.size.height-5,
height <- rectSize.width
rectCoord:SVG!AbsoluteCoord (
x <- 0-rectSize.width/2,
y <- rectCoord.x
text:SVG!Text (
position <- txtCoord,
stroke <- 'blue',
--@comments text-anchor value strored in lengthAdjust attribute
lengthAdjust <- 'middle',
content <- table.rows->first().cells->at(2).content
txtCoord:SVG!AbsoluteCoord (
x <- 0,
y <- rectSize.height/2-25
do {
thisModule.svgFile.tag.children <- g;
--@comments initialise rotation angle
thisModule.angle <- 0;
thisModule.previousAngle <- 0;
--@end lazy rule Table2PieChart
--@begin lazy rule Row2Sector
--@comments creates a sector (SVG path) for one row
lazy rule Row2Sector {
using {
x : Real = thisModule.radius*row.cells->at(2).radianAngle().cos();
y : Real = thisModule.radius*row.cells->at(2).radianAngle().sin();
g:SVG!G (
attribute <- Sequence{rotate},
groupContent <- Sequence{sector,text}
rotate:SVG!Rotate (
angle <- thisModule.angle
sector:SVG!Path (
d <- 'M0,0 L' + thisModule.radius.toString() + ',0 ' +
'A' + thisModule.radius.toString() + ',' +
thisModule.radius.toString() + ' 0 ' +
if 3.6*row.cells->at(2).content.toReal() < 180
then '0,1 '
else '1,1 '
endif + x.toString() + ',' + y.toString() + ' z',
--@comments rgb color defined with absolute values of angle, cosinus and sinus of the sector
fill <- 'rgb(' + thisModule.color + ',' + --rotate.angle.floor().toString()
x.abs().floor().toString() + ',' + --x.abs().floor().toString()
y.abs().floor().toString() + ')', --y.abs().floor().toString()
stroke <- 'black'
text:SVG!Text (
attribute <- Sequence{textTranslate,textRotate},
position <- coord,
stroke <- 'blue',
fontSize <- '10',
content <- '-- ' + row.cells->first().content
coord:SVG!AbsoluteCoord (
x <- 0.0,
y <- 0.0
textTranslate:SVG!Translate (
tx <- thisModule.radius*(row.cells->at(2).radianAngle()/2).cos(),
ty <- thisModule.radius*(row.cells->at(2).radianAngle()/2).sin()
textRotate:SVG!Rotate (
angle <- 70.0
do {
thisModule.color <- thisModule.getNextColorIndex(thisModule.color);
--@comments add the angle value of the new sector
thisModule.angle <- rotate.angle + 3.6*row.cells->at(2).content.toReal();
--@end lazy rule Row2Sector
--@begin lazy rule Row2Circle
--@comments creates a complete pie (SVG Circle) for a table containing one row with a value
lazy rule Row2Circle {
g:SVG!G (
groupContent <- Sequence{circle,text}
circle:SVG!Circle (
size <- circleSize,
position <- circleCoord,
fill <- 'green',
stroke <- 'black'
circleSize:SVG!Dimension (
width <- thisModule.radius,
height <- thisModule.radius
circleCoord:SVG!AbsoluteCoord (
x <- 0,
y <- 0
text:SVG!Text (
position <- coord,
stroke <- 'blue',
fontSize <- '10',
content <- '-- ' + row.cells->first().content
coord:SVG!AbsoluteCoord (
x <- thisModule.radius,
y <- 0
--@end lazy rule Row2Circle