blob: 0700a0fc8dbd085b280c7e255949c3c4b09d4c81 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The Eclipse Foundation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* The Eclipse Foundation - initial API and implementation
* Yatta Solutions - bug 432803: public API
package org.eclipse.epp.mpc.core.model;
import java.util.Date;
* A node represents an entry on a marketplace. It is associated with one or more categories, under which it is listed.
* Additionally, tags can be specified to define related technologies.
* <p>
* A node contains all information about a marketplace entry necessary to present it to users, including a
* {@link #getName()}, {@link #getOwner() owner}, {@link #getShortdescription() short} and {@link #getBody() long}
* description, {@link #getImage() icon} and optional {@link #getScreenshot()}. Some social feedback on the node entry
* is provided by means of its {@link #getInstallsTotal() total} and {@link #getInstallsRecent() recent} installation
* counts, as well as the number of {@link #getFavorited() favorite votes} it has received.
* <p>
* Nodes can describe different kinds of {@link #getType() contributions}, like installable Eclipse plug-ins, consulting
* services and so on. In case of installable Eclipse plug-ins, the {@link #getIus() installable units} are provided for
* installation from the node's {@link #getUpdateurl() update site}.
* @author David Green
* @author Benjamin Muskalla
* @author Carsten Reckord
* @noextend This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
* @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface INode extends IIdentifiable {
* The number of times this node has been favorited.
Integer getFavorited();
* The number of times this node has been installed.
Integer getInstallsTotal();
* The number of times this node has been installed recently (last 30 days).
Integer getInstallsRecent();
* The type of listing, for example 'resource' or 'training'.
String getType();
* the categories of this listing.
ICategories getCategories();
ITags getTags();
String getOwner();
* The short description of this listing, may include HTML markup (escaped). Note that the short description may or
* may not be shorter than the body.
String getShortdescription();
* The description of this listing, may include HTML markup (escaped).
String getBody();
* The time of creation for this entry.
Date getCreated();
* The last change time for this entry.
Date getChanged();
* @return true if this node's owner is a foundation member, false otherwise, null if unknown.
Boolean getFoundationmember();
* An URL for the homepage for this entry or its owner.
String getHomepageurl();
* The image used as this entry's logo
String getImage();
* An optional screenshot used in conjunction with the {@link #getBody() full description}.
String getScreenshot();
* The version of the solution represented by this node. It is encouraged to use a valid OSGi version, but this
* isn't guaranteed.
String getVersion();
* The license for the plug-in represented by this node, e.g. 'EPL'.
String getLicense();
* The owner's company name
String getCompanyname();
* The development status of this plug-in entry, e.g. "Production/Stable"
String getStatus();
* A comma-separated list of supported Eclipse versions. Currently, this can take any form, although it is
* encouraged to use a comma-separated list of Eclipse versions like "3.6-3.8, 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.3".
* <p>
* This might get more standardized in the future.
String getEclipseversion();
* @return a contact URL to get support for this entry
String getSupporturl();
* The URL of an Eclipse update site containing this entry's {@link #getIus() installable units}.
String getUpdateurl();
* The installable units that will be installed for this node.
IIus getIus();
* The supported platforms under which this plug-in node can be installed.
IPlatforms getPlatforms();