blob: 768ffe50cd6d0e4ef34172f49fb5435efaf384a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2007 Mylyn project committers and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
package org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.monitor.reports.collectors;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core.DateUtil;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.commons.core.StatusHandler;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.monitor.reports.MonitorReportsPlugin;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.monitor.usage.ReportGenerator;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.actions.TaskActivateAction;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.internal.tasks.ui.actions.TaskDeactivateAction;
import org.eclipse.mylyn.monitor.core.InteractionEvent;
* Delagates to other collectors for additional info.
* @author Mik Kersten
public class FocusedUiUsageAnalysisCollector extends AbstractMylynUsageCollector {
public static final int BASELINE_EDITS_THRESHOLD = 1000;
private static final int MYLYN_EDITS_THRESHOLD = 3000;
private static final int NUM_VIEWS_REPORTED = 5;
private float summaryEditRatioDelta = 0;
private final List<Integer> usersImproved = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private final List<Integer> usersDegraded = new ArrayList<Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Date> startDates = new HashMap<Integer, Date>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> numMylynActiveJavaEdits = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Date> endDates = new HashMap<Integer, Date>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> baselineSelections = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> baselineEdits = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynInactiveSelections = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynInactiveEdits = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynSelections = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynEdits = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> baselineCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> baselineTotalSelectionsBeforeEdit = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> baselineTotalEditsCounted = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynTotalSelectionsBeforeEdit = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, Integer> mylynTotalEditsCounted = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
private final Map<Integer, InteractionEvent> lastUserEvent = new HashMap<Integer, InteractionEvent>();
private final Map<Integer, Long> timeMylynActive = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
private final Map<Integer, Long> timeMylynInactive = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
private final Map<Integer, Long> timeBaseline = new HashMap<Integer, Long>();
private final FocusedUiViewUsageCollector viewUsageCollector = new FocusedUiViewUsageCollector();
public FocusedUiUsageAnalysisCollector() {
public String getReportTitle() {
return "Mylyn Usage";
public void consumeEvent(InteractionEvent event, int userId) {
super.consumeEvent(event, userId);
if (!startDates.containsKey(userId)) {
startDates.put(userId, event.getDate());
endDates.put(userId, event.getDate());
// Mylyn is active
if (mylynUserIds.contains(userId) && !mylynInactiveUserIds.contains(userId)) {
accumulateDuration(event, userId, timeMylynActive);
if (isJavaEdit(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, numMylynActiveJavaEdits);
if (isSelection(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, mylynSelections);
incrementCount(userId, mylynCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit);
} else if (isEdit(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, mylynEdits);
if (mylynCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.containsKey((userId))) {
int num = mylynCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.get(userId);
if (num > 0) {
incrementCount(userId, mylynTotalEditsCounted);
incrementCount(userId, mylynTotalSelectionsBeforeEdit, num);
mylynCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.put(userId, 0);
// Mylyn is inactive
} else if (mylynInactiveUserIds.contains(userId)) {
accumulateDuration(event, userId, timeMylynInactive);
if (isSelection(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, mylynInactiveSelections);
} else if (isEdit(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, mylynInactiveEdits);
// Baseline
} else {
accumulateDuration(event, userId, timeBaseline);
if (isSelection(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, baselineSelections);
incrementCount(userId, baselineCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit);
} else if (isEdit(event)) {
incrementCount(userId, baselineEdits);
if (baselineCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.containsKey((userId))) {
int num = baselineCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.get(userId);
if (num > 0) {
incrementCount(userId, baselineTotalEditsCounted);
incrementCount(userId, baselineTotalSelectionsBeforeEdit, num);
baselineCurrentNumSelectionsBeforeEdit.put(userId, 0);
private void accumulateDuration(InteractionEvent event, int userId, Map<Integer, Long> timeAccumulator) {
// Restart accumulation if greater than 5 min has elapsed between events
if (lastUserEvent.containsKey(userId)) {
long elapsed = event.getDate().getTime() - lastUserEvent.get(userId).getDate().getTime();
if (elapsed < 5 * 60 * 1000) {
if (!timeAccumulator.containsKey(userId)) {
timeAccumulator.put(userId, new Long(0));
timeAccumulator.put(userId, timeAccumulator.get(userId) + elapsed);
lastUserEvent.put(userId, event);
public static boolean isEdit(InteractionEvent event) {
return event.getKind().equals(InteractionEvent.Kind.EDIT)
|| (event.getKind().equals(InteractionEvent.Kind.SELECTION) && isSelectionInEditor(event));
public static boolean isSelection(InteractionEvent event) {
return event.getKind().equals(InteractionEvent.Kind.SELECTION) && !isSelectionInEditor(event);
public static boolean isSelectionInEditor(InteractionEvent event) {
return event.getOriginId().contains("Editor") || event.getOriginId().contains("editor")
|| event.getOriginId().contains("source");
public static boolean isJavaEdit(InteractionEvent event) {
return event.getKind().equals(InteractionEvent.Kind.EDIT)
&& (event.getOriginId().contains("java") || event.getOriginId().contains("jdt.ui"));
private void incrementCount(int userId, Map<Integer, Integer> map, int count) {
if (!map.containsKey(userId)) {
map.put(userId, 0);
map.put(userId, map.get(userId) + count);
private void incrementCount(int userId, Map<Integer, Integer> map) {
incrementCount(userId, map, 1);
public List<String> getReport() {
int acceptedUsers = 0;
int rejectedUsers = 0;
summaryEditRatioDelta = 0;
List<String> report = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int id : userIds) {
if (acceptUser(id)) {
report.add("<h3>USER ID: " + id + " (from: " + getStartDate(id) + " to " + getEndDate(id) + ")</h3>");
float baselineRatio = getBaselineRatio(id);
float mylynInactiveRatio = getMylynInactiveRatio(id);
float mylynActiveRatio = getMylynRatio(id);
float combinedMylynRatio = mylynInactiveRatio + mylynActiveRatio;
float ratioPercentage = (combinedMylynRatio - baselineRatio) / baselineRatio;
if (ratioPercentage > 0) {
} else {
summaryEditRatioDelta += ratioPercentage;
String baselineVsMylynRatio = "Baseline vs. Mylyn edit ratio: " + baselineRatio + ", mylyn: "
+ combinedMylynRatio + ", ";
String ratioChange = ReportGenerator.formatPercentage(100 * ratioPercentage);
baselineVsMylynRatio += " <b>change: " + ratioChange + "%</b>";
report.add(baselineVsMylynRatio + "<br>");
float editsActive = getNumMylynEdits(id);
float editsInactive = getNumInactiveEdits(id);
report.add("Proportion Mylyn active (by edits): <b>"
+ ReportGenerator.formatPercentage(100 * ((editsActive) / (editsInactive + editsActive)))
+ "%</b><br>");
report.add("Elapsed time baseline: " + getTime(id, timeBaseline) + ", active: "
+ getTime(id, timeMylynActive) + ", inactive: " + getTime(id, timeMylynInactive) + "<br>");
report.add("Selections baseline: " + getNumBaselineSelections(id) + ", Mylyn active: "
+ getNumMylynSelections(id) + ", inactive: " + getNumMylynInactiveSelections(id) + "<br>");
report.add("Edits baseline: " + getNumBaselineEdits(id) + ", Mylyn active: " + getNumMylynEdits(id)
+ ", inactive: " + getNumInactiveEdits(id) + "<br>");
int numTaskActivations = commandUsageCollector.getCommands().getUserCount(id, TaskActivateAction.ID);
int numTaskDeactivations = commandUsageCollector.getCommands()
.getUserCount(id, TaskDeactivateAction.ID);
report.add("Task activations: " + numTaskActivations + ", ");
report.add("deactivations: " + numTaskDeactivations + "<br>");
int numIncrement = commandUsageCollector.getCommands().getUserCount(id,
int numDecrement = commandUsageCollector.getCommands().getUserCount(id,
report.add("Interest increments: " + numIncrement + ", ");
report.add("Interest decrements: " + numDecrement + "<br>");
report.addAll(viewUsageCollector.getSummary(id, true));
} else {
String acceptedSummary = " (based on " + acceptedUsers + " accepted, " + rejectedUsers + " rejected users)";
float percentage = summaryEditRatioDelta / acceptedUsers;
String ratioChange = ReportGenerator.formatPercentage(100 * (percentage - 1));
if (percentage >= 1) {
report.add("Overall edit ratio improved by: " + ratioChange + "% " + acceptedSummary + "<br>");
} else {
report.add("Overall edit ratio degraded by: " + ratioChange + "% " + acceptedSummary + "<br>");
report.add("degraded: " + usersDegraded.size() + ", improved: " + usersImproved.size() + "<br>");
return report;
public void exportAsCSVFile(String directory) {
FileWriter writer;
try {
writer = new FileWriter(directory + "/mylyn-usage.csv");
writer.write("userid, "
+ "ratio-baseline, ratio-mylyn, "
+ "ratio-improvement, "
+ "filtered-explorer, "
+ "filtered-outline, "
+ "filtered-problems, "
+ "edits-active, "
+ "time-baseline, time-active, time-inactive, "
+ "task-activations, task-deactivations, sel-interesting, sel-predicted, sel-decayed, sel-new, sel-unknown\n");
// "filtered-explorer, filtered-outline, filtered-problems, ");
for (int userId : userIds) {
if (acceptUser(userId)) {
writer.write(userId + ", ");
float baselineRatio = getBaselineRatio(userId);
float mylynInactiveRatio = getMylynInactiveRatio(userId);
float mylynActiveRatio = getMylynRatio(userId);
float combinedMylynRatio = mylynInactiveRatio + mylynActiveRatio;
writer.write(baselineRatio + ", ");
writer.write(combinedMylynRatio + ", ");
float ratioPercentage = (combinedMylynRatio - baselineRatio) / baselineRatio;
writer.write(100 * ratioPercentage + ", ");
Map<String, Integer> filteredViewSelections = viewUsageCollector.usersFilteredViewSelections.get(userId);
Map<String, Integer> normalViewSelections = viewUsageCollector.getUsersNormalViewSelections().get(
String[] views = new String[] { "org.eclipse.jdt.ui.PackageExplorer",
"org.eclipse.ui.views.ContentOutline", "org.eclipse.ui.views.ProblemView" };
for (String view : views) {
if (normalViewSelections.containsKey(view) && filteredViewSelections.containsKey(view)) {
float normalSelections = normalViewSelections.get(view);
float filteredSelections = filteredViewSelections.get(view);
float ratio = filteredSelections / (normalSelections + filteredSelections);
// int unfilteredSelections = normalSelections -
// filteredSelections;
if (ratio >= 0.01) {
writer.write(ratio + ", ");
} else {
writer.write("0, ");
} else {
writer.write("0, ");
float editsActive = getNumMylynEdits(userId);
float editsInactive = getNumInactiveEdits(userId);
writer.write(100 * ((editsActive) / (editsInactive + editsActive)) + ", ");
writer.write(getTime(userId, timeBaseline) + ", ");
writer.write(getTime(userId, timeMylynActive) + ", ");
writer.write(getTime(userId, timeMylynInactive) + ", ");
int numTaskActivations = commandUsageCollector.getCommands().getUserCount(userId,
int numTaskDeactivations = commandUsageCollector.getCommands().getUserCount(userId,
writer.write(numTaskActivations + ", ");
writer.write(numTaskDeactivations + ", ");
int numNew = 0;
if (viewUsageCollector.usersNumNew.containsKey(userId)) {
numNew = viewUsageCollector.usersNumNew.get(userId);
int numPredicted = 0;
if (viewUsageCollector.usersNumPredicted.containsKey(userId)) {
numPredicted = viewUsageCollector.usersNumPredicted.get(userId);
int numInteresting = 0;
if (viewUsageCollector.usersNumDefault.containsKey(userId)) {
numInteresting = viewUsageCollector.usersNumDefault.get(userId);
int numDecayed = 0;
if (viewUsageCollector.usersNumDecayed.containsKey(userId)) {
numDecayed = viewUsageCollector.usersNumDecayed.get(userId);
int numUnknown = 0;
if (viewUsageCollector.usersNumUnknown.containsKey(userId)) {
numUnknown = viewUsageCollector.usersNumUnknown.get(userId);
// float numSelections = numNew + numPredicted +
// numInteresting + numDecayed + numUnknown;
// writer.write(numSelections + ", ");
writer.write(numInteresting + ", ");
writer.write(numPredicted + ", ");
writer.write(numDecayed + ", ");
writer.write(numNew + ", ");
writer.write(numUnknown + ", ");
} catch (IOException e) { Status(IStatus.ERROR, MonitorReportsPlugin.ID_PLUGIN, "Could not generate csv file",
private String getTime(int id, Map<Integer, Long> timeMap) {
if (timeMap.containsKey(id)) {
long timeInSeconds = timeMap.get(id) / 1000;
long hours, minutes;
hours = timeInSeconds / 3600;
timeInSeconds = timeInSeconds - (hours * 3600);
minutes = timeInSeconds / 60;
timeInSeconds = timeInSeconds - (minutes * 60);
return hours + "." + minutes;
} else {
return "0";
public boolean acceptUser(int id) {
// XXX: delete
// int[] ACCEPTED = {
// 1922,
// 970,
// 1650,
// 1548,
// 1565,
// 1752,
// 2194,
// 2364,
// 1735,
// 936,
// 1803,
// 2007,
// 1208,
// 1684,
// 919,
// 2041,
// 1174
// };
// for (int i : ACCEPTED) {
// if (i == id) return true;
// }
// return false;
if (!numMylynActiveJavaEdits.containsKey(id)) {
return false;
} else {
return getNumBaselineEdits(id) > BASELINE_EDITS_THRESHOLD && getNumMylynEdits(id) > MYLYN_EDITS_THRESHOLD;
public String getStartDate(int id) {
Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance();
return DateUtil.getIsoFormattedDate(start);
public String getEndDate(int id) {
Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance();
return DateUtil.getIsoFormattedDate(end);
public int getNumBaselineSelections(int id) {
if (baselineSelections.containsKey(id)) {
return baselineSelections.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumBaselineEdits(int id) {
if (baselineEdits.containsKey(id)) {
return baselineEdits.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumMylynEdits(int id) {
if (mylynEdits.containsKey(id)) {
return mylynEdits.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumMylynInactiveEdits(int id) {
if (mylynInactiveEdits.containsKey(id)) {
return mylynInactiveEdits.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumInactiveEdits(int id) {
if (mylynInactiveEdits.containsKey(id)) {
return mylynInactiveEdits.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumMylynInactiveSelections(int id) {
if (mylynInactiveSelections.containsKey(id)) {
return mylynInactiveSelections.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
public int getNumMylynSelections(int id) {
if (mylynSelections.containsKey(id)) {
return mylynSelections.get(id);
} else {
return 0;
* Public for testing.
public float getBaselineRatio(int id) {
return getEditRatio(id, baselineEdits, baselineSelections);
public float getMylynInactiveRatio(int id) {
return getEditRatio(id, mylynInactiveEdits, mylynInactiveSelections);
* Public for testing.
public float getMylynRatio(int id) {
return getEditRatio(id, mylynEdits, mylynSelections);
private float getEditRatio(int id, Map<Integer, Integer> edits, Map<Integer, Integer> selections) {
if (edits.containsKey(id) && selections.containsKey(id)) {
return (float) edits.get(id) / (float) selections.get(id);
} else {
return 0f;