blob: 2065a4facb1e96cd6eb94456ac213534a16ff74c [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# absolute path to folder files will be uploaded to.
# WINDOWS users, your path would like something like : images\\uploads
# UNIX users, your path would like something like : /home/www/images/uploads
# do not end the path with any slashes and if you're on a UNIX serv, make sure
# you CHMOD each folder in the path to 777
$dir = "/.../upload";
$logFile = "/.../questionnaireLog.txt";
# if you would like to be notified of uploads, enter your email address
# between the SINGLE quotes. leave this blank if you would not like to be notified
$notify = '';
# UNIX users, if you entered a value for $notify, you must also enter your
# server's sendmail path. It usually looks something like : /usr/sbin/sendmail
$send_mail_path = "";
# WINDOWS users, if you entered a value for $notify, you must also enter your
# server's SMTP path. It usually looks something like :
$smtp_path = "";
# file types allowed, enter each type on a new line
# Enter the word "ALL" in uppercase, to accept all file types.
@types = qw~
$OS = $^O; # operating system name
if($OS =~ /darwin/i) { $isUNIX = 1; }
elsif($OS =~ /win/i) { $isWIN = 1; }
else {$isUNIX = 1;}
if($isWIN){ $S{S} = "\\\\"; }
else { $S{S} = "/";} # seperator used in paths
unless (-d "$dir"){
mkdir ("$dir", 0777); # unless the dir exists, make it ( and chmod it on UNIX )
chmod(0777, "$dir");
unless (-d "$dir"){
# if there still is no dir, the path entered by the user is wrong and the upload will fail
# send back an error code
# unauthorized, uid not correct
use CGI; # load the module
my $GET = new CGI; # create a new object
my @VAL = $GET->param; #get all form field names
$FORM{$_} = $GET->param($_); # put all fields and values in hash
my @files;
foreach(keys %FORM){
# check for the parameter name
# This must be MYLARa where is a a number
if($_ =~ /^MYLAR/){
push(@files, $_); # place the field NAME in an array
} else {
&log( "Filenamed not named MYLARa: ".$_);
# no file to upload so exit with an error
print "Content-type: text/plain", "\n";
print "Status: 501 Not Implemented", "\n\n";
print "Upload Failed - no file to upload","\n";
&log("Upload Failed - no file to upload\n");
my $failed; # results string = false
my $selected; # num of files selected by user
foreach (@files){
# upload each file, pass the form field NAME if it has a value
# if the form field contains a file name &psjs_upload subroutine
# the file's name and path are passed to the subroutine
$returned = &psjs_upload($_);
if($returned =~ /^Success/i){
# if the $returned message begins with "Success" the upload was succssful
# remove the word "Success" and any spaces and we're left with the filename
$returned =~ s/^Success\s+//;
push(@success, $returned);
} else {
# else if the word "success" is not returned, the message is the error encountered.
# add the error to the $failed scalar
$failed .= $returned;
$selected++; # increment num of files selected for uploading by user
# no files were selected by user, so nothing is returned to either variable
$failed .= qq~No files were selected for uploading~;
# if no error message is return ed, the upload was successful
my ($fNames, $aa, $bb, @current, @currentfiles );
# file failed to upload return error
print "Content-type: text/plain", "\n";
print "Status: 501 Not Implemented", "\n\n";
print "Upload Failed","\n";
} else {
# upload was successful
# log the success and return success code
# send email if valid email was entered
# TODO send an appropriate message
# enter the message you would like to receive
my $message = qq~
The following files were uploaded to your server :
$message .= qq~
$CONFIG{mailprogram} = $send_mail_path;
# enter your e-mail name here if you like
# from e-mail, from name, to e-mail, to name, subject, body
&send_mail($notify, 'Demo Upload', $notify, 'Demo Upload', 'Upload Notification', $message);
} else {
$CONFIG{smtppath} = $smtp_path;
&send_mail_NT($notify, 'Your Name', $notify, 'Your Name', 'Upload Notification', $message);
&log("NONE" . "\t" . "$dir/$_");
print "Content-type: text/plain". "\n";
print "Status: 200 OK", "\n\n";
print "Upload Success","\n";
sub psjs_upload {
my $filename = $GET->param($_[0]);
$filename =~ s/.*[\/\\](.*)/$1/;
my $upload_filehandle = $GET->upload($_[0]);
# if $file_type matchs one of the types specified, make the $type_ok var true
for($b = 0; $b < @types; $b++){
if($filename =~ /^.*\.$types[$b]$/i){
if($types[$b] eq "ALL"){
$type_ok++; # if ALL keyword is found, increment $type_ok var.
# if ok, check if overwrite is allowed
if(open UPLOADFILE, ">$dir/$filename"){
while ( <$upload_filehandle> )
}else {
return qq~Error opening file on the server~;
} else {
return qq~Bad file type~;
# check if file has actually been uploaded, by checking the file has a size
if(-s "$dir/$filename"){
return qq~Success $filename~; #success
} else {
# delete the file as it has no content
# user probably entered an incorrect path to file
return qq~Upload failed : No data in $filename. No size on server's copy of file.
Check the path entered.~;
sub check_existence {
# $dir,$filename,$newnum are the args passed to this sub
my ($dir,$filename,$newnum) = @_;
my (@file_type, $file_type, $exists, $bareName);
# declare some vars we will use later on in this sub always use paranthesis
# when declaring more than one var! Some novice programmers will tell you
# this is not necessary. Tell them to learn how to program.
if(!$newnum){$newnum = "0";} # new num is empty in first call, so set it to 0
# read dir and put all files in an array (list)
opendir(DIR, "$dir");
@existing_files = readdir(DIR);
# if the filename passed exists, set $exists to true or 1
if($_ eq $filename){
$exists = 1;
# if it exists, we need to rename the file being uploaded and then recheck it to
# make sure the new name does not exist
$newnum++; # increment new number (add 1)
# get the extension
@file_type = split(/\./, $filename); # split the dots and add inbetweens to a list
# put the first element in the $barename var
$bareName = $file_type[0];
# we can assume everything after the last . found is the extension
$file_type = $file_type[$#file_type];
# $#file_type is the last element (note the pound or hash is used)
# remove all numbers from the end of the $bareName
$bareName =~ s/\d+$//ig;
# concatenate a new name using the barename + newnum + extension
$filename = $bareName . $newnum . '.' . $file_type;
# reset $exists to 0 because the new file name is now being checked
$exists = 0;
# recall this subroutine
} else {
# the $filename, whether the first or one hundreth call, now does not exist
# so return the name to be used
return ($filename);
sub send_mail {
my ($from_email, $from_name, $to_email, $to_name, $subject, $message ) = @_;
if(open(MAIL, "|$CONFIG{mailprogram} -t")) {
print MAIL "From: $from_email ($from_name)\n";
print MAIL "To: $to_email ($to_name)\n";
print MAIL "Subject: $subject\n";
print MAIL "$message\n\nSubmitter's IP Address : $ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}";
close MAIL;
} else {
sub send_mail_NT {
my ($from_email, $from_name, $to_email, $to_name, $subject, $message ) = @_;
my ($SMTP_SERVER, $WEB_SERVER, $status, $err_message);
use Socket;
$SMTP_SERVER = "$CONFIG{smtppath}";
# correct format for "\n"
local($CRLF) = "\015\012";
local($SMTP_SERVER_PORT) = 25;
local($AF_INET) = ($] > 5 ? AF_INET : 2);
local($SOCK_STREAM) = ($] > 5 ? SOCK_STREAM : 1);
# local(@bad_addresses) = ();
$, = ', ';
$" = ', ';
$WEB_SERVER = "$CONFIG{smtppath}\n";
chop ($WEB_SERVER);
local($local_address) = (gethostbyname($WEB_SERVER))[4];
local($local_socket_address) = pack('S n a4 x8', $AF_INET, 0, $local_address);
local($server_address) = (gethostbyname($SMTP_SERVER))[4];
local($server_socket_address) = pack('S n a4 x8', $AF_INET, $SMTP_SERVER_PORT, $server_address);
# Translate protocol name to corresponding number
local($protocol) = (getprotobyname('tcp'))[2];
# Make the socket filehandle
if (!socket(SMTP, $AF_INET, $SOCK_STREAM, $protocol)) {
# Give the socket an address
bind(SMTP, $local_socket_address);
# Connect to the server
if (!(connect(SMTP, $server_socket_address))) {
# Set the socket to be line buffered
local($old_selected) = select(SMTP);
$| = 1;
# Set regex to handle multiple line strings
$* = 1;
# Read first response from server (wait for .75 seconds first)
select(undef, undef, undef, .75);
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>1:$_";
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>2:$_";
while (/(^|(\r?\n))[^0-9]*((\d\d\d).*)$/g) { $status = $4; $err_message = $3}
if ($status != 250) {
print SMTP "MAIL FROM:<$from_email>$CRLF";
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>3:$_";
if (!/[^0-9]*250/) {
# Tell the server where we're sending to
print SMTP "RCPT TO:<$to_email>$CRLF";
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>4:$_";
# Give the server the message header
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>5:$_";
if (!/[^0-9]*354/) {
$message =~ s/\n/$CRLF/ig;
print SMTP qq~From: $from_email ($from_name)$CRLF~;
print SMTP qq~To: $to_email ($to_name)$CRLF~;
# if($cc){
# print SMTP "CC: $cc ($cc_name)\n";
# }
print SMTP qq~Subject: $subject$CRLF$CRLF~;
print SMTP qq~$message~;
print SMTP "$CRLF.$CRLF";
sysread(SMTP, $_, 1024);
#print "<P>6:$_";
if (!/[^0-9]*250/) {
} else {
if (!shutdown(SMTP, 2)) {
sub check_email {
my($fe_email) = $_[0];
if($fe_email) {
if(($fe_email =~ /(@.*@)|(\.\.)|(@\.)|(\.@)|(^\.)|(\.$)/) ||
($fe_email !~ /^.+@\[?(\w|[-.])+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}|[0-9]{1,3}\]?$/)) {
} else { return(1) }
} else {
sub log {
open(LOG, "+<$logFile") || die "Can't open Log File: $!\n";
seek LOG, 0, 2;
print LOG $_[0] . "\t\t";
my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year, $wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime time;
# update the year so that it is correct since it perl
# has a 1900 yr offset
$year += 1900;
# update the month since it is 0 based in perl
$mon += 1;
printf LOG "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d\n", $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec;
close LOG;