blob: 84d6413ec1fe0a1e6a1995027a93d03b828ad426 [file] [log] [blame]
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Complete_Connector_Migration=Complete Connector Migration
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Complete_Migration=Complete Migration
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Completing_connector_migration=Completing connector migration
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_ensure_created_queries=Please ensure you have created the new queries you want.
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_first_page_message= Migration will remove your old queries. {0} Your old and new queries are shown below and you can edit them by double-clicking.
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Have_You_Recreated_Your_Queries=Have You Recreated Your Queries?
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Migrate_Queries=Migrate Queries
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Migrating_Tasks_and_Private_Data=Migrating Tasks and Private Data
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Queries_not_migrated=Some queries could not be automatically migrated. Please review your old and new queries and edit or create new ones as needed.
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Queries_Using_New_Connectors=Queries Using New Connectors
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Queries_Using_Old_Connectors=Queries Using Old Connectors
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_second_page_message=Clicking finish will migrate your tasks and private data. This may take a while.
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_second_page_text=When you click finish, your context, scheduled dates, private notes and other data \
will be migrated to the new connectors. Any tasks \
in your task list that are not included in the new queries will be downloaded using the new connectors. The old tasks, \
queries, and repositories will be deleted.\n\
This may take a while. You should not use the task list or task editor while this is happening. You will be prompted when migration \
is complete.\n\
You will be able to undo the migration by selecting "Restore Tasks from History" in the Task List view menu and choosing the \
connector-migration-*.zip file stored in <workspace>/.metadata/.mylyn/backup. This will restore your task list and repositories to \
the state they were in before the migration, but any data stored by 3rd party plugins for Mylyn may be lost.
CompleteConnectorMigrationWizard_Waiting_for_queries_to_synchronize=Waiting for queries to complete synchronization
ConnectorMigrationWizard_Connector_Migration=Connector Migration
ConnectorMigrationWizard_End_of_Connector_Support=End of Connector Support
ConnectorMigrationWizard_Message=Support is ending for some connectors, but replacement connectors are installed. This wizard \
will help you migrate your configuration and data to the new connectors.
Your tasks, contexts, private notes, categories, scheduled dates, and private due dates \
will be automatically migrated for all tasks. Incoming state will be migrated but all unsubmitted outgoing changes will be lost. \
You may want to cancel this wizard and submit your outgoing changes before continuing with migration.\n\
This wizard will migrate your queries if possible but in many cases you will need to manually migrate your queries \
before your tasks and private data \
will be migrated. After finishing this wizard, please use the new connectors to recreate any queries that were not \
migrated and then click the link in the \
task list to complete the migration. The new connectors may not support the same queries as the old ones, \
for example, you might need to create queries that use server-side searches or favorite filters that you create in the repository's \
web UI.
ConnectorMigrationWizard_Select_Connectors=Select Connectors
ConnectorMigrationWizard_Select_the_connectors_to_migrate=Select the connectors to migrate. Your task list and repositories will be \
backed up before migration; you can undo the migration \
by selecting "Restore Tasks from History" in the Task List view menu and choosing the connector-migration-*.zip file stored \
in <workspace>/.metadata/.mylyn/backup.
ConnectorMigrationWizard_validation_failed=Could not validate the connection to the following repositories. Additional configuration may \
be required. Please edit the repository settings via the Task Repositories view.\n\n{0}
ConnectorMigrator_complete_migration_prompt_message=Support is ending for some of your connectors, but replacement connectors are \
installed. <a href="{0}">Click here</a> for more information or to migrate to the new connectors.
ConnectorMigrator_complete_migration_prompt_title=Connector migration is not finished. Use the new connectors to recreate any queries \
that have not automatically migrated and then click <a href="{0}">complete migration</a> to migrate your contexts, scheduled dates, private notes and other data.
ConnectorMigrator_Migrating_Queries=Migrating Queries