blob: 756379d719f61383783e6fce95ed8c060c3404d2 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2009 Tasktop Technologies and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
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Tasktop Technologies - initial API and implementation
<cheatsheet title="Create a query from">
This cheat sheet shows you how to create a query from<br/>
<item title="Open the Task List view" dialog="true" skip="false">
If the Task List view is not opened, select in the main menu <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other... &gt; Tasks &gt;Task List</b> or click on the &quot;Click to Perform&quot; link below.
<command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.views.tasks)" confirm="true">
<item title="Setup Task Repository" dialog="true" skip="true">
In this step you can learn how to setup your Bugzilla account, but you can skip it.
If the Task Repositories view is not opened, select in the main menu <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other... &gt; Tasks &gt; Task Repository</b>.
In the Task Repositories view you can see <b></b>. Right click on it and select <b>Properties</b>.<br/>
Check out the <b>Anonymous Access</b> checkbox.<br/>
Enter your user id for the <b>User ID</b> and password for the <b>Password</b>. <br/>
Click on the <b>Validate Settings</b> button to check your given parameters.<br/>
If you do not have an account you can create one by clicking on the <b>Create new accout</b> link.<br/>
Click on the <b>Finish</b> button to save the values and close the dialog.
<item title="Create a new Query" dialog="true" skip="false">
In the Task List view, click the right mouse button then select <b>New &gt; Query</b> or click on the &quot;Click to Perform&quot; link below.
<command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.newWizard(" confirm="true">
<item title="Setup the query" dialog="true" skip="false">
Select <b></b> then click on the <b>Next</b> button.<br/>
Select <b>Create a query using form</b> then click on the <b>Next</b> button.<br/>
Enter <b>Mylyn Bugs</b> for the query&apos;s title.
Select <b>Mylyn</b> from the Product and <b>P1, P2</b> from the Priority then click the <b>Finish</b> button.