blob: 0b18b4336b95a08544ca32c13e96037b96fe9b8b [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2009 Tasktop Technologies and others.
All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
Tasktop Technologies - initial API and implementation
<project name="get dependent zips/tar.gz files for running plugin project tests" default="getBundle">
<!-- these scripts are called by another script, such as getDependencies.xml or getTestDependencies.xml -->
<target name="getBundle">
<!-- <echo message="getDependenciesHelper.xml: basedir = ${basedir}"/> -->
<!-- requires the following params to be set -->
<property name="url"/> [url to download and unpack, eg., http://.../.../]
<property name="file"/> [filename of the url to download and unpack, eg.,]
<!-- get the zip or tar.gz from the remote server if it's not already been downloaded -->
<available file="${downloadsDir}/${file}" property="theZipExists"/>
<antcall target="downloadFile">
<param name="theFile" value="${file}"/>
<param name="theURL" value="${url}"/>
<target name="unpackBundle">
<!-- requires the following params to be set -->
<property name="file"/> [filename of the url to download and unpack, eg.,]
<property name="unpackDest"/> [path where to unpack, eg., ${buildDirectory}/.. or .]
<property name="isUnpackedFile"/> [filename and path for which if it exists we can assume that the unpack has already occurred, eg., ./plugins/]
<!-- check if we've done this already -->
<available property="isUnpacked" file="${isUnpackedFile}"/>
<!-- check the bundle type and unpack it accordingly -->
<condition property="isAZip"><contains string="${file}" substring=".zip" /></condition>
<condition property="isATar"><contains string="${file}" substring=".tar.gz" /></condition>
<antcall target="unzipFile"><param name="theFile" value="${downloadsDir}/${file}"/><param name="theDir" value="${unpackDest}"/></antcall>
<antcall target="untarFile"><param name="theFile" value="${downloadsDir}/${file}"/><param name="theDir" value="${unpackDest}"/></antcall>
<!-- reset these properties for the next loop -->
<condition property="isAZip"><contains string="a" substring="z"/></condition>
<condition property="isATar"><contains string="a" substring="z"/></condition>
<condition property="isUnpacked"><contains string="a" substring="z"/></condition>
<target name="unpackUpdateSite">
<!-- requires the following params to be set -->
<property name="file"/> [filename of the url to download and unpack, eg.,]
<property name="unpackDest"/> [path where to unpack, eg., ${buildDirectory}/../eclipse or .]
<property name="tmpsite" value="${buildDirectory}/unpacktmp" />
<mkdir dir="${unpackDest}/features" />
<mkdir dir="${unpackDest}/plugins" />
<mkdir dir="${tmpsite}/eclipse" />
<!-- check the bundle type and unpack it accordingly into a temp dir-->
<condition property="isAZip"><contains string="${file}" substring=".zip" /></condition>
<condition property="isATar"><contains string="${file}" substring=".tar.gz" /></condition>
<antcall target="unzipFile"><param name="theFile" value="${downloadsDir}/${file}"/><param name="theDir" value="${tmpsite}/eclipse"/></antcall>
<antcall target="untarFile"><param name="theFile" value="${downloadsDir}/${file}"/><param name="theDir" value="${tmpsite}/eclipse"/></antcall>
<!-- use PDE to unpack features and plugins -->
<unpackUpdateJars site="${tmpsite}/eclipse" output="${unpackDest}" />
<!-- copy root files (if applicable?) -->
<copy todir="${unpackDest}">
<fileset dir="${tmpsite}/eclipse">
<include name="*" />
<delete dir="${tmpsite}" />
<!-- reset these properties for the next loop -->
<condition property="isAZip"><contains string="a" substring="z"/></condition>
<condition property="isATar"><contains string="a" substring="z"/></condition>
<!-- helper methods -->
<target name="downloadFile" unless="theZipExists"><get src="${theURL}" dest="${downloadsDir}/${theFile}" usetimestamp="true"/><touch file="${downloadsDir}/${theFile}"/></target>
<target name="unzipFile" unless="isUnpacked" if="isAZip"><unzip src="${theFile}" dest="${theDir}" overwrite="true" /></target>
<target name="untarFile" unless="isUnpacked" if="isATar"><untar src="${theFile}" dest="${theDir}" overwrite="true" compression="gzip"/></target>
<target name="unpackJar" unless="isUnpacked" if="jarExists"><unjar src="${theJar}" dest="${theDir}" overwrite="true"/></target>