blob: 53a54e7a25dbf7e6bf24b4ad0e23385090e5a8c0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Original authors and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Original authors and others - initial API and implementation
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.grid.GridRegion;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.AbstractLayerTransform;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.DataLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.ILayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.LabelStack;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.SizeConfig;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.ILayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.LayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.TransformedLayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.RowStructuralRefreshEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer;
* Adds the Column grouping functionality to the column headers.
* Also persists the state of the column groups when {@link NatTable#saveState(String, Properties)} is invoked.
* Internally uses the {@link ColumnGroupModel} to track the column groups.
* See ColumnGroupGridExample
public class ColumnGroupHeaderLayer extends AbstractLayerTransform {
private final SizeConfig rowHeightConfig = new SizeConfig(DataLayer.DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT);
private final ColumnGroupModel model;
private final ILayer columnHeaderLayer;
* Flag which is used to tell the ColumnGroupHeaderLayer whether to calculate the height of the layer
* dependent on column group configuration or not. If it is set to <code>true</code> the column header
* will check if column groups are configured and if not, the height of the column header will not
* show the double height for showing column groups.
private boolean calculateHeight = false;
* Listener that will fire a RowStructuralRefreshEvent in case the ColumnGroupModel changes.
* Is only needed in case the dynamic height calculation is enabled.
private IColumnGroupModelListener modelChangeListener;
public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(ILayer columnHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, ColumnGroupModel columnGroupModel) {
this(columnHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, columnGroupModel, true);
public ColumnGroupHeaderLayer(final ILayer columnHeaderLayer, SelectionLayer selectionLayer, ColumnGroupModel columnGroupModel, boolean useDefaultConfiguration) {
this.columnHeaderLayer = columnHeaderLayer;
this.model = columnGroupModel;
registerCommandHandler(new ColumnGroupsCommandHandler(model, selectionLayer, this));
if (useDefaultConfiguration) {
addConfiguration(new DefaultColumnGroupHeaderLayerConfiguration(columnGroupModel));
modelChangeListener = new IColumnGroupModelListener() {
public void columnGroupModelChanged() {
fireLayerEvent(new RowStructuralRefreshEvent(columnHeaderLayer));
// Persistence
public void saveState(String prefix, Properties properties) {
super.saveState(prefix, properties);
model.saveState(prefix, properties);
public void loadState(String prefix, Properties properties) {
super.loadState(prefix, properties);
model.loadState(prefix, properties);
fireLayerEvent(new ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent(this));
// Vertical features
// Rows
public int getRowCount() {
if (!calculateHeight
|| (this.model.getAllIndexesInGroups() != null
&& this.model.getAllIndexesInGroups().size() > 0)) {
return columnHeaderLayer.getRowCount() + 1;
return columnHeaderLayer.getRowCount();
public int getPreferredRowCount() {
return columnHeaderLayer.getPreferredRowCount() + 1;
public int getRowIndexByPosition(int rowPosition) {
if (rowPosition == 0) {
return rowPosition;
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getRowIndexByPosition(rowPosition - 1);
public int localToUnderlyingRowPosition(int localRowPosition) {
if (localRowPosition == 0) {
return localRowPosition;
return localRowPosition-1;
// Height
public int getHeight() {
if (!calculateHeight
|| (this.model.getAllIndexesInGroups() != null
&& this.model.getAllIndexesInGroups().size() > 0)) {
return rowHeightConfig.getAggregateSize(1) + columnHeaderLayer.getHeight();
return columnHeaderLayer.getHeight();
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return rowHeightConfig.getAggregateSize(1) + columnHeaderLayer.getPreferredHeight();
public int getRowHeightByPosition(int rowPosition) {
if (rowPosition == 0) {
return rowHeightConfig.getSize(rowPosition);
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getRowHeightByPosition(rowPosition - 1);
public void setRowHeight(int rowHeight) {
this.rowHeightConfig.setSize(0, rowHeight);
// Row resize
public boolean isRowPositionResizable(int rowPosition) {
if (rowPosition == 0) {
return rowHeightConfig.isPositionResizable(rowPosition);
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.isRowPositionResizable(rowPosition - 1);
// Y
public int getRowPositionByY(int y) {
int row0Height = getRowHeightByPosition(0);
if (y < row0Height) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1 + columnHeaderLayer.getRowPositionByY(y - row0Height);
public int getStartYOfRowPosition(int rowPosition) {
if (rowPosition == 0) {
return rowHeightConfig.getAggregateSize(rowPosition);
} else {
return getRowHeightByPosition(0) + columnHeaderLayer.getStartYOfRowPosition(rowPosition - 1);
// Cell features
* If a cell belongs to a column group:
* column position - set to the start position of the group
* span - set to the width/size of the column group
* NOTE: gc.setClip() is used in the CompositeLayerPainter to ensure that partially visible
* Column group header cells are rendered properly.
public ILayerCell getCellByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int bodyColumnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
// Column group header cell
if (model.isPartOfAGroup(bodyColumnIndex)) {
if (rowPosition == 0) {
return new LayerCell(
getStartPositionOfGroup(columnPosition), rowPosition,
columnPosition, rowPosition,
getColumnSpan(columnPosition), 1
} else {
return new LayerCell(this, columnPosition, rowPosition);
} else {
// render column header w/ rowspan = 2
// as in this case we ask the column header layer for the cell position
// and the column header layer asks his data provider for the row count
// which should always return 1, we ask for row position 0 instead of
// using getGroupHeaderRowPosition(), if we would use getGroupHeaderRowPosition()
// the ColumnGroupGroupHeaderLayer wouldn't work anymore
ILayerCell cell = columnHeaderLayer.getCellByPosition(columnPosition, 0);
if (cell != null) {
final int rowSpan;
if (calculateHeight && model.size() == 0) {
rowSpan = 1;
} else {
rowSpan = 2;
cell = new TransformedLayerCell(cell) {
public ILayer getLayer() {
return ColumnGroupHeaderLayer.this;
public int getRowSpan() {
return rowSpan;
return cell;
* Calculates the span of a cell in a Column Group.
* Takes into account collapsing and hidden columns in the group.
* @param columnPosition position of any column belonging to the group
protected int getColumnSpan(int columnPosition) {
int columnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
ColumnGroup columnGroup = model.getColumnGroupByIndex(columnIndex);
if (columnGroup.isCollapsed()) {
int sizeOfStaticColumns = columnGroup.getStaticColumnIndexes().size();
return sizeOfStaticColumns == 0 ? 1 : sizeOfStaticColumns;
} else {
int startPositionOfGroup = getStartPositionOfGroup(columnPosition);
int sizeOfGroup = columnGroup.getSize();
int endPositionOfGroup = startPositionOfGroup + sizeOfGroup;
List<Integer> columnIndexesInGroup = columnGroup.getMembers();
for (int i = startPositionOfGroup; i < endPositionOfGroup; i++) {
int index = getColumnIndexByPosition(i);
if (!columnIndexesInGroup.contains(Integer.valueOf(index))) {
return sizeOfGroup;
* Figures out the start position of the group.
* @param selectionLayerColumnPosition of any column belonging to the group
* @return first position of the column group
private int getStartPositionOfGroup(int columnPosition) {
int bodyColumnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
ColumnGroup columnGroup = model.getColumnGroupByIndex(bodyColumnIndex);
int leastPossibleStartPositionOfGroup = columnPosition - (columnGroup.getSize() - 1);
int i = 0;
for (i = leastPossibleStartPositionOfGroup; i < columnPosition; i++) {
if (ColumnGroupUtils.isInTheSameGroup(getColumnIndexByPosition(i), bodyColumnIndex, model)) {
return i;
public String getDisplayModeByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int columnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
if (rowPosition == 0 && model.isPartOfAGroup(columnIndex)) {
return DisplayMode.NORMAL;
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getDisplayModeByPosition(columnPosition, rowPosition);
public LabelStack getConfigLabelsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int columnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
if (rowPosition == 0 && model.isPartOfAGroup(columnIndex)) {
LabelStack stack = new LabelStack(GridRegion.COLUMN_GROUP_HEADER);
if (model.isPartOfACollapseableGroup(columnIndex)) {
ColumnGroup group = model.getColumnGroupByIndex(columnIndex);
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
else {
return stack;
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getConfigLabelsByPosition(columnPosition, rowPosition);
public Object getDataValueByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int columnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition);
if (rowPosition == 0 && model.isPartOfAGroup(columnIndex)) {
return model.getColumnGroupByIndex(columnIndex).getName();
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getDataValueByPosition(columnPosition, 0);
public LabelStack getRegionLabelsByXY(int x, int y) {
int columnIndex = getColumnIndexByPosition(getColumnPositionByX(x));
if (model.isPartOfAGroup(columnIndex) && y < getRowHeightByPosition(0)) {
return new LabelStack(GridRegion.COLUMN_GROUP_HEADER);
} else {
return columnHeaderLayer.getRegionLabelsByXY(x, y - getRowHeightByPosition(0));
// ColumnGroupModel delegates
public void addColumnsIndexesToGroup(String colGroupName, int... colIndexes) {
model.addColumnsIndexesToGroup(colGroupName, colIndexes);
public void clearAllGroups(){
public void setStaticColumnIndexesByGroup(String colGroupName, int... staticColumnIndexes) {
model.setStaticColumnIndexesByGroup(colGroupName, staticColumnIndexes);
public boolean isColumnInGroup(int bodyColumnIndex) {
return model.isPartOfAGroup(bodyColumnIndex);
* @see ColumnGroup#setUnbreakable(boolean)
public void setGroupUnbreakable(int columnIndex){
ColumnGroup columnGroup = model.getColumnGroupByIndex(columnIndex);
public void setGroupAsCollapsed(int columnIndex) {
ColumnGroup columnGroup = model.getColumnGroupByIndex(columnIndex);
public boolean isCalculateHeight() {
return calculateHeight;
public void setCalculateHeight(boolean calculateHeight) {
this.calculateHeight = calculateHeight;
if (calculateHeight) {
} else {