blob: 09bd6a1f81eefa2bf81a4eeea6a078ae83ae68fb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2019, 2023 Dirk Fauth.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made
* available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Dirk Fauth <> - initial API and implementation
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.eclipse.collections.api.list.primitive.MutableIntList;
import org.eclipse.collections.impl.factory.primitive.IntLists;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.NatTable;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.command.ILayerCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.coordinate.PositionUtil;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.freeze.CompositeFreezeLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.grid.GridRegion;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.grid.layer.DimensionallyDependentIndexLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.grid.layer.DimensionallyDependentLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.AbstractLayerTransform;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.ILayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.ILayerListener;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.IUniqueIndexLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.LabelStack;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.LayerUtil;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.SizeConfig;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.IConfigLabelProvider;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.ILayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.LayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.cell.TransformedLayerCell;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.command.ConfigureScalingCommandHandler;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.ILayerEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.IStructuralChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.RowStructuralChangeEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.RowStructuralRefreshEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.StructuralDiff;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.layer.event.StructuralDiff.DiffTypeEnum;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.painter.layer.ILayerPainter;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.reorder.event.RowReorderEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.resize.command.ColumnResizeCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.resize.command.MultiColumnResizeCommand;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.resize.event.ColumnResizeEvent;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.selection.SelectionLayer.MoveDirectionEnum;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Adds the row grouping functionality to the row header. Also persists the
* state of the row groups when {@link NatTable#saveState(String, Properties)}
* is invoked.
* <p>
* Internally uses a collection of {@link GroupModel} to track the row groups on
* multiple levels.
* </p>
* <p>
* It supports multiple row grouping levels. The levels are 0 based and
* configured right-to-left. That means if 3 levels of row groups are defined,
* the first level==0 is the right most columnPosition==2, and the left most
* level==2 is on columnPosition==0.
* </p>
* @since 1.6
public class RowGroupHeaderLayer extends AbstractLayerTransform {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RowGroupHeaderLayer.class);
private static final String PERSISTENCE_KEY_ROW_GROUPS = ".rowGroups"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final List<GroupModel> model;
* {@link SizeConfig} instance for the column width configuration.
private final SizeConfig columnWidthConfig = new SizeConfig(20);
* Flag which is used to tell the {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} whether to
* calculate the width of the layer dependent on row group configuration or
* not. If it is set to <code>true</code> the row header will check if row
* groups are configured and if not, the width of the row header will not
* show the double width for showing row groups.
private boolean calculateWidth = false;
* Flag to configure whether group names should be always visible on
* rendering, e.g. on scrolling, or if the group names should scroll with
* the cell. Default is <code>false</code>.
private boolean showAlwaysGroupNames = false;
* The layer to which the positions in the group should match. Typically
* this is the {@link SelectionLayer}.
private IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer;
* The converter that is used to perform the index-position conversion in a
* {@link GroupModel}.
private IndexPositionConverter indexPositionConverter;
* The path of {@link ILayer} from {@link #positionLayer} to this layer.
* Needed to be able to convert the row position based on the
* {@link #positionLayer} to a position in this layer.
private List<ILayer> layerPath;
* Position that is tracked on row group reorder via dragging. Needed
* because on drag operations the viewport could scroll and therefore the
* from position is not the original one anymore.
private int reorderFromRowPosition;
* Map in which it is stored if reordering is supported per level.
private Map<Integer, Boolean> reorderSupportedOnLevel = new HashMap<>();
* The {@link CompositeFreezeLayer} in case it is part of the layer
* composition. Needed to deal with groups in frozen state as row positions
* could get ambiguous on scrolling.
private CompositeFreezeLayer compositeFreezeLayer;
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations
* and one grouping level. Uses the SelectionLayer as positionLayer and the
* default configuration.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, selectionLayer, 1, true);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations.
* Uses the SelectionLayer as positionLayer and the default configuration.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param numberOfGroupLevels
* The number of group levels that should be supported.
* Additional levels can also be added via
* {@link #addGroupingLevel()}.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
int numberOfGroupLevels) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, selectionLayer, numberOfGroupLevels, true);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations
* and one grouping level. Uses the default configuration.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param positionLayer
* The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to,
* needed to handle column position transformations without
* taking the viewport into account. Typically the
* SelectionLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, positionLayer, selectionLayer, 1, true);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations.
* Uses the default configuration.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param positionLayer
* The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to,
* needed to handle column position transformations without
* taking the viewport into account. Typically the
* SelectionLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param numberOfGroupLevels
* The number of group levels that should be supported.
* Additional levels can also be added via
* {@link #addGroupingLevel()}.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
int numberOfGroupLevels) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, positionLayer, selectionLayer, numberOfGroupLevels, true);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations.
* Takes the {@link SelectionLayer} as positionLayer.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param numberOfGroupLevels
* The number of group levels that should be supported.
* Additional levels can also be added via
* {@link #addGroupingLevel()}.
* @param useDefaultConfiguration
* <code>true</code> if the default configuration should be
* applied, <code>false</code> if a custom configuration will be
* applied afterwards.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
int numberOfGroupLevels,
boolean useDefaultConfiguration) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, selectionLayer, numberOfGroupLevels, useDefaultConfiguration);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with one grouping level and the
* specified configurations. Takes the {@link SelectionLayer} as
* positionLayer.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param useDefaultConfiguration
* <code>true</code> if the default configuration should be
* applied, <code>false</code> if a custom configuration will be
* applied afterwards.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
boolean useDefaultConfiguration) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, selectionLayer, 1, useDefaultConfiguration);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with one grouping level and the
* specified configurations.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param positionLayer
* The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to,
* needed to handle row position transformations without taking
* the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param useDefaultConfiguration
* <code>true</code> if the default configuration should be
* applied, <code>false</code> if a custom configuration will be
* applied afterwards.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
boolean useDefaultConfiguration) {
this(underlyingHeaderLayer, selectionLayer, selectionLayer, 1, useDefaultConfiguration);
* Creates a {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} with the specified configurations.
* @param underlyingHeaderLayer
* The underlying layer on whose top this layer should be
* created, typically the RowHeaderLayer.
* @param positionLayer
* The positionLayer to which this layer should be mapped to,
* needed to handle row position transformations without taking
* the viewport into account. Typically the SelectionLayer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The SelectionLayer needed for command handlers that inspect
* the selection on handling.
* @param numberOfGroupLevels
* The number of group levels that should be supported.
* Additional levels can also be added via
* {@link #addGroupingLevel()}.
* @param useDefaultConfiguration
* <code>true</code> if the default configuration should be
* applied, <code>false</code> if a custom configuration will be
* applied afterwards.
public RowGroupHeaderLayer(
ILayer underlyingHeaderLayer,
IUniqueIndexLayer positionLayer,
SelectionLayer selectionLayer,
int numberOfGroupLevels,
boolean useDefaultConfiguration) {
this.positionLayer = positionLayer;
this.indexPositionConverter = new GroupModel.IndexPositionConverter() {
public int convertPositionToIndex(int position) {
return positionLayer.getRowIndexByPosition(position);
public int convertIndexToPosition(int index) {
return positionLayer.getRowPositionByIndex(index);
this.model = new ArrayList<>(numberOfGroupLevels);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfGroupLevels; i++) {
GroupModel groupModel = new GroupModel();
this.reorderSupportedOnLevel.put(i, Boolean.TRUE);
this.layerPath = findLayerPath(this, 0);
this.layerPainter = new RowGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter(this);
// add listener on dependent layer to be notified about structural
// changes
positionLayer.addLayerListener(new StructuralChangeLayerListener());
if (useDefaultConfiguration) {
addConfiguration(new DefaultRowGroupHeaderLayerConfiguration(false));
* @return The {@link ILayerPainter} that is used by this layer. Typically
* the {@link RowGroupHeaderGridLineCellLayerPainter} to support
* rendering of huge row group cells by inspecting the
* {@link #showAlwaysGroupNames} attribute.
public ILayerPainter getLayerPainter() {
// return the ILayerPainter set to this layer, not the ILayerPainter
// from the underlying layer as specified in AbstractLayerTransform
return this.layerPainter;
public void setLayerPainter(ILayerPainter layerPainter) {
this.layerPainter = layerPainter;
* Register command handlers for this layer.
* @param selectionLayer
* The {@link SelectionLayer} needed for handling selections on
* grouping/ungrouping.
protected void registerCommandHandlers(SelectionLayer selectionLayer) {
registerCommandHandler(new RowGroupsCommandHandler(this, selectionLayer));
registerCommandHandler(new ConfigureScalingCommandHandler(this.columnWidthConfig, null));
// group reordering
registerCommandHandler(new RowGroupReorderCommandHandler(this));
registerCommandHandler(new RowGroupReorderStartCommandHandler(this));
registerCommandHandler(new RowGroupReorderEndCommandHandler(this));
// register command handlers to add checks if a reordering is valid in
// case of unbreakable groups
getPositionLayer().registerCommandHandler(new GroupRowReorderCommandHandler(this));
getPositionLayer().registerCommandHandler(new GroupRowReorderStartCommandHandler(this));
getPositionLayer().registerCommandHandler(new GroupRowReorderEndCommandHandler(this));
getPositionLayer().registerCommandHandler(new GroupMultiRowReorderCommandHandler(this));
* Convenience method to get the {@link GroupModel} on level 0. Useful for
* single level row grouping.
* @return The {@link GroupModel} for level 0.
public GroupModel getGroupModel() {
return getGroupModel(0);
* Return the {@link GroupModel} for the given grouping level. Note that the
* levels are right-to-left, so level 0 is the right most grouping level.
* @param level
* The grouping level. Value is right-to-left.
* @return The {@link GroupModel} for the corresponding level.
public GroupModel getGroupModel(int level) {
if (level >= this.model.size()) {
LOG.warn("tried to add a group on a non-existent level"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
return this.model.get(level);
* Adds a new grouping level on top.
public void addGroupingLevel() {
GroupModel groupModel = new GroupModel();
this.reorderSupportedOnLevel.put(this.model.size() - 1, Boolean.TRUE);
* @return The number of grouping levels configured in this layer.
public int getLevelCount() {
return this.model.size();
* @return The layer to which the positions in the group should match.
* Typically this is the {@link SelectionLayer}.
public IUniqueIndexLayer getPositionLayer() {
return this.positionLayer;
* Calculates the path of {@link ILayer} from {@link #positionLayer} to the
* given layer.
* @param layer
* The {@link ILayer} for which the path is requested.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position for which the layer path should be
* @return The path of {@link ILayer} from the {@link #positionLayer} to the
* given {@link ILayer} or <code>null</code> if a direct path is not
* available.
List<ILayer> findLayerPath(ILayer layer, int rowPosition) {
if (layer == getPositionLayer()) {
List<ILayer> result = new ArrayList<>();
return result;
if (this.compositeFreezeLayer == null && layer instanceof CompositeFreezeLayer) {
this.compositeFreezeLayer = (CompositeFreezeLayer) layer;
// handle collection
List<ILayer> result = null;
Collection<ILayer> underlyingLayers = layer.getUnderlyingLayersByRowPosition(rowPosition);
if (underlyingLayers != null) {
for (ILayer underlyingLayer : underlyingLayers) {
if (underlyingLayer != null) {
result = findLayerPath(underlyingLayer, rowPosition);
// handle vertical dependency
if (result == null && layer instanceof DimensionallyDependentLayer) {
result = findLayerPath(((DimensionallyDependentLayer) layer).getVerticalLayerDependency(), rowPosition);
if (result == null && this.underlyingLayer instanceof DimensionallyDependentIndexLayer) {
result = findLayerPath(((DimensionallyDependentIndexLayer) layer).getVerticalLayerDependency(), rowPosition);
// in case of the CompositeFreezeLayer it can happen that for the last
// rows in scrolled state the path cannot be determined as
// getUnderlyingLayersByPosition() returns an empty collection because
// it is above the ViewportLayer. We therefore need a special handling
// to check additionally below the ViewportLayer.
if (result == null && layer instanceof CompositeFreezeLayer) {
result = findLayerPath(((CompositeFreezeLayer) layer).getChildLayerByLayoutCoordinate(1, 1), rowPosition);
if (result != null) {
return result;
* Converts the given row position the {@link #layerPath} upwards.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position to convert.
* @return The upwards converted row position.
protected int convertRowPositionUpwards(int rowPosition) {
int converted = rowPosition;
// This could be for example when the CompositeFreezeLayer is in the
// composition. At creation time the underlying layers would be empty
// because the height is not yet calculated.
List<ILayer> path = this.layerPath;
if (path == null) {
path = findLayerPath(this, rowPosition);
if (path != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; i++) {
ILayer underlying = path.get(i);
ILayer upper = path.get(i + 1);
converted = upper.underlyingToLocalRowPosition(underlying, converted);
return converted;
public boolean doCommand(ILayerCommand command) {
if (command instanceof RowGroupExpandCollapseCommand
&& command.convertToTargetLayer(getPositionLayer())) {
// only RowGroupExpandCollapseCommand needs to be converted to
// positionLayer so also currently not visible row groups can be
// expanded/collapsed
RowGroupExpandCollapseCommand cmd = (RowGroupExpandCollapseCommand) command;
int columnPosition = cmd.getLocalColumnPosition(this);
int rowPosition = cmd.getRowPosition();
Object[] found = findGroupForCoordinates(columnPosition, rowPosition);
if (found != null) {
GroupModel groupModel = (GroupModel) found[0];
Group group = (Group) found[1];
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
expandGroup(groupModel, group);
} else {
collapseGroup(groupModel, group);
return true;
} else if (command instanceof ColumnResizeCommand
&& command.convertToTargetLayer(this)
&& ((ColumnResizeCommand) command).getColumnPosition() < getColumnCount() - 1) {
ColumnResizeCommand columnResizeCommand = (ColumnResizeCommand) command;
int newColumnWidth = columnResizeCommand.downScaleValue()
? this.columnWidthConfig.downScale(columnResizeCommand.getNewColumnWidth())
: columnResizeCommand.getNewColumnWidth();
setColumnWidth(columnResizeCommand.getColumnPosition(), newColumnWidth);
fireLayerEvent(new ColumnResizeEvent(this, columnResizeCommand.getColumnPosition()));
return true;
} else if (command instanceof MultiColumnResizeCommand && command.convertToTargetLayer(this)) {
MultiColumnResizeCommand columnResizeCommand = (MultiColumnResizeCommand) command;
for (int column : columnResizeCommand.getColumnPositionsArray()) {
int newColumnWidth = columnResizeCommand.downScaleValue()
? this.columnWidthConfig.downScale(columnResizeCommand.getColumnWidth(column))
: columnResizeCommand.getColumnWidth(column);
setColumnWidth(column, newColumnWidth);
fireLayerEvent(new ColumnResizeEvent(this, column));
// do not consume as additional columns might need to get
// updated too
return super.doCommand(command);
// Persistence
public void saveState(String prefix, Properties properties) {
super.saveState(prefix, properties);
int level = 0;
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
groupModel.saveState(prefix + PERSISTENCE_KEY_ROW_GROUPS + "_" + level, properties); //$NON-NLS-1$
public void loadState(String prefix, Properties properties) {
super.loadState(prefix, properties);
// expand all currently collapsed groups
int level = 0;
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
// load the group model
groupModel.loadState(prefix + PERSISTENCE_KEY_ROW_GROUPS + "_" + level, properties); //$NON-NLS-1$
// trigger real collapse of collapsed groups in model
List<Group> collapsedGroups = new ArrayList<>();
for (Group group : groupModel.getGroups()) {
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
if (!collapsedGroups.isEmpty()) {
doCommand(new RowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, collapsedGroups));
fireLayerEvent(new RowStructuralRefreshEvent(this));
// Horizontal features
// Columns
public int getColumnCount() {
return this.underlyingLayer.getColumnCount() + this.model.size();
public int getPreferredColumnCount() {
return this.underlyingLayer.getPreferredColumnCount() + this.model.size();
public int getColumnIndexByPosition(int columnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
if (columnPosition < columnCount) {
return columnPosition;
} else {
return this.underlyingLayer.getColumnIndexByPosition(columnPosition - columnCount);
public int localToUnderlyingColumnPosition(int localColumnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
if (localColumnPosition < columnCount) {
return localColumnPosition;
} else {
return localColumnPosition - columnCount;
public int underlyingToLocalColumnPosition(ILayer sourceUnderlyingLayer, int underlyingColumnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
return underlyingColumnPosition + columnCount;
// Width
private int getGroupingWidth() {
if (!this.calculateWidth) {
return this.columnWidthConfig.getAggregateSize(this.model.size());
int width = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < this.model.size(); i++) {
GroupModel groupModel = this.model.get(i);
if (!groupModel.isEmpty()) {
width += this.columnWidthConfig.getSize(getColumnPositionForLevel(i));
return width;
public int getWidth() {
return getGroupingWidth() + this.underlyingLayer.getWidth();
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return getGroupingWidth() + this.underlyingLayer.getPreferredWidth();
public int getColumnWidthByPosition(int columnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
if (columnPosition < columnCount) {
if (!this.calculateWidth) {
return this.columnWidthConfig.getSize(columnPosition);
} else {
int level = getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition);
return getGroupModel(level).isEmpty() ? 0 : this.columnWidthConfig.getSize(columnPosition);
} else {
return this.underlyingLayer.getColumnWidthByPosition(columnPosition - columnCount);
* Set the column width for grouping level 0.
* @param columnWidth
* The width to set for grouping level 0.
public void setColumnWidth(int columnWidth) {
setColumnWidth(getColumnPositionForLevel(0), columnWidth);
* Set the column width for the given column in this layer.
* <p>
* <b>Note: </b> Use {@link #getLevelForColumnPosition(int)} if the column
* position for a level needs to be determined.
* </p>
* @param column
* The column whose width should be set.
* @param columnWidth
* The width to set for the given column position.
public void setColumnWidth(int column, int columnWidth) {
this.columnWidthConfig.setSize(column, columnWidth);
* @param level
* The level for which the column position is requested.
* @return The column position for the given grouping level.
public int getColumnPositionForLevel(int level) {
return this.model.size() - level - 1;
* @param columnPosition
* The column position for which the level is requested.
* @return The level for the given column position.
public int getLevelForColumnPosition(int columnPosition) {
return this.model.size() - columnPosition - 1;
// Column resize
public boolean isColumnPositionResizable(int columnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
if (columnPosition < columnCount) {
return this.columnWidthConfig.isPositionResizable(columnPosition);
} else {
return this.underlyingLayer.isColumnPositionResizable(columnPosition - columnCount);
* Set the column resizable configuration for the given column position.
* @param columnPosition
* The column for which the resizable flag should be set.
* @param resizable
* <code>true</code> if the column should be resizable,
* <code>false</code> if not.
public void setColumnPositionResizable(int columnPosition, boolean resizable) {
this.columnWidthConfig.setPositionResizable(columnPosition, resizable);
// X
public int getColumnPositionByX(int x) {
int groupWidth = getGroupingWidth();
if (x <= groupWidth) {
return LayerUtil.getColumnPositionByX(this, x);
} else {
return this.model.size() + this.underlyingLayer.getColumnPositionByX(x - groupWidth);
public int getStartXOfColumnPosition(int columnPosition) {
int columnCount = this.model.size();
if (columnPosition < columnCount) {
if (!this.calculateWidth) {
return this.columnWidthConfig.getAggregateSize(columnPosition);
} else {
int startX = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < columnPosition; i++) {
GroupModel groupModel = this.model.get(i);
if (!groupModel.isEmpty()) {
startX += this.columnWidthConfig.getSize(getColumnPositionForLevel(i));
return startX;
} else {
return getGroupingWidth()
+ this.underlyingLayer.getStartXOfColumnPosition(columnPosition - this.model.size());
// Cell features
public ILayerCell getCellByPosition(final int columnPosition, final int rowPosition) {
// Row group header cell
if (columnPosition < this.model.size()) {
int level = getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition);
Group group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group != null) {
int start = this.compositeFreezeLayer == null
? convertRowPositionUpwards(getPositionLayer().getRowPositionByIndex(group.getVisibleStartIndex()))
: this.compositeFreezeLayer.getRowPositionByIndex(group.getVisibleStartIndex());
// check if there is a level above that does not have a group
int column = columnPosition;
int columnSpan = 1;
while (level < (this.model.size() - 1)) {
Group upperGroup = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (upperGroup == null) {
} else {
// if the header should be shown always, e.g. because of
// huge row groups, the start will not below 0 and the
// end not below row count
int rowSpan = getRowSpan(group);
if (this.showAlwaysGroupNames) {
if (start < 0) {
rowSpan += start;
start = 0;
if (start + rowSpan > getRowCount()) {
rowSpan = getRowCount() - start;
return new LayerCell(
} else {
// for the level there is no group, check if the level below has
// a group to calculate the row spanning
int columnSpan = 2;
Group subGroup = null;
while (level > 0) {
group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group == null) {
} else {
subGroup = group;
if (subGroup != null) {
int start = this.compositeFreezeLayer == null
? convertRowPositionUpwards(getPositionLayer().getRowPositionByIndex(subGroup.getVisibleStartIndex()))
: this.compositeFreezeLayer.getRowPositionByIndex(subGroup.getVisibleStartIndex());
int rowSpan = getRowSpan(subGroup);
// if the header should be shown always, e.g. because of
// huge row groups, the start will not below 0 and the
// end not below row count
if (this.showAlwaysGroupNames) {
if (start < 0) {
rowSpan += start;
start = 0;
if (start + rowSpan > getRowCount()) {
rowSpan = getRowCount() - start;
return new LayerCell(
} else {
// get the cell from the underlying layer
final int span = columnSpan;
ILayerCell cell = this.underlyingLayer.getCellByPosition(0, rowPosition);
if (cell != null) {
cell = new TransformedLayerCell(cell) {
public ILayer getLayer() {
return RowGroupHeaderLayer.this;
public int getColumnSpan() {
return span;
public int getColumnPosition() {
return columnPosition;
public int getOriginColumnPosition() {
return columnPosition;
return cell;
} else {
int columnSpan = 1;
// check for special case if a row header data provider supports
// multiple columns
if (columnPosition - 1 < this.model.size()) {
// check if one column to the left has a group
int level = getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition - 1);
Group group = null;
while (level < this.model.size()) {
group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group == null) {
} else {
final int span = columnSpan;
ILayerCell cell = this.underlyingLayer.getCellByPosition(0, rowPosition);
if (cell != null) {
cell = new TransformedLayerCell(cell) {
public ILayer getLayer() {
return RowGroupHeaderLayer.this;
public int getColumnSpan() {
return span;
public int getColumnPosition() {
return columnPosition;
public int getOriginColumnPosition() {
return columnPosition - (span - 1);
return cell;
public Rectangle getBoundsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
Rectangle bounds = super.getBoundsByPosition(columnPosition, rowPosition);
if (this.compositeFreezeLayer != null && this.compositeFreezeLayer.isFrozen()) {
// if we are have a composition with freeze and there is a freeze
// region active, we need to perform some special bound calculation
// because the origin row positions of a spanned cell could be
// ambiguous on scrolling
ILayerCell cell = getCellByPosition(columnPosition, rowPosition);
int[] rowBounds = this.compositeFreezeLayer.getRowBounds(
cell.getOriginRowPosition() + cell.getRowSpan() - 1);
bounds.y = rowBounds[0];
bounds.height = rowBounds[1];
return bounds;
* Get the {@link Group} for the row at the given row position for level 0.
* Will transform the given row position to a position matching the position
* layer for correct resolution.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position related to this layer.
* @return The {@link Group} at the given row position or <code>null</code>
* if there is no {@link Group} at this position.
public Group getGroupByPosition(int rowPosition) {
return getGroupByPosition(0, rowPosition);
* Get the {@link Group} for the row at the given row position for the given
* grouping level. Will transform the given row position to a position
* matching the position layer for correct resolution.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position related to this layer.
* @return The {@link Group} at the given row position or <code>null</code>
* if there is no {@link Group} at this position.
public Group getGroupByPosition(int level, int rowPosition) {
// calculate the position matching the position layer
int posRow = LayerUtil.convertRowPosition(this, rowPosition, getPositionLayer());
if (posRow > -1) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
return groupModel.getGroupByPosition(posRow);
return null;
* Finds a {@link Group} and its parent {@link GroupModel} based on the
* coordinates.
* @param columnPosition
* The column position based on this layer.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position based on the position layer.
* @return Object array where the first item is the {@link GroupModel} and
* the second item is the found {@link Group}. Returns
* <code>null</code> if either no {@link GroupModel} or no
* {@link Group} was found.
protected Object[] findGroupForCoordinates(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int level = getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition);
GroupModel groupModel = null;
Group group = null;
for (; level >= 0; level--) {
groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
group = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(rowPosition);
if (group != null) {
return new Object[] { groupModel, group };
return null;
* Checks if there is a {@link Group} configured for the given row position
* at any level.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position related to this layer.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is a {@link Group} at the given row
* position, <code>false</code> if not.
public boolean isPartOfAGroup(int rowPosition) {
for (int level = 0; level < this.model.size(); level++) {
if (isPartOfAGroup(level, rowPosition)) {
return true;
return false;
* Checks if there is a {@link Group} configured for the given row position
* at the given level.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position related to this layer.
* @return <code>true</code> if there is a {@link Group} at the given row
* position, <code>false</code> if not.
public boolean isPartOfAGroup(int level, int rowPosition) {
Group group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
return group != null;
* Check if the specified position belongs to a {@link Group} and if this
* {@link Group} is unbreakable. Convenience method for checks on level 0.
* @param rowPosition
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group related
* to this layer.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified position belongs to a
* {@link Group} and this {@link Group} is unbreakable,
* <code>false</code> if not.
public boolean isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(int rowPosition) {
return isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(0, rowPosition);
* Check if the specified position belongs to a {@link Group} at the
* specified level and if this {@link Group} is unbreakable.
* @param level
* The level for which the check should be performed.
* @param rowPosition
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group related
* to this layer.
* @return <code>true</code> if the specified position belongs to a
* {@link Group} at the specified level and this {@link Group} is
* unbreakable, <code>false</code> if not.
public boolean isPartOfAnUnbreakableGroup(int level, int rowPosition) {
Group group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group != null) {
return group.isUnbreakable();
return false;
* Calculates the span of a cell in a group. Takes into account collapsed
* and hidden rows in the group.
* @param group
* the group for which the span should be calculated.
public int getRowSpan(Group group) {
int sizeOfGroup = group.getVisibleSpan();
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
int sizeOfStaticRows = group.getStaticIndexes().length;
if (sizeOfStaticRows == 0) {
return 1;
} else {
int staticSize = 0;
for (int index : group.getStaticIndexes()) {
if (getPositionLayer().getRowPositionByIndex(index) >= 0) {
sizeOfGroup = staticSize;
return sizeOfGroup;
public DisplayMode getDisplayModeByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
if (columnPosition < this.model.size() && isPartOfAGroup(getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition), rowPosition)) {
return DisplayMode.NORMAL;
} else {
int columnPos = columnPosition < this.model.size() ? columnPosition : columnPosition - this.model.size();
return this.underlyingLayer.getDisplayModeByPosition(columnPos, rowPosition);
public LabelStack getConfigLabelsByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
int posRow = LayerUtil.convertRowPosition(this, rowPosition, getPositionLayer());
Object[] found = findGroupForCoordinates(columnPosition, posRow);
Group group = found != null ? (Group) found[1] : null;
if (columnPosition < this.model.size() && group != null) {
LabelStack stack = new LabelStack();
if (getConfigLabelAccumulator() != null) {
getConfigLabelAccumulator().accumulateConfigLabels(stack, columnPosition, rowPosition);
if (group != null && group.isCollapseable()) {
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
} else {
return stack;
} else {
int columnPos = columnPosition < this.model.size() ? columnPosition : columnPosition - this.model.size();
return this.underlyingLayer.getConfigLabelsByPosition(columnPos, rowPosition);
public Object getDataValueByPosition(int columnPosition, int rowPosition) {
if (columnPosition < this.model.size()) {
int level = getLevelForColumnPosition(columnPosition);
Group group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
while (group == null && level > 0) {
group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group != null) {
return group.getName();
return this.underlyingLayer.getDataValueByPosition(0, rowPosition);
public LabelStack getRegionLabelsByXY(int x, int y) {
if (x < getGroupingWidth()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.model.size(); i++) {
if (isPartOfAGroup(i, getRowPositionByY(y))) {
return new LabelStack(GridRegion.ROW_GROUP_HEADER);
return this.underlyingLayer.getRegionLabelsByXY(x, y - getGroupingWidth());
// GroupModel delegates
* Returns the {@link Group} for the given name at level 0.
* @param name
* The name of the requested group.
* @return The group with the given group name or <code>null</code> if there
* is no group with such a name.
public Group getGroupByName(String name) {
return getGroupByName(0, name);
* Returns the {@link Group} for the given name.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param name
* The name of the requested group.
* @return The group with the given group name or <code>null</code> if there
* is no group with such a name.
public Group getGroupByName(int level, String name) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
return groupModel.getGroupByName(name);
return null;
* Adds the given positions to the group with the given name.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group to which the given positions should be
* added.
* @param positions
* The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
public void addPositionsToGroup(String groupName, int... positions) {
addPositionsToGroup(0, groupName, positions);
* Adds the given positions to the group with the given name.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group to which the given positions should be
* added.
* @param positions
* The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
public void addPositionsToGroup(int level, String groupName, int... positions) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
Group group = groupModel.getGroupByName(groupName);
if (group != null) {
addPositionsToGroup(group, positions);
* Adds the given positions to the group to which the given row position
* belongs to.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param rowPosition
* The row position related to this layer to get the
* corresponding group to which the given positions should be
* added.
* @param positions
* The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
public void addPositionsToGroup(int level, int rowPosition, int... positions) {
Group group = getGroupByPosition(level, rowPosition);
if (group != null) {
addPositionsToGroup(group, positions);
* Adds the given positions to the given {@link Group}.
* @param group
* The {@link Group} to which the positions should be added.
* @param positions
* The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
protected void addPositionsToGroup(Group group, int... positions) {
addPositionsToGroup(0, group, positions);
* Adds the given positions to the given {@link Group}.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param group
* The {@link Group} to which the positions should be added.
* @param positions
* The positions to add corresponding to this layer.
protected void addPositionsToGroup(int level, Group group, int... positions) {
int[] converted = new int[positions.length];
for (int pos = 0; pos < positions.length; pos++) {
// calculate the position matching the position layer
converted[pos] = LayerUtil.convertRowPosition(this, positions[pos], getPositionLayer());
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(getGroupModel(level), group));
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.addPositionsToGroup(group, converted);
fireLayerEvent(new ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent(RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.underlyingLayer));
* Removes the given positions from corresponding groups. Only performs an
* action if the position is part of the group.
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b><br>
* A removal will only happen for rows at the beginning or the end of a
* group. Removing a position in the middle will cause removal of rows at
* the end of the group to avoid splitting a group.
* </p>
* <p>
* <b>Note:</b><br>
* A removal does only work for visible positions. That means removing
* something from a collapsed group does not work.
* </p>
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param positions
* The positions to remove corresponding to this layer.
public void removePositionsFromGroup(int level, int... positions) {
int[] converted = new int[positions.length];
for (int pos = 0; pos < positions.length; pos++) {
// calculate the position matching the position layer
converted[pos] = LayerUtil.convertRowPosition(this, positions[pos], getPositionLayer());
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
for (int i = converted.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
int pos = converted[i];
Group group = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(pos);
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, group));
groupModel.removePositionsFromGroup(group, pos);
// fire the event to update row group rendering in case calculate
// width is enabled
if (this.calculateWidth) {
fireLayerEvent(new ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent(RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.underlyingLayer));
* Creates and adds a group.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group. Typically used as value in the cell.
* @param startIndex
* The index of the first item in the group.
* @param span
* The configured number of items that belong to this group.
public void addGroup(String groupName, int startIndex, int span) {
addGroup(0, groupName, startIndex, span);
* Creates and adds a group.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group. Typically used as value in the cell.
* @param startIndex
* The index of the first item in the group.
* @param span
* The configured number of items that belong to this group.
public void addGroup(int level, String groupName, int startIndex, int span) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.addGroup(groupName, startIndex, span);
* Removes the group identified by the given name.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group to remove.
public void removeGroup(String groupName) {
removeGroup(0, groupName);
* Removes the group identified by the given name.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group to remove.
public void removeGroup(int level, String groupName) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
Group group = groupModel.removeGroup(groupName);
if (group != null && group.isCollapsed()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(getGroupModel(level), group));
* Removes the group identified by the given row position.
* @param rowPosition
* The group that contains the given row position.
public void removeGroup(int rowPosition) {
removeGroup(0, rowPosition);
* Removes the group identified by the given row position.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param rowPosition
* The group that contains the given row position.
public void removeGroup(int level, int rowPosition) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
Group group = groupModel.removeGroup(rowPosition);
if (group != null && group.isCollapsed()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(getGroupModel(level), group));
* Removes the given group.
* @param group
* The group to remove.
public void removeGroup(Group group) {
removeGroup(0, group);
* Removes the given group.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param group
* The group to remove.
public void removeGroup(int level, Group group) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
if (group != null && group.isCollapsed()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(getGroupModel(level), group));
* Removes all groups in all levels.
public void clearAllGroups() {
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
if (!groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Removes all groups in the given level.
* @param level
* The grouping level that should be cleared. The level is zero
* based bottom-up.
public void clearAllGroups(int level) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null && !groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified
* by the given group name. Static indexes are the indexes that stay visible
* when the group is collapsed.
* @param groupName
* The name of a group to which the the static indexes should be
* added to.
* @param staticIndexes
* The static indexes to add.
public void addStaticRowIndexesToGroup(String groupName, int... staticIndexes) {
addStaticRowIndexesToGroup(0, groupName, staticIndexes);
* Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified
* by the given group name. Static indexes are the indexes that stay visible
* when the group is collapsed.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param groupName
* The name of a group to which the the static indexes should be
* added to.
* @param staticIndexes
* The static indexes to add.
public void addStaticRowIndexesToGroup(int level, String groupName, int... staticIndexes) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.addStaticIndexesToGroup(groupName, staticIndexes);
* Adds the given indexes as static indexes to the group that is identified
* by the given row position. Static indexes are the indexes that stay
* visible when the group is collapsed.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param rowPosition
* The position of a group to which the the static indexes should
* be added to.
* @param staticIndexes
* The static indexes to add.
public void addStaticRowIndexesToGroup(int level, int rowPosition, int... staticIndexes) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.addStaticIndexesToGroup(rowPosition, staticIndexes);
* Collapses the group with the given name.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be collapsed.
public void collapseGroup(String groupName) {
collapseGroup(0, groupName);
* Collapses the group with the given name.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be collapsed.
public void collapseGroup(int level, String groupName) {
collapseGroup(getGroupModel(level), getGroupByName(groupName));
* Collapses the group for the given position, if the row at the specified
* position belongs to a group.
* @param position
* The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding
* group should be collapsed.
public void collapseGroup(int position) {
collapseGroup(0, position);
* Collapses the group for the given position, if the row at the specified
* position belongs to a group.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param position
* The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding
* group should be collapsed.
public void collapseGroup(int level, int position) {
collapseGroup(getGroupModel(level), getGroupByPosition(level, position));
* Collapses the given group of the given group model.
* @param groupModel
* The group model to which the given group belongs to.
* @param group
* The group to collapse.
public void collapseGroup(GroupModel groupModel, Group group) {
if (groupModel != null && group != null) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, group));
* Collapses all groups in all levels.
public void collapseAllGroups() {
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
if (!groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Collapses all groups in the given level.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based bottom-up.
public void collapseAllGroups(int level) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null && !groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Expands the group with the given name.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be expanded.
public void expandGroup(String groupName) {
expandGroup(0, groupName);
* Expands the group with the given name.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be expanded.
public void expandGroup(int level, String groupName) {
expandGroup(getGroupModel(level), getGroupByName(groupName));
* Expands the group for the given position, if the column at the specified
* position belongs to a group.
* @param position
* The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding
* group should be expanded.
public void expandGroup(int position) {
expandGroup(0, position);
* Expands the group for the given position, if the column at the specified
* position belongs to a group.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param position
* The position corresponding to this layer whose corresponding
* group should be expanded.
public void expandGroup(int level, int position) {
expandGroup(getGroupModel(level), getGroupByPosition(level, position));
* Expands the given group of the given group model.
* @param groupModel
* The group model to which the given group belongs to.
* @param group
* The group to expand.
public void expandGroup(GroupModel groupModel, Group group) {
if (groupModel != null && group != null) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, group));
* Expands all groups in all levels.
public void expandAllGroups() {
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
if (!groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Expands all groups in the given level.
* @param level
* The grouping level that should be expanded. The level is zero
* based right-to-left.
public void expandAllGroups(int level) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null && !groupModel.isEmpty()) {
getPositionLayer().doCommand(new RowGroupExpandCommand(groupModel, groupModel.getGroups()));
* Sets the default value for the collapseable flag when creating group
* objects for all group levels.
* @param defaultCollapseable
* the default value for the collapseable flag that should be set
* on creating group.
public void setDefaultCollapseable(boolean defaultCollapseable) {
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @return The default value for the collapseable flag of newly created
* group objects.
public boolean isDefaultCollapseable(int level) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
return groupModel.isDefaultCollapseable();
return false;
* Sets the default value for the collapseable flag when creating group
* objects.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param defaultCollapseable
* the default value for the collapseable flag that should be set
* on creating group.
public void setDefaultCollapseable(int level, boolean defaultCollapseable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
* Set the group with the given group name to be collapseable or not.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be modified.
* @param collabseable
* <code>true</code> to set the group collapseable,
* <code>false</code> to set it not to be collapseable.
public void setGroupCollapseable(String groupName, boolean collabseable) {
setGroupCollapseable(0, groupName, collabseable);
* Set the group with the given group name to be collapseable or not.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be modified.
* @param collabseable
* <code>true</code> to set the group collapseable,
* <code>false</code> to set it not to be collapseable.
public void setGroupCollapseable(int level, String groupName, boolean collabseable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.setGroupCollapseable(groupName, collabseable);
* Set the group to which the specified position belongs to, to be
* collapseable or not.
* @param position
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
* @param collabseable
* <code>true</code> to set the group collapseable,
* <code>false</code> to set it not to be collapseable.
public void setGroupCollapseable(int position, boolean collabseable) {
setGroupCollapseable(0, position, collabseable);
* Set the group to which the specified position belongs to, to be
* collapseable or not.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param position
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
* @param collabseable
* <code>true</code> to set the group collapseable,
* <code>false</code> to set it not to be collapseable.
public void setGroupCollapseable(int level, int position, boolean collabseable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.setGroupCollapseable(position, collabseable);
* Sets the default value for the unbreakable flag when creating group
* objects for all grouping levels.
* @param defaultUnbreakable
* the default value for the unbreakable flag that should be set
* on creating group.
public void setDefaultUnbreakable(boolean defaultUnbreakable) {
for (GroupModel groupModel : this.model) {
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @return The default value for the unbreakable flag of newly created group
* objects.
public boolean isDefaultUnbreakable(int level) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
return groupModel.isDefaultUnbreakable();
return false;
* Sets the default value for the unbreakable flag when creating group
* objects.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param defaultUnbreakable
* the default value for the unbreakable flag that should be set
* on creating group.
public void setDefaultUnbreakable(int level, boolean defaultUnbreakable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
* Set the group with the given name to unbreakable/breakable.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be modified.
* @param unbreakable
* <code>true</code> to set the group unbreakable,
* <code>false</code> to remove the unbreakable state.
public void setGroupUnbreakable(String groupName, boolean unbreakable) {
setGroupUnbreakable(0, groupName, unbreakable);
* Set the group with the given name to unbreakable/breakable.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param groupName
* The name of the group that should be modified.
* @param unbreakable
* <code>true</code> to set the group unbreakable,
* <code>false</code> to remove the unbreakable state.
public void setGroupUnbreakable(int level, String groupName, boolean unbreakable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.setGroupUnbreakable(groupName, unbreakable);
* Set the group to which the position belongs to unbreakable/breakable.
* @param position
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
* @param unbreakable
* <code>true</code> to set the group unbreakable,
* <code>false</code> to remove the unbreakable state.
public void setGroupUnbreakable(int position, boolean unbreakable) {
setGroupUnbreakable(0, position, unbreakable);
* Set the group to which the position belongs to unbreakable/breakable.
* @param level
* The grouping level for which the group is requested. The level
* is zero based right-to-left.
* @param position
* The position used to retrieve the corresponding group.
* @param unbreakable
* <code>true</code> to set the group unbreakable,
* <code>false</code> to remove the unbreakable state.
public void setGroupUnbreakable(int level, int position, boolean unbreakable) {
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
groupModel.setGroupUnbreakable(position, unbreakable);
// width
* @return <code>true</code> if the a check is performed whether row groups
* are configured or not. If not the width of the layer will not
* show additional width for showing row groups. <code>false</code>
* if the width should be fixed regardless of existing row groups.
public boolean isCalculateWidth() {
return this.calculateWidth;
* Configure whether the {@link RowGroupHeaderLayer} should calculate the
* width of the layer dependent on row group configuration or not.
* @param calculateWidth
* <code>true</code> if the layer should check if row groups are
* configured and if not, the width of the row header will not
* show the double width for showing row groups.
* <code>false</code> if the width should be fixed regardless of
* existing row groups.
public void setCalculateWidth(boolean calculateWidth) {
boolean changed = calculateWidth != this.calculateWidth;
this.calculateWidth = calculateWidth;
if (changed) {
this.fireLayerEvent(new ColumnStructuralRefreshEvent(this));
// group cell/name rendering
* @return <code>true</code> if the group names are always visible on
* rendering, e.g. on scrolling, <code>false</code> if the group
* names stay at the fixed position in the cell and scroll with the
* cell. Default is <code>false</code>.
public boolean isShowAlwaysGroupNames() {
return this.showAlwaysGroupNames;
* Configure whether group names should be always visible on rendering, e.g.
* on scrolling, or if the group names should scroll with the cell. Setting
* this value to <code>true</code> is recommended for huge row groups to
* ensure that the group name is always visible. This also increases the
* rendering performance as the spanned grouping cells are limited to the
* visible area.
* @param showAlwaysGroupNames
* <code>true</code> if the group names should be always visible
* on rendering, e.g. on scrolling, <code>false</code> if the
* group names should stay at the fixed position in the cell and
* scroll with the cell. Default is <code>false</code>.
public void setShowAlwaysGroupNames(boolean showAlwaysGroupNames) {
this.showAlwaysGroupNames = showAlwaysGroupNames;
// reorder
* Used to support row reordering via drag and drop. Needed because on drag
* the viewport could scroll and therefore on drag end the initial position
* could not be determined anymore.
* @return The position from which a row reorder operation was started.
* Position is based on the configured {@link #positionLayer}.
public int getReorderFromRowPosition() {
return this.reorderFromRowPosition;
* Set the position from which a row group drag operation was started.
* <p>
* Used to support row reordering via drag and drop. Needed because on drag
* the viewport could scroll and therefore on drag end the initial position
* could not be determined anymore.
* @param fromRowPosition
* The position from which a row reorder operation was started.
* Position needs to be based on the configured
* {@link #positionLayer}.
public void setReorderFromRowPosition(int fromRowPosition) {
this.reorderFromRowPosition = fromRowPosition;
* Check if reordering for the given grouping level is supported or not. By
* default reordering is supported on all grouping levels.
* @param level
* The level to check.
* @return <code>true</code> if the given grouping level does support
* reordering, <code>false</code> if group reordering is not
* supported for the given level.
public boolean isReorderSupportedOnLevel(int level) {
Boolean supported = this.reorderSupportedOnLevel.get(level);
if (supported != null) {
return supported;
return true;
* Configure whether reordering for a grouping level should be supported or
* not. By default reordering is enabled for all grouping levels.
* @param level
* The level for which the reorder support should be configured.
* @param supported
* <code>true</code> if the given grouping level should support
* reordering, <code>false</code> if group reordering should not
* be supported for the given level.
public void setReorderSupportedOnLevel(int level, boolean supported) {
if (level < this.model.size()) {
this.reorderSupportedOnLevel.put(level, supported);
* Reorder a row group for the fromRowPosition at the given level to the
* specified toRowPosition.
* @param level
* The group level on which the group reorder should be
* performed.
* @param fromRowPosition
* The row position of a row in the row group that should be
* reordered. Based on the configured {@link #positionLayer}.
* @param toRowPosition
* The row position to which a row group should be reordered to.
* Based on the configured {@link #positionLayer}.
* @return <code>true</code> if the reorder command was executed and
* consumed successfully
public boolean reorderRowGroup(int level, int fromRowPosition, int toRowPosition) {
if (!isReorderSupportedOnLevel(level)
|| !RowGroupUtils.isBetweenTwoGroups(
toRowPosition < getPositionLayer().getRowCount(),
PositionUtil.getVerticalMoveDirection(fromRowPosition, toRowPosition))) {
// consume the command and avoid reordering a group into another
// group
return true;
// additional check if the group itself is part of an unbreakable higher
// level group
if (level < getLevelCount() - 1
&& !RowGroupUtils.isReorderValid(
level + 1,
toRowPosition < getPositionLayer().getRowCount())) {
// consume the command and avoid reordering that breaks an
// unbreakable group
return true;
GroupModel groupModel = getGroupModel(level);
if (groupModel != null) {
Group group = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(fromRowPosition);
if (group != null) {
int toPosition = toRowPosition;
// we need to convert and fire the command on the underlying
// layer of the positionLayer as otherwise the special command
// handler is activated
int underlyingTo = getPositionLayer().localToUnderlyingRowPosition(toPosition);
// we reorder by index so even hidden columns in a group are
// reordered
GroupMultiRowReorderCommand command =
new GroupMultiRowReorderCommand(
Group toBottom = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(toPosition);
if (toBottom != null) {
} else {
// check if there is a group to the top
Group toTop = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(toPosition - 1);
if (toTop != null) {
return getPositionLayer().getUnderlyingLayerByPosition(0, 0).doCommand(command);
return false;
public Collection<String> getProvidedLabels() {
Collection<String> labels = super.getProvidedLabels();
// add the labels configured via IConfigLabelAccumulator
if (getConfigLabelAccumulator() instanceof IConfigLabelProvider) {
labels.addAll(((IConfigLabelProvider) getConfigLabelAccumulator()).getProvidedLabels());
return labels;
* {@link ILayerListener} implementation to update {@link Group}s according
* to structural changes. Is registered on the positionLayer, therefore a
* position conversion is not necessary.
private final class StructuralChangeLayerListener implements ILayerListener {
public void handleLayerEvent(ILayerEvent event) {
// special handling of RowReorderEvent because that events
// removes and adds a row at the same time and we need special
// handling in terms of left edge to ungroup if possible
if (event instanceof RowReorderEvent) {
// handle reorder event and update model
updateRowGroupModel((RowReorderEvent) event);
} else if (event instanceof IStructuralChangeEvent &&
((IStructuralChangeEvent) event).isVerticalStructureChanged()) {
IStructuralChangeEvent changeEvent = (IStructuralChangeEvent) event;
Collection<StructuralDiff> rowDiffs = changeEvent.getRowDiffs();
if (rowDiffs != null && !rowDiffs.isEmpty()) {
int[] deletedPositions = getDeletedPositions(rowDiffs);
if (deletedPositions != null) {
// check if the number of positions are the same as the
// number of indexes, otherwise trigger a consistency
// check. reason is that the ranges are modified to be
// always in a valid range, and that could cause a loss
// of hidden positions on conversion
if ((event instanceof RowGroupCollapseEvent)
|| (event instanceof RowStructuralChangeEvent
&& ((RowStructuralChangeEvent) event).getRowIndexes().length > deletedPositions.length)) {
// this triggers a consistency check
handleDeleteDiffs(new int[0]);
} else {
for (StructuralDiff diff : rowDiffs) {
if (diff.getDiffType() == DiffTypeEnum.ADD) {
// update visible start positions of all groups
for (GroupModel groupModel : RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.model) {
Map<Group, UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand> collapseUpdates = new HashMap<>();
// find group and update visible span
for (int i = diff.getAfterPositionRange().start; i < diff.getAfterPositionRange().end; i++) {
Group group = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(i);
int newStartIndex = getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(i);
if (group != null && group.getVisibleStartPosition() <= i) {
if (!group.isCollapsed()) {
group.setVisibleSpan(group.getVisibleSpan() + 1);
} else {
// update collapsed state
UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand cmd = collapseUpdates.get(group);
if (cmd == null) {
cmd = new UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, group);
collapseUpdates.put(group, cmd);
if (!group.containsStaticIndex(newStartIndex)) {
cmd.addIndexesToHide(getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(i) + 1);
if (group.getVisibleSpan() == 0) {
} else {
// if we have not found a group or the
// found group starts at the new visible
// position, check to the left to ensure
// correct handling at the end of a
// group
Group topGroup = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(i - 1);
if (topGroup != null
&& topGroup.getVisibleSpan() < topGroup.getOriginalSpan()
&& topGroup.hasMember(newStartIndex)) {
if (!topGroup.isCollapsed()) {
topGroup.setVisibleSpan(topGroup.getVisibleSpan() + 1);
} else {
if (!topGroup.containsStaticIndex(newStartIndex)) {
// update collapsed state
UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand cmd = collapseUpdates.get(topGroup);
if (cmd == null) {
cmd = new UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, topGroup);
collapseUpdates.put(topGroup, cmd);
} else {
topGroup.setVisibleSpan(topGroup.getVisibleSpan() + 1);
} else {
// check if there is a group with
// static indexes where the current
// index would belong to
Group g = groupModel.getGroupByStaticIndex(newStartIndex);
if (g != null) {
g.setVisibleSpan(g.getVisibleSpan() + 1);
} else {
// check if there is a group to
// the right and if that group
// has the newStartIndex as
// member
for (int e = diff.getAfterPositionRange().end; e > diff.getAfterPositionRange().start; e--) {
g = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(e);
if (g != null && g.hasMember(newStartIndex)) {
g.setVisibleSpan(g.getVisibleSpan() + 1);
for (UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand cmd : collapseUpdates.values()) {
// update visible start positions of all groups
} else {
// trigger a consistency check as the details of the event
// probably where removed on converting the layer stack
// upwards (e.g. if the hidden position was at the end of
// the table) or a complete refresh was triggered which
// means there are no diffs
performConsistencyCheck(rowDiffs == null);
private int[] getDeletedPositions(Collection<StructuralDiff> rowDiffs) {
MutableIntList result = IntLists.mutable.empty();
boolean deleteDiffFound = false;
for (StructuralDiff diff : rowDiffs) {
if (diff.getDiffType() == DiffTypeEnum.DELETE) {
deleteDiffFound = true;
int[] positions = PositionUtil.getPositions(diff.getBeforePositionRange());
if (deleteDiffFound) {
// we need to handle the deleted positions backwards
return result.sortThis().reverseThis().toArray();
} else {
// there was no DELETE diff, so we return null
return null;
private void handleDeleteDiffs(int[] positionList) {
if (positionList.length > 0) {
for (GroupModel groupModel : RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.model) {
// we need to create the MutableIntList on a copy of the
// positionList array, because modifications on the
// MutableIntList will be traversed to the the underlying
// array
MutableIntList groupPositionList = IntLists.mutable.of(Arrays.copyOf(positionList, positionList.length));
while (!groupPositionList.isEmpty()) {
// find group and update visible span
// we need to iterate because one could hide the
// last row in one group and the first of
// another group at once
int pos = groupPositionList.get(0);
Group group = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(pos);
if (group != null) {
// find all positions belonging to
// the group
MutableIntList groupPositions = IntLists.mutable.of(group.getVisiblePositions());
// find the positions in the group
// that are hidden
MutableIntList hiddenGroupPositions =;
// update the positionList as we
// handled the hidden rows
if (groupPositions.size() > 0) {
hiddenGroupPositions.forEach(i -> {
if (group.getVisibleStartPosition() == i) {
group.setVisibleStartIndex(getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(i - groupPositionList.size()));
} else {
} else {
} else {
// trigger a consistency check as the details of
// the event probably where removed on
// converting the layer stack upwards (e.g. if
// the hidden position was at the end of the
// table)
private void updateVisibleStartPositions() {
for (GroupModel groupModel : RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.model) {
private void performConsistencyCheck(boolean updateStartIndex) {
for (GroupModel groupModel : RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.model) {
private void updateRowGroupModel(RowReorderEvent reorderEvent) {
int[] fromRowPositions = PositionUtil.getPositions(reorderEvent.getBeforeFromRowPositionRanges());
int toRowPosition = reorderEvent.getBeforeToRowPosition();
boolean reorderToTopEdge = reorderEvent.isReorderToTopEdge();
int fromRowPosition = toRowPosition;
if (toRowPosition > fromRowPositions[fromRowPositions.length - 1]) {
// Moving down
fromRowPosition = fromRowPositions[fromRowPositions.length - 1];
} else if (toRowPosition < fromRowPositions[fromRowPositions.length - 1]) {
// Moving up
fromRowPosition = fromRowPositions[0];
MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection = PositionUtil.getVerticalMoveDirection(fromRowPosition, toRowPosition);
if (reorderToTopEdge
&& toRowPosition > 0
&& MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN == moveDirection) {
if (fromRowPosition == -1 || toRowPosition == -1) {
LOG.error("Invalid reorder positions, fromPosition: {}, toPosition: {}", fromRowPosition, toRowPosition); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (GroupModel groupModel : RowGroupHeaderLayer.this.model) {
Group toRowGroup = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(toRowPosition);
Group fromRowGroup = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(fromRowPosition);
if (fromRowGroup != null
&& toRowGroup != null
&& fromRowGroup.equals(toRowGroup)) {
// movement inside a row group
// if from and to position are the same and it is a
// row at the edge of a group, remove the
// position from the group
if (fromRowPosition == toRowPosition
&& (!RowGroupUtils.isGroupReordered(fromRowGroup, fromRowPositions)
|| (fromRowGroup.isCollapsed() && fromRowGroup.getMembers().length > 1))
&& (fromRowGroup.isGroupStart(fromRowPosition)
|| fromRowGroup.isGroupEnd(fromRowPosition))) {
if (MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN == moveDirection) {
int pos[] = new int[fromRowPositions.length];
int index = 0;
for (int from = fromRowPositions.length - 1; from >= 0; from--) {
pos[index] = fromRowPositions[from];
} else {
// if we moved the first visible start position or
// moved another row to the visible start
// position, we need to update the start index
if (fromRowPosition != toRowPosition
&& (fromRowGroup.getVisibleStartPosition() == fromRowPositions[0]
|| toRowGroup.getVisibleStartPosition() == toRowPosition)) {
int newStartIndex = getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(fromRowGroup.getVisibleStartPosition());
if (!fromRowGroup.isCollapsed()
|| fromRowGroup.containsStaticIndex(fromRowGroup.getStartIndex())) {
// if we move inside a collapsed group, there are
// static indexes, and therefore we do not update
// the start index, as the start index should be the
// same on expand
} else if (fromRowGroup == null
&& toRowGroup != null) {
} else if (fromRowGroup != null
&& toRowGroup == null
&& !RowGroupUtils.isGroupReordered(fromRowGroup, fromRowPositions)) {
} else if (fromRowGroup == null
&& toRowGroup == null
&& fromRowPosition == toRowPosition
&& fromRowPositions.length == 1) {
// this might happen on drag and drop operations when
// trying to add a column back into an adjacent column
// group
int adjacentPos = (moveDirection == MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN) ? fromRowPosition + 1 : fromRowPosition - 1;
// check if there is an adjacent column group
Group adjacentRowGroup = groupModel.getGroupByPosition(adjacentPos);
if (adjacentRowGroup != null && !adjacentRowGroup.isUnbreakable()) {
(adjacentRowGroup.isCollapsed() && moveDirection != MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN) ? toRowPosition : adjacentPos,
} else if (fromRowGroup != null
&& toRowGroup != null
&& !fromRowGroup.equals(toRowGroup)
&& (!RowGroupUtils.isGroupReordered(fromRowGroup, fromRowPositions)
|| (!fromRowGroup.isCollapsed() && fromRowGroup.getVisiblePositions().length == 1))) {
private void addPositionsToGroup(
GroupModel groupModel,
Group group,
int[] fromRowPositions,
int[] fromRowIndexes,
int toPosition,
MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection) {
if (!group.isUnbreakable()) {
// increase the span as column is moved inside group
group.setOriginalSpan(group.getOriginalSpan() + fromRowPositions.length);
// update the start index
if (group.isGroupStart(toPosition)) {
int newStartIndex = (moveDirection == MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN)
? getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(group.getVisibleStartPosition() - fromRowPositions.length)
: getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(group.getVisibleStartPosition());
if (group.getVisibleStartIndex() == group.getStartIndex()) {
// add the member indexes
if (group.isCollapsed()) {
// update collapsed state
UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand cmd = new UpdateRowGroupCollapseCommand(groupModel, group);
if (group.isGroupStart(toPosition)) {
if (group.getStaticIndexes().length > 0) {
group.setVisibleSpan(group.getVisibleSpan() + fromRowPositions.length);
// the update command will trigger a hide event to hide
// the previous visible first row, therefore we need
// to update the visible start position before firing
// the command to ensure the hide handling is operating
// on the correct positions
} else {
group.setVisibleSpan(group.getVisibleSpan() + fromRowPositions.length);
} else {
// we update the visible span only in case the group is not
// collapsed
group.setVisibleSpan(group.getVisibleSpan() + fromRowPositions.length);
private void removePositionsFromGroup(
GroupModel groupModel,
Group group,
int[] fromRowPositions,
int[] fromRowIndexes,
int fromRowPosition,
MoveDirectionEnum moveDirection) {
if (!group.isUnbreakable()) {
boolean collapsed = group.isCollapsed();
if (collapsed) {
int fromRowIndex = getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(fromRowPosition);
// we need to expand to make the next row visible again
expandGroup(groupModel, group);
fromRowPosition = getPositionLayer().getRowPositionByIndex(fromRowIndex);
// decrease the span as row is moved out of group
group.setOriginalSpan(group.getOriginalSpan() - fromRowPositions.length);
group.setVisibleSpan(group.getVisibleSpan() - fromRowPositions.length);
// update the start index
if (group.isGroupStart(fromRowPosition)) {
int newStartIndex = (moveDirection == MoveDirectionEnum.DOWN)
? getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(group.getVisibleStartPosition())
: getPositionLayer().getRowIndexByPosition(group.getVisibleStartPosition() + fromRowPositions.length);
// remove the member indexes
// remove static index if removed position was a static index
if (group.getOriginalSpan() > 0) {
if (collapsed) {
// collapse again
collapseGroup(groupModel, group);
} else {
// all members where removed from the group, so we remove
// the group itself