blob: 1a1db53a21f523b9ddf51f81d22b387af445d1ef [file] [log] [blame]
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.sort.ISortModel;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.sort.SortDirectionEnum;
import org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.sort.command.SortCommandHandler;
* A simple implementation for {@link ISortModel} that can be used to sort
* {@link PersonWithAddress} objects. It uses it's own {@link Comparator} and doesn't
* support multiple column sorting and it won't be possible to remove the sorting.
* Of course this can be implemented to work like the default behaviour of the NatTable.
* @author Dirk Fauth
public class PersonWithAddressSortModel implements ISortModel {
* Array that contains the sort direction for every column.
* Needed to access the current sort state of a column.
protected SortDirectionEnum[] sortDirections;
* Array that contains the sorted flags for every column.
* Needed to access the current sort state of a column.
protected boolean[] sorted;
* As this implementation only supports single column sorting,
* this property contains the the column index of the column that
* is currently used for sorting.
* Initial value = -1 for no sort column
protected int currentSortColumn = -1;
* As this implementation only supports single column sorting,
* this property contains the current sort direction of the column that
* is currently used for sorting.
protected SortDirectionEnum currentSortDirection = SortDirectionEnum.ASC;
* Data list that is sorted
private List<PersonWithAddress> persons;
* Creates a new {@link PersonWithAddressSortModel} for the list of objects.
* @param persons the list of objects that should be sorted
public PersonWithAddressSortModel(List<PersonWithAddress> persons) {
this.persons = persons;
sortDirections = new SortDirectionEnum[DataModelConstants.PERSONWITHADDRESS_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS];
Arrays.fill(sortDirections, SortDirectionEnum.NONE);
sorted = new boolean[DataModelConstants.PERSONWITHADDRESS_NUMBER_OF_COLUMNS];
Arrays.fill(sorted, false);
//call initial sorting
sort(0, SortDirectionEnum.ASC, false);
* As this is a simple implementation of an {@link ISortModel} and we don't
* support multiple column sorting, this list returns either a list with one
* entry for the current sort column or an empty list.
public List<Integer> getSortedColumnIndexes() {
List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
if (currentSortColumn > -1) {
return indexes;
* @return TRUE if the column with the given index is sorted at the moment.
public boolean isColumnIndexSorted(int columnIndex) {
return sorted[columnIndex];
* @return the direction in which the column with the given index is
* currently sorted
public SortDirectionEnum getSortDirection(int columnIndex) {
return sortDirections[columnIndex];
* @return 0 as we don't support multiple column sorting.
public int getSortOrder(int columnIndex) {
return 0;
* Remove all sorting
public void clear() {
Arrays.fill(sortDirections, SortDirectionEnum.NONE);
Arrays.fill(sorted, false);
this.currentSortColumn = -1;
* This method is called by the {@link SortCommandHandler} in response to a sort command.
* It is responsible for sorting the requested column.
public void sort(int columnIndex, SortDirectionEnum sortDirection, boolean accumulate) {
if (!isColumnIndexSorted(columnIndex)) {
if (sortDirection.equals(SortDirectionEnum.NONE)) {
//we don't support NONE as user action
sortDirection = SortDirectionEnum.ASC;
Collections.sort(persons, new PersonWithAddressComparator(columnIndex, sortDirection));
sortDirections[columnIndex] = sortDirection;
sorted[columnIndex] = sortDirection.equals(SortDirectionEnum.NONE) ? false : true;
currentSortColumn = columnIndex;
currentSortDirection = sortDirection;
* Custom comparator for {@link PersonWithAddress} objects
* @author Dirk Häußler
class PersonWithAddressComparator implements Comparator<PersonWithAddress> {
int colIdx = 0;
SortDirectionEnum sortDirection;
public PersonWithAddressComparator(int columnIndex, SortDirectionEnum sortDirection) {
this.colIdx = columnIndex;
this.sortDirection = sortDirection;
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public int compare(PersonWithAddress pwa1, PersonWithAddress pwa2) {
Comparable compareObject1 = null;
Comparable compareObject2 = null;
Address address1 = pwa1.getAddress();
Address address2 = pwa2.getAddress();
switch (colIdx) {
compareObject1 = pwa1.getFirstName();
compareObject2 = pwa2.getFirstName();
compareObject1 = pwa1.getLastName();
compareObject2 = pwa2.getLastName();
case DataModelConstants.GENDER_COLUMN_POSITION:
compareObject1 = pwa1.getGender().ordinal();
compareObject2 = pwa2.getGender().ordinal();
case DataModelConstants.MARRIED_COLUMN_POSITION:
compareObject1 = pwa1.isMarried();
compareObject2 = pwa2.isMarried();
compareObject1 = pwa1.getBirthday();
compareObject2 = pwa2.getBirthday();
case DataModelConstants.STREET_COLUMN_POSITION:
compareObject1 = address1.getStreet();
compareObject2 = address2.getStreet();
compareObject1 = address1.getHousenumber();
compareObject2 = address2.getHousenumber();
compareObject1 = address1.getPostalCode();
compareObject2 = address2.getPostalCode();
case DataModelConstants.CITY_COLUMN_POSITION:
compareObject1 = address1.getCity();
compareObject2 = address2.getCity();
int result = 0;
//make null safe compare
if (compareObject1 == null && compareObject2 != null) {
result = -1;
else if (compareObject1 == null && compareObject2 == null) {
result = 0;
else if (compareObject1 != null && compareObject2 == null) {
result = 1;
else {
result = compareObject1.compareTo(compareObject2);
//negate compare result if sort direction is descending
if (sortDirection.equals(SortDirectionEnum.DESC)) {
result = result * -1;
return result;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.nebula.widgets.nattable.sort.ISortModel#getComparatorsForColumnIndex(int)
public List<Comparator> getComparatorsForColumnIndex(int columnIndex) {
return null;