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<title>Java editor with Object Teams capability</title>
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<h1>Java editor with Object Teams capability</h1>
The extended Java editor provides specialized features for editing
OT/J code. The original <a href="/help/topic/org.eclipse.jdt.doc.user/concepts/concepts-java-editor.htm">Java editor</a>
has been extended for the following features:
<li><b>Navigation</b> support for Object Teams elements (F3 = <span class="ui">Open Declaration</span>, see below)</li>
<li><b>Syntax highlighting</b> for OT/J keywords and modifiers.<br />
OT/J keywords are enabled based on the contents of the file being edited.
This way the same editor still handles plain Java sources <i>without</i> interpreting OT/J keywords.<br/>
However, within an OT/J file syntax highlighting is determined in a context-free manner,
which means that scoped keywords
(<a href="otjld/def/sA.html#sA.0.1"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> A.0.1</a>)
like <code class="keyword">after, base, before, get, result, set</code> are highlighted,
even in situations where they have no special meaning.
<li><a href="contentassist.html"><b>Content/code assist</b> (code completions)</a> for Object Teams program elements.
<li><b>Templates (source patterns)</b> for Object Teams specific language constructs
using content assist (<b>Ctrl+Space</b>),
e.g. <code class="keyword">within</code> (<i>Expression</i>) <i>Statement</i>
<li><b>Code formatting</b> for OT/J syntax.
<li>New <a href="callinmarker.html"><b>binding marker</b></a> annotations in the vertical ruler (for base classes/methods bound using playedBy/callin/callout)
allowing navigation to the affecting role.
<h2><a name="navigation">Navigation</a></h2>
Obvious enhancements for the normal F3 navigation regard the following:
<li>Go to a role's base class using the <code class="keyword">playedBy</code> clause.</li>
<li>Go to a bound base method or a bound field using a callout or callin binding<br />
(the opposite direction is supported by <a href="callinmarker.html">binding markers</a>).</li>
Navigating <strong>role files</strong>
(<a href="otjld/def/s1.html#s1.2.5"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> 1.2.5</a>):
<li>Hitting F3 on the <code class="keyword">team package</code> declarations jumps to the enclosing team.</li>
<li>In order to navigate from a team to its role file use the quick outline
by hitting <code>Ctrl-O</code> twice:<br />
role files will be offered for selection along inline members.</li>
<li>If javadoc <code>@role</code> tags are used as recommended for listing all role files of the current team
(<a href="otjld/def/s1.html#s1.2.5.d"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> 1.2.5(d)</a>),
the role names in these tags support F3-navigation to the corresponding roles, too.</li>
Navigating the <strong>implicit role hierarchy</strong> (<a href="otjld/def/s1.html#s1.3.1"><img src="../images/ot_paragraph.png"> 1.3.1</a>):
<li>A role class that overrides a corresponding role from the super team is decorated with an override marker (<img src="images/over_co.gif">) in the vertical ruler,
which supports the <span class="ui">Open Super Implementation</span> action.</li>
<li>A role method overriding a corresponding method from any explicit or implicit super role
are also decorated with an override marker (<img src="images/over_co.gif">) supporting navigation to the overridden method.</li>