blob: cd7fdbacd2da658d58c96f795e152eebc99eafe9 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2005, 2015 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23417 2010-02-03 20:13:55Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util;
import org.eclipse.jdt.annotation.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.IProblem;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult.CheckPoint;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression.DecapsulationState;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.ReferenceContext;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions.WeavingScheme;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.PotentialLowerExpression;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.TypeAnchorReference;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Dependencies;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.ITranslationStates;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.DeclaredLifting;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.Lifting;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.ArrayLowering;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.DependentTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.ITeamAnchor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.ProblemAnchorBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.RoleTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.TThisBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.TeamAnchor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.WeakenedTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.mappings.CallinImplementor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TeamModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.copyinheritance.CopyInheritance;
* This class is a non-instantiate-utility for creating RoleTypeBindings.
* @author stephan
public class RoleTypeCreator implements TagBits {
// when wrapping types in a method signature, don't search the exact role
// (signature weakening!)
// TODO (Threads) move this field to Dependencies.Config!
static boolean doingSignatures = false;
/** Simulate map() HOF over all arguments of a type for recursive wrapping. */
public interface TypeArgumentUpdater {
/** the function argument to map(). */
public abstract TypeBinding updateArg(ReferenceBinding arg);
* This method may wrap a type as an explicitly anchored role type if appropriate.
* If wrapping is not applicable, return the typeToWrap unmodified.
* @param scope (NON-NULL) defines the scope determining tthis if applicable.
* @param anchorExpr (NON-NULL)
* @param typeToWrap
* @param typedNode position for error reporting (NON-NULL if problemReporter != null)
* @return RoleTypeBinding or ArrayBinding or TypeBinding(original) or null
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(
final Scope scope,
final Expression anchorExpr,
TypeBinding typeToWrap,
final ASTNode typedNode)
/* invocations:
* QualifiedAllocationExpression.resolveType() R() R
* FieldReference.resolveType() rec.r type(r)
* maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(MessageSend,BlockScope)
* for MessageSend.resolveType() rec.m() returnType(m)
if (typeToWrap == null) return null;
if (TSuperHelper.isMarkerInterface(typeToWrap))
return typeToWrap;
TypeBinding originalType = typeToWrap;
// consider arrays:
int dimensions = typeToWrap.dimensions();
typeToWrap = typeToWrap.leafComponentType();
// easy problems first:
if (!(typeToWrap instanceof ReferenceBinding) || typeToWrap.isEnum())
return originalType;
ReferenceBinding refBinding = (ReferenceBinding)typeToWrap;
if (scope instanceof BlockScope && avoidWrapRoleType((BlockScope) scope, anchorExpr))
return originalType;
if (refBinding instanceof CaptureBinding)
return ((CaptureBinding) refBinding).maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(scope, anchorExpr, typedNode, originalType);
TypeBinding wrappedRoleType = internalWrapQualifiedRoleType(scope, anchorExpr, originalType, typedNode, refBinding, dimensions);
return wrappedRoleType.maybeWrapRoleType(typedNode, new TypeArgumentUpdater() {
public TypeBinding updateArg(ReferenceBinding arg) {
if (arg instanceof WildcardBinding)
return ((WildcardBinding) arg).maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(scope, anchorExpr, typedNode);
return arg;
static TypeBinding internalWrapQualifiedRoleType (
final Scope scope,
final Expression anchorExpr,
TypeBinding originalType,
final ASTNode typedNode,
ReferenceBinding refBinding,
int dimensions)
ReferenceBinding site = scope.enclosingSourceType();
assert( ! (site == null));
boolean needAnchor = true;
// already wrapped?
ITeamAnchor existingAnchor = retrieveAnchor(refBinding);
if (existingAnchor == null) {
if (!refBinding.isDirectRole())
return originalType.maybeWrapRoleType(typedNode, new TypeArgumentUpdater() {
public TypeBinding updateArg(ReferenceBinding arg) {
return maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(scope, anchorExpr, arg, typedNode);
} else {
if ( !(existingAnchor instanceof TThisBinding)) {
// possibly have two significant anchors..
// if a relevant anchor exists, we could well be content with typeToWrap!
needAnchor = false;
} else {
// do handle tthis RoleTypeBindings, too, because we might need to
// set a new anchor
// (report errors only, if this type is not already acceptable).
needAnchor = (TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, refBinding) == null);
ProblemReporter problemReporter = scope.problemReporter();
ITeamAnchor variableBinding = getAnchorVariableBinding(
site, anchorExpr, refBinding,
needAnchor ? problemReporter : null, // no reporting if not needed
// only report one error (referenceContext is reset during reporting)
if (problemReporter.referenceContext == null) {
class NullReporter extends ProblemReporter {
NullReporter(ProblemReporter orig) {
super(orig.policy, orig.options, orig.problemFactory);
public void handle(int problemId, String[] problemArguments, int elaborationId, String[] messageArguments, int severity, int problemStartPosition, int problemEndPosition, ReferenceContext context, CompilationResult unitResult)
{ /* NO-OP! */ }
problemReporter = new NullReporter(problemReporter);
// report errors:
boolean decapsulationAllowed = false;
if (typedNode instanceof Expression)
decapsulationAllowed = ((Expression)typedNode).getBaseclassDecapsulation().isAllowed();
if ( (variableBinding instanceof LocalVariableBinding) // note that for FieldBinding Bit63L has a different meaning!
&& (((LocalVariableBinding)variableBinding).tagBits & TagBits.IsFreshTeamInstance) != 0)
if (!refBinding.isRoleType())
return variableBinding.getDependentTypeBinding(refBinding, -1, null, dimensions);
} else if (variableBinding == null) {
if (needAnchor)
problemReporter.missingTypeAnchor(typedNode, refBinding);
} else if (variableBinding == RoleTypeBinding.NoAnchor) {
if (existingAnchor != null) {
variableBinding = TeamAnchor.maybeImproveAnchor(site, existingAnchor, anchorExpr);
if (variableBinding != null && variableBinding != existingAnchor)
return variableBinding.getRoleTypeBinding(refBinding, dimensions);
return originalType;
if (needAnchor)
problemReporter.noTeamAnchorInScope(anchorExpr, refBinding);
} else {
if (!variableBinding.isFinal()) {
// old version: directly report:
//problemReporter.anchorPathNotFinal(anchorExpr, variableBinding, refBinding.sourceName());
// new version: don't complain now but use a non-compatible anchor:
TypeBinding variableType = variableBinding.getResolvedType();
if (variableType.isRole())
variableType = ((ReferenceBinding)variableType).getRealClass(); // will be asked for members later
variableBinding = new LocalVariableBinding(variableBinding.internalName(), variableType, ClassFileConstants.AccFinal, false) {
@Override public int problemId() { return IProblem.AnchorNotFinal; }
if ( !(variableBinding instanceof TThisBinding)
&& !isThisLike(anchorExpr)
&& !refBinding.isPublic()
&& !decapsulationAllowed)
problemReporter.externalizingNonPublicRole(typedNode, refBinding);
} else {
if ( existingAnchor != null
&& !(existingAnchor instanceof TThisBinding)
&& !existingAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(variableBinding))
variableBinding = TeamAnchor.maybeImproveAnchor(site, existingAnchor, anchorExpr);
if (variableBinding == null)
return originalType; // cannot merge anchors -> original type cannot be improved.
// delegate to the principal function:
TypeBinding[] typeArguments = refBinding.isParameterizedType() ? ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)refBinding).arguments : null;
return getAnchoredType(scope, typedNode, variableBinding, refBinding, typeArguments, dimensions);
return originalType;
private static boolean isThisLike(Expression expression) {
if (expression instanceof SingleNameReference)
return ((SingleNameReference) expression).isThisLike;
return false;
static ITeamAnchor retrieveAnchor(ReferenceBinding refBinding) {
if (refBinding instanceof DependentTypeBinding)
return ((DependentTypeBinding)refBinding)._teamAnchor;
return null;
* Version to use by MessageSend.
* May specialize role type to revert signature weakening.
* @param send retrieve all relevant information from this message send.
* @param scope
* @return wrapped type or original or null
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(MessageSend send, BlockScope scope)
Expression receiver = send.receiver;
TypeBinding returnType = send.binding.returnType;
if ( returnType == null
|| !(returnType.leafComponentType() instanceof ReferenceBinding)
|| returnType.leafComponentType().isEnum())
return returnType;
int dimensions = returnType.dimensions();
ReferenceBinding refReturn = (ReferenceBinding)returnType.leafComponentType();
// don't try externalized non-public role if compatibility can be established with plain types:
if (send.expectedType != null && !(send.expectedType instanceof DependentTypeBinding))
if ( refReturn.isRole()
&& !refReturn.isPublic()
&& returnType.isCompatibleWith(send.expectedType))
return returnType;
boolean isCalloutGet = CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.OT_GETFIELD, send.selector);
// // FIXME(SH): test with field of role type
AbstractMethodDeclaration referenceMethod = scope.methodScope().referenceMethod();
if (referenceMethod != null)
isCalloutGet &= (referenceMethod.isMappingWrapper.callout());
if (!isCalloutGet) {
if (refReturn instanceof WeakenedTypeBinding) {
WeakenedTypeBinding weakenedReturn = (WeakenedTypeBinding)refReturn;
if (dimensions > 0)
throw new InternalCompilerError("array not yet supported in this position"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ReferenceBinding strongType = weakenedReturn.getStrongType();
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(strongType.getRealType(), weakenedReturn.weakenedType)) {
if (send.expectedType == null || !weakenedReturn.weakenedType.isCompatibleWith(send.expectedType))
send.valueCast = strongType;
TypeBinding instantiated = maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(
return instantiated;
if (refReturn instanceof RoleTypeBinding)
RoleTypeBinding roleReturn = (RoleTypeBinding)refReturn;
if ( roleReturn._argumentPosition > -1
&& send.binding.original() == roleReturn._declaringMethod.getMethod())
ReferenceBinding roleEnclosing = roleReturn.enclosingType();
// anchored to argument, instantiate directly:
Expression anchorExpr = send.arguments[roleReturn._argumentPosition];
TypeBinding anchorType = anchorExpr.resolvedType;
ITeamAnchor anchor = null;
if (anchorType.isRole() && ((ReferenceBinding)anchorType).isCompatibleViaLowering(roleEnclosing)) {
// see 1.1.31-otjld-stacked-teams-1 f.
if (anchorExpr.isThis())
anchor = ((ReferenceBinding)anchorType).getField(IOTConstants._OT_BASE, true);
return returnType; // cannot improve, error will be reported upstream
} else {
if (anchorType.isRole())
anchorType = ((ReferenceBinding)anchorType).getRealClass(); // ignore role-ness of team anchor
if (!anchorType.isCompatibleWith(roleEnclosing))
return returnType; // cannot improve, anchor doesn't match expected team.
anchor = (ITeamAnchor)((NameReference)anchorExpr).binding;
return anchor.getRoleTypeBinding(roleReturn, returnType.dimensions());
// retrieve existing information:
ITeamAnchor anchor = roleReturn._teamAnchor;
ReferenceBinding receiverType = (ReferenceBinding)send.actualReceiverType;
if ( anchor instanceof TThisBinding // not yet instantiated
&& ( receiverType.isTeam()
roleReturn = (RoleTypeBinding)TeamModel.strengthenRoleType(receiverType, roleReturn);
if (dimensions > 0)
returnType = roleReturn.getArrayType(dimensions);
returnType = roleReturn;
if (avoidWrapRoleType(scope, receiver))
// don't use synthetic _OT$role as additional anchor
return returnType;
} else {
if (send.arguments != null && send.arguments.length > 0)
{ // no arguments if accessed field is static
// for wrapping types of a field access method, fake a _OT$base receiver
// (although method is actually static)
// see also comment in FieldAccessSpec.createMethod().
receiver = new SingleNameReference(IOTConstants._OT_BASE,0);
return maybeWrapQualifiedRoleType(
static boolean avoidWrapRoleType(BlockScope scope, Expression receiver) {
if (scope.compilerOptions().weavingScheme == WeavingScheme.OTRE) {
// don't use synthetic _OT$role as additional anchor
return CallinImplementor.avoidWrapRoleType(scope, receiver);
} else {
// same here, just different way to detect:
return isThisLike(receiver);
* Given a receiver which determines a bestNamePath try to wrap the
* given type and instantiate its bestNamePath accordingly.
* @param site type where resolving takes place
* @param type type to wrap
* @param firstVariable first element in a receiver path
* @param otherBindings subsequent elements in a receiver path
* @param mergePath should paths from existing and new anchor be merged?
* @param problemReporter
* @param node the node to use for error reporting
* @param positions
public static ITeamAnchor getAnchorFromQualifiedReceiver(
ReferenceBinding site,
ReferenceBinding type,
VariableBinding firstVariable,
FieldBinding[] otherBindings,
boolean mergePath,
ProblemReporter problemReporter,
Expression node,
long[] positions)
assert firstVariable.type instanceof ReferenceBinding; // how else could we have otherBindings?
// remember the last team in the path, which is a suitable anchor for type.
ITeamAnchor candidateTeam = null;
candidateTeam = firstVariable.asAnchorFor(type);
if (candidateTeam != null && !candidateTeam.isFinal()) {
assert problemReporter != null && positions != null;
SingleNameReference anchorExpr = new SingleNameReference(, positions[0]);
problemReporter.anchorPathNotFinal(anchorExpr, candidateTeam, type.readableName());
return null;
if (otherBindings != null) {
ITeamAnchor currentVariable = firstVariable;
for (int i = 0; i < otherBindings.length; i++) {
// construct a variable with proper bestNamePath:
currentVariable = otherBindings[i].setPathPrefix(currentVariable);
if (currentVariable.hasValidReferenceType()) {
// check for final:
if (!currentVariable.isFinal()) {
if (problemReporter != null) {
assert positions != null;
int start = (int)(positions[0] >>> 32);
int end = (int)(positions[i+1] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
// faked source: need only sourceStart, sourceEnd:
QualifiedNameReference fakedAnchor = new QualifiedNameReference(new char[0][], new long[0], start, end);
problemReporter.anchorPathNotFinal(fakedAnchor, currentVariable, type.readableName());
return null;
if (currentVariable.isTeamContainingRole(type))
candidateTeam = currentVariable;
if (candidateTeam == null) {
if ( type instanceof RoleTypeBinding
&& ((RoleTypeBinding)type).hasExplicitAnchor())
if (mergePath) {
ITeamAnchor anchor = TeamAnchor.maybeImproveAnchor(site, ((RoleTypeBinding)type)._teamAnchor, node);
if (anchor != null)
return anchor;
} else {
return null;
if (problemReporter != null)
problemReporter.noTeamAnchorInScope(node, type);
} else {
if ( type instanceof RoleTypeBinding
&& ((RoleTypeBinding)type).hasExplicitAnchor())
if (mergePath) {
candidateTeam = ((RoleTypeBinding)type)._teamAnchor.setPathPrefix(candidateTeam);
return candidateTeam;
* This method assumes that the enclosing type of scope can be used for
* tthis anchors, i.e., types are used unqualified.
* @param scope determines tthis (NON-NULL).
* @param typeToWrap
* @param typedNode
* @return valid type, null (possibly after reporting error), or (unreported) problem
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType (
Scope scope,
TypeBinding typeToWrap,
ASTNode typedNode)
/* external invocations (via maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(TypeBinding, Scope, AstNode)?):
* AllocationExpression.resolveType() new R R
* ArrayAllocationExpression.resolveType() new R[] R
* Assignment.resolveType() lhs = r type(r)
* CastExpression.resolveType() (R)expr R
* LocalDeclaration.resolve() R l = r R, type(r)
* PotentialLiftExpression.resolveType() liftToR(b) R
* RoleTypeReference.resolveType() this.R R
* SingleNameReference.resolveType() n type(n)
* ThisReference.resolveType() this type(this)
* QualifiedThisReference.resolveType() Mid.this type(this)
* other invocations:
* MethodVerifier.areTypesEqual()
* CopyInheritance.copyCastToMethods()
* AbstractMethodMappingDeclaration.resolveMethodSpecs()
* other internal invocation:
* wrapTypesInMethodBindingSignature()
* wrapTypesInMethodDeclSignature()
* (via maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(TypeBinding, Scope, AstNode))
ReferenceBinding site = scope.enclosingSourceType();
MethodScope methodScope = scope.methodScope();
if ( methodScope != null
&& methodScope.referenceMethod() != null
&& methodScope.referenceMethod().isMappingWrapper._callin()
&& scope.compilerOptions().weavingScheme == WeavingScheme.OTRE) // this heuristic doesn't work for dyn weaving, FIXME(SH): check if still needed!
// SH}
// in a callin wrapper, for visibility reasons, pretend we are in the
// scope of the role (which is, where the declaration actually occurs):
char[] selector = methodScope.referenceMethod().selector;
int secondDollar = CharOperation.indexOf('$', selector, 4); // skip _OT$
char[] roleName = CharOperation.subarray(selector, 4, secondDollar);
site = site.getMemberType(roleName);
return maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope,
// pure binding version:
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType (TypeBinding typeToWrap,
ReferenceBinding site)
return maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(null, site, typeToWrap, null, null);
// common implementation:
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType (final Scope scope,
final ReferenceBinding site,
TypeBinding typeToWrap,
final ASTNode typedNode,
ProblemReporter problemReporter)
assert( ! (site == null));
if (typeToWrap == null) return null;
if (!typeToWrap.isValidBinding())
return typeToWrap; // don't tamper with already broken type
if (TSuperHelper.isMarkerInterface(typeToWrap))
return typeToWrap;
final TypeBinding originalType = typeToWrap;
// consider arrays:
int dimensions = typeToWrap.dimensions();
typeToWrap = typeToWrap.leafComponentType();
// consider parameterized:
TypeBinding[] arguments = null;
if (typeToWrap.isParameterizedType())
arguments = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)typeToWrap).arguments;
// easy problems first:
if (!(typeToWrap instanceof ReferenceBinding) || typeToWrap.isEnum())
return originalType;
if (typeToWrap instanceof UnresolvedReferenceBinding) {
// defer wrapping until resolve():
final UnresolvedReferenceBinding rawUnresolved = (UnresolvedReferenceBinding) typeToWrap;
final ProblemReporter originalReporter = problemReporter;
return new UnresolvedReferenceBinding(rawUnresolved.compoundName, rawUnresolved.getPackage()) {
public ReferenceBinding resolve(LookupEnvironment environment, boolean convertGenericToRawType) {
ReferenceBinding type = rawUnresolved.resolve(environment, convertGenericToRawType);
return (ReferenceBinding) maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope, site, type, typedNode, originalReporter);
@Override public boolean hasTypeAnnotations() { return rawUnresolved.hasTypeAnnotations(); }
@Override public boolean hasNullTypeAnnotations() { return rawUnresolved.hasNullTypeAnnotations(); }
@Override public AnnotationBinding[] getAnnotations() { return rawUnresolved.getAnnotations(); }
{ this.tagBits = rawUnresolved.tagBits; }
if (typeToWrap instanceof IntersectionTypeBinding18) { // FIXME (recurse?)
return originalType;
ReferenceBinding refBinding = (ReferenceBinding)typeToWrap;
if ( !refBinding.isDirectRole()) {
final ProblemReporter reporter = problemReporter;
return originalType.maybeWrapRoleType(typedNode, new TypeArgumentUpdater() {
public TypeBinding updateArg(ReferenceBinding arg) {
return maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope, site, arg, typedNode, reporter);
// already wrapped:
if (typeToWrap instanceof RoleTypeBinding) {
RoleTypeBinding roleType = (RoleTypeBinding)typeToWrap;
if ( !(roleType._teamAnchor instanceof TThisBinding)) {
return originalType; // cannot improve
} else {
// do handle tthis RoleTypeBindings, too, because we might need to
// set a new anchor
// (but don't report errors, if this type is already acceptable).
if (TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, roleType) != null)
problemReporter = null;
VariableBinding variableBinding = null;
ReferenceBinding teamBinding = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, refBinding);
if (teamBinding != null)
variableBinding = TThisBinding.getTThisForRole(refBinding, teamBinding);
if (variableBinding == null)
variableBinding = cannotWrapType(refBinding, problemReporter, typedNode);
// handle problems (reported ones and yet unreported ones):
assert (variableBinding != null);
if (variableBinding == RoleTypeBinding.NoAnchor) {
return originalType;
} else if (!variableBinding.isFinal()) {
if (problemReporter != null)
problemReporter.anchorPathNotFinal(null, variableBinding, refBinding.sourceName()); // TODO
return null;
} else if ( !(variableBinding instanceof TThisBinding)
&& !refBinding.isPublic())
if (problemReporter != null)
problemReporter.externalizingNonPublicRole(typedNode, refBinding);
return null;
// delegate to the principal function:
return getAnchoredType(scope, typedNode, variableBinding, refBinding, arguments, dimensions);
* @deprecated legacy signature
public static TypeBinding maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(TypeBinding typeToWrap, Scope scope, ASTNode typedNode) {
return maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(scope, typeToWrap, typedNode);
* Wrap all role types in a method signature. Only treat unqualified
* types here, explicit anchors are handled in QualifiedTypeReference.
* @param method binding to wrap
* @param decl AST
public static void wrapTypesInMethodDeclSignature (
MethodBinding method, @NonNull AbstractMethodDeclaration decl)
if ( decl.ignoreFurtherInvestigation
|| method == null
|| method.isSynthetic()) // don't wrap role field accessors
if ((method.tagBits & TagBits.HasWrappedSignature) != 0) // no double wrapping
doingSignatures = true;
method.tagBits |= TagBits.HasWrappedSignature;
ReferenceBinding site = method.declaringClass;
assert !(site instanceof BinaryTypeBinding);
TypeReference typedExpr = null;
if (decl instanceof MethodDeclaration)
typedExpr = ((MethodDeclaration)decl).returnType;
ITeamAnchor defaultAnchor = null; // for methods moved outside their role instance context
if (method.model != null && method.model._thisSubstitution != null) {
ReferenceBinding sourceDeclaringType = (ReferenceBinding) method.model._thisSubstitution.binding.type;
if (sourceDeclaringType.getRealClass().isTeam()) { // only for nested teams
method.model._thisSubstitution.bind(decl.scope, null, true);
defaultAnchor = method.model._thisSubstitution.binding; // the original 'this' passed as first argument
if ( CopyInheritance.isCreator(method)
|| Lifting.isLiftToMethod(method))
int dimensions = method.returnType.dimensions();
// get the most specific anchor:
ReferenceBinding returnRef = (ReferenceBinding)method.returnType.leafComponentType();
VariableBinding anchor = method.declaringClass.getTeamModel().getTThis();
// get the wrapped role type:
TypeBinding roleArrayType = anchor.getRoleTypeBinding(returnRef, dimensions);
DependentTypeBinding roleType = (DependentTypeBinding)roleArrayType.leafComponentType();
// find least specific super-team containing this role:
ReferenceBinding lastType = roleType;
char[] typeName = CharOperation.subarray(decl.selector, IOTConstants.CREATOR_PREFIX_NAME.length, -1);
while (site != null) {
ReferenceBinding memberType = site.getMemberType(typeName);
if (memberType == null)
lastType = memberType;
site = site.superclass();
// if a tsuper was actually found, use a weakened type binding:
if (WeakenedTypeBinding.requireWeakening(roleType, lastType))
method.returnType = WeakenedTypeBinding.makeWeakenedTypeBinding(roleType, lastType, dimensions);
method.returnType = roleArrayType;
} else {
method.returnType = maybeWrapSignatureType(method.returnType, decl.scope, typedExpr, defaultAnchor);
checkArrayLoweringForReturn(method, decl.scope);
TypeBinding[] parameters = method.parameters;
Argument[] arguments = decl.arguments;
for (int i=0; i<parameters.length; i++)
Argument argument = (arguments != null) ? arguments[i] : null;
parameters[i] = maybeWrapSignatureType(parameters[i], decl.scope, argument, defaultAnchor);
// in case resolveTypesFor already created the binding,
// update its type:
if (argument != null && argument.binding != null)
argument.binding.type = parameters[i];
doingSignatures = false;
private static void checkArrayLoweringForReturn(MethodBinding method, BlockScope scope) {
int dimensions = method.returnType.dimensions();
if (dimensions == 0)
return; // not an array
if ((method.declaringClass.isRole() && !method.isPublic()) || method.isPrivate())
return; // not visible
TypeBinding leafReturn = method.returnType.leafComponentType();
if (!leafReturn.isRole())
return; // not a role type
TypeBinding baseType = ((ReferenceBinding) leafReturn).baseclass();
if (baseType == null)
return; // not bound
baseType = scope.createArrayType(baseType, dimensions);
new ArrayLowering(null).ensureTransformMethod(scope, null, method.returnType, baseType, false);
/* Wraps either relative to defaultAnchor or unqualified. */
private static TypeBinding maybeWrapSignatureType(TypeBinding type, MethodScope scope, ASTNode typedNode, ITeamAnchor defaultAnchor) {
if ( defaultAnchor != null
&& !type.leafComponentType().isBaseType()
&& defaultAnchor.isTeamContainingRole((ReferenceBinding) type.leafComponentType()))
return defaultAnchor.getDependentTypeBinding(
(ReferenceBinding) type.leafComponentType(),
0, // typeParamPosition
} else {
return maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(type, scope, typedNode);
* Wrap all role types in a method signature. Only treat unqualified
* types here, explicit anchors are handled in QualifiedTypeReference.
* Mainly used for binary types, but also for faked base call surrogates.
* @param method binding to wrap
* @param environment used for type lookup
public static void wrapTypesInMethodBindingSignature (
MethodBinding method, LookupEnvironment environment)
if ((method.tagBits & TagBits.HasWrappedSignature) != 0) // no double wrapping
doingSignatures = true;
try {
method.tagBits |= TagBits.HasWrappedSignature;
ReferenceBinding site = method.declaringClass;
if (method.anchorList != null)
if (CopyInheritance.isCreator(method)) {
// make sure the return type uses the most specific anchor
// (this is important because signature weakening would otherwise
// loose information essential for access control).
ReferenceBinding returnRef = (ReferenceBinding)method.returnType;
ReferenceBinding team0 = returnRef.enclosingType();
if (team0 == null || team0.getTeamModel() == null)
return; // happens when org.objectteams.Team is missing
VariableBinding anchor0 = team0.getTeamModel().getTThis();
DependentTypeBinding type1 = (DependentTypeBinding)anchor0.getRoleTypeBinding(returnRef, returnRef.dimensions());
VariableBinding anchor = method.declaringClass.getTeamModel().getTThis();
method.returnType = type1.maybeInstantiate(anchor, 0);
// TODO (SH): check whether this can be generalized to apply for other methods, too.
// Note: LiftTo-Methods currently cannot use this strategy: they need the original
// type for creating the
} else {
if (!CharOperation.prefixEquals(DeclaredLifting.OT_LIFT_DYNAMIC, method.selector)) // return of this method must not be wrapped
method.returnType = maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(method.returnType, site);
TypeBinding[] parameters = method.parameters;
for (int i=0; i<parameters.length; i++)
parameters[i] = maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(parameters[i], site);
} finally {
doingSignatures = false;
* Extract a variable binding from an expression, which is
* suitable as an anchor for a role type.
* Note, that checking for final is not done here!
* @param site context for type name resolution
* @param anchorExpr should refer to a (final) variable holding a Team instance
* @param roleType Use this if the anchor expression is 'this' to
* retrieve the appropriate tthis binding.
* @param problemReporter for error reporting or null (no reporting)
* @param typedNode expression whose type is currently being resolved (only for error positions)
* @return a valid anchor or NoAnchor(reported via cannotWrap) or null (also reported)
public static ITeamAnchor getAnchorVariableBinding(
ReferenceBinding site,
/*nonnull*/ Expression anchorExpr,
ReferenceBinding roleType,
ProblemReporter problemReporter,
ASTNode typedNode)
ITeamAnchor anchorBinding = null;
// unwrap meaningless cast:
if (anchorExpr instanceof CastExpression) {
CastExpression cast = (CastExpression)anchorExpr;
if (RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(cast.resolvedType))
anchorBinding = ((RoleTypeBinding)cast.resolvedType)._teamAnchor;
anchorExpr = ((CastExpression)anchorExpr).expression;
if (anchorExpr instanceof PotentialLowerExpression)
anchorExpr = ((PotentialLowerExpression)anchorExpr).expression;
if (anchorExpr instanceof ThisReference)
ReferenceBinding teamBinding = (ReferenceBinding)anchorExpr.resolvedType;
ReferenceBinding enclosingTeam = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(teamBinding, roleType);
if (enclosingTeam == null) {
if ((problemReporter != null)) {
ASTNode location = anchorExpr;
if (location.sourceEnd == 0)
location = typedNode;
location, teamBinding, roleType);
return null;
anchorBinding = TThisBinding.getTThisForRole(roleType, enclosingTeam);
if (anchorBinding == null)
return cannotWrapType(roleType, problemReporter, typedNode);
} else {
// extract the name reference from a type anchor reference used as expression:
if ( anchorExpr instanceof TypeAnchorReference
&& ((TypeAnchorReference)anchorExpr).isExpression)
anchorExpr = ((TypeAnchorReference)anchorExpr).anchor;
if (anchorExpr instanceof ArrayReference)
anchorExpr = ((ArrayReference)anchorExpr).receiver;
if (anchorExpr instanceof FieldReference)
anchorBinding = ((Reference)anchorExpr).fieldBinding();
else if (anchorExpr.isTypeReference())
anchorBinding = null; // not an instance: not usable.
ReferenceBinding teamBinding = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, roleType);
if (teamBinding == null) {
if ((problemReporter != null))
missingTypeAnchor(anchorExpr, roleType);
return null;
anchorBinding = TThisBinding.getTThisForRole(roleType, teamBinding);
if (anchorBinding == null) {
if ((problemReporter != null))
typeAnchorIsNotAVariable(anchorExpr, roleType.sourceName());
return null;
else if (anchorExpr instanceof NameReference)
if (anchorExpr instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
QualifiedNameReference qRef = (QualifiedNameReference)anchorExpr;
anchorBinding = getAnchorFromQualifiedReceiver(
if (anchorBinding == null)
return RoleTypeBinding.NoAnchor; // already reported
} else {
if (((NameReference)anchorExpr).binding instanceof VariableBinding) {
anchorBinding = (ITeamAnchor)((NameReference)anchorExpr).binding;
if (roleType.isTypeVariable()) {
ITeamAnchor[] anchors = ((TypeVariableBinding)roleType).anchors;
if (anchors != null)
return anchorBinding; // avoid analysis which requires knowledge about the role type
// FIXME(SH): manual resolving of base-anchor?
// if (CharOperation.equals(((SingleNameReference)anchorExpr).token, IOTConstants._OT_BASE))
// {
// ReferenceBinding anchorSite = ((FieldBinding)anchorBinding).declaringClass;
// if ( anchorSite != site &&
// site.isCompatibleWith(anchorSite)) {
// anchorBinding = new FieldBinding((FieldBinding)anchorBinding, site);
// ((FieldBinding)anchorBinding).type = site.baseclass();
// }
// }
} else {
if ((problemReporter != null))
problemReporter.typeAnchorIsNotAVariable(anchorExpr, roleType.sourceName());
return null;
else if (anchorExpr instanceof QualifiedAllocationExpression)
// propagate anchor from resolved type:
QualifiedAllocationExpression allocation = (QualifiedAllocationExpression)anchorExpr;
return ((RoleTypeBinding)allocation.resolvedType)._teamAnchor;
else if (anchorExpr instanceof MessageSend)
TypeBinding receiverLeaf = ((MessageSend)anchorExpr).actualReceiverType.leafComponentType();
if (RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(receiverLeaf)) {
anchorBinding = ((RoleTypeBinding)receiverLeaf)._teamAnchor;
} else {
// regression fix during work on
if (anchorExpr.resolvedType != null && anchorExpr.resolvedType.isRoleType())
return ((DependentTypeBinding)anchorExpr.resolvedType)._teamAnchor;
return cannotWrapType(roleType, problemReporter, typedNode);
else if (anchorExpr instanceof AllocationExpression)
// this anchor matches nothing
String displayName = "fresh-instance-of-"+((AllocationExpression)anchorExpr).type.toString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
LocalVariableBinding fakeVariable = new LocalVariableBinding(displayName.toCharArray(), roleType.enclosingType(), ClassFileConstants.AccFinal, false);
fakeVariable.tagBits |= TagBits.IsFreshTeamInstance;
return fakeVariable;
else if (anchorBinding == null)
return cannotWrapType(roleType, problemReporter, typedNode);
* anchorBinding = non-null
* FieldReference
* NameReference
* isTypeReference() -> TThisBinding
assert (anchorBinding != null);
* variableBinding = non-null, anchorType = non-null:
* ThisReference
* + all others that did not already quit with an error.
// if ((problemReporter != null))
// assert anchorBinding != null; // redundant
if (!anchorBinding.isTeamContainingRole(roleType))
anchorBinding = anchorBinding.retrieveAnchorFromAnchorRoleTypeFor(roleType);
if (anchorBinding == null)
if ( roleType instanceof DependentTypeBinding
&& ((DependentTypeBinding)roleType).hasExplicitAnchor())
return cannotWrapType(roleType, problemReporter, typedNode); // not improved
ReferenceBinding teamBinding = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, roleType);
if (teamBinding == null)
return cannotWrapType(roleType, problemReporter, typedNode);
anchorBinding = TThisBinding.getTThisForRole(roleType, teamBinding);
assert (anchorBinding != null);
return anchorBinding.asAnchorFor(roleType);
* Report that a role type has no suitable type anchor.
* Return NoAnchor to stop further resolving.
* @param roleType
* @param problemReporter if non-null use this for reporting else don't report
* @param typedNode
* @return RoleTypeBinding.NoAnchor
private static VariableBinding cannotWrapType(
ReferenceBinding roleType,
ProblemReporter problemReporter,
ASTNode typedNode)
if ( !roleType.isRoleType()
&& problemReporter != null)
if ((typedNode.bits & ASTNode.IsGeneratedWithProblem) == 0) {
ReferenceContext ctx = problemReporter.referenceContext;
problemReporter.referenceContext = ctx; // nulled out during reporting.
return RoleTypeBinding.NoAnchor;
* Resolve an anchored type given the tokens of its path including the type.
* TODO(SH): validate: this hands out the ifc-part of an anchor's type!
* @param scope
* @param typeExpression used for baseclass decapsulation
* @param tokens
* @param dimensions >0 signals an array type
* @return a RoleTypeBinding or null (path does not denote an anchored type) or
* a ProblemReferenceBinding with reason AnchorNotFinal or AnchorNotATeam.
* For ProblemReferenceBindings the problem should not be reported yet.
public static TypeBinding resolveAnchoredType(
Scope scope, Expression typeExpression, char[][] tokens, int dimensions)
// first try a static prefix "some.package.Some.Type":
int variableStart = 0;
ReferenceBinding staticType = null;
boolean havePackagePrefix = false;
// check at most length-2 elements, leaving space for anchor.Type:
for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length-2; i++) {
Binding staticPart = scope.getTypeOrPackage(CharOperation.subarray(tokens, 0, i+1));
if (staticPart == null || !staticPart.isValidBinding()) {
if (staticPart instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
staticType = (ReferenceBinding)staticPart;
variableStart = i+1;
} else {
havePackagePrefix = true;
// get the first variable:
ITeamAnchor anchor;
if (staticType != null) {
boolean isStatic = true;
// Skip "this" in "Outer.this", because it is not the start of a variable part:
if (CharOperation.equals(tokens[variableStart], "this".toCharArray())) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// static type remains as it is
if (variableStart >= tokens.length)
return null;
isStatic = false;
anchor = TypeAnalyzer.findField(staticType, tokens[variableStart], isStatic, /*outer*/ true);
} else {
try {
anchor = findResolvedVariable(scope, tokens[0]);
} catch (InternalCompilerError ice) {
// workaround to avoid "Prematurely searching field ..." regarding FQ class names
if (havePackagePrefix)
return null;
throw ice;
if (anchor == null)
return null;
// from this point, as we found token[0] is a valid variable, don't return
// null any more but only problems.
ProblemReferenceBinding foundProblem= null;
if (anchor.isValidBinding() && !anchor.isFinal()) {
// t.T with t not a Team => plain Java error
if (!anchor.isTeam() && variableStart == tokens.length-2)
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(tokens, null, ProblemReasons.NotFound);
// OT-error on first segment might be irrelevant if the rest doesn't
// resolve to type any way:
foundProblem= new ProblemReferenceBinding(anchor, tokens[tokens.length-1], null, ProblemReasons.AnchorNotFinal);
// build the anchor with appropriate bestNamePath from subsequent fields:
TypeBinding resolved= resolveOtherPathElements(scope, typeExpression, anchor, tokens, variableStart+1, dimensions);
if (resolved != null && resolved.isValidBinding() && foundProblem != null)
return foundProblem; // other elements are OK => report the first problem.
return resolved;
* Construct a path from an initial anchor and subsequent names.
* @param scope
* @param typeExpression used for baseclass decapsulation
* @param anchor initial anchor
* @param tokens names of subsequent fields
* @param startIdx index into tokens where to start
* @param dimensions dimensions for the RoleTypeBinding to construct/retrieve
* @return a RoleTypeBinding or null (path does not denote an anchored type) or
* a ProblemReferenceBinding with reason AnchorNotFinal or AnchorNotATeam.
* For ProblemReferenceBindings the problem should not be reported yet.
private static TypeBinding resolveOtherPathElements(
Scope scope, Expression typeExpression, ITeamAnchor anchor, char[][] tokens, int startIdx, int dimensions)
ITeamAnchor current = anchor;
for (int i = startIdx; i < tokens.length-1; i++) {
if (!anchor.hasValidReferenceType())
return null;
current = current.getFieldOfType(tokens[i], /*static*/false, /*outer*/ false); // TODO(SH): check outer navigation in paths.
if (current == null)
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(
CharOperation.subarray(tokens, 0, i+1),
if (!current.isFinal())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(
anchor = current.setPathPrefix(anchor);
if (!anchor.hasValidReferenceType())
return null;
// final component before the type must be a team:
if (!anchor.isTeam()) {
// last component must be a member type:
ReferenceBinding anchorType= (ReferenceBinding)anchor.getResolvedType();
ReferenceBinding last= anchorType.getMemberType(tokens[tokens.length-1]);
// plain Java error?
if (last==null || !last.isValidBinding())
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(tokens, null, ProblemReasons.NotFound);
// OT error!
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(anchorType.compoundName, anchorType, ProblemReasons.AnchorNotATeam);
// delegate for role type lookup:
return resolveRoleTypeFromAnchor(scope, typeExpression, anchor, tokens[tokens.length-1], dimensions, scope.problemReporter());
* Find a variable by name in scope, possibly resolving a field for this purpose.
* @param scope
* @param name
* @return valid or null binding.
public static VariableBinding findResolvedVariable(Scope scope, char[] name) {
if (scope.kind == Scope.COMPILATION_UNIT_SCOPE)
return null; // no single name variables in compilation unit scopes
// first try immediate scope:
VariableBinding anchor = scope.findVariable(name);
if (anchor != null)
return anchor;
// get class-part scope:
Scope classPartScope = scope;
TypeDeclaration type = scope.referenceType();
if (type.isRole() && type.isInterface()) {
TypeDeclaration classPartAst = type.getRoleModel().getClassPartAst();
if (classPartAst != null)
classPartScope = classPartAst.scope;
// find anchor-field in the class-part, if different from direct scope:
if (classPartScope != scope)
anchor = classPartScope.findVariable(name);
if (anchor != null)
return anchor;
// travel out through enclosing scopes:
anchor = findResolvedVariable(scope.parent, name);
if (anchor != null)
return anchor;
// other fields of the enclosing type may not yet be resolved:
return resolveField(classPartScope, name);
private static FieldBinding resolveField(Scope scope, char[] name) {
if (scope == null) return null;
if (scope instanceof CompilationUnitScope) return null;
ReferenceBinding type = scope.enclosingSourceType();
return TypeAnalyzer.findField(type, name, scope.isStatic(), /*outer*/true);
* Given a variable of a team type, lookup the role type and create a RoleTypeBinding.
* @param scope for error reporting
* @param typeExpression used for baseclass decapsulation
* @param anchor
* @param roleName
* @param dimensions
* @param problemReporter
* @return valid type or (unreported) problem.
public static TypeBinding resolveRoleTypeFromAnchor(
Scope scope,
Expression typeExpression,
ITeamAnchor anchor,
char[] roleName,
int dimensions,
ProblemReporter problemReporter)
// retrieve role from its team:
ReferenceBinding roleType = anchor.getMemberTypeOfType(roleName);
if (roleType == null) {
// prepare for getMemberType:
ReferenceContext contextSave = problemReporter.referenceContext;
Dependencies.ensureTeamState(anchor.getTeamModelOfType(), ITranslationStates.STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY);
roleType = anchor.getMemberTypeOfType(roleName);
problemReporter.referenceContext = contextSave;
if (roleType == null)
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(roleName, null, ProblemReasons.NotFound);
// call the principal method:
return getAnchoredType(scope, typeExpression, anchor, roleType, null/*typeArguments*/, dimensions); // FIXME(SH): type arguments?
* This function does the actual wrapper creation after the anchor and the role type have
* been prepared.
* PRE: anchor actually refers to a team.
* @param scope for error reporting
* @param typedNode used for baseclass decapsulation
* @param variableBinding anchor the type to this variable (full path),
* this variableBinding is never merged with an anchor of roleBinding.
* @param roleBinding
* @param arguments
* @param dimensions if > 0 create an array of role type with these dimensions
* @return valid type or a ProblemReferenceBinding with one of the following reasons:
* NotVisible, AnchorNotFinal
public static TypeBinding getAnchoredType(
Scope scope,
ASTNode typedNode,
ITeamAnchor variableBinding,
ReferenceBinding roleBinding,
TypeBinding[] arguments,
int dimensions)
if (!(variableBinding instanceof TThisBinding)) {
DecapsulationState decapsulation = DecapsulationState.NONE;
if (typedNode instanceof Expression) {
Expression expr = ((Expression)typedNode);
decapsulation = expr.getBaseclassDecapsulation(roleBinding);
int problemReason = 0;
if (!roleBinding.isPublic()) {
if (decapsulation.isAllowed()) {
if (scope != null)
scope.problemReporter().decapsulation((Expression)typedNode, roleBinding);
} else {
problemReason = ProblemReasons.NotVisible;
} else if (!variableBinding.isFinal()) {
problemReason = ProblemReasons.AnchorNotFinal;
if (problemReason != 0)
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(
if (roleBinding instanceof DependentTypeBinding)
DependentTypeBinding wrappedRole = (DependentTypeBinding)roleBinding;
if (wrappedRole._teamAnchor != variableBinding)
return wrappedRole.maybeInstantiate(variableBinding, dimensions);
if (dimensions > 0)
return wrappedRole.getArrayType(dimensions);
return wrappedRole;
// TODO (SH): check compatibility of anchors!
if (!variableBinding.isTeam())
throw new InternalCompilerError("ANCHOR IS NOT A TEAM"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (!roleBinding.isInterface())
roleBinding = roleBinding.roleModel.getInterfacePartBinding();
if (roleBinding == null)
throw new InternalCompilerError("Role class has no interface"); //$NON-NLS-1$
TypeBinding typeBinding = variableBinding.getRoleTypeBinding(roleBinding, arguments, dimensions);
return typeBinding;
* Try to resolve an argument or return type as an anchored type.
* PRE: Regular type resolution has already failed.
* Currently only handles references of two components: anchor and Type.
* (for parameters this is probably OK?)
* NO: TODO(SH): arguments could also be anchored to arbitrary expressions/paths!
* @param type type reference to be analyzed (resolvedType is null or invalid)
* @param arguments the arguments of the current method
* @param index position of the argument to be analyzed
* == arguments.length means: analyzing return type.
* @param scope scope of the current method.
* @return a RoleTypeBinding or null (after reporting error)
public static TypeBinding getTypeAnchoredToParameter(
TypeReference type,
Argument[] arguments,
int index,
MethodScope scope,
CheckPoint cp)
// we only handle QualifiedTypeReferences of length 2, or QualifiedArrayTypeReferences.
if (! (type instanceof QualifiedTypeReference))
return null; // not better than before
QualifiedTypeReference argType = (QualifiedTypeReference)type;
// look for anchor in argument list:
VariableBinding anchor = null;
char[] anchorName = argType.tokens[0];
int argPos;
for (argPos=0; argPos<index; argPos++)
Argument argument = arguments[argPos];
// ensure arguments are bound, which must happen in correct order.
argument.bind(scope, argument.type.resolvedType, /*used*/false);
if (CharOperation.equals(, anchorName)) // compare possible anchor
argument.binding.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED; // used as anchor
anchor = argument.binding;
if (scope.classScope().referenceContext.isConverted)
anchor.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccFinal; // lost during conversion.
if (anchor == null)
argPos = -1; // mark as not found in argument list
anchor = findAnchorInScope(scope, anchorName);
if (anchor == null)
return null; // not better than before.
if (!anchor.isFinal())
char[][] typeName = type.getTypeName();
scope.problemReporter().anchorPathNotFinal(argType, anchor, typeName[typeName.length-1]);
return null;
// defensive programming:
if (anchor.type == null) return null;
// anchor must be a team:
if (!anchor.type.isTeam()) {
if (!anchor.type.isValidBinding())
return null; //can't decide whether this is a valid team or not.
reportAnchorIsNotATeam(scope, argType);
return null;
// delegate for role type lookup:
TypeBinding anchoredType = resolveOtherPathElements(
scope, type, anchor, argType.tokens, 1, argType.dimensions());
if (anchoredType != null) {
if (!anchoredType.isValidBinding()) {
scope.problemReporter().invalidType(type, anchoredType);
return null;
if (anchoredType.leafComponentType().isRoleType()) {
// prepare for creating an AnchorListAttribute
RoleTypeBinding leafRoleType = (RoleTypeBinding)anchoredType.leafComponentType();
leafRoleType._argumentPosition = argPos;
final AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = scope.referenceMethod();
leafRoleType._declaringMethod = new DependentTypeBinding.IMethodProvider() {
public MethodBinding getMethod() {
return methodDecl.binding;
return anchoredType;
private static boolean isConvertedArgument(ITeamAnchor anchor, Scope scope) {
if (!(anchor instanceof VariableBinding)) return false; // impossible/defensive
if ((((VariableBinding)anchor).tagBits & TagBits.IsArgument) == 0)
return false;
return scope.classScope().referenceContext.isConverted;
* Retrieve the team anchor representing a specific method argument
* @param method use this method's arguments
* @param anchorArgPos position within the method's argument list
* @return a valid team anchor or a ProblemAnchorBinding or null;
public static ITeamAnchor resolveTypeAnchoredToArgument(AbstractMethodDeclaration method, int anchorArgPos)
MethodScope scope = method.scope;
Argument[] arguments = method.arguments;
// ensure arguments upto the anchor are bound, which must happen in correct order:
for (int i = 0; i <= anchorArgPos; i++)
arguments[i].bind(scope, arguments[i].type.resolvedType, /*used*/i==anchorArgPos);
TeamAnchor anchor = arguments[anchorArgPos].binding; // SH: bounds check?
((LocalVariableBinding)anchor).resolvedPosition = anchorArgPos;
// check anchor for error
if (anchor == null)
return null;
if ( !anchor.isFinal()
&& !isConvertedArgument(anchor, scope))
return new ProblemAnchorBinding(anchor, ProblemReasons.AnchorNotFinal);
// check anchor.type:
if (anchor.type == null)
return null;
// anchor must be a team:
if (!anchor.type.isTeam()) {
if (anchor.type.isValidBinding()) //otherwise we can't decide whether this is a valid team or not.
return null;
return anchor;
private static VariableBinding findAnchorInScope(MethodScope scope, char[] anchorName) {
// search for variable in class scope (could be obsolete, check this)
SingleNameReference invocationSite = new SingleNameReference("this".toCharArray(), 0); //$NON-NLS-1$
invocationSite.binding = scope.enclosingSourceType();
Binding binding = scope.getBinding(anchorName, Binding.VARIABLE, invocationSite, true);
if (binding instanceof VariableBinding)
return (VariableBinding)binding;
return null;
private static void reportAnchorIsNotATeam(MethodScope scope, QualifiedTypeReference argType) {
// extract all but the last element from typeReference (which yields the anchor):
char[][] tokens = CharOperation.subarray(argType.tokens, 0, argType.tokens.length-1);
long[] sourcePositions = new long[tokens.length];
System.arraycopy(argType.sourcePositions, 0, sourcePositions, 0, tokens.length);
int sourceEnd = (int)(sourcePositions[tokens.length-1] & 0xFFFFFFFF);
QualifiedNameReference prefix = new QualifiedNameReference(tokens, sourcePositions, argType.sourceStart, sourceEnd);
* Note: the reason for having this method in this class is to let it respect doingSignatures.
* Starting at (and including) 'site' look for a role that is identical or
* a tsub-role of 'role'
* @param role
* @param site
* @return non-null, but possibly problem binding.
public static ReferenceBinding findExactRole(
ReferenceBinding role,
ReferenceBinding site)
if ((site != null) &&
ReferenceBinding teamBinding = TeamModel.findEnclosingTeamContainingRole(site, role);
if (teamBinding == null){
return new ProblemReferenceBinding(
return teamBinding.getMemberType(role.internalName());
return role;
* Given a raw role type and an anchor path create the corresponding RoleTypeBinding.
* PRE: the type is not anchored to a parameter.
* @param typeToWrap wrap this role type
* @param anchorName a char[] encoded anchor path ('.' separated, inner classes '$' separated).
* @param site look here for first field as anchor
* @param environment used for lookup of a static prefix (types), if given.
public static TypeBinding wrapTypeWithAnchorFromName(
TypeBinding typeToWrap, char[] anchorName, ReferenceBinding site, LookupEnvironment environment)
ReferenceBinding leafType = (ReferenceBinding)typeToWrap.leafComponentType();
if (leafType.isRawType())
leafType = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)leafType).genericType();
if (!DependentTypeBinding.mayTakeValueParam(leafType)) {
assert false : "this method should only be called for types requiring an anchor"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return typeToWrap; // TODO (SH): check why we came here in the first place!!
// FIXME (SH): also check roles from an unrelated team
// (= is the role compatible to the anchor?)
char[][] tokens = CharOperation.splitOn('.', anchorName);
char[][] prefixTokens = tokens;
TypeBinding typePrefix = null;
while (prefixTokens.length > 0) {
typePrefix = environment.askForType(prefixTokens);
if (typePrefix != null)
prefixTokens = CharOperation.subarray(prefixTokens, 0, prefixTokens.length-1);
ReferenceBinding currentType = site;
int idx = 0;
if (typePrefix != null) {
idx = prefixTokens.length;
currentType = (ReferenceBinding)typePrefix;
ITeamAnchor currentVar = TypeAnalyzer.findField(currentType, tokens[idx++], /*don't check static*/false, /*outer*/true);
for (int i = idx; i < tokens.length; i++) {
if (currentVar == null) {
environment.problemReporter.abortDueToInternalError("Type anchor in class file "+new String(site.readableName())+" unresolvable path component: "+new String(tokens[i-1])); //$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
return null;
ITeamAnchor next = currentVar.getFieldOfType(tokens[i], /*don't check static*/false, /*outer*/true);
currentVar = next.setPathPrefix(currentVar);
if (!currentVar.isTeam()) {
environment.problemReporter.abortDueToInternalError("Type anchor in class file "+new String(site.readableName())+" does not resolve to a team: "+new String(anchorName)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
return null;
TypeBinding[] typeArguments = typeToWrap.isParameterizedType() ? ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)typeToWrap).arguments : null;
return currentVar.getDependentTypeBinding(leafType, -1/*no argpos*/, typeArguments, typeToWrap.dimensions());
* Given a type from the base side of a method mapping, try whether the type
* shoud be instantiated with an anchor given in a playedBy declaration.
* @param scope context from which to search the playedBy declaration
* @param baseSideType type to improve.
* @return a valid binding
public static ReferenceBinding maybeInstantiateFromPlayedBy(
final Scope scope,
ReferenceBinding baseSideType)
TypeArgumentUpdater typeArgumentUpdater = new TypeArgumentUpdater () {
public TypeBinding updateArg(ReferenceBinding arg) {
return maybeInstantiateFromPlayedBy(scope, arg);
if (!baseSideType.isDirectRole())
return (ReferenceBinding)baseSideType.maybeWrapRoleType(null, typeArgumentUpdater);
ITeamAnchor baseSideAnchor = getPlayedByAnchor(scope);
// FIXME(SH): strengthen base type?
// if (baseSideType.isRole()) {
// ReferenceBinding baseSite = scope.enclosingSourceType().baseclass();
// if (baseSite != null)
// baseSideType = (ReferenceBinding)TeamModel.strengthenRoleType(baseSite, baseSideType);
// }
if (baseSideAnchor != null) {
if (baseSideType instanceof DependentTypeBinding) {
RoleTypeBinding baseSideRole = RoleTypeBinding.getRoleTypeBinding(baseSideType);
return (ReferenceBinding)baseSideRole.maybeInstantiate(baseSideAnchor, 0);
} else {
return (ReferenceBinding)baseSideAnchor.getRoleTypeBinding(baseSideType, 0);
return baseSideType;
* Check whether we are in a scope for which a playedBy binding exists,
* that binds to a role with an explicit anchor.
public static ITeamAnchor getPlayedByAnchor(Scope scope) {
ReferenceBinding currentType = scope.enclosingSourceType();
ReferenceBinding baseclass = currentType.baseclass();
if ( currentType.isDirectRole()
&& baseclass != null)
if (baseclass.isDirectRole())
if (baseclass instanceof WeakenedTypeBinding)
baseclass = ((WeakenedTypeBinding)baseclass).getStrongType();
if (RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(baseclass))
return ((RoleTypeBinding)baseclass)._teamAnchor;
if (baseclass.isTeam()) {
return currentType.getField(IOTConstants._OT_BASE, true);
return null;
/** Compatibility of the kind:
* <pre>
* team class BT {
* class BR {}
* void setBR(BR br); // br: tthis[BT].BR
* }
* class R playedBy BT {
* void setBR(base.BR br1) <- after void setBR(BR br2); // br2 compatible to br1 ?
* }
* </pre>
* @param scope retrieve playedBy from this scope.
* @param baseType
* @param roleType
* @param bindDir asking for compatibility role->base or base->role?
public static boolean isCompatibleViaBaseAnchor(Scope scope, TypeBinding baseType, TypeBinding roleType, int bindDir)
// TODO(SH): optimize: first check whether requiredType is base-anchored!
if (baseType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
TypeBinding baseAnchoredBase = maybeInstantiateFromPlayedBy(
scope, (ReferenceBinding)baseType);
if (bindDir == TerminalTokens.TokenNameBINDIN) {
if (baseAnchoredBase.isCompatibleWith(roleType))
return true;
} else {
if (roleType.isCompatibleWith(baseAnchoredBase))
return true;
return false;
* Decompose a given type into atomic types (taking into account arrays and type arguments)
* perform a given type substitution for each atomic type and
* re-assemble to a type of the same shape as the given type.
* @param original the given type to be substituted
* @param environment for creation of parameterized types and array types
* @param substitution what to perform on each atomic dependent type
* @return either null (after an error should have been reported) or the original type or a legal substitution
public static TypeBinding deepSubstitute(TypeBinding original, LookupEnvironment environment, IDependentTypeSubstitution substitution) {
TypeBinding type = original;
int dimensions = type.dimensions();
type = type.leafComponentType();
TypeBinding[] typeArguments = null;
boolean hasInstantiated = false;
if (type.isParameterizedType()) {
ParameterizedTypeBinding ptb = (ParameterizedTypeBinding) type;
if (ptb.arguments != null) {
typeArguments = new TypeBinding[ptb.arguments.length];
for (int j = 0; j < ptb.arguments.length; j++) {
TypeBinding givenTypeArgument = ptb.arguments[j];
typeArguments[j] = deepSubstitute(givenTypeArgument, environment, substitution);
if (typeArguments[j] == null)
typeArguments[j] = givenTypeArgument;
else if (typeArguments[j] != givenTypeArgument) //$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$
hasInstantiated = true;
if (hasInstantiated)
type = ptb.genericType();
typeArguments = null;
if (type instanceof DependentTypeBinding) {
TypeBinding substituted = substitution.substitute((DependentTypeBinding) type, typeArguments, dimensions);
if (substituted != type) // includes substituted == null //$IDENTITY-COMPARISON$
return substituted;
if (hasInstantiated) {
TypeBinding parameterized = environment.createParameterizedType((ReferenceBinding)type, typeArguments, original.enclosingType());
if (dimensions == 0)
return parameterized;
return environment.createArrayType(parameterized, dimensions);
return original;