blob: 70ec09ada6f8ec9968371a19f2fc13785b312b18 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2021 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Stephan Herrmann - Contributions for
* bug 349326 - [1.7] new warning for missing try-with-resources
* bug 359362 - FUP of bug 349326: Resource leak on non-Closeable resource
* bug 186342 - [compiler][null] Using annotations for null checking
* bug 358903 - Filter practically unimportant resource leak warnings
* bug 400421 - [compiler] Null analysis for fields does not take into account
* bug 382069 - [null] Make the null analysis consider JUnit's assertNotNull similarly to assertions
* Bug 410218 - Optional warning for arguments of "unexpected" types to Map#get(Object), Collection#remove(Object) et al.
* Jesper S Moller <> - Contributions for
* Bug 412153 - [1.8][compiler] Check validity of annotations which may be repeatable
* Ulrich Grave <> - Contributions for
* bug 386692 - Missing "unused" warning on "autowired" fields
* Pierre-Yves B. <> - Contribution for
* bug 542520 - [JUnit 5] Warning The method xxx from the type X is never used locally is shown when using MethodSource
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup;
public interface TypeIds {
//base type void null undefined Object String
//should have an id that is 0<= id <= 15
// The IDs below must be representable using 4 bits so as to fit in operator signatures.
final int T_undefined = 0; // should not be changed
final int T_JavaLangObject = 1;
final int T_char = 2;
final int T_byte = 3;
final int T_short = 4;
final int T_boolean = 5;
final int T_void = 6;
final int T_long = 7;
final int T_double = 8;
final int T_float = 9;
final int T_int = 10;
final int T_JavaLangString = 11;
final int T_null = 12;
//=========end of 4 bits constraint===========
// well-known exception types
final int T_JavaLangClass = 16;
final int T_JavaLangStringBuffer = 17;
final int T_JavaLangSystem = 18;
final int T_JavaLangError = 19;
final int T_JavaLangReflectConstructor = 20;
final int T_JavaLangThrowable = 21;
final int T_JavaLangNoClassDefError = 22;
final int T_JavaLangClassNotFoundException = 23;
final int T_JavaLangRuntimeException = 24;
final int T_JavaLangException = 25;
// wrapper types
final int T_JavaLangByte = 26;
final int T_JavaLangShort = 27;
final int T_JavaLangCharacter = 28;
final int T_JavaLangInteger = 29;
final int T_JavaLangLong = 30;
final int T_JavaLangFloat = 31;
final int T_JavaLangDouble = 32;
final int T_JavaLangBoolean = 33;
final int T_JavaLangVoid = 34;
// 1.4 features
final int T_JavaLangAssertionError = 35;
// array interfaces
final int T_JavaLangCloneable = 36;
final int T_JavaIoSerializable = 37;
// 1.5 features
final int T_JavaLangIterable = 38;
final int T_JavaUtilIterator = 39;
final int T_JavaLangStringBuilder = 40;
final int T_JavaLangEnum = 41;
final int T_JavaLangIllegalArgumentException = 42;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationAnnotation = 43;
final int T_JavaLangDeprecated = 44;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationDocumented = 45;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationInherited = 46;
final int T_JavaLangOverride = 47;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationRetention = 48;
final int T_JavaLangSuppressWarnings = 49;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationTarget = 50;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationRetentionPolicy = 51;
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationElementType = 52;
final int T_JavaIoPrintStream = 53;
final int T_JavaLangReflectField = 54;
final int T_JavaLangReflectMethod = 55;
final int T_JavaIoExternalizable = 56;
final int T_JavaIoObjectStreamException = 57;
final int T_JavaIoException = 58;
final int T_JavaUtilCollection = 59;
// java 7
final int T_JavaLangSafeVarargs = 60;
final int T_JavaLangInvokeMethodHandlePolymorphicSignature = 61;
// java 7 java.lang.AutoCloseable
final int T_JavaLangAutoCloseable = 62;
// new in 3.8 for null annotations, removed in 4.6 (ids 65-67)
// new in 3.8 to identify org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert
final int T_OrgEclipseCoreRuntimeAssert = 68;
// new in 3.9 to identify more assertion utilities:
final int T_JunitFrameworkAssert = 69;
final int T_OrgJunitAssert = 70;
final int T_OrgApacheCommonsLangValidate = 71;
final int T_OrgApacheCommonsLang3Validate = 72;
final int T_ComGoogleCommonBasePreconditions = 73;
final int T_JavaUtilObjects = 74;
// new in 3.26 to identify more assertion utilities:
final int T_OrgJunitJupiterApiAssertions = 75;
// java 8
final int T_JavaLangFunctionalInterface = 77;
// new in 3.9 to identify known @Inject annotations
final int T_JavaxInjectInject = 80;
final int T_ComGoogleInjectInject = 81;
// @Autowired
final int T_OrgSpringframeworkBeansFactoryAnnotationAutowired = 82;
// Java 8 - JEP 120
final int T_JavaLangAnnotationRepeatable = 90;
// classes with methods with "dangerous" signatures:
final int T_JavaUtilMap = 91;
final int T_JavaUtilList = 92;
// @MethodSource
final int T_OrgJunitJupiterParamsProviderMethodSource = 93;
// Java 14 preview
final int T_JavaLangRecord = 93;
final int T_JdkInternalPreviewFeature = 94;
// see also id constants in IOTConstants (119 - 127)
// SH}
// If you add new type id, make sure to bump up T_LastWellKnownTypeId if there is a cross over.
final int T_LastWellKnownTypeId = 128;
final int NoId = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
public static final int IMPLICIT_CONVERSION_MASK = 0xFF;
public static final int COMPILE_TYPE_MASK = 0xF;
// implicit conversions: <compileType> to <runtimeType> (note: booleans are integers at runtime)
final int Boolean2Int = T_boolean + (T_int << 4);
final int Boolean2String = T_boolean + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Boolean2Boolean = T_boolean + (T_boolean << 4);
final int Byte2Byte = T_byte + (T_byte << 4);
final int Byte2Short = T_byte + (T_short << 4);
final int Byte2Char = T_byte + (T_char << 4);
final int Byte2Int = T_byte + (T_int << 4);
final int Byte2Long = T_byte + (T_long << 4);
final int Byte2Float = T_byte + (T_float << 4);
final int Byte2Double = T_byte + (T_double << 4);
final int Byte2String = T_byte + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Short2Byte = T_short + (T_byte << 4);
final int Short2Short = T_short + (T_short << 4);
final int Short2Char = T_short + (T_char << 4);
final int Short2Int = T_short + (T_int << 4);
final int Short2Long = T_short + (T_long << 4);
final int Short2Float = T_short + (T_float << 4);
final int Short2Double = T_short + (T_double << 4);
final int Short2String = T_short + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Char2Byte = T_char + (T_byte << 4);
final int Char2Short = T_char + (T_short << 4);
final int Char2Char = T_char + (T_char << 4);
final int Char2Int = T_char + (T_int << 4);
final int Char2Long = T_char + (T_long << 4);
final int Char2Float = T_char + (T_float << 4);
final int Char2Double = T_char + (T_double << 4);
final int Char2String = T_char + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Int2Byte = T_int + (T_byte << 4);
final int Int2Short = T_int + (T_short << 4);
final int Int2Char = T_int + (T_char << 4);
final int Int2Int = T_int + (T_int << 4);
final int Int2Long = T_int + (T_long << 4);
final int Int2Float = T_int + (T_float << 4);
final int Int2Double = T_int + (T_double << 4);
final int Int2String = T_int + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Long2Byte = T_long + (T_byte << 4);
final int Long2Short = T_long + (T_short << 4);
final int Long2Char = T_long + (T_char << 4);
final int Long2Int = T_long + (T_int << 4);
final int Long2Long = T_long + (T_long << 4);
final int Long2Float = T_long + (T_float << 4);
final int Long2Double = T_long + (T_double << 4);
final int Long2String = T_long + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Float2Byte = T_float + (T_byte << 4);
final int Float2Short = T_float + (T_short << 4);
final int Float2Char = T_float + (T_char << 4);
final int Float2Int = T_float + (T_int << 4);
final int Float2Long = T_float + (T_long << 4);
final int Float2Float = T_float + (T_float << 4);
final int Float2Double = T_float + (T_double << 4);
final int Float2String = T_float + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Double2Byte = T_double + (T_byte << 4);
final int Double2Short = T_double + (T_short << 4);
final int Double2Char = T_double + (T_char << 4);
final int Double2Int = T_double + (T_int << 4);
final int Double2Long = T_double + (T_long << 4);
final int Double2Float = T_double + (T_float << 4);
final int Double2Double = T_double + (T_double << 4);
final int Double2String = T_double + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int String2String = T_JavaLangString + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Object2String = T_JavaLangObject + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Null2Null = T_null + (T_null << 4);
final int Null2String = T_null + (T_JavaLangString << 4);
final int Object2Object = T_JavaLangObject + (T_JavaLangObject << 4);
final int Object2byte = T_JavaLangObject + (T_byte << 4);
final int Object2short = T_JavaLangObject + (T_short << 4);
final int Object2char = T_JavaLangObject + (T_char << 4);
final int Object2int = T_JavaLangObject + (T_int << 4);
final int Object2long = T_JavaLangObject + (T_long << 4);
final int Object2float = T_JavaLangObject + (T_float << 4);
final int Object2double = T_JavaLangObject + (T_double << 4);
final int Object2boolean = T_JavaLangObject + (T_boolean << 4);
final int BOXING = 0x200;
final int UNBOXING = 0x400;
* Marks a type whose type bits have not yet been initialized.
* @see ReferenceBinding#hasTypeBit(int)
final int BitUninitialized = 0x8000000;
* Marks all sub-types of java.lang.AutoCloseable.
* @see ReferenceBinding#hasTypeBit(int)
final int BitAutoCloseable = 1;
* Marks all sub-types of
* @see ReferenceBinding#hasTypeBit(int)
final int BitCloseable = 2;
* Bit for members of a white list:
* Subtypes of Closeable that wrap another resource without directly holding any OS resources.
final int BitWrapperCloseable = 4;
* Bit for members of a white list:
* Subtypes of Closeable that do not hold an OS resource that needs to be released.
final int BitResourceFreeCloseable = 8;
final int BitUninternedType = 16;
/** Bit for a type configured as a @NonNull annotation. */
final int BitNonNullAnnotation = 32;
/** Bit for a type configured as a @Nullable annotation. */
final int BitNullableAnnotation = 64;
/** Bit for a type configured as a @NonNullByDefault annotation. */
final int BitNonNullByDefaultAnnotation = 128;
final int BitAnyNullAnnotation = BitNonNullAnnotation | BitNullableAnnotation | BitNonNullByDefaultAnnotation;
/** Mark subtypes of Map to analyze dangerous get/remove et al. */
final int BitMap = 256;
/** Mark subtypes of Collection to analyze dangerous contains/remove. */
final int BitCollection = 512;
/** Mark subtypes of List to analyze dangerous indexOf. */
final int BitList = 1024;
* Set of type bits that should be inherited by any sub types.
final int InheritableBits = BitAutoCloseable | BitCloseable | BitUninternedType | BitMap | BitCollection | BitList ;
public static int getCategory(int typeId) {
return typeId == TypeIds.T_double || typeId == TypeIds.T_long ? 2 : 1;