blob: 7f27be0bc92095cb18f580cc001dcceb774c7b85 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2003, 2018 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.copyinheritance;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AllocationExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ConstructorDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.FieldDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.LocalDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ParameterizedSingleTypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.QualifiedAllocationExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleTypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SuperReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeParameter;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration.WrapperKind;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression.DecapsulationState;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.IrritantSet;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BinaryTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ExtraCompilerModifiers;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodVerifier;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MissingTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ParameterizedTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemReasons;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SyntheticMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TagBits;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.IProblemRechecker;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.OTNameUtils;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.RoleClassLiteralAccess;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.TypeContainerMethod;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.ConstantPoolObjectMapper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.CopyInheritanceSourceAttribute;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.InheritedRolesAttribute;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.OTDynCallinBindingsAttribute;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.OTSpecialAccessAttribute;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Config;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Dependencies;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.ITranslationStates;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.StateHelper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Config.NotConfiguredException;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.Lifting;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.AnchorMapping;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.DependentTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.RoleTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.SyntheticBaseCallSurrogate;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.SyntheticRoleBridgeMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.SyntheticRoleFieldAccess;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.WeakenedTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.MethodModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.RoleModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TeamModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TypeModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.smap.LineInfo;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.smap.LineNumberProvider;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.ReflectionGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.ReplaceSingleNameVisitor;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.SerializationGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.StandardElementGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstClone;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstConverter;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstEdit;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.Protections;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.RoleTypeCreator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TSuperHelper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TypeAnalyzer;
* This class implements all that is needed for implicit inheritance by
* means of copying features from a tsuper-role to a current role.
* When the methods from this transformer are invoked, role classes are split
* and all classes have their type bindings set and connected.
* Method bodies have not been handled at all.
* Objects of translations:
* + Some translations are performed on AST
* (using AstEdit, which also initializes bindings of newly created elements):
* - creation of new classes, method declarations, fields
* as copies of tsuper versions.
* - creation methods (full code).
* + Typelevel translations only concern bindings
* - TypeLevel.connectRoleClasses
* Tasks:
* + Copy declarations of classes, methods and fields, and establish
* superclass/superinterface linkage.
* + Signature weakening: ensure that overrides use the role types from the
* team that first introduced a given method.
* - class methods are weakened when copyMethod finds a match between a
* tsuper version and an overriding method.
* - when the super role (extends) is in place, additional weakening might
* be required (weakenSignaturesFromExtends)
* - interface methods are weakened during types adjustment
* (here weakening simply means to remove the more specific version).
* Special story for signature weakening of creators and liftTo methods:
* - Always create AST with singleTypeReference -> resolve locally.
* Locations:
* + CopyInheritance.internalCreateCreationMethod
* + Lifting.createLiftToMethodDeclaration
* + AstConverter.createMethod
* - Explicitly create WeakenedTypeBinding if the affected role is inherited
* + RoleTypeCreator.wrapTypesInMethodDeclSignature
* Entries:
* + Most methods are invoked by Dependencies:
* - copyRolesFromTeam, addMarkerInterface
* - copyFeatures, checkAllImplemented
* - createCreationMethod, weakenInterfaceSignatures, weakenSignaturesFromExtends, weakenTeamMethodSignatures
* - copyGeneratedFeatures
* - copyCastToMethods, copyLocalTypes, copyAttribute
* + copySyntheticFieldsAndMethods() is called by
* TypeDeclaration.generateCode()
* + createConstructorMethodInvocationExpression is called by
* resolveType() in AllocationExpression and QualifiedAllocationExpression
* @author Markus Witte
public class CopyInheritance implements IOTConstants, ClassFileConstants, ExtraCompilerModifiers, ITranslationStates
* Entry for ClassScope: copy into `teamBinding' all roles of its super and tsuper teams.
* Also connect roles with OT-specific links.
public static void copyRoles(SourceTypeBinding teamBinding) {
TeamModel teamModel= teamBinding.getTeamModel();
ReferenceBinding superTeam= teamBinding.superclass;
if (superTeam == null) {
assert (teamBinding.tagBits & TagBits.HierarchyHasProblems) != 0 : "Only broken teams can have null superclass"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// super team:
if (TeamModel.setTagBit(teamBinding, TeamModel.BeginCopyRoles)) {
TSuperHelper.addMarkerInterface(teamModel, superTeam);
copyRolesFromTeam(superTeam, teamModel, false/*isTsuperTeam*/);
// tsuper teams:
if (teamBinding.isRole()) {
ReferenceBinding[] tSuperRoleBindings = teamBinding.roleModel.getTSuperRoleBindings();
int length = tSuperRoleBindings.length;
if (length > TeamModel.MaxTSuperRoles)
throw new InternalCompilerError("Too many tsuper roles in "+String.valueOf(teamBinding.readableName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
ReferenceBinding tsuperTeam = tSuperRoleBindings[i];
int tagBits = (1<<i) & TeamModel.CopyRolesFromTSuperMASK;
if (TeamModel.setTagBit(teamBinding, tagBits)) {
TSuperHelper.addMarkerInterface(teamModel, tsuperTeam);
copyRolesFromTeam(tsuperTeam, teamModel, true/*isTsuperTeam*/);
teamModel.addAttribute(new InheritedRolesAttribute(teamModel.getBinding()));
* Copy role from one (t)super team to the target team.
* @param sourceTeam either super or tsuper team of the target team
* @param targetTeamModel
* @param isTsuperTeam is the source team a tsuper team of the target (regular super otherwise)?
private static void copyRolesFromTeam(
ReferenceBinding sourceTeam,
TeamModel targetTeamModel,
boolean isTsuperTeam)
if (!sourceTeam.isTeam())
return; // error which is detected elsewhere (see ProblemReporter.regularOverridesTeam())
loadRoleFiles(sourceTeam, targetTeamModel.getBinding().memberTypes());
loadRoleFiles(targetTeamModel.getBinding(), sourceTeam.memberTypes());
// 1. copy all roles (NO recursion for nested teams).
doCopyRoles(sourceTeam, targetTeamModel, isTsuperTeam);
connectRolesFromTeam(sourceTeam, targetTeamModel.getAst(), isTsuperTeam);
private static void connectRolesFromTeam(
ReferenceBinding sourceTeam,
TypeDeclaration teamDeclaration,
boolean isTsuperTeam)
// 2. copyClassProperties
// connect synth-ifc to implicit super-ifc,
// connect ifc-part to model
TypeDeclaration[] subRoles = teamDeclaration.memberTypes;
if (subRoles != null) {
// map < String name->TypeDeclaration > for copied role interfaces
HashMap<String, TypeDeclaration> roleIfcs = new HashMap<String, TypeDeclaration>();
// collect all synthetic interfaces:
for (TypeDeclaration typeDeclaration : subRoles)
if(typeDeclaration.isInterface() && !typeDeclaration.isRegularInterface())
roleIfcs.put(new String(, typeDeclaration);
SupertypeObligation[][] obligations = new SupertypeObligation[subRoles.length][];
for (int i=0; i<subRoles.length; i++)
TypeDeclaration subRoleDecl = subRoles[i];
if ((subRoleDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccEnum) != 0)
RoleModel subRole = subRoleDecl.getRoleModel();
obligations[i] =
TypeLevel.connectRoleClasses(sourceTeam, subRoleDecl);
// additional checking for 1.4(a):
if (subRoleDecl.binding != null && subRoleDecl.binding.isSynthInterface())
checkRoleShadows(teamDeclaration.scope, teamDeclaration.binding, subRoleDecl);
for (int i = 0; i < subRoles.length; i++) {
if ((subRoles[i].modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccEnum) != 0)
SupertypeObligation[] obligs = obligations[i];
for (int j = 0; j < obligs.length; j++) {
// additional check (OTJLD 1.4(a)):
private static void checkRoleShadows(ClassScope scope, ReferenceBinding sourceType, TypeDeclaration memberDecl) {
ReferenceBinding currentType = sourceType.enclosingType();
char[] internalName=;
ReferenceBinding otherType;
while (currentType != null) {
otherType = scope.findMemberType(internalName, currentType);
if (otherType != null && otherType.isValidBinding()) {
if (TypeAnalyzer.isPredefinedRole(otherType))
if (TSuperHelper.isMarkerInterface(otherType))
scope.problemReporter().roleShadowsVisibleType(memberDecl, otherType);
currentType = currentType.enclosingType();
TypeBinding otherType2 = (TypeBinding) scope.compilationUnitScope().getTypeOrPackage(internalName, Binding.TYPE, false);
if (otherType2 != null && otherType2.isValidBinding())
scope.problemReporter().roleShadowsVisibleType(memberDecl, otherType2);
/** A binary team need not copy roles from super, but must connect roles to the
* teamModel and to their tsupers.
public static void connectBinaryTSupers(TeamModel subTeamModel) {
ReferenceBinding subTeam = subTeamModel.getBinding();
ReferenceBinding superTeam = subTeam.superclass();
if (superTeam != null && superTeam.isTeam()) {
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(superTeam, STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY);
for (ReferenceBinding tsuperRole : superTeam.memberTypes()) {
connectToTSuperRole(subTeamModel, subTeam, tsuperRole);
/** Find a role within subTeam corresponding to tsuperRole and connect it to its tsuper. */
private static void connectToTSuperRole(TeamModel subTeamModel, ReferenceBinding subTeam, ReferenceBinding tsuperRole)
ReferenceBinding subRole = subTeam.getMemberType(tsuperRole.internalName());
if (subRole != null)
if (subRole.roleModel == null)
assert CharOperation.equals(subRole.internalName(), IOTConstants.ROFI_CACHE);
subRole.roleModel.connect(subTeamModel, tsuperRole);
/** Mark a state for a role and its members, but not nested roles. */
private static void setRoleState(RoleModel subRole, int state) {
if (subRole.isTeam())
// done this only for one level (not roles-as-teams):
* Try to load all role types for a given team.
* (a) try a tsuper role for each role in tsubRoles
* (b) try a role type for each simple type reference in field and method sigs.
* @param sourceTeam
* @param suggestedRoles
private static void loadRoleFiles(ReferenceBinding sourceTeam, ReferenceBinding[] suggestedRoles) {
if (sourceTeam instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
// fetch scope and AST:
ClassScope scope = ((SourceTypeBinding)sourceTeam).scope;
if (scope == null)
return; // too late to add members :-((
TypeDeclaration teamDecl = scope.referenceContext;
HashSet<String> processed = new HashSet<String>();
// load roles from super/sub team:
for (int i = 0; i < suggestedRoles.length; i++) {
char[] roleName = suggestedRoles[i].internalName();
processed.add(new String(roleName));
// scan fields:
if (teamDecl.fields != null)
for (int i = 0; i < teamDecl.fields.length; i++) {
loadRoFiFromType(sourceTeam, teamDecl.fields[i].type, processed);
// scan methods:
if (teamDecl.methods != null)
for (int i = 0; i < teamDecl.methods.length; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration method = teamDecl.methods[i];
if (method.arguments != null)
for (int j = 0; j < method.arguments.length; j++) {
loadRoFiFromType(sourceTeam, method.arguments[j].type, processed);
if (method instanceof MethodDeclaration)
private static void loadRoFiFromType (ReferenceBinding sourceTeam, TypeReference type, HashSet<String> processed) {
if (type instanceof SingleTypeReference) {
char[] typeName = ((SingleTypeReference)type).token;
String typeString = new String(typeName);
if (!processed.contains(typeString)) {
ReferenceBinding rofi= sourceTeam.getMemberType(typeName);
while (rofi != null && !rofi.isBinaryBinding()) {
// if a rofi actually entered the compilation process it needs
// to have its super types connected:
SourceTypeBinding sourceRole= (SourceTypeBinding)rofi;
if ( sourceRole.scope != null
&& (sourceRole.tagBits & TagBits.BeginHierarchyCheck) == 0)
// do the same for the class part, too?
if (sourceRole.isSynthInterface()) {
rofi= sourceRole.getRealClass();
if (rofi != null && rofi.isInterface())
// observed an infinite loop, probably caused by rofi remaining unchanged by getRealClass above. Want to see why.
throw new InternalCompilerError("Role has no class-part"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
rofi= null; // terminate loop
* @param srcTeam where to copy roles from
* @param targetTeam destination team
* @param isTsuperTeam is the super team inherited implicitly?
private static void doCopyRoles(
ReferenceBinding srcTeam,
TeamModel targetTeam,
boolean isTsuperTeam)
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = srcTeam.getTeamModel().getKnownRoles();
if (tsuperRoles == null)
TypeDeclaration teamDeclaration = targetTeam.getAst();
for(int i=0;i<tsuperRoles.length;i++)
ReferenceBinding tsuperRoleBinding = tsuperRoles[i];
TypeDeclaration subRoleType = copyRole (
if (subRoleType != null) {
RoleModel subRoleModel = subRoleType.getRoleModel();
subRoleModel.connect(targetTeam, tsuperRoleBinding);
} else {
// subrole already existed, connect it now:
connectToTSuperRole(targetTeam, teamDeclaration.binding, tsuperRoleBinding);
/** Check for OTJLD 1.5(d) */
private static void verifyTSupers(RoleModel role) {
if (!role.getAst().isInterface())
return; // analyzing interfaces suffices, they have all tsuper information.
ReferenceBinding[] tsupers = role.getTSuperRoleBindings();
if (tsupers.length > 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < tsupers.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < tsupers.length; j++) {
if (i!=j) {
ReferenceBinding common = findCommonSuper(tsupers[i], tsupers[j]);
if (common == null) {
TypeDeclaration roleDecl = role.getAst();
roleDecl.scope.problemReporter().incomparableTSupers(roleDecl, tsupers[i], tsupers[j]);
// helper for verifyTSupers() above.
private static ReferenceBinding findCommonSuper(ReferenceBinding type1, ReferenceBinding type2)
ReferenceBinding current = type1;
while(current != null && current.depth() == type1.depth()) // don't accept super class from outer scope
if (type2.isCompatibleWith(current))
return current;
current = current.superclass();
ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces = type1.superInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < superInterfaces.length; i++) {
ReferenceBinding common = findCommonSuper(superInterfaces[i], type2);
if (common != null)
return common;
return null;
public static boolean copyLocalTypes(RoleModel roleModel) {
// TODO (SH): ensuring equals constantPoolName does probably not yet work:
// first assign indices to COPIED locals, *then* to locally defined ones!.
// copy local types from tsuper role:
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = roleModel.getTSuperRoleBindings();
TeamModel teamModel = roleModel.getTeamModel();
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperRoles.length; i++) {
ReferenceBinding tsuperRole = tsuperRoles[i];
if (tsuperRole != null) {
ReferenceBinding superTeam = tsuperRole.enclosingType();
RoleModel tsuperModel = tsuperRole.roleModel;
// require recursive copying from direct and indirect tsuper roles:
Dependencies.ensureRoleState(tsuperModel, STATE_LATE_ELEMENTS_COPIED);
Iterator<RoleModel> tsuperLocals = tsuperModel.localTypes();
while (tsuperLocals.hasNext()) {
RoleModel tsuperLocal =;
Dependencies.ensureRoleState(tsuperLocal, STATE_RESOLVED);
ReferenceBinding tsuperNestedBinding = tsuperLocal.getBinding();
TypeDeclaration localDecl = copyRoleNestedInternal(teamModel, roleModel, tsuperNestedBinding);
if (localDecl != null) {
TypeLevel.mergeSuperinterfaces(superTeam, tsuperNestedBinding, localDecl.binding);
TypeLevel.copyAdjustSuperclass(tsuperNestedBinding, localDecl, null);
return true;
* @param destTeamModel
* @param destRole
* @param tsuperNestedBinding
private static TypeDeclaration copyRoleNestedInternal(
TeamModel destTeamModel,
RoleModel destRole,
ReferenceBinding tsuperNestedBinding)
TypeDeclaration subRoleType = copyRole (tsuperNestedBinding, true, destTeamModel.getAst(), false);
if (subRoleType != null) {
RoleModel subRoleModel = subRoleType.getRoleModel();
subRoleModel.connect(destTeamModel, tsuperNestedBinding);
if (tsuperNestedBinding.isLocalType())
destRole.addLocalType(tsuperNestedBinding.constantPoolName(), subRoleModel);
return subRoleType;
* If a tsuper role is not overriden in the current team,
* create a fresh new role type declaration.
* Always copy all inheritance information to the tsub role
* (extends, implements, playedBy).
* No difference, whether we are looking at a role class or interface.
* @param superRole
* @param subTeamDecl this declaration is being edited.
* @return the new or modified type declaration
private static TypeDeclaration copyRole (
ReferenceBinding superRole,
boolean isNestedType,
TypeDeclaration subTeamDecl,
boolean isTsuperTeam)
subTeamDecl.getTeamModel()._isCopyingLateRole = true;
try {
if (superRole instanceof MissingTypeBinding)
return null; // don't copy missing type!
if (superRole.sourceName == null)
return null; // local types have null name
String name = new String(superRole.sourceName);
if((name.startsWith(TSUPER_OT) || CharOperation.equals(superRole.sourceName, ROFI_CACHE)))
return null; // don't copy these special roles
if ( subTeamDecl.isRole()
&& superRole.roleModel.equals(subTeamDecl.getRoleModel()))
return null; // can happen in case of a role extending its enclosing
TypeDeclaration subRoleDecl =
findMemberType(subTeamDecl, superRole.sourceName);
ReferenceBinding subRoleBinding = subTeamDecl.binding.getMemberType(superRole.internalName());
if (subRoleBinding != null) {
// don't copy binary tsuper, if a binary exists already here.
if (shouldPreserveBinaryRole(subRoleBinding, subTeamDecl.compilationResult)) {
if (isNestedType)
// no further processing needed except for connecting tsuper and copyInheritanceSrc:
connectBinaryNested(superRole, subTeamDecl, subRoleBinding);
return null;
// try again, memberType lookup might have introduced a role file to subTeamDecl:
if (subRoleDecl == null)
subRoleDecl = findMemberType(subTeamDecl, superRole.sourceName);
if (subRoleDecl != null && (subRoleDecl.binding.tagBits & TagBits.BeginHierarchyCheck) == 0)
if (subRoleDecl == null) // still?
return null; // assume recompile has been scheduled
// If type doesn't exist, create now
if(subRoleDecl == null)
char[] superRoleName = superRole.internalName();
if (superRole.isLocalType()) {
if (!superRole.isBinaryBinding())
int lastDollar = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', superRole.sourceName);
if (lastDollar >= 0) {
superRoleName = CharOperation.subarray(superRole.sourceName, lastDollar+1, -1);
} else {
char[] superConstantPoolName = superRole.constantPoolName();
lastDollar = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', superConstantPoolName);
if (lastDollar >= 0)
superRoleName = CharOperation.subarray(superConstantPoolName, lastDollar+1, -1);
subRoleDecl = AstConverter.createNestedType(
true, // purely copied
if (subRoleDecl.isInterface()) {
// purely copied interface now copies superinterfaces (not handled in connectRolesFromTeam()):
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperSupers = superRole.superInterfaces();
subRoleDecl.binding.superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[tsuperSupers.length];
int j=0;
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperSupers.length; i++) {
char[] tsuperSuperName = tsuperSupers[i].internalName();
if (!CharOperation.equals(tsuperSuperName, superRoleName)) {
ReferenceBinding tsubRole = subTeamDecl.binding.getMemberType(tsuperSuperName);
if (tsubRole != null)
subRoleDecl.binding.superInterfaces[j++] = tsubRole;
if (j<tsuperSupers.length)
System.arraycopy(subRoleDecl.binding.superInterfaces, 0, subRoleDecl.binding.superInterfaces = new ReferenceBinding[j], 0, j);
} else {
if (subRoleDecl.isRegularInterface() != superRole.isRegularInterface()) {
// overwrite existing type with tsuper copy:
subRoleDecl.isGenerated = true;
subRoleDecl.isPurelyCopied = true;
subRoleDecl.modifiers = superRole.modifiers;
subRoleDecl.fields = null;
subRoleDecl.methods = null;
subRoleDecl.superclass = null;
subRoleDecl.superInterfaces = null;
SourceTypeBinding roleBinding = subRoleDecl.binding;
roleBinding.modifiers = superRole.modifiers;
roleBinding.baseclass = null;
roleBinding.superclass = subTeamDecl.scope.getJavaLangObject();
roleBinding.superInterfaces = Binding.NO_SUPERINTERFACES;
return subRoleDecl;
if ( superRole.isTeam()
&& !subRoleDecl.isTeam())
if (!Protections.hasClassKindProblem(subRoleDecl.binding))
subRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().regularOverridesTeam(subRoleDecl, superRole);
subRoleDecl.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccTeam;
if (subRoleBinding != null)
subRoleBinding.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccTeam;
if (!isTsuperTeam) {
if (CharOperation.equals(, OTCONFINED)) {
subRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().overridingConfined(subRoleDecl, "Confined"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
if (CharOperation.equals(, ICONFINED)) {
subRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().overridingConfined(subRoleDecl, "IConfined"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
if (superRole.isFinal()) {
subRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().overridingFinalRole(subRoleDecl, superRole);
return null;
superRole.roleModel.hasBaseclassProblem(); // just trigger propagation from super-role to current
// if (subRoleBinding != null && subRoleBinding.isBinaryBinding())
// subRoleDecl.scope.problemReporter().mismatchingRoleParts(subRoleBinding, subRoleDecl);
return subRoleDecl;
} finally {
subTeamDecl.getTeamModel()._isCopyingLateRole = false;
public static void connectBinaryNested(ReferenceBinding superRole, TypeDeclaration subTeam, ReferenceBinding subRole)
subRole.roleModel.connect(subTeam.getTeamModel(), superRole);
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(subRole, ITranslationStates.STATE_LATE_ATTRIBUTES_EVALUATED);
* If a requested member type was not found in a team binding try if a combination
* of role file loading and role copying resolves the issue.
public static ReferenceBinding checkCopyLateRoleFile(SourceTypeBinding teamBinding, char[] name) {
if (!TeamModel.hasTagBit(teamBinding, TeamModel.BeginCopyRoles))
return null;
ReferenceBinding ifcPart = null;
if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.OT_DELIM_NAME, name)) {
char[] ifcName = CharOperation.subarray(name, IOTConstants.OT_DELIM_LEN, -1);
ifcPart = teamBinding.getMemberType(ifcName);
TypeDeclaration roleDecl = internalCheckCopyLateRoleFile(teamBinding, name);
if (roleDecl != null && ifcPart != null) {
ReferenceBinding superTeam = teamBinding.superclass;
if (!hasHiearchyCheckBegun(superTeam))
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(superTeam, ITranslationStates.STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY);
TypeLevel.connectRoleClasses(superTeam, roleDecl);
if (roleDecl != null)
return roleDecl.binding;
return null;
private static boolean hasHiearchyCheckBegun(ReferenceBinding type) {
if ((type.tagBits & TagBits.BeginHierarchyCheck) != 0)
return true;
if (type.enclosingType() != null)
return hasHiearchyCheckBegun(type.enclosingType());
return false;
public static TypeDeclaration internalCheckCopyLateRoleFile(SourceTypeBinding teamBinding, char[] name) {
ReferenceBinding superTeam = (ReferenceBinding) teamBinding.superclass().original(); // FIXME(SH): tsuper teams
if ( superTeam != null
&& superTeam.isTeam()
&& !TypeAnalyzer.isOrgObjectteamsTeam(superTeam)
&& !teamBinding._teamModel._isCopyingLateRole
&& !OTNameUtils.isTSuperMarkerInterface(name))
ReferenceBinding tsuperRole = superTeam.getMemberType(name);
if ((tsuperRole == null ||
(!tsuperRole.isValidBinding() && tsuperRole.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotFound))
&& superTeam instanceof SourceTypeBinding)
TypeDeclaration tsuperDecl = internalCheckCopyLateRoleFile(((SourceTypeBinding)superTeam), name);
if (tsuperDecl != null)
tsuperRole = tsuperDecl.binding;
if ( tsuperRole != null && tsuperRole.isRole() && tsuperRole.isValidBinding()
&& !tsuperRole.isLocalType())
if ((teamBinding.tagBits & TagBits.BeginHierarchyCheck) != 0)
return copyLateRole(teamBinding._teamModel.getAst(), tsuperRole);
return copyLateRolePart(teamBinding._teamModel.getAst(), tsuperRole);
return null;
public static TypeDeclaration copyLateRole(TypeDeclaration teamDecl, ReferenceBinding tsuperRole) {
TypeDeclaration roleType = null;
ReferenceBinding ifcPart = null;
char[] tsuperName = tsuperRole.internalName();
if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.OT_DELIM_NAME, tsuperName)) {
char[] ifcName = CharOperation.subarray(tsuperName, IOTConstants.OT_DELIM_LEN, -1);
ifcPart = teamDecl.binding.getMemberType(ifcName);
roleType = copyLateRolePart(teamDecl, tsuperRole);
if (ifcPart != null) {
ReferenceBinding superTeam = tsuperRole.enclosingType();
if ((superTeam.tagBits & TagBits.BeginHierarchyCheck) == 0)
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(superTeam, ITranslationStates.STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY);
if (StateHelper.hasState(tsuperRole, ITranslationStates.STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY)) {
RoleModel subRole = roleType.getRoleModel();
TypeLevel.connectRoleClasses(superTeam, roleType);
if (roleType == null) return null;
return roleType;
private static TypeDeclaration copyLateRolePart(TypeDeclaration teamDecl, ReferenceBinding tsuperRole) {
TypeDeclaration roleDecl = copyRole(tsuperRole, false, teamDecl, false);
if (roleDecl != null) {
TeamModel teamModel = teamDecl.getTeamModel();
RoleModel subRoleModel = roleDecl.getRoleModel();
subRoleModel.connect(teamModel, tsuperRole);
return roleDecl;
return null;
/** Hook for the BuildManager. */
private static boolean shouldPreserveBinaryRole(ReferenceBinding subRoleBinding,
CompilationResult result)
return subRoleBinding.isBinaryBinding();
* Copy a byte code attribute from tsuper role.
* Currently only supported: CallinMethodMappingsAttribute
* @param subRole
public static void copyAttribute(RoleModel subRole)
if (subRole != null) {
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = subRole.getTSuperRoleBindings();
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperRoles.length; i++) {
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(tsuperRoles[i], ITranslationStates.STATE_CALLINS_TRANSFORMED);
subRole.copyAttributeFrom(tsuperRoles[i].roleModel, IOTConstants.CALLIN_METHOD_MAPPINGS);
* Copy a byte code attribute from super team (and tsuper teams).
* Currently only supported: StaticReplaceBindingsAttribute and OTDynCallinBindings
* @param subTeam
public static void copyAttribute(TeamModel subTeam)
if ( subTeam != null
&& !TypeAnalyzer.isOrgObjectteamsTeam(subTeam.getBinding()))
ReferenceBinding superTeam = subTeam.getBinding().superclass();
if ( superTeam != null
&& superTeam.isValidBinding()
&& superTeam.isTeam()
&& !TypeAnalyzer.isOrgObjectteamsTeam(superTeam))
copyAttributesFromTo(superTeam, subTeam);
if (subTeam.isRole()) {
for (ReferenceBinding tsuperRole : subTeam.getRoleModelOfThis().getTSuperRoleBindings())
if (tsuperRole.isTeam())
copyAttributesFromTo(tsuperRole, subTeam);
private static void copyAttributesFromTo(ReferenceBinding superTeam, TeamModel subTeam) {
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(superTeam, STATE_CALLINS_TRANSFORMED);
subTeam.copyAttributeFrom(superTeam.getTeamModel(), IOTConstants.STATIC_REPLACE_BINDINGS);
subTeam.copyAttributeFrom(superTeam.getTeamModel(), OTDynCallinBindingsAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
OTSpecialAccessAttribute attrib = (OTSpecialAccessAttribute)superTeam.getTeamModel().getAttribute(IOTConstants.OTSPECIAL_ACCESS);
if (attrib != null)
* If adjustSuperinterfaces updates a superinterface, we will check compatibility,
* ie., the new superinterface must be a subtype from the originally resolved version.
* Reasons why this could fail should be sought in the field of nested teams,
* where independent super-teams may lead to name-clashes?!
static class SupertypeObligation {
ReferenceBinding thatSuperType;
ReferenceBinding thisSuperType;
ASTNode location;
ReferenceBinding outerTSuper; // where the outer extends was inherited from
SupertypeObligation(ReferenceBinding thisSupertype, ReferenceBinding thatSupertype, ASTNode location, ReferenceBinding outerTSuper)
this.thisSuperType = thisSupertype;
this.thatSuperType = thatSupertype;
this.location = location;
this.outerTSuper = outerTSuper;
void check(TypeDeclaration subRole) {
if (!this.thisSuperType.isCompatibleWith(this.thatSuperType))
// this message is not precise (could be superinterfaces),
// and I'm not sure whether the parameters actually make sense..
(this.location != null) ? this.location : subRole,
// ============ FEATURE LEVEL ============
* Copy all fields and methods from tsuperRoleBinding to role
* @param role
* @param tsuperRoleBinding
public static void copyFeatures(RoleModel role, ReferenceBinding tsuperRoleBinding) {
TypeDeclaration rt = role.getAst();
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(tsuperRoleBinding, ITranslationStates.STATE_ROLE_HIERARCHY_ANALYZED); // e.g.: lifting constructors
// fields first (may be needed by synthetic methods below).
FieldBinding[] fields = tsuperRoleBinding.fields();
if(fields != null)
for(int j=0; j<fields.length; j++)
// regular methods.
MethodBinding[] methods = tsuperRoleBinding.methods();
if(methods != null)
for(int j=0; j<methods.length; j++)
* Copy features that have been generated after STATE_ROLE_FEATURES_COPIED.
* @param model
public static void copyGeneratedFeatures(RoleModel model) {
TypeDeclaration roleType = model.getAst();
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = model.getTSuperRoleBindings();
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperRoles.length; i++) {
if (tsuperRoles[i].isInterface())
FieldBinding[] fields = tsuperRoles[i].fields();
for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
if (!model.hasAlreadyBeenCopied(fields[j]))
copyField(fields[j], roleType);
MethodBinding[] methods = tsuperRoles[i].methods();
for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) {
if (model.hasAlreadyBeenCopied(methods[j])) {
if (!methods[j].isAbstract()) {
// implemented previously abstract method?
MethodBinding[] existingMethod = model.getBinding().methods();
for (int k = 0; k < existingMethod.length; k++) {
if ( existingMethod[k].isCopiedFrom(methods[j])
&& existingMethod[k].isAbstract())
// keep methods and update modifiers:
existingMethod[k].modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract|AccSemicolonBody);
AbstractMethodDeclaration decl = existingMethod[k].sourceMethod();
if (decl != null)
decl.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract|AccSemicolonBody);
} else {
copyMethod(methods[j], roleType);
* Copy a given method to the tsub-role.
* Adds the new method to AST and performs initial creation of bindings.
* @param method method to copy
* @param targetRoleDecl target role class
private static void copyMethod(
MethodBinding method,
TypeDeclaration targetRoleDecl)
boolean wasSynthetic = false;
ReferenceBinding site = null;
if ((method.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
wasSynthetic = true;
// some, but not all, synthetics shall be generated with strong signatures as indicated by 'site':
if (!SyntheticBaseCallSurrogate.isBaseCallSurrogateName(method.selector))
site = targetRoleDecl.binding;
if (SyntheticRoleBridgeMethodBinding.isPrivateBridgeSelector(method.selector))
return; // will be generated anew
if (TypeContainerMethod.isTypeContainer(method))
return; // don't copy these dummy methods
if ( isCreator(method)
|| CharOperation.equals(IOTConstants._OT_GETBASE, method.selector)
|| CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.CAST_PREFIX, method.selector)
|| CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.GET_CLASS_PREFIX, method.selector))
return; // create/getBase/cast/getClass-methods are generated anew in each team.
// (can only happen in a team that is a role of an outer team.)
// Note: we don't use AccSynthetic on creators, because
// Synthetic methods are not read from byte code.
// FIXME(SH): this last note is not true any more.
if ( targetRoleDecl.isTeam()
( ReflectionGenerator.isReflectionMethod(method)
|| SerializationGenerator.isSerializationMethod(method)))
if (MethodModel.isFakedMethod(method))
return; // will be generated anew (basecall-surrogate, rolefield-bridge)
if (CharOperation.equals(IOTConstants.MIGRATE_TO_TEAM, method.selector))
return; // can only be used from the exact team
// avoid copying twice (see copyGeneratedFeatures()):
// some useful objects:
ReferenceBinding srcRole = method.declaringClass;
TypeDeclaration targetTeamDecl = targetRoleDecl.enclosingType;
ReferenceBinding srcTeam = TeamModel.getEnclosingTeam(srcRole);
ReferenceBinding tgtTeam = targetTeamDecl.binding;
MethodBinding origin = (method.copyInheritanceSrc != null) ?
method.copyInheritanceSrc :
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodFound = findMethod(
srcTeam, method,
tgtTeam, targetRoleDecl);
if (method.isConstructor()) {
if (CharOperation.equals(srcRole.compoundName, IOTConstants.ORG_OBJECTTEAMS_TEAM_OTCONFINED))
// must add default constructor explicitly,
// since if we would copy the one from Team.__OT__Confined,
// it would invoke the wrong super().
ConstructorDeclaration ctor =
targetRoleDecl.createDefaultConstructor(true, true);
targetRoleDecl.binding.resolveGeneratedMethod(ctor, false, origin, true);
else if (targetRoleDecl.getRoleModel()._refinesExtends)
// even if we can't copy the ctor, we need to mark
// the current ctor as overriding the tsuper version.
if (methodFound != null)
return; // extends is covariantly redefined, don't copy ctor!
// attempts to invoke this tsuper ctor are caught in ExplicitConstructorCall.resolve().
// If method already exists in subteam,
// + adjust method in subteam to the more general signature (here)
// + extend copy with marker arg (below).
// else give an exact copy.
boolean reuseFoundMethod = false;
if(methodFound != null)
// do not touch broken methods:
// (methodFound might have no binding,
// e.g., due to a missing import of return-type)
if (methodFound.binding == null)
if (methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc == origin)
return; // diamond inheritance: copying the same method from two different sources
// tsuper method trumps previously inferred callout:
if (methodFound.isMappingWrapper == WrapperKind.CALLOUT) {
MethodModel model = methodFound.model;
if (model != null && model._inferredCallout != null) {
// reset callout related stuff:
methodFound.isMappingWrapper = WrapperKind.NONE;
model._inferredCallout = null;
methodFound.statements = null;
// setup as a copied method:
methodFound.isCopied = true;
methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc = method;
methodFound.sourceMethodBinding = method;
reuseFoundMethod = true;
// do this in any case so that ConstantPoolObjectMapper won't fail:
// abstract methods have no byte code to copy;
// new method silently replaces abstract version:
if (method.isAbstract()) {
weakenSignature(methodFound, method);
if (method.isFinal()) {
methodFound.scope.problemReporter().finalMethodCannotBeOverridden(methodFound.binding, method);
weakenSignature(methodFound, method);
MethodBinding foundSrc = methodFound.binding.copyInheritanceSrc;
if ( foundSrc != null
&& foundSrc != origin)
// found a copied method which has a different origin, choose the more specific:
// if incommensurable prefer the new copy (assuming it comes from *implicit* super team)
if (!TeamModel.isMoreSpecificThan(foundSrc.declaringClass, origin.declaringClass))
// more specific method overwrites previous linkage:
methodFound.sourceMethodBinding = origin;
methodFound.isTSuper = TSuperHelper.isTSuper(method);
// TODO(SH): also update CopyInheritanceSrc-Attribute!
if (!method.isAbstract()) {
// not abstract any more, joining abstract and implemented methods:
methodFound.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract|AccSemicolonBody);
methodFound.binding.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract|AccSemicolonBody);
// TODO(SH): might need multiple copyInheritanceSrc!
// TODO(SH) need to adjust copiedInContext?
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(targetRoleDecl.sourceStart, targetRoleDecl.sourceEnd);
gen.replaceableEnclosingClass = tgtTeam;
final AbstractMethodDeclaration newMethodDecl;
if (methodFound != null && reuseFoundMethod) {
newMethodDecl = methodFound;
} else {
newMethodDecl = AstConverter.createMethod(method, site, targetRoleDecl.compilationResult, DecapsulationState.REPORTED, gen);
if (methodFound != null)
TSuperHelper.addMarkerArg(newMethodDecl, srcTeam);
// comments (SH):
// other phases may depend on this field (constructorCall) being set,
// although it carries no real information.
ConstructorDeclaration cd = (ConstructorDeclaration)newMethodDecl;
cd.constructorCall = SuperReference.implicitSuperConstructorCall();
if ( Lifting.isLiftingCtor(method)
&& method.parameters[0].isRole())
// if baseclass is implicitely redefined use the strong type:
ReferenceBinding newBase= targetRoleDecl.binding.baseclass();
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(newBase, method.parameters[0]))
newMethodDecl.arguments[0].type= gen.baseclassReference(newBase);
AstEdit.addMethod(targetRoleDecl, newMethodDecl, wasSynthetic, false/*addToFront*/, origin, true);
if (method.isPrivate()) {
newMethodDecl.binding.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed; // don't warn unused copied method
newMethodDecl.binding.copiedInContext = tgtTeam.enclosingType();
MethodModel newModel = MethodModel.getModel(newMethodDecl);
newModel.addAttribute(CopyInheritanceSourceAttribute.copyInherSrcAttribute(origin, newModel));
if (wasSynthetic)
targetRoleDecl.getRoleModel().addSyntheticMethodMapping(method, newMethodDecl.binding);
if (method.isAnyCallin() && !method.isCallin()) // callin wrapper
newMethodDecl.isMappingWrapper = WrapperKind.CALLIN;
if (methodFound == null) {
// copy down some more properties:
if (TSuperHelper.isTSuper(method))
newMethodDecl.isTSuper = true;
if (method.model != null && method.model.callinFlags != 0)
MethodModel.addCallinFlag(newMethodDecl, method.model.callinFlags);
if (method.isAnyCallin()) {
TypeBinding inheritedSrcReturn = MethodModel.getReturnType(method);
if (inheritedSrcReturn.isRole())
inheritedSrcReturn = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(inheritedSrcReturn, targetRoleDecl.binding);
MethodModel.saveReturnType(newMethodDecl.binding, inheritedSrcReturn);
} else {
if ( !method.isPublic() // non-public source-level class method?
&& !method.isConstructor()
&& !targetRoleDecl.isInterface()
&& !CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.OT_DOLLAR_NAME, method.selector))
if (method.model != null && method.model._inferredCallout != null)
newModel._inferredCallout = method.model._inferredCallout;
// more checking: abstract method in non-abstract class?
if (newMethodDecl.isAbstract() && (targetRoleDecl.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract) == 0) {
.setRechecker(new IProblemRechecker() { @Override
public boolean shouldBeReported(IrritantSet[] foundIrritants) {
if (newMethodDecl.isAbstract()) // implemented by callout?
return true;
return false; // false alarm
.abstractMethodMustBeImplemented(targetRoleDecl.binding, newMethodDecl.binding);
* Copy all synthetic access methods to this role from its tsuper role.
* Also re-create synthetic fields.
* @param roleType
public static void copySyntheticRoleFieldsAndMethods(TypeDeclaration roleType) {
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoleBindings = roleType.getRoleModel().getTSuperRoleBindings();
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperRoleBindings.length; i++) {
TypeBinding tsuperRoleBinding = tsuperRoleBindings[i].erasure();
if (tsuperRoleBinding instanceof SourceTypeBinding) {
// binary types have their synthetic methods already during regular copy inheritance.
// TODO (SH): using RoleModel.addSyntheticMethodMapping would still be required for
// full robustness, if several synthetic methods would otherwise conflict.
SyntheticMethodBinding[] synthMethods =
if (synthMethods != null) {
for (int j=0; j<synthMethods.length; j++)
copySyntheticMethod(synthMethods[j], roleType, roleType.getRoleModel(), roleType.enclosingType);
FieldBinding[] synthFields =
if (synthFields != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < synthFields.length; j++)
* Copy all inherited SyntheticRoleFieldAccess-methods to teamType.
* Variant for source super-team (need those super-synthetics to be generated).
* @param teamType
public static void copySyntheticTeamMethods(TypeDeclaration teamType) {
if (teamType.binding == null)
return; // no chance
ReferenceBinding superTeam = teamType.binding.superclass();
if (superTeam instanceof SourceTypeBinding && superTeam.isTeam()) {
Dependencies.ensureTeamState(superTeam.getTeamModel(), ITranslationStates.STATE_BYTE_CODE_GENERATED);
SyntheticMethodBinding[] synthMethods =
if (synthMethods != null) {
for (int j=0; j<synthMethods.length; j++) {
if (synthMethods[j] instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess)
copySyntheticMethod(synthMethods[j], teamType, teamType);
* Copy all SyntheticRoleFieldAccess-methods from superTeam to teamModel.
* Variant for binary super-team.
* @param teamModel
* @param superTeam
public static void copySyntheticTeamMethods(TeamModel teamModel, BinaryTypeBinding superTeam)
// Note: the following methods are helping to map this synth methods from tsuper to tsub:
// ConstantPoolObjectReader.findMethodBinding()
// RoleModel.mapSyntheticMethod()
TypeDeclaration tgtTeamDecl = teamModel.getAst();
for (MethodBinding method : superTeam.methods()) {
if (method instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess) {
SyntheticRoleFieldAccess srcMethod = (SyntheticRoleFieldAccess)method;
copySyntheticMethod(srcMethod, tgtTeamDecl, tgtTeamDecl);
private static void copySyntheticMethod (
SyntheticMethodBinding srcMethod,
TypeDeclaration tgtTypeDecl,
RoleModel tgtRoleModel,
TypeDeclaration targetTeamDecl)
MethodBinding dstMethod = copySyntheticMethod(srcMethod, tgtTypeDecl, targetTeamDecl);
if (dstMethod != null)
tgtRoleModel.addSyntheticMethodMapping(srcMethod, dstMethod);
* Copy a synthetic access method to `tgtTypeDecl'.
* For SyntheticRoleFieldAccess the purpose of copying is:
* - override the inherited method (requires sign.-weakening)
* - update the contained cast to the suitable role class.
* @param srcMethod
* @param tgtTypeDecl either role or team.
* @param targetTeamDecl equal to tgtTypeDecl or its enclosing
private static MethodBinding copySyntheticMethod (
SyntheticMethodBinding srcMethod,
TypeDeclaration tgtTypeDecl,
TypeDeclaration targetTeamDecl)
MethodBinding dstMethod = null;
boolean isSuperAccess = false;
if ((srcMethod.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
FieldBinding srcField, dstField;
switch (srcMethod.purpose) {
case SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperFieldReadAccess:
isSuperAccess = true;
case SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldReadAccess:
if (srcMethod instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess)
srcField = ((SyntheticRoleFieldAccess) srcMethod).resolvedField(); // ensure binding is initialized.
srcField = srcMethod.targetReadField;
dstField = ConstantPoolObjectMapper.mapField(srcMethod, srcField, targetTeamDecl.binding);
dstMethod = tgtTypeDecl.binding.addSyntheticMethod(dstField, true /* read */, isSuperAccess, false);
if (!srcField.isStatic() && (srcMethod instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess))
dstMethod.parameters[0] = srcMethod.parameters[0]; // manual weakening
case SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperFieldWriteAccess:
isSuperAccess = true;
case SyntheticMethodBinding.FieldWriteAccess:
if (srcMethod instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess)
srcField = ((SyntheticRoleFieldAccess) srcMethod).resolvedField(); // ensure binding is initialized.
srcField = srcMethod.targetWriteField;
dstField = ConstantPoolObjectMapper.mapField(srcMethod, srcField, targetTeamDecl.binding);
dstMethod = tgtTypeDecl.binding.addSyntheticMethod(dstField, false /* write */, isSuperAccess, false);
if (!srcField.isStatic() && (srcMethod instanceof SyntheticRoleFieldAccess))
dstMethod.parameters[0] = srcMethod.parameters[0]; // manual weakening
case SyntheticMethodBinding.SuperMethodAccess:
isSuperAccess = true;
case SyntheticMethodBinding.MethodAccess:
MethodBinding dstOrigMethod = ConstantPoolObjectMapper.mapMethod(srcMethod, srcMethod.targetMethod, null, targetTeamDecl.binding);
if (dstOrigMethod.isCallin())
dstMethod = tgtTypeDecl.binding.addSyntheticBaseCallSurrogate(dstOrigMethod);
dstMethod = tgtTypeDecl.binding.addSyntheticMethod(dstOrigMethod, isSuperAccess);
case SyntheticMethodBinding.BridgeMethod:
dstMethod= ConstantPoolObjectMapper.mapMethod(srcMethod, srcMethod, null, targetTeamDecl.binding);
if (dstMethod == null)
tgtTypeDecl.scope.problemReporter().abortDueToInternalError("Expected synthetic bridge method does not exist: "+new String(srcMethod.readableName())); //$NON-NLS-1$
case SyntheticMethodBinding.RoleMethodBridgeInner:
case SyntheticMethodBinding.RoleMethodBridgeOuter:
return null; // not copied but generated anew
tgtTypeDecl.scope.problemReporter().abortDueToInternalError("Synthetic methods only partially supported"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
if (dstMethod instanceof SyntheticMethodBinding) {
int lineNumber = srcMethod.getLineNumber();
if (lineNumber > -1) { // accessor to synth field has no line
MethodBinding copySrc = srcMethod.copyInheritanceSrc;
if (copySrc == null) copySrc = srcMethod;
SyntheticMethodBinding synthMethod = (SyntheticMethodBinding) dstMethod;
LineNumberProvider lineNoProvider = TypeModel.getLineNumberProvider(tgtTypeDecl);
LineInfo lineInfo = lineNoProvider.addLineInfo(copySrc.declaringClass, lineNumber, 1);
synthMethod.lineNumber = lineInfo.getOutputStartLine();
return dstMethod;
* Default role constructors are not copied but created anew for each role
* (see the caller of this method).
* This method records the new ctor as overriding all its tsuper versions (if any).
public static void connectDefaultCtor(RoleModel clazz, MethodBinding binding) {
ReferenceBinding[] tsupers = clazz.getTSuperRoleBindings();
if (tsupers.length == 0) return;
MethodBinding[] tsuperCtors = new MethodBinding[tsupers.length];
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<tsupers.length; i++) {
MethodBinding tsuperCtor = tsupers[i].getExactConstructor(Binding.NO_PARAMETERS);
if (tsuperCtor != null)
tsuperCtors[j++] = tsuperCtor;
if (j>0) {
if (j == tsupers.length)
binding.overriddenTSupers = tsuperCtors;
System.arraycopy(tsuperCtors, 0, binding.overriddenTSupers=new MethodBinding[j], 0, j);
* Nothing exciting here, just create a new field declaration.
* @param field
* @param roleDeclaration
private static void copyField(
FieldBinding field,
TypeDeclaration roleDeclaration)
// avoid copying twice (see copyGeneratedFeatures()):
if ((field.modifiers & AccSynthetic) != 0) {
if ((field.otBits & IOTConstants.IsFakedField) != 0)
return; // don't copy fakes.
if (roleDeclaration.fields != null) {
for (int i=0;i<roleDeclaration.fields.length;i++) {
FieldDeclaration currentField = roleDeclaration.fields[i];
if (CharOperation.equals(,
if ( currentField.binding != null
&& currentField.binding.copyInheritanceSrc != null
&& currentField.binding.copyInheritanceSrc == field.copyInheritanceSrc)
return; // not a problem: repeated inheritance of the same field!
ProblemReporter problemReporter = currentField.isStatic() ?
roleDeclaration.staticInitializerScope.problemReporter() :
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(roleDeclaration.sourceStart, roleDeclaration.sourceEnd);
gen.replaceableEnclosingClass = roleDeclaration.binding.enclosingType();
FieldDeclaration fieldDeclaration =
AstConverter.createField(field, roleDeclaration, gen);
AstEdit.addField(roleDeclaration,fieldDeclaration, true, false/*typeProblem*/, false);
if (fieldDeclaration.binding != null) {
fieldDeclaration.binding.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccLocallyUsed;
fieldDeclaration.binding.modifiers |= (field.modifiers&ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccBlankFinal); // BlankFinal was omitted on the fieldDecl
* Generate creation methods for a given role constructor.
* for concrete R:
* R _OT$createR (mySignature) { return new __OT__R(myArgs); }
* for abstract R:
* abstract R _OT$createR (mySignature);
* If role is inherited from super-Team, repeat creation method with
* same signature but creating an instance of the local role type.
* @param teamDeclaration the team class to hold the creation method
* @param roleModel the role to instantiate
* @param constructor use this as a template to create the creation method, may be null.
* @param constructorBinding non-null representation of constructor
* @param needMethodBody used to signal whether generating statements is required
* @return the creation method.
public static MethodDeclaration createCreationMethod (
TypeDeclaration teamDeclaration,
RoleModel roleModel,
ConstructorDeclaration constructor,
MethodBinding constructorBinding,
boolean needMethodBody)
int start, end;
int modifiers;
boolean hasError = false;
if (constructor != null) {
if (constructor.isTSuper || constructor.hasErrors())
return null;
if (constructor.isDefaultConstructor() && roleModel.hasBaseclassProblem())
hasError = true;
start = constructor.sourceStart;
end = constructor.sourceEnd;
modifiers = constructor.modifiers;
constructorBinding= constructor.binding;
} else {
if (TSuperHelper.isTSuper(constructorBinding))
return null;
start = teamDeclaration.sourceStart;
end = teamDeclaration.sourceEnd;
modifiers = constructorBinding.modifiers;
int originalModifiers= -1;
// creation method must access constructor, make it at least protected:
if (constructorBinding != null && (constructorBinding.isDefault() || constructorBinding.isPrivate())) {
originalModifiers = constructorBinding.modifiers;
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(start, end);
gen.replaceableEnclosingClass = teamDeclaration.binding;
Argument[] newArguments = null;
// Arguments (construct from bindings, using dummy names):
if (constructorBinding != null) {
TypeBinding[] srcParams = constructorBinding.parameters;
if (srcParams != null) {
newArguments = AstConverter.createArgumentsFromParameters(srcParams, gen);
if (srcParams.length == 1 && TypeBinding.equalsEquals(srcParams[0], roleModel.getInterfacePartBinding())) { // single argument of type of this role itself?
if (constructorBinding.isPrivate() || constructorBinding.isDefault())
if (Lifting.isLiftingCtor(constructorBinding)) {
gen.addNonNullAnnotation(newArguments[0], teamDeclaration.scope.environment());
if (newArguments != null && constructorBinding != null && Lifting.isLiftingCtor(constructorBinding))
// if we have source arguments, improve: use correct argument names:
if (newArguments != null && constructor != null) {
Argument[] srcArguments = constructor.arguments;
if (srcArguments != null && srcArguments.length == newArguments.length)
for (int i = 0; i < srcArguments.length; i++)
newArguments[i].name = srcArguments[i].name;
TypeReference[] exceptions = null;
if (constructor != null) {
if (constructor.thrownExceptions != null)
exceptions = AstClone.copyTypeArray(constructor.thrownExceptions);
} else if (constructorBinding != null) {
if (constructorBinding.thrownExceptions != Binding.NO_EXCEPTIONS)
exceptions = AstClone.copyExceptions(constructorBinding, gen);
} else {
throw new InternalCompilerError("Either constructor or constructorBinding must be nonnull"); //$NON-NLS-1$
MethodDeclaration newMethod = internalCreateCreationMethod(
needMethodBody && !hasError,
start, end);
if (hasError)
if (newMethod != null) {
MethodModel model = MethodModel.getModel(newMethod);
model._srcCtor = constructorBinding;
if (originalModifiers != -1)
if (newMethod != null && constructor != null)
// faked source locations (binaries have no source poss, but compiled constructor has no errors.)
AstClone.copySrcLocation(constructor, newMethod);
return newMethod;
* Common implementation for creating a creation method from
* either AST or BinaryTypeBinding.
* @param teamDeclaration target of method generation
* @param roleModel the role to be instantiated
* @param ctorModifiers access modifiers of the constructor
* @param newArguments pre-assembled arguments
* @param thrownExceptions exceptions declared by the constructor
* @param needMethodBody
* @param start pretended position of creation method
* @param end pretended position of creation method
* @return the creation method declaration
private static MethodDeclaration internalCreateCreationMethod(
TypeDeclaration teamDeclaration,
RoleModel roleModel,
MethodBinding constructor,
int ctorModifiers,
Argument[] newArguments,
TypeReference[] thrownExceptions,
boolean needMethodBody,
int start, int end)
if ((ctorModifiers & AccPrivate) != 0) // not accessible from outside
return null;
char[] typeName = roleModel.getBinding().internalName();
AstGenerator gen= new AstGenerator(start, end);
// Modifiers:
int typeModifiers = roleModel.getBinding().modifiers;
// Selector:
char[] roleName = roleModel.getName();
// If role type is generic:
TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars = roleModel.getBinding().typeVariables();
// Let's start:
MethodDeclaration newMethod = gen.method(
Protections.combine(typeModifiers, ctorModifiers),
createRoleTypeRef(roleName, typeVars, gen),
CharOperation.concat(CREATOR_PREFIX_NAME, roleName),
newMethod.thrownExceptions = thrownExceptions;
// If role is generic so must be the creation method: <T> R<T> _OT$create$R()
if (typeVars != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) {
newMethod.typeParameters = new TypeParameter[typeVars.length];
for (int i = 0; i < typeVars.length; i++)
newMethod.typeParameters[i] = gen.typeParameter(typeVars[i]);
// adjust modifiers if type is abstract:
if ((typeModifiers & AccAbstract) != 0)
if ((teamDeclaration.modifiers & AccAbstract) != 0) {
// abstract R createR (mySignature);
newMethod.modifiers |= AccSemicolonBody;
} else {
// if team is not abstract, we ensure that the
// abstract creation method is never called directly.
newMethod.modifiers &= ~(AccAbstract|AccSemicolonBody);
// Then MessageSend.resolve will detect invocation of this method.
// Body (if requested and non-abstract)
if (needMethodBody) {
Expression returnExpr;
if ((typeModifiers & AccAbstract) == 0)
{ // { return new __OT__R(myArgs); }
// convert all arguments to expressions:
Expression[] expressions= null;
if (newArguments != null) {
int argumentlength = newArguments.length;
expressions = new Expression[argumentlength];
for (int i = 0; i < argumentlength; i++)
expressions[i]= gen.singleNameReference(newArguments[i].name);
returnExpr = gen.allocation(createRoleTypeRef(typeName, typeVars, gen),
((AllocationExpression)returnExpr).isGenerated = true;
} else {
returnExpr = gen.nullLiteral();
newMethod.setStatements(new Statement[] {
newMethod.isGenerated = true;
AstEdit.addMethod(teamDeclaration, newMethod, false, false, constructor, false);
return newMethod;
static TypeReference createRoleTypeRef(char[] typeName, TypeVariableBinding[] typeVars, AstGenerator gen) {
if (typeVars != Binding.NO_TYPE_VARIABLES) {
TypeReference[] typeArgs = new TypeReference[typeVars.length];
for (int i = 0; i < typeArgs.length; i++)
typeArgs[i] = gen.singleTypeReference(typeVars[i].sourceName);
return new ParameterizedSingleTypeReference(typeName, typeArgs, 0, gen.pos);
} else {
return gen.singleTypeReference(typeName);
* Create the interface part of a creation method and add it to the team-role (ifc part).
* @param teamBinding
* @param creatorDecl
public static void createCreatorIfcPart(
SourceTypeBinding teamBinding,
MethodDeclaration creatorDecl)
MethodDeclaration ifcCreator = null;
if (teamBinding.isRole()) {
ReferenceBinding ifcBinding = teamBinding.roleModel.getInterfacePartBinding();
MethodBinding foundMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(creatorDecl.scope, ifcBinding, creatorDecl.selector, creatorDecl.binding.parameters);
if (foundMethod == null || foundMethod.problemId() == ProblemReasons.NotFound) {
TypeDeclaration enclTeamDecl = teamBinding.roleModel.getTeamModel().getAst();
ifcCreator = AstConverter.genRoleIfcMethod(enclTeamDecl, creatorDecl);
AstEdit.addMethod(teamBinding.roleModel.getInterfaceAst(), ifcCreator);
MethodModel.getModel(ifcCreator)._srcCtor = creatorDecl.model._srcCtor;
* After the super team has been resolved, we need to scan all generated castTo methods,
* and override each one with another one that internally uses the roles of the
* current team. Of course the return type has to be weakened in this case.
* @param teamDecl
public static void copyCastToAndGetClassMethods(TypeDeclaration teamDecl) {
if (teamDecl.superclass == null)
return; // nothing to copy
// re-create castTo methods to adjust the type:
MethodBinding[] superMethods = teamDecl.binding.superclass.availableMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < superMethods.length; i++) {
MethodBinding superMethod = superMethods[i];
if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(IOTConstants.CAST_PREFIX, superMethod.selector))
ReferenceBinding roleBinding = (ReferenceBinding)superMethod.returnType;
RoleTypeBinding roleType = (RoleTypeBinding)RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(
if (roleType == null)
int dimensions = 0;
int thirdDollar = CharOperation.indexOf('$', superMethod.selector, IOTConstants.CAST_PREFIX.length);
if (thirdDollar > -1) {
char[] dimString = CharOperation.subarray(superMethod.selector, thirdDollar+1, -1);
dimensions = Integer.parseInt(new String(dimString));
MethodBinding castMethod = StandardElementGenerator.getCastMethod(
false, // don't search super teams
ReferenceBinding refType = (ReferenceBinding) castMethod.returnType;
castMethod.returnType = refType.weakenFrom((ReferenceBinding)superMethod.returnType);
else if (CharOperation.prefixEquals(GET_CLASS_PREFIX, superMethods[i].selector))
char[] roleName = CharOperation.subarray(
superMethods[i].selector, GET_CLASS_PREFIX.length, -1);
ReferenceBinding roleBinding = teamDecl.binding.getMemberType(roleName);
if (!roleBinding.isBinaryBinding())
public static class RoleConstructorCall extends MessageSend {
public AllocationExpression allocationOrig;
public RoleConstructorCall(AllocationExpression allocationExpr) {
this.allocationOrig = allocationExpr;
// specialized MessageSend to perform analysis for unsafe role instantiation:
public TypeBinding resolveType(BlockScope blockScope) {
TypeBinding result = super.resolveType(blockScope);
ReferenceBinding roleType = (ReferenceBinding)this.resolvedType;
if (roleType != null && roleType.isValidBinding()) {
MethodBinding ctor = roleType.getExactConstructor(this.binding.parameters);
if (Lifting.isLiftToConstructor(ctor, roleType)) // implies role is bound
if (this.arguments != null && this.arguments.length > 0) {
Expression currentArg = this.arguments[0];
while (currentArg instanceof CastExpression)
currentArg = ((CastExpression)currentArg).expression; // unwrap
if ( (currentArg instanceof AllocationExpression)
|| ( (currentArg instanceof MessageSend)
&& isCreator(((MessageSend)currentArg).binding)))
// need to check if arg is compatible without lowering
TypeBinding allocType = currentArg.resolvedType;
Config confBak = Config.createOrResetConfig(this);
try {
if ( allocType.isCompatibleWith(roleType.baseclass())
&& !Config.getLoweringRequired()) // TODO(SH): could potentially ask the expression if conversions were involved?
return result; // we're clean
} finally {
Config.removeOrRestore(confBak, this);
blockScope.problemReporter().liftCtorArgNotAllocation(ctor, this, roleType.baseclass());
this.binding.roleCreatorRequiringRuntimeCheck = true;
return result;
protected TypeBinding afterMethodLookup(Scope scope, AnchorMapping anchorMapping, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes,
TypeBinding returnType) {
this.allocationOrig.binding = this.binding; // secure this for error reporting
if (this.binding instanceof ProblemMethodBinding)
this.allocationOrig.binding = ((ProblemMethodBinding)this.binding).closestMatch;
if (this.allocationOrig.binding != null) {
MethodModel model = this.allocationOrig.binding.model;
if (model != null && model._srcCtor != null)
this.allocationOrig.binding = model._srcCtor;
return super.afterMethodLookup(scope, anchorMapping, argumentTypes, returnType);
* Create an invocation of a creation method, which will replace a given
* allocation expression, i.e.,
* new R(args) ==> _OT$createR(args)
* PRE: allocationExpr.type has a simple name.
* @param scope
* @param allocationExpr
* @return the fully assembled expression.
public static MessageSend createConstructorMethodInvocationExpression(
Scope scope, AllocationExpression allocationExpr)
// some elements from allocationExpression can be reused, since that
// expression will be discarded (replaced by the result of this method).
// These parts will only be used one more time by the current
// TransformStatementsVisitor, so don't delete yet.
if (!(allocationExpr.type instanceof SingleTypeReference)) {
allocationExpr.resolvedType = allocationExpr.type.resolvedType;
return null;
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(allocationExpr.sourceStart, allocationExpr.sourceEnd);
char[] typeName = allocationExpr.type.getTypeName()[0];
char[] selector = CharOperation.concat(CREATOR_PREFIX_NAME, typeName);
Expression receiver = null;
if (allocationExpr instanceof QualifiedAllocationExpression) {
// Sharing 'receiver' breaks tree structure, but MessageSend and
// RoleTypeReference avoid double resolving.
receiver = ((QualifiedAllocationExpression)allocationExpr).enclosingInstance;
if ( receiver == null
&& allocationExpr.type instanceof ParameterizedSingleTypeReference)
ParameterizedSingleTypeReference psType = (ParameterizedSingleTypeReference)allocationExpr.type;
if (psType.typeAnchors != null) {
assert psType.typeAnchors.length == 1 : "Currently only one value parameter supported."; //$NON-NLS-1$
receiver = psType.typeAnchors[0].anchor;
if (receiver != null) {
ReferenceBinding receiverType = (ReferenceBinding)receiver.resolvedType;
// TransformStatementsVisitor calls us before resolve, but that transformer
// has an identifier-based strategy to ensure that the role exists.
if (receiverType != null) {
receiverType = receiverType.getRealClass();
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(receiverType, STATE_LENV_CONNECT_TYPE_HIERARCHY);
if (receiverType.getMemberType(typeName) == null)
scope.problemReporter().noSuchRoleInTeam(allocationExpr.type, receiverType);
return null;
} else {
receiver = ThisReference.implicitThis();
MessageSend message = new RoleConstructorCall(allocationExpr);
message.nameSourcePosition = gen.pos;
message.selector = selector;
message.receiver = receiver;
message.arguments = allocationExpr.arguments;
// remove left-overs (if any):
allocationExpr.resolvedType = null;
return message;
* This method should ensure, that an interface does not provide the same
* method as an implicitly inherited method but with a more specific signature
* Since role interfaces are created by the RoleSplitter, at that time nothing
* was known about method signatures of tsuper roles.
* Also check whether all methods of roleType are compatible with implicitly
* inherited versions from tsuperRole (visibility, exceptions etc.).
* Perform these checks on the interface parts only, since class versions have
* their visibilities twisted.
* @param superRoleIfc lookup methods here, to match ours against.
* @param subTeam
* @param subRoleIfcDecl this type declaration is edited.
public static void weakenInterfaceSignatures(
ReferenceBinding superRoleIfc,
ReferenceBinding subTeam,
TypeDeclaration subRoleIfcDecl)
ReferenceBinding superTeam = superRoleIfc.enclosingType();
MethodBinding[] superMethods = superRoleIfc.methods();
checkPrivateMethods(superTeam, superMethods, subTeam, subRoleIfcDecl);
AbstractMethodDeclaration[] oldMethods = subRoleIfcDecl.methods;
if (oldMethods == null)
MethodVerifier verifier = subRoleIfcDecl.scope.environment().methodVerifier();
// collect methods that match an implicitly inherited method
HashSet<AbstractMethodDeclaration> foundMethodDecls = new HashSet<AbstractMethodDeclaration>();
HashSet<MethodBinding> foundMethodBinds = new HashSet<MethodBinding>();
for (int i=0; i<superMethods.length; i++)
MethodBinding inheritedMethod = superMethods[i];
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodFound = findMethod(
superTeam, superMethods[i],
subTeam, subRoleIfcDecl);
if ( (methodFound != null)
&&(methodFound.binding != null)) // do not touch broken methods
// check compatibility before removing:
if (inheritedMethod.isValidBinding()) {
subTeam, methodFound.binding,
superTeam, inheritedMethod);
if (( !methodFound.isGenerated // don't remove generated methods
|| methodFound.hasErrors()) // unless erroneous
&& !methodFound.isDefaultMethod())
int declarationLen = oldMethods.length - foundMethodDecls.size();
// remove matching declarations:
if (declarationLen == 0) {
subRoleIfcDecl.methods = null;
} else {
subRoleIfcDecl.methods = new AbstractMethodDeclaration[declarationLen];
reduceArray(oldMethods, subRoleIfcDecl.methods, foundMethodDecls);
//invalid method-bindings has been removed from methods-binding-array in faultInTypes
int bindingLen = subRoleIfcDecl.binding.methods().length - foundMethodBinds.size();
// remove matching bindings
SourceTypeBinding subRoleBind = subRoleIfcDecl.binding;
subRoleBind.reduceMethods(foundMethodBinds, bindingLen);
// recurse to interfaces (including tsuper):
ReferenceBinding[] superInterfaces = superRoleIfc.superInterfaces();
for (int i=0; i<superInterfaces.length; i++) {
ReferenceBinding superIfc = superInterfaces[i];
if (superIfc.isSynthInterface())
superIfc, subTeam, subRoleIfcDecl);
/** Specifically check for private methods overriding non-private ones,
* since private methods are not included in the analysis of weakenInterfaceSignatures
* (private methods are _not_ included in the interface part).
* @param superTeam
* @param superMethods
* @param subTeam
* @param subRoleIfcDecl
private static void checkPrivateMethods(
ReferenceBinding superTeam, MethodBinding[] superMethods,
ReferenceBinding subTeam, TypeDeclaration subRoleIfcDecl)
RoleModel roleModel = subRoleIfcDecl.getRoleModel();
if (roleModel == null) return;
TypeDeclaration classPart = roleModel._classPart;
if (classPart == null) return;
// implementation mainly as above:
MethodVerifier verifier = subRoleIfcDecl.scope.environment().methodVerifier();
for (MethodBinding inheritedMethod : superMethods) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodFound = findMethod(
superTeam, inheritedMethod, subTeam, classPart);
if ( (methodFound != null)
&&((methodFound.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccPrivate) != 0) // only private ones.
&&(methodFound.binding != null)) // do not touch broken methods
// check compatibility (reducing visibility?):
if (inheritedMethod.isValidBinding()) {
subTeam, methodFound.binding,
superTeam, inheritedMethod);
* Traverse all supers (extends,implements) to check whether
* any overriding method should weaken its signature to match
* the inherited version.
* Perform operation both on role class and interface.
* Inclucde recursion on super class and super interfaces (as long a they are roles).
* @param currentRole role to investigate
* @param roleClassDecl the class decl to edit (constant during recursion)
* @param roleIfcDecl the ifc decl to edit (constant during recursion)
public static void weakenSignaturesFromSupers(ReferenceBinding currentRole, TypeDeclaration roleClassDecl, TypeDeclaration roleIfcDecl) {
ReferenceBinding[] superIfcs = currentRole.superInterfaces();
for (int i=0; i<superIfcs.length; i++)
* Given that the super role (extends or implements) is in place with all its features,
* check whether any overriding method should weaken its signature to match
* the inherited version.
* Perform operation both on role class and interface.
* Inclucde recursion on super class and super interfaces (as long a they are roles).
* @param roleClassDecl
* @param roleIfcDecl
* @param superRole the role to which our signatures must be adjusted
private static void weakenSignaturesFromExtends(
TypeDeclaration roleClassDecl,
TypeDeclaration roleIfcDecl,
ReferenceBinding superRole)
if (superRole == null || !superRole.isDirectRole())
// workaround for mixed binary/source roles (cause for this situation unknown):
if (roleIfcDecl == null)
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(roleIfcDecl.binding.erasure(), superRole.erasure())) // no need to treat our ifc-part
Dependencies.ensureBindingState(superRole, STATE_TYPES_ADJUSTED);
MethodBinding[] superMethods = superRole.methods();
if (superMethods != null)
ReferenceBinding thisTeam = roleClassDecl.binding.enclosingType();
for (int i=0; i<superMethods.length; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl;
methodDecl = findMethod(thisTeam, superMethods[i], thisTeam, roleClassDecl);
if (methodDecl != null)
weakenSignature(methodDecl, superMethods[i]);
methodDecl = findMethod(thisTeam, superMethods[i], thisTeam, roleIfcDecl);
if (methodDecl != null)
weakenSignature(methodDecl, superMethods[i]);
// Note (SH): removing does not work here, because other roles,
// may extend this role and have no other chance than by this
// weakened method to learn about their need to weaken, too.
// recurse to all superclass/interfaces
weakenSignaturesFromSupers(superRole, roleClassDecl, roleIfcDecl);
/** Tries to find a role class within a Team
* @param where the Team class to look into
* @param name name of the role class to search for
* @return interface or class found
private static TypeDeclaration findMemberType(TypeDeclaration where, char[] name){
//Alle im Team definierten Rollen durchiterieren
if (where.memberTypes != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < where.memberTypes.length; i++) {
if (where.memberTypes[i] != null) {
TypeDeclaration memberType = where.memberTypes[i];
if(CharOperation.equals(, name))
return memberType;
return null;
* Search a method within a role or team declaration.
* Does a comparison based on signatures, where the need of signature weakening
* is taken into account.
* @param givenTeam enclosing team of givenMethod
* @param givenMethod find a method matching this one's signature
* @param targetTeam enclosing team of targetRoleDecl
* @param targetClassDecl where to look.
* @return the matching method, if any. Might have no binding (i.e. ignoreFurtherInvestigation == true)
private static AbstractMethodDeclaration findMethod(
ReferenceBinding givenTeam,
MethodBinding givenMethod,
ReferenceBinding targetTeam,
TypeDeclaration targetClassDecl)
if (targetClassDecl.methods == null)
return null;
//Signature-bindings of methods are inserted on demand!
for (int i = 0; i < targetClassDecl.methods.length; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration targetMethDecl = targetClassDecl.methods[i];
if (targetMethDecl != null && !targetMethDecl.isClinit()) {
if (targetMethDecl.isConstructor() == givenMethod.isConstructor())
if (!targetMethDecl.isConstructor()){
MethodDeclaration md = (MethodDeclaration) targetMethDecl;
// methods - other than constructors - have a name:
if (!CharOperation.equals(givenMethod.selector, md.selector))
if (targetMethDecl.binding == null)
return targetMethDecl;
if (TypeAnalyzer.isEqualMethodSignature(
givenTeam, givenMethod,
targetTeam, targetMethDecl.binding,
return targetMethDecl;
return null;
* For a given role method adjust its signature according to the
* tsuper-role version which is provided by its binding.
* For each argument type:
* <ul>
* <li> if it is a role type, make it refer explicitly to the type in the super team
* <li> for each parameter whose type is adjusted insert a new local with the desired
* type and cast the provided argument value to this local.
* <li> replace arguments in super calls of a constructor by the renamed and
* and casted argument.
* </ul>
* E.g., the constructor
* <pre> Role (Role2 r) {
* super(r);
* print(r);
* }</pre>
* becomes:
* <pre> Role (SuperTeam.Role2 __OT__r) {
* super((Role2)__OT__r);
* Role2 r = (Role2)__OT__r;
* print(r);
* </pre>
* @param method method to adjust
* @param template the tsuper version which should be taken as master for adjustment.
* @return has weakening been performed?
public static boolean weakenSignature(
AbstractMethodDeclaration method,
MethodBinding template)
MethodBinding binding = method.binding;
// no weakening for constructors:
if (method.isConstructor())
return false;
// do not touch broken methods:
if (binding == null || method.hasErrors())
return false;
if (MethodModel.hasProblem(template)) {
method.tagAsHavingErrors(); // propagate error
return false;
MethodScope scope = method.scope;
boolean changed = false;
// true weakening (with weakened type binding) avoids bridge methods
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(method.binding.returnType, template.returnType) && method.binding.returnType instanceof DependentTypeBinding)
method.binding.returnType = WeakenedTypeBinding.makeWeakenedTypeBinding((DependentTypeBinding)method.binding.returnType.leafComponentType(),
(ReferenceBinding) template.returnType.leafComponentType(),
// liftTo methods have no role arguments
if (Lifting.isLiftToMethod(method.binding))
return changed;
// Method parameters
int paramLen = binding.parameters.length;
assert (paramLen == template.parameters.length);
if (paramLen == 0)
return changed;
if (method.isConstructor() && binding.declaringClass.isTeam())
return changed; // already processed by Lifting.prepareArgLifting() (includes a cast).
// selectively share type bindings, but not the array:
for(int i=0; i<paramLen; i++) {
TypeBinding param= binding.parameters[i];
TypeBinding tmplParam= template.parameters[i];
if (param.isRole()) {
binding.parameters[i]= template.parameters[i];
if (param.isParameterizedType() && tmplParam.isParameterizedType()) {
// keep old type arguments, just replace the type itself
TypeBinding[] args= ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)param).arguments;
ReferenceBinding tmplType= ((ParameterizedTypeBinding)tmplParam).genericType();
try {
LookupEnvironment env = Config.getLookupEnvironment();
binding.parameters[i]= new ParameterizedTypeBinding(tmplType, args, tmplType.enclosingType(), env);
} catch (NotConfiguredException e) {
e.logWarning("Cannot create parameterized type"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// below: treat statements.
if (method.isAbstract())
return changed;
if (method.isCopied)
return changed; // no statements
ArrayList<Statement> newLocalStats = new ArrayList<Statement>();
for (int i=0; i<method.arguments.length; i++)
final Argument argument = method.arguments[i];
char[] oldName =;
if (RoleTypeBinding.isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(argument.type.resolvedType))
TypeReference newType = TypeAnalyzer.weakenTypeReferenceFromBinding(
scope, argument.type, argument.binding.type, binding.parameters[i]);
if (newType != argument.type)
changed = true;
// local variable:
newLocalStats.add(generateCastedLocal(argument, newType));
// replace arguments in super-constructor call:
if (method instanceof ConstructorDeclaration)
ConstructorDeclaration ctor = (ConstructorDeclaration)method;
ReplaceSingleNameVisitor.IExpressionProvider provider =
new ReplaceSingleNameVisitor.IExpressionProvider()
public Expression newExpression() {
return new SingleNameReference(, argument.sourceStart);
if (ctor.constructorCall != null)
new ReplaceSingleNameVisitor(oldName, provider),
null); // no scope
if ( !binding.declaringClass.isDirectRole()
&& CharOperation.equals(binding.selector, IOTConstants.INIT_METHOD_NAME))
return changed; // no statements, no casted locals.
if (!newLocalStats.isEmpty())
if (StateHelper.hasState(binding.declaringClass, ITranslationStates.STATE_RESOLVED))
for (Statement localDeclaration : newLocalStats)
// add the local variable declaration statements:
MethodModel.prependStatements(method, newLocalStats);
return changed;
// utility for signature weakening.
public static <T>void reduceArray(
T[] origArray,
T[] newArray,
HashSet<T> filter)
int j=0;
for (int i=0; i<origArray.length; i++)
if (!filter.contains(origArray[i]))
newArray[j++] = origArray[i];
* Generate a local declaration from an argument which is to be renamed and retyped.
* @param argument the original declaration
* @param newType
* @return a new LocalDeclaration
private static LocalDeclaration generateCastedLocal(
Argument argument,
TypeReference newType)
char[] oldArgName =;
TypeReference oldType = argument.type;
// change argument from "T.R arg" to "SuperT.R __OT__arg"
char[] newArgName;
newArgName = CharOperation.concat(OT_DELIM_NAME, oldArgName);
argument.type = newType;
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(argument.sourceStart, argument.sourceEnd);
// create the variable "T.R arg = (T.R)__OT__arg"
LocalDeclaration localVar = gen.localVariable(
localVar.modifiers = argument.modifiers;
return localVar;
* @param teamDecl
public static void weakenTeamMethodSignatures(TypeDeclaration teamDecl) {
HashSet<AbstractMethodDeclaration> weakenedMethods = new HashSet<AbstractMethodDeclaration>();
ReferenceBinding superTeam = teamDecl.binding.superclass();
// Note(SH): no need to process tsuper teams, because their methods
// are already processed as role methods of the appropriate level.
while (superTeam != null) {
MethodBinding[] superMethods = superTeam.methods();
for (int i = 0; i < superMethods.length; i++) {
AbstractMethodDeclaration tgtMethod = findMethod(
superTeam, superMethods[i],
teamDecl.binding, teamDecl);
if (tgtMethod != null && !weakenedMethods.contains(tgtMethod)) {
weakenSignature(tgtMethod, superMethods[i]);
weakenedMethods.add(tgtMethod); // don't weaken more than once
superTeam = superTeam.superclass();
* Is the given method a generated creation method?
* @param method
* @return true or false ;-)
public static boolean isCreator(MethodBinding method) {
return isCreator(method.selector);
public static boolean isCreator(AbstractMethodDeclaration method) {
return isCreator(method.selector);
public static boolean isCreator(char[] selector) {
return CharOperation.prefixEquals(CREATOR_PREFIX_NAME, selector);
public static boolean needsSuperCtorCall(RoleModel role) {
for (ReferenceBinding tsuperRole : role.getTSuperRoleBindings()) {
RoleModel tsuperModel = tsuperRole.roleModel;
if (tsuperModel != null && tsuperModel.hasFinalFieldInit())
return true;
return false;