blob: 3e5a4717b33342c1ff600ed1cb3e04f64fbe5322 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2005, 2010 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* $Id: 23417 2010-02-03 20:13:55Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.ISMAPConstants.STEP_OVER_SOURCEPOSITION_END;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.ISMAPConstants.STEP_OVER_SOURCEPOSITION_START;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AND_AND_Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.OperatorIds;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Reference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ReturnStatement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Statement;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ThisReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions.WeavingScheme;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.CallinMappingDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.GuardPredicateDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.MethodSpec;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Config;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.CallinCalloutScope;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.RoleModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TSuperHelper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TypeAnalyzer;
* This class offers utilities for generating predicate checks
* to be inserted in callin wrappers and liftTo methods.
* It also extends existing predicate methods:
* + set the type of the base arg after baseclass is resolved (incl. inherited playedBy)
* + link each predicate to its tsuper, super and outer (logical AND).
* @author stephan
* @version $Id: 23417 2010-02-03 20:13:55Z stephan $
public class PredicateGenerator extends SwitchOnBaseTypeGenerator
/** The role holding the callin binding, we are currently working on. */
private ReferenceBinding _currentRole;
// == The following three fields are valid only during createSwitchStatement,
// ie., while generating a base predicate check other than team-level.
// They are used to tunnel values
// - from internalCreateBasePredicateCheck
// - via createSwitchStatement
// - down to genSingleBasePredicateCheck
/** CallinMapping creating the callin wrapper that invokes the predicate check. */
private CallinMappingDeclaration _callinMapping = null;
/** The base method triggering the callin wrapper. */
private MethodSpec _baseMethod = null;
/** The name of a variable holding the base result for the case of after-callin bindings. */
private char[] _resultName = null;
* Nested teams: when travelling out we may need different ways to access the appropriate
* base instance (see comment in createBasePredicateCheck()).
private char[] _baseVarName = BASE; // per default use the predicate argument "base"
private boolean _processingReplace = false;
public PredicateGenerator(ReferenceBinding role, boolean processingReplace) {
this._currentRole= role;
this._processingReplace = processingReplace;
// ============== Base Predicates ================
* During parse the baseclass was not resolved, thus unknown if only inherited.
* This method adds the type to the base-arg of a base predicate.
* @param methodDecl
* @param arg
* @return success?
public static boolean createBaseArgType(AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl, Argument arg)
MethodBinding method = methodDecl.binding;
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(arg.sourceStart, arg.sourceEnd);
ReferenceBinding roleType = method.declaringClass.isRole() ? method.declaringClass : null;
ReferenceBinding baseType = null;
if ( roleType == null && method.declaringClass.isTeam())
// outermost team receives unspecified base object
baseType = methodDecl.scope.getJavaLangObject();
} else {
if (roleType == null) {
// what exactly may cause this? (haven't seen this occurr)
methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().abortDueToInternalError("predicate in non-role?"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
baseType = roleType.baseclass();
if (baseType == null) {
methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().basePredicateInUnboundRole(methodDecl, roleType);
return false;
} else {
arg.type = gen.baseclassReference(baseType);
return true;
* Starting at a callin mapping find the most suitable base predicate check(s).
* + If a base predicate is found at role level or below,
* create a switch statement (based on instanceof checks),
* simulating dynamic binding of a role object which might not yet exist.
* + Otherwise only check a team-level base predicate if present.
* + If no matching base predicate is found return null.
* @param callinMapping CallinMapping creating the callin wrapper
* that invokes the predicate check
* @param baseMethod The base method triggering the callin wrapper
* @param resultName The name of a variable holding the base result
* for the case of after-callin bindings
* @param gen
* @return statement (which possibly throws LiftingVetoException) or null
public Statement createBasePredicateCheck(
CallinMappingDeclaration callinMapping,
MethodSpec baseMethod,
char[] resultName,
AstGenerator gen)
ReferenceBinding roleType = callinMapping.scope.enclosingSourceType();
Statement check = null;
while (check == null && roleType.isRole()) { // travelling out
check = internalCreateBasePredicateCheck(
roleType, callinMapping, baseMethod, resultName, gen);
// Within nested teams, when invoking the base predicate of an enclosing type
// don't use the "base" argument (base of inner role)
// but retrieve the base instance (_OT$base) of the next-enclosing role object:
// (TODO(SH): does not handle far-outer role (would need FarOuterRole.this._OT$base)).
this._baseVarName = _OT_BASE;
roleType = roleType.enclosingType();
this._baseVarName = BASE; // reset to default.
return check;
/** hook into createSwithStatement. */
char[] baseVarName() {
return this._baseVarName;
private Statement internalCreateBasePredicateCheck(
ReferenceBinding roleType,
CallinMappingDeclaration callinMapping,
MethodSpec baseMethod,
char[] resultName,
AstGenerator gen)
CallinCalloutScope scope = callinMapping.scope;
ReferenceBinding teamType = roleType.enclosingType();
TypeBinding objParam = scope.getJavaLangObject();
while(roleType != null && roleType.isRole()) { // loop up the superclass chain (null if fetching super class of Confined)
char[][] methodNames = getBasePredicateNames(roleType, callinMapping);
TypeBinding[] params = new TypeBinding[] {
(roleType.baseclass() != null) ?
roleType.baseclass() :
for (int i = 0; i < methodNames.length; i++) {
boolean valid;
if (isBindingPredicateName(methodNames[i])) {
// was found directly at the mapping declaration, no need to check further
valid = true;
} else {
// find a method or role level base predicate
MethodBinding predicateMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
scope, roleType, methodNames[i], params);
valid = predicateMethod.isValidBinding();
if (valid) {
// if found create a full switch statement for this role
Statement switchStat = null;
try {
this._callinMapping = callinMapping;
this._baseMethod = baseMethod;
this._resultName = resultName;
if (baseMethod.isStatic()) // no lifting based on dynamic type
switchStat = genSingleBasePredicateCheck(teamType, roleType, gen);
switchStat = createSwitchStatement(
teamType, roleType, roleType.roleModel.getSubRoles(), 0/*problemId*/, gen);
} finally {
this._callinMapping = null;
this._baseMethod = null;
this._resultName = null;
return switchStat;
roleType = roleType.superclass();
// find a team level base predicate
MethodBinding predicateMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
new TypeBinding[]{objParam});
if (predicateMethod.isValidBinding())
return genSingleBasePredicateCheck(teamType, /*roleType*/null, gen);
// nothing found
return null;
* Create a check regarding a specific base predicate.
* More values are passed through the fields _callinMapping, _baseMethod, _resultName.
* @param teamType
* @param roleType if given look for most specific predicate for this role type.
* @param gen for generating the statement
* @return a new statement or null
private Statement genSingleBasePredicateCheck(
ReferenceBinding teamType,
ReferenceBinding roleType,
AstGenerator gen)
// generate something like
// if (!<roleName>._OT$base_when$(base))
// throw new LiftingVetoException(this, base);
// Instead of <roleName> any predicate name at any of the four levels is possible
// find the most appropriate method name:
char[] predicateMethodName = null;
if (roleType != null) {
// role level predicates:
predicateMethodName = findBasePredicateName(teamType, roleType, this._callinMapping);
if (predicateMethodName == null) {
// last resort: team level predicates:
outerLoop: while (teamType != null) { // travel out.
ReferenceBinding currentTeam = teamType;
while(currentTeam.isTeam()) { // travel up (super)
MethodBinding[] candidates = teamType.getMethods(BASE_PREDICATE_PREFIX);
if (candidates != null && candidates.length == 1) {
predicateMethodName = BASE_PREDICATE_PREFIX;
break outerLoop;
currentTeam= currentTeam.superclass();
teamType = teamType.enclosingType();
if (predicateMethodName == null)
return null;
// create parameters:
Expression[] predicateParameters;
if (isBindingPredicateName(predicateMethodName)) {
int numResult = (this._resultName == null) ? 0 : 1;
// binding guard may need arguments
if (this._baseMethod.hasSignature) {
// pass all base arguments
int nBaseArgs = this._baseMethod.parameters.length;
predicateParameters = new Expression[nBaseArgs+1+numResult];
for (int i = 0; i < nBaseArgs; i++) {
predicateParameters[i+1] = gen.singleNameReference(this._baseMethod.arguments[i].name);
} else {
// nothing declared, don't pass any method arguments.
predicateParameters = new Expression[1];
predicateParameters[0] = baseReference(BASE, roleType, gen);
if (this._resultName != null && this._baseMethod.hasSignature)
predicateParameters[predicateParameters.length-1] = gen.singleNameReference(this._resultName);
} else {
// all method- and type level guards go here
// (base method-guards receive no method arguments)
predicateParameters = new Expression[] {baseReference(this._baseVarName, roleType, gen)};
Expression receiver = roleType != null ?
gen.typeReference(roleType) :
gen.thisReference(); // the team in a team base predicate
// assemble the statement:
genVetoStatement(skipGen, skipGen.singleNameReference(BASE))
/** with a covariant base class, a base instance may need to be cast before
* passing to a sub role's predicate. */
private Expression baseReference(char[] baseVarName, ReferenceBinding roleType, AstGenerator gen) {
Expression result= gen.singleNameReference(baseVarName);
if (roleType != null) {
WeavingScheme weavingScheme = WeavingScheme.OTRE;
if (roleType.roleModel != null)
weavingScheme = roleType.roleModel.getWeavingScheme();
if ( TypeBinding.notEquals(roleType.baseclass(), this._currentRole.baseclass())
|| weavingScheme == WeavingScheme.OTDRE) // under OTREDyn base is passed as IBoundBase => always need to cast.
result= gen.castExpression(result, gen.baseTypeReference(roleType.baseclass()), CastExpression.RAW);
return result;
/* Generate the statement by which evaluation to false is signaled,
* either an exception (for replace bindings) or a simple return (before, after).
* target: target instance (role or base) or null for static settings
private Statement genVetoStatement(AstGenerator gen, Expression target) {
if (this._processingReplace)
return gen.throwStatement(
new Expression[] {
this._callinMapping.isStaticReplace() ? gen.nullLiteral() : target
return gen.returnStatement(null);
private boolean isBindingPredicateName(char[] name) {
// names have this format: _OT$[base_]when$rmeth${after,before,replace}$bmeth
return CharOperation.occurencesOf('$', name) == 4;
* Starting at callinMapping, search in two directions (super, outer)
* for a base predicate and return the name of its method.
* (tsuper should be covered by CopyInheritance!)
* @param teamType
* @param roleType
* @param callinMapping
* @return name or null
private char[] findBasePredicateName (
ReferenceBinding teamType,
ReferenceBinding roleType,
CallinMappingDeclaration callinMapping)
while (roleType.isRole()) {
char[][] predicateNames = getBasePredicateNames(roleType, callinMapping);
for (int i = 0; i < predicateNames.length; i++) {
MethodBinding[] candidates = roleType.getMethods(predicateNames[i]);
if (candidates != null && candidates.length > 0) {
boolean nonTSuperFound = false;
for(int j = 0; j < candidates.length; j++) {
if (TSuperHelper.isTSuper(candidates[j]))
if (nonTSuperFound)
throw new InternalCompilerError("More than one type predicate??"); //$NON-NLS-1$
nonTSuperFound = true;
if (nonTSuperFound)
return predicateNames[i];
roleType = roleType.superclass(); // = super
while (teamType != null) {
char[][] predicateNames = getBasePredicateNames(roleType, callinMapping);
for (int i = 0; i < predicateNames.length; i++) {
MethodBinding[] candidates = roleType.getMethods(predicateNames[i]);
if (candidates != null && candidates.length == 1)
return predicateNames[i];
teamType = teamType.enclosingType(); // = outer
return null;
// ----------------- Hooks into createSwitchStatement: --------------------
* Add a base predicate check for the selected role:
protected Statement createCaseStatement(RoleModel role, AstGenerator gen)
TypeDeclaration roleType = role.getClassPartAst();
if (roleType != null) {
// delegate and wrap the result:
Statement predicateCheck = genSingleBasePredicateCheck(
roleType.enclosingType.binding, roleType.binding, gen);
if (predicateCheck != null) {
return gen.block(new Statement[]{predicateCheck});
return null;
protected Statement createStatementForAmbiguousBase(AstGenerator gen) {
return null; // nothing to check - lifting will throw LiftingFailedException
* If a team level base predicate exists, this is the default for unmatched base objects.
protected Statement createDefaultStatement(ReferenceBinding staticRoleType, int problemId, AstGenerator gen)
if (staticRoleType.isAbstract()) {
// has not generated a case statement, do this instead of travelling out:
Statement stat= genSingleBasePredicateCheck(staticRoleType.enclosingType(), staticRoleType, gen);
if (stat != null) {
return stat;
return genSingleBasePredicateCheck(
staticRoleType.enclosingType(), /*roleType*/null, gen);
// ================= Regular Predicates: ======================
* Create a check regarding a regular predicate.
* @param mapping the callin mapping to insert the generated check into.
* @param roleType
* @param target expression evaluating to the callin target
* @param bindingArgs argument expressions provided from the callin binding (passed from the callin wrapper)
* @param messageArgs argument expressions as passed to the role method (after lifting/parameter mapping).
* @param gen for generating the statement
* @return statement or null
public Statement createPredicateCheck(
CallinMappingDeclaration mapping,
TypeDeclaration roleType,
Expression target,
Expression[] bindingArgs,
Expression[] messageArgs,
AstGenerator gen)
// if (!_OT$when(<roleVar>))
// throw new LiftingVetoException(this, <roleVar>/null);
char[] predicateMethodName = null;
try {
this._callinMapping = mapping; // needed within genSinglePredicateCheck->genVetoStatement
// 1. look at method mapping:
if (mapping.predicate != null && !mapping.predicate.isBasePredicate)
return genSinglePredicateCheck(mapping.predicate.selector, bindingArgs, target, false, gen);
TypeBinding[] emptyParamTypes = new TypeBinding[0];
Expression[] emptyParamExprs = new Expression[0];
// 2. look at role method:
predicateMethodName = CharOperation.concatWith(
new char[][] {
MethodBinding predicateMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
if (predicateMethod.isValidBinding()) {
// method guard directly operates on the messageArgs:
int requiredArgs = predicateMethod.parameters.length;
if (messageArgs != null && requiredArgs < messageArgs.length)
messageArgs, messageArgs.length-requiredArgs, // copy tail, ie., minus enhanced args.
messageArgs = new Expression[requiredArgs], 0,
return genSinglePredicateCheck(predicateMethodName, messageArgs, target, false, gen);
// 3. etc.: look at role class and all enclosing teams:
ReferenceBinding currentType = roleType.binding;
boolean outer = false;
do {
predicateMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
mapping.scope, currentType, PREDICATE_METHOD_NAME, emptyParamTypes);
if (predicateMethod.isValidBinding())
return genSinglePredicateCheck(PREDICATE_METHOD_NAME, emptyParamExprs, target, outer, gen);
currentType = currentType.enclosingType();
outer = true;
} while (currentType != null && currentType.isTeam());
return null;
} finally {
this._callinMapping = null;
* @param predicateMethodName
* @param params
* @param target
* @param outer
* @param gen
* @return an if-statement
private Statement genSinglePredicateCheck(
char[] predicateMethodName,
Expression[] params,
Expression target,
boolean outer,
AstGenerator gen)
outer ? (Reference)gen.thisReference()
: target,
genVetoStatement(skipGen, target.isTypeReference() ? skipGen.nullLiteral() : target)
// ====== Link predicates, i.e., create a chain from specific to unspecific: ========
* Before resolving statements we might need to insert evaluations of
* additional predicates (outer, tsuper, super).
* @param predDecl the predicate method
public static void linkPredicates(GuardPredicateDeclaration predDecl)
if (predDecl.ignoreFurtherInvestigation)
if (predDecl.isCopied)
if (predDecl.statements == null) {
if (Config.getStrictDiet() || predDecl.scope.classScope().referenceContext.isConverted)
return; // we know why there are no statements
throw new InternalCompilerError("predicate should have statements in this mode"); //$NON-NLS-1$
ArrayList<Expression> otherPreds = new ArrayList<Expression>();
AstGenerator gen = new AstGenerator(predDecl.bodyStart, predDecl.bodyEnd);
// outer:
Expression callOuterPredicate = getOuterPredicateCheck(predDecl, gen);
if (callOuterPredicate != null)
// tsuper
Expression evalTSuperPredicate = getTSuperPredicateChecks(predDecl, gen);
if (evalTSuperPredicate != null)
// super:
Expression callSuperPredicate = getSuperPredicateCheck(predDecl, gen);
if (callSuperPredicate != null)
// combine all predicates with "&&":
if (otherPreds.size() > 0)
ReturnStatement returnStat = predDecl.returnStatement;
Expression expression = returnStat.expression;
for (Iterator<Expression> predIter = otherPreds.iterator(); predIter.hasNext();) {
Expression pred =;
expression = new AND_AND_Expression(
expression, pred, OperatorIds.AND_AND);
returnStat.expression = expression;
/** Find the next outer predicate to be invoked from `pred'. */
private static Expression getOuterPredicateCheck(MethodDeclaration pred, AstGenerator gen)
char[] predName = pred.selector;
boolean isBasePredicate = CharOperation.prefixEquals(BASE_PREDICATE_PREFIX, pred.selector);
ReferenceBinding site = pred.binding.declaringClass;
ReferenceBinding currentType = site;
while (true)
char[] outerName = null;
TypeBinding[] outerParams = null;
Expression[] outerArgs = null;
int dollarCount = CharOperation.occurencesOf('$', predName);
ReferenceBinding declaringClass = currentType; // assume this until we know better
if (dollarCount == 4) {
// binding predicate -> method predicate
int dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName);
dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName, 0, dollarPos-1);
outerName = CharOperation.subarray(predName, 0, dollarPos);
outerParams = getArgTypesFromBindingPredicate(pred);
outerArgs = makeArgExpressions(pred, outerParams.length, null, gen);
} else {
// next outer is a type level predicate:
if (dollarCount >= 2) {
// {binding,method} predicate -> role level predicate
int dollarPos = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', predName);
outerName = CharOperation.subarray(predName, 0, dollarPos);
} else {
// type level guard can travel outwards without changing the name:
outerName = predName;
declaringClass = currentType.enclosingType();
if (declaringClass == null || !declaringClass.isTeam())
return null; // travelling beyond outermost team
if (isBasePredicate) {
// base arg only, drop binding/method args.
outerParams = new TypeBinding[] { pred.binding.parameters[0] };
outerArgs = new Expression [] { gen.singleNameReference(BASE) };
} else {
// non-base type-level guard: need no arg
outerParams = Binding.NO_PARAMETERS;
if (outerName == null)
return null;
MethodBinding outerMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
pred.scope, declaringClass, outerName, outerParams);
if (outerMethod.isValidBinding())
return gen.messageSend(
genOuterReceiver(outerMethod.declaringClass, site, pred.isStatic(), gen),
currentType = declaringClass;
predName = outerName;
private static TypeBinding[] getArgTypesFromBindingPredicate(MethodDeclaration pred) {
if (pred.arguments != null && pred.arguments.length > 0) {
char[] lastArgName = pred.arguments[pred.arguments.length-1].name;
if (CharOperation.equals(lastArgName, IOTConstants.RESULT)) {
// the 'result' argument from a binding guard is not passed to the method guard.
int len = pred.binding.parameters.length;
TypeBinding[] filtered = new TypeBinding[len-1];
System.arraycopy(pred.binding.parameters, 0, filtered, 0, len-1);
return filtered;
return pred.binding.parameters;
/** Generate the receiver for a call to an outer predicate. */
private static Expression genOuterReceiver(ReferenceBinding receiverType,
ReferenceBinding site,
boolean staticScope,
AstGenerator gen)
if (staticScope && receiverType.isRole()) {
return gen.qualifiedNameReference(receiverType);
} else {
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(receiverType, site))
return gen.thisReference();
return gen.qualifiedThisReference(receiverType);
* Find relevant predicates in all tsuper-roles, create check expressions and join them with AND.
private static Expression getTSuperPredicateChecks(MethodDeclaration pred, AstGenerator gen)
ReferenceBinding thisType = pred.binding.declaringClass;
Expression accumulatedResult = null;
if (thisType.isRole()) {
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = thisType.roleModel.getTSuperRoleBindings();
for (int i = tsuperRoles.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { // check highest prio first (which comes last in the array)
MethodBinding tsuperMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
pred.scope, tsuperRoles[i], pred.selector, pred.binding.parameters);
if (!tsuperMethod.isValidBinding())
char[] markerIfcName = TSuperHelper.getTSuperMarkName(tsuperRoles[i].enclosingType());
Expression current = gen.messageSend(
// 'implicit' prevents role type wrapping (tsuper pred is not in the ifc-part)
if (accumulatedResult == null)
accumulatedResult = current;
accumulatedResult = new AND_AND_Expression(accumulatedResult, current, OperatorIds.AND_AND);
return accumulatedResult;
private static Expression getSuperPredicateCheck(MethodDeclaration pred, AstGenerator gen)
MethodBinding superMethod = null;
ReferenceBinding thisType = pred.binding.declaringClass;
ReferenceBinding superType = thisType.superclass();
while (superType != null) {
superMethod = TypeAnalyzer.findMethod(
pred.scope, superType, pred.selector, pred.binding.parameters);
if (superMethod.isValidBinding()) {
return gen.messageSend(
pred.isStatic() ?
gen.qualifiedNameReference(superType) :
makeArgExpressions(pred, superMethod.parameters.length, null, gen)
superType = superType.superclass();
return null;
/** Make expressions for passing arguments of pred up to the next predicate.
* @param pred The predicate hosting the current method call
* @param parametersLength the target method needs this many parameters
* @param markerArg if non-null append this as the last argument
* @param gen
* @return array of argument expressions
private static Expression[] makeArgExpressions(
MethodDeclaration pred,
int parametersLength,
Expression markerArg,
AstGenerator gen)
Expression[] args;
if (markerArg != null) {
args = new Expression[parametersLength+1];
args[parametersLength] = markerArg;
} else {
args = new Expression[parametersLength];
for (int i = 0; i < parametersLength; i++) {
args[i] = gen.singleNameReference(pred.arguments[i].name);
return args;
// =============== General LOOKUP: ====================
* Construct all names of the potential base predicates for a given role, method, and method mapping.
* @param roleType
* @param mapping
* @return non-null array of names (may still be empty..)
private char[][] getBasePredicateNames(
ReferenceBinding roleType,
CallinMappingDeclaration mapping)
ArrayList<char[]> names = new ArrayList<char[]>(3);
if (mapping.predicate != null && mapping.predicate.isBasePredicate)
// not inherited independently, access directly:
MethodBinding method = mapping.getRoleMethod();
if (method != null)
new char[][]{BASE_PREDICATE_PREFIX, method.selector},
if (roleType != null)
char[][] result = new char[names.size()][];
return result;