Bug 550825 - IProblem.PreviewReleated conflicts with some OT error code
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/core/compiler/IProblem.java b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/core/compiler/IProblem.java
index b8ee26b..b00a8f3 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/core/compiler/IProblem.java
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/core/compiler/IProblem.java
@@ -2083,8 +2083,8 @@
 	int UnlikelyEqualsArgumentType = 1201;
-	int OTJ_RELATED = 1000000;
-	int OTCHAP = 100000;
+	int OTJ_RELATED = 100000;
+	int OTCHAP = 10000;
 	int TeamCannotHaveSuperTypes                 = OTJ_RELATED +    1;
 	int IllegalModifierForTeam                   = OTJ_RELATED +    2;
@@ -2407,7 +2407,7 @@
 	int CovariantReturnRequiresTypeParameter     = CALLIN_RELATED + 9001; // 4.9.3(c)
-	int DuplicateUseOfTypeVariableInCallin		 = CALLIN_RELATED +10001; // 4.10(a)
+	int DuplicateUseOfTypeVariableInCallin		 = CALLIN_RELATED + 9501; // 4.10(a)
@@ -2476,7 +2476,7 @@
 	int ValueParamWrongPosition                  = SYNTAX_RELATED + 9001; // A.9(a)
-	int SyntaxErrorSingleTypeReferenceExpected   = SYNTAX_RELATED +10001; // 1.2.4(c) NOTE(SH): don't yet have a section "Expression" in §A.
+	int SyntaxErrorSingleTypeReferenceExpected   = SYNTAX_RELATED + 9501; // 1.2.4(c) NOTE(SH): don't yet have a section "Expression" in §A.
 //  ==== LIMITATIONS: ====
diff --git a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/messages.properties b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/messages.properties
index 947f6d5..bc305fb 100644
--- a/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/messages.properties
+++ b/org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/messages.properties
@@ -1028,403 +1028,403 @@
 78606 = The method ''{2}.{1}'' is not API (restriction on required library ''{0}'')
 78605 = The method ''{2}.{1}'' is not API (restriction on required project ''{0}'')
 ### ObjectTeams:
-1000001 = The type org.objectteams.Team cannot have a superclass or superinterfaces
-1000002 = Illegal modifier for team class {0}.
+100001 = The type org.objectteams.Team cannot have a superclass or superinterfaces
+100002 = Illegal modifier for team class {0}.
-1102101 = Illegal modifier for role {0}. Roles cannot be static (OTJLD 1.2.1).
-1102102 = Illegal access modifier for role {0}. Only public and protected are allowed here (OTJLD 1.2.1(a)).
-1102103 = The method {1}({2}) from the role type {0} is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
-1102104 = The role constructor {0}({1}) is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
-1102105 = Type mismatch: cannot convert from {0} to {1} because type anchors could not be proven to be the same instance (OTJLD 1.2.2(e)).
-1102106 = Cannot access non-public field {0} via externalized role {1} (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
-1102107 = Cannot access non-public method {1} via externalized role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)). 
-1102108 = Cannot access non-public constructor {0}({1}) to instantiate externalized role (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
-1102109 = Indirect tsuper method inherited from {0} is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
-1102110 = Non-constant initialization not allowed for a static field of a role class (OTJLD 1.2.1(g)).
+112101 = Illegal modifier for role {0}. Roles cannot be static (OTJLD 1.2.1).
+112102 = Illegal access modifier for role {0}. Only public and protected are allowed here (OTJLD 1.2.1(a)).
+112103 = The method {1}({2}) from the role type {0} is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
+112104 = The role constructor {0}({1}) is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
+112105 = Type mismatch: cannot convert from {0} to {1} because type anchors could not be proven to be the same instance (OTJLD 1.2.2(e)).
+112106 = Cannot access non-public field {0} via externalized role {1} (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
+112107 = Cannot access non-public method {1} via externalized role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)). 
+112108 = Cannot access non-public constructor {0}({1}) to instantiate externalized role (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
+112109 = Indirect tsuper method inherited from {0} is not visible (OTJLD 1.2.1(e)).
+112110 = Non-constant initialization not allowed for a static field of a role class (OTJLD 1.2.1(g)).
-1102200 = Cannot externalize non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.2(a)).
+112200 = Cannot externalize non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.2(a)).
 #unused: 1102201 = 
-1102202 = Missing anchor (team instance) for role type {0} outside its team context (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102203 = Not a valid type anchor: type {0} is not the enclosing team of role type {1} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102204 = ''{0}'' cannot be used as type anchor for an externalized role: is not a team (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102205 = Cannot resolve type anchor {0} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102206 = Cannot resolve type {0}: no such role in team {1} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102207 = Path syntax for externalized role type is deprecated (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102208 = Invalid qualification for role type {0}, externalized roles must be anchored to a team instance, otherwise use the simple name (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
-1102209 = Invalid externalized use of role type {0}, anchor is not final (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
-1102210 = Anchor {0} for the role type {1} is not final (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
-1102211 = Not a valid type anchor for externalized role {0}, need a final variable (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
-1102212 = Creation of a role instance outside its enclosing team must have the form ''t.new R()''\n where t is a valid type anchor according to OTJLD 1.2.2(c) and R is the simple name of a role class (OTJLD 1.2.2(h)).
-1102213 = Illegal qualified use of type {0}: path contains no suitable team anchor (OTJLD 1.2.2(f)).
-1102214 = Externalized role {0} is not allowed in this position (OTJLD 1.2.2(g)).
-1102215 = Cannot sub-class an externalized role type (OTJLD 1.2.2(g)).
-1102216 = Detected a cycle while resolve field {0}.{1} as a team anchor (OTJLD 1.2.2).
-1102217 = Illegal import for role type {0}: roles cannot be imported (OTJLD 1.2.2(i)).
-1102300 = Illegal qualified use of non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.3(b)).
-1102301 = Illegal parameterized use of non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.3(b)).
+112202 = Missing anchor (team instance) for role type {0} outside its team context (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112203 = Not a valid type anchor: type {0} is not the enclosing team of role type {1} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112204 = ''{0}'' cannot be used as type anchor for an externalized role: is not a team (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112205 = Cannot resolve type anchor {0} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112206 = Cannot resolve type {0}: no such role in team {1} (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112207 = Path syntax for externalized role type is deprecated (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112208 = Invalid qualification for role type {0}, externalized roles must be anchored to a team instance, otherwise use the simple name (OTJLD 1.2.2(b)).
+112209 = Invalid externalized use of role type {0}, anchor is not final (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
+112210 = Anchor {0} for the role type {1} is not final (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
+112211 = Not a valid type anchor for externalized role {0}, need a final variable (OTJLD 1.2.2(c)).
+112212 = Creation of a role instance outside its enclosing team must have the form ''t.new R()''\n where t is a valid type anchor according to OTJLD 1.2.2(c) and R is the simple name of a role class (OTJLD 1.2.2(h)).
+112213 = Illegal qualified use of type {0}: path contains no suitable team anchor (OTJLD 1.2.2(f)).
+112214 = Externalized role {0} is not allowed in this position (OTJLD 1.2.2(g)).
+112215 = Cannot sub-class an externalized role type (OTJLD 1.2.2(g)).
+112216 = Detected a cycle while resolve field {0}.{1} as a team anchor (OTJLD 1.2.2).
+112217 = Illegal import for role type {0}: roles cannot be imported (OTJLD 1.2.2(i)).
+112300 = Illegal qualified use of non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.3(b)).
+112301 = Illegal parameterized use of non-public role {0} (OTJLD 1.2.3(b)).
-1102501 = Role file must contain exactly one toplevel type (OTJLD 1.2.5(b)).
-1102502 = The name of role file {0} does not match the role type {1} which it defines (OTJLD 1.2.5(b)).
-1102503 = Package name {0} does not match the name of the enclosing package {1} for role file {2} (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
-1102504 = Package declaration {0} refers to the enclosing team of role file {1}.\nMust use a ''team package'' declaration (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
-1102505 = Enclosing team {0} not found for role file {1} (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
-1102506 = Javadoc: Missing tag for role file {0} (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
-1102507 = Javadoc: Type {0} is not a role file of this team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
-1102508 = Javadoc: {0} cannot be resolved to a role of this team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
-1102509 = Javadoc: {0} is an inline role, whereas the @role tag should only be used for role files (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
-1102510 = Javadoc: Illegal @role tag, type {0} is not a team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
-1102511 = The enum type {0} illegally resides in a role file of team {1} (OTJLD 1.2.5(e)). 
+112501 = Role file must contain exactly one toplevel type (OTJLD 1.2.5(b)).
+112502 = The name of role file {0} does not match the role type {1} which it defines (OTJLD 1.2.5(b)).
+112503 = Package name {0} does not match the name of the enclosing package {1} for role file {2} (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
+112504 = Package declaration {0} refers to the enclosing team of role file {1}.\nMust use a ''team package'' declaration (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
+112505 = Enclosing team {0} not found for role file {1} (OTJLD 1.2.5(c)).
+112506 = Javadoc: Missing tag for role file {0} (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
+112507 = Javadoc: Type {0} is not a role file of this team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
+112508 = Javadoc: {0} cannot be resolved to a role of this team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
+112509 = Javadoc: {0} is an inline role, whereas the @role tag should only be used for role files (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
+112510 = Javadoc: Illegal @role tag, type {0} is not a team (OTJLD 1.2.5(d)).
+112511 = The enum type {0} illegally resides in a role file of team {1} (OTJLD 1.2.5(e)). 
-1103001 = Illegal ''extends'' for a regular class: superclass {0} is a team (OTJLD 1.3).
-1103101 = Role class {0} cannot override an interface of the same name (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
-1103102 = Role interface {0} cannot override class of the same name (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
-1103103 = Cannot override the final role {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
-1103104 = Role {0} must override a role from a super team (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
-1103105 = Role {0} should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superteam role (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
-1103106 = Type mismatch: cannot convert from {0} to {1} because static types of enclosing teams differs (OTJLD 1.3.1(d)).
-1103107 = Cannot use ''tsuper'' in method {0}, enclosing type {1} is not a role (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
-1103108 = Illegal tsuper call: role {0} has no implicit super class (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
-1103109 = Invalid qualified ''tsuper'': type {1} contains no role corresponding to {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
-1103110 = Illegal tsuper call: can only invoke the method being overridden by the current method (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
-1103111 = Cannot reduce the visibility of role {0} to {1}, implicit super-role is ''{2}'' (OTJLD 1.3.1(h)).
-1103112 = Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from implicit super class {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(h)).
-1103113 = The return type of implicitly inherited method {0} is not compatible to the return type of explicitly inherited method {1} (1.3.1(k)).
-1103201 = Cannot extend {1}.{0} because enclosing type {1} is not an enclosing type of this role (OTJLD 1.3.2(a)).
-1103202 = Role inherits incompatible ''extends'' declarations: {0} is not a sub-type of {1} (''extends {1}'' is inherited is from {2}) (OTJLD 1.3.2(b)).
-1103203 = Illegal tsuper call. Must use a constructor of newly introduced super-class {0} (OTJLD 1.3.2(c)).
-1103204 = Method {0} inherited from regular super class {1} is not visible outside the role {2} (OTJLD 1.3.2(e)).
+113001 = Illegal ''extends'' for a regular class: superclass {0} is a team (OTJLD 1.3).
+113101 = Role class {0} cannot override an interface of the same name (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
+113102 = Role interface {0} cannot override class of the same name (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
+113103 = Cannot override the final role {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
+113104 = Role {0} must override a role from a super team (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
+113105 = Role {0} should be tagged with @Override since it actually overrides a superteam role (OTJLD 1.3.1(c)).
+113106 = Type mismatch: cannot convert from {0} to {1} because static types of enclosing teams differs (OTJLD 1.3.1(d)).
+113107 = Cannot use ''tsuper'' in method {0}, enclosing type {1} is not a role (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
+113108 = Illegal tsuper call: role {0} has no implicit super class (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
+113109 = Invalid qualified ''tsuper'': type {1} contains no role corresponding to {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
+113110 = Illegal tsuper call: can only invoke the method being overridden by the current method (OTJLD 1.3.1(f)).
+113111 = Cannot reduce the visibility of role {0} to {1}, implicit super-role is ''{2}'' (OTJLD 1.3.1(h)).
+113112 = Cannot reduce the visibility of the inherited method from implicit super class {0} (OTJLD 1.3.1(h)).
+113113 = The return type of implicitly inherited method {0} is not compatible to the return type of explicitly inherited method {1} (1.3.1(k)).
+113201 = Cannot extend {1}.{0} because enclosing type {1} is not an enclosing type of this role (OTJLD 1.3.2(a)).
+113202 = Role inherits incompatible ''extends'' declarations: {0} is not a sub-type of {1} (''extends {1}'' is inherited is from {2}) (OTJLD 1.3.2(b)).
+113203 = Illegal tsuper call. Must use a constructor of newly introduced super-class {0} (OTJLD 1.3.2(c)).
+113204 = Method {0} inherited from regular super class {1} is not visible outside the role {2} (OTJLD 1.3.2(e)).
-1104001 = Role type {0} shadows the visible type {1} (OTJLD 1.4(a)).
-1104002 = Field declaration {0} conflicts with an implicitly inherited field (OTJLD 1.4(b)).
+114001 = Role type {0} shadows the visible type {1} (OTJLD 1.4(a)).
+114002 = Field declaration {0} conflicts with an implicitly inherited field (OTJLD 1.4(b)).
-1105001 = Regular role cannot override team {0} (OTJLD 1.5(a)).
-1105002 = Member types not allowed in regular roles. Mark class {0} as a team if {1} should be its role (OTJLD 1.5(a,b)). 
-1105003 = Team {0} cannot extend its enclosing team {1} (OTJLD 1.5(c)).
-1105004 = Name clash for implicit super types of role {0}: {1} and {2} are incomparable (OTJLD 1.5(d)).
+115001 = Regular role cannot override team {0} (OTJLD 1.5(a)).
+115002 = Member types not allowed in regular roles. Mark class {0} as a team if {1} should be its role (OTJLD 1.5(a,b)). 
+115003 = Team {0} cannot extend its enclosing team {1} (OTJLD 1.5(c)).
+115004 = Name clash for implicit super types of role {0}: {1} and {2} are incomparable (OTJLD 1.5(d)).
-1201001 = Overlapping role hierarchies: role is subtype of these bound roles: {0} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
-1201002 = Illegal redefinition: {0} is not a sub-type of baseclass {1} as inherited from {2} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
-1201003 = Role inherits incompatible ''playedBy'' declaration(s): {0} is not comparable to {1} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
-1201004 = Cannot bind role class {0} to {1} because implicit super-role is already bound to {2} (OTJLD 2.1(d)).
-1201101 = When binding interface {0} as base of {1}:\nNote that some features like callin bindings are not yet supported in this situation (OTJLD 2.1.1).
-1201201 = Member type {0} cannot be used as the base class of {1} (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
-1201202 = Role {1} cannot be played by {0}: this name stands for a role of the same team (OTJLD 2.1.2(a)).
-1201203 = Base class {0} is an enclosing type of {1}; please read the hints in the OT/J Language Definition (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
-1201204 = Base class/member type circularity via chain {0};\nplease read the hints in the OT/J Language Definition (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
-1201205 = Overriding access restriction of base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
-1201206 = PlayedBy binding overrides finalness of base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
-1201207 = Trying to override access restriction of confined base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
-1201208 = "base" import is not allowed in regular class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
-1201209 = "base" import is not allowed in a role file (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
-1201210 = It is recommended that base class {0} be imported with the modifier "base" (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
-1201211 = Qualified reference to base class {0} is deprecated, should use a base import instead (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
-1201212 = Bound base class {0} cannot have free type parameters (OTJLD 2.1.2(e)).
-1201213 = Role {0} cannot have free type parameters when binding to a base class (OTJLD 2.1.2(e)).
+121001 = Overlapping role hierarchies: role is subtype of these bound roles: {0} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
+121002 = Illegal redefinition: {0} is not a sub-type of baseclass {1} as inherited from {2} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
+121003 = Role inherits incompatible ''playedBy'' declaration(s): {0} is not comparable to {1} (OTJLD 2.1(c)).
+121004 = Cannot bind role class {0} to {1} because implicit super-role is already bound to {2} (OTJLD 2.1(d)).
+121101 = When binding interface {0} as base of {1}:\nNote that some features like callin bindings are not yet supported in this situation (OTJLD 2.1.1).
+121201 = Member type {0} cannot be used as the base class of {1} (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
+121202 = Role {1} cannot be played by {0}: this name stands for a role of the same team (OTJLD 2.1.2(a)).
+121203 = Base class {0} is an enclosing type of {1}; please read the hints in the OT/J Language Definition (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
+121204 = Base class/member type circularity via chain {0};\nplease read the hints in the OT/J Language Definition (OTJLD 2.1.2(b)).
+121205 = Overriding access restriction of base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
+121206 = PlayedBy binding overrides finalness of base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
+121207 = Trying to override access restriction of confined base class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(c)).
+121208 = "base" import is not allowed in regular class {0} (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
+121209 = "base" import is not allowed in a role file (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
+121210 = It is recommended that base class {0} be imported with the modifier "base" (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
+121211 = Qualified reference to base class {0} is deprecated, should use a base import instead (OTJLD 2.1.2(d)).
+121212 = Bound base class {0} cannot have free type parameters (OTJLD 2.1.2(e)).
+121213 = Role {0} cannot have free type parameters when binding to a base class (OTJLD 2.1.2(e)).
-1201299 = Base class {0} is deprecated.
+121299 = Base class {0} is deprecated.
-1201308 = Illegal base import: this package is not provided by the declared base plug-in(s) {0} (OT/Equinox).
-1201309 = Illegal base import: this package is not provided by the declared base plug-in {0} but by plug-in {1} (OT/Equinox).
-1201310 = Illegal base import: no aspect binding declared for team {0} or any nested team (OT/Equinox).
-1201311 = Decapsulating base class {0} by means of a forced export. Note, that additionally a corresponing declaration is needed in config.ini (OTJLD 2.1.2(c) + OT/Equinox).
-1201312 = This messages should never be seen ({0}).
-1201313 = The forced-exported type {0} cannot be accessed other than as a role's base class (OT/Equinox).
-1201314 = The declared base plug-in contains one or more split packages; please manually ensure that class {0} is actually provided by plug-in {1} (OT/Equinox).
-1201315 = A declared base plug-in contains on or more split packages; please manually ensure that class {0} is actually provided by one of the plug-ins {1} (OT/Equinox).
+121308 = Illegal base import: this package is not provided by the declared base plug-in(s) {0} (OT/Equinox).
+121309 = Illegal base import: this package is not provided by the declared base plug-in {0} but by plug-in {1} (OT/Equinox).
+121310 = Illegal base import: no aspect binding declared for team {0} or any nested team (OT/Equinox).
+121311 = Decapsulating base class {0} by means of a forced export. Note, that additionally a corresponing declaration is needed in config.ini (OTJLD 2.1.2(c) + OT/Equinox).
+121312 = This messages should never be seen ({0}).
+121313 = The forced-exported type {0} cannot be accessed other than as a role's base class (OT/Equinox).
+121314 = The declared base plug-in contains one or more split packages; please manually ensure that class {0} is actually provided by plug-in {1} (OT/Equinox).
+121315 = A declared base plug-in contains on or more split packages; please manually ensure that class {0} is actually provided by one of the plug-ins {1} (OT/Equinox).
-1202001 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).
-1202002 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).\nPerhaps you should just remove this cast?
-1202003 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).\nPerhaps you should use a local variable to get the lowered expression? 
-1202004 = Assigning a {0} to {1} is ambiguous: will not apply lowering to {2} because direct upcasting is sufficient (OTJLD 2.2(f)).
+122001 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).
+122002 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).\nPerhaps you should just remove this cast?
+122003 = Types {0} and {1} are compatible only by lowering, which is not allowed here (OTJLD 2.2(b)).\nPerhaps you should use a local variable to get the lowered expression? 
+122004 = Assigning a {0} to {1} is ambiguous: will not apply lowering to {2} because direct upcasting is sufficient (OTJLD 2.2(f)).
-1203101 = The constructor {0} is undefined. Note that bound roles per default only have a lifting constructor (OTJLD 2.3.1(b)).
-1203102 = Need custom lifting constructor, because super class has no argumentless constructor {0} (OTJLD 2.3.1(c)).
-1203103 = Lifting constructor cannot have explicit super-call (OTJLD 2.3.1(c)).
-1203104 = Annotation '@{0}' can only be applied to role classes (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
-1203105 = Fields are discouraged in roles with InstantiationPolicy '{0}' (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
-1203106 = Roles with InstantiationPolicy '{0}' should define equals() and hashCode() methods (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
-1203107 = Need to invoke a tsuper constructor because tsuper role ''{0}'' has field initializations.
+123101 = The constructor {0} is undefined. Note that bound roles per default only have a lifting constructor (OTJLD 2.3.1(b)).
+123102 = Need custom lifting constructor, because super class has no argumentless constructor {0} (OTJLD 2.3.1(c)).
+123103 = Lifting constructor cannot have explicit super-call (OTJLD 2.3.1(c)).
+123104 = Annotation '@{0}' can only be applied to role classes (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
+123105 = Fields are discouraged in roles with InstantiationPolicy '{0}' (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
+123106 = Roles with InstantiationPolicy '{0}' should define equals() and hashCode() methods (OTJLD 2.3.1(d)).
+123107 = Need to invoke a tsuper constructor because tsuper role ''{0}'' has field initializations.
-1203201 = Illegal type for argument {0}: declared lifting not allowed in static methods (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203202 = Qualified type name not allowed here. Type after keyword "as" must be a role of the enclosing team {0} (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203203 = Declared lifting is only allowed in signatures of team methods (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203204 = The primitive type {0} is not allowed in declared lifting type (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203205 = Illegal type {0}, need a role type for declared lifting (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203206 = Cannot lift to role {0} because it is not played by a base class (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203207 = Class {0} is incompatible to the base class {2} of role {1}. Lifting not possible (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
-1203208 = Syntax error in declared lifting. Array dimensions do not match (OTJLD 2.3.2(c)).
-1203209 = Illegal type bound: {0} is not a role type (OTJLD 2.3.2(e)).
-1203210 = Bound mismatch: The generic method {0}({1}) of type {2} is not applicable for the arguments ({3}). The inferred type {4} is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <{5} base {6}> (OTJLD 2.3.2(e)).
+123201 = Illegal type for argument {0}: declared lifting not allowed in static methods (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123202 = Qualified type name not allowed here. Type after keyword "as" must be a role of the enclosing team {0} (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123203 = Declared lifting is only allowed in signatures of team methods (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123204 = The primitive type {0} is not allowed in declared lifting type (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123205 = Illegal type {0}, need a role type for declared lifting (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123206 = Cannot lift to role {0} because it is not played by a base class (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123207 = Class {0} is incompatible to the base class {2} of role {1}. Lifting not possible (OTJLD 2.3.2(a)).
+123208 = Syntax error in declared lifting. Array dimensions do not match (OTJLD 2.3.2(c)).
+123209 = Illegal type bound: {0} is not a role type (OTJLD 2.3.2(e)).
+123210 = Bound mismatch: The generic method {0}({1}) of type {2} is not applicable for the arguments ({3}). The inferred type {4} is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <{5} base {6}> (OTJLD 2.3.2(e)).
-1203401 = Potential ambiguity in role binding. The base ''{0}'' is bound to the following roles: {1} (OTJLD 2.3.4(a)).
-1203402 = Team introduces binding ambiguity for role {0}, which may break clients of the super team (OTJLD 2.3.5(d)).
-1203403 = Unhandled exception type LiftingFailedException, caused by an unsafe lifting request (OTJLD 2.3.5).
+123401 = Potential ambiguity in role binding. The base ''{0}'' is bound to the following roles: {1} (OTJLD 2.3.4(a)).
+123402 = Team introduces binding ambiguity for role {0}, which may break clients of the super team (OTJLD 2.3.5(d)).
+123403 = Unhandled exception type LiftingFailedException, caused by an unsafe lifting request (OTJLD 2.3.5).
-1204101 = Cannot invoke the lifting constructor {0} to create an externalized role (OTJLD 2.4.1(a)).
-1204102 = Argument to lifting constructor {0} is not a freshly created base object (of type {1}); may cause a DuplicateRoleException at runtime (OTJLD 2.4.1(c)).
-1204201 = Illegal base constructor call: enclosing ''{0}'' is not a constructor of a bound role (OTJLD 2.4.2).
-1204202 = Illegal call to base constructor: this constructor is a lifting constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2).
-1204203 = Cannot use this constructor from class {0}, because it creates a base instance of type {2} wheras a base instance of type {1} is required (OTJLD 2.4.2(c)).
-1204204 = Constructor call (tsuper) must be the first statement in a role constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2).
-1204205 = Cannot invoke a base constructor because enclosing role {0} is involved in baseclass circularity (OTJLD 2.4.2). 
-1204206 = Call to base constructor is not first statement (after super-call) (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
-1204207 = Missing call to a base constructor, class {0} is a bound role (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
-1204208 = Illegal call to base constructor: constructor called by ''{0}'' already calls a base constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
-1204209 = Access restriction of constructor {0} is overridden by this base constructor call (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
-1204210 = Base constructor call not allowed in this position, must be first statement or argument to another constructor call (OTJLD 2.4.2(c)).
-1204211 = This constructor conflicts with the lifting constructor (using argument lowering).\nDue to lower visibility external allocations will use the lifting constructor instead (OTJLD 2.4.2(d)).
-1204301 = Dangerous instantiation. To avoid a WrongRoleException at runtime role {0} should be used instead (OTJLD 2.4.3).
+124101 = Cannot invoke the lifting constructor {0} to create an externalized role (OTJLD 2.4.1(a)).
+124102 = Argument to lifting constructor {0} is not a freshly created base object (of type {1}); may cause a DuplicateRoleException at runtime (OTJLD 2.4.1(c)).
+124201 = Illegal base constructor call: enclosing ''{0}'' is not a constructor of a bound role (OTJLD 2.4.2).
+124202 = Illegal call to base constructor: this constructor is a lifting constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2).
+124203 = Cannot use this constructor from class {0}, because it creates a base instance of type {2} wheras a base instance of type {1} is required (OTJLD 2.4.2(c)).
+124204 = Constructor call (tsuper) must be the first statement in a role constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2).
+124205 = Cannot invoke a base constructor because enclosing role {0} is involved in baseclass circularity (OTJLD 2.4.2). 
+124206 = Call to base constructor is not first statement (after super-call) (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
+124207 = Missing call to a base constructor, class {0} is a bound role (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
+124208 = Illegal call to base constructor: constructor called by ''{0}'' already calls a base constructor (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
+124209 = Access restriction of constructor {0} is overridden by this base constructor call (OTJLD 2.4.2(b)).
+124210 = Base constructor call not allowed in this position, must be first statement or argument to another constructor call (OTJLD 2.4.2(c)).
+124211 = This constructor conflicts with the lifting constructor (using argument lowering).\nDue to lower visibility external allocations will use the lifting constructor instead (OTJLD 2.4.2(d)).
+124301 = Dangerous instantiation. To avoid a WrongRoleException at runtime role {0} should be used instead (OTJLD 2.4.3).
-1205001 = Team {0} may need to be declared abstract, because irrelevance for abstract role {1} could not be shown (OTJLD 2.5(b)).
-1205002 = Team {0} must be declared abstract, because abstract role {1} is relevant (OTJLD 2.5(b)).
+125001 = Team {0} may need to be declared abstract, because irrelevance for abstract role {1} could not be shown (OTJLD 2.5(b)).
+125002 = Team {0} must be declared abstract, because abstract role {1} is relevant (OTJLD 2.5(b)).
-1206001 = Cannot use ''base'' as a prefix since ''{0}'' is not a team (OTJLD 2.6(a)).
-1206002 = Illegal qualified use of ''base'', type ''{0}'' is not a bound role (OTJLD 2.6(a)).
-1206003 = Cannot use ''base'' in the regular method ''{0}'' (OTJLD 2.6(c)).
-1206004 = Cannot use explicit base call in method bindings (OTJLD 2.6).
-1206005 = Illegal use of keyword ''base'' (OTJLD 2.6).
-1206006 = Access restriction of field {0} in type {1} is overridden by this reference (OTJLD 2.6(g)).
-1206007 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} is overridden by this call (OTJLD 2.6(g)).
+126001 = Cannot use ''base'' as a prefix since ''{0}'' is not a team (OTJLD 2.6(a)).
+126002 = Illegal qualified use of ''base'', type ''{0}'' is not a bound role (OTJLD 2.6(a)).
+126003 = Cannot use ''base'' in the regular method ''{0}'' (OTJLD 2.6(c)).
+126004 = Cannot use explicit base call in method bindings (OTJLD 2.6).
+126005 = Illegal use of keyword ''base'' (OTJLD 2.6).
+126006 = Access restriction of field {0} in type {1} is overridden by this reference (OTJLD 2.6(g)).
+126007 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} is overridden by this call (OTJLD 2.6(g)).
-1301001 = Method binding not allowed here, {0} is not a role (OTJLD 3.1(a)).
-1301002 = Method binding not allowed here, role {0} is not played by a base class (OTJLD 3.1(a)).
-1301003 = Role {0} cannot declare callout bindings because it is playedBy enclosing type {1} (OTJLD 3.1(a)); please directly access the target method.
-1301004 = No method {0} found in type {1} to resolve method designator (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
-1301005 = Method specifier ''{0}'' is ambiguous for the type {1}. Please use the exact method signature to disambiguate (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
-1301006 = Method designator binds to a method returning {0} whereas return type {1} is specified (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
-1301007 = Method specifier finds no direct match, argument of closest match is {0} instead of {1} (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
-1301008 = A non-abstract role method exists for this callout-binding. Use callout-override (''=>'') if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
-1301009 = Trying to bind an abstract method as callout override (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
-1301010 = Callout binding tries to override method {0} from the same role class (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
-1301011 = Callout binding conflicts with inherited callout binding from class {0}. Use ''=>'' if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.1(f)).
-1301012 = The method is bound as callout more than once: {0} (OTJLD 3.1(g)).
-1301013 = Callout method does not declare {0} which is thrown by the bound base method (OTJLD 3.1(h)).
-1301014 = Inherited abstract method {0} is implicitly bound as an inferred callout (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
-1301015 = Unresolved self call {0} is implicitly bound by an inferred callout (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
-1301016 = Attempting to infer callout to base field {0} in a compound assignment (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
+131001 = Method binding not allowed here, {0} is not a role (OTJLD 3.1(a)).
+131002 = Method binding not allowed here, role {0} is not played by a base class (OTJLD 3.1(a)).
+131003 = Role {0} cannot declare callout bindings because it is playedBy enclosing type {1} (OTJLD 3.1(a)); please directly access the target method.
+131004 = No method {0} found in type {1} to resolve method designator (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
+131005 = Method specifier ''{0}'' is ambiguous for the type {1}. Please use the exact method signature to disambiguate (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
+131006 = Method designator binds to a method returning {0} whereas return type {1} is specified (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
+131007 = Method specifier finds no direct match, argument of closest match is {0} instead of {1} (OTJLD 3.1(c)).
+131008 = A non-abstract role method exists for this callout-binding. Use callout-override (''=>'') if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
+131009 = Trying to bind an abstract method as callout override (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
+131010 = Callout binding tries to override method {0} from the same role class (OTJLD 3.1(e)).
+131011 = Callout binding conflicts with inherited callout binding from class {0}. Use ''=>'' if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.1(f)).
+131012 = The method is bound as callout more than once: {0} (OTJLD 3.1(g)).
+131013 = Callout method does not declare {0} which is thrown by the bound base method (OTJLD 3.1(h)).
+131014 = Inherited abstract method {0} is implicitly bound as an inferred callout (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
+131015 = Unresolved self call {0} is implicitly bound by an inferred callout (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
+131016 = Attempting to infer callout to base field {0} in a compound assignment (OTJLD 3.1(j)).
-1302001 = Unused mapping for parameter {0} is ignored (OTJLD 3.2).
-1302002 = Syntax error: parameter mapping allowed only if methods are specified with their signatures (OTJLD 3.2(a)).
-1302003 = Parameter {0} is mapped more than once (OTJLD 3.2(b)).
-1302004 = Incomplete parameter mapping: argument {0} of base method {1} is not mapped (OTJLD 3.2(b)).
-1302005 = Wrong mapping direction for parameter {0}, should use {1} unless mapping 'result' (OTJLD 3.2(b)). 
-1302006 = Wrong mapping direction for \"result\", should use {0} (OTJLD 3.2(c)). 
-1302007 = Illegal mapping for 'result'. {0} returns void (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
-1302008 = Illegal use of 'result' in parameter mapping: wrong binding direction (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
-1302009 = Cannot use 'result' here: method {0} returns void (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
-1302010 = ''result'' can only be mapped to ''result'' (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
-1302011 = Method {0} does not provide enough arguments for binding to method {1} (OTJLD 3.2(e)).
-1302012 = Cannot implicitly map signatures for callout binding:\nBase method {1} returns void whereas role method {0} expects {2} (OTJLD 3.2(e)).
-1302013 = Parameter mapping not allowed here: enclosing type {0} is an interface (OTJLD 3.2(a)).
+132001 = Unused mapping for parameter {0} is ignored (OTJLD 3.2).
+132002 = Syntax error: parameter mapping allowed only if methods are specified with their signatures (OTJLD 3.2(a)).
+132003 = Parameter {0} is mapped more than once (OTJLD 3.2(b)).
+132004 = Incomplete parameter mapping: argument {0} of base method {1} is not mapped (OTJLD 3.2(b)).
+132005 = Wrong mapping direction for parameter {0}, should use {1} unless mapping 'result' (OTJLD 3.2(b)). 
+132006 = Wrong mapping direction for \"result\", should use {0} (OTJLD 3.2(c)). 
+132007 = Illegal mapping for 'result'. {0} returns void (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
+132008 = Illegal use of 'result' in parameter mapping: wrong binding direction (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
+132009 = Cannot use 'result' here: method {0} returns void (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
+132010 = ''result'' can only be mapped to ''result'' (OTJLD 3.2(c)).
+132011 = Method {0} does not provide enough arguments for binding to method {1} (OTJLD 3.2(e)).
+132012 = Cannot implicitly map signatures for callout binding:\nBase method {1} returns void whereas role method {0} expects {2} (OTJLD 3.2(e)).
+132013 = Parameter mapping not allowed here: enclosing type {0} is an interface (OTJLD 3.2(a)).
-1303001 = Type mismatch in callout binding: cannot convert from {0} to {1} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
-1303002 = When mapping the {0}. argument of {1}: cannot convert from {2} to {3} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
-1303003 = The bound method {0} does not provide required result of type {1} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
-1303004 = Callout binding:\nReturn of base method {1} is incompatible with return expected by method {0}:\nCan't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
+133001 = Type mismatch in callout binding: cannot convert from {0} to {1} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
+133002 = When mapping the {0}. argument of {1}: cannot convert from {2} to {3} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
+133003 = The bound method {0} does not provide required result of type {1} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
+133004 = Callout binding:\nReturn of base method {1} is incompatible with return expected by method {0}:\nCan't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.3(d)).
-1304001 = This class overrides access restrictions of its base class. Compile with -decapsulation for details (OTJLD 3.4(a)).
-1304002 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} is overridden by this method binding (OTJLD 3.4(a)).
-1304003 = The method {0} from type {1} is not visible for this binding (enable decapsulation? OTJLD 3.4).
-1304004 = The private base feature {0} from type {1} is not available via the base type {2} (OTJLD 3.4(d)). 
+134001 = This class overrides access restrictions of its base class. Compile with -decapsulation for details (OTJLD 3.4(a)).
+134002 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} is overridden by this method binding (OTJLD 3.4(a)).
+134003 = The method {0} from type {1} is not visible for this binding (enable decapsulation? OTJLD 3.4).
+134004 = The private base feature {0} from type {1} is not available via the base type {2} (OTJLD 3.4(d)). 
-1305001 = Callout binding cannot resolve field {0} in type {1} (OTJLD 3.5).
-1305002 = Field specifier ''{0}'' resolves to type {1} whereas type {2} is specified (OTJLD 3.5(a)).
-1305003 = Accessing field {1} through method "{0}" has no effect (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
-1305004 = Binding method ''{0}'' via callout as field setter cannot return a value (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
-1305005 = Cannot bind role method {0} to field {1}:\nMissing parameter of type {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
-1305006 = When binding field {1} via callout to role method {0}:\nIncompatible types: can't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
-1305007 = When binding role method {0} via callout to field {1}:\nIncompatible types: can't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
-1305008 = Access restriction of {2}field {0} in type {1} is overridden by this binding (OTJLD 3.5(e)).
-1305009 = Write access to the {2}field {0} in type {1} overrides access restriction (OTJLD 3.5(e)).
-1305010 = A non-abstract role method exists for this callout-binding. Use callout-override (''=>'') if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.5(g)).
-1305011 = Callout binding conflicts with inherited callout binding from class {0}. Use ''=>'' if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.5(g)).
-1305012 = Assignment to unresolved variable {0} implicitly uses callout to base field '{1}' (OTJLD 3.5(h)).
-1305013 = Reference {1} implicitly uses callout getter to base field '{1}' (OTJLD 3.5(h)).
-1305014 = Method call {0} tries to re-use an inferred callout to field (OTJLD 3.5(h)). 
+135001 = Callout binding cannot resolve field {0} in type {1} (OTJLD 3.5).
+135002 = Field specifier ''{0}'' resolves to type {1} whereas type {2} is specified (OTJLD 3.5(a)).
+135003 = Accessing field {1} through method "{0}" has no effect (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
+135004 = Binding method ''{0}'' via callout as field setter cannot return a value (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
+135005 = Cannot bind role method {0} to field {1}:\nMissing parameter of type {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
+135006 = When binding field {1} via callout to role method {0}:\nIncompatible types: can't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
+135007 = When binding role method {0} via callout to field {1}:\nIncompatible types: can't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 3.5(b)).
+135008 = Access restriction of {2}field {0} in type {1} is overridden by this binding (OTJLD 3.5(e)).
+135009 = Write access to the {2}field {0} in type {1} overrides access restriction (OTJLD 3.5(e)).
+135010 = A non-abstract role method exists for this callout-binding. Use callout-override (''=>'') if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.5(g)).
+135011 = Callout binding conflicts with inherited callout binding from class {0}. Use ''=>'' if you want to override it (OTJLD 3.5(g)).
+135012 = Assignment to unresolved variable {0} implicitly uses callout to base field '{1}' (OTJLD 3.5(h)).
+135013 = Reference {1} implicitly uses callout getter to base field '{1}' (OTJLD 3.5(h)).
+135014 = Method call {0} tries to re-use an inferred callout to field (OTJLD 3.5(h)). 
-1401001 = Method binding not allowed here, {0} is not a role (OTJLD 4.1(b)).
-1401002 = Method binding not allowed here, role {0} is not played by a base class (OTJLD 4.1(b)).
-1401003 = Unsafe callin binding, because lifting to role {0} may fail due to a reported binding ambiguity (OTJLD 2.3.5(c)).
-1401004 = Unsafe callin binding, because lifting to role {0} may fail due to abstractness (OTJLD 2.3.5(c)).
-1401005 = No method {0} found in type {1} to resolve method designator (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
-1401006 = Method specifier "{0}" is ambiguous for the type {1}. Please use the exact method signature to disambiguate (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
-1401007 = Method designator binds to a method returning {0} whereas return type {1} is specified (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
-1401008 = Method specifier finds no direct match, argument of closest match is {0} instead of {1} (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
-1401009 = Duplicate callin name "{0}" (OTJLD 4.1(e)).
-1401010 = Trying to bind final method {0} from class {1} via class {2}; must bind directly to {1} (OTJLD 4.1(f).
-1401011 = Base method does not declare {0} which is thrown by the bound role method (OTJLD 4.1(g)).
-1401012 = Callin binding to constructor ''{0}'' must use the callin modifier "after" (OTJLD 4.1(i)). 
-1401013 = Callin ''{0}'' is overridden in role ''{1}'' within the same team, will have no effect (OTJLD 4.1(e)).
+141001 = Method binding not allowed here, {0} is not a role (OTJLD 4.1(b)).
+141002 = Method binding not allowed here, role {0} is not played by a base class (OTJLD 4.1(b)).
+141003 = Unsafe callin binding, because lifting to role {0} may fail due to a reported binding ambiguity (OTJLD 2.3.5(c)).
+141004 = Unsafe callin binding, because lifting to role {0} may fail due to abstractness (OTJLD 2.3.5(c)).
+141005 = No method {0} found in type {1} to resolve method designator (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
+141006 = Method specifier "{0}" is ambiguous for the type {1}. Please use the exact method signature to disambiguate (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
+141007 = Method designator binds to a method returning {0} whereas return type {1} is specified (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
+141008 = Method specifier finds no direct match, argument of closest match is {0} instead of {1} (OTJLD 4.1(c)).
+141009 = Duplicate callin name "{0}" (OTJLD 4.1(e)).
+141010 = Trying to bind final method {0} from class {1} via class {2}; must bind directly to {1} (OTJLD 4.1(f).
+141011 = Base method does not declare {0} which is thrown by the bound role method (OTJLD 4.1(g)).
+141012 = Callin binding to constructor ''{0}'' must use the callin modifier "after" (OTJLD 4.1(i)). 
+141013 = Callin ''{0}'' is overridden in role ''{1}'' within the same team, will have no effect (OTJLD 4.1(e)).
-1401099 = Bound base method {0} is deprecated.
+141099 = Bound base method {0} is deprecated.
-1402001 = Modifier ''callin'' not allowed here. Enclosing class {0} is not a role (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402002 = Illegal modifier(s) ''{0}'' for method {1}, callin method must not declare visibility (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402003 = Method {0} cannot be called explicitly; is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402004 = Cannot bind method {0} as callout; is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402005 = Cannot bind method {0} using "replace": need a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402006 = Cannot bind callin method {0} using "{1}" (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402007 = Modifier "callin" not allowed here; trying to override a method from {0} which is not a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)). 
-1402008 = Missing modifier "callin"; trying to override a method from {0} which is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1402009 = Class inherits incompatible methods {0} from {1} and {2}: conflict between callin and regular method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142001 = Modifier ''callin'' not allowed here. Enclosing class {0} is not a role (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142002 = Illegal modifier(s) ''{0}'' for method {1}, callin method must not declare visibility (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142003 = Method {0} cannot be called explicitly; is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142004 = Cannot bind method {0} as callout; is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142005 = Cannot bind method {0} using "replace": need a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142006 = Cannot bind callin method {0} using "{1}" (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142007 = Modifier "callin" not allowed here; trying to override a method from {0} which is not a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)). 
+142008 = Missing modifier "callin"; trying to override a method from {0} which is a callin method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
+142009 = Class inherits incompatible methods {0} from {1} and {2}: conflict between callin and regular method (OTJLD 4.2(d)).
-1403001 = Illegal method in base call, can only call base version of the enclosing method {0} (OTJLD 4.3(a)).
-1403002 = Base call "{0}" does not match the signature of the enclosing callin method (OTJLD 4.3(a)).
-1403003 = Potentially missing base call in callin method (OTJLD 4.3(b)).
-1403004 = This callin method has no base call (OTJLD 4.3(b)).
-1403005 = Potentially duplicate base call (OTJLD 4.3(c)).
-1403006 = This callin method calls its base method more than once (OTJLD 4.3(c)).
-1403007 = Illegal callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding nor by a base call in the bound role method (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
-1403008 = Fragile callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding. If no base call is issued, the result will be missing, causing a ResultNotProvidedException to be thrown (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
-1403009 = Fragile callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding. If no base call is issued, the result will be uninitialized (null) (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
-1403010 = Incompatible callin binding: callin method {1} contains a base super call but bound base method {0} is not overriding a super method (OTJLD 4.3(f)).
-1403011 = Base super call bypasses both the bound base method and also other callin bindings if any are bound to the same base method (OTJLD 4.3(f)).
-1403012 = Base call {0}({1}) is not applicable for the arguments ({2})
+143001 = Illegal method in base call, can only call base version of the enclosing method {0} (OTJLD 4.3(a)).
+143002 = Base call "{0}" does not match the signature of the enclosing callin method (OTJLD 4.3(a)).
+143003 = Potentially missing base call in callin method (OTJLD 4.3(b)).
+143004 = This callin method has no base call (OTJLD 4.3(b)).
+143005 = Potentially duplicate base call (OTJLD 4.3(c)).
+143006 = This callin method calls its base method more than once (OTJLD 4.3(c)).
+143007 = Illegal callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding nor by a base call in the bound role method (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
+143008 = Fragile callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding. If no base call is issued, the result will be missing, causing a ResultNotProvidedException to be thrown (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
+143009 = Fragile callin binding: base method requires a result of type {0}, which is not provided in this binding. If no base call is issued, the result will be uninitialized (null) (OTJLD 4.3(e)).
+143010 = Incompatible callin binding: callin method {1} contains a base super call but bound base method {0} is not overriding a super method (OTJLD 4.3(f)).
+143011 = Base super call bypasses both the bound base method and also other callin bindings if any are bound to the same base method (OTJLD 4.3(f)).
+143012 = Base call {0}({1}) is not applicable for the arguments ({2})
-1404000 = Syntax error: parameter mapping allowed only if methods are specified with their signatures (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404001 = Illegal use of 'result' in parameter mapping: wrong binding direction (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404002 = Method {1} does not provide enough arguments for binding to method {0} (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404003 = Parameter {0} is mapped more than once (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404004 = Cannot use 'result' here: method {0} returns void (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404005 = Incomplete parameter mapping: argument {0} of role method {1} is not mapped (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404006 = Callin after binding cannot return a value to the base caller, role method return value of type {0} will be ignored (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
-1404007 = Illegal expression in callin replace binding: here 'result' must be mapped to 'result' (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404008 = Role method "{1} {0}" bound via replace callin to method "{4} {3}" must not return a non-void result (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404009 = Callin binding:\nReturn of method {1} is incompatible with return expected by base method {0}:\nCan't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404010 = When binding method "{1} {0}" via callin to method "{4} {3}":\nBase call would require to convert return type {5} to {2} (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404011 = ''result'' can only be mapped to ''result'' (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404012 = Illegal expression in callin replace binding: cannot use base method argument in compound expression (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
-1404013 = Illegal direction ''->'' in parameter mapping for non-replace callin (OTJLD 4.4(c)).
+144000 = Syntax error: parameter mapping allowed only if methods are specified with their signatures (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144001 = Illegal use of 'result' in parameter mapping: wrong binding direction (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144002 = Method {1} does not provide enough arguments for binding to method {0} (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144003 = Parameter {0} is mapped more than once (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144004 = Cannot use 'result' here: method {0} returns void (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144005 = Incomplete parameter mapping: argument {0} of role method {1} is not mapped (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144006 = Callin after binding cannot return a value to the base caller, role method return value of type {0} will be ignored (OTJLD 4.4(a)).
+144007 = Illegal expression in callin replace binding: here 'result' must be mapped to 'result' (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144008 = Role method "{1} {0}" bound via replace callin to method "{4} {3}" must not return a non-void result (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144009 = Callin binding:\nReturn of method {1} is incompatible with return expected by base method {0}:\nCan't convert {3} to {2} (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144010 = When binding method "{1} {0}" via callin to method "{4} {3}":\nBase call would require to convert return type {5} to {2} (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144011 = ''result'' can only be mapped to ''result'' (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144012 = Illegal expression in callin replace binding: cannot use base method argument in compound expression (OTJLD 4.4(b)).
+144013 = Illegal direction ''->'' in parameter mapping for non-replace callin (OTJLD 4.4(c)).
-1405001 = Type mismatch in callin binding: cannot convert from {0} to {1} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
-1405002 = When mapping the {0}. argument of {1}: cannot convert from {2} to {3} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
+145001 = Type mismatch in callin binding: cannot convert from {0} to {1} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
+145002 = When mapping the {0}. argument of {1}: cannot convert from {2} to {3} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
 # unused:
-1405003 = The bound method {0} does not provide required result of type {1} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
-1405004 = When mapping the {2}. argument: types {0} and {1} are not two-way compatible as required for replace bindings (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
+145003 = The bound method {0} does not provide required result of type {1} (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
+145004 = When mapping the {2}. argument: types {0} and {1} are not two-way compatible as required for replace bindings (OTJLD 4.5(d)).
-1406001 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} will be overridden if the bound callin method issues a base call (OTJLD 4.6).
-1406002 = The private base feature {0} from type {1} is not available via the base type {2} (OTJLD 4.6(a)). 
+146001 = Access restriction of method {0} in type {1} will be overridden if the bound callin method issues a base call (OTJLD 4.6).
+146002 = The private base feature {0} from type {1} is not available via the base type {2} (OTJLD 4.6(a)). 
-1407001 = Cannot bind static base method {1} to non-static role method {0} (OTJLD 4.7(b)).
-1407002 = Cannot bind non-static base method {1} to static callin method {0} via replace (OTJLD 4.7(d)).
+147001 = Cannot bind static base method {1} to non-static role method {0} (OTJLD 4.7(b)).
+147002 = Cannot bind non-static base method {1} to static callin method {0} via replace (OTJLD 4.7(d)).
-1408001 = ''{4}'' callin bindings {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} refer to the same base method; must declare precedence of these bindings (OTJLD 4.8).
-1408002 = 'precedence' declaration can only refer to direct role classes, however {1} is a nested role of team {0} (OTJLD 4.8).
-1408003 = 'precedence' declaration not allowed here, enclosing type {0} is neither a team nor a role (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
-1408004 = 'precedence' declaration for 'after' binding must be specified as 'precedence after' (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
-1408005 = 'precedence after' declaration cannot refer to '{0}' bindings (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
-1408006 = Callin binding {0} not found in type {1} (OTJLD 4.8(b)).
-1408007 = Type {0} is not a legal prefix for callin {1}; Need a role or team type (OTJLD 4.8(b)).
-1408008 = Contradictory precedence lists for type {0} cannot be combined (conflicts with ''{1}'') (OTJLD 4.8(d)).
-1408009 = Contradictory precedence lists for type {0} cannot be combined (''{1}'' vs. ''{2}'') (OTJLD 4.8(d)).
-1408010 = Cannot define precedence for '{0}' and '{1}', because the former overrides the latter (OTJLD 4.8(e)).
+148001 = ''{4}'' callin bindings {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} refer to the same base method; must declare precedence of these bindings (OTJLD 4.8).
+148002 = 'precedence' declaration can only refer to direct role classes, however {1} is a nested role of team {0} (OTJLD 4.8).
+148003 = 'precedence' declaration not allowed here, enclosing type {0} is neither a team nor a role (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
+148004 = 'precedence' declaration for 'after' binding must be specified as 'precedence after' (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
+148005 = 'precedence after' declaration cannot refer to '{0}' bindings (OTJLD 4.8(a)).
+148006 = Callin binding {0} not found in type {1} (OTJLD 4.8(b)).
+148007 = Type {0} is not a legal prefix for callin {1}; Need a role or team type (OTJLD 4.8(b)).
+148008 = Contradictory precedence lists for type {0} cannot be combined (conflicts with ''{1}'') (OTJLD 4.8(d)).
+148009 = Contradictory precedence lists for type {0} cannot be combined (''{1}'' vs. ''{2}'') (OTJLD 4.8(d)).
+148010 = Cannot define precedence for '{0}' and '{1}', because the former overrides the latter (OTJLD 4.8(e)).
-1409001 = This callin binding admits covariant base method return types, must use a fresh type variable like "<E extends {0}> E" as the role side return type (OTJLD 4.9.3(c)).
+149001 = This callin binding admits covariant base method return types, must use a fresh type variable like "<E extends {0}> E" as the role side return type (OTJLD 4.9.3(c)).
-1410001 = Type variable {0} cannot capture a covariant return type because it is used more than once in this signature (OTJLD 4.10(a)). 
+149501 = Type variable {0} cannot capture a covariant return type because it is used more than once in this signature (OTJLD 4.10(a)). 
-1502001 = Within statement {0} must have a team instance as argument (OTJLD 5.2(a)).
-1504001 = Guard predicate throws checked exception {0} (OTJLD 5.4(c)).
-1504101 = ''{0}'' cannot be resolved, perhaps you need to add signatures to the callin binding in order to expose parameters/result? (OTJLD 5.4.1(a)).
-1504201 = Illegal base guard: {0} is not a bound role (OTJLD 5.4.2(f)).
+152001 = Within statement {0} must have a team instance as argument (OTJLD 5.2(a)).
+154001 = Guard predicate throws checked exception {0} (OTJLD 5.4(c)).
+154101 = ''{0}'' cannot be resolved, perhaps you need to add signatures to the callin binding in order to expose parameters/result? (OTJLD 5.4.1(a)).
+154201 = Illegal base guard: {0} is not a bound role (OTJLD 5.4.2(f)).
 ### API
-1601001 = Cannot use class literal for role {0} in a static context (OTJLD 6.1(c)).
-1601002 = Cannot use unqualified class literal for role {0} outside its enclosing team (OTJLD 6.1(c)).
-1602001 = The method {0} conflicts with a predefined method of same name and number of arguments (OTJLD 6.2).
+161001 = Cannot use class literal for role {0} in a static context (OTJLD 6.1(c)).
+161002 = Cannot use unqualified class literal for role {0} outside its enclosing team (OTJLD 6.1(c)).
+162001 = The method {0} conflicts with a predefined method of same name and number of arguments (OTJLD 6.2).
-1702001 = Role class tries to override the builtin type org.objectteams.Team.{0} (OTJLD 7.2(a)).
-1702002 = An array of confined roles is not compatible with java.lang.Object (OTJLD 7.2(b)).
+172001 = Role class tries to override the builtin type org.objectteams.Team.{0} (OTJLD 7.2(a)).
+172002 = An array of confined roles is not compatible with java.lang.Object (OTJLD 7.2(b)).
-1900210 = Parameter is not a value (OTJLD 9.2.1).
-1900211 = Parameter cannot be resolved to an object reference (OTJLD 9.2.1).
-1900212 = Parameter '{0}' cannot be resolved (OTJLD 9.2.1).
-1900213 = Parameter does not match declaration of value parameter '{0} {1}' (OTJLD 9.2.1).
-1900214 = Illegal use of value parameter: type {0} does not declare a value parameter at position {1} (OTJLD 9.2.1).
-1900215 = Cannot rebind the anchor {1} of type variable {0} (OTJLD 9.2.1(a)).
+190210 = Parameter is not a value (OTJLD 9.2.1).
+190211 = Parameter cannot be resolved to an object reference (OTJLD 9.2.1).
+190212 = Parameter '{0}' cannot be resolved (OTJLD 9.2.1).
+190213 = Parameter does not match declaration of value parameter '{0} {1}' (OTJLD 9.2.1).
+190214 = Illegal use of value parameter: type {0} does not declare a value parameter at position {1} (OTJLD 9.2.1).
+190215 = Cannot rebind the anchor {1} of type variable {0} (OTJLD 9.2.1(a)).
-1900220 = Bound mismatch: The type {0} is not a valid substitute for the value dependent parameter <{2}> of the type {1} (OTJLD 9.2.2)
+190220 = Bound mismatch: The type {0} is not a valid substitute for the value dependent parameter <{2}> of the type {1} (OTJLD 9.2.2)
-2000101 = Object Teams keyword not enabled in this scope (OTJLD A.0.1).
-2000201 = Illegal superclass: Name of method ''{0}'' inherited from {1} is a keyword in OT/J (OTJLD A.0.2).
-2000301 = Illegal identifier {0} (OTJLD A.0.3).
+200101 = Object Teams keyword not enabled in this scope (OTJLD A.0.1).
+200201 = Illegal superclass: Name of method ''{0}'' inherited from {1} is a keyword in OT/J (OTJLD A.0.2).
+200301 = Illegal identifier {0} (OTJLD A.0.3).
-2001101 = Illegal ''playedBy'' declaration: class {0} is not a role (OTJLD A.1.1(a)).
+201101 = Illegal ''playedBy'' declaration: class {0} is not a role (OTJLD A.1.1(a)).
-2003101 = Method binding must be directly contained in a class (OTJLD A.3.1).
-2003201 = Modifiers not allowed in short callout bindings (OTJLD A.3.2).
-2003202 = Illegal modifier for callout binding (only public, protected or private allowed here) (OTJLD A.3.2).
-2003203 = Illegal method designator: illegal constructor reference or missing return type (OTJLD A.3.2). 
-2003204 = Syntax error: missing return type for method designator (OTJLD A.3.2). 
-2003301 = Modifiers not allowed in callin bindings (OTJLD A.3.3).
-2003302 = Syntax error: callin label must be a simple name (OTJLD A.3.3).
-2003303 = Callin modifier (before, after or replace) missing for callin-binding {0} (OTJLD A.3.3).
-2003304 = Syntax error: right hand side of method binding does not specify type arguments (OTJLD A.3.3).
-2003305 = Syntax error: callin annotations must be specified after the callin name (OTJLD A.3.3).
+203101 = Method binding must be directly contained in a class (OTJLD A.3.1).
+203201 = Modifiers not allowed in short callout bindings (OTJLD A.3.2).
+203202 = Illegal modifier for callout binding (only public, protected or private allowed here) (OTJLD A.3.2).
+203203 = Illegal method designator: illegal constructor reference or missing return type (OTJLD A.3.2). 
+203204 = Syntax error: missing return type for method designator (OTJLD A.3.2). 
+203301 = Modifiers not allowed in callin bindings (OTJLD A.3.3).
+203302 = Syntax error: callin label must be a simple name (OTJLD A.3.3).
+203303 = Callin modifier (before, after or replace) missing for callin-binding {0} (OTJLD A.3.3).
+203304 = Syntax error: right hand side of method binding does not specify type arguments (OTJLD A.3.3).
+203305 = Syntax error: callin annotations must be specified after the callin name (OTJLD A.3.3).
-2003501 = Method designator must not specify a modifier (OTJLD A.3.5). 
+203501 = Method designator must not specify a modifier (OTJLD A.3.5). 
-2006001 = Syntax Error: Declared lifting type not support in this position (OTJLD A.6(a)).
+206001 = Syntax Error: Declared lifting type not support in this position (OTJLD A.6(a)).
-2007001 = Syntax Error: missing boolean expression for guard predicate (OTJLD A.7.1).
+207001 = Syntax Error: missing boolean expression for guard predicate (OTJLD A.7.1).
-2009001 = Illegal position for value parameter {0}: must be a parameter of a single name type reference(OTJLD A.9(a)).
+209001 = Illegal position for value parameter {0}: must be a parameter of a single name type reference(OTJLD A.9(a)).
-2010001 = Syntax error, SingleTypeReference expected (OTJLD 1.2.4(c)).
+209501 = Syntax error, SingleTypeReference expected (OTJLD 1.2.4(c)).
-2100001 = Limitation: generics not supported in this position.
-2100002 = Internal method for lifting type {0} to role {1} has not been generated.
-2100003 = Compiler limitation: This constructor seems to request lifting of an argument. However, the self call in {0} of class {1} passes its arguments in an unexpected way. Cannot perform required transitive byte-code translation.
-2100006 = Requesting role file {0} for team {1} which is already compiled (compiler limitation).
-2100007 = Role {0} is missing for binary team {1} (compiler limitation).
-2100008 = Role {0} has not been copied (implicit inheritance) to team {1} (probably caused by some other error).
-2100009 = Cannot generate method {0}, tsuper method has corrupt byte code. This may or may not be caused by an internal compiler error.
-2100010 = Implicit super role has incompatible byte code, offending name: ''{0}''. It was probably compiled for an incompatible JRE.
-2100011 = Limitation: compiler support for dependent types is incomplete: {0}.
-2100012 = Using an experimental feature: {0}.
-2100013 = Role {0} seems to refer to a stale tsuper role {1}: tsuper method {2} cannot be resolved. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
-2100014 = Role {1} seems to require recompilation due to changes in super role {0}. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
-2100015 = A synthetic access method for field {1} is missing in type {0}. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
-2100016 = Compiler limitation: wrong compilation order for role {0} as a member of team {1} which is already compiled.
-2100017 = Incremental compilation problem: role {0} consists of a source and a binary part. 
-2100018 = Internal representations of role {0} and {1} are inconsistent.
-2100019 = Compiler limitation: unsupported compilation order: ''{0}''.
-2100020 = Incomplete incremental build: did not generate callin binding for role {0}.\nBefore launching the application please perform a full build.
-2100021 = Cannot resolve base class for type {0}: unexpected build order (please consider a full build for this project).
-2100022 = Compiler limitation: the role field {0} can only be static if it is also declared final.
-2100023 = Illegally copied default constructor, role {0} is a bound role.
-2100024 = Modifier "readonly" is not yet supported.
-2100025 = Missing compiler implementation: {0} is not yet supported.
-2100026 = Base class {0} appears to be a system class, which means that load time weaving could possibly fail\nif this class is loaded from rt.jar/the bootstrap classpath.
-2100027 = Dangerous callin binding: {0} is used internally during lifting, which could create infinite recursion.
-2100028 = Compiler limitation: can't copy annotation ''{0}'' for implicitly inherited field ''{1}'': unexpected structure.
-2100029 = Class file {0} has incompatible OT/J byte code version {1}, please consider a full build of the declaring project.
-2100030 = Implementation limitation: Callin binding to an interface ({0}) is not supported.
-2100031 = Corrupt byte code: attempt to invoke abstract method {0}.
-2100032 = Role file {0} lacks a team package declaration, is this file on its project's classpath? 
-2100033 = Base class {0} has class file version {1} which cannot be handled by the traditional OTRE based on BCEL. Please consider using the ASM based OTDRE instead.
-2100034 = Class file {0} has been compiled for incompatible weaving target '{1}', please consider a full build of the declaring project.
+210001 = Limitation: generics not supported in this position.
+210002 = Internal method for lifting type {0} to role {1} has not been generated.
+210003 = Compiler limitation: This constructor seems to request lifting of an argument. However, the self call in {0} of class {1} passes its arguments in an unexpected way. Cannot perform required transitive byte-code translation.
+210006 = Requesting role file {0} for team {1} which is already compiled (compiler limitation).
+210007 = Role {0} is missing for binary team {1} (compiler limitation).
+210008 = Role {0} has not been copied (implicit inheritance) to team {1} (probably caused by some other error).
+210009 = Cannot generate method {0}, tsuper method has corrupt byte code. This may or may not be caused by an internal compiler error.
+210010 = Implicit super role has incompatible byte code, offending name: ''{0}''. It was probably compiled for an incompatible JRE.
+210011 = Limitation: compiler support for dependent types is incomplete: {0}.
+210012 = Using an experimental feature: {0}.
+210013 = Role {0} seems to refer to a stale tsuper role {1}: tsuper method {2} cannot be resolved. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
+210014 = Role {1} seems to require recompilation due to changes in super role {0}. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
+210015 = A synthetic access method for field {1} is missing in type {0}. Please consider a full rebuild of the enclosing project.
+210016 = Compiler limitation: wrong compilation order for role {0} as a member of team {1} which is already compiled.
+210017 = Incremental compilation problem: role {0} consists of a source and a binary part. 
+210018 = Internal representations of role {0} and {1} are inconsistent.
+210019 = Compiler limitation: unsupported compilation order: ''{0}''.
+210020 = Incomplete incremental build: did not generate callin binding for role {0}.\nBefore launching the application please perform a full build.
+210021 = Cannot resolve base class for type {0}: unexpected build order (please consider a full build for this project).
+210022 = Compiler limitation: the role field {0} can only be static if it is also declared final.
+210023 = Illegally copied default constructor, role {0} is a bound role.
+210024 = Modifier "readonly" is not yet supported.
+210025 = Missing compiler implementation: {0} is not yet supported.
+210026 = Base class {0} appears to be a system class, which means that load time weaving could possibly fail\nif this class is loaded from rt.jar/the bootstrap classpath.
+210027 = Dangerous callin binding: {0} is used internally during lifting, which could create infinite recursion.
+210028 = Compiler limitation: can't copy annotation ''{0}'' for implicitly inherited field ''{1}'': unexpected structure.
+210029 = Class file {0} has incompatible OT/J byte code version {1}, please consider a full build of the declaring project.
+210030 = Implementation limitation: Callin binding to an interface ({0}) is not supported.
+210031 = Corrupt byte code: attempt to invoke abstract method {0}.
+210032 = Role file {0} lacks a team package declaration, is this file on its project's classpath? 
+210033 = Base class {0} has class file version {1} which cannot be handled by the traditional OTRE based on BCEL. Please consider using the ASM based OTDRE instead.
+210034 = Class file {0} has been compiled for incompatible weaving target '{1}', please consider a full build of the declaring project.
-2200001 = Type {0} does not support team migration, only applicable for roles (OT/J experimental feature).
-2200002 = Team migration not possible because enclosing team class {0} is not final (OT/J experimental feature). 
-2200003 = Argument is not a valid new team anchor (OT/J experimental feature).
-2200004 = The special method {1}.migrateToTeam({2}) is not applicable for the arguments ({0}).
-2200005 = Team migration not possible in the current implementation because {0} is a bound role class (OT/J experimental feature).
+220001 = Type {0} does not support team migration, only applicable for roles (OT/J experimental feature).
+220002 = Team migration not possible because enclosing team class {0} is not final (OT/J experimental feature). 
+220003 = Argument is not a valid new team anchor (OT/J experimental feature).
+220004 = The special method {1}.migrateToTeam({2}) is not applicable for the arguments ({0}).
+220005 = Team migration not possible in the current implementation because {0} is a bound role class (OT/J experimental feature).
-2200010 = Type {0} does not support base migration; this is only applicable for roles (OT/J experimental feature).
-2200011 = Role {0} cannot support base migration because it is not bound to a base class (OT/J experimental feature).
-2200012 = The special method {1}.migrateToBase({2}) is not applicable for the arguments ({0}). 
+220010 = Type {0} does not support base migration; this is only applicable for roles (OT/J experimental feature).
+220011 = Role {0} cannot support base migration because it is not bound to a base class (OT/J experimental feature).
+220012 = The special method {1}.migrateToBase({2}) is not applicable for the arguments ({0}).