blob: af747c96b75a946e1d2bc97e19e20a675867885f [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2003, 2010 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23416 2010-02-03 19:59:31Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup;
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.CompilationUnitScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ExtraCompilerModifiers;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.PackageBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ParameterizedFieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ParameterizedTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemReasons;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SyntheticArgumentBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TagBits;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.VariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.OTNameUtils;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Config;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Dependencies;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.ITranslationStates;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.RoleModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TeamModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.RoleSplitter;
* NEW for OTDT.
* The type of a role is wrapped by a RoleTypeBinding.
* This class takes care of anchoring each role type to an enclosing Team instance.
* If the type anchor (a VariableBinding) is typed to a sub-type of
* the Team containing the original role type,
* we use the corresponding role from the sub-Team.
* What: Signature weakening
* Why: Creation of a RTB might pass a role type from a super team together with an anchor
* from a sub-team due to signature weakening.
* How: Effecting the byte code generation:
* + Store weak type in _declaredRoleType as used for constantPoolName()
* also TypeAnalyzer.getMethodReturnTypeReference() uses _declaredRoleType() [should others, too?]
* + roleModel, _teamModel are kept consistent with _declaredRoleType,
* roleModel is used by TeamAnchor registerRoleType -> tell those types apart
* that will generate different byte code!
* For use by type checking:
* + Stronger type derived from team anchor is stored in _staticallyKnownRole{Class,Type}
* What: Role types anchored to a method parameter
* Why: These require special substitution strategy, since argument names may not be available
* when processing message sends, so positions must be used instead.
* How: Store _argumentPosition of team anchor.
* Persist this position in AnchorListAttribute
* Map anchor in AnchorMapping (several locations)
* Setting _argumentPosition happens in
* + RoleTypeCreator.getParameterType() (case of source type)
* + AnchorListAttribute.getWrappedType() (case of binary type)
* What: Break circularity of org.objectteams.Team$__OT__Confined
* Why: Copies of __OT__Confined are the only classes, whose superclass-link
* actually uses the tsuper role from org.objectteams.Team.
* (so only this predefined class has a null-superclass).
* Function superclass() would loop for ever on these types, because
* using a TThis-anchor it would remap the super class Team.__OT__Confined
* to its copy in the current team => class and its superclass are the same!
* How: For confined classes preserve the actual enclosing type rather then
* deducing that from the team anchor (RoleTypeBinding(ITeamAnchor, ReferenceBinding))
* -----------
* What: Instantiated types (with different team anchors)
* How: Register these in _instantiatedTypes(), managed by
* + maybeInstantiate()
* - registerAnchor() (for use by our constructors only)
* What: Arrays (with different dimensions)
* Where: _arrayBindings stores all known array types derived from a given RTB
* This field is encapsulated by getArrayType(dims)
* Also: maybeInstantiate(teamAnchor, dimensions), ITeamAnchor.getRoleTypeBinding(type, dims)
* -----------
* What: Forward API-functions to either _staticallyKnownRoleType or ..Class
* How: Type: methods and constant fields
* Class: fields, constructors, memberTypes
* --------------
* What: Main entry is "isCompatibleWith()"
* This function has a side effect in possible calling
* Config.setCastRequired(), Config.setLoweringRequired()
* -----------------------
* What: When accessing a role field, the role expression has to be wrapped with a cast.
* Why: Role expressions are typed to the interface, fields however reside in the class.
* Where: checkReplaceFieldAccess()
* TODO(SH): This class manifests a current compiler limitation: an outer scope cannot
* access a field of a contained role. This is so difficult, because:
* - cast to role class locks to a concrete class, breaks implicit inheritance.
* - cast method is dynamically bound does not return role _class_
* - the need for access methods which could make this would sometimes be
* detected far too late.
* @author stephan
public class RoleTypeBinding extends DependentTypeBinding
implements IRoleTypeBinding, IOTConstants, ProblemReasons
// used to signal that no valid anchor was found:
public static final VariableBinding NoAnchor = new LocalVariableBinding(
"<no valid anchor>".toCharArray(), TypeBinding.NULL, ClassFileConstants.AccFinal, false); //$NON-NLS-1$
public ReferenceBinding _declaredRoleType; // as passed to the constructor FIXME(SH): fade out
private ReferenceBinding _staticallyKnownRoleType; // the interface FIXME(SH): unify with DTB._type
private ReferenceBinding _staticallyKnownRoleClass; // the class if we have one
public ReferenceBinding _staticallyKnownTeam; // the static type of the team anchor
private ReferenceBinding _superClass; // caches the result of superclass()
// ============= CREATION AND INSTANCE REGISTRY: ===================
public RoleTypeBinding(ReferenceBinding genericType, TypeBinding[] typeArguments, ITeamAnchor teamAnchor, ReferenceBinding enclosingType, LookupEnvironment lookupEnvironment)
super(genericType.getRealType(), typeArguments, teamAnchor, enclosingType, lookupEnvironment);
initialize(genericType, teamAnchor);
private void initialize(ReferenceBinding roleType, ITeamAnchor teamAnchor)
// FIXME(SH): is it OK to strip ParameterizedFields?
if (teamAnchor instanceof ParameterizedFieldBinding)
teamAnchor = ((ParameterizedFieldBinding)teamAnchor).original();
initializeDependentType(teamAnchor, -1); // role type bindings have no explicit value parameters
// infer argument position.
ITeamAnchor firstAnchorSegment = teamAnchor.getBestNamePath()[0];
if ( firstAnchorSegment instanceof LocalVariableBinding
&& (((LocalVariableBinding)firstAnchorSegment).tagBits & TagBits.IsArgument) != 0)
LocalVariableBinding argumentBinding = (LocalVariableBinding)firstAnchorSegment;
this._argumentPosition = argumentBinding.resolvedPosition;
final MethodScope methodScope = argumentBinding.declaringScope.methodScope();
if (methodScope != null)
// if scope is a callout, role method may not yet be resolved, defer:
this._declaringMethod = new IMethodProvider() {
private MethodBinding binding;
public MethodBinding getMethod() {
if (this.binding == null)
this.binding = methodScope.referenceMethodBinding();
return this.binding;
// compute the team:
if (CharOperation.equals(roleType.compoundName, IOTConstants.ORG_OBJECTTEAMS_TEAM_OTCONFINED))
// the following is needed in order to break the circularity
// of roles extending the predefined Team.__OT__Confined (see class comment)
this._staticallyKnownTeam = roleType.enclosingType();
else if (teamAnchor == NoAnchor)
this._staticallyKnownTeam = roleType.enclosingType();
// compute role class and role interface (by name manipulation):
if (RoleSplitter.isClassPartName(roleType.sourceName)) {
this._staticallyKnownRoleClass = roleType.getRealClass();
char[] typeName = RoleSplitter.getInterfacePartName(roleType.sourceName);
this._staticallyKnownRoleType = this._staticallyKnownTeam.getMemberType(typeName);
} else {
this._staticallyKnownRoleType = roleType.getRealType();
char[] className = CharOperation.concat(
this._staticallyKnownRoleClass = this._staticallyKnownTeam.getMemberType(className);
this._staticallyKnownRoleClass = transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleClass);
this._staticallyKnownRoleType = transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleType);
this._declaredRoleType = this._staticallyKnownRoleType;
// keep these consistent with _declaredRoleType:
this.roleModel = this._declaredRoleType.roleModel;
this._teamModel = this._declaredRoleType.getTeamModel();
assert TypeBinding.equalsEquals(this._staticallyKnownTeam.getRealClass().original(), roleType.enclosingType().original()): "weakening not using WeakenedTypeBinding"; //$NON-NLS-1$
// some adjustments after all fields are known:
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(this._staticallyKnownTeam, roleType.enclosingType()))
this._staticallyKnownRoleType = this._staticallyKnownTeam.getMemberType(roleType.sourceName);
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
this.modifiers = this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.modifiers;
// after we might have overwritten the modifiers restore some bits in the vein of ParameterizedTypeBinding:
if (this.arguments != null) {
this.modifiers |= ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature;
} else if (this.enclosingType() != null) {
this.modifiers |= (this.enclosingType().modifiers & ExtraCompilerModifiers.AccGenericSignature);
this.tagBits |= this.enclosingType().tagBits & (TagBits.HasTypeVariable | TagBits.HasMissingType);
// record as known role type at teamAnchor and in our own cache
public TypeBinding clone(TypeBinding outerType) {
RoleTypeBinding clone = new RoleTypeBinding(this.type, typeArguments(), this._teamAnchor, (ReferenceBinding) outerType, this.environment);
return clone;
// hook of maybeInstantiate
TypeBinding forAnchor(ITeamAnchor anchor, int dimensions) {
return anchor.getRoleTypeBinding(this._staticallyKnownRoleType, dimensions);
// cache field for use only by the following method
HashMap<ReferenceBinding, DependentTypeBinding> weakenedTypes;
public ReferenceBinding weakenFrom(ReferenceBinding other) {
if (other instanceof RoleTypeBinding) {
if (this.weakenedTypes == null)
this.weakenedTypes = new HashMap<ReferenceBinding, DependentTypeBinding>();
ReferenceBinding knownWeakened = this.weakenedTypes.get(other);
if (knownWeakened != null)
return knownWeakened;
RoleTypeBinding otherRTB = (RoleTypeBinding)other;
DependentTypeBinding newWeakened = new WeakenedTypeBinding(this, otherRTB._declaredRoleType, this.environment);
this.weakenedTypes.put(other, newWeakened);
return newWeakened;
return other;
/** Get a RoleTypeBinding from given type, either by casting or by unwrapping a weakened type. */
public static RoleTypeBinding getRoleTypeBinding(TypeBinding binding) {
if (binding instanceof WeakenedTypeBinding)
return getRoleTypeBinding(((WeakenedTypeBinding)binding).type);
return (RoleTypeBinding)binding;
// Are two given types basically the same type (not considering
// role wrapping or different class/ifc view)?
public static boolean type_eq(ReferenceBinding left, ReferenceBinding right) {
// null-checks allways first:
if (left == null) {
if (right == null) return true;
else return false;
if (right == null) return false;
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(left.erasure(), right.erasure()))
return true;
if (left instanceof RoleTypeBinding) {
RoleTypeBinding leftRole = (RoleTypeBinding)left;
if (right instanceof RoleTypeBinding)
return TypeBinding.equalsEquals(left.getRealType(), ((RoleTypeBinding)right).getRealType());
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(leftRole.getRealType(), right))
return true;
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(leftRole.getRealClass(), right))
return true;
} else if (right instanceof RoleTypeBinding) {
RoleTypeBinding rightRole = (RoleTypeBinding)right;
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(rightRole.getRealType(), left))
return true;
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(rightRole.getRealClass(), left))
return true;
return false;
* Stricter comparison: almost as "==", allow different but equivalent type anchors.
* Similar to isEquivalentTo, but symmetric.
* @param left
* @param right
* @return whether or not left and right are regarded as equal as defined above.
public static boolean eq(TypeBinding left, TypeBinding right) {
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(left, right)) return true;
DependentTypeBinding leftDep= null;
DependentTypeBinding rightDep= null;
// nesting occurs for WeakenedTypeBinding(RoleTypeBinding), e.g.
while (left instanceof DependentTypeBinding) {
leftDep= (DependentTypeBinding)left;
left= leftDep.type;
while (right instanceof DependentTypeBinding) {
rightDep= (DependentTypeBinding)right;
right= rightDep.type;
return leftDep != null && rightDep != null
&& leftDep._teamAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(rightDep._teamAnchor)
&& CharOperation.equals(left.internalName(), right.internalName());
public boolean isRoleType() {
return true;
public boolean isPlainDependentType() {
return false;
public static boolean isRoleTypeOrArrayOfRole(TypeBinding binding) {
if ((binding.tagBits & TagBits.IsBaseType) != 0)
return false;
// if (binding.isParameterizedType()) {
// ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedType = (ParameterizedTypeBinding)binding;
// if (isRoleTypeOrArrayOfRole(parameterizedType.actualType()))
// return true;
// for (TypeBinding typeArg : parameterizedType.arguments)
// if (isRoleTypeOrArrayOfRole(typeArg)) return true;
// return false;
// }
TypeBinding leafType = binding.leafComponentType();
return leafType != null && leafType.isRoleType();
* Is param a role type with explicit anchor?
* @param type any type binding.
* @return the answer
public static boolean isRoleWithExplicitAnchor(TypeBinding type) {
if (type == null)
return false;
if (!type.isRoleType())
return false;
return ((DependentTypeBinding)type).hasExplicitAnchor();
* Is param a role type with no explicit anchor?
* @param type any type binding.
* @return the answer
public static boolean isRoleWithoutExplicitAnchor(TypeBinding type) {
if (type == null)
return false;
if (!type.isRoleType())
return false;
return !((DependentTypeBinding)type).hasExplicitAnchor();
public DependentTypeBinding asPlainDependentType() {
return null;
* Answer whether the method has a parameter of a type of a role such that
* <ul>
* <li>the role is a role of the type declaring the method, and</li>
* <li>the parameter type is used by a simple reference, i.e., not explicitly anchored.</li>
* </ul>
* @param method
* @return the answer
public static boolean hasNonExternalizedRoleParameter(MethodBinding method) {
ReferenceBinding declaringClass = method.declaringClass;
TypeBinding[] parameters = method.parameters;
for (int j = 0; j < parameters.length; j++) {
TypeBinding leafType = parameters[j].leafComponentType();
if ( isRoleWithoutExplicitAnchor(leafType)
&& TypeBinding.equalsEquals(((ReferenceBinding)leafType).enclosingType(), declaringClass))
return true;
return false;
// ============= Begin Instance Methods ===============
public ITeamAnchor[] getAnchorBestName() {
return this._teamAnchor.getBestNamePath();
* For field lookup we give the real role class "__OT__Role".
public ReferenceBinding getRealClass()
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getRealClass();
* For type comparison we give the real role type "Role".
public ReferenceBinding getRealType()
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType;
/** Answer the type that will be used in the class file: */
public TypeBinding erasure() {
return this.type.erasure();
public ReferenceBinding genericType() {
// check if any regular genericity is involved:
if (this.arguments == null) {
if (this.type instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding)
return ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) this.type).genericType();
return this; // no regular type parameters/arguments involved
return super.genericType();
* Is type `other' a sibling role of current?
public boolean isSiblingRole(SourceTypeBinding other) {
return TypeBinding.equalsEquals(enclosingType(), other.enclosingType());
* Would 'role' be the same type as 'this' if it had 'anchor'?
* @param role
* @param anchor
public boolean isSameType(RoleTypeBinding role, ITeamAnchor anchor) {
TypeBinding.equalsEquals(role._staticallyKnownRoleType, this._staticallyKnownRoleType)
&& TypeBinding.equalsEquals(role._staticallyKnownTeam, this._staticallyKnownTeam)
&& this._teamAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(anchor);
// ============== forward most queries to the _staticallyKnownRoleType. ====================
// --------- Find fields in the class:
public FieldBinding[] availableFields() {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null)
return Binding.NO_FIELDS;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.availableFields();
public int fieldCount() {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null)
return 0;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.fieldCount();
public FieldBinding[] fields() {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null)
return Binding.NO_FIELDS;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.fields();
public FieldBinding getField(char[] fieldName, boolean needResolve) {
// normal case first:
FieldBinding result = null;
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null) {
result = this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.getField(fieldName, needResolve);
if (result != null)
return result;
// static final fields are found in the interface part:
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getField(fieldName, needResolve);
// ------------- Find methods in the interface:
public MethodBinding[] getMethods(char[] selector) {
if (this.methods == null && !isParameterizedType())
return this.type.getMethods(selector);
return super.getMethods(selector);
public MethodBinding[] availableMethods() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.availableMethods();
/* well, constructors are actually in the class: */
public MethodBinding getExactConstructor(TypeBinding[] argumentTypes) {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null) {
// try self-healing:
this._staticallyKnownRoleClass = this.roleModel.getClassPartBinding();
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null)
throw new InternalCompilerError("Searching for constructor in pure interface role " //$NON-NLS-1$
+new String(this._staticallyKnownRoleType.sourceName()));
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.getExactConstructor(argumentTypes);
public MethodBinding getExactMethod(char[] selector, TypeBinding[] argumentTypes, CompilationUnitScope refScope) {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getExactMethod(selector, argumentTypes, refScope);
/* Implement OT-specific addition to ReferenceBinding. */
public void addMethod(MethodBinding method) {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null) {
MethodBinding ifcPart = new MethodBinding(method, this._staticallyKnownRoleType);
ifcPart.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccAbstract;
public boolean canBeInstantiated() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.canBeInstantiated();
// ===== can't redefine finals! =====
// public final boolean canBeSeenBy(PackageBinding invocationPackage) {
// public final boolean canBeSeenBy(ReferenceBinding receiverType, SourceTypeBinding invocationType) {
// public final boolean canBeSeenBy(Scope scope) {
// public final int depth() {
// public final boolean isViewedAsDeprecated() {
// public final ReferenceBinding enclosingTypeAt(int relativeDepth) {
// these simply operate on this.modifiers:
// public final int getAccessFlags() {
// public final boolean isAbstract() {
// public final boolean isAnonymousType() {
// public final boolean isBinaryBinding() {
// public final boolean isTeam() {
// public final boolean isRole() {
// public final boolean isDefault() {
// public final boolean isDeprecated() {
// public final boolean isFinal() {
// public final boolean isInterface() {
// public final boolean isLocalType() {
// public final boolean isMemberType() {
// public final boolean isNestedType() {
// public final boolean isPrivate() {
// public final boolean isPrivateUsed() {
// public final boolean isProtected() {
// public final boolean isPublic() {
// public final boolean isStatic() {
// public final boolean isStrictfp() {
public TeamModel getTeamModel() {
if (this._teamModel != null)
return this._teamModel;
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
this._teamModel = this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.getTeamModel();
if (this._teamModel != null)
return this._teamModel;
this._teamModel = this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getTeamModel();
return this._teamModel;
public final boolean isClass() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null;
public boolean isRole() {
return true;
public boolean isSourceRole() {
return true;
public boolean isDirectRole() {
return true;
public void computeId() {
public char[] getFileName() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getFileName();
public ReferenceBinding[] memberTypes() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.memberTypes();
public ReferenceBinding getMemberType(char[] typeName) {
ReferenceBinding result = this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getMemberType(typeName);
if (result != null)
return result;
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null)
return null;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.getMemberType(typeName);
public SyntheticArgumentBinding[] valueParamSynthArgs() {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.valueParamSynthArgs();
public PackageBinding getPackage() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.getPackage();
public ReferenceBinding superclass() {
// 0. a stored superclass:
if (this._superClass != null)
return this._superClass;
// 1. a direct super-role is found as the superclass of this role's class:
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null) {
ReferenceBinding superClass = this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.superclass();
if ((superClass != null) && (superClass.isDirectRole()))
// 1.a: a confined type "as-is": don't instantiate/strengthen
if ( OTNameUtils.isPredefinedConfined(superClass.compoundName)
|| CharOperation.equals(IOTConstants.OTCONFINED, superClass.sourceName))
return this._superClass = superClass;
// 1.b: instantiate superclass to the current team anchor:
superClass = (ReferenceBinding)this._teamAnchor.getRoleTypeBinding(
0); // dimensions=0 => the above cast is safe.
// 1.c: strengthen weakened type:
if (superClass instanceof WeakenedTypeBinding) {
// TODO(SH): comment: how come this is possible? why is depth relevant?
if (superClass.depth() >= depth()) {
return null; // FIXME(SH): find a witness or delete this branch
} else {
// using "extends" accross team border:
superClass = ((WeakenedTypeBinding)superClass).type;
return this._superClass = superClass;
// 2. non-role superclass as the superclass of the role's interfaces:
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleType != null)
return this._superClass = this._staticallyKnownRoleType.superclass();
return null;
public boolean isHierarchyConnected() {
return this.type.isHierarchyConnected();
public ReferenceBinding[] syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.syntheticEnclosingInstanceTypes();
public SyntheticArgumentBinding[] syntheticOuterLocalVariables() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.syntheticOuterLocalVariables();
/* To check whether a role type implements a given role interface,
* we need to take our role CLASS and the other side's INTERFACE,
* extracting this from a RoleTypeBinding if needed.
public boolean implementsInterface(ReferenceBinding anInterface, boolean searchHierarchy) {
if (anInterface instanceof RoleTypeBinding)
// TODO (SH): check Team equivalence
anInterface = ((RoleTypeBinding)anInterface)._staticallyKnownRoleType;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.implementsInterface(anInterface, searchHierarchy);
public boolean implementsMethod(MethodBinding method) {
return ((AbstractOTReferenceBinding)this._staticallyKnownRoleType).implementsMethod(method);
* For superclass test, take the role CLASSES on both sides.
public boolean isSuperclassOf(ReferenceBinding otherType) {
if (otherType instanceof RoleTypeBinding)
// TODO (SH): check Team equivalence?
otherType = ((RoleTypeBinding)otherType)._staticallyKnownRoleType;
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.isSuperclassOf(otherType);
/* mainly forward: */
public TypeBinding findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(TypeBinding otherType) {
if (otherType instanceof ReferenceBinding) {
ReferenceBinding otherRef = (ReferenceBinding)otherType;
// interface part first:
ReferenceBinding ifcBinding = this.transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleType);
TypeBinding superRef = ifcBinding.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(otherRef.getRealType());
// for regular superclass also search class part:
if (superRef == null && this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null) {
ReferenceBinding classBinding = this.transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleClass);
superRef = classBinding.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(otherRef.getRealClass());
if (superRef != null && (Config.getCastRequired() == null)) {
// compatible via role class only with a cast,
// use the actually expected type to mark this.
if (superRef != null) {
if (superRef.isRole())
return this._teamAnchor.getRoleTypeBinding((ReferenceBinding) superRef, 0);
return superRef;
return null;
public ReferenceBinding findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(int wellKnownOriginalID, boolean originalIsClass) {
// interface part first:
ReferenceBinding ifcBinding = this.transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleType);
ReferenceBinding superRef = ifcBinding.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(wellKnownOriginalID, originalIsClass);
// for regular superclass also search class part:
if (superRef == null && this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null) {
ReferenceBinding classBinding = this.transferTypeArguments(this._staticallyKnownRoleClass);
superRef = classBinding.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(wellKnownOriginalID, originalIsClass);
if (superRef != null) {
if (superRef.isRole())
return (ReferenceBinding) this._teamAnchor.getRoleTypeBinding(superRef, 0);
return superRef;
return null;
/** Forward to either part: */
public boolean isProvablyDistinct(TypeBinding otherType) {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleType != null && !this._staticallyKnownRoleType.isProvablyDistinct(otherType))
return false;
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null && !this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.isProvablyDistinct(otherType))
return false;
return true;
public void setIsBoundBase(ReferenceBinding roleType) {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleType != null)
* Answer true if the receiver type can be assigned to the argument type (right).
* Compare team-anchor and role-type.
* Note, that the type of _teamAnchor and _staticallyKnownTeam may differ.
* The former is relevant for type-checking. the latter serves mainly for code generation
* and for determining overriding.
public boolean isCompatibleWith(TypeBinding right, /*@Nullable*/ Scope captureScope) {
if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(right, this))
return true;
if (!(right instanceof ReferenceBinding))
return false;
if (right.isRawType() && this.erasure().isCompatibleWith(right, captureScope))
return true;
ReferenceBinding referenceBinding = (ReferenceBinding) right;
if (referenceBinding.isRoleType())
RoleTypeBinding rightRole = getRoleTypeBinding(referenceBinding);
ReferenceBinding rightTeam = referenceBinding.enclosingType();
// compare teams:
if (!this._teamAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(rightRole._teamAnchor))
{ // different anchors, not both tthis: not compatible!
return isCompatibleViaLowering(rightRole);
// compensate weakened signature:
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(rightRole._staticallyKnownTeam, this._staticallyKnownTeam)) {
try {
if (TeamModel.areTypesCompatible(
ReferenceBinding leftStrengthened = this._teamAnchor.getMemberTypeOfType(internalName());
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(leftStrengthened, this))
return leftStrengthened.isCompatibleWith(right, captureScope);
else if (TeamModel.areTypesCompatible(
rightRole = (RoleTypeBinding)this._teamAnchor.getMemberTypeOfType(rightRole.internalName());
} else {
return false;
} finally {
Config.setCastRequired(null); // reset
// check the role types:
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleType.
isCompatibleWith(rightRole._staticallyKnownRoleType, captureScope))
return true;
if ( referenceBinding.isInterface()
&& implementsInterface(referenceBinding, true))
return true;
if ( this._staticallyKnownRoleClass == null
&& this._staticallyKnownRoleType.isCompatibleWith(referenceBinding, false, captureScope))
return true; // this case is wittnessed by: "this=RoleIfc", right="Object"; other examples?
// do we need the class part instead of the interface part?
if ( (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
&& this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.isStrictlyCompatibleWith(referenceBinding, captureScope)
&& !TeamModel.isTeamContainingRole(this._staticallyKnownTeam, referenceBinding))
// Cast from a role to its non-role superclass
// (Interfaces do not reflect this compatibility, thus we need to help here).
return true;
// after everything else has failed try lowering:
return isCompatibleViaLowering(referenceBinding);
// check if upcast to java.lang.Object bypasses a potentially desired lowering:
private void checkAmbiguousObjectLower(ReferenceBinding otherType) {
if ( == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject
&& baseclass() != null)
public boolean isCompatibleViaLowering(ReferenceBinding otherType) {
// <B base R>?
if (otherType instanceof TypeVariableBinding) {
ReferenceBinding otherRole = ((TypeVariableBinding)otherType).roletype;
if (this.isCompatibleWith(otherRole)) {
return true;
ReferenceBinding baseType = null;
// needed for base-class lookup:
Dependencies.ensureRoleState(this.roleModel, ITranslationStates.STATE_LENV_DONE_FIELDS_AND_METHODS);
RoleModel strengthened = this._teamAnchor.getStrengthenedRole(this);
if ((strengthened.getInterfacePartBinding().modifiers & AccSynthIfc) == ClassFileConstants.AccInterface)
baseType = strengthened.getInterfacePartBinding().baseclass();
if(strengthened.getClassPartBinding() != null)
baseType = strengthened.getClassPartBinding().baseclass();
if ( (baseType != null)
&& baseType.isCompatibleWith(otherType))
return true;
return false;
public boolean isStrictlyCompatibleWith(TypeBinding right) {
return isCompatibleWith(right);
// see DependentTypeBinding.isEquivalentTo()
public boolean isEquivalentTo(TypeBinding otherType) {
if (! (otherType instanceof RoleTypeBinding))
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.isEquivalentTo(otherType); // don't use DTB._type
RoleTypeBinding otherDep = getRoleTypeBinding(otherType);
// same best name implies that checking of simple names suffices (thanks to OTJLD 1.4(c)):
return otherDep._teamAnchor.hasSameBestNameAs(this._teamAnchor)
&& CharOperation.equals(otherDep.internalName(), internalName());
// =========== VARIOUS NAMES: =============
public char[] qualifiedSourceName() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.qualifiedSourceName();
public char[] optimalName() /*var.RoleType or java.lang.Object */
if (this._teamAnchor instanceof TThisBinding)
return super.readableName();
char[] anchorName = new char[0];
ITeamAnchor[] bestNamePath = this._teamAnchor.getBestNamePath();
for (int i = 0; i < bestNamePath.length; i++) {
char[] readableName = bestNamePath[i].readableName();
if (CharOperation.equals(readableName, IOTConstants._OT_BASE))
readableName = "base".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
anchorName = CharOperation.concatWith(
new char[][]{anchorName, readableName},
return CharOperation.concat(
private char[] strippedName(ReferenceBinding role) {
if (OTNameUtils.isTSuperMarkerInterface(role.sourceName))
return "<tsuper-mark>".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (RoleSplitter.isClassPartName(role.sourceName))
return RoleSplitter.getInterfacePartName(role.sourceName);
return role.sourceName;
// don't override: need original version in classfile:
// public char[] signature() /* Ljava/lang/Object; */ {
public char[] sourceName() {
return this._staticallyKnownRoleType.sourceName();
// Note: this uses the original name (respects signature weakening):
public char[] constantPoolName() /* java/lang/Object */ {
return this._declaredRoleType.constantPoolName();
public char[] attributeName() {
if (this._staticallyKnownRoleClass != null)
return this._staticallyKnownRoleClass.attributeName();
return super.attributeName();
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
ITeamAnchor[] bestNamePath = this._teamAnchor.getBestNamePath(false);
for (int i = 0; i < bestNamePath.length; i++) {
if (i>0)
if (!(this._teamAnchor instanceof TThisBinding))
return sb.toString();