blob: 7c8fb62ad081316be3368a2fc4e4192eaa34cdf2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2011 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.codeassist.SelectionEngine;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.JavadocParser;
* Parser specialized for decoding javadoc comments which includes code selection.
public class SelectionJavadocParser extends JavadocParser {
int selectionStart;
int selectionEnd;
ASTNode selectedNode;
public boolean inheritDocTagSelected;
public SelectionJavadocParser(SelectionParser sourceParser) {
this.shouldReportProblems = false;
this.reportProblems = false;
this.inheritDocTagSelected = false;
* Do not parse comment if selection is not included.
public boolean checkDeprecation(int commentPtr) {
this.selectionStart = ((SelectionParser)this.sourceParser).selectionStart;
this.selectionEnd = ((SelectionParser)this.sourceParser).selectionEnd;
this.javadocStart = this.sourceParser.scanner.commentStarts[commentPtr];
this.javadocEnd = this.sourceParser.scanner.commentStops[commentPtr];
if (this.javadocStart <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= this.javadocEnd) {
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println("SELECTION in Javadoc:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
this.docComment = null;
return false;
* Replace stored Javadoc node with specific selection one.
protected boolean commentParse() {
this.docComment = new SelectionJavadoc(this.javadocStart, this.javadocEnd);
return super.commentParse();
* Create argument expression and store it if it includes selection.
protected Object createArgumentReference(char[] name, int dim, boolean isVarargs, Object typeRef, long[] dimPositions, long argNamePos) throws InvalidInputException {
// Create argument as we may need it after
Expression expression = (Expression) super.createArgumentReference(name, dim, isVarargs, typeRef, dimPositions, argNamePos);
// See if selection is in argument
int start = ((TypeReference)typeRef).sourceStart;
int end = ((TypeReference)typeRef).sourceEnd;
if (start <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= end) {
this.selectedNode = expression;
this.abort = true;
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected argument="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return expression;
* Verify if field identifier positions include selection.
* If so, create field reference, store it and abort comment parse.
* Otherwise return null as we do not need this reference.
protected Object createFieldReference(Object receiver) throws InvalidInputException {
int start = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[0] >>> 32);
int end = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[0];
if (start <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= end) {
this.selectedNode = (ASTNode) super.createFieldReference(receiver);
this.abort = true;
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected field="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Verify if method identifier positions include selection.
* If so, create field reference, store it and abort comment parse.
* Otherwise return null as we do not need this reference.
protected Object createMethodReference(Object receiver, List arguments) throws InvalidInputException {
int memberPtr = this.identifierLengthStack[0] - 1; // may be > 0 for inner class constructor reference
int start = (int) (this.identifierPositionStack[memberPtr] >>> 32);
int end = (int) this.identifierPositionStack[memberPtr];
if (start <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= end) {
this.selectedNode = (ASTNode) super.createMethodReference(receiver, arguments);
this.abort = true;
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected method="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
* Create type reference and verify if it includes selection.
* If so, store it and abort comment parse.
* Otherwise return null as we do not need this reference.
protected Object createTypeReference(int primitiveToken) {
// Need to create type ref in case it was needed by members
TypeReference typeRef = (TypeReference) super.createTypeReference(primitiveToken);
// See if node is concerned by selection
if (typeRef.sourceStart <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= typeRef.sourceEnd) {
// See if selection is in one of tokens of qualification
if (typeRef instanceof JavadocQualifiedTypeReference) {
JavadocQualifiedTypeReference qualifiedTypeRef = (JavadocQualifiedTypeReference) typeRef;
int size = qualifiedTypeRef.tokens.length - 1;
for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
int start = (int) (qualifiedTypeRef.sourcePositions[i] >>> 32);
int end = (int) qualifiedTypeRef.sourcePositions[i];
if (start <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= end) {
int pos = i + 1;
char[][] tokens = new char[pos][];
int ptr = this.identifierPtr - size;
System.arraycopy(this.identifierStack, ptr, tokens, 0, pos);
long[] positions = new long[pos];
System.arraycopy(this.identifierPositionStack, ptr, positions, 0, pos);
this.selectedNode = new JavadocQualifiedTypeReference(tokens, positions, this.tagSourceStart, this.tagSourceEnd);
this.abort = true; // we got selected node => cancel parse
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected partial qualified type="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return typeRef;
// Selection is in last token => we'll store type ref as this
// Store type ref as selected node
this.selectedNode = typeRef;
this.abort = true; // we got selected node => cancel parse
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected type="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return typeRef;
* Push param reference and verify if it includes selection.
* If so, store it and abort comment parse.
protected boolean pushParamName(boolean isTypeParam) {
if (super.pushParamName(isTypeParam)) {
Expression expression = (Expression) this.astStack[this.astPtr--];
// See if expression is concerned by selection
if (expression.sourceStart <= this.selectionStart && this.selectionEnd <= expression.sourceEnd) {
this.selectedNode = expression;
this.abort = true; // we got selected node => cancel parse
if (SelectionEngine.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" selected param="+this.selectedNode); //$NON-NLS-1$
return false;
* Store selected node into doc comment.
protected void updateDocComment() {
if (this.selectedNode instanceof Expression) {
((SelectionJavadoc) this.docComment).selectedNode = (Expression) this.selectedNode;
} else if (this.inheritDocTagSelected) {
((SelectionJavadoc) this.docComment).inheritDocSelected = true;
* Sets a flag to denote that selection has taken place on an inheritDoc tag
protected void parseInheritDocTag() {
if (this.tagSourceStart == this.selectionStart && this.tagSourceEnd == this.selectionEnd)
this.inheritDocTagSelected = true;