blob: 0211cb89c7a57ae8903719199b5ba461b7e819a1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Google, Inc and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* Stefan Xenos (Google) - Initial implementation
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.nd.util.CharArrayUtils;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.CharArrayBuffer;
public class JavaNames {
private static final char[] CLASS_FILE_SUFFIX = ".class".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$
public static final char[] FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX = new char[] { 'L' };
private static final char[] FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_SUFFIX = new char[] { ';' };
private static final char[] METHOD_ID_SEPARATOR = new char[] { '#' };
private static final char[] JAR_FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR = IJavaSearchScope.JAR_FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR.toCharArray();
public static final char[] ARRAY_FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX = new char[] { '[' };
* Converts a java binary name to a simple name.
public static char[] binaryNameToSimpleName(char[] binaryName) {
int skipIndex = Math.max(
Math.max(CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', binaryName), CharOperation.lastIndexOf('.', binaryName)),
CharOperation.lastIndexOf('/', binaryName)) + 1;
return CharArrayUtils.subarray(binaryName, skipIndex);
* Given the binary name of a class, returns the jar-relative path of the class file within that
* jar, including the .class extension.
public static char[] binaryNameToResourceRelativePath(char[] binaryName) {
return CharOperation.concat(binaryName, CLASS_FILE_SUFFIX);
public static char[] fullyQualifiedNameToBinaryName(char[] fullyQualifiedName) {
return CharOperation.replaceOnCopy(fullyQualifiedName, '.', '/');
public static char[] fullyQualifiedNameToFieldDescriptor(char[] fullyQualifiedName) {
char[] result = CharArrayUtils.concat(FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX, fullyQualifiedName, FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_SUFFIX);
CharOperation.replace(result, '.', '/');
return result;
* Given a NdType, returns its identifier in the form accepted by {@link IJavaSearchScope#encloses(String)}
public static char[] getIndexPathFor(NdType type, IWorkspaceRoot root) {
NdResourceFile resourceFile = type.getResourceFile();
char[] binaryName = type.getTypeId().getBinaryName();
char[] workspaceLocation = null;
if (root != null) {
workspaceLocation = resourceFile.getAnyOpenWorkspaceLocation(root).toString().toCharArray();
if (workspaceLocation == null || workspaceLocation.length == 0) {
workspaceLocation = resourceFile.getLocation().getChars();
return CharArrayUtils.concat(workspaceLocation, JAR_FILE_ENTRY_SEPARATOR,
* Converts a binary name to a field descriptor (without the trailing ';')
public static char[] binaryNameToFieldDescriptor(char[] binaryName) {
* Converts a field descriptor to a simple class name. Returns null if the given field descriptor
* doesn't refer to a class or is badly-formed.
public static char[] fieldDescriptorToSimpleName(char[] fieldDescriptor) {
if (!CharArrayUtils.startsWith(fieldDescriptor, 'L')) {
return null;
if (!CharArrayUtils.endsWith(fieldDescriptor, ';')) {
return null;
int separatorPosition = CharArrayUtils.lastIndexOf('/', fieldDescriptor);
if (separatorPosition == -1) {
separatorPosition = 0;
char[] className = CharArrayUtils.subarray(fieldDescriptor, separatorPosition + 1, fieldDescriptor.length - 1);
return className;
* Converts a field descriptor to a java name. If fullyQualified is true, it returns a fully qualified class name.
* If it is false, it returns a source name.
public static char[] fieldDescriptorToJavaName(char[] fieldDescriptor, boolean fullyQualified) {
int arrayCount = 0;
CharArrayBuffer result = new CharArrayBuffer();
for(int scanPosition = 0; scanPosition < fieldDescriptor.length; scanPosition++) {
char nextChar = fieldDescriptor[scanPosition];
switch (nextChar) {
case 'B' : result.append("byte"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'C' : result.append("char"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'D' : result.append("double"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'F' : result.append("float"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'I' : result.append("int"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'J' : result.append("long"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'L' : {
int end = fieldDescriptor.length - 1;
char[] binaryName = CharArrayUtils.subarray(fieldDescriptor, scanPosition + 1, end);
if (fullyQualified) {
// Modify the binaryName string in-place to change it into a fully qualified name
CharOperation.replace(binaryName, '/', '.');
} else {
scanPosition += binaryName.length;
case 'S' : result.append("short"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case 'Z' : result.append("boolean"); break; //$NON-NLS-1$
case '[' : arrayCount++; break;
while (--arrayCount >= 0) {
result.append("[]"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return CharArrayUtils.notNull(result.getContents());
public static char[] binaryNameToFullyQualifiedName(char[] binaryName) {
return CharOperation.replaceOnCopy(binaryName, '/', '.');
* Returns a method id (suitable for constructing a {@link NdMethodId}) given a field descriptor for its parent type
* and a combined method selector and method descriptor for the method
* @param parentTypeBinaryName a field descriptor of the sort returned by the other *ToFieldDescriptor methods.
* @param methodSelectorAndDescriptor a method selector and descriptor of the form returned by {@link IBinaryType#getEnclosingMethod()}
* @return a method id suitable for looking up a {@link NdMethodId}
public static char[] getMethodId(char[] parentTypeBinaryName, char[] methodSelectorAndDescriptor) {
return CharArrayUtils.concat(FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX, parentTypeBinaryName, METHOD_ID_SEPARATOR,
public static char[] getMethodId(char[] parentTypeBinaryName, char[] methodSelector, char[] methodDescriptor) {
return CharArrayUtils.concat(FIELD_DESCRIPTOR_PREFIX, parentTypeBinaryName, METHOD_ID_SEPARATOR, methodSelector,
* Given a field descriptor, if the field descriptor points to a class this returns the binary name of the class. If
* the field descriptor points to any other type, this returns the empty string. The field descriptor may optionally
* contain a trailing ';'.
* @param fieldDescriptor
* @return ""
public static char[] fieldDescriptorToBinaryName(char[] fieldDescriptor) {
if (CharArrayUtils.startsWith(fieldDescriptor, 'L')) {
int end = fieldDescriptor.length - 1;
return CharArrayUtils.subarray(fieldDescriptor, 1, end);
return CharArrayUtils.EMPTY_CHAR_ARRAY;
* Given a simple name, this returns the source name for the type. Note that this won't work for classes that
* contain a $ in their source name.
public static char[] simpleNameToSourceName(char[] chars) {
int lastSlash = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('/', chars);
int lastDollar = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('$', chars);
int lastDot = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('.', chars);
int startPosition = Math.max(Math.max(lastSlash, lastDollar), lastDot) + 1;
while (startPosition < chars.length && Character.isDigit(chars[startPosition])) {
return CharArrayUtils.subarray(chars, startPosition);
* Returns true iff the given method selector is a constructor.
public static boolean isConstructor(char[] selector) {
return selector[0] == '<' && selector.length == 6; // Can only match <init>
* Returns true iff the given method selector is clinit.
public static boolean isClinit(char[] selector) {
return selector[0] == '<' && selector.length == 8; // Can only match <clinit>
public static String classFilePathToBinaryName(String classFilePath) {
if (classFilePath.endsWith(".class")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return classFilePath.substring(0, classFilePath.length() - 6);
return classFilePath;