blob: 810ed83289be065888eb8a891d95993d05d67113 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23404 2010-02-03 14:10:22Z stephan $
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Fraunhofer FIRST - extended API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - extended API and implementation
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.*;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SimpleSet;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.FieldAccessSpec;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast.MethodSpec;
public class FieldLocator extends VariableLocator {
protected boolean isDeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern;
public FieldLocator(FieldPattern pattern) {
this.isDeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern = this.pattern instanceof DeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern;
protected int fineGrain() {
return this.pattern.fineGrain;
public int match(ASTNode node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) {
int declarationsLevel = IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
if (this.pattern.findReferences) {
if (node instanceof ImportReference) {
// With static import, we can have static field reference in import reference
ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) node;
int length = importRef.tokens.length-1;
if (importRef.isStatic() && ((importRef.bits & ASTNode.OnDemand) == 0) && matchesName(, importRef.tokens[length])) {
char[][] compoundName = new char[length][];
System.arraycopy(importRef.tokens, 0, compoundName, 0, length);
FieldPattern fieldPattern = (FieldPattern) this.pattern;
char[] declaringType = CharOperation.concat(fieldPattern.declaringQualification, fieldPattern.declaringSimpleName, '.');
if (matchesName(declaringType, CharOperation.concatWith(compoundName, '.'))) {
declarationsLevel = this.pattern.mustResolve ? POSSIBLE_MATCH : ACCURATE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, declarationsLevel);
//public int match(ConstructorDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
public int match(FieldDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) {
int referencesLevel = IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
if (this.pattern.findReferences)
// must be a write only access with an initializer
if (this.pattern.writeAccess && !this.pattern.readAccess && node.initialization != null)
if (matchesName(,
referencesLevel = this.pattern.mustResolve ? POSSIBLE_MATCH : ACCURATE_MATCH;
int declarationsLevel = IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
if (this.pattern.findDeclarations) {
switch (node.getKind()) {
case AbstractVariableDeclaration.FIELD :
case AbstractVariableDeclaration.ENUM_CONSTANT :
if (matchesName(,
if (matchesTypeReference(((FieldPattern)this.pattern).typeSimpleName, node.type))
declarationsLevel = this.pattern.mustResolve ? POSSIBLE_MATCH : ACCURATE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, referencesLevel >= declarationsLevel ? referencesLevel : declarationsLevel); // use the stronger match
//public int match(MethodDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(MessageSend node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(TypeDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//public int match(TypeReference node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
//{ObjectTeams: consider field access specs
//public int match(CalloutMappingDeclaration node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet) - SKIP IT
public int match(MethodSpec node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet)
if (node instanceof FieldAccessSpec)
FieldAccessSpec fieldSpec = (FieldAccessSpec)node;
if (matchesName(, fieldSpec.selector))
level = this.pattern.mustResolve ? POSSIBLE_MATCH : ACCURATE_MATCH;
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, level);
return level;
protected int matchContainer() {
if (this.pattern.findReferences || this.pattern.fineGrain != 0) {
// need to look everywhere to find in javadocs and static import
protected int matchField(FieldBinding field, boolean matchName) {
if (field == null) return INACCURATE_MATCH;
if (matchName && !matchesName(, field.readableName())) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
FieldPattern fieldPattern = (FieldPattern)this.pattern;
ReferenceBinding receiverBinding = field.declaringClass;
if (receiverBinding == null) {
if (field == ArrayBinding.ArrayLength)
// optimized case for length field of an array
return fieldPattern.declaringQualification == null && fieldPattern.declaringSimpleName == null
// Note there is no dynamic lookup for field access
int declaringLevel = resolveLevelForType(fieldPattern.declaringSimpleName, fieldPattern.declaringQualification, receiverBinding);
if (declaringLevel == IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
// look at field type only if declaring type is not specified
if (fieldPattern.declaringSimpleName == null) return declaringLevel;
// get real field binding
FieldBinding fieldBinding = field;
if (field instanceof ParameterizedFieldBinding) {
fieldBinding = ((ParameterizedFieldBinding) field).originalField;
int typeLevel = resolveLevelForType(fieldBinding.type);
return declaringLevel > typeLevel ? typeLevel : declaringLevel; // return the weaker match
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding,
* Accept to report match of static field on static import
protected void matchLevelAndReportImportRef(ImportReference importRef, Binding binding, MatchLocator locator) throws CoreException {
if (importRef.isStatic() && binding instanceof FieldBinding) {
super.matchLevelAndReportImportRef(importRef, binding, locator);
protected int matchReference(Reference node, MatchingNodeSet nodeSet, boolean writeOnlyAccess) {
if (node instanceof FieldReference) {
if (matchesName(, ((FieldReference) node).token))
return nodeSet.addMatch(node, this.pattern.mustResolve ? POSSIBLE_MATCH : ACCURATE_MATCH);
return super.matchReference(node, nodeSet, writeOnlyAccess);
protected void matchReportReference(ASTNode reference, IJavaElement element, Binding elementBinding, int accuracy, MatchLocator locator) throws CoreException {
matchReportReference(reference, element, null, null, elementBinding, accuracy, locator);
protected void matchReportReference(ASTNode reference, IJavaElement element, IJavaElement localElement, IJavaElement[] otherElements,Binding elementBinding, int accuracy, MatchLocator locator) throws CoreException {
if (this.isDeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern) {
// need exact match to be able to open on type ref
if (accuracy != SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE) return;
// element that references the field must be included in the enclosing element
DeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern declPattern = (DeclarationOfAccessedFieldsPattern) this.pattern;
while (element != null && !declPattern.enclosingElement.equals(element))
element = element.getParent();
if (element != null) {
if (reference instanceof FieldReference) {
reportDeclaration(((FieldReference) reference).binding, locator, declPattern.knownFields);
} else if (reference instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
QualifiedNameReference qNameRef = (QualifiedNameReference) reference;
Binding nameBinding = qNameRef.binding;
if (nameBinding instanceof FieldBinding)
reportDeclaration((FieldBinding)nameBinding, locator, declPattern.knownFields);
int otherMax = qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? 0 : qNameRef.otherBindings.length;
for (int i = 0; i < otherMax; i++)
reportDeclaration(qNameRef.otherBindings[i], locator, declPattern.knownFields);
} else if (reference instanceof SingleNameReference) {
reportDeclaration((FieldBinding)((SingleNameReference) reference).binding, locator, declPattern.knownFields);
} else if (reference instanceof ImportReference) {
ImportReference importRef = (ImportReference) reference;
long[] positions = importRef.sourcePositions;
int lastIndex = importRef.tokens.length - 1;
int start = (int) ((positions[lastIndex]) >>> 32);
int end = (int) positions[lastIndex];
this.match = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, accuracy, start, end-start+1, importRef);;
} else if (reference instanceof FieldReference) {
FieldReference fieldReference = (FieldReference) reference;
long position = fieldReference.nameSourcePosition;
int start = (int) (position >>> 32);
int end = (int) position;
this.match = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, accuracy, start, end-start+1, fieldReference);;
} else if (reference instanceof SingleNameReference) {
int offset = reference.sourceStart;
this.match = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, accuracy, offset, reference.sourceEnd-offset+1, reference);;
} else if (reference instanceof QualifiedNameReference) {
QualifiedNameReference qNameRef = (QualifiedNameReference) reference;
int length = qNameRef.tokens.length;
SearchMatch[] matches = new SearchMatch[length];
Binding nameBinding = qNameRef.binding;
int indexOfFirstFieldBinding = qNameRef.indexOfFirstFieldBinding > 0 ? qNameRef.indexOfFirstFieldBinding-1 : 0;
// first token
if (matchesName(, qNameRef.tokens[indexOfFirstFieldBinding]) && !(nameBinding instanceof LocalVariableBinding)) {
FieldBinding fieldBinding = nameBinding instanceof FieldBinding ? (FieldBinding) nameBinding : null;
if (fieldBinding == null) {
matches[indexOfFirstFieldBinding] = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, accuracy, -1, -1, reference);
} else {
switch (matchField(fieldBinding, false)) {
matches[indexOfFirstFieldBinding] = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE, -1, -1, reference);
this.match = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, SearchMatch.A_INACCURATE, -1, -1, reference);
if (fieldBinding.type != null && fieldBinding.type.isParameterizedType() && this.pattern.hasTypeArguments()) {
updateMatch((ParameterizedTypeBinding) fieldBinding.type, this.pattern.getTypeArguments(), locator);
matches[indexOfFirstFieldBinding] = this.match;
// other tokens
for (int i = indexOfFirstFieldBinding+1; i < length; i++) {
char[] token = qNameRef.tokens[i];
if (matchesName(, token)) {
FieldBinding otherBinding = qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? null : qNameRef.otherBindings[i-(indexOfFirstFieldBinding+1)];
if (otherBinding == null) {
matches[i] = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, accuracy, -1, -1, reference);
} else {
switch (matchField(otherBinding, false)) {
matches[i] = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE, -1, -1, reference);
this.match = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, localElement, elementBinding, SearchMatch.A_INACCURATE, -1, -1, reference);
if (otherBinding.type != null && otherBinding.type.isParameterizedType() && this.pattern.hasTypeArguments()) {
updateMatch((ParameterizedTypeBinding) otherBinding.type, this.pattern.getTypeArguments(), locator);
matches[i] = this.match;
locator.reportAccurateFieldReference(matches, qNameRef);
//{ObjectTeams: reference can be a field access spec
else if (reference instanceof FieldAccessSpec)
FieldAccessSpec fieldSpec = (FieldAccessSpec)reference;
int offset = fieldSpec.sourceStart;
int length = fieldSpec.sourceEnd - offset + 1;
SearchMatch newMatch = locator.newFieldReferenceMatch(element, null, elementBinding, accuracy, offset, length, fieldSpec);;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* Overridden to reject unexact matches.
* @see, char[][][],
protected void updateMatch(ParameterizedTypeBinding parameterizedBinding, char[][][] patternTypeArguments, MatchLocator locator) {
// We can only refine if locator has an unit scope.
if (locator.unitScope == null) return;
updateMatch(parameterizedBinding, patternTypeArguments, false, 0, locator);
if (!this.match.isExact()) {
// cannot accept neither erasure nor compatible match
protected void reportDeclaration(FieldBinding fieldBinding, MatchLocator locator, SimpleSet knownFields) throws CoreException {
// ignore length field
if (fieldBinding == ArrayBinding.ArrayLength) return;
ReferenceBinding declaringClass = fieldBinding.declaringClass;
IType type = locator.lookupType(declaringClass);
if (type == null) return; // case of a secondary type
char[] bindingName =;
IField field = type.getField(new String(bindingName));
if (knownFields.addIfNotIncluded(field) == null) return;
IResource resource = type.getResource();
boolean isBinary = type.isBinary();
IBinaryType info = null;
if (isBinary) {
if (resource == null)
resource = type.getJavaProject().getProject();
info = locator.getBinaryInfo((org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.ClassFile) type.getClassFile(), resource);
locator.reportBinaryMemberDeclaration(resource, field, fieldBinding, info, SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE);
} else {
if (declaringClass instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding)
declaringClass = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) declaringClass).genericType();
ClassScope scope = ((SourceTypeBinding) declaringClass).scope;
if (scope != null) {
TypeDeclaration typeDecl = scope.referenceContext;
FieldDeclaration fieldDecl = null;
FieldDeclaration[] fieldDecls = typeDecl.fields;
int length = fieldDecls == null ? 0 : fieldDecls.length;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (CharOperation.equals(bindingName, fieldDecls[i].name)) {
fieldDecl = fieldDecls[i];
if (fieldDecl != null) {
int offset = fieldDecl.sourceStart;
this.match = new FieldDeclarationMatch(((JavaElement) field).resolved(fieldBinding), SearchMatch.A_ACCURATE, offset, fieldDecl.sourceEnd-offset+1, locator.getParticipant(), resource);;
protected int referenceType() {
return IJavaElement.FIELD;
public int resolveLevel(ASTNode possiblelMatchingNode) {
if (this.pattern.findReferences || this.pattern.fineGrain != 0) {
if (possiblelMatchingNode instanceof FieldReference)
return matchField(((FieldReference) possiblelMatchingNode).binding, true);
else if (possiblelMatchingNode instanceof NameReference)
return resolveLevel((NameReference) possiblelMatchingNode);
//{ObjectTeams: possible matching node can be a field access spec
else if (possiblelMatchingNode instanceof FieldAccessSpec)
return resolveLevel(((FieldAccessSpec)possiblelMatchingNode).resolvedField);
if (possiblelMatchingNode instanceof FieldDeclaration)
return matchField(((FieldDeclaration) possiblelMatchingNode).binding, true);
public int resolveLevel(Binding binding) {
if (binding == null) return INACCURATE_MATCH;
if (!(binding instanceof FieldBinding)) return IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH;
return matchField((FieldBinding) binding, true);
protected int resolveLevel(NameReference nameRef) {
if (nameRef instanceof SingleNameReference)
return resolveLevel(nameRef.binding);
Binding binding = nameRef.binding;
QualifiedNameReference qNameRef = (QualifiedNameReference) nameRef;
FieldBinding fieldBinding = null;
if (binding instanceof FieldBinding) {
fieldBinding = (FieldBinding) binding;
char[] bindingName =;
int lastDot = CharOperation.lastIndexOf('.', bindingName);
if (lastDot > -1)
bindingName = CharOperation.subarray(bindingName, lastDot+1, bindingName.length);
if (matchesName(, bindingName)) {
int level = matchField(fieldBinding, false);
if (level != IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH) return level;
int otherMax = qNameRef.otherBindings == null ? 0 : qNameRef.otherBindings.length;
for (int i = 0; i < otherMax; i++) {
char[] token = qNameRef.tokens[i + qNameRef.indexOfFirstFieldBinding];
if (matchesName(, token)) {
FieldBinding otherBinding = qNameRef.otherBindings[i];
int level = matchField(otherBinding, false);
if (level != IMPOSSIBLE_MATCH) return level;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* Resolve level for type with a given binding.
protected int resolveLevelForType(TypeBinding typeBinding) {
FieldPattern fieldPattern = (FieldPattern) this.pattern;
TypeBinding fieldTypeBinding = typeBinding;
if (fieldTypeBinding != null && fieldTypeBinding.isParameterizedType()) {
fieldTypeBinding = typeBinding.erasure();
return resolveLevelForType(