blob: ad30d6e2106f65b0ee5e01b35da5d73419aaf6eb [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the "Object Teams Runtime Environment"
* Copyright 2002-2009 Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23408 2010-02-03 18:07:35Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Berlin Institute of Technology - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otre;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.*;
* Constants for the Object Teams Runtime Environment
* @author Christine Hundt
* @author Stephan Herrmann
public interface OTConstants {
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Types: ------------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Type <tt>java.lang.Object</tt> */
ObjectType object = new ObjectType("java.lang.Object");
/** Type <tt>java.lang.Object</tt> */
ObjectType string = new ObjectType("java.lang.String");
/** Type <tt>java.lang.Class</tt> */
ObjectType classType = new ObjectType("java.lang.Class");
/** Signature of java.lang.Class#getMethod(String, Class...) */
public static final Type[] getMethodSignature = new Type[]{string, new ArrayType(classType, 1)};
/** Type <tt>java.lang.reflect.Method</tt> */
ObjectType methodType = new ObjectType("java.lang.reflect.Method");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.Team</tt> */
String teamName = "org.objectteams.ITeam";
ObjectType teamType = new ObjectType(teamName);
String teamClassName = "org.objectteams.Team";
ObjectType teamClassType = new ObjectType(teamClassName);
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.LiftingVetoException</tt> */
ObjectType liftingVeto = new ObjectType("org.objectteams.LiftingVetoException");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.LiftingVetoException</tt> */
ObjectType liftingFailed = new ObjectType("org.objectteams.LiftingFailedException");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.OTREInternalError</tt> */
ObjectType internalError = new ObjectType("org.objectteams.OTREInternalError");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.ResultNotProvidedError</tt> */
ObjectType notProvidedError = new ObjectType("org.objectteams.ResultNotProvidedError");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.UnsupportedFeatureException</tt> */
ObjectType unsupportedFeature = new ObjectType("org.objectteams.UnsupportedFeatureException");
ObjectType threadType = new ObjectType("java.lang.Thread");
/** Type <tt>org.objectteams.Team[]</tt> */
ArrayType teamArray = new ArrayType(teamType, 1);
/** Type <tt>int[]</tt> */
ArrayType intArray = new ArrayType(Type.INT, 1);
/** Type <tt>java.lang.Object[]</tt> */
ArrayType objectArray = new ArrayType(object, 1);
ObjectType roleSetType = new ObjectType("java.util.HashSet");
ObjectType nullPointerException = new ObjectType("java.lang.NullPointerException");
String STRING_BUFFER_NAME = "java.lang.StringBuffer";
String INIT = "<init>";
// ============ VERSION: ==============
public static final int OT_VERSION_MAJOR = 1;
public static final int OT_VERSION_MINOR = 6;
// required compiler revision in the 0.9 stream:
public static final int OT09_REVISION = 26;
// required compiler revision in the 1.0 stream:
public static final int OT10_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.1 stream:
public static final int OT11_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.2 stream:
public static final int OT12_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.3 stream:
public static final int OT13_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.4 stream:
public static final int OT14_REVISION = 1;
// required compiler revision in the 1.5 (=0.7) stream:
public static final int OT15_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.6 (=0.8/2.0) stream:
public static final int OT16_REVISION = 0;
// required compiler revision in the 1.7 (=2.3) stream:
public static final int OT17_REVISION = 0;
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Flags and Modifiers: ----------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Bytecode encoding of modifier <tt>team</tt> */
final static int TEAM = 1; // bit in OTClassFlags attribute
// 'CallinFlags':
final static int OVERRIDING =1; // this role method is inherited from the super role
final static int WRAPPER =2; // this is a role method wrapper (in a team)
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Names: ------------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** General prefix to mark all generated names. */
final static String OT_PREFIX = "_OT$";
/** Name of the base reference of roles. */
final static String BASE = "_OT$base";
/** Name of the getBase method of roles (ifc and class). */
final static String GET_BASE = "_OT$getBase";
/** Prefix for otdt. */
final static String OTDT_PREFIX = "__OT__";
/** Tsuper marker interface prefix. */
final static String TSUPER_PREFIX = "TSuper__OT__";
/** field for storing the class object in JVM < 5 */
final static String SELF_CLASS = "_OT$self_class$";
final static String CLASS = "_OT$class_literal$";
// -----------------------------------------
// ---------- Signature enhancement --------
// -----------------------------------------
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String TEAMS = "_OT$teams";
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String TEAMIDS = "_OT$teamIDs";
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String IDX = "_OT$idx";
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String BIND_IDX = "_OT$bindIdx";
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String UNUSED = "_OT$unusedArgs";
/** Name of synthetic parameter. */
final static String BASE_METH_TAG = "_OT$baseMethTag";
/** Number of extra arguments in enhanced signatures. */
static final int EXTRA_ARGS = 6;
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int TEAMS_ARG = 1;
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int TEAMIDS_ARG = 2;
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int IDX_ARG = 3;
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int BIND_IDX_ARG = 4;
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int BASE_METH_ARG = 5; // ## really const? also UNUSED?
/** Position of generated argument. */
static final int UNUSED_ARG = 6;
// ---------- Features to prevent/aid garbage collection: ----------
String ROLE_SET = OT_PREFIX + "roleSet"; // field HashSet _OT$roleSet;
String ADD_ROLE = OT_PREFIX + "addRole"; // method void _OT$addRole(Object)
String REMOVE_ROLE = OT_PREFIX + "removeRole"; // method void _OT$removeRole(Object)
String IBOUND_BASE = "org.objectteams.IBoundBase"; // interface comprising the above methods.
// -----------------------------------------
// ---------- Other constants --------
// -----------------------------------------
/** Marker for comment lines in the team config file. */
static final String COMMENT_MARKER = "#";
/** Constant for invalid base method tags (a method can not be relocated from a base call). */
static final int INVALID_BASE_METHOD_TAG = -2;
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------- Separator for static replace binding keys ---------
// --------------------------------------------------------------
static final String STATIC_REPLACE_BINDING_SEPARATOR = "..";
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------- Linenumbers with more information. ----------------------
// ---------- (semantic linenumber) For debugging purpose. ------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static final int STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER = Short.MAX_VALUE *2;