blob: 98a3bdceb59a000fca97335a78a3319d4cd8b3f3 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2003, 2006 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23401 2010-02-02 23:56:05Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.ast;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameBINDIN;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameBINDOUT;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNameafter;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNamebefore;
import static org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens.TokenNamereplace;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants.CALLIN_FLAG_BASE_SUPER_CALL;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants.CALLIN_FLAG_DEFINITELY_MISSING_BASECALL;
import static org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants.CALLIN_FLAG_POTENTIALLY_MISSING_BASECALL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Argument;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.CastExpression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Expression;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MessageSend;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.TypeDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BaseTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Binding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ClassScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemMethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TagBits;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeIds;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.control.Config;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.CallinCalloutBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lookup.DependentTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.MethodModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.RoleModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TeamModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.AstGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.RoleTypeCreator;
* NEW for OTDT.
* AST node for a callin method mapping.
* Aside from its data structure, this class is responsible for type checking.
* @author Markus Witte
* @version $Id: 23401 2010-02-02 23:56:05Z stephan $
public class CallinMappingDeclaration extends AbstractMethodMappingDeclaration
// TerminalSymbols.TokenNamebefore,after,replace*
public int callinModifier;
/** This name is never null, either name as mentioned in source code
* or a generated name "<File:Line,Col>". */
public char[] name;
public MethodSpec[] baseMethodSpecs;
* Collect all roles (enclosing role plus role method arguments) for which lifting may fail at runtime.
* RHS in the mapping is the problemId to be used when reporting problem in callin mapping.
public Map<ReferenceBinding, Integer> rolesWithLiftingProblem;
public MethodSpec[] getBaseMethodSpecs () {
return this.baseMethodSpecs;
public int baseDeclarationSourceStart() {
if (this.baseMethodSpecs == null || this.baseMethodSpecs.length == 0)
return this.declarationSourceEnd+1;
MethodSpec baseMethod = this.baseMethodSpecs[0];
if (baseMethod.returnType != null)
return baseMethod.returnType.sourceStart;
return baseMethod.declarationSourceStart;
/** add a base method spec, iff none has been given yet. */
public void checkAddBasemethodSpec(MethodSpec baseSpec) {
if (this.baseMethodSpecs == null || this.baseMethodSpecs.length == 0)
this.baseMethodSpecs = new MethodSpec[] {baseSpec};
* If the role method has a role return type, lifting should use this type:
* (Note, that this type may differ from the declared return type due to signature weakening!)
public TypeBinding realRoleReturn = null;
* If realRoleReturn != null then this field keeps the method that the base call
* should use for lifting
public MethodBinding liftMethod;
* This method is only relevant for private inherited base methods.
* Otherwise this method will never be called for callin mappings,
* because MethodBinding.canBeSeenBy(..) implements a shortcut for
* MessageSends within the scope of a callin wrapper.
public boolean canAccessInvisibleBase () {
return true;
// one wrapper for each base method
// (currently, will we optimize this? see AbstractMethodMappingDeclaration.resolveMethodSpecs())
public MethodDeclaration[] wrappers;
public GuardPredicateDeclaration predicate = null;
// internally store here, whether the result from a base call
// is needed because the binding does not provide the result.
private MethodSpec baseMethodNeedingResultFromBasecall = null;
// store here whether result is mapped in a parameter mapping.
public boolean isResultMapped = false;
public CallinMappingDeclaration(CompilationResult compilationResult)
public void resolveMethodSpecs(RoleModel role,
ReferenceBinding baseType,
boolean resolveBaseMethods)
super.resolveMethodSpecs(role, baseType, resolveBaseMethods);
if (this.roleMethodSpec.isValid() && this.roleMethodSpec.isStatic())
if (this.predicate != null)
if (!resolveBaseMethods)
MethodBinding[] baseMethods = new MethodBinding[this.baseMethodSpecs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
if (this.baseMethodSpecs[i].resolvedMethod != null) {
baseMethods[i] = this.baseMethodSpecs[i].resolvedMethod;
if (isDangerousMethod(baseMethods[i]))
} else {
MethodSpec spec = this.baseMethodSpecs[i];
baseMethods[i] = new ProblemMethodBinding(spec.selector, null, baseType, 0);
for (MethodBinding aBaseMethod : baseMethods) {
if (aBaseMethod.isValidBinding() && aBaseMethod.returnType != TypeBinding.VOID) {
if ( this.callinModifier == TerminalTokens.TokenNameafter
&& this.roleMethodSpec.isValid()
&& this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedType() != TypeBinding.VOID)
this.binding._baseMethods = baseMethods;
boolean isDangerousMethod(MethodBinding method) {
if (CharOperation.equals(method.selector, "hashCode".toCharArray())) //$NON-NLS-1$
return method.parameters == Binding.NO_PARAMETERS;
if (CharOperation.equals(method.selector, "equals".toCharArray())) //$NON-NLS-1$
return (method.parameters.length == 1) && (method.parameters[0].id == TypeIds.T_JavaLangObject);
return false;
/** For predicates the parser doesn't know if they are static,
* update the method once we know the role method is indeed static.
* Updates declaration, binding and scope for both class- and interface-part.
private void makeMethodStatic(AbstractMethodDeclaration method) {
method.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccStatic;
if (method.binding != null)
method.binding.modifiers |= ClassFileConstants.AccStatic;
if (method.scope != null)
method.scope.isStatic = true;
if (method.interfacePartMethod != null)
* In this case: check match of "replace" and "callin" flags, plus static-ness
* @param haveBaseMethods have base methods been resolved?
* @param baseClass the role's bound base class
protected void checkModifiers(boolean haveBaseMethods, ReferenceBinding baseClass) {
if (this.ignoreFurtherInvestigation) // error was already flagged, i.e. missing replace
// replace and callin matching:
if (isReplaceCallin()) {
if (!this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod.isCallin()) {
this.scope.problemReporter().replaceMappingToNonCallin(this.roleMethodSpec, this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
} else {
if (this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod.isCallin()) {
this.scope.problemReporter().callinMethodBoundNonReplace(this.roleMethodSpec, this);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
if (haveBaseMethods) {
// static non-static consistency:
if (!this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod.isStatic()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
this.baseMethodSpecs[i].checkStaticness(this, false);
if (isReplaceCallin()) {
if (this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod.isStatic()) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
this.baseMethodSpecs[i].checkStaticness(this, true);
// callin-to-final? respect OTJLD 4.1(f)
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
MethodBinding baseMethod = this.baseMethodSpecs[i].resolvedMethod;
if (baseMethod != null && baseMethod.isFinal()) {
if (baseMethod.declaringClass != baseClass) {
this.scope.problemReporter().bindingToInheritedFinal(this.baseMethodSpecs[i], baseMethod, baseClass);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
* Check all parameters in methodSpec against the resolved role method.
* Also record which parameters (including result) need translation (lifting/lowering).
* Pre: not called if parameter mappings are present.
* @param methodSpec
protected boolean internalCheckParametersCompatibility(
MethodSpec methodSpec,
TypeBinding[] roleParams,
TypeBinding[] baseParams)
if (baseParams.length < roleParams.length) {
this.scope.problemReporter().tooFewArgumentsInMethodMapping(this.roleMethodSpec, methodSpec, false/*callout*/);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
return false;
} else {
// before modifying the parameters array copy it:
System.arraycopy(this.roleMethodSpec.parameters, 0,
this.roleMethodSpec.parameters = new TypeBinding[roleParams.length], 0,
for (int j = 0; j < roleParams.length; j++) {
TypeBinding baseParam = baseParams[j];
TypeBinding roleParam = roleParams[j];
if (baseParam.dimensions() != roleParam.dimensions()) {
baseParam, roleParam, this.roleMethodSpec, j, /*callout*/false);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
continue; // no real type checking needed.
TypeBinding baseLeaf = baseParam.leafComponentType();
TypeBinding roleLeaf = roleParam.leafComponentType();
ASTNode location = (methodSpec.hasSignature) ? (ASTNode)methodSpec.arguments[j] : methodSpec;
boolean compatibilityViaBaseAnchor= false;
boolean hasReportedError= false;
boolean isTypeVariable= false;
try { // capture continue exits
// unbound type variable matches everything:
if (roleParam.isTypeVariable()) {
TypeVariableBinding typeVariableBinding = (TypeVariableBinding)roleParam;
if (typeVariableBinding.firstBound == null)
// use bound for type checking below, yet need not check two-way compatibility:
isTypeVariable= true;
roleLeaf= typeVariableBinding.firstBound.leafComponentType();
int dimensions = roleParam.dimensions();
if (baseLeaf.isCompatibleWith(roleLeaf)) {
this.roleMethodSpec.parameters[j]= roleParam;
if (RoleTypeCreator.isCompatibleViaBaseAnchor(this.scope, baseLeaf, roleLeaf, TokenNameBINDIN))
this.roleMethodSpec.parameters[j]= roleParam;
compatibilityViaBaseAnchor= true;
TypeBinding roleToLiftTo = null;
if (isReplaceCallin()) {
TypeBinding roleSideType = roleLeaf;
if (roleSideType.isRole()) {
ReferenceBinding roleRef = (ReferenceBinding)roleSideType;
roleRef = (ReferenceBinding)TeamModel.strengthenRoleType(this.scope.enclosingReceiverType(), roleRef);
if (roleRef.baseclass() == baseLeaf) {
if (dimensions > 0) {
if (roleRef instanceof DependentTypeBinding)
roleToLiftTo = ((DependentTypeBinding)roleRef).getArrayType(dimensions);
roleToLiftTo = this.scope.createArrayType(roleRef, dimensions); // FIXME(SH): is this OK?
} else {
roleToLiftTo = roleRef;
} else {
// this uses OTJLD 2.3.3(a) adaptation which is not reversible, ie., not usable for replace:
roleToLiftTo = TeamModel.getRoleToLiftTo(this.scope, baseParam, roleParam, false, location);
if (roleToLiftTo != null)
// success by translation
methodSpec.argNeedsTranslation[j] = true;
this.roleMethodSpec.argNeedsTranslation[j] = true;
this.roleMethodSpec.parameters[j] = roleToLiftTo; // this applies to all bindings
// still need to check for ambiguity/abstract role:
ReferenceBinding enclosingTeam = this.scope.enclosingSourceType().enclosingType();
int iProblem = enclosingTeam.getTeamModel().canLiftingFail((ReferenceBinding)roleToLiftTo.leafComponentType());
if (iProblem > 0)
addRoleLiftingProblem((ReferenceBinding)roleToLiftTo.leafComponentType(), iProblem);
// check auto(un)boxing:
if (this.scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(baseLeaf, roleLeaf))
if (roleParam instanceof ReferenceBinding)
ReferenceBinding roleRef = (ReferenceBinding)roleParam;
if ( roleRef.isRole()
&& roleRef.baseclass() != null)
location, baseParam, roleParam, roleRef.baseclass());
hasReportedError= true;
// no compatibility detected:
baseParam, roleParam, this.roleMethodSpec, j, /*callout*/false);
hasReportedError= true;
} finally {
if (hasReportedError)
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
// regardless of continue, check this last because it is the least precise message:
if (!hasReportedError && baseLeaf.isCompatibleWith(roleLeaf)) {
if (isReplaceCallin() && !isTypeVariable) {
boolean twowayCompatible = compatibilityViaBaseAnchor
? RoleTypeCreator.isCompatibleViaBaseAnchor(this.scope, baseLeaf, roleLeaf, TokenNameBINDOUT)
: roleLeaf.isCompatibleWith(baseLeaf);
if (!twowayCompatible) {
// requires two-way compatibility (see additional paragraph in 4.5(d))
this.scope.problemReporter().typesNotTwowayCompatibleInReplace(baseParam, roleParam, location, j);
return true; // unused in the callin case
public void addRoleLiftingProblem(ReferenceBinding roleRef, int iProblem) {
if (this.rolesWithLiftingProblem == null)
this.rolesWithLiftingProblem = new HashMap<ReferenceBinding,Integer>();
this.rolesWithLiftingProblem.put(roleRef, iProblem);
protected void checkReturnCompatibility(MethodSpec methodSpec)
Config.requireTypeAdjustment(); // reset flags
// Note(SH): non-replace mappings have no return-dataflow (except for explicitly mapping 'result' in after)
if (isReplaceCallin()) // return for after/before is ignored.
public boolean checkVisibility(MethodSpec spec, ReferenceBinding baseType)
if (!super.checkVisibility(spec, baseType))
return false;
if (isReplaceCallin()) {
// create a faked invocationSite:
MessageSend anticipatedBaseCall = new MessageSend();
anticipatedBaseCall.receiver = new SingleNameReference("<fake>".toCharArray(), 0); //$NON-NLS-1$
anticipatedBaseCall.receiver.resolvedType =
anticipatedBaseCall.actualReceiverType = baseType;
if ( !spec.resolvedMethod.canBeSeenBy(baseType, anticipatedBaseCall, this.scope.classScope())
&& (spec.resolvedMethod.modifiers & ClassFileConstants.AccProtected) == 0) // protected is not a warning
this.scope.problemReporter().callinDecapsulation(spec, this.scope);
return true;
/** Check whether the baseSpec has a result compatible via replace. */
public void checkResultForReplace(MethodSpec baseSpec) {
boolean typeIdentityRequired= true; // default unless return is type variable
// covariant return requires a fresh type parameter for the role's return type:
if (baseSpec.covariantReturn && this.roleMethodSpec.returnType != null) {
TypeBinding resolvedRoleReturn= this.roleMethodSpec.returnType.resolvedType;
if (resolvedRoleReturn != null) {
if (!resolvedRoleReturn.isTypeVariable()) {
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
} else {
// is the type parameter "fresh"?
for (Argument arg : this.roleMethodSpec.arguments) {
if (typeUsesTypeVariable(arg.type.resolvedType.leafComponentType(), resolvedRoleReturn)) {
this.scope.problemReporter().duplicateUseOfTypeVariableInCallin(this.roleMethodSpec.returnType, resolvedRoleReturn);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
TypeVariableBinding returnVariable= MethodModel.checkedGetReturnTypeVariable(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod);
if (returnVariable != null) {
// unbounded type variable always matches:
if (returnVariable.firstBound == null)
// in case of type variable only one-way compatibility is needed even for replace:
typeIdentityRequired= false;
// now go for the actual type checking:
TypeBinding baseReturn = baseSpec.resolvedMethod.returnType;
TypeBinding roleReturn = MethodModel.getReturnType(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod);
TypeBinding roleReturnLeaf = roleReturn != null ? roleReturn.leafComponentType() : null;
if ( roleReturnLeaf instanceof ReferenceBinding
&& ((ReferenceBinding)roleReturnLeaf).isRole())
// strengthen:
roleReturnLeaf = TeamModel.strengthenRoleType(this.scope.enclosingSourceType(), roleReturnLeaf);
if (roleReturnLeaf == null) { // FIXME(SH): testcase and better handling
String roleReturnName = roleReturn != null ? new String(roleReturn.readableName()) : "null return type"; //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new InternalCompilerError("role strengthening for "+roleReturnName+" -> null"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
// bound roles use their topmost bound super:
if (((ReferenceBinding)roleReturnLeaf).baseclass() != null)
roleReturnLeaf = RoleModel.getTopmostBoundRole(this.scope, (ReferenceBinding)roleReturnLeaf);
// need the RTB:
if (!DependentTypeBinding.isDependentType(roleReturnLeaf))
roleReturnLeaf = RoleTypeCreator.maybeWrapUnqualifiedRoleType(roleReturnLeaf,this.scope.enclosingSourceType());
// array?
int dims = roleReturn != null ? roleReturn.dimensions() : 0;
if (dims == 0) {
roleReturn = roleReturnLeaf;
this.realRoleReturn = roleReturnLeaf;
} else {
roleReturn = ((DependentTypeBinding)roleReturnLeaf).getArrayType(dims);
this.realRoleReturn = ((DependentTypeBinding)roleReturnLeaf).getArrayType(dims);
if ( baseReturn == null
|| baseReturn == TypeBinding.VOID)
// OTJLD 4.4(b): "A callin method bound with replace
// to a base method returning void
// must not declare a non-void result."
if (!( roleReturn == null
|| roleReturn == TypeBinding.VOID))
baseSpec, this.roleMethodSpec);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
} else {
if ( roleReturn == null
|| roleReturn == TypeBinding.VOID)
this.baseMethodNeedingResultFromBasecall = baseSpec;
// will be reported in checkBaseResult().
TypeBinding baseLeaf = baseReturn.leafComponentType();
if (baseLeaf instanceof DependentTypeBinding) {
// instantiate relative to Role._OT$base:
ReferenceBinding enclosingRole = this.scope.enclosingSourceType();
FieldBinding baseField = enclosingRole.getField(IOTConstants._OT_BASE, true);
if (baseField != null && baseField.isValidBinding())
baseReturn = baseField.getRoleTypeBinding((ReferenceBinding)baseLeaf, baseReturn.dimensions());
// check auto(un)boxing:
if (this.scope.isBoxingCompatibleWith(roleReturn, baseReturn))
Config oldConfig = Config.createOrResetConfig(this);
try {
if (!roleReturn.isCompatibleWith(baseReturn)) {
if (typeIdentityRequired) {
baseSpec, this.roleMethodSpec);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
// else we still needed the lowering test
// callin replace requires two way compatibility:
baseSpec.returnNeedsTranslation = Config.getLoweringRequired();
} finally {
Config.removeOrRestore(oldConfig, this);
// from now on don't bother with arrays any more (dimensions have been checked):
roleReturn = roleReturn.leafComponentType();
baseReturn = baseReturn.leafComponentType();
TypeBinding translatedReturn = baseSpec.returnNeedsTranslation ?
((ReferenceBinding)roleReturn).baseclass() :
if (translatedReturn.isTypeVariable()) {
TypeBinding firstBound = ((TypeVariableBinding)translatedReturn).firstBound;
if (firstBound != null)
translatedReturn= firstBound;
if (!baseReturn.isCompatibleWith(translatedReturn)) {
baseSpec, this.roleMethodSpec);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
/** Check OTJLD 4.4(b) "Callin parameter mapping / Restrictions for callin replace bindings" */
public void checkResultMapping() {
// for replace callins, a "result" mapping is not allowed,
// unless an expected result is otherwise missing.
if (this.mappings == null)
for (MethodSpec baseSpec : this.baseMethodSpecs) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.mappings.length; i++) {
if (CharOperation.equals(this.mappings[i].ident.token, IOTConstants.RESULT))
this.isResultMapped = true;
// OTJLD 4.4(b): "If the base method declares a result, then ...
if (baseSpec.resolvedType() != TypeBinding.VOID) {
// * if the role method also declares a result,
if (this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedType() != TypeBinding.VOID) {
Expression resultExpr = this.mappings[i].expression;
// => result must be mapped to itself
if (! (resultExpr instanceof ResultReference)) {
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
} // no else because:
// * if the role method does not declare a result,
// an arbitrary expression may be mapped to result
} else {
this.scope.problemReporter().resultMappingForVoidMethod(this, baseSpec, this.mappings[i]);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
private boolean typeUsesTypeVariable(TypeBinding type, TypeBinding variable) {
if (type.leafComponentType() == variable)
return true;
for (TypeVariableBinding t : type.typeVariables())
if (typeUsesTypeVariable(t, variable))
return true;
if (type.isTypeVariable()) {
if (typeUsesTypeVariable(((ReferenceBinding)type).superclass(), variable))
return true;
for (TypeBinding superIfc : ((ReferenceBinding)type).superInterfaces())
if (typeUsesTypeVariable(superIfc, variable))
return true;
return false;
protected void checkResult(MethodSpec baseSpec) {
if (isReplaceCallin())
protected void checkThrownExceptions(MethodSpec baseSpec) {
checkThrownExceptions(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod, baseSpec.resolvedMethod);
// transfer all exceptions of base methods to the role method (model):
ReferenceBinding[] baseExceptions = baseSpec.resolvedMethod.thrownExceptions;
if (baseExceptions != null && baseExceptions.length > 0) {
MethodModel roleMethodModel = MethodModel.getModel(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod);
/** Check details that require analyseCode() of methods to be finished: */
public void analyseDetails(TypeDeclaration roleClass)
// check validity of base-super call
if ( this.roleMethodSpec.isValid()
&& MethodModel.hasCallinFlag(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod, CALLIN_FLAG_BASE_SUPER_CALL))
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
MethodBinding baseMethod = this.baseMethodSpecs[i].resolvedMethod;
if (baseMethod != null) {
if (!MethodModel.isOverriding(baseMethod, this.scope.compilationUnitScope()))
this.scope.problemReporter().baseSuperCallToNonOverriding(this.baseMethodSpecs[i], this.roleMethodSpec);
// create the special access attribute that signals the need to handle super access:
// check whether a base result is missing
if ( this.baseMethodNeedingResultFromBasecall != null
&& !this.isResultMapped)
if (MethodModel.hasCallinFlag(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod, CALLIN_FLAG_DEFINITELY_MISSING_BASECALL))
this, this.baseMethodNeedingResultFromBasecall);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
else if (MethodModel.hasCallinFlag(this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod, CALLIN_FLAG_POTENTIALLY_MISSING_BASECALL))
this, this.baseMethodNeedingResultFromBasecall);
public boolean isCallin()
return true;
public boolean isReplaceCallin() {
return this.callinModifier == TokenNamereplace;
public boolean isStaticReplace() {
return isReplaceCallin() && this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedMethod.isStatic();
public boolean isCallout()
return false;
public char[] getCallinModifier() {
switch (this.callinModifier)
case TokenNamereplace :
return IOTConstants.NAME_REPLACE;
case TokenNameafter :
return IOTConstants.NAME_AFTER;
case TokenNamebefore :
return IOTConstants.NAME_BEFORE;
return null;
* Returns whether at least one of the bound base method is captured including
* overrides with covariant return types (marked as "RT+ bm()")
public boolean hasCovariantReturn() {
for (MethodSpec spec : this.baseMethodSpecs)
if (spec.covariantReturn)
return true;
return false;
* For callins the role method is the implemented method to be invoked.
public MethodSpec getImplementationMethodSpec() {
return this.roleMethodSpec;
* Get the expression that is being mapped to "result"
* Precondition: parameter mappings are present.
* @return expression (in this expression "result" should be a legal name).
public Expression getResultExpression(MethodSpec baseMethodSpec, boolean needBoxing, AstGenerator gen)
if (baseMethodSpec.resolvedType() == TypeBinding.VOID)
// binding non-void to void: just return "result" which will be ignored any way.
return new SingleNameReference(
(((long)this.roleMethodSpec.sourceStart)<<32)+ this.roleMethodSpec.sourceEnd);
Expression resultExpr = null;
for (int i = 0; i < this.mappings.length; i++) {
if (this.mappings[i].isUsedFor(baseMethodSpec)) // already used mapping?
if (CharOperation.equals(this.mappings[i].ident.token, IOTConstants.RESULT)) {
if (resultExpr != null) {
this.scope.problemReporter().duplicateParamMapping(this.mappings[i], IOTConstants.RESULT, /*isCallout*/false);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
} else {
resultExpr = this.mappings[i].expression;
if (resultExpr != null) {
// check undefined 'result' expression:
if ( this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedType() == TypeBinding.VOID
&& (resultExpr instanceof ResultReference))
this.scope.problemReporter().resultNotDefinedForVoidMethod(resultExpr, this.roleMethodSpec.selector, false/*callout*/);
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
if ( resultExpr != null
&& !this.isResultMapped // in param-mapping role-side "result" already has boxed type
&& needBoxing)
resultExpr = gen.createBoxing(resultExpr, (BaseTypeBinding)baseMethodSpec.resolvedType());
return resultExpr;
Integer analyzeArgForReplace(MethodSpec sourceMethodSpec, int implIdx, Expression mappedArgExpr)
if (!isReplaceCallin()) return null;
Expression currentExpression = mappedArgExpr;
// the reverse of a cast expression is implicit widening, thus allow these
if (currentExpression instanceof CastExpression) {
currentExpression = ((CastExpression)currentExpression).expression;
if (currentExpression instanceof SingleNameReference) {
SingleNameReference arg = (SingleNameReference)currentExpression;
return recordPosition(implIdx, arg.token, sourceMethodSpec);
} else {
SingleNameReference match = findBaseArgName(
currentExpression, this.scope, sourceMethodSpec.arguments);
if (match != null && this.scope != null) {
this.binding.tagBits |= TagBits.HasMappingIncompatibility;
return null;
/** Get incoming arguments that are not used by the role side. */
public int[] getUnmappedBasePositions(MethodSpec baseSpec) {
int baseArgCount = baseSpec.resolvedParameters().length; // role-as-base enhancement filtered out
int[] result = new int[baseArgCount];
int idx = 0;
for (int i=0; i<baseArgCount; i++) {
if (!isMapped(i))
if (idx < baseArgCount) {
System.arraycopy(result, 0, result = new int[idx], 0, idx);
return result;
private boolean isMapped(int pos) {
if (this.positions == null)
return pos < this.roleMethodSpec.resolvedParameters().length;
for (int i=0; i<this.positions.length; i++)
if (this.positions[i] == pos+1)
return true;
return false;
public void traverse(ASTVisitor visitor, ClassScope classScope)
if(visitor.visit(this, classScope))
for (int idx = 0; idx < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; idx++)
if (this.mappings != null)
for (int idy = 0; idy < this.mappings.length; idy++)
ParameterMapping mapping = this.mappings[idy];
visitor.endVisit(this, classScope);
public String callinModifier() {
return callinModifier(this.callinModifier);
public static String callinModifier(int callinModifier) {
switch (callinModifier)
case TokenNamereplace :
return "replace"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case TokenNameafter :
return "after"; //$NON-NLS-1$
case TokenNamebefore :
return "before"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return "<unknown>"; //$NON-NLS-1$
public StringBuffer print(int indent, StringBuffer output)
if ( != null) {
output.append(":\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$
output.append(" <- "); //$NON-NLS-1$
output.append(callinModifier()+" "); //$NON-NLS-1$
int length = this.baseMethodSpecs.length;
if (length > 1)
output.append(" { "); //$NON-NLS-1$
for (int t = 0; t < length; t++)
if (t < length - 1)
output.append(", "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (length > 1)
output.append(" } "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.predicate != null)
printIndent(indent+1, output);
if (this.predicate.isBasePredicate)
output.append("base "); //$NON-NLS-1$
output.append("when "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.predicate.returnStatement != null)
this.predicate.returnStatement.expression.printExpression(indent, output);
output.append("<null expression>"); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.mappings != null)
output.append(" with { "); //$NON-NLS-1$
length = this.mappings.length;
for (int t = 0; t < length; t++)
if (t < length - 1)
output.append(", ");//$NON-NLS-1$
output.append(" } "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else
output.append(";"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return output;
public StringBuffer printShort(int indent, StringBuffer output, MethodSpec baseMethodSpec)
return output;
* @param baseMethodSpec
* @param wrapperMethod
public void setWrapper(MethodSpec baseMethodSpec, MethodDeclaration wrapperMethod) {
if (this.wrappers == null)
this.wrappers = new MethodDeclaration[this.baseMethodSpecs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
if (this.baseMethodSpecs[i] == baseMethodSpec) {
this.wrappers[i] = wrapperMethod;
this.scope.problemReporter().abortDueToInternalError("trying to set wrapper for non-existing baseMethodSpec"+baseMethodSpec); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Answer the wrapper through which a given base method will invoke this binding.
public MethodDeclaration getWrapper(MethodSpec baseMethodSpec) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.baseMethodSpecs.length; i++) {
if (this.baseMethodSpecs[i] == baseMethodSpec) {
return this.wrappers[i];
return null;
public boolean hasName() {
return != null &&[0] != '<';
* Answer the name of the role that introduced this callin mapping
* (support for overriding in otredyn).
public char[] declaringRoleName() {
char[] roleName = this.scope.enclosingSourceType().sourceName();
if ( == null)
return roleName;
if ([0] != '<') {
ReferenceBinding currentRole = this.scope.enclosingSourceType();
while (currentRole != null && currentRole.isRole()) {
for (CallinCalloutBinding mapping : currentRole.callinCallouts) {
if (CharOperation.equals(, {
roleName = currentRole.sourceName();
currentRole = currentRole.superclass();
return roleName;