blob: b2b913ae99d11c94ead176a8a806a8f3565f4028 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Fraunhofer FIRST - extended API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - extended API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler;
* Maps each terminal symbol in the java-grammar into a unique integer.
* This integer is used to represent the terminal when computing a parsing action.
* @see IScanner
* @since 2.0
* @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
public interface ITerminalSymbols {
int TokenNameWHITESPACE = 1000;
int TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE = 1001;
int TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK = 1002;
int TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC = 1003;
* @deprecated With the introduction of "restricted keywords" in Java 9, classification of tokens
* by a scanner is inherently unreliable. Any token classified as an identifier could still
* be a "restricted keyword". Future versions of Java will introduce more words that have
* special syntactical meaning in specific contexts.
* For reliably detecting an identifier the only real solution is to use a parser instead
* (see also the caveat at the top of the interface documentation of {@link IScanner}).
int TokenNameIdentifier = 5;
int TokenNameabstract = 98;
* "assert" token (added in J2SE 1.4).
int TokenNameassert = 118;
int TokenNameboolean = 18;
int TokenNamebreak = 119;
int TokenNamebyte = 19;
int TokenNamecase = 211;
int TokenNamecatch = 225;
int TokenNamechar = 20;
int TokenNameclass = 165;
int TokenNamecontinue = 120;
int TokenNamedefault = 212;
int TokenNamedo = 121;
int TokenNamedouble = 21;
int TokenNameelse = 213;
int TokenNameextends = 243;
int TokenNamefalse = 37;
int TokenNamefinal = 99;
int TokenNamefinally = 226;
int TokenNamefloat = 22;
int TokenNamefor = 122;
int TokenNameif = 123;
int TokenNameimplements = 268;
int TokenNameimport = 191;
int TokenNameinstanceof = 65;
int TokenNameint = 23;
int TokenNameinterface = 180;
int TokenNamelong = 24;
int TokenNamenative = 100;
int TokenNamenew = 32;
int TokenNamenull = 38;
int TokenNamepackage = 214;
int TokenNameprivate = 101;
int TokenNameprotected = 102;
int TokenNamepublic = 103;
int TokenNamereturn = 124;
int TokenNameshort = 25;
int TokenNamestatic = 94;
int TokenNamestrictfp = 104;
int TokenNamesuper = 33;
int TokenNameswitch = 125;
int TokenNamesynchronized = 85;
int TokenNamethis = 34;
int TokenNamethrow = 126;
int TokenNamethrows = 227;
int TokenNametransient = 105;
int TokenNametrue = 39;
int TokenNametry = 127;
int TokenNamevoid = 26;
int TokenNamevolatile = 106;
int TokenNamewhile = 117;
int TokenNameIntegerLiteral = 40;
int TokenNameLongLiteral = 41;
int TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral = 42;
int TokenNameDoubleLiteral = 43;
int TokenNameCharacterLiteral = 44;
int TokenNameStringLiteral = 45;
* @since 3.20
* @noreference This class is not intended to be referenced by clients as it is a part of Java preview feature.
int TokenNameTextBlock = 46;
int TokenNamePLUS_PLUS = 1;
int TokenNameMINUS_MINUS = 2;
int TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL = 35;
int TokenNameLESS_EQUAL = 66;
int TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL = 67;
int TokenNameNOT_EQUAL = 36;
int TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT = 14;
int TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT = 11;
int TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL = 168;
int TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL = 169;
int TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL = 170;
int TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL = 171;
int TokenNameAND_EQUAL = 172;
int TokenNameOR_EQUAL = 173;
int TokenNameXOR_EQUAL = 174;
int TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL = 175;
int TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL = 176;
int TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL = 177;
int TokenNameOR_OR = 80;
int TokenNameAND_AND = 79;
int TokenNamePLUS = 3;
int TokenNameMINUS = 4;
int TokenNameNOT = 71;
int TokenNameREMAINDER = 9;
int TokenNameXOR = 63;
int TokenNameAND = 62;
int TokenNameMULTIPLY = 8;
int TokenNameOR = 70;
int TokenNameTWIDDLE = 72;
int TokenNameDIVIDE = 10;
int TokenNameGREATER = 68;
int TokenNameLESS = 69;
int TokenNameLPAREN = 7;
int TokenNameRPAREN = 86;
int TokenNameLBRACE = 110;
int TokenNameRBRACE = 95;
int TokenNameLBRACKET = 15;
int TokenNameRBRACKET = 166;
int TokenNameSEMICOLON = 64;
int TokenNameQUESTION = 81;
int TokenNameCOLON = 154;
int TokenNameCOMMA = 90;
int TokenNameDOT = 6;
int TokenNameEQUAL = 167;
int TokenNameEOF = 158;
int TokenNameERROR = 309;
* "enum" keyword (added in J2SE 1.5).
* @since 3.0
int TokenNameenum = 400;
* "@" token (added in J2SE 1.5).
* @since 3.0
int TokenNameAT = 401;
* "..." token (added in J2SE 1.5).
* @since 3.0
int TokenNameELLIPSIS = 402;
* @since 3.1
int TokenNameconst = 403;
* @since 3.1
int TokenNamegoto = 404; // goto not found in Java ? :)
* @since 3.10
int TokenNameARROW = 405;
* @since 3.10
int TokenNameCOLON_COLON = 406;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameNotAToken = 408;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameRestrictedIdentifierYield = 409;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameRestrictedIdentifierpermits = 410;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameRestrictedIdentifierrecord = 411;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameRestrictedIdentifiersealed = 412;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNameSingleQuoteStringLiteral = 413;
/** @since 3.30 */
int TokenNamenon_sealed = 414;
//{ObjectTeams: mirrored from auto-generated Note: the values here must be constant across Eclipse-versions, so do not simply copy the identifiers!
// Take values from 5000 upwards
TokenNamebase = 5000,
TokenNametsuper = 5001,
TokenNamecallin = 5002,
TokenNamewithin = 5003,
TokenNameplayedBy = 5004,
TokenNamewith = 5005,
TokenNameteam = 5006,
TokenNameas = 5007,
TokenNamereplace = 5009,
TokenNameafter = 5010,
TokenNamebefore = 5011,
TokenNameBINDIN = 5012,
TokenNameBINDOUT = 5013,
TokenNameget = 5016,
TokenNameset = 5017,
TokenNamewhen = 5018,
TokenNameprecedence = 5019;
// carp}