blob: 4ea8214ed601f7203c264b340de998148ad66493 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2003, 2010 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode;
import java.util.Iterator;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.util.IVerificationTypeInfo;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ClassFile;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.AbstractMethodDeclaration;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.AttributeNamesConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.CodeStream;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.Opcodes;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LocalVariableBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.MethodBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ReferenceBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.SourceTypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeBinding;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.IOTConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.compiler.ISMAPConstants;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.exceptions.InternalCompilerError;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.bytecode.ConstantPoolObjectReader.IncompatibleBytecodeException;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.ArrayTranslations;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.lifting.Lifting;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.mappings.CalloutImplementorDyn;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.MethodModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.RoleModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.model.TeamModel;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.smap.LineInfo;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.smap.LineNumberProvider;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.statemachine.transformer.TeamMethodGenerator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TSuperHelper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.internal.core.compiler.util.TypeAnalyzer;
* Documentation is in the methods themselves.
* @author Markus Witte and Stephan Herrmann
* @version $Id: 23416 2010-02-03 19:59:31Z stephan $
public class BytecodeTransformer
implements AttributeNamesConstants, ClassFileConstants
private ConstantPoolObjectReader _reader;
private ConstantPoolObjectWriter _writer;
private ConstantPoolObjectMapper _mapper;
private static final int METHOD_PREFIX_LEN = 8;
private static final int CODE_ATTR_PREFIX_LEN = 14;
// length of field before actual byte code starts within the code attribute:
// u2 attribute_name_index;
// u4 attribute_length;
// u2 max_stack;
// u2 max_locals;
// u4 code_length;
* When generating code for a role class, copy all non-wide string/integer constants
* from all tsuper roles in order to reserve constant pool positions below 256.
* Note, that this strategy is not safe, since multiple tsupers may introduce any
* number of constants below 256 :(
public void checkCopyNonWideConstants(Scope scope, ClassFile classFile)
SourceTypeBinding dstType = classFile.referenceBinding;
this._writer = new ConstantPoolObjectWriter(classFile);
if (dstType.isRole() && !dstType.isInterface()) // for all role classes
ReferenceBinding[] tsuperRoles = dstType.roleModel.getTSuperRoleBindings();
for (int i = 0; i < tsuperRoles.length; i++) // for all tsuper roles
RoleModel srcRole = tsuperRoles[i].roleModel;
if (srcRole == null || !srcRole.hasByteCode()) continue;
byte[] srcConstantPool = srcRole.getByteCode();
if (srcConstantPool == null) continue; // be shy, no idea how it could happen
this._reader = new ConstantPoolObjectReader(srcRole, srcConstantPool, scope.environment());
copyAllNonWideConstants(srcRole.getConstantPoolOffsets().length, srcRole.getBinding().enclosingType(), dstType);
if (dstType.isTeam()) {
ReferenceBinding orgObjectteamsTeam = scope.getOrgObjectteamsTeam();
if ( !TypeAnalyzer.isOrgObjectteamsTeam(dstType)
&& !dstType.superclass.isTeam())
TeamMethodGenerator tmg = scope.environment().getTeamMethodGenerator();
if (tmg.requestBytes()) { // if o.o.Team is converted we don't have the bytecode - and shouldn't need it
this._reader = new ConstantPoolObjectReader(tmg.classBytes, tmg.constantPoolOffsets, orgObjectteamsTeam.getTeamModel(), scope.environment());
copyAllNonWideConstants(tmg.constantPoolOffsets.length, dstType.superclass, dstType);
TeamModel srcModel= dstType.superclass.getTeamModel();
if (srcModel == null) return;
// if the team has a copied ctor (w/ arg-lifting), bytecodes
// for the team need to be copied from the super-team, too:
for (MethodBinding method : dstType.methods()) {
method= method.copyInheritanceSrc;
if (method == null || method.model == null) continue; // shouldn't happen anyway
TeamModel methodSrcTeam = srcModel;
if (TypeBinding.notEquals(method.declaringClass, srcModel.getBinding())) {
// copied from implicit super team - find the source:
if (!method.declaringClass.isTeam())
methodSrcTeam = method.declaringClass.getTeamModel();
if (!method.model.hasBytes()) continue; // method not relevant for copying
this._reader= new ConstantPoolObjectReader(method.model, methodSrcTeam, scope.environment());
copyAllNonWideConstants(method.model.getConstantPoolOffsets().length, methodSrcTeam.getBinding(), dstType);
return; // triggered by any method, this team class is fully handled.
* Creates a Copy of the source-Method-Bytecode and adjusts all references from superrole
* to local role. Operates directly on the ClassFile.
* @param classFile class file structure for the destination role
* @param dstMethod Declaration of the method to be copied.
public void checkCopyMethodCode(ClassFile classFile, AbstractMethodDeclaration dstMethod)
SourceTypeBinding dstType = classFile.referenceBinding;
MethodBinding srcMethodBinding = dstMethod.sourceMethodBinding;
ReferenceBinding srcType = srcMethodBinding.declaringClass;
RoleModel srcRole = srcType.roleModel;
if (TypeAnalyzer.isSourceTypeWithErrors(srcType) || MethodModel.hasProblem(srcMethodBinding)) {
// broken tsuper role has probably no byte code.
dstMethod.binding.bytecodeMissing= true;
if (CharOperation.equals(CalloutImplementorDyn.OT_ACCESS, dstMethod.selector)
||CharOperation.equals(CalloutImplementorDyn.OT_ACCESS_STATIC, dstMethod.selector))
byte[] srcConstantPool = null;
int offset = -1;
ConstantPoolObjectReader reader = null;
if (!srcMethodBinding.original().bytecodeMissing) {
if (srcRole != null) {
srcConstantPool = srcRole.getByteCode();
offset = srcRole.getByteCodeOffset(srcMethodBinding);
reader = new ConstantPoolObjectReader(srcRole, srcConstantPool, dstMethod.scope.environment());
} else if (srcMethodBinding.model != null) {
// if not copying from a role, it must be a team constructor, or a callin wrapper
assert srcType.isTeam();
MethodModel mModel = srcMethodBinding.model;
srcConstantPool = mModel.getBytes();
offset = mModel.getStructOffset();
reader = new ConstantPoolObjectReader(mModel, srcType.getTeamModel(), dstMethod.scope.environment());
if (offset == -1) {
dstMethod.binding.bytecodeMissing = true; // propagate error.
doCopyMethodCode( srcRole,
null, // cp-offsets not needed here
new ConstantPoolObjectMapper(srcMethodBinding, dstMethod.binding),
public void doCopyMethodCode(RoleModel srcRole,
MethodBinding srcMethodBinding,
SourceTypeBinding dstType,
AbstractMethodDeclaration dstMethod,
byte[] srcConstantPool,
int[] constantPoolOffsets,
int offset,
ConstantPoolObjectReader reader,
ConstantPoolObjectMapper mapper,
ClassFile classFile)
this._reader = reader;
this._mapper = mapper;
this._writer = new ConstantPoolObjectWriter(classFile);
int codeAttributeOffset = findCodeAttribute(srcConstantPool, offset);
int codeLength = OTByteCodes.getInt (srcConstantPool, codeAttributeOffset+10);
int tailOffset = codeAttributeOffset+CODE_ATTR_PREFIX_LEN+codeLength;
// calculate size of attributes:
int attributesLen = computeAttributesLen(srcConstantPool, offset);
// copy method code:
int totalLen = METHOD_PREFIX_LEN+attributesLen;
byte[] methodCode = new byte[totalLen];
System.arraycopy (srcConstantPool, offset, methodCode, 0, totalLen);
// keep this offset for updating the stored value after adjustTail():
int copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset;
// first phase of adjustment (method prefix and attributes except code):
ConstantPoolSimpleConverter conv = constantPoolOffsets == null
? ConstantPoolSimpleConverter.create(srcRole, srcMethodBinding, methodCode, classFile)
: new ConstantPoolSimpleConverter(srcConstantPool, constantPoolOffsets, offset, methodCode, classFile);
byte[][] varDest = new byte[][]{methodCode};
boolean isAddingMarkerArg = !TSuperHelper.isTSuper(srcMethodBinding) && dstMethod.isTSuper;
copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset = copyAdjustStructure(
srcConstantPool, offset, varDest,
int inc = varDest[0].length - methodCode.length;
tailOffset += inc;
totalLen += inc;
codeAttributeOffset += inc;
methodCode = varDest[0];
codeAttributeOffset -= offset; // now relative to methodCode
tailOffset -= offset;
if (copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset == -1) {
// TODO: consider inserting this attribute during copyAdjustStructure()
// CopyInheritanceSrc added when copying a method for the first time
byte[] extraAttr = generateCpInhSrc(dstMethod.model, classFile);
if (extraAttr != null) {
System.arraycopy(methodCode, 0,
methodCode = new byte[totalLen+extraAttr.length], 0,
System.arraycopy (extraAttr, 0, methodCode, totalLen, extraAttr.length);
incrementWord(methodCode, 0, 6, 1); // attributes_count++
copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset = totalLen+8; // offset of lineOffset within CopyInheritanceSrc attr.
if (dstMethod.isTSuper)
incrementWord(methodCode, codeAttributeOffset, 8, 1); // max_locals++
CodeStream codeStream = classFile.codeStream;
codeStream.init(classFile); // a weaker reset (we have no AbstractMethodDeclaration)
int newMethodOffset = classFile.contentsOffset;
boolean isCtorAddingMarkArg =
&& !TSuperHelper.isTSuper(srcMethodBinding)
&& dstMethod.isTSuper;
try {
adjustCode(classFile, dstMethod.getModel(), methodCode, codeAttributeOffset, codeLength, isCtorAddingMarkArg);
} catch (IncompatibleBytecodeException ibe) {
ProblemReporter pr = dstMethod.scope.problemReporter();
pr.incompatibleBytecode(ibe._offendingName, ibe._problemId);
} catch (Throwable t) {
ProblemReporter pr = dstMethod.scope.problemReporter();
int lineOffset = adjustTail(dstType, methodCode, tailOffset, dstMethod.binding, srcMethodBinding.model);
if (copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset > -1 && lineOffset != 0) {
// adjustTail has computed a new lineOffset, insert it into the existing attribute now:
OTByteCodes.setInt(methodCode, copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset, lineOffset);
MethodModel.getModel(dstMethod)._lineOffset = lineOffset;
classFile.contents = codeStream.bCodeStream; // might have grown during adjust
classFile.contentsOffset += methodCode.length;
dstMethod.maybeRecordByteCode(classFile, newMethodOffset);
* @param srcConstantPool
* @param offset start of this method (within srcConstantPool)
* @return length of all attributes of this method
private int computeAttributesLen(byte[] srcConstantPool, int offset) {
int attributesCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(srcConstantPool, offset+6);
int attributesStart = offset+METHOD_PREFIX_LEN;
int attrOffset = attributesStart;
for (int i=0; i<attributesCount; i++)
attrOffset += 2; // name
attrOffset += 4 + OTByteCodes.getInt(srcConstantPool, attrOffset); // len
return attrOffset - attributesStart;
/** Increment a word value by 'increment', which is 'offset' bytes into the method code. */
private void incrementWord(byte[] code, int codeAttributeOffset, int offset, int increment) {
int value = OTByteCodes.getWord(code, codeAttributeOffset+offset);
OTByteCodes.setWord(code, codeAttributeOffset+offset, value+increment);
* Find the start of the code attribute. Don't yet map attribute names, since
* the result of this function is needed to compute the target byte-array size,
* i.e., we can't create the new byte array before calling this method.
* @param code
* @param start first position of the method.
* @return start position of the code attribute.
private int findCodeAttribute(byte[] code, int start)
int attributesCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(code, start+6);
for (int i=0; i<attributesCount; i++)
char[] attribute_name = this._reader.getUtf8(OTByteCodes.getWord(code, start+ 0));
if (CharOperation.equals(attribute_name, CodeName))
return start;
int attribute_length = OTByteCodes.getInt (code, start+ 2);
start += 6+attribute_length;
throw new InternalCompilerError("Binary method has no code attribute"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Copy the method structure, ie., the header comprising name and signature
* and _all_ attributes (including Code).
* Everything _but_ Code is adjusted (only strings).
* @param conv converter for mapping strings to the new constantpool
* @param src bytes to copy from
* @param srcOffset offset into src
* @param varDest bytes to copy into -- 0-cell array of byte[] to mimic an in-out param
* @param dstMethod
* @param expectedLen number of bytes to be adjusted (for sanity checking only)
* @return if a CopyInheritanceSrc Attribute is already present return the offset where the lineOffset is stored, -1 otherwise
private int copyAdjustStructure(
ClassFile classFile,
ConstantPoolSimpleConverter conv,
byte[] src, int srcOffset, byte[][] varDest,
MethodBinding dstMethod,
int expectedLen,
boolean isAddingMarkerArg)
byte[] dest = varDest[0];
conv.updateName(2); // method name
conv.writeName(4, dstMethod.signature(classFile)); // method signature
int attributesCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(dest, 6);
int offset = METHOD_PREFIX_LEN;
int destOff = 0; // additional offset when inserting more bytes into dest
int copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset = -1;
for (int i = 0; i<attributesCount; i++) {
char[] attrName = conv.updateName(offset); // attribute name
offset += 2;
int attrLen = OTByteCodes.getInt(src, srcOffset+offset); // attribute length
offset += 4;
if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, ExceptionsName))
int numExceptions = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
offset += 2;
for (int j=0; j<numExceptions; j++) {
int ref = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
ConstantPoolObject cpo = this._reader.readConstantPoolObject(ref, 2);
cpo = this._mapper.mapConstantPoolObject(cpo);
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(dest, offset+destOff, 2, cpo);
else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, SignatureName))
offset += 2;
else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, IOTConstants.COPY_INHERITANCE_SOURCE_NAME))
if (attrLen > 2) {
copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset = offset+2;
offset += 6;
} else {
// legacy attribute without lineOffset
copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset = 0;
offset += 2;
else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, IOTConstants.TYPE_ANCHOR_LIST))
int num = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
offset += 2;
for (int j = 0; j<num; j++) {
offset += 2;
} else if ( CharOperation.equals(attrName, RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsName)
|| CharOperation.equals(attrName, RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsName))
int annotCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
for (int j=0; j<annotCount; j++)
offset = adjustAnnotation(conv, src, srcOffset, offset);
} else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsName)
|| CharOperation.equals(attrName, RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsName))
if (isAddingMarkerArg) {
OTByteCodes.setInt(dest, offset+destOff-4, attrLen+2); // grow attr by 2
int paramCount = OTByteCodes.getUnsignedByte(src, srcOffset+offset);
dest[offset+destOff] = (byte)(paramCount+1); // grow paramCount by 1
for (int p=0; p<paramCount; p++) { // copy-adjust annotations
int annotCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
for (int j=0; j<annotCount; j++)
offset = adjustAnnotation(conv, src, srcOffset, offset+destOff);
dest = OTByteCodes.insertWord(dest, offset+destOff, 0); // add a "0" entry
varDest[0] = dest;
destOff += 2;
} else {
offset += attrLen;
} else {
offset += attrLen;
assert offset == expectedLen;
return copyInhSrcLineOffsetOffset;
/** Scan for all names in a possibly structured/nested annotation to adjust constants to the new pool. */
private int adjustAnnotation(ConstantPoolSimpleConverter conv, byte[] src, int srcOffset, int offset) {
conv.updateName(offset); // annotation name
offset += 2;
int numMembers = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+offset);
offset += 2;
if (numMembers > 0)
for (int k=0; k<numMembers; k++) {
offset += 2;
offset = adjustAnnotationElementValue(conv, src, srcOffset, offset);
return offset;
* Adjust all string values within an annotation with members.
* SH: inspired by AnnotationInfo.scanElementValue(int);
* @return the next offset to read.
private int adjustAnnotationElementValue(ConstantPoolSimpleConverter conv, byte[] src, int srcOffset, int offset)
throws IllegalArgumentException
int currentOffset = offset;
int tag = OTByteCodes.getUnsignedByte(src, srcOffset+currentOffset);
switch (tag) {
case 'B':
case 'C':
case 'D':
case 'F':
case 'I':
case 'J':
case 'S':
case 'Z':
currentOffset += 2;
case 's':
case 'c':
currentOffset += 2;
case 'e':
conv.updateName(currentOffset); // enum type
currentOffset += 2;
conv.updateName(currentOffset); // constant
currentOffset += 2;
case '@':
currentOffset = adjustAnnotation(conv, src, srcOffset, currentOffset);
case '[':
int numberOfValues = OTByteCodes.getWord(src, srcOffset+currentOffset);
currentOffset += 2;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfValues; i++)
currentOffset = adjustAnnotationElementValue(conv, src, srcOffset, currentOffset);
throw new IllegalStateException();
return currentOffset;
/* generate the CopyInheritanceSrc Attribute. */
byte[] generateCpInhSrc(MethodModel model, ClassFile classFile)
if (model == null || model._attributes == null)
return null;
for (int i = 0; i < model._attributes.length; i++) {
if (CharOperation.equals(model._attributes[i]._name, IOTConstants.COPY_INHERITANCE_SOURCE_NAME))
byte[] result = new byte[model._attributes[i].size()];
model._attributes[i].generate(result, 0, classFile.constantPool);
return result;
return null;
* This method replaces all references to constantpool of the superclass with references
* to current subclass constantpool
* - all References in codeToAdjust will be exchanged
* - unknown references must be added to the ConstantPool of classFile
* @param dstClassFile This is the destination Classfile wich contains the later flushed ConstantPool
* @param mModel the destination method
* @param codeToAdjust this is the duplicated code-part of the code_attribute (see getCodeByteCode)
* @param codeAttributeOffset attribute offset within codeToAdjust
* @param codeLength length of codeToAdjust
* @param isCtorAddingMarkArg are we copying into a tsuper ctor with additional marger arg?
private void adjustCode(
ClassFile dstClassFile,
MethodModel mModel,
byte[] codeToAdjust,
int codeAttributeOffset,
int codeLength,
boolean isCtorAddingMarkArg)
* States concerning marker-arg chaining sequences:
* (See class comment of class ExlicitConstructorCall for background information).
* 0 : do nothing
* 1 : this is a ctor
* 2 : saw aconst_null
* 3 : saw astore_<n> : volatile state: immediately leave this state.
* When in state 3 we immediately see a self call invokespecial
* replace the chaining sequence and replace the method to call;
* This heuristic is safe, since the sequence
* "aconst_null; astore<n>; invokespecial"
* could not be created from source-code.
int state = 1;
boolean initCachesAdded = false;
int actualBytecodeStart = codeAttributeOffset+CODE_ATTR_PREFIX_LEN;
for (int i = actualBytecodeStart; i<actualBytecodeStart+codeLength; i++) {
//get byte from bytecode array
byte b_int = codeToAdjust[i];
//get number of operands from Table
int length = OTByteCodes.cpReferenceLength(b_int);
// if byte code is followed by a reference into the cp
if (length != 0) {
//get reference from current code position -> a reference consist of one or more bytes
int ref = OTByteCodes.getRef(length, codeToAdjust, i+1);
ConstantPoolObject src_cpo = this._reader.readConstantPoolObject(ref, length);
ConstantPoolObject dst_cpo = this._mapper.mapConstantPoolObject(src_cpo, state==3/*addMarkerArgAllowed*/);
if (dst_cpo.isMethod()) {
if (dst_cpo.isIllegallyCopiedCtor()) {
// illegal ctor is actually used: report as error!
AbstractMethodDeclaration methodDecl = mModel.getDecl();
methodDecl.scope.problemReporter().illegallyCopiedDefaultCtor(methodDecl, methodDecl.scope.referenceType());
MethodBinding method = dst_cpo.getMethodRef();
if (state == 3) {
if ( isCtorAddingMarkArg
&& method.overriddenTSupers != null
&& method.isConstructor())
// statemachine recognized full pattern for chaining marker arg. Patch now:
MethodBinding tsuperVersion = findTSuperVersion(method);
if (tsuperVersion != null) {
replaceChainArg(codeToAdjust, i-3);
} else if (method.parameters.length > src_cpo.getMethodRef().parameters.length) {
if (method.copyInheritanceSrc != null) {
// overwrite 2-byte astore_n:
// as to leave preceding aconst_null on stack to match the tsuper-marker
codeToAdjust[i-2] = Opcodes.OPC_nop;
codeToAdjust[i-1] = Opcodes.OPC_nop;
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(codeToAdjust, i+1, length, dst_cpo);
} else if ( b_int == Opcodes.OPC_nop
&& mModel != null
&& mModel.liftedParams != null
&& mModel.liftedParams.length > 0)
int arg = checkPatchLiftingNops(codeToAdjust, i);
if (arg >= 0) {
// found a nop sequence to be patched (constant parts are already patched)
ConstantPoolObject dst_cpo = null;
int loadPos = arg & 0x1FFF; // bit 0x2000 flags (storePos > 3)
if (!initCachesAdded) { // only insert once
// find the _OT$initCaches method:
dst_cpo = getInitCachesMethod(dstClassFile);
if (dst_cpo != null) {
// write the method reference into the nop space:
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(codeToAdjust, i+2, 2, dst_cpo);
initCachesAdded = true;
if (dst_cpo == null) {
codeToAdjust[i+1] = Opcodes.OPC_nop; // delete invokevirtual
// Note: aload_0 and pop are already balanced
int offset = (loadPos > 3) ? 1 : 0; // longer byte code used for aload?
// find the lift method:
dst_cpo = getLiftMethod(dstClassFile, mModel, loadPos);
if (dst_cpo == null)
return; // cannot perform required lifting
// write the method reference into the nop space:
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(codeToAdjust, i+offset+8, 2, dst_cpo);
// call sequence had two additional loads, reserve space on the stack:
incrementWord(codeToAdjust, codeAttributeOffset, 6, 2); // max_stack++
length = 10+offset;
if ((arg & 0x2000) != 0) // longer byte code used for astore?
// state machine:
if (state == 1 && b_int == Opcodes.OPC_aconst_null)
state = 2;
else if (state == 2 && b_int == Opcodes.OPC_astore)
state = 3;
else if (state == 3)
state = 0; // patch sequence not followed by self call: quit state machine.
i += length;
// also skip parameters, which are not CP-index
i += OTByteCodes.getParamLength(b_int, codeToAdjust, i, actualBytecodeStart);
* Watch out: String/Integer & Class constants require a LDC or a LDCW opcode depending on their index
* in the constant pool. This method tries to prioritize constants with low index,
* to avoid that they get a high index in the target class, which will lead to invalid
* copied LDC operations.
* @param nConstants number of constants in the src constant pool
private void copyAllNonWideConstants(int nConstants, ReferenceBinding srcTeamBinding, ReferenceBinding dstType) {
Iterator<ConstantPoolObject> it = this._reader.getNonWideConstantIterator(nConstants);
if (!dstType.isTeam() && dstType.isRole())
dstType = dstType.enclosingType();
while (it.hasNext()) {
ConstantPoolObject src_cpo =;
ConstantPoolObject dst_cpo = src_cpo.isClass()
? new ConstantPoolObject(
ConstantPoolObjectMapper.mapClass(srcTeamBinding, src_cpo.getClassObject(), dstType))
: src_cpo;
private ConstantPoolObject getInitCachesMethod(ClassFile dstClassFile) {
MethodBinding[] inits = dstClassFile.referenceBinding.getMethods(IOTConstants.OT_INIT_CACHES);
if (inits.length == 0)
return null; // not all teams have initCaches (super ctor already calls the super version)
assert inits.length == 1; // TODO (SH): watchout: tsuper versions in nested teams!!
// wrap it:
ConstantPoolObject dst_cpo = new ConstantPoolObject(MethodRefTag, inits[0]);
return dst_cpo;
* Get the liftmethod for lifting the arg-th argument of mModel.
* @param dstClassFile
* @param mModel
* @param arg
* @return a wrapper for the liftmethod.
private ConstantPoolObject getLiftMethod(ClassFile dstClassFile, MethodModel mModel, int arg) {
// find the role type:
TypeBinding[] adjustedArgs = mModel.liftedParams;
TypeBinding roleOrig = adjustedArgs[arg-1];
AbstractMethodDeclaration mDecl = mModel.getDecl();
TypeBinding role = TeamModel.getRoleToLiftTo(
// find the method:
char[] liftName = null;
if (role.isArrayType()) {
liftName = ArrayTranslations.getTransformMethodName((ReferenceBinding) role.leafComponentType(), role.dimensions(), true);
} else {
liftName = Lifting.getLiftMethodName(role);
MethodBinding[] lifters = dstClassFile.referenceBinding.getMethods(liftName);
if (lifters.length != 1) {
assert RoleModel.hasTagBit(((ReferenceBinding)role.leafComponentType()).getRealClass(), RoleModel.HasLiftingProblem) :
"must have lift method unless lifting problem was detected"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return null;
// wrap it:
ConstantPoolObject dst_cpo = new ConstantPoolObject(MethodRefTag, lifters[0]);
return dst_cpo;
/** Look for the nop pattern of a local var that is used to
* prepare for lifting. If the pattern is found, patch all those
* opcodes, that are constant (see class comment in Lifting).
private int checkPatchLiftingNops(byte[] code, int idx) {
int i;
// Expecting 6 nops:
if (code[i] != Opcodes.OPC_nop)
return -1;
// Expecting aload_<loadPos>:
int loadPos = OTByteCodes.getAloadPos(code[idx+6], code[idx+7]);
if (loadPos == -1)
return -1;
int storeStart = (loadPos > 3) ? 8 : 7; // depends on space for pos operand
// Expecting 3 nops:
if (code[i] != Opcodes.OPC_nop)
return -1;
// Expecting astore_<storePos>:
int storePos = OTByteCodes.getAstorePos(code[idx+10], code[idx+11]);
if (storePos == -1)
return -1;
// Full match, start patching:
// patching 6 nops:
code[idx+0] = Opcodes.OPC_aload_0;
code[idx+1] = Opcodes.OPC_invokevirtual;
// [idx+2/3]: space for "_OT$initCaches"
code[idx+4] = Opcodes.OPC_pop;
code[idx+5] = Opcodes.OPC_aload_0;
// leave aload<loadPos>
if (loadPos > 3)
// patching 3 nops:
code[idx+7] = Opcodes.OPC_invokevirtual;
// [idx+8/9]: space for _OT$liftTo<Role>
// leave astore<storePos>
if (storePos > 3)
loadPos += 0x2000; // flag to client that longer byte code is used
return loadPos;
* Add a byte code sequence that is a placeholder for chaining the
* marker arg if the current method is copied lateron.
* (See class comment in class ExplicitConstructorCall).
* @param scope
* @param codeStream
* @param chainTSuperMarkArgPos position that a marker arg will get when added.
public static void addChainingPlaceholder(
BlockScope scope,
CodeStream codeStream,
int chainTSuperMarkArgPos)
// create local variable "Object _OT$chainArg"
// at the very position that will be taken by an added
// marker argument:
LocalVariableBinding nullVar = new LocalVariableBinding(
"_OT$chainArg".toCharArray(), //$NON-NLS-1$
0, false);
nullVar.resolvedPosition = chainTSuperMarkArgPos;
nullVar.useFlag = LocalVariableBinding.USED;
nullVar.declaringScope = scope.methodScope();
// add dummy code sequence "aconst_null; astore <i>"
// which will be changed by BytecodeTransformer.replaceChainArg
// to "nop; aload <i>" with the same <i>.
codeStream.astore(chainTSuperMarkArgPos); // optimize small indices?
// record positions for local varaible table.
if (nullVar.initializationPCs != null)
/** Perform changes to code sequence produced by addChainingPlaceholder(). */
private void replaceChainArg(byte[] codeToAdjust, int idx) {
codeToAdjust[idx] = Opcodes.OPC_nop;
codeToAdjust[idx+1] = Opcodes.OPC_aload;
// argument to aload remains unchanged from astore
/** Answer the tsuper version which is overridden by 'orig',
* or null if orig itself is copied without adding the marker arg.
* @param orig
* @return tsuper method or null
private MethodBinding findTSuperVersion (MethodBinding orig) {
ReferenceBinding roleType = orig.declaringClass;
MethodBinding[] methods = roleType.methods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if (orig.overridesTSuper(methods[i].copyInheritanceSrc))
return methods[i];
assert orig.copyInheritanceSrc != null; // must be a copied method, don't replace
return null;
private int[][] getLineNumberTable(byte[] classFileBytes, int offset) {
final int length = OTByteCodes.getWord(classFileBytes, offset);
int[][] result = null;
if (length != 0) {
result = new int[length][2];
int readOffset = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result[i][0] = OTByteCodes.getWord(classFileBytes, offset+readOffset);
result[i][1] = OTByteCodes.getWord(classFileBytes, offset+readOffset+2);
readOffset += 4;
return result;
* Adjust further information outside the Code attribute.
* @param dstType
* @param codeToAdjust
* @param tailOffset
* @param dstMethodBinding
* @param srcMethodModel
* @return the new offset between line-numbers in the copied byte code and original source lines
private int adjustTail(SourceTypeBinding dstType, byte[] codeToAdjust, int tailOffset, MethodBinding dstMethodBinding, MethodModel srcMethodModel)
int newLineOffset = 0;
int exceptionCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, tailOffset);
int offset = tailOffset+2;
for (int i = 0; i<exceptionCount; i++) {
if (OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset+6)!=0) // 0 means any exception
updateCPO(dstType, codeToAdjust, offset+6, 2); // catch type
offset += 8;
// remap arguments and locals:
// non-static methods: [0] is "this", shift others by 1
// static methods: [0] is dummy int, [1] is synthetic team arg,
// these two have no entry in LVT and LVTT, so just ignore them.
// however, shift all real parameters to positions 2 ..
int implicitSlots = dstMethodBinding.isStatic() ? 2 : 1;
TypeBinding[] arguments = new TypeBinding[dstMethodBinding.parameters.length+implicitSlots];
System.arraycopy(dstMethodBinding.parameters,0, arguments, implicitSlots, dstMethodBinding.parameters.length);
if (!dstMethodBinding.isStatic()) {
arguments[0] = dstMethodBinding.declaringClass;
} else {
arguments[0] = TypeBinding.INT;
arguments[1] = dstType.enclosingType();
// Attributes within the Code attribute:
int attribCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset);
offset += 2;
for (int i=0; i<attribCount; i++)
ConstantPoolObject newCPO = updateCPO(dstType, codeToAdjust, offset, 2); // attribute name
offset += 2;
int attrLen = OTByteCodes.getInt(codeToAdjust, offset);
offset += 4;
char[] attrName = newCPO.getUtf8();
if ( CharOperation.equals(attrName, LineNumberTableName)
&& dstType.roleModel != null)
int [][] lineNumberTable = getLineNumberTable(codeToAdjust, offset);
if (lineNumberTable != null)
// this offset is used to reconstruct original source lines:
int oldLineOffset = srcMethodModel != null ? srcMethodModel._lineOffset : 0;
// while iterating all lines and creating an appropriate LineInfo
// compute the offset between new byte code lines and src:
newLineOffset = mapLines(dstMethodBinding.copyInheritanceSrc.declaringClass,
// patch the new byte code lines into the byte code attribute
for (int j=0; j<lineNumberTable.length; j++)
if (lineNumberTable[j][1] < ISMAPConstants.STEP_INTO_LINENUMBER) {
int numberOffset = offset+2 /*skip numbersCount*/
+j*4 /*previous entries*/
+2 /*skip start_pc*/;
this._writer.write2(codeToAdjust, numberOffset, lineNumberTable[j][1] - oldLineOffset + newLineOffset);
} else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, LocalVariableTableName))
int localsCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset);
for (int j=0; j<localsCount; j++)
int localBase = offset+2/*localsCount*/+j*10;
int nameOffset = localBase+4;
updateCPO(dstType, codeToAdjust, nameOffset, 2); // local variable name
int descOffset = localBase+6; // type descriptor
int slotOffset = localBase+8; // local variable slot
int slotNumber = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, slotOffset);
if (slotNumber < arguments.length)
// map from parameters of the MethodBinding
} else {
// lookup pure local variable from environment
int descRef = OTByteCodes.getRef(2, codeToAdjust, descOffset);
TypeBinding typeBinding = this._reader.getSignatureBinding(descRef, false/*generic*/);
ConstantPoolObject typeCPO = this._mapper.mapTypeUtf8(typeBinding, false/*generic*/);
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(codeToAdjust, descOffset, 2, typeCPO);
} else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, LocalVariableTypeTableName))
int localsCount = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset);
for (int j=0; j<localsCount; j++)
int localBase = offset+2/*localsCount*/+j*10;
int nameOffset = localBase+4;
updateCPO(dstType, codeToAdjust, nameOffset, 2); // local variable name
int descOffset = localBase+6; // type descriptor
int slotOffset = localBase+8; // local variable slot
int slotNumber = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, slotOffset);
if (slotNumber < arguments.length)
// map from parameters of the MethodBinding
} else {
// lookup pure local variable from environment
int descRef = OTByteCodes.getRef(2, codeToAdjust, descOffset);
TypeBinding typeBinding = this._reader.getSignatureBinding(descRef, true/*generic*/);
ConstantPoolObject typeCPO = this._mapper.mapTypeUtf8(typeBinding, true/*generic*/);
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(codeToAdjust, descOffset, 2, typeCPO);
} else if (CharOperation.equals(attrName, StackMapTableName))
rewriteStackMapTable(codeToAdjust, offset);
offset += attrLen;
return newLineOffset;
* Maps all lines in lineNumberTable to possibly new locations adding the necessary LineInfo to the
* line number provider.
* @param copySrc class the defined the original method
* @param lineNumberTable line number table of method to copy
* @param provider line number provider
* @param oldLineOffset offset lines within lineNumberTable wrt original source lines
* @return the new offset to use in the destination method.
private int mapLines(ReferenceBinding copySrc, int[][] lineNumberTable, LineNumberProvider provider, int oldLineOffset)
if (lineNumberTable.length == 0) return 0; // no lines -> no offset
int firstLine = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int lastLine = 0;
for (int[] line : lineNumberTable) {
if (line[1] < ISMAPConstants.STEP_INTO_LINENUMBER) {
firstLine = Math.min(firstLine, line[1]);
lastLine = Math.max(lastLine, line[1]);
if (firstLine == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return 0; // apparently no relevant line number found
// unapply old offset to yield real source lines:
firstLine -= oldLineOffset;
lastLine -= oldLineOffset;
LineInfo info = provider.addLineInfo(copySrc, firstLine, lastLine - firstLine + 1);
return info.getOutputStartLine() - firstLine;
private void rewriteStackMapTable(byte[] codeToAdjust, int offset) {
// this code is a stripped down version of StackMapFrame.<init> (from model):
int numberOfEntries = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset);
offset += 2;
for (int j=0; j<numberOfEntries; j++)
int type = (codeToAdjust[offset] & 0xFF);
int readOffset = 0;
switch(type) {
readOffset = 3;
readOffset += rewriteVerificationInfo(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
case 248 :
case 249 :
case 250:
readOffset = 3;
case 251 :
readOffset = 3;
case 252 :
case 253 :
case 254 :
readOffset = 3;
int diffLocals = type - 251;
for (int i = 0; i < diffLocals; i++) {
readOffset += rewriteVerificationInfo(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
case 255 :
int tempLocals = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset + 3);
readOffset = 5;
if (tempLocals != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempLocals; i++) {
readOffset += rewriteVerificationInfo(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
int tempStackItems = OTByteCodes.getWord(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
readOffset += 2;
if (tempStackItems != 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < tempStackItems; i++) {
readOffset += rewriteVerificationInfo(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
if (type <= 63) {
readOffset = 1;
} else if (type <= 127) {
readOffset = 1;
readOffset += rewriteVerificationInfo(codeToAdjust, offset + readOffset);
offset += readOffset;
private int rewriteVerificationInfo(byte[] codeToAdjust, int offset) {
// this code is a stripped down version of VerificationInfo.<init> (from model):
final int t = (codeToAdjust[offset] & 0xFF);
int readOffset = 1;
switch(t) {
case IVerificationTypeInfo.ITEM_OBJECT :
updateCPO(null, codeToAdjust, offset+1, 2);
readOffset += 2;
case IVerificationTypeInfo.ITEM_UNINITIALIZED :
readOffset += 2;
return readOffset;
// parameter dstType is in preparation of JDK1.4 compatibility: adjust declaringClass to actual receiver.
private ConstantPoolObject updateCPO(SourceTypeBinding dstType, byte [] code, int offset, int length)
int ref = OTByteCodes.getRef(2, code, offset);
if (ref != 0)
ConstantPoolObject srcCPO = this._reader.readConstantPoolObject(ref, length);
ConstantPoolObject dstCPO = this._mapper.mapConstantPoolObject(srcCPO);
this._writer.writeConstantPoolObject(code, offset, length, dstCPO);
return dstCPO;
return null;
* When copying a team constructor which might require lifting,
* peek into the byte code to find the self call.
* @param model
* @return called constructor or null
public MethodBinding peekConstructorCall(
TeamModel teamModel, MethodModel model, LookupEnvironment environment)
byte[] bytes = model.getBytes();
int offset = model.getStructOffset();
this._reader =
new ConstantPoolObjectReader(model, teamModel, environment);
int codeAttributeOffset = findCodeAttribute(bytes, offset);
int start = codeAttributeOffset+CODE_ATTR_PREFIX_LEN;
int i = 0;
while(true) {
byte b_int = bytes[start+i];
int length = OTByteCodes.cpReferenceLength(b_int);
if (length != 0) {
int ref = OTByteCodes.getRef(length, bytes, start+i+1);
ConstantPoolObject src_cpo = this._reader.readConstantPoolObject(ref, length);
if (!src_cpo.isMethod() || !src_cpo.getMethodRef().isConstructor()) {
if (src_cpo.isSpecificType(TypeConstants.JAVA_LANG_ERROR)) {
try {
// search subsequent string
b_int = bytes[start+i+4];
length = OTByteCodes.cpReferenceLength(b_int);
src_cpo = this._reader.readConstantPoolObject(OTByteCodes.getRef(length, bytes, start+i+5), length);
if (src_cpo.getType() == ClassFileConstants.StringTag)
if (src_cpo.getString().startsWith("Unresolved compilation problem:")) //$NON-NLS-1$
model.getBinding().bytecodeMissing = true; // signal that byte code is not usable due to compile error
} catch (Throwable t) {
// nop, string not found
return null;
return src_cpo.getMethodRef();
} else if ( OTByteCodes.getAloadPos(b_int, bytes[start+i+1]) != i
&& b_int != Opcodes.OPC_aconst_null)
return null;