blob: def67ae30fd61f13e9f1acbe9998ef9324f9d714 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Tim Hanson <> - fix for
* Sebastian Zarnekow - Contribution for
* Bug 545491 - Poor performance of ReferenceCollection with many source files
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.builder;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.CompilationUnitScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.SortedCharArrays;
public class ReferenceCollection {
// contains no simple names as in just 'a' which is kept in simpleNameReferences instead
// TODO after #addDependencies, it will contain simple names, though. See ReferenceCollectionTest
char[][][] qualifiedNameReferences;
char[][] simpleNameReferences;
char[][] rootReferences;
protected ReferenceCollection(char[][][] qualifiedNameReferences, char[][] simpleNameReferences, char[][] rootReferences) {
this.qualifiedNameReferences = internQualifiedNames(qualifiedNameReferences, false);
this.simpleNameReferences = internSimpleNames(simpleNameReferences, true);
this.rootReferences = internSimpleNames(rootReferences, false);
* Add the given fully qualified names to this reference collection.
* Subsequent queries of {@link #includes(char[][][], char[][], char[][])} will report true
* if the given names intersect with one of the added type name dependencies.
* @see CompilationUnitScope#recordQualifiedReference
public void addDependencies(String[] typeNameDependencies) {
// if each qualified type name is already known then all of its subNames can be skipped
// and its expected that very few qualified names in typeNameDependencies need to be added
// but could always take 'p1.p2.p3.X' and make all qualified names 'p1' 'p1.p2' 'p1.p2.p3' 'p1.p2.p3.X', then intern
next: for(String typeNameDependency: typeNameDependencies) {
char[][] qualifiedTypeName = CharOperation.splitOn('.', typeNameDependency.toCharArray());
if (!isWellKnownQualifiedName(qualifiedTypeName)) {
int qLength = qualifiedTypeName.length;
QualifiedNameSet internedNames = InternedQualifiedNames[qLength <= MaxQualifiedNames ? qLength - 1 : 0];
qualifiedTypeName = internSimpleNames(qualifiedTypeName, false, false);
qualifiedTypeName = internedNames.add(qualifiedTypeName);
int idx;
while ((idx = Arrays.binarySearch(this.qualifiedNameReferences, qualifiedTypeName, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR)) < 0) {
this.simpleNameReferences = ensureContainedInSortedOrder(this.simpleNameReferences, qualifiedTypeName[qualifiedTypeName.length - 1]);
this.rootReferences = ensureContainedInSortedOrder(this.rootReferences, qualifiedTypeName[0]);
int length = this.qualifiedNameReferences.length;
idx = -(idx+1);
this.qualifiedNameReferences = SortedCharArrays.insertIntoArray(this.qualifiedNameReferences, new char[length + 1][][], qualifiedTypeName, idx, this.qualifiedNameReferences.length);
qualifiedTypeName = CharOperation.subarray(qualifiedTypeName, 0, qualifiedTypeName.length - 1);
char[][][] temp = internQualifiedNames(new char[][][] {qualifiedTypeName}, false);
if (temp == EmptyQualifiedNames)
continue next; // qualifiedTypeName is a well known name
qualifiedTypeName = temp[0];
public boolean includes(char[] simpleName) {
boolean result = sortedArrayContains(this.simpleNameReferences, simpleName, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
assertIncludes(result, simpleName);
return result;
public boolean includes(char[][] qualifiedName) {
boolean result = sortedArrayContains(this.qualifiedNameReferences, qualifiedName, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
assertIncludes(result, qualifiedName);
return result;
private static String qualifiedNamesToString(char[][][] qualifiedNames) {
if (qualifiedNames == null)
return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$
return",")); //$NON-NLS-1$
* @deprecated
public boolean includes(char[][][] qualifiedNames, char[][] simpleNames) {
return includes(qualifiedNames, simpleNames, null);
public boolean includes(char[][][] qualifiedNames, char[][] simpleNames, char[][] rootNames) {
boolean result = doIncludes(qualifiedNames, simpleNames, rootNames);
assertIncludes(result, qualifiedNames, simpleNames, rootNames);
return result;
private boolean doIncludes(char[][][] qualifiedNames, char[][] simpleNames, char[][] rootNames) {
if (rootNames != null) {
if (!includesRootName(rootNames))
return false;
// if either collection of names is null, it means it contained a well known name so we know it already has a match
if (simpleNames == null || qualifiedNames == null) {
if (simpleNames == null && qualifiedNames == null) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found well known match"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
} else if (qualifiedNames == null) {
return includesSimpleName(simpleNames);
return includesQualifiedName(qualifiedNames);
if (simpleNames.length <= qualifiedNames.length) {
return includesSimpleName(simpleNames) && includesQualifiedName(qualifiedNames);
} else {
return includesQualifiedName(qualifiedNames) && includesSimpleName(simpleNames);
public boolean insideRoot(char[] rootName) {
boolean result = sortedArrayContains(this.rootReferences, rootName, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
if (result != debugIncludes(rootName)) {
String message = "Mismatch: " + String.valueOf(rootName) + (result ? " should not " : " should ") + " be included in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ Arrays.asList(CharOperation.toStrings(this.rootReferences));
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
return result;
private static <T> boolean sortedArrayContains(T[] array, T element, Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
int l = array.length;
if (l < SortedCharArrays.BINARY_SEARCH_THRESHOLD) {
for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)
if (element == array[i]) return true;
return false;
return Arrays.binarySearch(array, element, comparator) >= 0;
private boolean includesSimpleName(char[][] simpleNames) {
return intersects(simpleNames, this.simpleNameReferences, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
private boolean includesQualifiedName(char[][][] qualifiedNames) {
if (intersects(qualifiedNames, this.qualifiedNameReferences, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR)) {
return true;
char[][] maybeSimpleName;
for(int i = qualifiedNames.length - 1; i >= 0 && (maybeSimpleName = qualifiedNames[i]).length == 1; i--) {
if (includes(maybeSimpleName[0])) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean includesRootName(char[][] rootNames) {
return intersects(rootNames, this.rootReferences, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
private static <T> boolean intersects(T[] firstSortedArr, T[] secondSortedArr, Comparator<? super T> comparator) {
* Both arrays are sorted, so we can walk them in pairs.
* Using binary search for the remaining array elements to figure the next
* interesting index can greatly reduce the runtime cost for arrays that do
* have more than a few elements.
for(int i = 0, l = firstSortedArr.length, j = 0, k = secondSortedArr.length; i < l && j < k;) {
T firstElement = firstSortedArr[i];
T secondElement = secondSortedArr[j];
int compare =, secondElement);
if (compare == 0) {
return true;
} else if (compare < 0) {
* left side is smaller than the right side, but not exactly the right side.
* Take the next element from the left and proceed.
* If the number of remaining elements in the first array is sufficiently big,
* attempt a binary search for the second element to possibly skip a few elements.
if (l - i > SortedCharArrays.BINARY_SEARCH_THRESHOLD) {
i = Arrays.binarySearch(firstSortedArr, i, l, secondElement, comparator);
if (i >= 0) {
return true;
i = -(i + 1);
} else {
* the inverse logic is applied here
if (k - j > SortedCharArrays.BINARY_SEARCH_THRESHOLD) {
j = Arrays.binarySearch(secondSortedArr, j, k, firstElement, comparator);
if (j >= 0) {
return true;
j = -(j + 1);
return false;
private static char[][] ensureContainedInSortedOrder(char[][] sortedArray, char[] entry) {
int idx = Arrays.binarySearch(sortedArray, entry, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
if (idx < 0) {
idx = -(idx + 1);
char[][] result = SortedCharArrays.insertIntoArray(sortedArray, new char[sortedArray.length + 1][], entry, idx, sortedArray.length);
return result;
return sortedArray;
private static boolean isWellKnownQualifiedName(char[][] qualifiedName) {
for (int i = 0, m = WellKnownQualifiedNames.length, qLength = qualifiedName.length; i < m; i++) {
char[][] wellKnownName = WellKnownQualifiedNames[i];
if (qLength > wellKnownName.length)
break; // all remaining well known names are shorter
if (CharOperation.equals(qualifiedName, wellKnownName)) {
return true;
return false;
// When any type is compiled, its methods are verified for certain problems
// the MethodVerifier requests 3 well known types which end up in the reference collection
// having WellKnownQualifiedNames & WellKnownSimpleNames, saves every type 40 bytes
// NOTE: These collections are sorted by length
static final char[][][] WellKnownQualifiedNames = new char[][][] {
new char[][] {TypeConstants.JAVA},
new char[][] {new char[] {'o', 'r', 'g'}},
new char[][] {new char[] {'c', 'o', 'm'}},
CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR}; // default package
static final char[][] WellKnownSimpleNames = new char[][] {
new char[] {'o', 'r', 'g'},
new char[] {'c', 'o', 'm'}};
static final char[][][] EmptyQualifiedNames = new char[0][][];
static final char[][] EmptySimpleNames = CharOperation.NO_CHAR_CHAR;
// each array contains qualified char[][], one for size 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & the rest
static final int MaxQualifiedNames = 7;
static QualifiedNameSet[] InternedQualifiedNames = new QualifiedNameSet[MaxQualifiedNames];
// each array contains simple char[], one for size 1 to 29 & the rest
static final int MaxSimpleNames = 30;
static NameSet[] InternedSimpleNames = new NameSet[MaxSimpleNames];
static {
for (int i = 0; i < MaxQualifiedNames; i++)
InternedQualifiedNames[i] = new QualifiedNameSet(37);
for (int i = 0; i < MaxSimpleNames; i++)
InternedSimpleNames[i] = new NameSet(37);
//TODO: remove once ReferenceCollection.internQualifiedNames(StringSet) is adapted to use java.util.Set, so that git history is preserved
public static char[][][] internQualifiedNames(Set<String> qualifiedStrings) {
if (qualifiedStrings == null) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
int length = qualifiedStrings.size();
if (length == 0) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
char[][][] result = new char[length][][];
for (String qualifiedString : qualifiedStrings)
if (qualifiedString != null)
result[--length] = CharOperation.splitOn('/', qualifiedString.toCharArray());
return internQualifiedNames(result, false);
//TODO: remove once PDE API Tools has been adapted to also use java.util.Set, so that git history is preserved
public static char[][][] internQualifiedNames(StringSet qualifiedStrings) {
if (qualifiedStrings == null) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
int length = qualifiedStrings.elementSize;
if (length == 0) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
char[][][] result = new char[length][][];
String[] strings = qualifiedStrings.values;
for (int i = 0, l = strings.length; i < l; i++)
if (strings[i] != null)
result[--length] = CharOperation.splitOn('/', strings[i].toCharArray());
return internQualifiedNames(result, false);
* <strong>Note</strong>: this method may change order of the result data, the new array is always sorted.
public static char[][][] internQualifiedNames(char[][][] qualifiedNames) {
return internQualifiedNames(qualifiedNames, false);
* Use a flyweight cache for the char arrays to avoid duplicated arrays with the same contents.
* After calling this method, identity comparison on the array contents of the resulting array
* will work for arrays with equal content.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong>: this method may change order of the result data, the new array is always sorted.
* <p>
* Optionally drops very common qualified names from the array to spare some bytes.
* @return a new array with interned elements.
public static char[][][] internQualifiedNames(char[][][] qualifiedNames, boolean keepWellKnown) {
return internQualifiedNames(qualifiedNames, keepWellKnown, true);
static char[][][] internQualifiedNames(char[][][] qualifiedNames, boolean keepWellKnown, boolean doSort) {
if (qualifiedNames == null) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
int length = qualifiedNames.length;
if (length == 0) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
char[][][] keepers = new char[length][][];
char[][] prev = null;
boolean isSorted = true;
int index = 0;
next : for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char[][] qualifiedName = qualifiedNames[i];
int qLength = qualifiedName.length;
for (int j = 0, m = WellKnownQualifiedNames.length; j < m; j++) {
char[][] wellKnownName = WellKnownQualifiedNames[j];
if (qLength > wellKnownName.length)
break; // all remaining well known names are shorter
if (CharOperation.equals(qualifiedName, wellKnownName)) {
if (keepWellKnown) {
// This code is duplicated to encourage the JIT to inline more stuff
if (doSort && isSorted) {
if (prev != null && SortedCharArrays.compareCharCharArray(prev, qualifiedName) > 0) {
isSorted = false;
prev = qualifiedName;
keepers[index++] = wellKnownName;
continue next;
// InternedQualifiedNames[0] is for the rest (> 7 & 1)
// InternedQualifiedNames[1] is for size 2...
// InternedQualifiedNames[6] is for size 7
QualifiedNameSet internedNames = InternedQualifiedNames[qLength <= MaxQualifiedNames ? qLength - 1 : 0];
qualifiedName = internSimpleNames(qualifiedName, false, false);
// This code is duplicated to encourage the JIT to inline more stuff
if (doSort && isSorted) {
if (prev != null && SortedCharArrays.compareCharCharArray(prev, qualifiedName) > 0) {
isSorted = false;
prev = qualifiedName;
keepers[index++] = internedNames.add(qualifiedName);
if (length > index) {
if (index == 0) return EmptyQualifiedNames;
System.arraycopy(keepers, 0, keepers = new char[index][][], 0, index);
if (doSort && !isSorted) {
Arrays.sort(keepers, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
return keepers;
* @deprecated
public static char[][] internSimpleNames(Set<String> simpleStrings) {
return internSimpleNames(simpleStrings, true);
// TODO: remove once ReferenceCollection.internSimpleNames(StringSet, boolean) is adapted to use java.util.Set, so that git history is preserved
public static char[][] internSimpleNames(Set<String> simpleStrings, boolean removeWellKnown) {
if (simpleStrings == null) return EmptySimpleNames;
int length = simpleStrings.size();
if (length == 0) return EmptySimpleNames;
char[][] result = new char[length][];
for (String simpleString : simpleStrings)
if (simpleString != null)
result[--length] = simpleString.toCharArray();
return internSimpleNames(result, removeWellKnown);
//TODO: adjust to use java.util.Set once PDE API Tools have been adapted to use the set version, so that git history is preserved
public static char[][] internSimpleNames(StringSet simpleStrings, boolean removeWellKnown) {
if (simpleStrings == null) return EmptySimpleNames;
int length = simpleStrings.elementSize;
if (length == 0) return EmptySimpleNames;
char[][] result = new char[length][];
String[] strings = simpleStrings.values;
for (int i = 0, l = strings.length; i < l; i++)
if (strings[i] != null)
result[--length] = strings[i].toCharArray();
return internSimpleNames(result, removeWellKnown);
* Use a flyweight cache for the char arrays to avoid duplicated arrays with the same contents.
* After calling this method, identity comparison on the array contents of the resulting array
* will work for arrays with equal content.
* <p>
* <strong>Note</strong>: this method may change order of the result data, the new array is always sorted.
* <p>
* Optionally drops very common qualified names from the array to spare some bytes.
* @return a new array with interned elements.
public static char[][] internSimpleNames(char[][] simpleNames, boolean removeWellKnown) {
return internSimpleNames(simpleNames, removeWellKnown, true);
static char[][] internSimpleNames(char[][] simpleNames, boolean removeWellKnown, boolean doSort) {
if (simpleNames == null) return EmptySimpleNames;
int length = simpleNames.length;
if (length == 0) return EmptySimpleNames;
char[][] keepers = new char[length][];
char[] prev = null;
boolean isSorted = true;
int index = 0;
next : for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
char[] name = simpleNames[i];
int sLength = name.length;
for (int j = 0, m = WellKnownSimpleNames.length; j < m; j++) {
char[] wellKnownName = WellKnownSimpleNames[j];
if (sLength > wellKnownName.length)
break; // all remaining well known names are shorter
if (CharOperation.equals(name, wellKnownName)) {
if (!removeWellKnown) {
keepers[index++] = wellKnownName;
// This code is duplicated to encourage the JIT to inline more stuff
if (doSort && isSorted) {
if (prev != null && SortedCharArrays.compareCharArray(prev, name) > 0) {
isSorted = false;
prev = name;
continue next;
// InternedSimpleNames[0] is for the rest (> 29)
// InternedSimpleNames[1] is for size 1...
// InternedSimpleNames[29] is for size 29
NameSet internedNames = InternedSimpleNames[sLength < MaxSimpleNames ? sLength : 0];
keepers[index++] = internedNames.add(name);
// This code is duplicated to encourage the JIT to inline more stuff
if (doSort && isSorted) {
if (prev != null && SortedCharArrays.compareCharArray(prev, name) > 0) {
isSorted = false;
prev = name;
if (length > index) {
if (index == 0) return EmptySimpleNames;
System.arraycopy(keepers, 0, keepers = new char[index][], 0, index);
if (doSort && !isSorted) {
Arrays.sort(keepers, SortedCharArrays.CHAR_ARR_COMPARATOR);
return keepers;
// DEBUG code below
public static boolean REFERENCE_COLLECTION_DEBUG = false;
private void assertIncludes(boolean expectation, char[] simpleName) {
if (expectation != debugIncludes(simpleName)) {
String message = "Mismatch: " + String.valueOf(simpleName) + (expectation ? " should not " : " should ") + " be included in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ Arrays.asList(CharOperation.toStrings(this.simpleNameReferences));
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
private void assertIncludes(boolean expectation, char[][] qualifiedName) {
if (expectation != debugIncludes(qualifiedName)) {
String message = "Mismatch: " + CharOperation.toString(qualifiedName) + (expectation ? " should not " : " should ") + " be included in " //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
+ qualifiedNamesToString(this.qualifiedNameReferences);
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
private void assertIncludes(boolean expectation, char[][][] qualifiedNames, char[][] simpleNames, char[][] rootNames) {
if (expectation != debugIncludes(qualifiedNames, simpleNames, rootNames)) {
String message = String.format("Mismatched includes(..): ReferenceCollection([%s], %s, %s).includes([%s], %s, %s)", //$NON-NLS-1$
throw new IllegalStateException(message);
private boolean debugIncludes(char[][][] qualifiedNames, char[][] simpleNames, char[][] rootNames) {
// if either collection of names is null, it means it contained a well known name so we know it already has a match
if (rootNames != null) {
boolean foundRoot = false;
for (int i = 0, l = rootNames.length; !foundRoot && i < l; i++)
foundRoot = debugInsideRoot(rootNames[i]);
if (!foundRoot)
return false;
if (simpleNames == null || qualifiedNames == null) {
if (simpleNames == null && qualifiedNames == null) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found well known match"); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
} else if (qualifiedNames == null) {
for (int i = 0, l = simpleNames.length; i < l; i++) {
if (debugIncludes(simpleNames[i])) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found match in well known package to " + new String(simpleNames[i])); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
} else {
for (int i = 0, l = qualifiedNames.length; i < l; i++) {
char[][] qualifiedName = qualifiedNames[i];
if (qualifiedName.length == 1 ? debugIncludes(qualifiedName[0]) : debugIncludes(qualifiedName)) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found well known match in " + CharOperation.toString(qualifiedName)); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
return false;
int sLength = simpleNames.length;
int qLength = qualifiedNames.length;
if (sLength <= qLength) {
for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) {
if (debugIncludes(simpleNames[i])) {
for (int j = 0; j < qLength; j++) {
char[][] qualifiedName = qualifiedNames[j];
if (qualifiedName.length == 1 ? debugIncludes(qualifiedName[0]) : debugIncludes(qualifiedName)) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found match in " + CharOperation.toString(qualifiedName) //$NON-NLS-1$
+ " to " + new String(simpleNames[i])); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
return false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < qLength; i++) {
char[][] qualifiedName = qualifiedNames[i];
if (qualifiedName.length == 1 ? debugIncludes(qualifiedName[0]) : debugIncludes(qualifiedName)) {
for (int j = 0; j < sLength; j++) {
if (debugIncludes(simpleNames[j])) {
if (JavaBuilder.DEBUG)
System.out.println("Found match in " + CharOperation.toString(qualifiedName) //$NON-NLS-1$
+ " to " + new String(simpleNames[j])); //$NON-NLS-1$
return true;
return false;
return false;
private boolean debugInsideRoot(char[] rootName) {
for (int i = 0, l = this.rootReferences.length; i < l; i++)
if (rootName == this.rootReferences[i]) return true;
return false;
private boolean debugIncludes(char[] simpleName) {
for (int i = 0, l = this.simpleNameReferences.length; i < l; i++)
if (simpleName == this.simpleNameReferences[i]) return true;
return false;
private boolean debugIncludes(char[][] qualifiedName) {
for (int i = 0, l = this.qualifiedNameReferences.length; i < l; i++)
if (qualifiedName == this.qualifiedNameReferences[i]) return true;
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return System.identityHashCode(this);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof ReferenceCollection)) {
return false;
ReferenceCollection other = (ReferenceCollection) obj;
return Arrays.deepEquals(this.qualifiedNameReferences, other.qualifiedNameReferences)
&& Arrays.deepEquals(this.rootReferences, other.rootReferences)
&& Arrays.deepEquals(this.simpleNameReferences, other.simpleNameReferences);