blob: a6c9c2b167583563414af69d174fa7508cc40efe [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2004, 2014 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.debug;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunch;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager;
import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.ILaunchConfigurationDelegate;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IType;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ext.OTREContainer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ext.WeavingScheme;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.core.ext.OTJavaNature;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.debug.internal.TempFileManager;
* Instances of this class are capable of providing the necessary command line arguments
* for launching a Java application with OT/J support.
* @author gis
public class OTVMRunnerAdaptor
private static final String OT_DEBUG_VMARG = "-Dot.debug";
private static final String OT_DEBUG_CALLIN_STEPPING_VMARG = "-Dot.debug.callin.stepping";
private static final String OT_TEAMCONFIG_VMARG = "-Dot.teamconfig";
private static Map<WeavingScheme,List<String>> JPLIS_VMARGS = new HashMap<WeavingScheme, List<String>>();
private ILaunchConfiguration _launchConfig;
private String _mode;
private ILaunch _launch;
private WeavingScheme weavingScheme;
public OTVMRunnerAdaptor(IJavaProject javaProject) {
this.weavingScheme = OTJavaNature.getWeavingScheme(javaProject);
public WeavingScheme getWeavingScheme() {
return this.weavingScheme;
* Store the original arguments as passed to {@link ILaunchConfigurationDelegate#launch(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)}
* @param configuration see first argument of {@link ILaunchConfigurationDelegate#launch(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) launch(..)}
* @param mode see second argument of {@link ILaunchConfigurationDelegate#launch(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) launch(..)}
* @param launch see third argument of {@link ILaunchConfigurationDelegate#launch(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor) launch(..)}
public void setAdaptationArgs(ILaunchConfiguration configuration, String mode, ILaunch launch)
_launchConfig = configuration;
_mode = mode;
_launch = launch;
* Given a list of vm arguments add ot-specific vm arguments.
* Uses values stored by {@link #setAdaptationArgs(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch)}
* to determine the arguments to add.
* @param vmArguments space separated list of arguments to be augmented.
* @return augmented space separated list of arguments
* @throws CoreException
public String adaptVMArgumentString(String vmArguments) throws CoreException
String sep = " ";
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(vmArguments);
for (String arg : getJplisVmargs())
String callinSteppingVMArg = getCallinSteppingVMArg();
if (callinSteppingVMArg != null)
String teamConfigArg = generateTeamConfigArgument(_launch, _launchConfig);
if (teamConfigArg != null)
if (ILaunchManager.DEBUG_MODE.equals(_mode))
return result.toString();
private List<String> getJplisVmargs() {
List<String> args = JPLIS_VMARGS.get(this.weavingScheme);
if (args == null) {
args = new ArrayList<String>();
args.add("-javaagent:" + "\""+OTREContainer.getOtreAgentJarPath(this.weavingScheme).toOSString()+'"'); // support blanks in path
JPLIS_VMARGS.put(this.weavingScheme, args);
return args;
private String getCallinSteppingVMArg() {
String value = OTDebugPlugin.getDefault().getCallinSteppingConfig();
if (value == null) return null;
* Teams to activate are read from ILaunchConfiguration configuration.
* The list of team names are written to temporary file.
* The commandline par -Dot.teamconfig=filename is returned and can
* be added to the vmArgs variable.
* @param launch
* @param configuration The launch configuration object.
* @return
private String generateTeamConfigArgument(ILaunch launch, ILaunchConfiguration configuration) throws CoreException
List<String> teamList = getTeamConfigList(configuration);
if (teamList.isEmpty())
return null;
// write the teams into a temporary file:
File teamFile = createTeamConfigFile(launch, teamList);
return OT_TEAMCONFIG_VMARG+"=\"" + teamFile.getAbsolutePath()+'"';
private File createTeamConfigFile(ILaunch launch, List<String> teamList) throws CoreException
try {
TempFileManager manager = OTDebugPlugin.getDefault().getTempFileManager();
File tempFile = manager.createTempFile(launch, ".otteamconfig", ".conf");
PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(tempFile));
for (Iterator<String> iter = teamList.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
String element =;
return tempFile;
} catch (Exception e) {
IStatus status = OTDebugPlugin.createErrorStatus("Error writing static teams configuration", e);
throw new CoreException(status);
* Returns the list of teams which will be woven into the launched application
* specified by the given launch configuration, as a list of strings.
* The returned list is empty if no teams are are specified or if the teams
* are deactivated in the configuratio tab.
* @param configuration
* launch configuration
* @return the list of teams from the team configuration specified by the given launch
* configuration, possibly an empty list
* @exception CoreException
* if unable to retrieve the attribute
private List<String> getTeamConfigList(ILaunchConfiguration configuration)
throws CoreException
boolean teamsActive = configuration.getAttribute(IOTLaunchConstants.ATTR_TEAMCONFIG_ACTIVE, true);
if (!teamsActive)
return new LinkedList<String>();
List teamHandles = configuration.getAttribute(IOTLaunchConstants.ATTR_TEAMCONFIG_LIST, new LinkedList());
List<String> teamNames = new LinkedList<String>();
List<String> badHandles = new LinkedList<String>();
for (Iterator iter = teamHandles.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
String teamHandle = (String);
IType teamType = (IType) JavaCore.create(teamHandle);
if (teamType != null && teamType.exists())
if (!badHandles.isEmpty())
IStatus status = OTDebugPlugin.createErrorStatus("Cannot determine types: " + badHandles.toString());
throw new CoreException(status);
return teamNames;