blob: 1df2ed3c264a3dfb595cb7fa5f5fdcbfd40476d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23264 2010-01-15 23:44:16Z stephan $
* Contributors:
* IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
* Fraunhofer FIRST - extended API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - extended API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.Map;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCore;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.core.formatter.CodeFormatter;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ASTVisitor;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.impl.CompilerOptions;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.BlockScope;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Parser;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.Scanner;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.ScannerHelper;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser.TerminalTokens;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.CodeSnippetParsingUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.util.RecordedParsingInformation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.align.Alignment;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.align.AlignmentException;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.comment.CommentFormatterUtil;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.comment.HTMLEntity2JavaReader;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.comment.IJavaDocTagConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.formatter.comment.Java2HTMLEntityReader;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultLineTracker;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.ILineTracker;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion;
import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.MalformedTreeException;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit;
import org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit;
* This class is responsible for dumping formatted source
* @since 2.1
public class Scribe implements IJavaDocTagConstants {
private static final int INITIAL_SIZE = 100;
private boolean checkLineWrapping;
/** one-based column */
public int column;
private int[][] commentPositions;
// Most specific alignment.
public Alignment currentAlignment;
public int currentToken;
// edits management
private OptimizedReplaceEdit[] edits;
public int editsIndex;
public CodeFormatterVisitor formatter;
public int indentationLevel;
public int lastNumberOfNewLines;
private boolean preserveLineBreakIndentation = false;
boolean formatBrace;
public int line;
private int[] lineEnds;
private int maxLines;
public Alignment memberAlignment;
public boolean needSpace = false;
// Line separator infos
final private String lineSeparator;
final private char firstLS;
final private int lsLength;
public int nlsTagCounter;
public int pageWidth;
public boolean pendingSpace = false;
public Scanner scanner;
public int scannerEndPosition;
public int tabLength;
public int indentationSize;
private final IRegion[] regions;
private IRegion[] adaptedRegions;
public int tabChar;
public int numberOfIndentations;
private boolean useTabsOnlyForLeadingIndents;
/** empty lines*/
private final boolean indentEmptyLines;
int blank_lines_between_import_groups = -1;
/** disabling */
boolean editsEnabled = true;
/* Comments formatting */
private static final int INCLUDE_BLOCK_COMMENTS = CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS | CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT;
private static final int INCLUDE_JAVA_DOC = CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS | CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC;
private static final int INCLUDE_LINE_COMMENTS = CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS | CodeFormatter.K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT;
private static final int SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN = -2;
private static final int INVALID_TOKEN = 2000;
static final int NO_TRAILING_COMMENT = 0x0000;
static final int BASIC_TRAILING_COMMENT = 0x0100;
static final int COMPLEX_TRAILING_COMMENT = 0x0200;
static final int UNMODIFIABLE_TRAILING_COMMENT = 0x0400;
private int formatComments = 0;
private int headerEndPosition = -1;
String commentIndentation; // indentation requested in comments (usually in javadoc root tags description)
// Class to store previous line comment information
static class LineComment {
boolean contiguous = false;
int currentIndentation, indentation;
int lines;
char[] leadingSpaces;
final LineComment lastLineComment = new LineComment();
// New way to format javadoc
private FormatterCommentParser formatterCommentParser; // specialized parser to format comments
// Disabling and enabling tags
OptimizedReplaceEdit previousDisabledEdit;
private char[] disablingTag, enablingTag;
Scribe(CodeFormatterVisitor formatter, long sourceLevel, IRegion[] regions, CodeSnippetParsingUtil codeSnippetParsingUtil, boolean includeComments) {
initializeScanner(sourceLevel, formatter.preferences);
//{ObjectTeams: pass down our option:
if (formatter.preferences.scopedKeywords)
this.scanner.parseOTJonly = false;
if (formatter.preferences.isPureJava)
this.scanner.parsePureJavaOnly = true;
// SH}
this.formatter = formatter;
this.pageWidth = formatter.preferences.page_width;
this.tabLength = formatter.preferences.tab_size;
this.indentationLevel= 0; // initialize properly
this.numberOfIndentations = 0;
this.useTabsOnlyForLeadingIndents = formatter.preferences.use_tabs_only_for_leading_indentations;
this.indentEmptyLines = formatter.preferences.indent_empty_lines;
this.tabChar = formatter.preferences.tab_char;
if (this.tabChar == DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.MIXED) {
this.indentationSize = formatter.preferences.indentation_size;
} else {
this.indentationSize = this.tabLength;
this.lineSeparator = formatter.preferences.line_separator;
this.firstLS = this.lineSeparator.charAt(0);
this.lsLength = this.lineSeparator.length();
this.indentationLevel = formatter.preferences.initial_indentation_level * this.indentationSize;
this.regions= regions;
if (codeSnippetParsingUtil != null) {
final RecordedParsingInformation information = codeSnippetParsingUtil.recordedParsingInformation;
if (information != null) {
this.lineEnds = information.lineEnds;
this.commentPositions = information.commentPositions;
if (formatter.preferences.comment_format_line_comment) this.formatComments |= CodeFormatter.K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT;
if (formatter.preferences.comment_format_block_comment) this.formatComments |= CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT;
if (formatter.preferences.comment_format_javadoc_comment) this.formatComments |= CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC;
if (includeComments) this.formatComments |= CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS;
* This method will adapt the selected regions if needed.
* If a region should be adapted (see isAdaptableRegion(IRegion))
* retrieve correct upper and lower bounds and replace the region.
private void adaptRegions() {
int max = this.regions.length;
if (max == 1) {
// It's not necessary to adapt the single region which covers all the source
if (this.regions[0].getOffset() == 0 && this.regions[0].getLength() == this.scannerEndPosition) {
this.adaptedRegions = this.regions;
this.adaptedRegions = new IRegion[max];
int commentIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
IRegion aRegion = this.regions[i];
int offset = aRegion.getOffset();
int length = aRegion.getLength();
// First look if the region starts or ends inside a comment
int index = getCommentIndex(commentIndex, offset);
int adaptedOffset = offset;
int adaptedLength = length;
if (index >= 0) {
// the offset of the region is inside a comment => restart the region from the comment start
adaptedOffset = this.commentPositions[index][0];
if (adaptedOffset >= 0) {
// adapt only javadoc or block commments. Since fix for bug
// edits in line comments only concerns whitespaces hence can be
// treated as edits in code
adaptedLength = length + offset - adaptedOffset;
commentIndex = index;
// include also the indentation edit just before the comment if any
for (int j=0; j<this.editsIndex; j++) {
int editOffset = this.edits[j].offset;
int editEnd = editOffset + this.edits[j].length;
if (editEnd == adaptedOffset) {
if (j > 0 && this.edits[j].replacement.trim().length() == 0) {
adaptedLength += adaptedOffset - this.edits[j].offset;
adaptedOffset = editOffset;
} else if (editEnd > adaptedOffset) {
index = getCommentIndex(commentIndex, offset+length-1);
if (index >= 0 && this.commentPositions[index][0] >= 0) { // only javadoc or block comment
// the region end is inside a comment => set the region end at the comment end
int commentEnd = this.commentPositions[index][1];
if (commentEnd < 0) commentEnd = -commentEnd;
adaptedLength = commentEnd - adaptedOffset;
commentIndex = index;
if (adaptedLength != length) {
// adapt the region and jump to next one
this.adaptedRegions[i] = new Region(adaptedOffset, adaptedLength);
} else {
this.adaptedRegions[i] = aRegion;
* Adapt edits to regions.
* @see ""
* for more details
private void adaptEdits() {
// See if adapting edits is really necessary
int max = this.regions.length;
if (max == 1) {
if (this.regions[0].getOffset() == 0 && this.regions[0].getLength() == this.scannerEndPosition) {
// No need to adapt as the regions covers the whole source
// Sort edits
OptimizedReplaceEdit[] sortedEdits = new OptimizedReplaceEdit[this.editsIndex];
System.arraycopy(this.edits, 0, sortedEdits, 0, this.editsIndex);
Arrays.sort(sortedEdits, new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
OptimizedReplaceEdit edit1 = (OptimizedReplaceEdit) o1;
OptimizedReplaceEdit edit2 = (OptimizedReplaceEdit) o2;
return edit1.offset - edit2.offset;
// Adapt overlapping edits
int currentEdit = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
IRegion region = this.adaptedRegions[i];
int offset = region.getOffset();
int length = region.getLength();
// modify overlapping edits on the region (if any)
int index = adaptEdit(sortedEdits, currentEdit, offset, offset+length);
if (index != -1) {
currentEdit = index;
* Search whether a region overlap edit(s) at its start and/or at its end.
* If so, modify the concerned edits to keep only the modifications which are
* inside the given region.
* The edit modification is done as follow:
* 1) start it from the region start if it overlaps the region's start
* 2) end it at the region end if it overlaps the region's end
* 3) remove from the replacement string the number of lines which are outside
* the region: before when overlapping region's start and after when overlapping
* region's end. Note that the trailing indentation of the replacement string is not
* kept when the region's end is overlapped because it's always outside the
* region.
private int adaptEdit(OptimizedReplaceEdit[] sortedEdits, int start, int regionStart, int regionEnd) {
int bottom = start==-1?0:start, top = sortedEdits.length - 1;
int topEnd = top;
int i = 0;
OptimizedReplaceEdit edit = null;
int overlapIndex = -1;
int linesOutside= -1;
// Look for an edit overlapping the region start
while (bottom <= top) {
i = bottom + (top - bottom) /2;
edit = sortedEdits[i];
int editStart = edit.offset;
int editEnd = editStart + edit.length;
if (regionStart < editStart) { // the edit starts after the region's start => no possible overlap of region's start
top = i-1;
if (regionEnd < editStart) { // the edit starts after the region's end => no possible overlap of region's end
topEnd = top;
} else {
if (regionStart >= editEnd) { // the edit ends before the region's start => no possible overlap of region's start
bottom = i+1;
} else {
// Count the lines of the edit which are outside the region
linesOutside = 0;
this.scanner.resetTo(editStart, editEnd-1);
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
boolean before = this.scanner.currentPosition < regionStart;
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
if (ch == '\n' ) {
if (before) linesOutside++;
// Restart the edit at the beginning of the line where the region start
edit.offset = regionStart;
edit.length -= edit.offset - editStart;
// Cut replacement string if necessary
int length = edit.replacement.length();
if (length > 0) {
// Count the lines in replacement string
int linesReplaced = 0;
for (int idx=0; idx < length; idx++) {
if (edit.replacement.charAt(idx) == '\n') linesReplaced++;
// As the edit starts outside the region, remove first lines from edit string if any
if (linesReplaced > 0) {
int linesCount = linesOutside >= linesReplaced ? linesReplaced : linesOutside;
if (linesCount > 0) {
int idx=0;
loop: while (idx < length) {
char ch = edit.replacement.charAt(idx);
switch (ch) {
case '\n':
if (linesCount == 0) {
break loop;
case '\r':
case ' ':
case '\t':
break loop;
if (idx >= length) {
edit.replacement = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
edit.replacement = edit.replacement.substring(idx);
overlapIndex = i;
// Look for an edit overlapping the region end
if (overlapIndex != -1) bottom = overlapIndex;
while (bottom <= topEnd) {
i = bottom + (topEnd - bottom) /2;
edit = sortedEdits[i];
int editStart = edit.offset;
int editEnd = editStart + edit.length;
if (regionEnd < editStart) { // the edit starts after the region's end => no possible overlap of region's end
topEnd = i-1;
} else {
if (regionEnd >= editEnd) { // the edit ends before the region's end => no possible overlap of region's end
bottom = i+1;
} else {
// Count the lines of the edit which are outside the region
linesOutside = 0;
this.scanner.resetTo(editStart, editEnd-1);
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
boolean after = this.scanner.currentPosition >= regionEnd;
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
if (ch == '\n' ) {
if (after) linesOutside++;
// Cut replacement string if necessary
int length = edit.replacement.length();
if (length > 0) {
// Count the lines in replacement string
int linesReplaced = 0;
for (int idx=0; idx < length; idx++) {
if (edit.replacement.charAt(idx) == '\n') linesReplaced++;
// Set the replacement string to the number of missing new lines
// As the end of the edit is out of the region, the possible trailing
// indentation should not be added...
if (linesReplaced == 0) {
edit.replacement = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
int linesCount = linesReplaced > linesOutside ? linesReplaced - linesOutside : 0;
if (linesCount == 0) {
edit.replacement = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int j=0; j<linesCount; j++) {
edit.replacement = buffer.toString();
edit.length -= editEnd - regionEnd;
return i;
return overlapIndex;
private final void addDeleteEdit(int start, int end) {
if (this.edits.length == this.editsIndex) {
// resize
addOptimizedReplaceEdit(start, end - start + 1, Util.EMPTY_STRING);
public final void addInsertEdit(int insertPosition, String insertedString) {
if (this.edits.length == this.editsIndex) {
// resize
addOptimizedReplaceEdit(insertPosition, 0, insertedString);
private final void addOptimizedReplaceEdit(int offset, int length, String replacement) {
if (!this.editsEnabled) {
if (this.previousDisabledEdit != null && this.previousDisabledEdit.offset == offset) {
replacement = this.previousDisabledEdit.replacement;
this.previousDisabledEdit = null;
if (replacement.indexOf(this.lineSeparator) >= 0) {
if (length == 0 || printNewLinesCharacters(offset, length)) {
this.previousDisabledEdit = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(offset, length, replacement);
if (this.editsIndex > 0) {
// try to merge last two edits
final OptimizedReplaceEdit previous = this.edits[this.editsIndex-1];
final int previousOffset = previous.offset;
final int previousLength = previous.length;
final int endOffsetOfPreviousEdit = previousOffset + previousLength;
final int replacementLength = replacement.length();
final String previousReplacement = previous.replacement;
final int previousReplacementLength = previousReplacement.length();
if (previousOffset == offset && previousLength == length && (replacementLength == 0 || previousReplacementLength == 0)) {
if (this.currentAlignment != null) {
final Location location = this.currentAlignment.location;
if (location.editsIndex == this.editsIndex) {
location.textEdit = previous;
if (endOffsetOfPreviousEdit == offset) {
if (length != 0) {
if (replacementLength != 0) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(previousOffset, previousLength + length, previousReplacement + replacement);
} else if (previousLength + length == previousReplacementLength) {
// check the characters. If they are identical, we can get rid of the previous edit
boolean canBeRemoved = true;
loop: for (int i = previousOffset; i < previousOffset + previousReplacementLength; i++) {
if (this.scanner.source[i] != previousReplacement.charAt(i - previousOffset)) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(previousOffset, previousReplacementLength, previousReplacement);
canBeRemoved = false;
break loop;
if (canBeRemoved) {
if (this.currentAlignment != null) {
final Location location = this.currentAlignment.location;
if (location.editsIndex == this.editsIndex) {
location.textEdit = previous;
} else {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(previousOffset, previousLength + length, previousReplacement);
} else {
if (replacementLength != 0) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(previousOffset, previousLength, previousReplacement + replacement);
} else if ((offset + length == previousOffset) && (previousLength + length == replacementLength + previousReplacementLength)) {
// check if both edits corresponds to the orignal source code
boolean canBeRemoved = true;
String totalReplacement = replacement + previousReplacement;
loop: for (int i = 0; i < previousLength + length; i++) {
if (this.scanner.source[i + offset] != totalReplacement.charAt(i)) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(offset, previousLength + length, totalReplacement);
canBeRemoved = false;
break loop;
if (canBeRemoved) {
if (this.currentAlignment != null) {
final Location location = this.currentAlignment.location;
if (location.editsIndex == this.editsIndex) {
location.textEdit = previous;
} else {
this.edits[this.editsIndex++] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(offset, length, replacement);
} else {
this.edits[this.editsIndex++] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(offset, length, replacement);
public final void addReplaceEdit(int start, int end, String replacement) {
if (this.edits.length == this.editsIndex) {
// resize
addOptimizedReplaceEdit(start, end - start + 1, replacement);
public void alignFragment(Alignment alignment, int fragmentIndex){
alignment.fragmentIndex = fragmentIndex;
public void checkNLSTag(int sourceStart) {
if (hasNLSTag(sourceStart)) {
private int consumeInvalidToken(int end) {
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.startPosition, end);
// In case of invalid unicode character, consume the current backslash character before continuing
// see
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == '\\') {
this.scanner.currentPosition = this.scanner.startPosition+1;
int previousPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
if (this.scanner.atEnd()) {
// avoid infinite loop
while (!this.scanner.atEnd() && ch != '*' && !ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(ch)) {
previousPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
// restore last whitespace
this.scanner.currentPosition = previousPosition;
public Alignment createAlignment(int kind, int mode, int count, int sourceRestart){
return createAlignment(kind, mode, Alignment.R_INNERMOST, count, sourceRestart);
public Alignment createAlignment(int kind, int mode, int count, int sourceRestart, boolean adjust){
return createAlignment(kind, mode, Alignment.R_INNERMOST, count, sourceRestart, adjust);
public Alignment createAlignment(int kind, int mode, int tieBreakRule, int count, int sourceRestart){
return createAlignment(kind, mode, tieBreakRule, count, sourceRestart, this.formatter.preferences.continuation_indentation, false);
public Alignment createAlignment(int kind, int mode, int count, int sourceRestart, int continuationIndent, boolean adjust){
return createAlignment(kind, mode, Alignment.R_INNERMOST, count, sourceRestart, continuationIndent, adjust);
public Alignment createAlignment(int kind, int mode, int tieBreakRule, int count, int sourceRestart, int continuationIndent, boolean adjust){
Alignment alignment = new Alignment(kind, mode, tieBreakRule, this, count, sourceRestart, continuationIndent);
// adjust break indentation
if (adjust && this.memberAlignment != null) {
Alignment current = this.memberAlignment;
while (current.enclosing != null) {
current = current.enclosing;
if ((current.mode & Alignment.M_MULTICOLUMN) != 0) {
final int indentSize = this.indentationSize;
switch(current.chunkKind) {
case Alignment.CHUNK_METHOD :
case Alignment.CHUNK_TYPE :
if ((mode & Alignment.M_INDENT_BY_ONE) != 0) {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel + indentSize;
} else {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel + continuationIndent * indentSize;
case Alignment.CHUNK_FIELD :
if ((mode & Alignment.M_INDENT_BY_ONE) != 0) {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = current.originalIndentationLevel + indentSize;
} else {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = current.originalIndentationLevel + continuationIndent * indentSize;
} else {
switch(current.mode & Alignment.SPLIT_MASK) {
case Alignment.M_COMPACT_SPLIT :
case Alignment.M_NEXT_PER_LINE_SPLIT :
case Alignment.M_NEXT_SHIFTED_SPLIT :
case Alignment.M_ONE_PER_LINE_SPLIT :
final int indentSize = this.indentationSize;
switch(current.chunkKind) {
case Alignment.CHUNK_METHOD :
case Alignment.CHUNK_TYPE :
if ((mode & Alignment.M_INDENT_BY_ONE) != 0) {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel + indentSize;
} else {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel + continuationIndent * indentSize;
case Alignment.CHUNK_FIELD :
if ((mode & Alignment.M_INDENT_BY_ONE) != 0) {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = current.originalIndentationLevel + indentSize;
} else {
alignment.breakIndentationLevel = current.originalIndentationLevel + continuationIndent * indentSize;
return alignment;
public Alignment createMemberAlignment(int kind, int mode, int count, int sourceRestart) {
Alignment mAlignment = createAlignment(kind, mode, Alignment.R_INNERMOST, count, sourceRestart);
mAlignment.breakIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel;
return mAlignment;
public void enterAlignment(Alignment alignment){
alignment.enclosing = this.currentAlignment;
alignment.location.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart = this.formatter.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart;
this.currentAlignment = alignment;
public void enterMemberAlignment(Alignment alignment) {
alignment.enclosing = this.memberAlignment;
alignment.location.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart = this.formatter.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart;
this.memberAlignment = alignment;
public void exitAlignment(Alignment alignment, boolean discardAlignment){
Alignment current = this.currentAlignment;
while (current != null){
if (current == alignment) break;
current = current.enclosing;
if (current == null) {
throw new AbortFormatting("could not find matching alignment: "+alignment); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.indentationLevel = alignment.location.outputIndentationLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = alignment.location.numberOfIndentations;
this.formatter.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart = alignment.location.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart;
if (discardAlignment){
this.currentAlignment = alignment.enclosing;
public void exitMemberAlignment(Alignment alignment){
Alignment current = this.memberAlignment;
while (current != null){
if (current == alignment) break;
current = current.enclosing;
if (current == null) {
throw new AbortFormatting("could not find matching alignment: "+alignment); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.indentationLevel = current.location.outputIndentationLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = current.location.numberOfIndentations;
this.formatter.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart = alignment.location.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart;
this.memberAlignment = current.enclosing;
* Answer actual indentation level based on true column position
* @return int
public int getColumnIndentationLevel() {
return this.column - 1;
public final int getCommentIndex(int position) {
if (this.commentPositions == null)
return -1;
int length = this.commentPositions.length;
if (length == 0) {
return -1;
int g = 0, d = length - 1;
int m = 0;
while (g <= d) {
m = g + (d - g) / 2;
int bound = this.commentPositions[m][1];
if (bound < 0) {
bound = -bound;
if (bound < position) {
g = m + 1;
} else if (bound > position) {
d = m - 1;
} else {
return m;
return -(g + 1);
* Returns the index of the comment including the given offset position
* starting the search from the given start index.
* @param start The start index for the research
* @param position The position
* @return The index of the comment if the given position is located inside it, -1 otherwise
private int getCommentIndex(int start, int position) {
int commentsLength = this.commentPositions == null ? 0 : this.commentPositions.length;
if (commentsLength == 0) return -1;
if (position == 0) {
if (commentsLength > 0 && this.commentPositions[0][0]== 0) {
return 0;
return -1;
int bottom = start, top = commentsLength - 1;
int i = 0;
int[] comment = null;
while (bottom <= top) {
i = bottom + (top - bottom) /2;
comment = this.commentPositions[i];
int commentStart = comment[0];
if (commentStart < 0) commentStart = -commentStart;
if (position < commentStart) {
top = i-1;
} else {
int commentEnd = comment[1];
if (commentEnd < 0) commentEnd = -commentEnd;
if (position >= commentEnd) {
bottom = i+1;
} else {
return i;
return -1;
private IRegion getCoveringAdaptedRegion(int offset, int end) {
int index = getIndexOfAdaptedRegionAt(offset);
if (index < 0) {
index = -(index + 1);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
IRegion region = this.adaptedRegions[index];
if ((region.getOffset() <= offset) && (end <= region.getOffset() + region.getLength() - 1)) {
return region;
return null;
private int getCurrentCommentIndentation(int start) {
int linePtr = -Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, start);
int indentation = 0;
int beginningOfLine = getLineEnd(linePtr - 1)+1;
if (beginningOfLine == -1) {
beginningOfLine = 0;
int currentStartPosition = start;
char[] source = this.scanner.source;
// find the position of the beginning of the line containing the comment
while (beginningOfLine > currentStartPosition) {
if (linePtr > 0) {
beginningOfLine = getLineEnd(--linePtr)+1;
} else {
beginningOfLine = 0;
for (int i=beginningOfLine; i < currentStartPosition ; i++) {
char currentCharacter = source[i];
switch (currentCharacter) {
case '\t' :
if (this.tabLength != 0) {
int reminder = indentation % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
indentation += this.tabLength;
} else {
indentation = ((indentation / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
indentation = 0;
return indentation;
int getCurrentIndentation(char[] whitespaces, int offset) {
int length = whitespaces.length;
if (this.tabLength == 0) return length;
int indentation = offset;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
char ch = whitespaces[i];
switch (ch) {
case '\t' :
int reminder = indentation % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
indentation += this.tabLength;
} else {
indentation = ((indentation / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
indentation = 0;
return indentation;
int getCurrentIndentation(int start) {
int linePtr = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, start);
if (linePtr < 0) {
linePtr = -linePtr - 1;
int indentation = 0;
int beginningOfLine = getLineEnd(linePtr)+1;
if (beginningOfLine == -1) {
beginningOfLine = 0;
char[] source = this.scanner.source;
for (int i=beginningOfLine; i<start; i++) {
char currentCharacter = source[i];
switch (currentCharacter) {
case '\t' :
if (this.tabLength != 0) {
int reminder = indentation % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
indentation += this.tabLength;
} else {
indentation = ((indentation / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
indentation = 0;
case ' ':
return indentation;
return indentation;
public String getEmptyLines(int linesNumber) {
if (this.nlsTagCounter > 0) {
return Util.EMPTY_STRING;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0) {
linesNumber++; // add an extra line breaks
for (int i = 0; i < linesNumber; i++) {
if (this.indentEmptyLines) printIndentationIfNecessary(buffer);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines += linesNumber;
this.line += linesNumber;
this.column = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
} else if (this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 1) {
for (int i = 0; i < linesNumber; i++) {
if (this.indentEmptyLines) printIndentationIfNecessary(buffer);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines += linesNumber;
this.line += linesNumber;
this.column = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
} else {
if ((this.lastNumberOfNewLines - 1) >= linesNumber) {
// there is no need to add new lines
return Util.EMPTY_STRING;
final int realNewLineNumber = linesNumber - this.lastNumberOfNewLines + 1;
for (int i = 0; i < realNewLineNumber; i++) {
if (this.indentEmptyLines) printIndentationIfNecessary(buffer);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines += realNewLineNumber;
this.line += realNewLineNumber;
this.column = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
return String.valueOf(buffer);
private int getIndexOfAdaptedRegionAt(int offset) {
if (this.adaptedRegions.length == 1) {
int offset2 = this.adaptedRegions[0].getOffset();
if (offset2 == offset) {
return 0;
return offset2 < offset ? -2 : -1;
return Arrays.binarySearch(this.adaptedRegions, new Region(offset, 0), new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
int r1Offset = ((IRegion)o1).getOffset();
int r2Offset = ((IRegion)o2).getOffset();
return r1Offset - r2Offset;
public OptimizedReplaceEdit getLastEdit() {
if (this.editsIndex > 0) {
return this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1];
return null;
public final int getLineEnd(int lineNumber) {
if (this.lineEnds == null)
return -1;
if (lineNumber >= this.lineEnds.length + 1)
return this.scannerEndPosition;
if (lineNumber <= 0)
return -1;
return this.lineEnds[lineNumber-1]; // next line start one character behind the lineEnd of the previous line
Alignment getMemberAlignment() {
return this.memberAlignment;
public String getNewLine() {
if (this.nlsTagCounter > 0) {
return Util.EMPTY_STRING;
if (this.lastNumberOfNewLines >= 1) {
this.column = 1; // ensure that the scribe is at the beginning of a new line
return Util.EMPTY_STRING;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 1;
this.column = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
return this.lineSeparator;
* Answer next indentation level based on column estimated position
* (if column is not indented, then use indentationLevel)
public int getNextIndentationLevel(int someColumn) {
int indent = someColumn - 1;
if (indent == 0)
return this.indentationLevel;
if (this.tabChar == DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.TAB) {
if (this.useTabsOnlyForLeadingIndents) {
return indent;
if (this.indentationSize == 0) {
return indent;
int rem = indent % this.indentationSize;
int addition = rem == 0 ? 0 : this.indentationSize - rem; // round to superior
return indent + addition;
return indent;
* Preserve empty lines depending on given count and preferences.
private String getPreserveEmptyLines(int count) {
if (count == 0) {
// preserve line breaks in wrapping if specified
// see bug
if (this.currentAlignment != null && !this.formatter.preferences.join_wrapped_lines) {
// Insert a new line only if it has not been already done before
// (see bug
// or when there's no direct member alignment
// (additional fix for bug
if (this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0 || this.memberAlignment == null || this.memberAlignment.location.inputOffset < this.currentAlignment.location.inputOffset) {
// Debug
if (DefaultCodeFormatter.DEBUG) {
System.out.println("Preserve empty lines:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(" - indentation level = "+this.indentationLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(" - current alignment: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.print(this.currentAlignment.toString(new StringBuffer(), 1));
if (this.memberAlignment != null) {
System.out.println(" - member alignment: "); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.print(this.memberAlignment.toString(new StringBuffer(), 1));
// Reset indentation level to the location output
this.indentationLevel = this.currentAlignment.location.outputIndentationLevel;
// Create new line
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(getNewLine());
// Look for current indentation
int currentIndentation = getCurrentIndentation(this.scanner.currentPosition);
// Determine whether the alignment indentation can be used or not
// So far, the best algorithm is to use it when
// 1. this is not the opening brace of a local declaration assignment
// 2. this is not the first opening brace
// or this is an array initializer alignment
// or this is an binary expression alignment
// 3. the indentation level is below the alignment break indentation
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
int nextToken = -1;
try {
nextToken = this.scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// skip
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
boolean canUseAlignmentIndentation = (nextToken != TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACE || this.currentAlignment.kind != Alignment.LOCAL_DECLARATION_ASSIGNMENT);
if (canUseAlignmentIndentation &&
(!this.formatBrace ||
this.currentAlignment.kind == Alignment.ARRAY_INITIALIZER ||
this.currentAlignment.kind == Alignment.BINARY_EXPRESSION) &&
this.indentationLevel < this.currentAlignment.breakIndentationLevel) {
this.indentationLevel = this.currentAlignment.breakIndentationLevel;
// Use the current indentation if over the computed indentation
if (this.indentationLevel < currentIndentation) {
this.indentationLevel = currentIndentation;
// Debug
if (DefaultCodeFormatter.DEBUG) {
System.out.println(" - format brace = "+this.formatBrace); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(" - current column = "+(currentIndentation+1)); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println(" - current position = "+this.scanner.currentPosition); //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.print(" - current line = "); //$NON-NLS-1$
int linePtr = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, this.scanner.currentPosition);
if (linePtr < 0) {
linePtr = -linePtr - 1;
int i = getLineEnd(linePtr)+1;
while (this.scanner.source[i] != '\r') {
System.out.println(" - indentation level = "+this.indentationLevel); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Set the flag to indicate that a specific indentation is currently in used
this.preserveLineBreakIndentation = true;
// Print the computed indentation in the buffer
return buffer.toString();
return Util.EMPTY_STRING;
if (this.blank_lines_between_import_groups >= 0) {
return getEmptyLines(this.blank_lines_between_import_groups);
if (this.formatter.preferences.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve != 0) {
int linesToPreserve = Math.min(count, this.formatter.preferences.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve);
return getEmptyLines(linesToPreserve);
return getNewLine();
private IRegion getAdaptedRegionAt(int offset) {
int index = getIndexOfAdaptedRegionAt(offset);
if (index < 0) {
return null;
return this.adaptedRegions[index];
public TextEdit getRootEdit() {
MultiTextEdit edit = null;
int regionsLength = this.adaptedRegions.length;
int textRegionStart;
int textRegionEnd;
if (regionsLength == 1) {
IRegion lastRegion = this.adaptedRegions[0];
textRegionStart = lastRegion.getOffset();
textRegionEnd = textRegionStart + lastRegion.getLength();
} else {
textRegionStart = this.adaptedRegions[0].getOffset();
IRegion lastRegion = this.adaptedRegions[regionsLength - 1];
textRegionEnd = lastRegion.getOffset() + lastRegion.getLength();
int length = textRegionEnd - textRegionStart + 1;
if (textRegionStart <= 0) {
if (length <= 0) {
edit = new MultiTextEdit(0, 0);
} else {
edit = new MultiTextEdit(0, textRegionEnd);
} else {
edit = new MultiTextEdit(textRegionStart, length - 1);
for (int i= 0, max = this.editsIndex; i < max; i++) {
OptimizedReplaceEdit currentEdit = this.edits[i];
if (isValidEdit(currentEdit)) {
try {
edit.addChild(new ReplaceEdit(currentEdit.offset, currentEdit.length, currentEdit.replacement));
catch (MalformedTreeException ex) {
// log exception in case of error
throw ex;
this.edits = null;
return edit;
public void handleLineTooLong() {
// search for closest breakable alignment, using tiebreak rules
// look for outermost breakable one
int relativeDepth = 0, outerMostDepth = -1;
Alignment targetAlignment = this.currentAlignment;
int previousKind = -1;
boolean insideMessageArguments = false;
boolean insideMessageSend = false;
while (targetAlignment != null){
boolean couldBreak = targetAlignment.tieBreakRule == Alignment.R_OUTERMOST ||
((insideMessageArguments || insideMessageSend) && targetAlignment.kind == Alignment.MESSAGE_ARGUMENTS
&& (!targetAlignment.wasReset() || previousKind != Alignment.MESSAGE_SEND));
if (couldBreak && targetAlignment.couldBreak()){
outerMostDepth = relativeDepth;
switch (targetAlignment.kind) {
insideMessageArguments = true;
case Alignment.MESSAGE_SEND:
insideMessageSend = true;
previousKind = targetAlignment.kind;
targetAlignment = targetAlignment.enclosing;
if (outerMostDepth >= 0) {
throw new AlignmentException(AlignmentException.LINE_TOO_LONG, outerMostDepth);
// look for innermost breakable one
relativeDepth = 0;
targetAlignment = this.currentAlignment;
AlignmentException alignmentException = null;
int msgArgsDepth = -1;
while (targetAlignment != null) {
if (targetAlignment.kind == Alignment.MESSAGE_ARGUMENTS) {
msgArgsDepth = relativeDepth;
if (alignmentException == null) {
if (targetAlignment.couldBreak()) {
// do not throw the exception immediately to have a chance to reset
// previously broken alignments (see bug 203588)
alignmentException = new AlignmentException(AlignmentException.LINE_TOO_LONG, relativeDepth);
} else if (targetAlignment.wasSplit) {
// reset the nearest already broken outermost alignment.
// Note that it's not done twice to avoid infinite loop while raising
// the exception on an innermost alignment...
if (!targetAlignment.wasReset()) {
if (msgArgsDepth > alignmentException.relativeDepth) {
alignmentException.relativeDepth = msgArgsDepth;
throw alignmentException;
targetAlignment = targetAlignment.enclosing;
if (alignmentException != null) {
throw alignmentException;
// did not find any breakable location - proceed
if (this.currentAlignment != null) {
this.currentAlignment.blockAlign = false;
this.currentAlignment.tooLong = true;
* Check if there is a NLS tag on this line. If yes, return true, returns false otherwise.
private boolean hasNLSTag(int sourceStart) {
// search the last comment where commentEnd < current lineEnd
if (this.lineEnds == null) return false;
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, sourceStart);
int currentLineEnd = getLineEnd(-index);
if (currentLineEnd != -1) {
int commentIndex = getCommentIndex(currentLineEnd);
if (commentIndex < 0) {
commentIndex = -commentIndex - 2;
if (commentIndex >= 0 && commentIndex < this.commentPositions.length) {
int start = this.commentPositions[commentIndex][0];
if (start < 0) {
start = -start;
// check that we are on the same line
int lineIndexForComment = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, start);
if (lineIndexForComment == index) {
return CharOperation.indexOf(Scanner.TAG_PREFIX, this.scanner.source, true, start, currentLineEnd) != -1;
return false;
private boolean includesBlockComments() {
return ((this.formatComments & INCLUDE_BLOCK_COMMENTS) == INCLUDE_BLOCK_COMMENTS && this.headerEndPosition < this.scanner.currentPosition) ||
(this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_header && this.headerEndPosition >= this.scanner.currentPosition);
private boolean includesJavadocComments() {
return ((this.formatComments & INCLUDE_JAVA_DOC) == INCLUDE_JAVA_DOC && this.headerEndPosition < this.scanner.currentPosition) ||
(this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_header && this.headerEndPosition >= this.scanner.currentPosition);
private boolean includesLineComments() {
return ((this.formatComments & INCLUDE_LINE_COMMENTS) == INCLUDE_LINE_COMMENTS && this.headerEndPosition < this.scanner.currentPosition) ||
(this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_header && this.headerEndPosition >= this.scanner.currentPosition);
boolean includesComments() {
return (this.formatComments & CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS) != 0;
public void indent() {
this.indentationLevel += this.indentationSize;
private void initializeScanner(long sourceLevel, DefaultCodeFormatterOptions preferences) {
this.disablingTag = preferences.disabling_tag;
this.enablingTag = preferences.enabling_tag;
char[][] taskTags;
if (this.disablingTag == null) {
if (this.enablingTag == null) {
taskTags = null;
} else {
taskTags = new char[][] { this.enablingTag };
} else if (this.enablingTag == null) {
taskTags = new char[][] { this.disablingTag };
} else {
taskTags = new char[][] { this.disablingTag, this.enablingTag };
this.scanner = new Scanner(true, true, false/*nls*/, sourceLevel/*sourceLevel*/, taskTags, null/*taskPriorities*/, true/*taskCaseSensitive*/);
private void initFormatterCommentParser() {
if (this.formatterCommentParser == null) {
this.formatterCommentParser = new FormatterCommentParser(this.scanner.sourceLevel);
this.formatterCommentParser.source = this.scanner.source;
this.formatterCommentParser.scanner.lineEnds = this.lineEnds;
this.formatterCommentParser.scanner.linePtr = this.maxLines;
this.formatterCommentParser.parseHtmlTags = this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_html;
private boolean isOnFirstColumn(int start) {
if (this.lineEnds == null) return start == 0;
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, start);
// we want the line end of the previous line
int previousLineEnd = getLineEnd(-index - 1);
return previousLineEnd != -1 && previousLineEnd == start - 1;
private boolean isValidEdit(OptimizedReplaceEdit edit) {
final int editLength= edit.length;
final int editReplacementLength= edit.replacement.length();
final int editOffset= edit.offset;
if (editLength != 0) {
IRegion covering = getCoveringAdaptedRegion(editOffset, (editOffset + editLength - 1));
if (covering != null) {
if (editReplacementLength != 0 && editLength == editReplacementLength) {
for (int i = editOffset, max = editOffset + editLength; i < max; i++) {
if (this.scanner.source[i] != edit.replacement.charAt(i - editOffset)) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
IRegion starting = getAdaptedRegionAt(editOffset + editLength);
if (starting != null) {
int i = editOffset;
for (int max = editOffset + editLength; i < max; i++) {
int replacementStringIndex = i - editOffset;
if (replacementStringIndex >= editReplacementLength || this.scanner.source[i] != edit.replacement.charAt(replacementStringIndex)) {
if (i - editOffset != editReplacementLength && i != editOffset + editLength - 1) {
edit.offset = starting.getOffset();
edit.length = 0;
edit.replacement = edit.replacement.substring(i - editOffset);
return true;
return false;
IRegion covering = getCoveringAdaptedRegion(editOffset, editOffset);
if (covering != null) {
return true;
if (editOffset == this.scannerEndPosition) {
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(
new Region(editOffset, 0),
new Comparator() {
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) {
IRegion r1 = (IRegion)o1;
IRegion r2 = (IRegion)o2;
int r1End = r1.getOffset() + r1.getLength();
int r2End = r2.getOffset() + r2.getLength();
return r1End - r2End;
if (index < 0) {
return false;
return true;
return false;
private void preserveEmptyLines(int count, int insertPosition) {
if (count > 0) {
if (this.blank_lines_between_import_groups >= 0) {
printEmptyLines(this.blank_lines_between_import_groups, insertPosition);
} else if (this.formatter.preferences.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve != 0) {
int linesToPreserve = Math.min(count, this.formatter.preferences.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve);
printEmptyLines(linesToPreserve, insertPosition);
} else {
private void print(int length, boolean considerSpaceIfAny) {
if (this.checkLineWrapping && length + this.column > this.pageWidth) {
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
if (this.indentationLevel != 0) {
if (considerSpaceIfAny) {
if (this.pendingSpace) {
addInsertEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.pendingSpace = false;
this.needSpace = false;
this.column += length;
this.needSpace = true;
private void printBlockComment(boolean isJavadoc) {
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int currentTokenEndPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition() + 1;
boolean includesBlockComments = !isJavadoc && includesBlockComments();
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition - 1);
int currentCharacter;
boolean isNewLine = false;
int start = currentTokenStartPosition;
int nextCharacterStart = currentTokenStartPosition;
int previousStart = currentTokenStartPosition;
boolean onFirstColumn = isOnFirstColumn(start);
boolean indentComment = false;
if (this.indentationLevel != 0) {
if (isJavadoc
|| !this.formatter.preferences.never_indent_block_comments_on_first_column
|| !onFirstColumn) {
indentComment = true;
if (this.pendingSpace) {
addInsertEdit(currentTokenStartPosition, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
int commentColumn = this.column;
if (includesBlockComments) {
if (printBlockComment(currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition)) {
int currentIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel;
if ((commentColumn-1) > this.indentationLevel) {
this.indentationLevel = commentColumn-1;
int currentCommentIndentation = onFirstColumn ? 0 : getCurrentCommentIndentation(start);
boolean formatComment = (isJavadoc && (this.formatComments & CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC) != 0) || (!isJavadoc && (this.formatComments & CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT) != 0);
try {
while (nextCharacterStart <= currentTokenEndPosition && (currentCharacter = this.scanner.getNextChar()) != -1) {
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
switch(currentCharacter) {
case '\r' :
start = previousStart;
isNewLine = true;
if (this.scanner.getNextChar('\n')) {
currentCharacter = '\n';
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case '\n' :
start = previousStart;
isNewLine = true;
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (isNewLine) {
this.column = 1;
isNewLine = false;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (onFirstColumn) {
// simply insert indentation if necessary
if (indentComment) {
if (formatComment) {
if (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace((char) currentCharacter)) {
int previousStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
while(currentCharacter != -1 && currentCharacter != '\r' && currentCharacter != '\n' && ScannerHelper.isWhitespace((char) currentCharacter)) {
previousStart = nextCharacterStart;
previousStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
currentCharacter = this.scanner.getNextChar();
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (currentCharacter == '\r' || currentCharacter == '\n') {
nextCharacterStart = previousStartPosition;
if (currentCharacter != '\r' && currentCharacter != '\n') {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
if (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace((char) currentCharacter)) {
int previousStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
int currentIndentation = 0;
loop: while(currentCharacter != -1 && currentCharacter != '\r' && currentCharacter != '\n' && ScannerHelper.isWhitespace((char) currentCharacter)) {
if (currentIndentation >= currentCommentIndentation) {
break loop;
previousStart = nextCharacterStart;
previousStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
switch(currentCharacter) {
case '\t' :
if (this.tabLength != 0) {
int reminder = currentIndentation % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
currentIndentation += this.tabLength;
} else {
currentIndentation = ((currentIndentation / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
default :
currentIndentation ++;
currentCharacter = this.scanner.getNextChar();
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (currentCharacter == '\r' || currentCharacter == '\n') {
nextCharacterStart = previousStartPosition;
if (indentComment) {
if (formatComment) {
int previousStartTemp = previousStart;
int nextCharacterStartTemp = nextCharacterStart;
while(currentCharacter != -1 && currentCharacter != '\r' && currentCharacter != '\n' && ScannerHelper.isWhitespace((char) currentCharacter)) {
previousStart = nextCharacterStart;
currentCharacter = this.scanner.getNextChar();
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (currentCharacter == '*') {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
previousStart = previousStartTemp;
nextCharacterStart = nextCharacterStartTemp;
this.scanner.currentPosition = nextCharacterStart;
addReplaceEdit(start, previousStart - 1, String.valueOf(buffer));
} else {
this.column += (nextCharacterStart - previousStart);
previousStart = nextCharacterStart;
this.scanner.currentPosition = nextCharacterStart;
} finally {
this.indentationLevel = currentIndentationLevel;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenEndPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
private boolean printBlockComment(int currentTokenStartPosition, int currentTokenEndPosition) {
// Compute indentation
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length + 1;
int indentLevel = this.indentationLevel;
int indentations = this.numberOfIndentations;
switch (this.tabChar) {
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.TAB:
switch (this.tabLength) {
case 0:
this.indentationLevel = 0;
this.column = 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = 0;
case 1:
this.indentationLevel = this.column - 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = this.indentationLevel;
this.indentationLevel = (this.column / this.tabLength) * this.tabLength;
this.column = this.indentationLevel + 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = this.indentationLevel / this.tabLength;
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.MIXED:
if (this.tabLength == 0) {
this.indentationLevel = 0;
this.column = 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = 0;
} else {
this.indentationLevel = this.column - 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = this.indentationLevel / this.tabLength;
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.SPACE:
if (this.indentationSize == 0) {
this.indentationLevel = 0;
this.column = 1;
this.numberOfIndentations = 0;
} else {
this.indentationLevel = this.column - 1;
// Consume the comment prefix
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column += 2;
this.scanner.skipComments = true;
StringBuffer tokensBuffer = new StringBuffer();
int editStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
int editEnd = -1;
// Consume text token per token
int previousToken = -1;
boolean newLine = false;
boolean multiLines = false;
boolean hasMultiLines = false;
boolean hasTokens = false;
boolean bufferHasTokens = false;
boolean bufferHasNewLine = false;
boolean lineHasTokens = false;
int hasTextOnFirstLine = 0;
boolean firstWord = true;
boolean clearBlankLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_block_comment;
boolean joinLines = this.formatter.preferences.join_lines_in_comments;
boolean newLinesAtBoundaries = this.formatter.preferences.comment_new_lines_at_block_boundaries;
int scannerLine = Util.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines);
int firstLine = scannerLine;
int lineNumber = scannerLine;
int lastTextLine = -1;
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
// Consume token
int token;
try {
token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
token = consumeInvalidToken(currentTokenEndPosition-1);
newLine = false;
// Look at specific tokens
boolean insertSpace = (previousToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE) && (!firstWord || !hasTokens);
boolean isTokenStar = false;
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (tokensBuffer.length() > 0) {
if (hasTextOnFirstLine == 1 && multiLines) {
hasTextOnFirstLine = -1;
this.column += tokensBuffer.length();
bufferHasTokens = true;
bufferHasNewLine = false;
if (previousToken == -1) {
// do not remember the first whitespace
} else {
previousToken = token;
lineNumber = Util.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.lineEnds, scannerLine>1 ? scannerLine-2 : 0, this.maxLines);
if (lineNumber > scannerLine) {
hasMultiLines = true;
newLine = true;
scannerLine = lineNumber;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
isTokenStar = true;
lineNumber = Util.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.lineEnds, scannerLine>1 ? scannerLine-2 : 0, this.maxLines);
if (lineNumber == firstLine && previousToken == SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN) {
buffer.append(' ');
previousToken = token;
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == '/') {
editEnd = this.scanner.startPosition - 1;
// Add remaining buffered tokens
if (tokensBuffer.length() > 0) {
this.column += tokensBuffer.length();
// end of comment
if (newLinesAtBoundaries) {
if (multiLines || hasMultiLines) {
this.column = 1;
buffer.append(' ');
this.column += BLOCK_FOOTER_LENGTH + 1;
this.scanner.getNextChar(); // reach the end of scanner
if (newLine) {
scannerLine = lineNumber;
newLine = false;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL:
if (newLine) {
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.startPosition, currentTokenEndPosition-1);
this.scanner.getNextChar(); // consume the multiply
previousToken = TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY;
scannerLine = Util.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.lineEnds, scannerLine>1 ? scannerLine-2 : 0, this.maxLines);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMINUS:
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMINUS_MINUS:
if (previousToken == -1) {
// Do not format comment starting with /*-
// see bug
this.indentationLevel = indentLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = indentations;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.skipComments = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition - 1);
return false;
// do nothing
// Look at gap and insert corresponding lines if necessary
int linesGap;
int max;
lineNumber = Util.getLineNumber(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.lineEnds, scannerLine>1 ? scannerLine-2 : 0, this.maxLines);
if (lastTextLine == -1) {
linesGap = newLinesAtBoundaries ? lineNumber - firstLine : 0;
max = 0;
} else {
linesGap = lineNumber - lastTextLine;
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT && linesGap ==1) {
// insert one blank line before root tags
linesGap = 2;
max = joinLines && lineHasTokens ? 1 : 0;
if (linesGap > max) {
if (clearBlankLines) {
// TODO (frederic) see if there's a bug for the unremoved blank line for root tags
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT) {
linesGap = 1;
} else {
linesGap = (max==0 || !joinLines) ? 1 : 0;
for (int i=0; i<linesGap; i++) {
// Add remaining buffered tokens
if (tokensBuffer.length() > 0) {
if (hasTextOnFirstLine == 1) {
hasTextOnFirstLine = -1;
bufferHasTokens = true;
this.column = 1;
firstWord = true;
multiLines = true;
bufferHasNewLine = true;
insertSpace = insertSpace && linesGap == 0;
if (newLine) lineHasTokens = false;
// Increment column
int tokenStart = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - tokenStart;
hasTokens = true;
if (!isTokenStar) lineHasTokens = true;
if (hasTextOnFirstLine == 0 && !isTokenStar) {
if (firstLine == lineNumber) {
hasTextOnFirstLine = 1;
this.column++; // include first space
} else {
hasTextOnFirstLine = -1;
int lastColumn = this.column + tokensBuffer.length() + tokenLength;
if (insertSpace) lastColumn++;
// Append next token inserting a new line if max line is reached
if (lineHasTokens && !firstWord && lastColumn > maxColumn) {
String tokensString = tokensBuffer.toString().trim();
int tokensStringLength = tokensString.length();
// not enough space on the line
if (hasTextOnFirstLine == 1) {
if ((this.indentationLevel+tokensStringLength+tokenLength) > maxColumn) {
// there won't be enough room even if we break the line before the buffered tokens
// So add the buffered tokens now
this.column += tokensBuffer.length();
bufferHasNewLine = false;
bufferHasTokens = true;
if (bufferHasTokens && !bufferHasNewLine) {
this.column = 1;
if (tokensBuffer.length() > 0) {
this.column += tokensStringLength;
buffer.append(this.scanner.source, tokenStart, tokenLength);
bufferHasTokens = true;
bufferHasNewLine = false;
this.column += tokenLength;
multiLines = true;
hasTextOnFirstLine = -1;
} else {
// append token to the line
if (insertSpace) {
tokensBuffer.append(' ');
tokensBuffer.append(this.scanner.source, tokenStart, tokenLength);
previousToken = token;
newLine = false;
firstWord = false;
scannerLine = lineNumber;
lastTextLine = lineNumber;
// Replace block comment text
if (this.nlsTagCounter == 0 || !multiLines) {
if (hasTokens || multiLines) {
StringBuffer replacement = new StringBuffer();
if (hasTextOnFirstLine == 1) {
if ((hasMultiLines || multiLines)) {
int col = this.column;
this.column = 1;
this.column = col;
} else if (buffer.length()==0 || buffer.charAt(0)!=' ') {
replacement.append(' ');
addReplaceEdit(editStart, editEnd, replacement.toString());
// Reset
this.indentationLevel = indentLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = indentations;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenEndPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.scanner.skipComments = false;
return true;
private void printBlockCommentHeaderLine(StringBuffer buffer) {
if (!this.formatter.preferences.comment_new_lines_at_block_boundaries) {
buffer.insert(0, ' ');
else if (buffer.length() == 0) {
this.column = 1;
} else {
StringBuffer insert = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
buffer.insert(0, insert.toString());
public void printEndOfCompilationUnit() {
try {
// if we have a space between two tokens we ensure it will be dumped in the formatted string
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
boolean hasComment = false;
boolean hasLineComment = false;
boolean hasWhitespace = false;
int count = 0;
while (true) {
this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken();
switch(this.currentToken) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE :
char[] whiteSpaces = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
count = 0;
for (int i = 0, max = whiteSpaces.length; i < max; i++) {
switch(whiteSpaces[i]) {
case '\r' :
if ((i + 1) < max) {
if (whiteSpaces[i + 1] == '\n') {
case '\n' :
if (count == 0) {
hasWhitespace = true;
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
} else if (hasLineComment) {
preserveEmptyLines(count, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
} else if (hasComment) {
if (count == 1) {
} else {
preserveEmptyLines(count - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
} else {
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE :
if (count >= 1) {
if (count > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(count - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
} else if (count == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespace) {
hasWhitespace = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = true;
count = 0;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK :
if (count >= 1) {
if (count > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(count - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
} else if (count == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespace) {
hasWhitespace = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = false;
hasComment = true;
count = 0;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC :
if (count >= 1) {
if (count > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(count - 1, this.scanner.startPosition);
} else if (count == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespace) {
hasWhitespace = false;
if (includesJavadocComments()) {
printJavadocComment(this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition);
} else {
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = false;
hasComment = true;
count = 0;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameSEMICOLON :
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, this.formatter.preferences.insert_space_before_semicolon);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
if (count >= 1 || this.formatter.preferences.insert_new_line_at_end_of_file_if_missing) {
default :
// step back one token
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
* prints a code snippet
private void printCodeSnippet(int startPosition, int endPosition, int linesGap) {
String snippet = new String(this.scanner.source, startPosition, endPosition - startPosition + 1);
// 1 - strip content prefix (@see JavaDocRegion#preprocessCodeSnippet)
int firstLine = Util.getLineNumber(startPosition, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines) - 1;
int lastLine = Util.getLineNumber(endPosition, this.lineEnds, firstLine>1 ? firstLine-2 : 0, this.maxLines) - 1;
StringBuffer inputBuffer= new StringBuffer();
if (firstLine == lastLine && linesGap == 0) {
} else {
boolean hasCharsAfterStar = false;
if (linesGap == 0) {
inputBuffer.append(this.scanner.source, startPosition, this.lineEnds[firstLine]+1-startPosition);
int initialLength = inputBuffer.length();
for (int currentLine=firstLine; currentLine<=lastLine; currentLine++) {
this.scanner.resetTo(this.lineEnds[currentLine-1]+1, this.lineEnds[currentLine]);
int lineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
boolean hasStar = false;
loop: while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
case '\t' :
case '\u000c' :
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
break loop;
case '*':
hasStar = true;
break loop;
if (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(ch)) {
break loop;
if (hasStar) {
lineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (!hasCharsAfterStar && !this.scanner.atEnd()) {
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
boolean atEnd = this.scanner.atEnd();
switch (ch) {
case ' ':
case '\t' :
case '\u000c' :
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
atEnd = true;
if (!ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(ch)) {
if (hasStar) {
// A non whitespace character is just after the star
// then we need to restart from the beginning without
// consuming the space after the star
hasCharsAfterStar = true;
currentLine = firstLine-1;
if (!hasCharsAfterStar && !atEnd) {
// Until then, there's always a whitespace after each star
// of the comment, hence we need to consume it as it will
// be rewritten while reindenting the snippet lines
lineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
int end = currentLine == lastLine ? endPosition : this.lineEnds[currentLine];
inputBuffer.append(this.scanner.source, lineStart, end+1-lineStart);
// 2 - convert HTML to Java (@see JavaDocRegion#convertHtml2Java)
HTMLEntity2JavaReader reader= new HTMLEntity2JavaReader(new StringReader(inputBuffer.toString()));
char[] buf= new char[inputBuffer.length()]; // html2text never gets longer, only shorter!
String convertedSnippet;
try {
int read=;
convertedSnippet = new String(buf, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e) {
// should not happen
// 3 - format snippet (@see JavaDocRegion#formatCodeSnippet)
// include comments in case of line comments are present in the snippet
String formattedSnippet = convertedSnippet;
Map options = this.formatter.preferences.getMap();
if (this.scanner.sourceLevel > ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3) {
options.put(JavaCore.COMPILER_SOURCE, CompilerOptions.versionFromJdkLevel(this.scanner.sourceLevel));
TextEdit edit= CommentFormatterUtil.format2(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN | CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS, convertedSnippet, 0, this.lineSeparator, options);
if (edit == null) {
// 3.a - not a valid code to format, keep initial buffer
formattedSnippet = inputBuffer.toString();
} else {
// 3.b - valid code formatted
// 3.b.i - get the result
formattedSnippet = CommentFormatterUtil.evaluateFormatterEdit(convertedSnippet, edit, null);
// 3.b.ii- convert back to HTML (@see JavaDocRegion#convertJava2Html)
Java2HTMLEntityReader javaReader= new Java2HTMLEntityReader(new StringReader(formattedSnippet));
buf= new char[256];
StringBuffer conversionBuffer= new StringBuffer();
int l;
try {
do {
if (l != -1)
conversionBuffer.append(buf, 0, l);
} while (l > 0);
formattedSnippet = conversionBuffer.toString();
} catch (IOException e) {
// should not happen
// 4 - add the content prefix (@see JavaDocRegion#postprocessCodeSnippet)
StringBuffer outputBuffer = new StringBuffer();
ILineTracker tracker = new DefaultLineTracker();
this.column = 1;
printIndentationIfNecessary(outputBuffer); // append indentation
String linePrefix = outputBuffer.toString();
String replacement = formattedSnippet;
int numberOfLines = tracker.getNumberOfLines();
if (numberOfLines > 1) {
int lastLineOffset = -1;
for (int i=0; i<numberOfLines-1; i++) {
if (i>0) outputBuffer.append(linePrefix);
try {
lastLineOffset = tracker.getLineOffset(i+1);
outputBuffer.append(formattedSnippet.substring(tracker.getLineOffset(i), lastLineOffset));
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// should not happen
replacement = outputBuffer.toString();
// 5 - replace old text with the formatted snippet
addReplaceEdit(startPosition, endPosition, replacement);
void printComment() {
printComment(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
* Main method to print and format comments (javadoc, block and single line comments)
void printComment(int kind, int trailing) {
final boolean rejectLineComment = kind == CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT || kind == CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC;
final boolean rejectBlockComment = kind == CodeFormatter.K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT || kind == CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC;
final boolean rejectJavadocComment = kind == CodeFormatter.K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT || kind == CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT;
try {
// if we have a space between two tokens we ensure it will be dumped in the formatted string
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
boolean hasComment = false;
boolean hasLineComment = false;
boolean hasWhitespaces = false;
int lines = 0;
int previousFoundTaskCount = this.scanner.foundTaskCount;
while ((this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken()) != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
int foundTaskCount = this.scanner.foundTaskCount;
switch(this.currentToken) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE :
char[] whiteSpaces = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
int whitespacesStartPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int whitespacesEndPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition();
lines = 0;
for (int i = 0, max = whiteSpaces.length; i < max; i++) {
switch(whiteSpaces[i]) {
case '\r' :
if ((i + 1) < max) {
if (whiteSpaces[i + 1] == '\n') {
case '\n' :
// If following token is a line comment on the same line or the line just after,
// then it might be not really formatted as a trailing comment
boolean realTrailing = trailing > NO_TRAILING_COMMENT;
if (realTrailing && this.scanner.currentCharacter == '/' && (lines == 0 || (lines == 1 && !hasLineComment && trailing == IMPORT_TRAILING_COMMENT))) {
// sometimes changing the trailing may not be the best idea
// for complex trailing comment, it's basically a good idea
boolean canChangeTrailing = (trailing & COMPLEX_TRAILING_COMMENT) != 0;
// for basic trailing comment preceded by a line comment, then it depends on the comments relative position
// when following comment column (after having been rounded) is below the preceding one,
// then it becomes not a good idea to change the trailing flag
if (trailing == BASIC_TRAILING_COMMENT && hasLineComment) {
int currentCommentIndentation = getCurrentIndentation(whiteSpaces, 0);
int relativeIndentation = currentCommentIndentation - this.lastLineComment.currentIndentation;
if (this.tabLength == 0) {
canChangeTrailing = relativeIndentation == 0;
} else {
canChangeTrailing = relativeIndentation > -this.tabLength;
// if the trailing can be change, then look at the following tokens
if (canChangeTrailing) {
int currentPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (this.scanner.getNextToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) {
realTrailing = !hasLineComment;
switch (this.scanner.getNextToken()) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE:
// at least two contiguous line comments
// the formatter should not consider comments as trailing ones
realTrailing = false;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (this.scanner.getNextToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE) {
// at least two contiguous line comments
// the formatter should not consider comments as trailing ones
realTrailing = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(currentPosition, this.scanner.eofPosition - 1);
// Look whether comments line may be contiguous or not
// Note that when preceding token is a comment line, then only one line
// is enough to have an empty line as the line end is included in the comment line...
// If comments are contiguous, store the white spaces to be able to compute the current comment indentation
if (lines > 1 || (lines == 1 && hasLineComment)) {
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = false;
this.lastLineComment.leadingSpaces = whiteSpaces;
this.lastLineComment.lines = lines;
// Strategy to consume spaces and eventually leave at this stage
// depends on the fact that a trailing comment is expected or not
if (realTrailing) {
// if a line comment is consumed, no other comment can be on the same line after
if (hasLineComment) {
if (lines >= 1) {
currentTokenStartPosition = whitespacesStartPosition;
preserveEmptyLines(lines, currentTokenStartPosition);
addDeleteEdit(currentTokenStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.currentPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
// if one or several new lines are consumed, following comments cannot be considered as trailing ones
if (lines >= 1) {
if (hasComment) {
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
// delete consumed white spaces
hasWhitespaces = true;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
addDeleteEdit(whitespacesStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
} else {
if (lines == 0) {
hasWhitespaces = true;
addDeleteEdit(whitespacesStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
} else if (hasLineComment) {
currentTokenStartPosition = whitespacesStartPosition;
preserveEmptyLines(lines, currentTokenStartPosition);
addDeleteEdit(currentTokenStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
} else if (hasComment) {
if (lines == 1) {
} else {
preserveEmptyLines(lines - 1, whitespacesStartPosition);
addDeleteEdit(whitespacesStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
} else if (lines != 0 && (!this.formatter.preferences.join_wrapped_lines || this.formatter.preferences.number_of_empty_lines_to_preserve != 0 || this.blank_lines_between_import_groups > 0)) {
addReplaceEdit(whitespacesStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition, getPreserveEmptyLines(lines-1));
} else {
addDeleteEdit(whitespacesStartPosition, whitespacesEndPosition);
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE :
if (this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
if (!this.editsEnabled && this.editsIndex > 1) {
OptimizedReplaceEdit currentEdit = this.edits[this.editsIndex-1];
if (this.scanner.startPosition == currentEdit.offset+currentEdit.length) {
previousFoundTaskCount = foundTaskCount;
if (rejectLineComment) break;
if (lines >= 1) {
if (lines > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(lines - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
} else if (lines == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespaces) {
hasWhitespaces = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = true;
lines = 0;
if (!this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK :
if (this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
if (!this.editsEnabled && this.editsIndex > 1) {
OptimizedReplaceEdit currentEdit = this.edits[this.editsIndex-1];
if (this.scanner.startPosition == currentEdit.offset+currentEdit.length) {
previousFoundTaskCount = foundTaskCount;
if (trailing > NO_TRAILING_COMMENT && lines >= 1) {
// a block comment on next line means that there's no trailing comment
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = false;
if (rejectBlockComment) break;
if (lines >= 1) {
if (lines > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(lines - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
} else if (lines == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespaces) {
hasWhitespaces = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = false;
hasComment = true;
lines = 0;
if (!this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC :
if (this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
if (!this.editsEnabled && this.editsIndex > 1) {
OptimizedReplaceEdit currentEdit = this.edits[this.editsIndex-1];
if (this.scanner.startPosition == currentEdit.offset+currentEdit.length) {
previousFoundTaskCount = foundTaskCount;
if (trailing > NO_TRAILING_COMMENT) {
// a javadoc comment should not be considered as a trailing comment
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = false;
if (rejectJavadocComment) break;
if (lines >= 1) {
if (lines > 1) {
preserveEmptyLines(lines - 1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition());
} else if (lines == 1) {
} else if (hasWhitespaces) {
hasWhitespaces = false;
if (includesJavadocComments()) {
printJavadocComment(this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition);
} else {
if (!this.editsEnabled && foundTaskCount > previousFoundTaskCount) {
setEditsEnabled(foundTaskCount, previousFoundTaskCount);
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasLineComment = false;
hasComment = true;
lines = 0;
default :
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = false;
// step back one token
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
previousFoundTaskCount = foundTaskCount;
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
void printComment(int kind, String source, int start, int end, int level) {
// Set scanner
this.scanner.resetTo(start, end);
// Put back 3.4RC2 code => comment following line as it has an impact on Linux tests
// see bug
// TODO (frederic) Need more investigations and a better fix in
// isAdaptableRegion(int) and adaptRegions()
// this.scannerEndPosition = end;
// Set indentation level
this.numberOfIndentations = level;
this.indentationLevel = level * this.indentationSize;
this.column = this.indentationLevel + 1;
// Print corresponding comment
switch (kind) {
case CodeFormatter.K_SINGLE_LINE_COMMENT:
printComment(kind, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
case CodeFormatter.K_MULTI_LINE_COMMENT:
printComment(kind, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
case CodeFormatter.K_JAVA_DOC:
printJavadocComment(start, end);
private void printLineComment() {
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int currentTokenEndPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition() + 1;
boolean includesLineComments = includesLineComments();
boolean isNlsTag = false;
if (CharOperation.indexOf(Scanner.TAG_PREFIX, this.scanner.source, true, currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition) != -1) {
this.nlsTagCounter = 0;
isNlsTag = true;
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition - 1);
int currentCharacter;
int start = currentTokenStartPosition;
int nextCharacterStart = currentTokenStartPosition;
// Print comment line indentation
int commentIndentationLevel;
boolean onFirstColumn = isOnFirstColumn(start);
if (this.indentationLevel == 0) {
commentIndentationLevel = this.column - 1;
} else {
if (onFirstColumn &&
((includesLineComments && !this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_line_comment_starting_on_first_column) ||
) {
commentIndentationLevel = this.column - 1;
} else {
// Indentation may be specific for contiguous comment
// see bug
if (this.lastLineComment.contiguous) {
// The leading spaces have been set while looping in the printComment(int) method
int currentCommentIndentation = getCurrentIndentation(this.lastLineComment.leadingSpaces, 0);
// Keep the current comment indentation when over the previous contiguous line comment
// and the previous comment has not been reindented
int relativeIndentation = currentCommentIndentation - this.lastLineComment.currentIndentation;
boolean similarCommentsIndentation = false;
if (this.tabLength == 0) {
similarCommentsIndentation = relativeIndentation == 0;
} else if (relativeIndentation > -this.tabLength) {
similarCommentsIndentation = this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_line_comment_starting_on_first_column ||
(currentCommentIndentation != 0 && this.lastLineComment.currentIndentation != 0);
if (similarCommentsIndentation && this.lastLineComment.indentation != this.indentationLevel) {
int currentIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel;
this.indentationLevel = this.lastLineComment.indentation ;
this.indentationLevel = currentIndentationLevel;
commentIndentationLevel = this.lastLineComment.indentation ;
} else {
commentIndentationLevel = this.column - 1;
} else {
if (this.currentAlignment != null && this.currentAlignment.kind == Alignment.ARRAY_INITIALIZER &&
this.indentationLevel < this.currentAlignment.breakIndentationLevel &&
this.lastLineComment.lines > 0)
int currentIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel;
this.indentationLevel = this.currentAlignment.breakIndentationLevel;
this.indentationLevel = currentIndentationLevel;
commentIndentationLevel = this.currentAlignment.breakIndentationLevel;
} else {
commentIndentationLevel = this.column - 1;
// Store line comment information
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = true;
this.lastLineComment.currentIndentation = getCurrentCommentIndentation(currentTokenStartPosition);
this.lastLineComment.indentation = commentIndentationLevel;
// Add pending space if necessary
if (this.pendingSpace) {
addInsertEdit(currentTokenStartPosition, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
int previousStart = currentTokenStartPosition;
if (!isNlsTag && includesLineComments && (!onFirstColumn || this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_line_comment_starting_on_first_column)) {
printLineComment(currentTokenStartPosition, currentTokenEndPosition-1);
} else {
// do nothing!?
loop: while (nextCharacterStart <= currentTokenEndPosition && (currentCharacter = this.scanner.getNextChar()) != -1) {
nextCharacterStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
switch(currentCharacter) {
case '\r' :
start = previousStart;
break loop;
case '\n' :
start = previousStart;
break loop;
previousStart = nextCharacterStart;
if (start != currentTokenStartPosition) {
// this means that the line comment doesn't end the file
addReplaceEdit(start, currentTokenEndPosition - 1, this.lineSeparator);
this.column = 1;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
// realign to the proper value
if (this.currentAlignment != null) {
if (this.memberAlignment != null) {
// select the last alignment
if (this.currentAlignment.location.inputOffset > this.memberAlignment.location.inputOffset) {
if (this.currentAlignment.couldBreak() && this.currentAlignment.wasSplit) {
} else {
this.indentationLevel = Math.max(this.indentationLevel, this.memberAlignment.breakIndentationLevel);
} else if (this.currentAlignment.couldBreak() && this.currentAlignment.wasSplit) {
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenEndPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
private void printLineComment(int commentStart, int commentEnd) {
// Compute indentation
int firstColumn = this.column;
int indentLevel = this.indentationLevel;
int indentations = this.numberOfIndentations;
this.indentationLevel = getNextIndentationLevel(firstColumn);
if (this.indentationSize != 0) {
this.numberOfIndentations = this.indentationLevel / this.indentationSize;
this.numberOfIndentations = 0;
// Consume the comment prefix
this.scanner.resetTo(commentStart, commentEnd);
this.column += 2;
// Scan the text token per token to compact it and size it the max line length
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length + 1;
int previousToken = -1;
int lastTokenEndPosition = commentStart;
int spaceStartPosition = -1;
int spaceEndPosition = -1;
this.scanner.skipComments = true;
String newLineString = null;
this.commentIndentation = null;
// Consume text token per token
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
int token;
try {
token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
token = consumeInvalidToken(commentEnd);
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (previousToken == -1) {
// do not remember the first whitespace
} else {
previousToken = token;
// Remember space position
spaceStartPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
spaceEndPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition();
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF:
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier:
if (previousToken == -1 || previousToken == SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN) {
char[] identifier = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
int startPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int restartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (CharOperation.equals(identifier, Parser.FALL_THROUGH_TAG, 0, 5/*length of string "$FALL"*/) && this.scanner.currentCharacter == '-') {
try {
this.scanner.getNextToken(); // consume the '-'
token = this.scanner.getNextToken(); // consume the "THROUGH"
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier) {
identifier = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
if (CharOperation.endsWith(Parser.FALL_THROUGH_TAG, identifier)) {
// the comment starts with a fall through
if (previousToken == SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN) {
addReplaceEdit(spaceStartPosition, startPosition-1, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
this.scanner.startPosition = startPosition;
previousToken = token;
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// skip
// this was not a valid fall-through tag, hence continue to process the comment normally
this.scanner.startPosition = startPosition;
this.scanner.currentPosition = restartPosition;
int tokenStart = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - tokenStart;
// insert space at the beginning if not present
if (previousToken == -1 ) {
addInsertEdit(this.scanner.startPosition, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// replace space at the beginning if present
else if (previousToken == SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN) {
addReplaceEdit(spaceStartPosition, this.scanner.startPosition-1, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
spaceStartPosition = -1; // do not use this position to split the comment
} else {
// not on the first token
boolean insertSpace = previousToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE;
if (insertSpace) {
// count inserted space if any in token length
// insert new line if max line width is reached and a space was previously encountered
if (spaceStartPosition > 0 && (this.column+tokenLength) > maxColumn) {
if (newLineString == null) {
StringBuffer newLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(this.lineSeparator);
this.column = 1;
if (!this.formatter.preferences.never_indent_line_comments_on_first_column) {
newLineString = newLineBuffer.toString();
firstColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = firstColumn;
if (lastTokenEndPosition > spaceEndPosition) {
this.column += lastTokenEndPosition - (spaceEndPosition + 1); // add all previous tokens lengths since last space
if (this.edits[this.editsIndex-1].offset == spaceStartPosition) {
// previous space was already edited, so remove it
addReplaceEdit(spaceStartPosition, spaceEndPosition, newLineString);
spaceStartPosition = -1;
if (insertSpace) {
tokenLength--; // reduce token length as the space will be replaced by the new line
// replace space if needed
else if (insertSpace) {
addReplaceEdit(spaceStartPosition, this.scanner.startPosition-1, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
// update column position and store info of the current token
this.column += tokenLength;
previousToken = token;
lastTokenEndPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
this.scanner.skipComments = false;
// Skip separator if the comment is not at the end of file
this.indentationLevel = indentLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = indentations;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
this.scanner.resetTo(lastTokenEndPosition, commentEnd);
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
spaceEndPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == '\n' || this.scanner.currentCharacter == '\r') {
// line comment is normally ended with new line
this.column = 1;
// Replace the line separator at the end of the comment if any...
int startReplace = previousToken == SKIP_FIRST_WHITESPACE_TOKEN ? spaceStartPosition : lastTokenEndPosition;
if (this.column == 1 && commentEnd >= startReplace) {
addReplaceEdit(startReplace, commentEnd, this.formatter.preferences.line_separator);
public void printEmptyLines(int linesNumber) {
this.printEmptyLines(linesNumber, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition() + 1);
private void printEmptyLines(int linesNumber, int insertPosition) {
final String buffer = getEmptyLines(linesNumber);
if (Util.EMPTY_STRING == buffer) return;
addInsertEdit(insertPosition, buffer);
void printIndentationIfNecessary() {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (buffer.length() > 0) {
addInsertEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), buffer.toString());
this.pendingSpace = false;
private void printIndentationIfNecessary(StringBuffer buffer) {
switch(this.tabChar) {
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.TAB :
boolean useTabsForLeadingIndents = this.useTabsOnlyForLeadingIndents;
int numberOfLeadingIndents = this.numberOfIndentations;
int indentationsAsTab = 0;
if (useTabsForLeadingIndents) {
while (this.column <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (this.tabLength > 0 && indentationsAsTab < numberOfLeadingIndents) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append('\t');
int complement = this.tabLength - ((this.column - 1) % this.tabLength); // amount of space
this.column += complement;
} else {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
this.needSpace = false;
} else if (this.tabLength > 0) {
while (this.column <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append('\t');
int complement = this.tabLength - ((this.column - 1) % this.tabLength); // amount of space
this.column += complement;
this.needSpace = false;
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.SPACE :
while (this.column <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
this.needSpace = false;
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.MIXED :
useTabsForLeadingIndents = this.useTabsOnlyForLeadingIndents;
numberOfLeadingIndents = this.numberOfIndentations;
indentationsAsTab = 0;
if (useTabsForLeadingIndents) {
final int columnForLeadingIndents = numberOfLeadingIndents * this.indentationSize;
while (this.column <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (this.column <= columnForLeadingIndents) {
if (this.tabLength > 0 && (this.column - 1 + this.tabLength) <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append('\t');
this.column += this.tabLength;
} else if ((this.column - 1 + this.indentationSize) <= this.indentationLevel) {
// print one indentation
// note that this.indentationSize > 0 when entering in the following loop
// hence this.column will be incremented and then avoid endless loop (see bug 290905)
for (int i = 0, max = this.indentationSize; i < max; i++) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
} else {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
} else {
for (int i = this.column, max = this.indentationLevel; i <= max; i++) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
this.needSpace = false;
} else {
while (this.column <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (this.tabLength > 0 && (this.column - 1 + this.tabLength) <= this.indentationLevel) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append('\t');
this.column += this.tabLength;
} else if (this.indentationSize > 0 && (this.column - 1 + this.indentationSize) <= this.indentationLevel) {
// print one indentation
for (int i = 0, max = this.indentationSize; i < max; i++) {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
} else {
if (buffer != null) buffer.append(' ');
this.needSpace = false;
private void printJavadocBlock(FormatJavadocBlock block) {
if( block == null) return;
// Init positions
int previousEnd = block.tagEnd;
int maxNodes = block.nodesPtr;
// Compute indentation
boolean headerLine = block.isHeaderLine() && this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0;
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length + 1;
if (headerLine) {
// format tag section if necessary
if (!block.isInlined()) {
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
if (block.isDescription()) {
if (!block.isInlined()) {
this.commentIndentation = null;
} else {
int tagLength = previousEnd - block.sourceStart + 1;
this.column += tagLength;
if (!block.isInlined()) {
boolean indentRootTags = this.formatter.preferences.comment_indent_root_tags && !block.isInDescription();
int commentIndentationLevel = 0;
if (indentRootTags) {
commentIndentationLevel = tagLength + 1;
boolean indentParamTag = this.formatter.preferences.comment_indent_parameter_description && block.isInParamTag();
if (indentParamTag) {
commentIndentationLevel += this.indentationSize;
if (commentIndentationLevel == 0) {
this.commentIndentation = null;
} else {
StringBuffer indentationBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<commentIndentationLevel; i++) {
indentationBuffer.append(' ');
this.commentIndentation = indentationBuffer.toString();
FormatJavadocReference reference= block.reference;
if (reference != null) {
// format reference
printJavadocBlockReference(block, reference);
previousEnd = reference.sourceEnd;
// Nothing else to do if the tag has no node
if (maxNodes < 0) {
if (block.isInlined()) {
// tag section: iterate through the blocks composing this tag but the last one
int previousLine = Util.getLineNumber(previousEnd, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines);
boolean clearBlankLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment;
boolean joinLines = this.formatter.preferences.join_lines_in_comments;
for (int i=0; i<=maxNodes; i++) {
FormatJavadocNode node = block.nodes[i];
int nodeStart = node.sourceStart;
// Print empty lines before the node
int newLines;
if (i == 0) {
newLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_insert_new_line_for_parameter && block.isParamTag() ? 1 : 0;
if (nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
if (!clearBlankLines || !joinLines) {
int startLine = Util.getLineNumber(nodeStart, this.lineEnds, previousLine-1, this.maxLines);
int gapLine = previousLine;
if (joinLines) gapLine++; // if not preserving line break then gap must be at least of one line
if (startLine > gapLine) {
newLines = startLine - previousLine;
if (clearBlankLines) {
// clearing blank lines in this block means that break lines should be preserved, hence only keep one new line
if (newLines > 0) newLines = 1;
if (newLines == 0 && (!node.isImmutable() || block.reference != null)) {
newLines = printJavadocBlockNodesNewLines(block, node, previousEnd);
if (block.isImmutable()) {
} else {
printJavadocGapLines(previousEnd+1, nodeStart-1, newLines, clearBlankLines, false, null);
} else {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (newLines > 0) {
for (int j=0; j<newLines; j++) {
addInsertEdit(nodeStart, buffer.toString());
} else {
newLines = this.column > maxColumn ? 1 : 0;
if (!clearBlankLines && node.lineStart > (previousLine+1)) newLines = node.lineStart - previousLine;
if (newLines < node.linesBefore) newLines = node.linesBefore;
if (newLines == 0) {
newLines = printJavadocBlockNodesNewLines(block, node, previousEnd);
if (newLines > 0 || nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
printJavadocGapLines(previousEnd+1, nodeStart-1, newLines, clearBlankLines, false, null);
if (headerLine && newLines > 0) {
headerLine = false;
// Print node
if (node.isText()) {
FormatJavadocText text = (FormatJavadocText) node;
if (text.isImmutable()) {
// Indent if new line was added
if (text.isImmutableHtmlTag() && newLines > 0 && this.commentIndentation != null) {
addInsertEdit(node.sourceStart, this.commentIndentation);
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
printJavadocImmutableText(text, block, newLines > 0);
this.column += getTextLength(block, text);
} else if (text.isHtmlTag()) {
printJavadocHtmlTag(text, block, newLines>0);
} else {
printJavadocText(text, block, newLines>0);
} else {
if (newLines > 0 && this.commentIndentation != null) {
addInsertEdit(node.sourceStart, this.commentIndentation);
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
// Print empty lines before the node
previousEnd = node.sourceEnd;
previousLine = Util.getLineNumber(previousEnd, this.lineEnds, node.lineStart > 1 ? node.lineStart-2 : 0, this.maxLines);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
private int printJavadocBlockNodesNewLines(FormatJavadocBlock block, FormatJavadocNode node, int previousEnd) {
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length+1;
int nodeStart = node.sourceStart;
try {
this.scanner.resetTo(nodeStart , node.sourceEnd);
int length = 0;
boolean newLine = false;
boolean headerLine = block.isHeaderLine() && this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0;
int firstColumn = 1 + this.indentationLevel + BLOCK_LINE_PREFIX_LENGTH;
if (this.commentIndentation != null) firstColumn += this.commentIndentation.length();
if (headerLine) maxColumn++;
FormatJavadocText text = null;
boolean isImmutableNode = node.isImmutable();
boolean nodeIsText = node.isText();
if (nodeIsText) {
text = (FormatJavadocText)node;
} else {
FormatJavadocBlock inlinedBlock = (FormatJavadocBlock)node;
if (isImmutableNode) {
text = (FormatJavadocText) inlinedBlock.getLastNode();
length += inlinedBlock.tagEnd - inlinedBlock.sourceStart + 1; // tag length
if (nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
length++; // include space between nodes
this.scanner.resetTo(text.sourceStart , node.sourceEnd);
if (text != null) {
if (isImmutableNode) {
if (nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
length++; // include space between nodes
int lastColumn = this.column + length;
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
try {
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (CharOperation.indexOf('\n', this.scanner.source, this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition) >= 0) {
return 0;
lastColumn = getCurrentIndentation(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource(), lastColumn);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
if (newLine) {
newLine = false;
lastColumn += (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// maybe an unterminated string or comment
lastColumn += (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
if (lastColumn > maxColumn) {
return 1;
return 0;
if (text.isHtmlTag()) {
if (text.getHtmlTagID() == JAVADOC_SINGLE_BREAK_TAG_ID) {
// never break before single break tag
return 0;
// read the html tag
if (this.scanner.getNextToken() == TerminalTokens.TokenNameDIVIDE) {
length += (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
this.scanner.getNextToken(); // '>'
} else {
while (true) {
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE || token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) break;
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
length += tokenLength;
if ((this.column + length) >= maxColumn) {
} else {
FormatJavadocBlock inlinedBlock = (FormatJavadocBlock) node;
length += inlinedBlock.tagEnd - inlinedBlock.sourceStart + 1; // tag length
if (inlinedBlock.reference != null) {
length++; // space between tag and reference
this.scanner.resetTo(inlinedBlock.reference.sourceStart, inlinedBlock.reference.sourceEnd);
int previousToken = -1;
loop: while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (previousToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMA) { // space between method arguments
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
length += tokenLength;
if ((this.column+length) > maxColumn) {
break loop;
previousToken = token;
length++; // one more for closing brace
if (nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
length++; // include space between nodes
if ((firstColumn + length) >= maxColumn && node == block.nodes[0]) {
// Do not split in this peculiar case as length would be also over the max
// length on next line
return 0;
if ((this.column + length) > maxColumn) {
return 1;
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// Assume length is one
int tokenLength = 1;
if (nodeStart > (previousEnd+1)) {
tokenLength++; // include space between nodes
if ((this.column + tokenLength) > maxColumn) {
return 1;
return 0;
private void printJavadocBlockReference(FormatJavadocBlock block, FormatJavadocReference reference) {
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length + 1;
boolean headerLine = block.isHeaderLine();
boolean inlined = block.isInlined();
if (headerLine) maxColumn++;
// First we need to know what is the indentation
this.scanner.resetTo(block.tagEnd+1, reference.sourceEnd);
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
boolean needFormat = false;
int previousToken = -1;
int spacePosition = -1;
String newLineString = null;
int firstColumn = -1;
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
int token;
try {
token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (previousToken != -1 || tokenLength > 1 || this.scanner.currentCharacter != ' ') needFormat = true;
switch (previousToken) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameLPAREN:
default: // space between method arguments
spacePosition = buffer.length();
// $FALL-THROUGH$ - fall through next case
case -1:
buffer.append(' ');
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
if (!inlined && spacePosition > 0 && (this.column+tokenLength) > maxColumn) {
// not enough space on the line
if (newLineString == null) {
StringBuffer newLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(this.lineSeparator);
this.column = 1;
if (this.commentIndentation != null) {
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
newLineString = newLineBuffer.substring(0, newLineBuffer.length()-1); // remove last space as buffer will be inserted before a space
firstColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = firstColumn;
this.column = firstColumn + buffer.length() - spacePosition - 1;
buffer.insert(spacePosition, newLineString);
if (headerLine) {
headerLine = false;
spacePosition = -1;
buffer.append(this.scanner.source, this.scanner.startPosition, tokenLength);
this.column += tokenLength;
previousToken = token;
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// does not happen as syntax is correct
if (needFormat) {
addReplaceEdit(block.tagEnd+1, reference.sourceEnd, buffer.toString());
private int getTextLength(FormatJavadocBlock block, FormatJavadocText text) {
// Special case for immutable tags
if (text.isImmutable()) {
this.scanner.resetTo(text.sourceStart , text.sourceEnd);
int textLength = 0;
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
try {
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE) {
if (CharOperation.indexOf('\n', this.scanner.source, this.scanner.startPosition, this.scanner.currentPosition) >= 0) {
textLength = 0;
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == '*') {
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter != ' ') {
} else {
textLength += (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
// maybe an unterminated string or comment
textLength += (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - this.scanner.startPosition;
return textLength;
// Simple for one line tags
if (block.isOneLineTag()) {
return text.sourceEnd - text.sourceStart + 1;
// Find last line
int startLine = Util.getLineNumber(text.sourceStart, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines);
int endLine = startLine;
int previousEnd = -1;
for (int i=0; i<=text.separatorsPtr; i++) {
int end = (int) (text.separators[i] >>> 32);
endLine = Util.getLineNumber(end, this.lineEnds, endLine-1, this.maxLines);
if (endLine > startLine) {
return previousEnd - text.sourceStart + 1;
previousEnd = end;
// This was a one line text
return text.sourceEnd - text.sourceStart + 1;
* Print and formats a javadoc comments
void printJavadocComment(int start, int end) {
int lastIndentationLevel = this.indentationLevel;
try {
// parse the comment on the fly
this.scanner.resetTo(start, end-1);
if (! this.formatterCommentParser.parse(start, end-1)) {
// problem occurred while parsing the javadoc, early abort formatting
FormatJavadoc javadoc = (FormatJavadoc) this.formatterCommentParser.docComment;
// handle indentation
if (this.indentationLevel != 0) {
// handle pending space if any
if (this.pendingSpace) {
addInsertEdit(start, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (javadoc.blocks == null) {
// no FormatJavadocTags in this this javadoc
// init properly
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
int length = javadoc.blocks.length;
// format empty lines between before the first block
FormatJavadocBlock previousBlock = javadoc.blocks[0];
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
int currentLine = this.line;
int firstBlockStart = previousBlock.sourceStart;
this.column += JAVADOC_HEADER_LENGTH; // consider that the header is already scanned
// If there are several blocks in the javadoc
int index = 1;
if (length > 1) {
// format the description if any
if (previousBlock.isDescription()) {
FormatJavadocBlock block = javadoc.blocks[index++];
int newLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_insert_empty_line_before_root_tags ? 2 : 1;
printJavadocGapLines(previousBlock.sourceEnd+1, block.sourceStart-1, newLines, this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment, false, null);
previousBlock = block;
// format all tags but the last one composing this comment
while (index < length) {
FormatJavadocBlock block = javadoc.blocks[index++];
printJavadocGapLines(previousBlock.sourceEnd+1, block.sourceStart-1, 1, this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment, false, null);
previousBlock = block;
// format the last block
// format the header and footer empty spaces
int newLines = (this.formatter.preferences.comment_new_lines_at_javadoc_boundaries && (this.line > currentLine || javadoc.isMultiLine())) ? 1 : 0;
printJavadocGapLines(javadoc.textStart, firstBlockStart-1, newLines, this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment, false, null);
printJavadocGapLines(previousBlock.sourceEnd+1, javadoc.textEnd, newLines, this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment, true, null);
finally {
// reset the scanner
this.scanner.resetTo(end, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.needSpace = false;
this.indentationLevel = lastIndentationLevel;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
* prints the empty javadoc line between the 2 given positions.
* May insert new '*' before each new line
private void printJavadocGapLines(int textStartPosition, int textEndPosition, int newLines, boolean clearBlankLines, boolean footer, StringBuffer output) {
try {
// If no lines to set in the gap then just insert a space if there's enough room to
if (newLines == 0) {
if (output == null) {
addReplaceEdit(textStartPosition, textEndPosition, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
output.append(' ');
// if there's no enough room to replace text, then insert the gap
if (textStartPosition > textEndPosition) {
if (newLines > 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i=0; i<newLines; i++) {
this.column = 1;
if (footer) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
if (output == null) {
addInsertEdit(textStartPosition, buffer.toString());
} else {
// There's enough room and some lines to set...
// Skip the text token per token to keep existing stars when possible
this.scanner.resetTo(textStartPosition, textEndPosition);
this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = true;
this.scanner.linePtr = Util.getLineNumber(textStartPosition, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines) - 2;
int linePtr = this.scanner.linePtr;
int lineCount = 0;
int start = textStartPosition;
boolean endsOnMultiply = false;
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
switch (this.scanner.getNextToken()) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
// we just need to replace each lines between '*' with the javadoc formatted ones
int linesGap = this.scanner.linePtr - linePtr;
if (linesGap > 0) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (lineCount > 0) {
buffer.append( ' ');
for (int i = 0; i < linesGap ; i++) {
if (clearBlankLines && lineCount >= newLines) {
// leave as the required new lines have been inserted
// so remove any remaining blanks and leave
if (textEndPosition >= start) {
if (output == null) {
addReplaceEdit(start, textEndPosition, buffer.toString());
} else {
this.column = 1;
if (i == (linesGap-1)) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int tokenLength = this.scanner.currentPosition - currentTokenStartPosition;
if (output == null) {
addReplaceEdit(start, currentTokenStartPosition-1, buffer.toString());
} else {
output.append(this.scanner.source, currentTokenStartPosition, tokenLength);
this.column += tokenLength;
if (footer && clearBlankLines && lineCount == newLines) {
if (textEndPosition >= currentTokenStartPosition) {
if (output == null) {
addDeleteEdit(currentTokenStartPosition, textEndPosition);
// next start is just after the current token
start = this.scanner.currentPosition;
linePtr = this.scanner.linePtr;
endsOnMultiply = true;
endsOnMultiply = false;
// Format the last whitespaces
if (lineCount < newLines) {
// Insert new lines as not enough was encountered while scanning the whitespaces
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (lineCount > 0) {
buffer.append( ' ');
for (int i = lineCount; i < newLines-1; i++) {
this.column = 1;
if (footer) {
buffer.append(' ');
} else {
if (output == null) {
if (textEndPosition >= start) {
addReplaceEdit(start, textEndPosition, buffer.toString());
} else {
addInsertEdit(textEndPosition+1, buffer.toString());
} else {
} else {
// Replace all remaining whitespaces by a single space
if (textEndPosition >= start) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (this.scanner.linePtr > linePtr) {
if (lineCount > 0) {
buffer.append( ' ');
this.column = 1;
buffer.append(' ');
if (output == null) {
addReplaceEdit(start, textEndPosition, buffer.toString());
} else {
this.needSpace = false;
} else if (endsOnMultiply) {
if (output == null) {
addInsertEdit(textEndPosition+1, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
output.append(' ');
this.needSpace = false;
catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// there's nothing to do if this exception happens
finally {
this.scanner.recordLineSeparator = false;
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(textEndPosition+1, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines += newLines;
this.line += newLines;
private void printJavadocImmutableText(FormatJavadocText text, FormatJavadocBlock block, boolean textOnNewLine) {
try {
// Iterate on text line separators
int textLineStart = text.lineStart;
this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = false;
StringBuffer buffer = null;
for (int idx=0, max=text.separatorsPtr; idx<=max ; idx++) {
int start = (int) text.separators[idx];
int lineStart = Util.getLineNumber(start, this.lineEnds, textLineStart-1, this.maxLines);
while (textLineStart < lineStart) {
int end = this.lineEnds[textLineStart-1];
this.scanner.resetTo(end, start);
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY:
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL:
if (this.scanner.currentCharacter == ' ') {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
addReplaceEdit(end+1, this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition(), buffer.toString());
catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// leave
finally {
// Reset
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.tokenizeWhiteSpace = true;
this.scanner.resetTo(text.sourceEnd+1, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
* Print the gap lines for an immutable block.
* That's needed to be specific as the formatter needs to keep white spaces
* if possible except those which are indentation ones.
* Note that in the peculiar case of a two lines immutable tag (multi lines block),
* the formatter will join the two lines.
private void printJavadocGapLinesForImmutableBlock(FormatJavadocBlock block) {
// Init
int firstLineEnd = -1; // not initialized
int newLineStart = -1; // not initialized
int secondLineStart = -1; // not initialized
int starPosition = -1; // not initialized
int offset = 0;
int start = block.tagEnd + 1;
int end = block.nodes[0].sourceStart-1;
this.scanner.resetTo(start, end);
int lineStart = block.lineStart;
int lineEnd = Util.getLineNumber(block.nodes[0].sourceEnd, this.lineEnds, lineStart-1, this.maxLines);
boolean multiLinesBlock = lineEnd > (lineStart+1);
int previousPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
StringBuffer buffer = null;
int indentationColumn = 0;
int leadingSpaces = -1;
// Scan the existing gap
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
switch (ch) {
case '\t' :
// increase the corresponding counter from the appropriate tab value
if (secondLineStart > 0 || firstLineEnd < 0) {
int reminder = this.tabLength == 0 ? 0 : offset % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
offset += this.tabLength;
} else {
offset = ((offset / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
} else if (leadingSpaces >= 0) {
int reminder = this.tabLength == 0 ? 0 : offset % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
leadingSpaces += this.tabLength;
} else {
leadingSpaces = ((offset / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
case '\r' :
case '\n' :
// new line, store the end of the first one
if (firstLineEnd < 0) {
firstLineEnd = previousPosition;
// print indentation if there were spaces without any star on the line
if (leadingSpaces > 0 && multiLinesBlock) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
indentationColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = indentationColumn;
addReplaceEdit(newLineStart, newLineStart+indentationColumn-2, buffer.toString());
// store line start and reset positions
newLineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
leadingSpaces = 0;
starPosition = -1;
if (multiLinesBlock) {
offset = 0;
secondLineStart = -1;
case '*' :
// store line start position if this is the first star of the line
if (starPosition < 0 && firstLineEnd > 0) {
secondLineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
starPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
leadingSpaces = -1;
default :
// increment offset if line has started
if (secondLineStart > 0) {
// skip first white space after the first '*'
if (secondLineStart == starPosition) {
secondLineStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
} else {
// print indentation before the following characters
if (offset == 0 && multiLinesBlock) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
indentationColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = indentationColumn;
addReplaceEdit(newLineStart, secondLineStart-1, buffer.toString());
} else if (firstLineEnd < 0) {
// no new line yet, increment the offset
} else if (leadingSpaces >= 0) {
// no star yet, increment the leading spaces
previousPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
// Increment the columns from the numbers of characters counted on the line
if (multiLinesBlock) {
this.column += offset;
} else {
// Replace the new line with a single space when there's only one separator
// or, if necessary, print the indentation on the last line
if (!multiLinesBlock) {
addReplaceEdit(firstLineEnd, end, " "); //$NON-NLS-1$
else if (secondLineStart > 0) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
indentationColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = indentationColumn;
addReplaceEdit(newLineStart, secondLineStart-1, buffer.toString());
else if (leadingSpaces > 0) {
if (buffer == null) {
buffer = new StringBuffer();
this.column = 1;
indentationColumn = this.column;
} else {
this.column = indentationColumn;
addReplaceEdit(newLineStart, newLineStart+indentationColumn-2, buffer.toString());
// Reset
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(end+1, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
private int printJavadocHtmlTag(FormatJavadocText text, FormatJavadocBlock block, boolean textOnNewLine) {
// Compute indentation if necessary
boolean clearBlankLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment;
boolean headerLine = block.isHeaderLine() && this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0;
int firstColumn = 1 + this.indentationLevel + BLOCK_LINE_PREFIX_LENGTH;
if (headerLine) firstColumn++;
// Local variables init
int textStart = text.sourceStart;
int nextStart = textStart;
int startLine = Util.getLineNumber(textStart, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines);
int htmlTagID = text.getHtmlTagID();
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
// New line will be added before next node
int max = text.separatorsPtr;
int linesAfter = 0;
int previousEnd = -1;
boolean isHtmlBreakTag = htmlTagID == JAVADOC_SINGLE_BREAK_TAG_ID;
boolean isHtmlSeparatorTag = htmlTagID == JAVADOC_SEPARATOR_TAGS_ID;
if (isHtmlBreakTag) {
return 1;
// Iterate on text line separators
boolean isCode = htmlTagID == JAVADOC_CODE_TAGS_ID;
for (int idx=0, ptr=0; idx<=max || (text.htmlNodesPtr != -1 && ptr <= text.htmlNodesPtr); idx++) {
// append text to buffer realigning with the line length
int end = (idx > max) ? text.sourceEnd : (int) (text.separators[idx] >>> 32);
int nodeKind = 0; // text break
if (text.htmlNodesPtr >= 0 && ptr <= text.htmlNodesPtr && end > text.htmlNodes[ptr].sourceStart) {
FormatJavadocNode node = text.htmlNodes[ptr];
FormatJavadocText htmlTag = node.isText() ? (FormatJavadocText) node : null;
int newLines = htmlTag == null ? 0 : htmlTag.linesBefore;
if (linesAfter > newLines) {
newLines = linesAfter;
if (newLines > 1 && clearBlankLines) {
if (idx < 2 || (text.htmlIndexes[idx-2] & JAVADOC_TAGS_ID_MASK) != JAVADOC_CODE_TAGS_ID) {
newLines = 1;
if (textStart < previousEnd) {
addReplaceEdit(textStart, previousEnd, buffer.toString());
boolean immutable = node.isImmutable();
if (newLines == 0) {
newLines = printJavadocBlockNodesNewLines(block, node, previousEnd);
int nodeStart = node.sourceStart;
if (newLines > 0 || (idx > 1 && nodeStart > (previousEnd+1))) {
printJavadocGapLines(previousEnd+1, nodeStart-1, newLines, clearBlankLines, false, null);
if (newLines > 0) textOnNewLine = true;
buffer = new StringBuffer();
if (node.isText()) {
if (immutable) {
// do not change immutable tags, just increment column
if (textOnNewLine && this.commentIndentation != null) {
addInsertEdit(node.sourceStart, this.commentIndentation);
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
printJavadocImmutableText(htmlTag, block, textOnNewLine);
this.column += getTextLength(block, htmlTag);
linesAfter = 0;
} else {
linesAfter = printJavadocHtmlTag(htmlTag, block, textOnNewLine);
nodeKind = 1; // text
} else {
if (textOnNewLine && this.commentIndentation != null) {
addInsertEdit(node.sourceStart, this.commentIndentation);
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
linesAfter = 0;
nodeKind = 2; // block
textStart = node.sourceEnd+1;
if (idx > max) {
return linesAfter;
} else {
if (idx > 0 && linesAfter > 0) {
printJavadocGapLines(previousEnd+1, nextStart-1, linesAfter, clearBlankLines, false, buffer);
textOnNewLine = true;
boolean needIndentation = textOnNewLine;
if (idx > 0) {
if (!needIndentation && text.isTextAfterHtmlSeparatorTag(idx-1)) {
needIndentation = true;
this.needSpace = idx > 1 && (previousEnd+1) < nextStart; // There's no space between text and html tag or inline block => do not insert space a the beginning of the text
printJavadocTextLine(buffer, nextStart, end, block, idx==0, needIndentation, idx==0/* opening html tag?*/ || text.htmlIndexes[idx-1] != -1);
linesAfter = 0;
if (idx==0) {
if (isHtmlSeparatorTag) {
linesAfter = 1;
} else if (text.htmlIndexes[idx-1] == JAVADOC_SINGLE_BREAK_TAG_ID) {
linesAfter = 1;
// Replace with current buffer if there are several empty lines between text lines
nextStart = (int) text.separators[idx];
int endLine = Util.getLineNumber(end, this.lineEnds, startLine-1, this.maxLines);
startLine = Util.getLineNumber(nextStart, this.lineEnds, endLine-1, this.maxLines);
int linesGap = startLine - endLine;
if (linesGap > 0) {
if (clearBlankLines) {
// keep previously computed lines after
} else {
if (idx==0 || linesGap > 1 || (idx < max && nodeKind==1 && (text.htmlIndexes[idx-1] & JAVADOC_TAGS_ID_MASK) != JAVADOC_IMMUTABLE_TAGS_ID)) {
if (linesAfter < linesGap) {
linesAfter = linesGap;
textOnNewLine = linesAfter > 0;
// print <pre> tag
if (isCode) {
int codeEnd = (int) (text.separators[max] >>> 32);
if (codeEnd > end) {
if (this.formatter.preferences.comment_format_source) {
if (textStart < end) addReplaceEdit(textStart, end, buffer.toString());
// See whether there's a space before the code
if (linesGap > 0) {
int lineStart = this.scanner.getLineStart(startLine);
if (nextStart > lineStart) { // if code starts at the line, then no leading space is needed
this.scanner.resetTo(lineStart, nextStart-1);
try {
int token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE) {
// skip indentation
token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (token == TerminalTokens.TokenNameMULTIPLY) {
nextStart = this.scanner.currentPosition;
catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
// skip
// Format gap lines before code
int newLines = linesGap;
if (newLines == 0) newLines=1;
this.needSpace = false;
printJavadocGapLines(end+1, nextStart-1, newLines, false/* clear first blank lines inside <pre> tag as done by old formatter */, false, null);
// Format the code
printCodeSnippet(nextStart, codeEnd, linesGap);
// Format the gap lines after the code
nextStart = (int) text.separators[max];
printJavadocGapLines(codeEnd+1, nextStart-1, 1, false/* clear blank lines inside <pre> tag as done by old formatter */, false, null);
return 2;
} else {
nextStart = (int) text.separators[max];
if ((nextStart-1) > (end+1)) {
int line1 = Util.getLineNumber(end+1, this.lineEnds, startLine-1, this.maxLines);
int line2 = Util.getLineNumber(nextStart-1, this.lineEnds, line1-1, this.maxLines);
int gapLines = line2-line1-1;
printJavadocGapLines(end+1, nextStart-1, gapLines, false/* never clear blank lines inside <pre> tag*/, false, null);
if (gapLines > 0) textOnNewLine = true;
return 1;
// store previous end
previousEnd = end;
// Insert last gap
boolean closingTag = isHtmlBreakTag || (text.htmlIndexes != null && (text.htmlIndexes[max] & JAVADOC_TAGS_ID_MASK) == htmlTagID);
boolean isValidHtmlSeparatorTag = max > 0 && isHtmlSeparatorTag && closingTag;
if (previousEnd != -1) {
if (isValidHtmlSeparatorTag) {
if (linesAfter == 0) linesAfter = 1;
if (linesAfter > 0) {
printJavadocGapLines(previousEnd+1, nextStart-1, linesAfter, clearBlankLines, false, buffer);
textOnNewLine = linesAfter > 0;
// Print closing tag
boolean needIndentation = textOnNewLine;
if (!needIndentation && !isHtmlBreakTag && text.htmlIndexes != null && text.isTextAfterHtmlSeparatorTag(max)) {
needIndentation = true;
this.needSpace = !closingTag && max > 0 // not a single or not closed tag (e.g. <br>)
&& (previousEnd+1) < nextStart; // There's no space between text and html tag or inline block => do not insert space a the beginning of the text
printJavadocTextLine(buffer, nextStart, text.sourceEnd, block, max <= 0, needIndentation, closingTag/* closing html tag*/);
if (textStart < text.sourceEnd) {
addReplaceEdit(textStart, text.sourceEnd, buffer.toString());
// Reset
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(text.sourceEnd+1, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
// Return the new lines to insert after
return isValidHtmlSeparatorTag ? 1 : 0;
private void printJavadocNewLine(StringBuffer buffer) {
this.column = 1;
private void printJavadocText(FormatJavadocText text, FormatJavadocBlock block, boolean textOnNewLine) {
boolean clearBlankLines = this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment;
boolean joinLines = this.formatter.preferences.join_lines_in_comments;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
int textStart = text.sourceStart;
int nextStart = textStart;
int startLine = Util.getLineNumber(textStart, this.lineEnds, 0, this.maxLines);
// Iterate on text line separators
for (int idx=0, max=text.separatorsPtr; idx<=max ; idx++) {
// append text to buffer realigning with the line length
int end = (int) (text.separators[idx] >>> 32);
boolean needIndentation = textOnNewLine;
if (idx > 0) {
if (!needIndentation && text.isTextAfterHtmlSeparatorTag(idx-1)) {
needIndentation = true;
this.needSpace = idx > 0;
printJavadocTextLine(buffer, nextStart, end, block, idx==0 || (!joinLines && textOnNewLine)/*first text?*/, needIndentation, false /*not an html tag*/);
textOnNewLine = false;
// Replace with current buffer if there are several empty lines between text lines
nextStart = (int) text.separators[idx];
if (!clearBlankLines || !joinLines) {
int endLine = Util.getLineNumber(end, this.lineEnds, startLine-1, this.maxLines);
startLine = Util.getLineNumber(nextStart, this.lineEnds, endLine-1, this.maxLines);
int gapLine = endLine;
if (joinLines) gapLine++; // if not preserving line break then gap must be at least of one line
if (startLine > gapLine) {
addReplaceEdit(textStart, end, buffer.toString());
textStart = nextStart;
int newLines = startLine - endLine;
if (clearBlankLines) newLines = 1;
printJavadocGapLines(end+1, nextStart-1, newLines, this.formatter.preferences.comment_clear_blank_lines_in_javadoc_comment, false, null);
textOnNewLine = true;
else if (startLine > endLine) {
textOnNewLine = !joinLines;
// Replace remaining line
boolean needIndentation = textOnNewLine;
this.needSpace = text.separatorsPtr >= 0;
printJavadocTextLine(buffer, nextStart, text.sourceEnd, block, text.separatorsPtr==-1 /* first text?*/, needIndentation, false /*not an html tag*/);
// TODO Bring back following optimization
// if (lastNewLines != this.lastNumberOfNewLines || (this.column - currentColumn) != (text.sourceEnd - text.sourceStart + 1)) {
addReplaceEdit(textStart, text.sourceEnd, buffer.toString());
// }
// Reset
this.needSpace = false;
this.scanner.resetTo(text.sourceEnd+1, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
* Returns whether the text has been modified or not.
private void printJavadocTextLine(StringBuffer buffer, int textStart, int textEnd, FormatJavadocBlock block, boolean firstText, boolean needIndentation, boolean isHtmlTag) {
boolean headerLine = block.isHeaderLine() && this.lastNumberOfNewLines == 0;
// First we need to know what is the indentation
StringBuffer tokensBuffer = new StringBuffer();
int firstColumn = 1 + this.indentationLevel + BLOCK_LINE_PREFIX_LENGTH;
int maxColumn = this.formatter.preferences.comment_line_length + 1;
if (headerLine) {
if (needIndentation && this.commentIndentation != null) {
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
firstColumn += this.commentIndentation.length();
if (this.column < firstColumn) {
this.column = firstColumn;
// Scan the text token per token to compact it and size it the max line length
String newLineString = null;
try {
this.scanner.resetTo(textStart, textEnd);
this.scanner.skipComments = true;
int previousToken = -1;
boolean textOnNewLine = needIndentation;
// Consume text token per token
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
int token;
try {
token = this.scanner.getNextToken();
} catch (InvalidInputException iie) {
token = consumeInvalidToken(textEnd);
int tokensBufferLength = tokensBuffer.length();
int tokenStart = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition();
int tokenLength = (this.scanner.atEnd() ? this.scanner.eofPosition : this.scanner.currentPosition) - tokenStart;
boolean insertSpace = (previousToken == TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE || this.needSpace) && !textOnNewLine;
String tokensBufferString = tokensBuffer.toString().trim();
switch (token) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE:
if (tokensBufferLength > 0) {
boolean shouldSplit = (this.column+tokensBufferLength) > maxColumn // the max length is reached
&& !isHtmlTag
&& (insertSpace || tokensBufferLength > 1) // allow to split at the beginning only when starting with an identifier or a token with a length > 1
&& tokensBufferString.charAt(0) != '@'; // avoid to split just before a '@'
if (shouldSplit) {
if (newLineString == null) {
StringBuffer newLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(this.lineSeparator);
this.column = 1;
if (this.commentIndentation != null) {
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
firstColumn = this.column;
newLineString = newLineBuffer.toString();
} else {
this.column = firstColumn;
this.column += tokensBufferString.length();
if (headerLine) {
headerLine = false;
} else {
this.column += tokensBufferLength;
textOnNewLine = false;
previousToken = token;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCharacterLiteral:
if (this.scanner.currentPosition > this.scanner.eofPosition) {
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.startPosition, textEnd);
token = 1;
int lastColumn = this.column + tokensBufferLength + tokenLength;
if (insertSpace) lastColumn++;
boolean shouldSplit = lastColumn > maxColumn // the max length is reached
&& (!isHtmlTag || previousToken == -1) // not an html tag or just at the beginning of it
&& token != TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT && (tokensBufferLength == 0 || tokensBuffer.charAt(tokensBufferLength-1) != '@'); // avoid to split just before a '@'
if (shouldSplit) {
// not enough space on the line
if ((tokensBufferLength > 0 || tokenLength < maxColumn) && !isHtmlTag && tokensBufferLength > 0 && (firstColumn+tokensBufferLength+tokenLength) >= maxColumn) {
// there won't be enough room even if we break the line before the buffered tokens
// So add the buffered tokens now
this.column += tokensBufferLength;
tokensBufferLength = 0;
textOnNewLine = false;
if ((tokensBufferLength > 0 || /*(firstColumn+tokenLength) < maxColumn || (insertSpace &&*/ this.column > firstColumn) && (!textOnNewLine || !firstText)) {
if (newLineString == null) {
StringBuffer newLineBuffer = new StringBuffer(this.lineSeparator);
this.column = 1;
if (this.commentIndentation != null) {
this.column += this.commentIndentation.length();
firstColumn = this.column;
newLineString = newLineBuffer.toString();
} else {
this.column = firstColumn;
if (tokensBufferLength > 0) {
String tokensString = tokensBufferString;
this.column += tokensString.length();
tokensBufferLength = 0;
buffer.append(this.scanner.source, tokenStart, tokenLength);
this.column += tokenLength;
textOnNewLine = false;
if (headerLine) {
headerLine = false;
} else {
// append token to the line
if (insertSpace) {
tokensBuffer.append(' ');
tokensBuffer.append(this.scanner.source, tokenStart, tokenLength);
previousToken = token;
this.needSpace = false;
if (headerLine && lastColumn == maxColumn && this.scanner.atEnd()) {
finally {
this.scanner.skipComments = false;
// Add remaining buffered tokens
if (tokensBuffer.length() > 0) {
this.column += tokensBuffer.length();
public void printModifiers(Annotation[] annotations, ASTVisitor visitor) {
printModifiers(annotations, visitor, ICodeFormatterConstants.ANNOTATION_UNSPECIFIED);
public void printModifiers(Annotation[] annotations, ASTVisitor visitor, int annotationSourceKind) {
try {
int annotationsLength = annotations != null ? annotations.length : 0;
int annotationsIndex = 0;
boolean isFirstModifier = true;
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
boolean hasComment = false;
boolean hasModifiers = false;
while ((this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken()) != TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF) {
switch(this.currentToken) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamepublic :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameprotected :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameprivate :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamestatic :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameabstract :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamefinal :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamenative :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamesynchronized :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNametransient :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamevolatile :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamestrictfp :
//{ObjectTeams: team, callin are also modifiers
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameteam :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNamecallin :
hasModifiers = true;
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, !isFirstModifier);
isFirstModifier = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameAT :
hasModifiers = true;
if (!isFirstModifier) {
this.scanner.resetTo(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
if (annotationsIndex < annotationsLength) {
boolean insertSpaceBeforeBrace = this.formatter.preferences.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_array_initializer;
this.formatter.preferences.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_array_initializer = false;
try {
annotations[annotationsIndex++].traverse(visitor, (BlockScope) null);
finally {
this.formatter.preferences.insert_space_before_opening_brace_in_array_initializer = insertSpaceBeforeBrace;
boolean shouldAddNewLine = false;
switch (annotationSourceKind) {
case ICodeFormatterConstants.ANNOTATION_ON_MEMBER :
if (this.formatter.preferences.insert_new_line_after_annotation_on_member) {
shouldAddNewLine = true;
case ICodeFormatterConstants.ANNOTATION_ON_PARAMETER :
if (this.formatter.preferences.insert_new_line_after_annotation_on_parameter) {
shouldAddNewLine = true;
case ICodeFormatterConstants.ANNOTATION_ON_LOCAL_VARIABLE :
if (this.formatter.preferences.insert_new_line_after_annotation_on_local_variable) {
shouldAddNewLine = true;
// do nothing when no annotation formatting option specified
if (shouldAddNewLine) {
} else {
isFirstModifier = false;
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasComment = true;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasComment = true;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE :
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
int count = 0;
char[] whiteSpaces = this.scanner.getCurrentTokenSource();
for (int i = 0, max = whiteSpaces.length; i < max; i++) {
switch(whiteSpaces[i]) {
case '\r' :
if ((i + 1) < max) {
if (whiteSpaces[i + 1] == '\n') {
case '\n' :
if (count >= 1 && hasComment) {
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
hasComment = false;
if (hasModifiers) {
// step back one token
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
public void printNewLine() {
this.printNewLine(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition() + 1);
public void printNewLine(int insertPosition) {
if (this.nlsTagCounter > 0) {
if (this.lastNumberOfNewLines >= 1) {
// ensure that the scribe is at the beginning of a new line
// only if no specific indentation has been previously set
if (!this.preserveLineBreakIndentation) {
this.column = 1;
this.preserveLineBreakIndentation = false;
addInsertEdit(insertPosition, this.lineSeparator);
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 1;
this.column = 1;
this.needSpace = false;
this.pendingSpace = false;
this.preserveLineBreakIndentation = false;
this.lastLineComment.contiguous = false;
* Print the indentation of a disabling comment
private void printNewLinesBeforeDisablingComment() {
// Get the beginning of comment line
int linePtr = Arrays.binarySearch(this.lineEnds, this.scanner.startPosition);
if (linePtr < 0) {
linePtr = -linePtr - 1;
int indentation = 0;
int beginningOfLine = getLineEnd(linePtr)+1;
if (beginningOfLine == -1) {
beginningOfLine = 0;
// If the comment is in the middle of the line, then there's nothing to do
OptimizedReplaceEdit currentEdit = this.edits[this.editsIndex-1];
int offset = currentEdit.offset;
if (offset >= beginningOfLine) return;
// Compute the comment indentation
int scannerStartPosition = this.scanner.startPosition;
int scannerEofPosition = this.scanner.eofPosition;
int scannerCurrentPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
char scannerCurrentChar = this.scanner.currentCharacter;
int length = currentEdit.length;
this.scanner.resetTo(beginningOfLine, offset+length-1);
try {
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
switch (ch) {
case '\t' :
if (this.tabLength != 0) {
int reminder = indentation % this.tabLength;
if (reminder == 0) {
indentation += this.tabLength;
} else {
indentation = ((indentation / this.tabLength) + 1) * this.tabLength;
case ' ':
// Should not happen as the offset of the edit is before the beginning of line
// Split the existing edit to keep the change before the beginning of the last line
// but change the indentation after. Note that at this stage, the add*Edit methods
// cannot be longer used as the edits are disabled
StringBuffer indentationBuffer = new StringBuffer();
int currentIndentation = getCurrentIndentation(this.scanner.currentPosition);
if (currentIndentation > 0 && this.indentationLevel > 0) {
int col = this.column;
this.column = col;
String replacement = currentEdit.replacement;
if (replacement.length() == 0) {
// previous edit was a delete, as we're sure to have a new line before
// the comment, then the edit needs to be either replaced entirely with
// the expected indentation
this.edits[this.editsIndex-1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(beginningOfLine, offset+length-beginningOfLine, indentationBuffer.toString());
} else {
int idx = replacement.lastIndexOf(this.lineSeparator);
if (idx >= 0) {
// replace current edit if it contains a line separator
int start = idx + this.lsLength;
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(replacement.substring(0, start));
this.edits[this.editsIndex-1] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(offset, length, buffer.toString());
finally {
this.scanner.startPosition = scannerStartPosition;
this.scanner.eofPosition = scannerEofPosition;
this.scanner.currentPosition = scannerCurrentPosition;
this.scanner.currentCharacter = scannerCurrentChar;
* Print new lines characters when the edits are disabled. In this case, only
* the line separator is replaced if necessary, the other white spaces are untouched.
private boolean printNewLinesCharacters(int offset, int length) {
boolean foundNewLine = false;
int scannerStartPosition = this.scanner.startPosition;
int scannerEofPosition = this.scanner.eofPosition;
int scannerCurrentPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
char scannerCurrentChar = this.scanner.currentCharacter;
this.scanner.resetTo(offset, offset+length-1);
try {
while (!this.scanner.atEnd()) {
int start = this.scanner.currentPosition;
char ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
boolean needReplace = ch != this.firstLS;
switch (ch) {
case '\r':
if (this.scanner.atEnd()) break;
ch = (char) this.scanner.getNextChar();
if (ch != '\n') break;
needReplace = needReplace || this.lsLength != 2;
case '\n':
if (needReplace) {
if (this.editsIndex == 0 || this.edits[this.editsIndex-1].offset != start) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex++] = new OptimizedReplaceEdit(start, this.scanner.currentPosition-start, this.lineSeparator);
foundNewLine = true;
finally {
this.scanner.startPosition = scannerStartPosition;
this.scanner.eofPosition = scannerEofPosition;
this.scanner.currentPosition = scannerCurrentPosition;
this.scanner.currentCharacter = scannerCurrentChar;
return foundNewLine;
public void printNextToken(int expectedTokenType){
printNextToken(expectedTokenType, false);
public void printNextToken(int expectedTokenType, boolean considerSpaceIfAny) {
// Set brace flag, it's useful for the scribe while preserving line breaks
switch (expectedTokenType) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE:
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACE:
this.formatBrace = true;
try {
printComment(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
try {
this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (expectedTokenType != this.currentToken) {
throw new AbortFormatting("unexpected token type, expecting:"+expectedTokenType+", actual:"+this.currentToken);//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, considerSpaceIfAny);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
finally {
// Flush brace flag
switch (expectedTokenType) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameRBRACE:
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameLBRACE:
this.formatBrace = false;
public void printNextToken(int[] expectedTokenTypes) {
printNextToken(expectedTokenTypes, false);
public void printNextToken(int[] expectedTokenTypes, boolean considerSpaceIfAny){
printComment(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
try {
this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken();
if (Arrays.binarySearch(expectedTokenTypes, this.currentToken) < 0) {
StringBuffer expectations = new StringBuffer(5);
for (int i = 0; i < expectedTokenTypes.length; i++){
if (i > 0) {
throw new AbortFormatting("unexpected token type, expecting:["+expectations.toString()+"], actual:"+this.currentToken);//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, considerSpaceIfAny);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
public void printArrayQualifiedReference(int numberOfTokens, int sourceEnd) {
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
int numberOfIdentifiers = 0;
try {
do {
printComment(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
switch(this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken()) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE :
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier :
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, false);
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
if (++ numberOfIdentifiers == numberOfTokens) {
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameDOT :
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, false);
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameRPAREN:
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.startPosition;
// $FALL-THROUGH$ - fall through default case...
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
} while (this.scanner.currentPosition <= sourceEnd);
} catch(InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
public void printQualifiedReference(int sourceEnd, boolean expectParenthesis) {
int currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
try {
do {
printComment(CodeFormatter.K_UNKNOWN, NO_TRAILING_COMMENT);
switch(this.currentToken = this.scanner.getNextToken()) {
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameEOF :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameWHITESPACE :
addDeleteEdit(this.scanner.getCurrentTokenStartPosition(), this.scanner.getCurrentTokenEndPosition());
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE :
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameIdentifier :
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameDOT :
print(this.scanner.currentPosition - this.scanner.startPosition, false);
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.currentPosition;
case TerminalTokens.TokenNameRPAREN:
if (expectParenthesis) {
currentTokenStartPosition = this.scanner.startPosition;
// $FALL-THROUGH$ - fall through default case...
this.scanner.resetTo(currentTokenStartPosition, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
} while (this.scanner.currentPosition <= sourceEnd);
} catch(InvalidInputException e) {
throw new AbortFormatting(e);
private void printRule(StringBuffer stringBuffer) {
// only called if this.tabLength > 0
for (int i = 0; i < this.pageWidth; i++){
if ((i % this.tabLength) == 0) {
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < (this.pageWidth / this.tabLength); i++) {
void redoAlignment(AlignmentException e){
if (e.relativeDepth > 0) { // if exception targets a distinct context
e.relativeDepth--; // record fact that current context got traversed
this.currentAlignment = this.currentAlignment.enclosing; // pop currentLocation
throw e; // rethrow
// reset scribe/scanner to restart at this given location
this.scanner.resetTo(this.currentAlignment.location.inputOffset, this.scanner.eofPosition - 1);
// clean alignment chunkKind so it will think it is a new chunk again
this.currentAlignment.chunkKind = 0;
void redoMemberAlignment(AlignmentException e){
// reset scribe/scanner to restart at this given location
this.scanner.resetTo(this.memberAlignment.location.inputOffset, this.scanner.eofPosition - 1);
// clean alignment chunkKind so it will think it is a new chunk again
this.memberAlignment.chunkKind = 0;
public void reset() {
this.checkLineWrapping = true;
this.line = 0;
this.column = 1;
this.editsIndex = 0;
this.nlsTagCounter = 0;
private void resetAt(Location location) {
this.line = location.outputLine;
this.column = location.outputColumn;
this.indentationLevel = location.outputIndentationLevel;
this.numberOfIndentations = location.numberOfIndentations;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = location.lastNumberOfNewLines;
this.needSpace = location.needSpace;
this.pendingSpace = location.pendingSpace;
this.editsIndex = location.editsIndex;
this.nlsTagCounter = location.nlsTagCounter;
if (this.editsIndex > 0) {
this.edits[this.editsIndex - 1] = location.textEdit;
this.formatter.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart = location.lastLocalDeclarationSourceStart;
* @param compilationUnitSource
public void resetScanner(char[] compilationUnitSource) {
this.scannerEndPosition = compilationUnitSource.length;
this.scanner.resetTo(0, this.scannerEndPosition - 1);
this.edits = new OptimizedReplaceEdit[INITIAL_SIZE];
this.maxLines = this.lineEnds == null ? -1 : this.lineEnds.length - 1;
this.scanner.lineEnds = this.lineEnds;
this.scanner.linePtr = this.maxLines;
private void resize() {
System.arraycopy(this.edits, 0, (this.edits = new OptimizedReplaceEdit[this.editsIndex * 2]), 0, this.editsIndex);
* Look for the tags identified by the scanner to see whether some of them
* may change the status of the edition for the formatter.
* Do not return as soon as a match is found, as there may have several
* disabling/enabling tags in a comment, hence the last one will be the one really
* changing the formatter behavior...
private void setEditsEnabled(int count, int previous) {
for (int i=previous; i<count; i++) {
if (this.disablingTag != null && CharOperation.equals(this.scanner.foundTaskTags[i], this.disablingTag)) {
this.editsEnabled = false;
if (this.enablingTag != null && CharOperation.equals(this.scanner.foundTaskTags[i], this.enablingTag)) {
this.editsEnabled = true;
void setIncludeComments(boolean on) {
if (on) {
this.formatComments |= CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS;
} else {
this.formatComments &= ~CodeFormatter.F_INCLUDE_COMMENTS;
void setHeaderComment(int position) {
this.headerEndPosition = position;
public void space() {
if (!this.needSpace) return;
this.lastNumberOfNewLines = 0;
this.pendingSpace = true;
this.needSpace = false;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
.append("(page width = " + this.pageWidth + ") - (tabChar = ");//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
switch(this.tabChar) {
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.TAB :
case DefaultCodeFormatterOptions.SPACE :
default :
.append(") - (tabSize = " + this.tabLength + ")")//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$
.append("(line = " + this.line + ") - (column = " + this.column + ") - (identationLevel = " + this.indentationLevel + ")") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
.append("(needSpace = " + this.needSpace + ") - (lastNumberOfNewLines = " + this.lastNumberOfNewLines + ") - (checkLineWrapping = " + this.checkLineWrapping + ")") //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
.append("==================================================================================") //$NON-NLS-1$
if (this.tabLength > 0) {
return stringBuffer.toString();
public void unIndent() {
this.indentationLevel -= this.indentationSize;