blob: 5969b5704b10159be936d65b0a70d8164eb57868 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of "Object Teams Development Tooling"-Software
* Copyright 2004, 2010 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich, Germany,
* for its Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
* Technology (FIRST), Berlin, Germany and Technical University Berlin,
* Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23468 2010-02-04 22:34:27Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Fraunhofer FIRST - Initial API and implementation
* Technical University Berlin - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.internal.hook;
import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;
import java.lang.instrument.IllegalClassFormatException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.BaseAdaptor;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.BaseData;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.bundlefile.BundleEntry;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.hooks.ClassLoadingHook;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.hooks.ClassLoadingStatsHook;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.BaseClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathEntry;
import org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleData;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleProtectionDomain;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.BundleWatcher;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.ClassLoaderDelegate;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.ClassLoaderDelegateHook;
import org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleHost;
import org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.ClassScanner;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.HookConfigurator;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.IByteCodeAnalyzer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.ILogger;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.IOTEquinoxService;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.IOTTransformer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.hook.ITeamLoader;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.internal.hook.Util.ProfileKind;
import org.osgi.framework.Bundle;
import org.osgi.service.packageadmin.PackageAdmin;
* This class intercepts class loading in order to perform load time weaving for OT/J.
* Install using these properties (either from commandline or config.ini):
* <pre>
* osgi.framework.extensions=org.eclipse.objectteams.eclipse.transformer.hook
* osgi.hook.configurators.include=org.eclipse.objectteams.eclipse.transformer.hook.HookConfigurator
* </pre>
* The principal method is processClass() which delegates to an ObjectTeamsTransformer (OTRE).
* The plugin life-cycle is controlled by methods initializedClassLoader() and watchBundle().
* @author stephan
* @version $Id: 23468 2010-02-04 22:34:27Z stephan $
public class TransformerHook implements ClassLoadingHook, BundleWatcher, ClassLoaderDelegateHook, ClassLoadingStatsHook
// As an OSGI extension bundle, we can't depend on the transformer plugin, so we have to hardcode this
public static final String TRANSFORMER_PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox" ; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final String WORKSPACE_INITIALIZER_PLUGIN_ID = "org.eclipse.objectteams.otdt.earlyui";
private static final String OTDT_QUALIFIER = "OTDT";
// another non-transformable bundle:
private static final String ASM_PLUGIN_ID = "org.objectweb.asm"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private static final HashSet<String> WEAVE_BUNDLES = new HashSet<String>();
static {
String value = System.getProperty("otequinox.weave");
if (value != null && value.length() > 0) {
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(value, ",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens())
/** kinds of classes needing transformation. */
enum ClassKind { BASE, ROLE, TEAM; }
/** A class loader which knows about OTRE but cannot transform byte code. *
* All plugins may require class org.objectteams.ITeam and related. */
private ClassLoader parentClassLoader;
// ==== STATE ====
/* storage for additional information regarding base and aspect bundles. */
final private BundleRegistry bundleRegistry = new BundleRegistry();
/* Local registry of all classes needing adaptation.
* Note that the ClassKind is recorded only for logging/profiling,
* so it doesn't hurt that we can't assign several kinds to the same class.
final HashMap<String,ClassKind> transformableClasses= new HashMap<String, ClassKind>();
private void addTransformableClass(String className, ClassKind kind) {
this.transformableClasses.put(className, kind);
String ifcName= className.replace("__OT__", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
if (ifcName != className)
this.transformableClasses.put(ifcName, kind); // for role classes also enter the ifc-part
* @param classBytes array containing the class' byte code
* @param className '.'-separated fully qualified class name
* @param resourceLoader class loader that should be used to find further .class files.
* @param bundleName name of the bundle from which the class is loaded.
private ClassKind fetchTransformationKind(byte[] classBytes, final String className, ClassLoader resourceLoader, final Bundle bundle) {
ClassKind kind = this.transformableClasses.get(className);
if (kind == ClassKind.BASE && !this.bundleRegistry.isAdaptedBaseBundle(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
kind = null; // don't use false info
if ( kind != null // found
|| this.byteCodeAnalyzer == null ) // can't do better
return kind;
String superName = this.byteCodeAnalyzer.getSuperclass(classBytes, className);
if (superName != null)
return fetchInheritedTransformationKind(superName, resourceLoader, bundle.getSymbolicName());
return kind;
private ClassKind fetchInheritedTransformationKind(String className, ClassLoader resourceLoader, String bundleName) {
//TODO(SH): change to use bundle here, too (rather than bundleName)?
ClassKind kind = this.transformableClasses.get(className);
if (kind == ClassKind.BASE && !this.bundleRegistry.isAdaptedBaseBundle(bundleName))
kind = null; // don't use false info
if (kind != null) {
return kind;
String superName = null;
InputStream is = resourceLoader.getResourceAsStream(className.replace('.', '/')+".class");
if (is != null)
superName = this.byteCodeAnalyzer.getSuperclass(is, className);
if (superName != null)
return fetchInheritedTransformationKind(superName, resourceLoader, bundleName);
return kind;
/** stored between method calls, indexed by plugin ID (unspecific, base or aspect): */
final protected HashMap<BundleData,ProtectionDomain> domains= new HashMap<BundleData,ProtectionDomain>();
// ==== access to the PackageAdmin service (for resolving bundles etc.) ====
private PackageAdmin packageAdmin;
// ==== A Bridge to the TransformerPlugin ====
/** The bundle org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox. */
Bundle otEquinoxBundle;
/** Gateway to the class org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.TransformerPlugin. */
// loading and instantiating teams:
private ITeamLoader teamLoadingService;
// asking about aspectBindings:
final private SafeAspectRegistry aspectRegistry= new SafeAspectRegistry(this);
private IByteCodeAnalyzer byteCodeAnalyzer;
// logging (console or via FrameworkLog):
final private ILogger logger;
// gateway to the OTRE proper:
private IOTTransformer transformerService;
final private HashSet<Bundle> uninstalling = new HashSet<Bundle>();
// Class loaders for which initializedClassLoader is currently executing (usable, but not yet registered):
private HashMap<Bundle,BaseClassLoader> pendingClassLoaders = new HashMap<Bundle, BaseClassLoader>();
// -- The next three collections manage activation of teams adapting base bundles without an activation policy --
// bundles that do not have a lazy activation policy and have not yet loaded a class:
public HashSet<Bundle> pendingNonLazyActivationBundles = new HashSet<Bundle>();
// stack of classes currently being defined (used to avoid activation while a class is still being defined -> ClassCircularityError)
Stack<String> currentlyDefiningClasses = new Stack<String>();
// bundles that formerly were in pendingNonLazyActivationBundles which wait for currentlyDefiningClasses to become empty
List<Bundle> activatableBundles = new ArrayList<Bundle>();
// --
/** Constructor invoked by the framework (via {@link HookConfigurator#addHooks(org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.HookRegistry)}). */
public TransformerHook(BaseAdaptor adaptor) {
this.logger = HookConfigurator.getLogger();
// make OTRE available to all bundles via framework classpath
// which contains the fragment org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox.runtime:
this.parentClassLoader= getClass().getClassLoader();
this.logger.log(Util.INFO, "Created equinox adaptor hook: "+getClass().getName()+
".\n \t(To disable this and subsequent INFO messages from OT/Equinox set otequinox.debug to WARN or ERROR).");
/** Invoked when the TransformerPlugin has registered itself as a service. */
void connectOTEquinoxService(IOTEquinoxService otEquinoxService) {
this.teamLoadingService= otEquinoxService;
this.aspectRegistry.connectOTEquinoxService(otEquinoxService, this.logger);
this.byteCodeAnalyzer= otEquinoxService.getByteCodeAnalyzer();
this.logger.log(Util.INFO, "OT/Equinox: connected the transformer service");
/** Invoked when the TransformerPlugin has registered the OTRE as a service. */
void connectOTTransformerService(IOTTransformer transformerService) {
this.transformerService = transformerService;
void connectPackageAdmin(PackageAdmin packageAdmin) {
this.packageAdmin = packageAdmin;
// SH: extra safety against recursion (see Trac #173)
ThreadLocal<String> currentlyProcessedClassName = new ThreadLocal<String>();
// :HS
* Delegate some classes to the ObjectTeamsTransformer for byte code weaving.
public byte[] processClass(String name, byte[] classbytes,
ClasspathEntry classpathEntry, BundleEntry entry,
ClasspathManager manager)
synchronized (this.currentlyDefiningClasses) {
this.currentlyDefiningClasses.add(name); // block aspect activation while defining a class
String previousClassName = currentlyProcessedClassName.get();
try {
Bundle bundle = manager.getBaseData().getBundle();
ProtectionDomain domain = domains.get(manager.getBaseData());
if (bundle == this.otEquinoxBundle)
return classbytes; // don't transform the adaptor ;-)
if (ASM_PLUGIN_ID.equals(bundle.getSymbolicName())) // name comparison since multiple instances of this bundle could exist
return classbytes; // don't transform ASM
// SH: extra safety against recursion (see Trac #173)
if (name.equals(previousClassName)) {
logger.log(new Exception("unexpected loading situation"), "Recursion occurred loading class "+name+" from bundle "+bundle.getSymbolicName());
return null;
// :HS
// NB: we must use a fresh instance of ObjectTeamsTransformer
// on each invocation because the OTRE is _not_ thread safe,
// specifically the field ObjectTeamsTransformation.factory
// MUST NOT be accessed or even assigned concurrently.
ClassFileTransformer objectTeamsTransformer= null;
ClassLoader resourceLoader = null;
resourceLoader = (ClassLoader) manager.getBaseClassLoader();
// ==== loading an adapted base class?
long time = 0;
if (Util.PROFILE) time= System.nanoTime();
ClassKind classKind= fetchTransformationKind(classbytes, name, resourceLoader, bundle);
if (Util.PROFILE) Util.profile(time, ProfileKind.SuperClassFetching, "", this.logger);
if (classKind == ClassKind.BASE) {
objectTeamsTransformer= this.transformerService.getNewTransformer();
classbytes= transformClass(objectTeamsTransformer, resourceLoader,
name, classbytes, domain,
"potential base", ProfileKind.BaseTransformation);
// ==== loading a role class?
} else if (classKind == ClassKind.ROLE) {
objectTeamsTransformer= this.transformerService.getNewTransformer();
classbytes= transformClass(objectTeamsTransformer, resourceLoader,
name, classbytes, domain,
"role", ProfileKind.AspectTransformation); //$NON-NLS-1$
} else {
// ==== loading a team class?
boolean isLoading = AspectBundleRole.isLoadingTeams(bundleRegistry, bundle.getSymbolicName());
if (isLoading || ByteCodeAnalyzer.isTeam(classbytes)) {
try {
if (bundle.getState() < Bundle.STARTING && this.aspectRegistry.hasInternalTeams(bundle)) {
this.logger.doLog(Util.ERROR, "Illegal state: loading team class "+name+" from bundle "+bundle.getSymbolicName()+" \n"+
"while this bundle has not been activated yet (state="+bundle.getState()+").\n"+
"Aspect bindings will not be woven.\n"+
"Note: Perhaps the bundle lacks an activation policy (lazy)?");
return null;
AspectBundleRole.markLoadingTeams(bundleRegistry, bundle.getSymbolicName(), true);
// transform the aspect:
objectTeamsTransformer= this.transformerService.getNewTransformer();
classbytes= transformClass(objectTeamsTransformer, resourceLoader,
name, classbytes, domain,
"team", ProfileKind.AspectTransformation); //$NON-NLS-1$
} finally {
if (!isLoading)
AspectBundleRole.markLoadingTeams(bundleRegistry, bundle.getSymbolicName(), false);
} else if ( this.otEquinoxBundle != null
&& WEAVE_BUNDLES.contains(bundle.getSymbolicName())
&& this.aspectRegistry.isAdaptedBasePlugin(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
objectTeamsTransformer= this.transformerService.getNewTransformer();
classbytes= transformClass(objectTeamsTransformer, resourceLoader,
name, classbytes, domain,
"ordinary class (could be sub base class)", ProfileKind.BaseTransformation);
catch (IllegalClassFormatException icfe) {
finally {
return classbytes;
// transform, log and profile:
private byte[] transformClass(ClassFileTransformer objectTeamsTransformer, ClassLoader resourceLoader,
String name, byte[] classbytes, ProtectionDomain domain,
String kind, ProfileKind profileKind)
throws IllegalClassFormatException
this.logger.log(Util.OK, "about to transform "+kind+" class "+name);
long time= 0;
if (Util.PROFILE) time= System.nanoTime();
classbytes = objectTeamsTransformer.transform(resourceLoader, name, null, domain, classbytes);
if (Util.PROFILE) Util.profile(time, profileKind, name, this.logger);
return classbytes;
// hook method, no specific action
public boolean addClassPathEntry(
ArrayList cpEntries,
String cp,
ClasspathManager hostmanager,
BaseData sourcedata,
ProtectionDomain sourcedomain)
return false;
// hook method, no specific action
public String findLibrary(BaseData data, String libName) {
return null;
/** Make all bundles share the system classloader as their parent,
* in order to expose the OTRE to all.
public ClassLoader getBundleClassLoaderParent() {
return parentClassLoader;
public BaseClassLoader createClassLoader(
final ClassLoader parent,
ClassLoaderDelegate delegate,
BundleProtectionDomain domain,
BaseData data,
String[] bundleclasspath)
Bundle bundle = data.getBundle();
synchronized (this.pendingClassLoaders) {
if (this.pendingClassLoaders.containsKey(bundle))
// a class loader is being announced via initializedClassloader,
// yet, before that method returns, the Bundle isn't yet wired to the class loader,
// so grab it from our intermediate storage:
return this.pendingClassLoaders.get(bundle);
// some paranoid sanity checks (shouldn't trigger any more)
if ( bundle != this.otEquinoxBundle
&& !uninstalling.contains(bundle) // perhaps can't query transformer yet (uninstalling unused during launch)
&& this.aspectRegistry.isAdaptedBasePlugin(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
BaseBundleRole baseBundle= this.bundleRegistry.adaptedBaseBundles.get(bundle.getSymbolicName());
if (baseBundle != null && baseBundle.state != BaseBundleRole.State.INITIAL) {
synchronized (this.pendingClassLoaders) {
if (!this.pendingClassLoaders.containsKey(bundle)) {
this.logger.log(ILogger.WARNING, "False alarm regarding circular class path for "+bundle.getSymbolicName()+", bundle state is "+baseBundle.state);
return null; // false alarm
// defensive:
this.logger.log(new ClassCircularityError(), "Circular class path for "+bundle.getSymbolicName()+", bundle state is "+baseBundle.state);
// return a dummy class loader that rather fails than dead-locking.
return new DefaultClassLoader(parent, delegate, domain, data, bundleclasspath)
public Class<?> findLocalClass(String classname) throws ClassNotFoundException {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Has already reported class path circularity");
@Override public URL findLocalResource(String resource) { return null; }
@Override public void initialize() { /* nop to avoid infinite recursion */ }
public Class<?> loadClass(String name) throws ClassNotFoundException {
throw new ClassNotFoundException("Has already reported class path circularity");
// normally we let the Framework create classloaders:
return null;
public void initializedClassLoader(final BaseClassLoader bundleClassLoader, BaseData data)
// if (isKnowID(data.getSymbolicName()))
// System.out.println(">>1>>"+data.getSymbolicName());
ProtectionDomain domain = bundleClassLoader.getDomain();
if (domain != null)
domains.put(data, domain);
Bundle bundle = data.getBundle();
if (bundle == otEquinoxBundle) // don't adapt the transformer.
if (this.uninstalling.contains(bundle)) // don't adapt bundle that is being uninstalled
if (this.pendingClassLoaders.containsKey(bundle))
return; // already initialized (in this very call-stack?)
// ==== perhaps it's an aspect adapting some base bundle(s):
// register class loaders for teams per plugin ID of adapted base
String[] adaptedBaseBundles = this.aspectRegistry.getAdaptedBasePlugins(bundle);
if (adaptedBaseBundles != null)
for (String baseID : adaptedBaseBundles) {
Bundle baseBundle = null;
if (baseID.toUpperCase().equals(BaseBundleRole.SELF)) {
baseBundle = bundle;
} else {
Bundle[] baseBundles = packageAdmin.getBundles(baseID, null);
if (baseBundles == null) {
this.logger.log(Util.ERROR, "Adapted base bundle "+baseID+" not found.");
} else if (baseBundles.length > 1) {
baseBundle = baseBundles[0];
for (int i=1; i<baseBundles.length; i++)
if (baseBundle.getVersion().compareTo(baseBundles[i].getVersion()) < 0) // smaller version than next
baseBundle = baseBundles[i];
this.logger.log(Util.WARNING, "Found more than one version of adapted base bundle "+baseID+", picked version "+baseBundle.getVersion()+".");
} else {
baseBundle = baseBundles[0];
if (baseBundle != null)
BaseBundleRole.createBaseBundleRole(this.bundleRegistry, baseBundle, bundle);
// ==== perhaps it's a base bundle:
// Trigger PHASE 1 of aspect activation:
if (this.teamLoadingService != null)
checkLoadTeams(bundleClassLoader, bundle);
else if (!Util.isPlatformBundle(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
this.logger.log(Util.WARNING, "Not loading teams for bundle "+bundle.getSymbolicName()+
" (transformerPlugin not yet initialized)");
private void checkLoadTeams(BaseClassLoader bundleClassLoader, Bundle bundle)
synchronized (this.pendingClassLoaders) {
ClassScanner scanner = new ClassScanner(this.transformerService);
this.bundleRegistry.checkLoadTeams(bundle, this.aspectRegistry, this.teamLoadingService, scanner);
// synchronized (this.pendingClassLoaders) {
// this.pendingClassLoaders.remove(bundle);
// }
private void recordRolesAndBases(ClassScanner scanner) {
Collection<String> baseClassNames = scanner.getCollectedBaseClassNames();
if (baseClassNames != null)
for (String baseClassName : baseClassNames)
addTransformableClass(baseClassName, ClassKind.BASE);
Collection<String> roleClassNames = scanner.getCollectedRoleClassNames();
if (roleClassNames != null)
for (String roleClassName : roleClassNames)
addTransformableClass(roleClassName, ClassKind.ROLE);
* This method watches the life-cycle of plugins, and implements 2-phase loading for the
* transformer bundle org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox:
* <pre>
* STEP 1. as soon as possible (may need to try more than once):
* -> retrieve and store bundle org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox in "transformerBundle"
* -> activate org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox
* STEP 2. after activating org.eclipse.objectteams.otequinox
* -> load class TransformerPlugin and store in "transformerPluginClass"
* </pre>
* For all other plugins check whether PHASE-2 of loading has to be performed when
* the plugin's activation finishes.
public void watchBundle(final Bundle bundle, int type) {
// if (isKnownID(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
// System.out.println(">>2>>"+bundle.getSymbolicName());
if (type == BundleWatcher.START_ACTIVATION) {
if (TRANSFORMER_PLUGIN_ID.equals(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
otEquinoxBundle = bundle;
if (type == BundleWatcher.END_ACTIVATION) {
Util.reportBundleStateChange(bundle, type, this.logger);
// start the transformerBundle as early as possible:
// (runtime must be activated for initialization of locations).
if ("org.eclipse.core.runtime".equals(bundle.getSymbolicName()))
if (bundle != otEquinoxBundle) {
// ==== trigger remaining actions now that the plugin is activated:
BaseBundleRole.endActivation(bundleRegistry, bundle, this.aspectRegistry, this.teamLoadingService);
} else if (type == BundleWatcher.START_UNINSTALLING) {
} else if (type == BundleWatcher.END_UNINSTALLING) {
/** Load all internal teams of bundle, if any. */
private void checkInternalTeams(Bundle bundle) {
if (this.aspectRegistry.hasInternalTeams(bundle)) {
// aspectRole needed to record 'aspectRole.isLoading' from processClass().
this.logger.log(Util.OK, "Will load internal teams of "+bundle.getSymbolicName());
ClassScanner scanner = new ClassScanner(this.transformerService);
if (this.teamLoadingService.loadInternalTeams(bundle, scanner)) {
BaseBundleRole baseRole= BaseBundleRole.createBaseBundleRole(bundleRegistry, bundle, bundle); // self-adapting
baseRole.state= BaseBundleRole.State.TEAMS_LOADED;
this.logger.log(Util.INFO, "Loaded internal teams of "+bundle.getSymbolicName());
} else {
this.logger.log(Util.ERROR, "Failed to load internal teams of "+bundle.getSymbolicName());
/** Loading an original jdt.core is fatal for us: */
private void checkJdtCoreOrig(Bundle bundle) {
if (!this.aspectRegistry.isOTDT()) return; // nothing to check
if ("org.eclipse.jdt.core".equals(bundle.getSymbolicName())) {
if (bundle instanceof BundleHost) {
BundleHost host = (BundleHost)bundle;
if (!host.getVersion().getQualifier().contains(OTDT_QUALIFIER))
throw new Error("Fatal dependency problem: loading wrong version '"+host.getVersion()+"' of plug-in "+bundle.getSymbolicName());
private void startTransformerBundle() {
if (this.otEquinoxBundle != null)
this.otEquinoxBundle = startBundle(TRANSFORMER_PLUGIN_ID, true);
// check if we want to set a workspace location (earliest opportunity):
startBundle(WORKSPACE_INITIALIZER_PLUGIN_ID, false); // ignore if not present
private Bundle startBundle(String bundleID, boolean logError) {
Bundle[] candidates = packageAdmin.getBundles(bundleID, null);
if (candidates == null) {
if (logError)
this.logger.log(ILogger.ERROR, "Bundle "+bundleID+" not found");
return null;
Bundle bundle = candidates[0]; // [0] corresponds to the highest version
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (logError)
this.logger.log(e, "Error starting the OT/Equinox transformer plug-in");
return bundle;
public Class<?> preFindClass(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data)
throws ClassNotFoundException
if (aspectRegistry.isDeniedAspectPlugin(data.getSymbolicName()))
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name+" from denied aspect bundle "+data.getSymbolicName());
BaseBundleRole baseBundle= this.bundleRegistry.adaptedBaseBundles.get(data.getSymbolicName());
if (baseBundle == null)
return null; // nothing to contribute
synchronized (baseBundle) {
if (baseBundle.missingClassNames.contains(name))
throw new ClassNotFoundException(name); // already failed before
return baseBundle.knownAlienClasses.get(name); // check for previous success
ThreadLocal<String> currentlySearchedClassName = new ThreadLocal<String>();
public Class<?> postFindClass(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
if (name.equals(currentlySearchedClassName.get()))
return null;
String bundleSymbolicName = data.getSymbolicName();
BaseBundleRole baseBundle= this.bundleRegistry.adaptedBaseBundles.get(bundleSymbolicName);
if (baseBundle == null)
return null; // not a registered base plugin, nothing to contribute
if (baseBundle.state == BaseBundleRole.State.WAIT_FOR_TEAM) {
logger.log(Util.WARNING, "Base plugin "+bundleSymbolicName+" is not yet ready for delegated classloading");
} else if (baseBundle.aspectBundles.isEmpty()) {
logger.log(Util.WARNING, ">>> adapting aspect bundles not yet wired when loading: "+name);
} else {
// a team class may be alien to the current plugin, yet the woven plugin
// may depend on the team. That's why we need this ClassLoaderDelegateHook.
// avoid infinite recursion:
try {
for (Bundle aspectBundle: baseBundle.aspectBundles) {
if (aspectBundle.getBundleId() == data.getBundleID())
continue; // self adaptation, nothing to contribute
try {
Class<?> result= aspectBundle.loadClass(name);
if (result != null) {
baseBundle.knownAlienClasses.put(name, result);
logger.log(Util.OK, "loaded alien class from aspect plugin: "+name);
return result;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// noop, keep traversing aspect bundles
} finally {
synchronized(baseBundle) {
// remember this class so we never again need to search
return null;
public String postFindLibrary(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public URL postFindResource(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public Enumeration postFindResources(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public String preFindLibrary(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public URL preFindResource(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public Enumeration preFindResources(String name, BundleClassLoader classLoader, BundleData data) {
return null;
public void preFindLocalClass(String name, ClasspathManager manager) throws ClassNotFoundException {
// noop
public synchronized void postFindLocalClass(String name, Class clazz, ClasspathManager manager) throws ClassNotFoundException {
// noop
public void preFindLocalResource(String name, ClasspathManager manager) {
// noop
public void postFindLocalResource(String name, URL resource, ClasspathManager manager) {
// noop
public void recordClassDefine(String name, Class clazz, byte[] classbytes, ClasspathEntry classpathEntry, BundleEntry entry, ClasspathManager manager)
// is this the first class from a pendingNonLazyActivationBundle?
synchronized (this.activatableBundles) {
Bundle bundle = manager.getBaseData().getBundle();
if (pendingNonLazyActivationBundles.remove(bundle))
activatableBundles.add(bundle); // schedule for activation when currentlyDefiningClasses is empty
// is the stack of currentlyDefiningClasses empty?
boolean shouldTrigger = false;
synchronized (this.currentlyDefiningClasses) {
if (this.currentlyDefiningClasses.isEmpty())
shouldTrigger = true;
// perform scheduled activations:
if (shouldTrigger)
synchronized (this.activatableBundles) {
Bundle[] copy = this.activatableBundles.toArray(new Bundle[this.activatableBundles.size()]);
for (Bundle bundle : copy)
BaseBundleRole.endActivation(this.bundleRegistry, bundle, this.aspectRegistry, this.teamLoadingService);