blob: 28bfcd837b4d30856203e7c01b3fdfa0b0678d99 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2013, 2017 GK Software AG.
* This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
* Contributors:
* Stephan Herrmann - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.codegen.AnnotationTargetTypeConstants;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.IBinaryTypeAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.env.ITypeAnnotationWalker;
/** Type annotation walker implementation based an actual annotations decoded from a .class file. */
public class TypeAnnotationWalker implements ITypeAnnotationWalker {
final protected IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations; // the actual material we're managing here
final protected long matches; // bit mask of indices into typeAnnotations, 1 means active, 0 is filtered during the walk
final protected int pathPtr; // pointer into the typePath
// precondition: not-empty typeAnnotations
public TypeAnnotationWalker(IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations) {
this(typeAnnotations, -1L >>> (64-typeAnnotations.length)); // initialize so lowest length bits are 1
TypeAnnotationWalker(IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations, long matchBits) {
this(typeAnnotations, matchBits, 0);
protected TypeAnnotationWalker(IBinaryTypeAnnotation[] typeAnnotations, long matchBits, int pathPtr) {
this.typeAnnotations = typeAnnotations;
this.matches = matchBits;
this.pathPtr = pathPtr;
protected ITypeAnnotationWalker restrict(long newMatches, int newPathPtr) {
if (this.matches == newMatches && this.pathPtr == newPathPtr) return this;
if (newMatches == 0 || this.typeAnnotations == null || this.typeAnnotations.length == 0)
return new TypeAnnotationWalker(this.typeAnnotations, newMatches, newPathPtr);
// ==== filter by top-level targetType: ====
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toField() {
return toTarget(AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.FIELD);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toMethodReturn() {
return toTarget(AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.METHOD_RETURN);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toReceiver() {
return toTarget(AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.METHOD_RECEIVER);
* Implementation for walking to methodReturn, receiver type or field.
protected ITypeAnnotationWalker toTarget(int targetType) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
if (this.typeAnnotations[i].getTargetType() != targetType)
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toTypeParameter(boolean isClassTypeParameter, int rank) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int targetType = isClassTypeParameter ? AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER : AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER;
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTargetType() != targetType || candidate.getTypeParameterIndex() != rank) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toTypeParameterBounds(boolean isClassTypeParameter, int parameterRank) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
int targetType = isClassTypeParameter ?
AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND : AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTargetType() != targetType || (short)candidate.getTypeParameterIndex() != parameterRank) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toTypeBound(short boundIndex) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if ((short)candidate.getBoundIndex() != boundIndex) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>(superTypesSignature is ignored in this implementation).</p>
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toSupertype(short index, char[] superTypeSignature) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTargetType() != AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.CLASS_EXTENDS || (short)candidate.getSupertypeIndex() != index) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toMethodParameter(short index) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTargetType() != AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER || (short)candidate.getMethodFormalParameterIndex() != index) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toThrows(int index) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTargetType() != AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.THROWS || candidate.getThrowsTypeIndex() != index) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, 0);
// ==== descending into details: ====
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toTypeArgument(int rank) {
// like toNextDetail() but also checking byte 2 against rank
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
int[] path = candidate.getTypePath();
if (this.pathPtr >= path.length
|| path[this.pathPtr] != AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.TYPE_ARGUMENT
|| path[this.pathPtr+1] != rank) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, this.pathPtr+2);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toWildcardBound() {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
int[] path = candidate.getTypePath();
if (this.pathPtr >= path.length
|| path[this.pathPtr] != AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.WILDCARD_BOUND) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, this.pathPtr+2);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toNextArrayDimension() {
return toNextDetail(AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.NEXT_ARRAY_DIMENSION);
public ITypeAnnotationWalker toNextNestedType() {
return toNextDetail(AnnotationTargetTypeConstants.NEXT_NESTED_TYPE);
* Implementation for walking along the type_path for array dimensions & nested types.
protected ITypeAnnotationWalker toNextDetail(int detailKind) {
long newMatches = this.matches;
if (newMatches == 0)
return restrict(newMatches, this.pathPtr+2);
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
long mask = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, mask = mask << 1) {
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
int[] path = candidate.getTypePath();
if (this.pathPtr >= path.length || path[this.pathPtr] != detailKind) {
newMatches &= ~mask;
return restrict(newMatches, this.pathPtr+2);
// ==== leaves: the actual annotations: ====
public IBinaryAnnotation[] getAnnotationsAtCursor(int currentTypeId, boolean mayApplyArrayContentsDefaultNullness) {
int length = this.typeAnnotations.length;
IBinaryAnnotation[] filtered = new IBinaryAnnotation[length];
long ptr = 1;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++, ptr<<=1) {
if ((this.matches & ptr) == 0)
IBinaryTypeAnnotation candidate = this.typeAnnotations[i];
if (candidate.getTypePath().length > this.pathPtr)
filtered[count++] = candidate.getAnnotation();
if (count == 0)
if (count < length)
System.arraycopy(filtered, 0, filtered = new IBinaryAnnotation[count], 0, count);
return filtered;