blob: c1357e30b00aca6c9cdebebc83d271b554076901 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the "Object Teams Runtime Environment"
* Copyright 2002-2009 Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23408 2010-02-03 18:07:35Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Berlin Institute of Technology - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otre;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.*;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.*;
import org.apache.bcel.*;
import java.util.*;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.jplis.JPLISEnhancer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.*;
* for callin-role-methods with recursive method-calls (base calls) we add a
* method with extendend signature.
* Within the extendend method recursive calls are replaced by the corresponding
* (chaining)base-call.<p>
* For example:
* <pre>
* callin m1() { m1(); } -->
* callin m1(Team _OT$teams[], int _OT$teamIDs[],
* int _OT$idx, int _OT$baseMethTag){
* liftToRole(b1._OT$m1$chain(Team _OT$teams[],
* int _OT$teamIDs[],
* int _OT$idx,
* int _OT$baseMethTag));
* }
* </pre>
* @version $Id: 23408 2010-02-03 18:07:35Z stephan $
* @author Christine Hundt
* @author Stephan Herrmann
public class BaseCallRedirection extends ObjectTeamsTransformation {
static class IHPair {
private InstructionHandle _ih1, _ih2;
public IHPair (InstructionHandle ih1, InstructionHandle ih2) {
_ih1 = ih1;
_ih2 = ih2;
public InstructionHandle fst() {return _ih1; }
public InstructionHandle snd() {return _ih2; }
public BaseCallRedirection(Object loader) {
* @param ce
* @param cg
public void doTransformInterface(ClassEnhancer ce, ClassGen cg) {
factory = new InstructionFactory(cg);
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
checkReadClassAttributes(ce, cg, class_name, cpg);
if (!CallinBindingManager.isRole(class_name)) {
if (!cg.isInterface()) {
Set<String> boundBaseMethods = CallinBindingManager.getBoundRoleMethods(class_name);
addBaseCallSurrogatesForReplaceBindings(ce, boundBaseMethods, cg);
Method[] methods = cg.getMethods();
for (int i=0; i<methods.length; i++) {
Method m = methods[i];
String method_name = m.getName();
String method_signature = m.getSignature();
if (candidateForImplicitActivation(m, cg, cpg)) { // TODO: check the other preconditions, like not abstact etc.
cg.replaceMethod(m, genImplicitActivation(m, class_name, cpg, true));
if (!isCallin(m, cg))
if (logging) printLogMessage(method_name + " in " + class_name
if (method_name.startsWith(OT_PREFIX)) {
method_name = revertToOriginalName(method_name);
if (logging) printLogMessage("Reverted tsuper name to " + method_name);
// code SHOULD contain at least one base call.
if(logging) printLogMessage("----->will add another method " + method_name
+ " with enhanced signature");
//{SH: retrench signature because otherwise the binding will not be found,
// as a result an empty basecall surrogate will be generated leading to repetetive methods...
// TODO(SH) is this the proper way to retrench??
String enhancedPrefix = "([Lorg/objectteams/Team;[IIII[Ljava/lang/Object;";
if (method_signature.startsWith(enhancedPrefix))
method_signature = "("+method_signature.substring(enhancedPrefix.length());
// SH}
boolean roleMethodIsBound = CallinBindingManager.roleMethodHasBinding(class_name,
//if (mbs.isEmpty()) {
if (!roleMethodIsBound) {
if (logging) printLogMessage("callin method " + method_name
+ " was not bound in this class!!!");
MethodGen baseCallSurrogate = null;
if (!IS_COMPILER_13X_PLUS) { // since 1.3.0 this part is legacy:
if (!roleMethodIsBound && !methodHasCallinFlags(m, cg, OVERRIDING) && !m.isStatic()) {
// method not bound in current class and doesn't inherit a base call surrogate
baseCallSurrogate = generateEmptyBaseCallSurrogate(cg, m);
if (baseCallSurrogate != null)
ce.addMethod(baseCallSurrogate.getMethod(), cg);
* Generates an "empty" base call surrogate method, which just throws an 'Error'.
* This method should normaly never be called, but overwritten in a subclass.
* It has to be generated just for the wellformedness of the class file.
* @param cg
* @param m
* @param mbs
* @param baseClassName
* @return
private MethodGen generateEmptyBaseCallSurrogate(ClassGen cg, Method m/*, List mbs*/) {
if (m.getName().startsWith(OT_PREFIX))
return null; // ot-internal methods don't need this?
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
MethodGen mg = newMethodGen(m, class_name, cpg);
if (isTSuperWrapper(mg)) {
// tsuper wrapper do not need base call surrogates
return null;
// role method already was enhanced by compiler
Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes = mg.getArgumentTypes();
// add super flag between enhancement and real arguments:
int len = enhancedArgumentTypes.length;
Type[] newArgumentTypes = new Type[len+1];
System.arraycopy(enhancedArgumentTypes, 0, newArgumentTypes, 0, EXTRA_ARGS);
newArgumentTypes[EXTRA_ARGS] = Type.BOOLEAN;
System.arraycopy(enhancedArgumentTypes, EXTRA_ARGS, newArgumentTypes, EXTRA_ARGS+1, len-EXTRA_ARGS);
enhancedArgumentTypes = newArgumentTypes;
Type enhancedReturnType = mg.getReturnType();
// {SH: interface method has no argument names? generate dummy names:
String[] argumentNames = new String[enhancedArgumentTypes.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) {
argumentNames[i] = "arg"+i;
// role method already was enhanced by compiler:
String[] enhancedArgumentNames = argumentNames;
// }
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
//int accessFlags = m.getAccessFlags();
int accessFlags = Constants.ACC_PROTECTED; // no unanticipated calls possible
// {SH: interface methods must be public abstract:
if (cg.isInterface())
accessFlags = Constants.ACC_ABSTRACT|Constants.ACC_PUBLIC;
// }
MethodGen baseCallSurrogate = new MethodGen(accessFlags,
getBaseCallSurrogateName(m.getName(), m.isStatic(), class_name /*genRoleInterfaceName(class_name)*/),
il, cpg);
// {SH: no code for interface method:
if (!cg.isInterface()) {
// orig:
if (logging)
printLogMessage("Exception has to be thrown!");
createThrowInternalError(cpg, il, new InstructionList(new PUSH(cpg, "Binding-Error: base-call impossible!")));
if (debugging)
baseCallSurrogate.addLineNumber(il.getStart(), STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
// }
return baseCallSurrogate;
* @param mg
* @return
private static boolean isTSuperWrapper(MethodGen mg) {
Type[] argTypes = mg.getArgumentTypes();
if (argTypes.length == 0) {
return false; // no tsuper marker interface argument existing
String lastArgument = (argTypes[argTypes.length - 1]).toString();
return lastArgument.contains(OTDT_PREFIX);
* Adds base call surrogate method for all role method bindings in the current role class.
* Thereby method bindings which are defined in super roles are accumulated and
* considered as well.
* @param ce the ClassEnhancer to which the new method has to be added
* @param boundRoleMethods the bound methods of the role class
* @param cg the ClassGen for the role class
private void addBaseCallSurrogatesForReplaceBindings(ClassEnhancer ce, Set<String> boundRoleMethods, ClassGen cg)
Iterator<String> it = boundRoleMethods.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String nameAndSignature =;
int dotIndex = nameAndSignature.indexOf('.');
String methodName = nameAndSignature.substring(0, dotIndex);
String methodSignature = nameAndSignature.substring(dotIndex + 1);
List<MethodBinding> mbs = CallinBindingManager.getBindingsForRoleMethod(cg.getClassName(),
MethodBinding anyMethodBinding = mbs.get(0);
if (!anyMethodBinding.isReplace()) {
if (anyMethodBinding.hasStaticRoleMethod())
continue; // base call surrogates for static methods are generated within the enclosing team class
// TODO: remove this check as soon as static replace method bindings are no longer in 'CallinMethodMappings'
MethodGen baseCallSurrogate = genBaseCallSurrogate(cg, mbs);
ce.addOrReplaceMethod(baseCallSurrogate.getMethod(), cg);
* Generates base call surrogate method for the role method for which the method bindings 'mbs' are.
* Thereby a switch-case for each bound base method is generated.
* This method is only for nonstatic role methods. Base call surrogates for static methods
* are generated within the enclosing team class
* @param cg the ClassGen for the role class
* @param mbs the method bindings for one role method
* @param baseClassName the name of the base class
MethodGen genBaseCallSurrogate(ClassGen cg, List<MethodBinding> mbs) {
//baseClassName would not be needed here, if I could find out the root-base-class-type...
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
MethodBinding anyBindingForRoleMethod = mbs.get(0);
String baseClassName = anyBindingForRoleMethod.getRootBoundBase();
String roleMethodSignature = anyBindingForRoleMethod.getRoleMethodSignature();
Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes;
Type[] argTypesTail = Type.getArgumentTypes(roleMethodSignature);
// add super flag between enhancement and real arguments:
int len = argTypesTail.length;
System.arraycopy(argTypesTail, 0, argTypesTail=new Type[len+1], 1, len);
argTypesTail[0] = Type.BOOLEAN;
enhancedArgumentTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(argTypesTail);
Type enhancedReturnType = generalizeReturnType(Type.getReturnType(roleMethodSignature));
String methodName = anyBindingForRoleMethod.getRoleMethodName();
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
int accessFlags = Constants.ACC_PROTECTED;
MethodGen baseCallSurrogate = new MethodGen(accessFlags,
null, // no explicit names
getBaseCallSurrogateName(methodName, false,
il, cpg);
ObjectType baseClass = new ObjectType(baseClassName);
ObjectType outerClass;
String outerClassName = getOuterClassName(class_name);
outerClass = new ObjectType(outerClassName);
LocalVariableGen otResult = null;
otResult = baseCallSurrogate.addLocalVariable("_OT$result",
enhancedReturnType, null, null);
il.insert(new ACONST_NULL());
il.setPositions(); // about to retrieve instruction handles.
if (logging) printLogMessage("base-call switch has to be inserted!");
InstructionList loading = new InstructionList();
int index = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < enhancedArgumentTypes.length; i++) {
index += enhancedArgumentTypes[i].getSize();
Type[] argumentTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(roleMethodSignature);
Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(roleMethodSignature);
if (debugging) {
baseCallSurrogate.addLineNumber(il.getStart(), STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
boolean generateSuperAccess = false;
List<SuperMethodDescriptor> superAccesses = IS_COMPILER_GREATER_123 ? CallinBindingManager.getSuperAccesses(baseClassName) : null;
if (superAccesses != null) {
outer: for (SuperMethodDescriptor superMethod : superAccesses) {
for (MethodBinding methodBinding : mbs) {
if ( superMethod.methodName.equals(methodBinding.getBaseMethodName())
&& superMethod.signature.equals(methodBinding.getBaseMethodSignature()))
generateSuperAccess = true;
break outer;
BranchInstruction ifSuper = new IFEQ(null);
GotoInstruction skipElse = new GOTO(null);
if (generateSuperAccess) {
// gen: if (isSuperAccess) { _OT$base._OT$m$super(args); } else ...
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.BOOLEAN, EXTRA_ARGS+1)); // last synthetic arg is super-flag
il.append(genBaseCallSwitch(cpg, mbs, baseCallSurrogate,
outerClass, baseClass,
otResult, loading, true));
basecall = genBaseCallSwitch(cpg, mbs, baseCallSurrogate,
outerClass, baseClass,
otResult, loading, false);
InstructionHandle callStart = basecall.getStart(); // store handle before append eats the list
if (generateSuperAccess) {
skipElse.setTarget(il.append(new NOP()));
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(enhancedReturnType, otResult.getIndex()));
return baseCallSurrogate;
Type findBaseFieldType(JavaClass c, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
Field[] fields = c.getFields();
for (int l=0; l<fields.length; l++) {
Field f = fields[l];
if (f.getName().equals(BASE)) {
FieldGen fg = new FieldGen(f, cpg);
return fg.getType();
JavaClass superClass = Repository.lookupClass(c.getSuperclassName());
// BCEL bug: super class of "Object" is "Object":
//System.err.println("Superclass of "+ c.getClassName()+" is " +c.getSuperclassName());
if (!superClass.getClassName().equals("java.lang.Object")) {
return findBaseFieldType(superClass, cpg);
return null;
* Iterate through the instructions of a callin method.
* <ul>
* <li>Adjust local variable instructions due to inserted extra arguments.
* <li>Replace base-calls and calls to activate.
* </ul>
* @param cg
* @param m
* @param mbs List<MethodBinding>
* @return MethodGen
MethodGen replaceBaseCalls(ClassGen cg, Method m, List<MethodBinding> mbs) {
int indexOffset = m.isStatic() ? -1 : 0; // argument indices are decremented for static methods,
// because of the missing 'this'
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
String method_name = m.getName();
MethodGen mg = newMethodGen(m, class_name, cpg);
Type[] argumentTypes = mg.getArgumentTypes();
Type returnType = mg.getReturnType();
Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(mg.getArgumentTypes());
// {SH abstract methods may not have argument names??
String[] argumentNames;
if (m.isAbstract()) {
argumentNames = new String[argumentTypes.length];
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < argumentNames.length; i++) {
argumentNames[i] = "arg" + index/* i */;
index += argumentTypes[i].getSize();
// load regular arguments:
int index = 1;
for (int i=0; i<argTypes.length; i++) {
index += argTypes[i].getSize();
} else {
argumentNames = mg.getArgumentNames();
String[] enhancedArgumentNames = enhanceArgumentNames(argumentNames);
// orig: String[] enhancedArgumentNames = enhanceArgumentNames(mg.getArgumentNames());
// SH}
Type enhancedMethodReturnType = generalizeReturnType(m.getSignature());
// {SH instruction list may be null for abstract method
// orig: InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList().copy();
InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();
if (il != null)
il = il.copy();
il = new InstructionList();
// SH}
MethodGen enhancedMethod = new MethodGen(m.getAccessFlags(),
method_name, class_name,
il, cpg);
//not needed??:
// or not??????
copyLocalVariables(mg, enhancedMethod);
copyLineNumbers(mg, enhancedMethod);
boolean returnValueAdded = (returnType == Type.VOID)
&& (enhancedMethodReturnType != Type.VOID);
// all exception handlers of this method, which have to be updated later.
CodeExceptionGen [] handlers = copyExceptionHandlers(mg, enhancedMethod, il);
// list of instruction handles (old and new) that are replaced in the sequel
ArrayList<IHPair> replacedInstructions = new ArrayList<IHPair>(); // of IHPair;
// set of instruction handles which signal TargetLostException during delete().
HashSet<InstructionHandle> targetLost = new HashSet<InstructionHandle>(); // of InstructionHandle
// create LocalVariable Object _OT$result:
LocalVariableGen otResult = null;
int slot = mg.getMaxLocals() + EXTRA_ARGS-indexOffset;
otResult = enhancedMethod.addLocalVariable("_OT$result", enhancedMethodReturnType,
slot, null, null);
// subtract EXTRA_ARGS since this offset will be added again below.
otResult.getIndex() - EXTRA_ARGS));
il.insert(new ACONST_NULL());
il.setPositions(); // about to retrieve instruction handles.
InstructionHandle[] ihs = il.getInstructionHandles();
//printLogMessage("every call of base." + method_name + "(...) will be replaced by "
// + liftMethodName + BASE + "."+baseChainMethodName+"(...))");
int actInstruction = 0;
int offset = EXTRA_ARGS;
while (actInstruction < ihs.length) {
Instruction act_instruction = ihs[actInstruction].getInstruction();
/****************************** variable index adaption: **********************************/
if(act_instruction instanceof LocalVariableInstruction) {
// add offset to the index of every variable load or store instruction,
// because of the inserted EXTRA_ARGS arguments:
LocalVariableInstruction localVariableInstruction = (LocalVariableInstruction) act_instruction;
if (localVariableInstruction.getIndex() != 0 || (enhancedMethod.isStatic())) { // 'this' stays at index 0
if (localVariableInstruction instanceof StoreInstruction) {
localVariableInstruction =
} else if (localVariableInstruction instanceof LoadInstruction) {
localVariableInstruction =
} else if (localVariableInstruction instanceof IINC) {
// TODO: check, if this is enough for all kinds of LocalVariableInstructions
// and if there are more instructions which use variable indizes!!
} else if (act_instruction instanceof RET) {
RET ret = (RET)act_instruction;
if (ret.getIndex() != 0)
ihs[actInstruction].setInstruction(new RET(offset + ret.getIndex()));
/*************************** "super"- & "tsuper"-call enhancement: **********************************/
} else if (super_or_tsuper_instruction(act_instruction, method_name, cpg) ) {
InvokeInstruction ii = (InvokeInstruction)act_instruction;
InstructionHandle next = ihs[actInstruction+1];
InstructionList changedArea;
InstructionHandle[] delim = new InstructionHandle[2];
int stackDepth = computeArgumentStackDepth(cpg, ii);
InstructionList loading = pruneLoading(il, ihs, actInstruction,
stackDepth, cpg,
targetLost, delim, true);
if (loading == null) {
changedArea = genEnhancedSuperCall(cpg, ii, enhancedMethod, loading);
if (returnValueAdded) {
enhancedMethodReturnType, otResult.getIndex()));
} else {
InstructionHandle ih = adjustValue(changedArea, changedArea.getEnd(), enhancedMethodReturnType, returnType);
if (debugging && ih != null)
mg.addLineNumber(ih, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[0], changedArea.getStart()));
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[1], changedArea.getEnd()));
il.insert(next, changedArea);
/*************************** "activate" substitution and base-call generation: ************/
//} else if (act_instruction instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
// INVOKEVIRTUAL iv = (INVOKEVIRTUAL)act_instruction;
} else if (act_instruction instanceof InvokeInstruction) {
InvokeInstruction iv = (InvokeInstruction)act_instruction;
String iv_name = iv.getName(cpg);
// FIXME(SH): is this still needed?
// - activate is commented-out,
// - base call is now generated by the compiler.
if(!(iv_name.equals(method_name) ||
InstructionHandle next = ihs[actInstruction+1];
InstructionList changedArea;
InstructionHandle[] delim = new InstructionHandle[2];
if (iv_name.equals("activate")) {
// blank original invokevirtual:
ihs[actInstruction].setInstruction(new NOP());
Type [] ivArgTypes = iv.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
int activateArgCount = ivArgTypes.length;
InstructionList loading = null;
if (activateArgCount == 1)
loading = pruneLoading (il, ihs, actInstruction,
ivArgTypes[0].getSize(), cpg,
targetLost, delim, false);
changedArea = enhanceActivateCall(factory, cpg, loading, iv);
if (activateArgCount == 1) {
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[0],
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[1],
} else*/ { // base call:
int stackDepth = computeArgumentStackDepth(cpg, iv);
boolean deleteThis = true;
deleteThis = false;
if (iv.getOpcode()==Constants.INVOKESTATIC)
deleteThis = false;
InstructionList loading = pruneLoading(il, ihs, actInstruction,
stackDepth, cpg,
targetLost, delim, /*true*/deleteThis);
if (loading == null) {
// insert call of base-call surrogate method:
String roleInterfaceName = genRoleInterfaceName(cg.getClassName());
String calleeClassName = null;
if(m.isStatic()) {
calleeClassName = extractTeamName(roleInterfaceName);
changedArea = genBaseCallSurrogateCall(cpg, iv, enhancedMethod, loading, extractRoleName(roleInterfaceName), calleeClassName);
if (returnValueAdded) {
} else {
InstructionHandle ih = adjustValue(changedArea, changedArea.getEnd(), enhancedMethodReturnType, returnType);
if (debugging && ih != null)
mg.addLineNumber(ih, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[0], changedArea.getStart()));
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(delim[1], changedArea.getEnd()));
} // if (activate or base call)
il.insert(next, changedArea);
/*************************** "return" enhancements: ************/
} else if (act_instruction instanceof ReturnInstruction) {
// replace return statement by result preparation and a new return statement
// construct back to front, to keep the insertion position!
InstructionHandle oldReturn = ihs[actInstruction];
InstructionHandle replacedPos = oldReturn;
il.append(oldReturn, InstructionFactory.createReturn(enhancedMethodReturnType));
if (returnValueAdded) {
// load ot_result:
} else {
oldReturn.setInstruction(new NOP());
replacedPos =
adjustValue(il, oldReturn, returnType, enhancedMethodReturnType);
if (debugging && replacedPos != null)
mg.addLineNumber(replacedPos, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
if (replacedPos != null)
replacedInstructions.add(new IHPair(oldReturn, replacedPos));
} // conditional over instruction types
} //end while
// tidy:
checkUpdate(handlers, replacedInstructions, targetLost);
return enhancedMethod;
* Given an invokevirtual compute the space its arguments use on the stack.
* @param cpg
* @param iv
* @return int stack size.
static int computeArgumentStackDepth(ConstantPoolGen cpg, InvokeInstruction ii) {
Type [] iiargs = ii.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
int depth=0;
for (int i=0; i<iiargs.length; i++)
depth += iiargs[i].getSize();
return depth;
* Copy all local variables from <tt>src</tt> to <tt>dest</tt>.
* While doing so, increment their index by EXTRA_ARGS.
static void copyLocalVariables(MethodGen src, MethodGen dest) {
Type[] argumentTypes = src.getArgumentTypes();
LocalVariableGen[] lvgs = src.getLocalVariables();
for (int l=argumentTypes.length; l<lvgs.length; l++) {
LocalVariableGen lvg = lvgs[l];
if (lvg.getIndex() > 0) {
lvg.getIndex()+(EXTRA_ARGS+1), // +1?????
null, null);
//System.err.println("adding:" +src.getClassName() +" "+src.getName()+" "+lvg.getName() +" " + lvg.getType() +" "+ (lvg.getIndex()+(EXTRA_ARGS+1)));
/** Copy all line numbers from <tt>src</tt> to <tt>dest</tt>. */
static void copyLineNumbers(MethodGen src, MethodGen dest) {
InstructionList il_dest = dest.getInstructionList();
LineNumberGen[] src_lng = src.getLineNumbers();
for (int i=0; i<src_lng.length; i++) {
int position = src_lng[i].getInstruction().getPosition();
InstructionHandle ih = il_dest.findHandle(position);
dest.addLineNumber(ih, src_lng[i].getSourceLine());
* Prune a invokevirtual portion from a given instruction list.
* Note, that arguments don't include 'this', which is not pruned but blanked
* (need to keep as possible jump target).
* @param il the source list
* @param ihs array of handles of this list
* @param idx points to a invokevirtual that shall be removed
* @param stackDepth size of the called method's arguments on the stack.
* This is how deep we need to cut into the stack.
* @param cpg
* @param targetLost set of lost InstructionHandles to be filled
* @param delim array of two handles, which should be filled with start and end of
* the pruned region.
* @param blankThis should the 'this' call target be overwritten?
* @return InstructionList a copy of the original value loading.
static InstructionList pruneLoading (InstructionList il, InstructionHandle[] ihs, int idx,
int stackDepth, ConstantPoolGen cpg,
HashSet<InstructionHandle> targetLost, InstructionHandle[] delim,
boolean blankThis)
InstructionList nlist = new InstructionList();
InstructionHandle start = ihs[idx];
InstructionHandle end = ihs[idx--];
while (stackDepth > 0) {
start = ihs[idx--];
Instruction instr = start.getInstruction();
stackDepth -= stackDiff(instr, cpg);
if (blankThis) {
if (!isALoad0(ihs[idx].getInstruction()))
return null;
ihs[idx].setInstruction(new NOP()); // keep as jump target but delete 'this'
delim[0] = start;
delim[1] = end;
safeDelete(il, start, end, targetLost);
return nlist;
static boolean isALoad0(Instruction i) {
if (!(i instanceof ALOAD)) return false;
return ((ALOAD)i).getIndex() == 0;
/** Get the lenght of the longest base method signature in mbs.
* @param mbs List of {@link MethodBinding MethodBinding}
// static int getMaxBaseArgLen (List mbs) {
// int max=0;
// Iterator it = mbs.iterator();
// while (it.hasNext()) {
// MethodBinding mb = (MethodBinding);
// String sign = mb.getBaseMethodSignature();
// int len = Type.getArgumentTypes(sign).length;
// if (len>max) max = len;
// }
// return max;
// }
* Generate a dispatching switch statement which calls the proper base method.
* @param cpg
* @param mbs list of MethodBinding that applies to this callin method
* @param enhancedMethod the enhanced callin method
* @param roleArgumentTypes arg types of the callin method
* @param outerClass the Team
* @param baseClass the base bound to this role
* @param returnType the return type of the original callin method
* @param otResult the local variable storing the base call result
* @param loading an instruction list holding the original instructions for
* loading parameters
* @return InstructionList the complete replacement implementing the base call.
InstructionList genBaseCallSwitch (ConstantPoolGen cpg,
List<MethodBinding> mbs, MethodGen enhancedMethod,
Type[] roleArgumentTypes,
ObjectType outerClass, ObjectType baseClass,
Type returnType, LocalVariableGen otResult,
InstructionList loading,
boolean isSuperAccess)
String className = enhancedMethod.getClassName();
Type enhancedMethodReturnType = enhancedMethod.getReturnType();
boolean callinHasReturnValue = returnType != Type.VOID;
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
// Setup a variable which holds the result of this base call.
// This variabel is local to this segment of code and used only
// to transport this result out off the switch statement.
int localResult = -1;
LocalVariableGen lg = null;
if (callinHasReturnValue) {
lg = enhancedMethod.addLocalVariable("_OT$tmpResult", returnType,
null, null);
localResult = lg.getIndex();
il.append(InstructionFactory.createNull (returnType));
il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(returnType, localResult));
// ---- Prepare the switch: ----
InstructionHandle switchStart = il.append
(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, BASE_METH_ARG));
// generated: _OT$baseMethTag
// one break for each case clause
int numberOfCases = mbs.size();
GOTO[] breaks = new GOTO[numberOfCases];
for (int i=0; i<numberOfCases; i++)
breaks[i] = new GOTO(null);
int[] matches = new int[numberOfCases];
InstructionHandle[] targets = new InstructionHandle[numberOfCases];
int caseCounter = 0;
Iterator<MethodBinding> it = mbs.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
MethodBinding mb =;
String wrapperName = mb.getWrapperName();
int[] paramPositions = CallinBindingManager.getParamPositions(outerClass.getClassName(),
if (logging) printLogMessage("param pos(" + wrapperName + ")=" + paramPositions);
matches[caseCounter] = CallinBindingManager.getBaseCallTag(mb.getBaseClassName(),
InstructionHandle nextBranch = il.append(new NOP());
short invocationKind = isSuperAccess
String boundBaseClassName = mb.getBaseClassName();
if (boundBaseClassName.indexOf(OTDT_PREFIX) != -1) {
// if base is a role class, switch now to the interface part to support base-side implicit inheritance:
boundBaseClassName = ObjectTeamsTransformation.genRoleInterfaceName(boundBaseClassName);
invocationKind = Constants.INVOKEINTERFACE;
String baseMethodName = mb.getBaseMethodName();
String baseMethodSignature = mb.getBaseMethodSignature();
Type[] baseMethodArgumentTypes = Type.getArgumentTypes(baseMethodSignature);
Type baseMethodReturnType = Type.getReturnType (baseMethodSignature);
String baseChainMethodName;
Type baseChainReturnType;
Type[] enhancedBaseArgumentTypes;
if (isSuperAccess) {
baseChainMethodName = OT_PREFIX+baseMethodName+"$super";
baseChainReturnType = returnType;
// base arguments are un-enhanced but have a leading base instance:
int len = baseMethodArgumentTypes.length;
System.arraycopy(baseMethodArgumentTypes, 0, enhancedBaseArgumentTypes=new Type[len+1], 1, len);
enhancedBaseArgumentTypes[0] = baseClass;
} else {
baseChainMethodName = genChainMethName(baseMethodName);
baseChainReturnType = object; // ALWAYS
enhancedBaseArgumentTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(baseMethodArgumentTypes);
// --- call target: ---
// if base class type is a role type _OT$base field has role interface type:
String baseClassName = baseClass.toString();
if (baseClassName.indexOf(OTDT_PREFIX) != -1) {
baseClass = new ObjectType(ObjectTeamsTransformation.genRoleInterfaceName(baseClassName));
if(logging) printLogMessage(baseClassName + " --> " + ObjectTeamsTransformation.genRoleInterfaceName(baseClassName));
// load '_OT$base' field:
InstructionHandle baseCallLine = il.append(InstructionFactory.createThis());
il.append(factory.createFieldAccess(className, BASE, baseClass, Constants.GETFIELD));
if (!baseClass.getClassName().equals(boundBaseClassName)) {
// playedBy has been refined in the sub role;
// create a cast to the sub base class:
il.append(factory.createCast(baseClass, new ObjectType(boundBaseClassName)));
// --- load arguments of the new method: ---
// (letters refer to document parameter-passing.odg)
// (u) generate extra arguments (indices are equal at role and base):
if (!isSuperAccess)
for (int idx = 0; idx < EXTRA_ARGS; idx++)
idx+1/*translating non-static*/));
// (v)(w)(x) split loading sequence and transfer source-level arguments
// (includes reverse-application of parameter mappings):
// Start at EXTRA_ARGS, because one set of enhancement has already been loaded,
// except when doing super access which only has one extra arg: base instance.
int start = isSuperAccess ? 1 : EXTRA_ARGS;
new BaseMethodInfo(mb.baseMethodIsCallin(), false/*static*/, mb.getTranslationFlags()),
// --- done loading ---
// invoke the chaining method of the base class (base-call!):
boolean resultLiftingNecessary = ((mb.getTranslationFlags()&1)!=0);
if (resultLiftingNecessary) { // call the lift-method:
// STATIC_PARTS_OK: in role: lift method call
String liftMethodName = mb.getLiftMethodName();
Type liftMethodReturnType = Type.getReturnType(mb.getLiftMethodSignature());
Type[] liftMethodArgs = Type.getArgumentTypes(mb.getLiftMethodSignature());
il.append(factory.createCast(baseChainReturnType, baseMethodReturnType));
// determine receiver for lift-call:
ObjectType liftType = (ObjectType)((liftMethodReturnType instanceof ArrayType)
? ((ArrayType) liftMethodReturnType).getBasicType()
: liftMethodReturnType);
int liftedDepth = countOccurrences(liftType.getClassName(), '$');
int thisNestingDepth = countOccurrences(className, '$');
ObjectType liftReceiverType = outerClass; // default;
if (liftedDepth == thisNestingDepth) {
// normal case: liftedType is at the same nesting level as "this"
il.append(factory.createGetField(className, "this$" + (thisNestingDepth-1), outerClass)); // access enclosing team-this
} else if (liftedDepth == thisNestingDepth+1){
// current role is already the team containing the role to get
liftReceiverType = new ObjectType(className);
il.append(new ALOAD(0));
} else {
throw new OTREInternalError("Mismatching nesting levels for lift-call in base-call-surrogate: "+thisNestingDepth+" vs. "+liftedDepth);
il.append(new SWAP()); // -> .., liftReceiver, (BaseType)result
InstructionHandle afterBaseCallLine = il.append(new NOP());
if (baseChainReturnType != Type.VOID) {
// adjust the return value to the type expected by the WRAPPER:
il.append(new DUP()); // keep for adjustment below
if (!resultLiftingNecessary)
adjustValue(il, null, baseChainReturnType, enhancedMethodReturnType);
otResult.getIndex())); // store "globally"
// this store is needed to tunnel unused results through the callin.
// adjust the return value to the type expected by the ORIGINAL CALLIN:
adjustValue(il, null, baseChainReturnType, returnType);
if (callinHasReturnValue)
il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(returnType, localResult)); // store "locally"
// this store is useful for callins which make use of the result.
targets[caseCounter] = nextBranch;
// generated: break;
if (debugging) {
enhancedMethod.addLineNumber(baseCallLine, STEP_INTO_LINENUMBER);
enhancedMethod.addLineNumber(afterBaseCallLine, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
// Default case: throw an exception reporting the situation:
// create: String msg = ("Unhandled base-call case!"+base_method_tag)
InstructionList messagePush = new InstructionList();
messagePush.append(new DUP());
messagePush.append(factory.createInvoke(OTConstants.STRING_BUFFER_NAME, Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, Type.VOID, new Type[0], Constants.INVOKESPECIAL));
messagePush.append(new PUSH(cpg, "Unhandled base-call case: "));
messagePush.append(factory.createInvoke(OTConstants.STRING_BUFFER_NAME, "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[]{Type.STRING}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
messagePush.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, BASE_METH_ARG));
messagePush.append(factory.createInvoke(OTConstants.STRING_BUFFER_NAME, "append", Type.STRINGBUFFER, new Type[]{Type.INT}, Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
messagePush.append(factory.createInvoke(OTConstants.STRING_BUFFER_NAME, "toString", Type.STRING, new Type[0], Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
// create: throw new OTREInternalError(msg)
InstructionHandle defaultCase = createThrowInternalError(cpg, il, messagePush);
InstructionHandle afterSwitch = il.append(new NOP()); // all breaks point here.
il.append(switchStart, createLookupSwitch(matches, targets, breaks,
defaultCase, afterSwitch));
// retrieve locally stored result:
if (callinHasReturnValue) {
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(returnType, localResult));
lg.setStart(il.getStart()); // restrict local variable to this segment.
return il;
* Removes duplicated method bindings with the same base call tag from the list, to avoid duplicated
* cases in the base call surrogate-switch.
* @param mbs
private static void removeDuplicatedBaseMethodTags(List<MethodBinding> mbs) {
if (mbs.size() < 2) // nothing to remove
MethodBinding[] mbArray = mbs.toArray(new MethodBinding[mbs.size()]);
Comparator<MethodBinding> baseCallTagComparator = new Comparator<MethodBinding>() {
public int compare(MethodBinding firstMB, MethodBinding secondMB) {
int firstBaseTag = CallinBindingManager.getBaseCallTag(firstMB.getBaseClassName(),
int secondBaseTag = CallinBindingManager.getBaseCallTag(secondMB.getBaseClassName(),
if (firstBaseTag < secondBaseTag)
return -1;
if (firstBaseTag > secondBaseTag)
return 1;
return 0;
Arrays.sort(mbArray, baseCallTagComparator);
for (int i = 0; i + 1 < mbArray.length; i++) {
if ([i], mbArray[i + 1]) == 0) {
mbs.remove(mbArray[i + 1]);
* @param className
* @return
private static String extractTeamName(String roleClassName) {
int lastDollarIndex = roleClassName.lastIndexOf('$');
return roleClassName.substring(0, lastDollarIndex);
* @param className
* @return
private static String extractRoleName(String roleClassName) {
int lastDollarIndex = roleClassName.lastIndexOf('$');
return roleClassName.substring(lastDollarIndex+1, roleClassName.length());
* FIXME(SH): obsolete!
* @param baseMethodReturnType
* @param returnType
* @return
// private static boolean returnTypeCompatible(Type from, Type to) {
// System.out.println("test for " + from + "->" + to);
// if (from.equals(to))
// return true;
// if (from instanceof ObjectType && to instanceof ObjectType) {// how to handle compatible basic types??
// ObjectType otFrom = (ObjectType) from;
// ObjectType otTo = (ObjectType) to;
// if (otFrom.subclassOf(otTo))
// return true;
// }
// return false;
// }
* Copy all exception handlers of a method.
* @param source the method from where to copy
* @param dest the method where to copy to
* @param il instructions of `dest' which must still have the same positions
* as the instructions in `source'.
* @return an array of handler generators, which still has to be maintained,
* whenever instructions are replaced in the methods instruction list.
static CodeExceptionGen[] copyExceptionHandlers(MethodGen source,
MethodGen dest,
InstructionList il) {
il.setPositions(); // needed to retrieve handles by position.
CodeExceptionGen[] excGens = source.getExceptionHandlers();
CodeExceptionGen[] newGens = new CodeExceptionGen[excGens.length];
if ((excGens != null) && excGens.length > 0) {
for (int hcount=0; hcount<excGens.length; hcount++) {
CodeExceptionGen excGen = excGens[hcount];
InstructionHandle excStart = il.findHandle(excGen.getStartPC().getPosition());
InstructionHandle excEnd = il.findHandle(excGen.getEndPC().getPosition());
InstructionHandle excHandler = il.findHandle(excGen.getHandlerPC().getPosition());
ObjectType catchType = excGen.getCatchType();
newGens[hcount] =
dest.addExceptionHandler(excStart, excEnd, excHandler, catchType);
return newGens;
* Update the positions of all exception handlers.
* @param handlers the handlers of this method.
* @param replaced a pair of InstructionHandles, the first is replaced by the second.
static void updateHandlers (CodeExceptionGen[] handlers, IHPair replaced) {
InstructionHandle old = replaced.fst();
InstructionHandle neu = replaced.snd();
for (int i=0; i<handlers.length; i++) {
// System.out.println("handler "+handlers[i]);
if (handlers[i].containsTarget(old) && (old != neu)) {
// System.out.println("update "+old+"->"+neu);
handlers[i].updateTarget(old, neu);
* Delete a range of instructions, whithout throwing TargetLostException.
* @param il the list to delete from
* @param start handle to first instruction to delete.
* @param end handle to last instruction to delete.
* @param collect a set of InstructionHandle which are still targeted.
static void safeDelete(InstructionList il,
InstructionHandle start, InstructionHandle end,
HashSet<InstructionHandle> collect)
try {
il.delete(start, end);
} catch(TargetLostException e) {
// System.out.print("Loosing:"+e+" ");
InstructionHandle [] targets = e.getTargets();
for (int tcount = 0; tcount < targets.length; tcount++) {
// System.out.println(targets[tcount]+"!!");
* Update all exceptions handlers with respect to all instructions that were replaced.
* Check that this covers all instruction handles in 'lost'.
* @param handles the exception handlers of this method.
* @param replacedList list of IHPairs describing what has been modified.
* @param lost set of instruction handles that were still referred to when
* they were deleted. All these handles should be updated.
static void checkUpdate(CodeExceptionGen[] handlers, ArrayList<IHPair> replacedList, HashSet<InstructionHandle> lost) {
// System.out.println("Update "+replacedList+"/"+lost);
Iterator<IHPair> iter = replacedList.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
IHPair replaced =;
updateHandlers(handlers, replaced);
if (!lost.isEmpty()) {
System.err.println("Warning: "+lost.size()+" target(s) lost: ");
Iterator<InstructionHandle> it = lost.iterator();
while (it.hasNext())
* While adding extra args to an activate call:
* <ul>
* <li>Check whether an activationLevel was passed (single argument)
* <li>if so, insert the loading sequence for that expression.
* <li>also the return differs (void or int), should however be
* consistent between plain and enhanced version.
* <li>decrement "idx" so this team is the currently active in the chain.
* </ul>
* @param factory
* @param cpg
* @param loading sequence, which loads "level" argument, else null.
* @param iv the invokevirtual for "activate", used to inspect the
* original signature.
* @return the full sequence for loading the arguments, but not the
* call target (because that's the enclosing team and is kept
* unmodified in the original instruction list).
// static InstructionList enhanceActivateCall (final InstructionFactory factory,
// ConstantPoolGen cpg,
// InstructionList loading,
// InstructionList changedArea = new InstructionList();
// // load arguments of the new method:
// int index = 1;
// Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(iv.getArgumentTypes(cpg),
// 0, false, false);
// Type returnType = Type.VOID;
// int kount = enhancedArgumentTypes.length;
// if (iv.getArgumentTypes(cpg).length == 1) {
// kount--; // "level" loaded separately via 'loading'
// returnType = Type.INT;
// }
// for (int k=0; k<kount; k++) {
// changedArea.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(enhancedArgumentTypes[k], index));
// index += enhancedArgumentTypes[k].getSize();
// }
// if (loading != null)
// changedArea.append(loading);
// // invoke the overloaded activate method:
// changedArea.append(factory.createInvoke("org.objectteams.Team",
// "activate",
// returnType,
// enhancedArgumentTypes,
// Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL));
// // generate: idx--;
// changedArea.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(Type.INT, IDX_ARG));
// changedArea.append(new ICONST(1));
// changedArea.append(new ISUB());
// changedArea.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.INT, IDX_ARG));
// return changedArea;
// }
* Generates the instructions to call the enhanced version of the 'super' respectively 'tsuper'
* call in a role method.
* @param cpg the constant pool
* @param ii the original invoke instruction
* @param enhancedMethod the enhanced role method
* @param loading the originally loaded arguments
* @return the instruction list containing the method call ingredients
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // ii.getClassName() is deprecated
InstructionList genEnhancedSuperCall(ConstantPoolGen cpg, InvokeInstruction ii,
MethodGen enhancedMethod, InstructionList loading)
Type returnType = enhancedMethod.getReturnType();
//Type[] argTypes = enhancedMethod.getArgumentTypes();
Type[] argTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(ii.getArgumentTypes(cpg));
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
// load all additional arguments of the enhanced method (first EXTRA_ARGS):
int index = 1;
for (int i=0; i<EXTRA_ARGS; i++) {
index += argTypes[i].getSize();
// load arguments of the originally call:
// call super.<enhancedMethod>:
short kind=0;
if (ii instanceof INVOKESPECIAL)
kind = Constants.INVOKESPECIAL;
kind = Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
il.append(factory.createInvoke(ii.getClassName(cpg), // deprecated but we're safe because we have not array here (super/tsuper call)
return il;
* Generates the instructions to call the base call surrogate method.
* @param cpg the constant pool
* @param iv the original invoke instruction
* @param enhancedMethod the enhanced role method
* @param loading the originally loaded arguments
* @return the instruction list containing the method call ingredients
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // iv.getClassName is deprecated
InstructionList genBaseCallSurrogateCall(ConstantPoolGen cpg, InvokeInstruction/*INVOKEVIRTUAL*/ iv,
MethodGen enhancedMethod, InstructionList loading,
String roleClassName, String calleeClassName) //JU: added String roleClassName and teamClassName to the method signature
int indexOffset = enhancedMethod.isStatic()?-1:0; // argument indexes are decremented for static methods,
// because of the missing 'this'
// for static methods callee is 'null' -> substitute by current class (JU)
if(calleeClassName == null) {
calleeClassName = iv.getClassName(cpg); // deprecated but we're safe because we have not array here (activate() call)
Type returnType = enhancedMethod.getReturnType();
//Type[] argTypes = enhancedMethod.getArgumentTypes();
Type[] argTypes = enhanceArgumentTypes(iv.getArgumentTypes(cpg));
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
String methodName = getBaseCallSurrogateName(enhancedMethod.getName(),
short invokeKind;
if (!enhancedMethod.isStatic()) {
invokeKind = Constants.INVOKEVIRTUAL;
} else { // role method is static:
invokeKind = Constants.INVOKESTATIC;
// load all additional arguments of the enhanced method (first EXTRA_ARGS):
int index = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
if(i < EXTRA_ARGS){ // skip original arguments
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(argTypes[i], index+indexOffset));
//calculate the next index
index += argTypes[i].getSize();
// load arguments of the originally call:
// call _OT$<enhancedMethod>$base():
return il;
* Checks, if a given instuction is a super or a tsuper call
* @param instr the instruction to check
* @param method_name the name of the method from wich the 'inst' came
* @param cpg the constant pool
* @return true, if 'inst' is a super or tsuper call
private static boolean super_or_tsuper_instruction(Instruction instr, String method_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
if (isTSuperCall(instr, method_name, cpg))
return true;
if (isSuperCall(instr, method_name, cpg))
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isTSuperCall(Instruction instr, String method_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
if (instr instanceof INVOKEVIRTUAL) {
String iv_name = iv.getName(cpg);
Type[] argTypes = iv.getArgumentTypes(cpg);
if (argTypes.length<1) // no tsuper marker interface parameter!
return false;
String lastArgument = (argTypes[argTypes.length-1]).toString();
if (iv_name.equals(method_name) && (lastArgument.indexOf(TSUPER_PREFIX)!=-1)) {
// if iv == <method_name>(..., TSuper__OT__<SuperTeamName>) -->
if(logging) printLogMessage("tsuper-call to " + iv_name + " has to be enhanced!");
return true;
return false;
private static boolean isSuperCall(Instruction instr, String method_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
if (instr instanceof INVOKESPECIAL) {
String is_name = is.getName(cpg);
if(is_name.equals(method_name)) {
if(logging) printLogMessage("super-call to " + is_name + " has to be enhanced!");
return true;
return false;
* Generates the base call surrogate name for a given method name.
* @param method_name the name of the role method
* @param staticFlag
* @param roleClassName the name of the role method
* @return the base call surrogate name
private static String getBaseCallSurrogateName(String method_name, boolean staticFlag, String roleClassName) {
//JU: for static methods the role class name should be inserted
if(staticFlag) {
return OT_PREFIX+roleClassName+"$"+method_name+"$base";
return OT_PREFIX+method_name+"$base";
* Reverts a method name to its original by returning the substring after the last '$'
* until the end.
* @param method_name method name to be adjusted
* @return the original method name
private static String revertToOriginalName(String method_name) {
int p = method_name.lastIndexOf('$');
return method_name.substring(p + 1);
* (non-Javadoc)
* @see org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.common.ObjectTeamsTransformation#doTransformCode(org.apache.bcel.generic.ClassGen)
public void doTransformCode(ClassGen cg) {
// nothing to do