blob: daaa27889e1b2623fe04a685688668e220d5d89c [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the "Object Teams Runtime Environment"
* Copyright 2002-2009 Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* $Id: 23408 2010-02-03 18:07:35Z stephan $
* Please visit for updates and contact.
* Contributors:
* Berlin Institute of Technology - Initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.objectteams.otre;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.jplis.JPLISEnhancer;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.AnnotationHelper;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.AttributeReadingGuard;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.CallinBindingManager;
import org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.util.RoleBaseBinding;
import org.apache.bcel.Constants;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Attribute;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Constant;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.ConstantUtf8;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.InnerClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.InnerClasses;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.JavaClass;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.LineNumberTable;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Method;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.StackMap;
import org.apache.bcel.classfile.Unknown;
import org.apache.bcel.generic.*;
* Superclass for all transformations in this package.
* This class and its subclasses does not directly depend on JPLIS.
* Contains common fields and methods.
* @author Christine Hundt
* @author Stephan Herrmann
public abstract class ObjectTeamsTransformation
implements OTConstants
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Flags: ------------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Check whether <tt>flags</tt> denote a generated callin wrapper. */
static boolean isCallinWrapper(Method m, ClassGen cg) {
return methodHasCallinFlags(m, cg, WRAPPER);
/** Check whether <tt>flags</tt> denote a callin method from the source code. */
static boolean isCallin(Method m, ClassGen cg) {
return (methodHasCallinFlags(m, cg, 0) && !isCallinWrapper(m, cg));
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Names: ------------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Generate the name for a backup of a method. */
static String genOrigMethName(String methName) {
return "_OT$" + methName + "$orig";
/** Generate the name for a chaining wrapper. */
static String genChainMethName(String methName) {
return "_OT$" + methName + "$chain";
/** Common factory for all tranformers.
* To be initialized once we get a class for transformation. */
InstructionFactory factory;
/** Which class loader are we working for? */
protected Object loader; // standalone: ClassLoader, new equinox.weaving: Bundle
public ObjectTeamsTransformation(Object loader) {
this.loader = loader;
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Logging: ----------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Initialized from property <tt>ot.log</tt>. */
static boolean logging = false;
static {
if(System.getProperty("ot.log") != null)
logging = true;
/** Print <tt>message</tt> only if <tt>logging</tt> is true. */
public static void printLogMessage(String message) {
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- use the following file as config file for additional active teams: --------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Initialized from property <tt>ot.teamconfig</tt>. */
static String TEAM_CONFIG_FILE = null;
static {
TEAM_CONFIG_FILE = System.getProperty("ot.teamconfig");
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Compatibility with different compiler versions: --------
// ------------------------------------------
// compiler 1.2.4 introduces isSuperAccess flag for basecall surrogate:
protected static boolean IS_COMPILER_GREATER_123 = false;
protected static boolean IS_COMPILER_13X_PLUS = false;
protected static boolean IS_COMPILER_14X_PLUS = false;
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- This flag must currently be true for OT/Equinox: ----------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Initialized from property <tt>ot.equinox</tt>. */
public static boolean WORKAROUND_REPOSITORY = false;
static {
if(System.getProperty("ot.equinox") != null)
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- Debugging: ----------------------
// ------------------------------------------
/** Initialized from property <tt>ot.debug</tt>. */
public static boolean debugging = false;
static {
if(System.getProperty("ot.debug") != null)
debugging = true;
// -------------------------------------------------------
// ---------- Modes for implicit team activateion --------
// -------------------------------------------------------
enum ImplicitActivationMode { NEVER, ANNOTATED, ALWAYS }
static ImplicitActivationMode implicitActivationMode = ImplicitActivationMode.ANNOTATED;
static {
String prop = System.getProperty("");
for (ImplicitActivationMode mode : ImplicitActivationMode.values()) {
if ( {
implicitActivationMode = mode;
// -----------------------------------------
// ---------- Signature enhancement --------
// -----------------------------------------
* Prepend hidden arguments to the signature.
* This methods only treats argument names.
* @see #enhanceArgumentTypes
* The arguments are:
* <dl>
* <dt><tt>Team[] _OT$teams</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of active Teams affecting the current base method.
* <dt><tt>int[] _OT$teamIDs</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of IDs of the above Teams.
* <dt><tt>int _OT$idx</tt></dt>
* <dd>index into above arrays: the Team currently being processed.
* <dt><tt>Object[] _OT$unusedArgs</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of arguments which are unused by the current role method.
* </dl>
* @param argumentNames array of original argument names.
* @return augmented array of argument names.
static String[] enhanceArgumentNames(String[] argumentNames) {
return enhanceArgumentNames(argumentNames, 0);
* Prepend hidden arguments to the signature.
* This methods only treats argument names.
* @see #enhanceArgumentTypes
* The arguments are:
* <dl>
* <dt><tt>Team[] _OT$teams</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of active Teams affecting the current base method.
* <dt><tt>int[] _OT$teamIDs</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of IDs of the above Teams.
* <dt><tt>int _OT$idx</tt></dt>
* <dd>index into above arrays: the Team currently being processed.
* <dt><tt>Object[] _OT$unusedArgs</tt></dt>
* <dd>array of arguments which are unused by the current role method.
* </dl>
* @param argumentNames array of original argument names.
* @param idx position where new arguments should be inserted into
* <tt>originalArgumentTypes</tt>.
* @return augmented array of argument names.
static String[] enhanceArgumentNames(String[] argumentNames, int idx) {
String[] enhancedArgumentNames =
new String[argumentNames.length + EXTRA_ARGS];
for (int j=0; j<idx; j++)
enhancedArgumentNames[j] = argumentNames[j];
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + TEAMS_ARG - 1] = TEAMS;
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + TEAMIDS_ARG - 1] = TEAMIDS;
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + IDX_ARG - 1] = IDX;
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + BIND_IDX_ARG - 1] = BIND_IDX;
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + BASE_METH_ARG - 1] = BASE_METH_TAG;
enhancedArgumentNames [idx + UNUSED_ARG - 1] = UNUSED;
for (int j = idx; j < argumentNames.length; j++)
enhancedArgumentNames[j + EXTRA_ARGS] = argumentNames[j];
return enhancedArgumentNames;
* @see #enhanceArgumentTypes(Type[])
* @param signature String from which to extract the argument types.
* @return
static Type[] enhanceArgumentTypes(String signature) {
Type[] types = Type.getArgumentTypes(signature);
return enhanceArgumentTypes(types);
* Prepend hidden arguments to the signature.
* This methods only treats argument types.
* @see #enhanceArgumentNames
* @param originalArgumentTypes array of original argument types.
* @return augmented array of argument names.
static Type[] enhanceArgumentTypes(Type[] originalArgumentTypes) {
return enhanceArgumentTypes(originalArgumentTypes, 0, true);
* Prepend hidden arguments to the signature.
* This methods only treats argument types.
* @see #enhanceArgumentNames
* @param originalArgumentTypes array of original argument types.
* @param idx position where new arguments should be inserted into
* <tt>originalArgumentTypes</tt>.
* @param createUnused should the <tt>unusedArgs</tt> argument be created?
* @return augmented array of argument types.
static Type[] enhanceArgumentTypes(Type[] originalArgumentTypes,
int idx,
boolean createUnused)
// creates enhanced argument type array:
// ..(a1,.., aN) -> ..(Team[], int[], int, Object[], a1, .., aN)
int offset = createUnused ? EXTRA_ARGS : EXTRA_ARGS-1;
Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes =
new Type[originalArgumentTypes.length+offset];
for (int j=0; j<idx; j++)
enhancedArgumentTypes[j] = originalArgumentTypes[j];
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+TEAMS_ARG - 1] = teamArray;
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+TEAMIDS_ARG - 1] = intArray;
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+IDX_ARG - 1] = Type.INT;
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+BIND_IDX_ARG - 1] = Type.INT;
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+BASE_METH_ARG - 1] = Type.INT;
if (createUnused) {
enhancedArgumentTypes [idx+UNUSED_ARG - 1] = objectArray;
for (int j = idx; j < originalArgumentTypes.length; j++)
enhancedArgumentTypes[j + EXTRA_ARGS] = originalArgumentTypes[j];
return enhancedArgumentTypes;
* Remove the arguments previously added by
* {@link #enhanceArgumentTypes enhanceArgumentTypes}.
* @param enhancedArgumentTypes
* @param staticFlag
* @return
// FIXME(SH): obsolete
public static Type[] _retrenchArgumentTypes(Type[] enhancedArgumentTypes, boolean staticFlag) {
// create retrenched argument type array:
// ..(Team[], int[], int, Object[], a1, .., aN) -> ..(a1,.., aN)
int offset = staticFlag? -1 : 0;
Type[] retrenchedArgumentTypes =
new Type[enhancedArgumentTypes.length - EXTRA_ARGS + offset];
for (int j = EXTRA_ARGS; j < enhancedArgumentTypes.length + offset; j++)
retrenchedArgumentTypes[j - EXTRA_ARGS] = enhancedArgumentTypes[j];
return retrenchedArgumentTypes;
// ---------------------------------------------------
// ---------- further type and value conversions -----
// ---------------------------------------------------
* @see #generalizeReturnType(Type)
* @param signature String from which to extract the return type.
static Type generalizeReturnType (String signature) {
Type type = Type.getReturnType(signature);
return generalizeReturnType(type);
* Given a return type, determine a reference type to which this type can be
* converted. "Object" if type is VOID.
* @param type
* @return
static Type generalizeReturnType (Type type) {
if (type instanceof ReferenceType) return type;
return object;
* Get the generalized return type from <tt>sign1</tt>, unless
* <tt>sing2</tt> has void return type. In the latter case return
* <tt>Object</tt>.
* @see #generalizeReturnType(Type)
* @param sign1
* @param sign2
* @return
static Type generalizeReturnType (String sign1, String sign2) {
Type type = Type.getReturnType(sign2);
if (type == Type.VOID) return object;
return generalizeReturnType(sign1);
* Assuming a value of type <tt>oldType</tt> on the stack, convert it to a
* value of type <tt>newType</tt>. Changes instruction list <tt>il</tt>
* after position <tt>ih</tt> or at its end if <tt>ih</tt> is null.
* @param il
* @param ih
* @param oldType
* @param newType
* @return the first inserted instruction or null if no adjustment needed
InstructionHandle adjustValue (InstructionList il, InstructionHandle ih,
Type oldType, Type newType) {
if (ih == null)
ih = il.getEnd();
if (oldType.equals(newType))
return null;
if (newType == Type.VOID)
return il.append(ih, new POP());
else if (oldType == Type.VOID)
return il.append(ih, InstructionFactory.ACONST_NULL);
else if (oldType instanceof BasicType)
return il.append(ih, createBoxing((BasicType)oldType));
else if (newType instanceof BasicType)
return il.append(ih, createUnboxing((BasicType)newType));
return il.append(ih, factory.createCast(oldType, newType));
// ------------------------------------------
// ---------- (Un-)Boxing: ------------------
// ------------------------------------------
* Get the name of the class suitable for boxing <tt>basicType</tt>.
* @param basicType
* @return
static String toObjectTypeName(BasicType basicType) {
String result = "";
switch (basicType.getType()) {
case Constants.T_BOOLEAN : result = "java.lang.Boolean"; break;
case Constants.T_INT : result = "java.lang.Integer"; break;
case Constants.T_FLOAT : result = "java.lang.Float"; break;
case Constants.T_DOUBLE : result = "java.lang.Double"; break;
case Constants.T_SHORT : result = "java.lang.Short"; break;
case Constants.T_BYTE : result = "java.lang.Byte"; break;
case Constants.T_CHAR : result = "java.lang.Character"; break;
case Constants.T_LONG : result = "java.lang.Long"; break;
default: throw new Error("OTRE failure: Basic Type not supported!!"+basicType);
return result;
* Create the instructions needed for boxing a basic type value. The value
* is expected on the stack an will be replaced by the boxed value.
* @param basicType type of the value on the stack.
* @return an InstructionList containing the conversion instructions.
InstructionList createBoxing(BasicType basicType) {
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
String boxedTypeName = toObjectTypeName(basicType);
// .., result
il.append(factory.createNew(boxedTypeName)); // .., result, box,
if (basicType.equals(Type.DOUBLE) || basicType.equals(Type.LONG)) {
// 'double' and 'long' are category 2 computational type:
il.append(new DUP_X2()); // .., box, result, box
il.append(new DUP_X2()); // .., box, box, result, box
} else {
il.append(new DUP_X1()); // .., box, result, box
il.append(new DUP_X1()); // .., box, box, result, box
il.append(new POP()); // .., box, box, result
new Type[] { basicType },
return il;
* Create the instructions needed for unboxing a basic type value. The value
* is expected on the stack an will be replaced by the unboxed value.
* @param basicType expected type after unboxing.
* @return an InstructionList containing the conversion instructions.
InstructionList createUnboxing(BasicType basicType) {
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
String boxedTypeName = toObjectTypeName(basicType);
new ObjectType(boxedTypeName)));
basicType.toString() + "Value",
return il;
/** Push an integer constant using the most appropriate/compact instruction. */
Instruction createIntegerPush(ConstantPoolGen cpg, int val) {
if (val <= 5)
return new ICONST(val);
if (val <= Byte.MAX_VALUE)
return new BIPUSH((byte)val);
if (val <= Short.MAX_VALUE)
return new SIPUSH((short)val);
return new LDC(cpg.addInteger(val));
* Create a throwing instruction for an OTREInternalError.
* @param cpg
* @param il instruction list to generate into
* @param messagePush push sequence producing the exception message.
* @return handle to the first generated instruction
InstructionHandle createThrowInternalError(ConstantPoolGen cpg, InstructionList il, InstructionList messagePush) {
InstructionHandle start = il.append(factory.createNew(OTConstants.internalError));
il.append(new DUP());
new Type[] { Type.STRING },
il.append(new ATHROW());
return start;
* Create a lookswitch from its constituents. Since JVM 1.4 this requires
* sorting of matches.
* @param matches
* @param targets
* @param breaks an array of breaks (GOTOs) whose target will
* be updated to point to <tt>afterSwitch</tt>
* @param defaultBranch
* @param afterSwitch
* @return the generated instruction.
static BranchInstruction createLookupSwitch (int[] matches,
InstructionHandle[] targets,
GOTO[] breaks,
InstructionHandle defaultBranch,
InstructionHandle afterSwitch) {
int numberOfCases = matches.length;
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCases; i++)
HashMap<Integer, InstructionHandle> match_target_mapping = new HashMap<Integer, InstructionHandle>();
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCases; i++)
match_target_mapping.put(Integer.valueOf(matches[i]), targets[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfCases; i++)
targets[i] = match_target_mapping.get(Integer.valueOf(matches[i]));
BranchInstruction inst = new LOOKUPSWITCH(matches, targets, defaultBranch);
return inst;
* Read all byte code attributes for a given class. Side-Effect: depending
* on the Referenced-Team attribute, additional classes may be scheduled for
* loading.
* @param ce
* @param cg
* @param class_name
* @param cpg
public void checkReadClassAttributes(ClassEnhancer ce,
ClassGen cg,
String class_name,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
AttributeReadingGuard guard = AttributeReadingGuard.getInstanceForLoader(this.loader);
boolean addTeamInitializations = false;
List<String> classesToLoad;
synchronized (guard) {
if (!guard.iAmTheFirst(class_name))
if (AttributeReadingGuard.isFirstLoadedClass())
addTeamInitializations = true;
// scan for attributes here, because this transformer is applied first:
Attribute[] attrsClass = cg.getAttributes();
classesToLoad = scanClassOTAttributes(attrsClass, class_name, cpg, cg);
if (addTeamInitializations)
addTeamInitializations(cg, ce);
Iterator<String> it = classesToLoad.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String next =;
if(logging) printLogMessage("Loading of class " + next + " will be forced now!");
ce.loadClass(next, this);
// scan for parameter bindings:
Method[] possibleRoleMethods = cg.getMethods();
for (int i=0; i<possibleRoleMethods.length; i++) {
Method meth = possibleRoleMethods[i];
Attribute[] attrsMethod = meth.getAttributes();
scanMethodOTAttributes(attrsMethod, class_name, meth.getName(), cpg);
if(logging) printLogMessage(this.getClass().getName()
+ " picked up the attributes for class " + class_name );
// --- helpers for adding line numbers at the front of a method ---
// unfortunately BCEL does not sort line numbers, but the debugger expects them sorted.
class Pair<F,S> {
F first;
S second;
Pair(F f, S s) {
this.first = f;
this.second = s;
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // can't declare array of generics
Pair<InstructionHandle, Integer>[] saveLineNumbers(MethodGen method, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
LineNumberTable lnt = method.getLineNumberTable(cpg);
InstructionHandle[] ihs = method.getInstructionList().getInstructionHandles();
Pair<InstructionHandle, Integer>[] oldLines = new Pair[lnt.getTableLength()];
int cur = -1;
int n = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ihs.length; i++) {
int next = lnt.getSourceLine(ihs[i].getPosition());
if (next > cur) // reached a new source line
oldLines[n++] = new Pair<InstructionHandle, Integer>(ihs[i], new Integer(next));
cur = next;
return oldLines;
/** Append the saved line numbers to the end of the method's line number table. */
void restoreLineNumbers(MethodGen method, Pair<InstructionHandle, Integer>[] oldLines) {
for (int i=0; i<oldLines.length; i++) {
if (oldLines[i] == null)
InstructionHandle ih = oldLines[i].first;
int line = oldLines[i].second.intValue();
method.addLineNumber(ih, line);
* Adds team initialization for all teams in the config file.
* @param cg
* @param ce
private void addTeamInitializations(ClassGen cg, ClassEnhancer ce) {
String main_class_name = cg.getClassName();
ConstantPoolGen cpg = cg.getConstantPool();
InstructionFactory factory = new InstructionFactory(cpg);
Method main = cg.containsMethod("main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
if (main == null) {
// JPLIS launching may intercept system classes before the custom main.
// reset the guard in order to retry with subsequent classes.
return; // no main method in the first loaded class...
MethodGen mainMethod = newMethodGen(main, main_class_name, cpg);
InstructionList il = mainMethod.getInstructionList();
int startLine = -1;
Pair<InstructionHandle,Integer>[] oldLines = null;
if (debugging) {
LineNumberTable lnt = mainMethod.getLineNumberTable(cpg);
if (lnt != null) {
startLine = lnt.getSourceLine(0);
oldLines = saveLineNumbers(mainMethod, cpg);
if (TEAM_CONFIG_FILE != null) {
InstructionList teamInitializations = new InstructionList();
List<String> teamsToInitialize = getTeamsFromConfigFile();
Iterator<String> teamIt = teamsToInitialize.iterator();
while (teamIt.hasNext()) {
String nextTeam =;
JavaClass teamClass = null;
try {
teamClass = RepositoryAccess.lookupClassFully(nextTeam);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cfne) {
System.err.println("Config error: Team class '"+nextTeam+ "' in config file '"+ TEAM_CONFIG_FILE+"' can not be found!");
ClassGen teamClassGen = new ClassGen(teamClass);
if (teamClassGen.containsMethod(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, "()V") == null) {
System.err.println("Activation failed: Team class '"+nextTeam+ "' has no default constuctor!");
ce.loadClass(nextTeam, this);
if (logging)
printLogMessage("Adding initialization of team " + nextTeam
+ " to main method of class " + main_class_name);
teamInitializations.append(new DUP());
new Type[] {OTConstants.threadType},
// register main thread with TeamThreadManager:
InstructionHandle cursor;
cursor = il.insert(new ICONST(1)); // isMain=true
cursor = il.append(cursor, new ACONST_NULL()); // parent=null
cursor = il.append(cursor, factory.createInvoke("org.objectteams.TeamThreadManager",
new Type[]{Type.BOOLEAN, OTConstants.threadType},
cursor = il.append(cursor, new POP()); // don't use boolean return
if (debugging && startLine > 0) {
mainMethod.removeLineNumbers(); // fresh start, to ensure correct order
mainMethod.addLineNumber(il.getStart(), startLine-1); // new number to the front
restoreLineNumbers(mainMethod, oldLines); // append old numbers
cg.replaceMethod(main, mainMethod.getMethod());
* @return a list of teams in the team initialization config file
private static List<String> getTeamsFromConfigFile() {
List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
try {
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(TEAM_CONFIG_FILE);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(fstream));
while (in.ready()) {
String nextLine = in.readLine();
String nextTeam = nextLine.trim();
if (nextTeam.startsWith(COMMENT_MARKER))
continue; // this is a comment line
if (!nextTeam.equals("")) {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("File input error: config file '" + TEAM_CONFIG_FILE + "' can not be found!");
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------- store and return adapted bases for OT/Equinox --------------
// this data is collected by scanClassOTAttributes and must be collected by the caller
// before processing the next class.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
public HashSet<String> adaptedBases = new HashSet<String>();
/** Internal API for {@link org.eclipse.objectteams.otre.jplis.ObjectTeamsTransformer} */
public Collection<String> fetchAdaptedBases() {
HashSet<String> result;
result = new HashSet<String>(adaptedBases);
return result;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Container for base method properties
public static class BaseMethodInfo {
private String baseClassName;
private String baseMethodName;
private String baseMethodSignature;
boolean isCallin;
private boolean isRoleMethod;
boolean isStatic;
private int[] parameterPositions;
int translationFlags;
BaseMethodInfo(String base_class_name, String base_method_name,
String base_method_signature, boolean isCallin,
boolean isRoleMethod, boolean isStatic,
int[] parameter_positions, int translationFlags)
this.baseClassName = base_class_name;
this.baseMethodName = base_method_name;
this.baseMethodSignature = base_method_signature;
this.isCallin = isCallin;
this.isRoleMethod = isRoleMethod;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.parameterPositions = parameter_positions;
this.translationFlags = translationFlags;
/** Minimal version to pass some info into #translateLoads(): */
BaseMethodInfo(boolean isCallin, boolean isStatic, int translationFlags)
this.isCallin = isCallin;
this.isStatic = isStatic;
this.translationFlags = translationFlags;
public boolean isStaticRoleMethod() {
return this.isRoleMethod && this.isStatic;
String getBaseClassName() {
return baseClassName;
String getBaseMethodName() {
return baseMethodName;
String getBaseMethodSignature() {
return baseMethodSignature;
int[] getParameterPositions() {
return parameterPositions;
* Scan the Attributes found in the class class_name for binding attributes
* and registers them in the CallinBindingManager.
* @param attributes the Attributes to be examined
* @param class_name the name of the class where the Attributes were found
* @param cpg the classes ConstantPoolGen
* @return an ArrayList containing the names of classes which have
* to be loaded immediately
ArrayList<String> scanClassOTAttributes(Attribute[] attributes,
String class_name,
ConstantPoolGen cpg,
ClassGen cg)
if(logging) printLogMessage("Inspecting " + class_name);
ArrayList<String> classesToLoad = new ArrayList<String>();
String base_class_name = null;
for (int k=0; k<attributes.length; k++) {
Attribute actAttr = attributes[k];
Unknown attr = isOTAttribute(actAttr);
if (attr != null) { //this is a callin attribute
String attrName = attr.getName();
if(logging) printLogMessage("CallinBindingAttribute: " + attrName);
byte[] indizes = attr.getBytes();
int count = combineTwoBytes(indizes, 0);
int numberOfEntries=0;
String [] names;
if (attrName.equals("OTClassFlags")) {
int classFlags = combineTwoBytes(indizes, 0);
String flagsString = "";
if ((classFlags & 1) != 0) {
flagsString = "team ";
// TODO: use this instead of team modifier
if ((classFlags & 2) != 0) {
flagsString += "role";
if (logging) {
printLogMessage("\t" + flagsString);
} else if (attrName.equals("CallinRoleBaseBindings")) {
numberOfEntries = 2;
int i = 2;
int n = 2 * count * numberOfEntries; // n = count << 2;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
while (i <= n) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String role_name = names[0];
String base_name = names[1];
boolean baseIsInterface = false;
if (base_name.charAt(0) == '^') {
baseIsInterface = true;
base_name = base_name.substring(1);
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** Binding: " + role_name
+ " playedBy " + base_name);
//set binding:
CallinBindingManager.addRoleBaseBinding(role_name, base_name, baseIsInterface, class_name);
CallinBindingManager.addTeamBaseRelation(class_name, base_name);
// [OT/Equinox] store adapted bases:
// super roles have to be loaded first for binding inheritance purpose:
// not necessary anymore?
//classesToLoad.addAll(getSuperRoles(role_name, attributes, cpg));
// roles themselve have to be loaded too:
} else if (attrName.equals("BoundClassesHierarchy")) {
numberOfEntries = 2;
int i = 2;
int n = 2 * count * numberOfEntries; // n = count << 2;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
while (i <= n) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String sub_name = names[0];
String super_name = names[1];
CallinBindingManager.addBoundSuperclassLink(sub_name, super_name);
if(logging)printLogMessage("**** super-class link: "+sub_name
+" -> "+super_name);
} else if (attrName.equals("CallinMethodMappings")) {
//numberOfEntries = 6;
int i = 2;
for (int n=0; n<count;n++) {
// JSR-045 support:
names = new String[1];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String binding_file_name = names[0];
int binding_line_number = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
i += 2;
int binding_line_offset = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
i += 2;
boolean is_static_role_method = false;
boolean covariant_base_return= false;
// regular stuff:
numberOfEntries = 3;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String wrapper_name = null;
String wrapper_signature = null;
// first 3 names:
int index = 0;
String binding_label = names[index++];
String role_method_name = names[index++];
String role_method_signature = names[index++];
{ // a flag:
int flags = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
is_static_role_method = (flags & 1) != 0;
// flag value 4 is "inherited"
covariant_base_return = (flags & 8) != 0;
// 3 more names
numberOfEntries = 3;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
index = 0;
// static_role_method = see attribute
String lift_method_name = names[index++];
String lift_method_signature = names[index++];
String binding_modifier = names[index++];
int base_len = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
i += 2;
names = new String[4];
for (int n_base = 0; n_base < base_len; n_base++) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String base_method_name = names[0];
String base_method_signature = names[1];
wrapper_name = names[2];
wrapper_signature = names[3];
byte baseFlags = indizes[i++];
boolean baseIsCallin = (baseFlags & 1) != 0;
boolean baseIsStatic = (baseFlags & 2) != 0;
int translationFlags = (combineTwoBytes(indizes, i)<<16) + combineTwoBytes(indizes, i+2);
i += 4;
if(logging) {
printLogMessage("**** Binding: " + binding_label + ":"
+ role_method_name + role_method_signature
+ " <- " + binding_modifier + " "
+ base_method_name + base_method_signature);
printLogMessage("**** Wrapper: " + wrapper_name
+ wrapper_signature);
//set binding:
base_class_name, // previously read from PlayedBy attribute
} else if (attrName.equals("OTSpecialAccess")) {
numberOfEntries = 3;
int i = 2;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
short kind = indizes[i++];
switch (kind) {
case 1: // DecapsulatedMethodAccess
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** Callout: " + names[0] + "."
+ names[1]+ " " + names[2]);
CallinBindingManager.addCalloutBinding(names[0], names[1], names[2]);
case 2: // CalloutFieldAccess
short flags = indizes[i++];
String accessMode = (flags & 1) == 1 ? "set" : "get";
boolean isStaticField = (flags & 2) != 0;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
if (logging)
printLogMessage("**** Callout bound field: " + accessMode+(isStaticField?" static ":" ")
+ names[2]+ " " + names[1]);
CallinBindingManager.addCalloutBoundFileds(names[0], names[1], names[2], accessMode, isStaticField);
case 3: // SuperMethodAccess
numberOfEntries = 4;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** SuperAccess: " + names[0] + "."
+ names[2]+ names[3]+" superclass "+names[1]);
CallinBindingManager.addSuperAccess(names[0], names[1], names[2], names[3]);
// adapted baseclasses (w/ or w/o decapsulation):
count = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
i += 2;
names = new String[1];
for (int j=0; j<count; j++) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
byte flag = indizes[i++];
if (flag == 1) {
} else {
// [OT/Equinox]: store adapted bases:
} else if (attrName.equals("ReferencedTeams")) {
numberOfEntries = 1;
int i = 2;
int n = 2 * count * numberOfEntries; // n = count << 1;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
while (i <= n) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String referenced_team = names[0];
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** found ReferencedTeams: " + referenced_team);
} else if (attrName.equals("PlayedBy")) {
names = new String[1];
scanStrings(names, indizes, 0, cpg);
base_class_name = names[0];
int langle = base_class_name.indexOf('<');
if (langle > -1) // it's an anchored type p.T$R<@C.o.f>, cut off everything after and including '<'.
base_class_name = base_class_name.substring(0, langle-1);
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** found PlayedBy: " + base_class_name);
// base_class_name is stored for later use, when method bindings are found.
CallinBindingManager.addSuperRoleLink(cg.getClassName(), cg.getSuperclassName());
// this information is NOT NEEDED at moment!
} else if (attrName.equals("OTCompilerVersion")) {
int encodedVersion = combineTwoBytes(indizes, 0);
int major = encodedVersion >>> 9;
int minor = (encodedVersion >>> 5) & 0xF;
int revision = encodedVersion & 0x1F;
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** class file was produced by compiler version "
+ major + "." + minor + "." + revision + " ****");
IS_COMPILER_GREATER_123 = false; // reset, may be updated below
// 1.6 stream:
if (major == 1 && minor == 6) {
// accept all revisions within this stream
// 1.5 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 5) {
if (revision < OT15_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// 1.4 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 4) {
if (revision < OT14_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// 1.3 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 3) {
if (revision < OT13_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// 1.2 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 2) {
if (revision < OT12_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
if (revision > 3)
// 1.1 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 1) {
if (revision < OT11_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// 1.0 stream:
} else if (major == 1 && minor == 0) {
if (revision < OT10_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// 0.9 stream:
} else if (major == 0 && minor == 9) {
if (revision < OT09_REVISION) {
if (class_name.startsWith(OTConstants.teamClassName))
continue; // no specific byte codes in ooTeam and its inner classes.
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported revision " + revision);
// other major/minor version?
} else {
if (major != OT_VERSION_MAJOR)
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported major version " + major);
if (minor != OT_VERSION_MINOR)
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unsupported minor version " + minor);
throw new InternalError("OTRE: Class " + class_name + " has unrecognized version " + major+"."+minor+"."+revision);
} else if (attrName.equals("CallinPrecedence")) {
List<String> precedenceList = new LinkedList<String>();
numberOfEntries = 1;
int i = 2;
int n = 2 * count * numberOfEntries; // n = count << 1;
names = new String[numberOfEntries];
while (i <= n) {
i = scanStrings(names, indizes, i, cpg);
String binding_label = names[0];
if(logging) printLogMessage("**** found precedence list for " + class_name + ": "
+ precedenceList + " ****");
CallinBindingManager.addPrecedenceList(precedenceList, class_name);
return classesToLoad;
* Read some strings from a byte array.
* @param entries Result array to be provided by caller.
* @param indizes buffer of read bytes to be provided by caller,
* consists if indizes into the constant pool
* @param i current index into indizes
* @param cpg the pool.
* @result updated value of <tt>i</tt>.
public static int scanStrings(String[] entries,
byte[] indizes,
int i,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
for (int j = 0; j < entries.length; j++) {
int nextIndex = combineTwoBytes(indizes, i);
ConstantUtf8 cons = (ConstantUtf8)cpg.getConstant(nextIndex);
String content = cons.getBytes();
entries[j] = content;
i += 2;
return i;
* Scan the Attributes found in the method <tt>method_name</tt> for binding attributes
* and registers them in the {@link CallinBindingManager CallinBindingManager}.
* @param attributes the Attributes to be examined
* @param class_name the name of the class where the Attributes were found
* @param method_name the name of the method where the Attributes were found
* @param cpg
static void scanMethodOTAttributes(Attribute[] attributes,
String class_name,
String method_name,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
for (int k = 0; k < attributes.length; k++) {
Attribute actAttr = attributes[k];
Unknown attr = isOTAttribute(actAttr);
if (attr != null) { //this is an OT attribute
String attrName = attr.getName();
if(logging) printLogMessage("CallinBindingAttribute(" + method_name + ") :"
+ attrName);
if (attrName.equals("CallinParamMappings")) {
byte[] indizes = attr.getBytes();
int [] positions = null;
if (indizes == null) throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected null attr");
int count = combineTwoBytes(indizes, 0);
positions = new int[count];
int p = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++, p += 2) {
positions[i] = combineTwoBytes(indizes, p);
// System.out.println(" "+i+"<-"+positions[i]);
// Here it is correct to use the (wrapper) method name without a signature,
// because for overloaded methods there are separate wrappers with unique (mangled) names.
* Determines, if the given Attribute is a callin-attribute.
* @param attr the Attriute to be checked
* @return the Attribute casted to Unknown, for later use, if true
* null, if it is not a callin-attribute
static Unknown isOTAttribute(Attribute attr) {
if (attr instanceof Unknown) {
Unknown unknown = (Unknown)attr;
String attrName = unknown.getName();
if (attrName.equals("CallinRoleBaseBindings") ||
attrName.equals("BoundClassesHierarchy") ||
attrName.equals("CallinMethodMappings") ||
attrName.equals("CallinParamMappings") ||
attrName.equals("CallinFlags") ||
attrName.equals("OTSpecialAccess") ||
attrName.equals("WrappedRoleSignature") ||
attrName.equals("WrappedBaseSignature") ||
attrName.equals("ReferencedTeams") ||
attrName.equals("PlayedBy") ||
attrName.equals("Modifiers") ||
attrName.equals("OTCompilerVersion") ||
attrName.equals("OTClassFlags") ||
attrName.equals("OTJoinPoints") ||
attrName.equals("CallinPrecedence") ||
return unknown;
return null;
* Combines two int's representing the higher and the lower part
* of a two byte number.
* @param first the first (higer?) byte
* @param second the second (lower?) byte
* @return the combined number
public static int combineTwoBytes(byte [] indizes, int start) {
int first = indizes[start];
int second = indizes[start + 1];
int twoBytes = 0;
twoBytes = twoBytes | (first & 0xff);
twoBytes = twoBytes << 8;
twoBytes = twoBytes | (second & 0xff);
return twoBytes;
* Returns a list of names of all super classes of class 'role_name' which are inner
* classes of the enclosing team, what are all super roles of the
* role 'role_name'.
* @param role_name the name of the role class
* @param attributes the attributes of the enclosing team class
* @param cpg the constant pool of the enclosing team class
* @return the list of super role names
private List getSuperRoles(String role_name, Attribute[] attributes, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
LinkedList superRoleNames = new LinkedList();
JavaClass[] super_classes = Repository.getSuperClasses(role_name);
if (super_classes.length < 2) {// extends only Object, or none?
return superRoleNames;
LinkedList innerClassNames = new LinkedList();
for (int i=0; i<attributes.length; i++) {
Attribute actAttr = attributes[i];
if (actAttr instanceof InnerClasses) {
InnerClass[] inners = ((InnerClasses)actAttr).getInnerClasses();
for (int j=0; j<inners.length; j++) {
int name_index = inners[j].getInnerNameIndex();
Constant name_c = cpg.getConstant(name_index);
String name = ((ConstantUtf8)name_c).getBytes();
int outer_class_index = inners[j].getOuterClassIndex();
Constant outer_c = cpg.getConstant(outer_class_index);
String outerName = ((ConstantClass)outer_c).getBytes(cpg.getConstantPool());
outerName = outerName.replace('/', '.');
innerClassNames.add(outerName + "$" +name);
for (int i=0; i<super_classes.length; i++) {
String superClassName = super_classes[i].getClassName();
if (innerClassNames.contains(superClassName)) {
return superRoleNames;
/** Create a MethodGen and remove some unwanted code attributes (which would need special translation which we don't have) */
protected static MethodGen newMethodGen(Method m, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cp) {
MethodGen mg = new MethodGen(m, class_name, cp);
List<Attribute> attributesToRemove = new ArrayList<Attribute>();
for (Attribute attr : mg.getCodeAttributes())
if (attr instanceof Unknown || attr instanceof StackMap)
for (Attribute attr : attributesToRemove)
return mg;
* Remove all contents of a method as preparation for adding a new implementation
* @param m The original method
* @param class_name The class containing the method
* @param cpg The class' constant pool
* @return An empty method generator with the same declaration as m
* and no implementation.
protected static MethodGen wipeMethod(Method m, String class_name, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
MethodGen mg;
mg = new MethodGen(m, class_name, cpg);
mg.getInstructionList().dispose(); //throw away the old implementation
return mg;
* Add instructions of InstructionList il after the super constructor call of this constuctor.
* @param m the constructor method
* @param addedCode the InstructionList containing the instructions to be added
* @param cg the ClassGen
* @param cpg the constant pool
static void addToConstructor(Method m, InstructionList addedCode, ClassGen cg, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
String class_name = cg.getClassName();
MethodGen mg = newMethodGen(m, class_name, cpg);
InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList().copy();
InstructionHandle[] ihs = il.getInstructionHandles();
MethodGen newConstructor = new MethodGen(mg.getAccessFlags(),
cpg );
updateCopiedMethod(mg, il, ihs, newConstructor);
int stackDepth = 0;
int actInstrIndex = 0;
boolean pauseStackCounting = false;
InstructionHandle gotoTarget = null;
// skip everything up to and including super() or this() call
while (!((ihs[actInstrIndex].getInstruction() instanceof INVOKESPECIAL)
&& (stackDepth - (ihs[actInstrIndex].getInstruction().consumeStack(cpg))) == 0)) {
Instruction actInstruction = ihs[actInstrIndex].getInstruction();
if (gotoTarget != null && actInstruction.equals(gotoTarget.getInstruction())) {
pauseStackCounting = false;
gotoTarget = null;
if (actInstruction instanceof GotoInstruction) {
GotoInstruction gotoInsruction = (GotoInstruction)actInstruction;
gotoTarget = gotoInsruction.getTarget();
pauseStackCounting = true;
if (!pauseStackCounting) {
stackDepth -= actInstruction.consumeStack(cpg);
stackDepth += actInstruction.produceStack(cpg);
InstructionHandle ih = ihs[actInstrIndex];
INVOKESPECIAL invoke = (INVOKESPECIAL)ih.getInstruction();
String specialName = invoke.getName(cpg);
if (!specialName.equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) {
System.err.println("###ALERT: " + specialName);
if (logging) printLogMessage("Adding code to " + class_name + "." + m.getName());
// calculate the length of the added code BEFORE it is inserted into the instruction list:
//[SH:] extracted for adding further manipulation of addedCode:
int addedCodeLength = padCodeToAdd(addedCode);
InstructionHandle startOfAddedCode = il.append(ih, addedCode);
//[SH:] if an unused local variable was copied in updateCopiedMethod()
// we have to adjust max_locals,
// because unused locals are not found by setMaxLocals().
newConstructor.setMaxLocals(Math.max(newConstructor.getMaxLocals(), mg.getMaxLocals()));
copyAndAdjustLineNumbers(mg, newConstructor, addedCodeLength, startOfAddedCode);
cg.replaceMethod(m, newConstructor.getMethod());
* Pads a given instruction list to multiples of 4 returning the padded length.
* Note that clients of this function must not call removeNOPs()!
* Rationale:
* switch instructions pad the lists of jmp targets to start at an offset % 4 == 0.
* In order to ensure that this padding will not change when inserting new bytes
* the added bytes have to be a multiple of 4.
static int padCodeToAdd(InstructionList addedCode) {
int addedCodeLength = 0;
Instruction[] instr = addedCode.getInstructions();
for (int i = 0; i < instr.length; i++) {
addedCodeLength += instr[i].getLength();
while (addedCodeLength % 4 > 0) {
addedCode.append(new NOP());
return addedCodeLength;
//[SH:] helper methods for more complete method copying:
/** After a method (incl. its instruction list) has been copied,
* we need to manually copy some more properties:
* + local variables
* + declared exceptions
* + exception handlers.
static void updateCopiedMethod(MethodGen methodOrig,
InstructionList ilCopy,
InstructionHandle[] ihsCopy,
MethodGen methodCopy)
// local variables:
LocalVariableGen[] oldLocals = methodOrig.getLocalVariables();
int argLen = methodOrig.getArgumentTypes().length;
if (!methodOrig.isStatic())
argLen++; // this
if (oldLocals.length > argLen) {
InstructionList oldIL = methodOrig.getInstructionList();
int maxLocals = methodOrig.getMaxLocals();
for (int i = argLen; i<oldLocals.length; i++) {
LocalVariableGen var = oldLocals[i];
LocalVariableGen newVar =
methodCopy.addLocalVariable(var.getName(), var.getType(),
mapIH(var.getStart(), oldIL, ihsCopy),
mapIH(var.getEnd(), oldIL, ihsCopy));
// reset, addLocalVariable might have changed this.
// declared exceptions:
BaseCallRedirection.copyExceptionHandlers(methodOrig, methodCopy, ilCopy);
// exception handlers:
for(String excName : methodOrig.getExceptions())
static InstructionHandle mapIH(InstructionHandle alienIH, InstructionList oldIL, InstructionHandle[] newIHs)
int position = alienIH.getPosition();
int[] newPositions = oldIL.getInstructionPositions();
for (int i=0; i<newPositions.length; i++) {
if (newPositions[i] == position)
return newIHs[i];
return null;
* Copy all line numbers from <tt>src</tt> to <tt>dest</tt>.
* For bytecode instructions after the added code area an offset has to be added to the
* bytecode positions of the line numbers.
* If in debug modus (flag 'debugging') add 'STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER' for the added code.
* @param src The source method.
* @param dest The destination method.
* @param offset The offest to be added (the length of the added code list).
* @param startOfAddedCode InstructionHandle to the beginning of the added code.
static void copyAndAdjustLineNumbers(MethodGen src, MethodGen dest, int offset, InstructionHandle startOfAddedCode) {
InstructionList il_dest = dest.getInstructionList();
LineNumberGen[] src_lng = src.getLineNumbers();
boolean addedCodeHasLineNumber = false;
for (int i = 0; i < src_lng.length; i++) {
int position = src_lng[i].getInstruction().getPosition();
if (position == startOfAddedCode.getPosition()) { // add the line number for added code here:
dest.addLineNumber(startOfAddedCode, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
addedCodeHasLineNumber = true;
if (position >= startOfAddedCode.getPosition()) // move line numbers, because of inserted code (add offset)
position += offset;
InstructionHandle ih = il_dest.findHandle(position);
if (ih == null) {
System.err.println("Handle not found!");
} else {
dest.addLineNumber(ih, src_lng[i].getSourceLine());
if (!addedCodeHasLineNumber) { // no custom code after added code: add line number now:
dest.addLineNumber(startOfAddedCode, STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
* Test if a method has the given 'callin_flag'.
* @param m the method to search
* @param cg the ClassGen
* @param callin_flags the flags to check for; 0 means any callin flags
* @return true, if the method has the callin flag
public static boolean methodHasCallinFlags(Method m, ClassGen cg, int callin_flags) {
boolean found = false;
Attribute[] attributes = m.getAttributes();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
Attribute actAttr = attributes[i];
if (!(actAttr instanceof Unknown))
Unknown attr = (Unknown)actAttr;
if (!(attr.getName().equals("CallinFlags")))
if (callin_flags == 0)
return true;
byte [] bytes = attr.getBytes();
int flags = combineTwoBytes(bytes, 0);
if ((flags & callin_flags) != 0) {
if(logging) printLogMessage("Found CallinFlag " + callin_flags + " for "
+ cg.getClassName() + "." + m.getName() + ".");
found = true;
return found;
* A team needs to get added the team specific part, if it is a non-abstract team and
* not the class org.objectteams.Team itself.
* @param cg the class to be tested
* @return true if this is a team which has to be extended
protected static boolean classNeedsTeamExtensions(ClassGen cg) {
return ((cg.getAccessFlags() & OTConstants.TEAM) != 0) // must be a team
&& ((cg.getAccessFlags() & Constants.ACC_ABSTRACT) == 0) // and non-abstract
&& !(cg.getClassName().equals(OTConstants.teamClassName)); // and not o.o.Team itself.
* Generates the name of the implementing role for the given role interface name.
* (Inserts the '__OT__' marker.)
* @param roleName the role interface name
* @return the implementing role class name
protected static String genImplementingRoleName(String roleName) {
int lastDollar = roleName.lastIndexOf('$');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(roleName);
sb.insert(lastDollar + 1, OTDT_PREFIX);
return sb.toString();
* Generates the name of the role interface the given role class is implementing.
*(Removes the '__OT__' marker.)
* @param roleName the role class name
* @return the implemented role interface
public static String genRoleInterfaceName(String roleName) {
int lastDollar = roleName.lastIndexOf('$');
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(roleName);
sb.delete(lastDollar + 1, lastDollar + 1 + OTDT_PREFIX.length());
return sb.toString();
protected static boolean isReflectiveOTMethod(String methodName, String methodSignature) {
if ((methodName.equals("hasRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z"))
|| (methodName.equals("hasRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;)Z"))
|| (methodName.equals("getRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;"))
|| (methodName.equals("getRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;)Ljava/lang/Object;"))
|| (methodName.equals("getAllRoles") && methodSignature.equals("()[Ljava/lang/Object;"))
|| (methodName.equals("getAllRoles") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Class;)[Ljava/lang/Object;"))
|| (methodName.equals("unregisterRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;)V"))
|| (methodName.equals("unregisterRole") && methodSignature.equals("(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Class;)V"))
return true;
return false;
* Calculates the name of the outer class.
* @param className the full name of the inner class
* @return the name of the outer class
public static String getOuterClassName(String className) {
int dollarIndex = className.lastIndexOf('$');
if (dollarIndex == -1) // no outer class exists!
return null;
String outerClassName = className.substring(0, dollarIndex);
return outerClassName;
* @param m
* @param cg
* @return
static boolean candidateForImplicitActivation(Method m, ClassGen cg, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
implicitActivationMode = ImplicitActivationMode.ALWAYS;
switch (implicitActivationMode) {
case NEVER:
return false;
if ( AnnotationHelper.containsImplicitActivationAttribute(m.getAttributes(), cpg)
|| AnnotationHelper.containsImplicitActivationAttribute(cg.getAttributes(), cpg))
return canImplicitlyActivate(m);
return false;
case ALWAYS:
if (!canImplicitlyActivate(m))
return false;
Attribute[] attributes = m.getAttributes();
for(Attribute a : attributes) {
if (a instanceof Unknown) {
Unknown attr = (Unknown) a;
String attrName = attr.getName();
if ("RoleClassMethodModifiers".equals(attrName)) {
byte[] bytes = attr.getBytes();
int flags = combineTwoBytes(bytes, 0);
if (flags == 0 ||/* flags == 2 || */flags == 4) {
// 0: default, 2: private, 4: protected
return false;
if (!m.isPublic())
return false; // m originally wasn't public
String className = cg.getClassName();
return !(CallinBindingManager.isRole(className) && cg.isProtected());
return false; // cannot happen switch is exhaustive.
private static boolean canImplicitlyActivate(Method m) {
String methodName = m.getName();
String methodSignature = m.getSignature();
boolean isCandidate =
(!m.isAbstract()) &&
(!m.isStatic()) &&
(!methodName.startsWith(OT_PREFIX)) &&
(!methodName.equals(Constants.CONSTRUCTOR_NAME)) &&
(!(methodName.equals("activate") && methodSignature.equals("()V"))) &&
(!(methodName.equals("deactivate") && methodSignature.equals("()V"))) &&
(!isReflectiveOTMethod(m.getName(), methodSignature));
return isCandidate;
* @param s
* @param c
* @return
static int countOccurrences(String s, char c) {
int count = 0;
int idx = s.indexOf(c);
while (idx != -1) {
idx = s.indexOf(c, idx + 1);
return count;
* This method performs the changes for implicit Team activation.
* @param m a method for which implicit activation will be enabled.
* @param className the class name for 'm'.
* @param cpg the constant pool of the class 'className'.
* @param activateOuter true, if the surrounding team has to be activated
* @return
Method genImplicitActivation(Method m, String className, ConstantPoolGen cpg, boolean activateOuter) {
String targetName = className;
int nestingDepth = 0;
ObjectType outerClass = null;
if (activateOuter) {
outerClass = new ObjectType(getOuterClassName(className));
nestingDepth = countOccurrences(className, '$') - 1;
targetName = outerClass.getClassName();
MethodGen mg = newMethodGen(m, className, cpg);
InstructionList il = mg.getInstructionList();
InstructionList prefix = new InstructionList();
InstructionHandle try_start = il.getStart();
// ---> new implicit activation
if (activateOuter) {// this is for a role method: activate the outer team
// FIXME(SH): check replacing this$n with _OT$getTeam()
prefix.append(factory.createGetField(className, "this$" + nestingDepth, outerClass));
prefix.append(factory.createInvoke(targetName, "_OT$implicitlyActivate",
// <-- new implicit activation
if (debugging)
mg.addLineNumber(prefix.getStart() , STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
InstructionList postfix = new InstructionList();
// ---> new implicit deactivation
if (activateOuter) {// this is for a role method: deactivate the outer team
postfix.append(factory.createGetField(className, "this$"+nestingDepth, outerClass));
"_OT$implicitlyDeactivate", Type.VOID, Type.NO_ARGS,
// <-- new implicit deactivation
insertBeforeReturn(mg, il, postfix);
* **** add an exception handler which calls deactivate before throwing
* the exception (finaly-simulation): ***
ObjectType throwable = new ObjectType("java.lang.Throwable");
LocalVariableGen exception = mg.addLocalVariable(
"_OT$thrown_exception", throwable, null, null);
InstructionHandle try_end = il.getEnd();
InstructionList postfix_ex = postfix.copy();
if (debugging)
mg.addLineNumber(postfix_ex.getStart(), STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
postfix_ex.insert(InstructionFactory.createStore(throwable, exception
postfix_ex.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(throwable, exception
postfix_ex.append(new ATHROW());
InstructionHandle deactivation_handler = il.append(il.getEnd(),
mg.addExceptionHandler(try_start, try_end, deactivation_handler,
/** ******************************************************************** */
if (!debugging)
return mg.getMethod();
/* sorting the line numbers per start pc: */
Method newMethod = mg.getMethod();
MethodGen newMethodGen = new MethodGen(newMethod, className, cpg);
LineNumberGen[] lineNumbers = newMethodGen.getLineNumbers();
Arrays.sort(lineNumbers, new Comparator<LineNumberGen>() {
public int compare(LineNumberGen ln1, LineNumberGen ln2) {
int firstLineNumberPC = ln1.getLineNumber().getStartPC();
int secondLineNumberPC = ln2.getLineNumber().getStartPC();
if (firstLineNumberPC < secondLineNumberPC)
return -1;
if (firstLineNumberPC > secondLineNumberPC)
return 1;
return 0;
for (int i = 0; i<lineNumbers.length; i++) {
newMethodGen.addLineNumber(lineNumbers[i].getInstruction(), lineNumbers[i].getSourceLine());
return newMethodGen.getMethod();
* How many bytes does an instruction produce on the stack?
static protected int stackDiff(Instruction instr, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
return instr.produceStack(cpg) - instr.consumeStack(cpg);
* Split an instruction list that loads method arguments into
* one list for each argument.
* @param cpg
* @param src the original loading sequence (will be destroyed by this method).
* @param argumentTypes source-level argument types of the callin method.
* @return array of load sequences, same order as before but split into individual arguments.
protected InstructionList[] splitLoading(ConstantPoolGen cpg, InstructionList src, Type[] argumentTypes) {
int len = argumentTypes.length;
InstructionList[] res = new InstructionList[len];
// starting right _before_ an invoke instruction we loop backwards
// to find those values on the stack that would be passed to the method.
for (int idx = len-1; idx>=0; idx--) {
// new sub-list:
res[idx] = new InstructionList();
// how many bytes to expect on the stack:
int expectedArgSize = argumentTypes[idx].getSize();
// loop until we have a sequence that produces the expected number of bytes:
while (expectedArgSize > 0) {
InstructionHandle loadH = src.getEnd();
Instruction load = loadH.getInstruction();
expectedArgSize -= stackDiff(load, cpg);
try {
// transfer instruction from src to res[roleIdx]:
} catch (TargetLostException e) {
throw new OTREInternalError(e);
return res;
* Translate the parameter loading of a base call to the correct sequence
* expected by the base chaining wrapper.
* Treats tunneled arguments but not current enhancement args.
* Tasks performed:
* <ul>
* <li>pick load sequences from <tt>splitLoad</tt>
* <li>extract unused args from Object[]
* <li>insert casting or lowering if needed.
* </ul>
* More documentation is found in document parameter-passing.odg.
* @param splitLoad one list of load instructions for each argument, ordered as found in the bytecode.
* @param enhancedRoleArgumentTypes enhanced role arguments
* @param enhancedBaseArgumentTypes arguments of the base chaining wrapper.
* @param parameterPosition encoded parameter mappings.
* @param teamName The name of the team containing the role class.
* @param enclosingRoleName enclosing role class or null for static replace/base-call.
* @param baseIsCallin is the base method a callin method?
* @param baseIsStaticRoleMethod is the base method a static role method?
* @param one byte for each parameter, signalling if lowering is required
* @return a complete loading sequence for all source-level and tunneled arguments
protected InstructionList translateLoads(InstructionList[] splitLoad,
Type[] enhancedRoleArgumentTypes,
Type[] enhancedBaseArgumentTypes,
int[] parameterPositions,
String teamName,
String enclosingRoleName,
BaseMethodInfo baseMethod,
int start,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
boolean isStatic = baseMethod.isStatic;
boolean baseIsStaticRoleMethod = baseMethod.isStaticRoleMethod();
boolean baseIsCallin = baseMethod.isCallin;
int translationFlags = baseMethod.translationFlags;
InstructionList il = new InstructionList();
// index into "Object[] _OT$unusedArgs" (points to first arg that has not yet been consumed):
int nextUnusedArg = 0;
// index into enhancedBaseArgumentTypes:
int baseIdx;
// source-level version of baseIdx, i.e., ignoring any enhanced arguments:
int baseSrcIdx;
// index into roleArgumentTypes:
int roleIdx;
// source-level version of roleIdx, i.e., ignoring any enhanced arguments:
int roleSrcIdx;
// == Note: letters (u-x) below refer to document parameter-passing.odg. ==
// Skip enhancements that are already loaded (given in start).
for (baseIdx = start; baseIdx < enhancedBaseArgumentTypes.length; baseIdx++) {
baseSrcIdx = baseIdx-start; // (u) skip first enhancement (already loaded)
if (baseIsStaticRoleMethod)
baseSrcIdx -= 2; // (v) not mapped but extracted from unusedArgs
if (baseIsCallin)
baseSrcIdx -= EXTRA_ARGS; // (w) not mapped but extracted from unusedArgs
// value-dispatching: where to find this parameters?
if (baseSrcIdx < 0) {
// (v) or (w)
roleSrcIdx = -1;
} else {
// (x) merge arguments from unused and real:
int numAvailableRoleArgs = enhancedRoleArgumentTypes.length-EXTRA_ARGS;
if (!isStatic && IS_COMPILER_GREATER_123)
numAvailableRoleArgs--; // don't count isSuperAccess
roleSrcIdx = getMappedRolePosition(baseSrcIdx, parameterPositions, numAvailableRoleArgs);
// got all information, fetch it now:
Type baseArgumentType = enhancedBaseArgumentTypes[baseIdx];
if (roleSrcIdx == -1) {
// not mapped, retrieve from _OT$unusedArgs:
retrieveFromUnusedArg(il, nextUnusedArg++, baseArgumentType, cpg);
} else {
// mapped, fetch from splitLoad:
roleIdx = roleSrcIdx+EXTRA_ARGS; // role always has an additional set of enhancements
if (IS_COMPILER_GREATER_123 && !isStatic) roleIdx++; // (+ isSuperAccess)
Type roleArgumentType = enhancedRoleArgumentTypes[roleIdx];
if (!roleArgumentType.equals(baseArgumentType)) {
convertParamToBase(il, teamName, enclosingRoleName, roleArgumentType, baseArgumentType,
(translationFlags & (2<<baseSrcIdx)) != 0);
if (il.isEmpty())
il.append(new NOP()); // ensure caller receives at least one instruction handle (for line number)
return il;
/* Is the base arg identified by 'baseIdx' mapped to a role parameter?
* If so: which role position is it mapped to?
* If not: return -1
private int getMappedRolePosition(int baseSrcIdx,
int[] parameterPositions,
int numAvailableRoleArgs)
if (parameterPositions == null) {
if (baseSrcIdx < numAvailableRoleArgs) // as many as available ...
return baseSrcIdx; // in original order.
} else {
// search parameter mapping:
for (int i = 0; i < parameterPositions.length; i++) {
if (parameterPositions[i] == baseSrcIdx+1) // positions are one-based (base side)
return i;
return -1;
/* Retrieve an unused (tunneled) argument from position 'unusedIdx' of the _OT$unusedArgs array. */
private void retrieveFromUnusedArg(InstructionList il,
int unusedIdx,
Type baseArgumentType,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
il.append(InstructionFactory.createLoad(objectArray, /*this*/1 + (UNUSED_ARG-1))); // 'UNUSED_ARG' is one-based
il.append(createIntegerPush(cpg, unusedIdx));
if (baseArgumentType instanceof BasicType)
il.append(createUnboxing((BasicType) baseArgumentType));
else // ObjectTypes just have to be re-casted
il.append(factory.createCast(object, baseArgumentType));
/* May perform any of these conversions: casting, lowering, array-lowering.
* Conversion is generated into 'il'.
private void convertParamToBase(InstructionList il,
String teamName,
String enclosingRoleName,
Type roleArgumentType,
Type baseArgumentType,
boolean loweringFlag)
if (roleArgumentType instanceof ObjectType
&& baseArgumentType instanceof ObjectType)
if (loweringFlag) {
lowerObject(il, teamName, roleArgumentType, baseArgumentType);
} else {
if(logging) printLogMessage("Try to cast " + roleArgumentType +
" to " + baseArgumentType);
} else
if ( roleArgumentType instanceof BasicType
&& baseArgumentType instanceof ObjectType)
} else
if ( roleArgumentType instanceof ObjectType
&& baseArgumentType instanceof BasicType)
} else
if ( roleArgumentType instanceof ArrayType
&& baseArgumentType instanceof ArrayType)
lowerArray(il, teamName, enclosingRoleName, roleArgumentType, baseArgumentType);
} else {
throw new OTREInternalError("OTRE internal error:"+
"No way to make types conform\n"+
"role type "+roleArgumentType+
" -> "+baseArgumentType);
/* Lower one object from roleArgumentType to baseArgumentType. */
private void lowerObject(InstructionList il,
String teamName,
Type roleArgumentType,
Type baseArgumentType)
String roleIfcName = ((ObjectType)roleArgumentType).getClassName();
// use interface implementing role type for base-field access!
String roleClassName = ObjectTeamsTransformation.genImplementingRoleName(roleIfcName);
int dollarIdx = roleClassName.lastIndexOf('$');
if (dollarIdx == -1) {
throw new OTREInternalError("OTRE internal error:" +
"No way to make types conform\n" +
"role type " + roleArgumentType +
" -> " + baseArgumentType);
boolean isNested = dollarIdx != roleClassName.indexOf('$'); // is last == first?
String strengthenedRoleName = teamName + roleClassName.substring(dollarIdx);
// baseArgumentType may be imprecise due to cast in param mapping,
// try a RBB instead to find the exact base type
RoleBaseBinding rbb = CallinBindingManager.getRoleBaseBinding(strengthenedRoleName);
if (rbb != null)
baseArgumentType = new ObjectType(rbb.getBaseClassName());
if (isNested) {
// cannot use field access here, because role strengthening would require resolved information
// so use the _OT$getBase() method instead:
short kind = (roleIfcName.lastIndexOf('$') == roleIfcName.lastIndexOf("$__OT__")) // last segment is roleclass?
il.append(factory.createInvoke(roleIfcName, GET_BASE, baseArgumentType, new Type[0], kind));
} else {
// access field via the role class:
il.append(factory.createCast(roleArgumentType, new ObjectType(strengthenedRoleName)));
// optimized version directly accessing the field:
/* Lower from roleArgumentType[] to baseArgumentType[]. */
private void lowerArray(InstructionList il, String teamName, String enclosingRoleName, Type roleArgumentType, Type baseArgumentType) {
ArrayType array = (ArrayType)roleArgumentType;
String roleName =((ObjectType)array.getElementType()).getClassName();
int dollarIdx = roleName.lastIndexOf('$');
String pureRoleName = roleName.substring(dollarIdx + 1);
String transformMethodName = getArrayLoweringMethodName(pureRoleName, array.getDimensions());
if (enclosingRoleName != null) {
// fetch team from enclosing role:
// FIXME(SH): is this$0 always correct (nesting!)??
il.append(factory.createGetField(enclosingRoleName, "this$0", new ObjectType(teamName)));
} else {
// "this" is the team:
il.append(new SWAP()); // 'push' team instance below the role array
new Type[]{roleArgumentType},
private String getArrayLoweringMethodName(String roleName, int dimensions) {
return "_OT$transformArray" + roleName + "_OT$" + dimensions;
public List<String> getInnerClassNames(ClassGen cg, ConstantPoolGen cpg) {
Attribute[] attributes = cg.getAttributes();
LinkedList<String> innerClassNames = new LinkedList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < attributes.length; i++) {
Attribute actAttr = attributes[i];
if (actAttr instanceof InnerClasses) {
InnerClass[] inners = ((InnerClasses)actAttr).getInnerClasses();
for (int j=0; j<inners.length; j++) {
int name_index = inners[j].getInnerNameIndex();
Constant name_c = cpg.getConstant(name_index);
String name = ((ConstantUtf8)name_c).getBytes();
return innerClassNames;
* Create a monitor enter using a class literal
* @param mg target method to which a local variable is added which holds the monitor object
* @param il instruction list to append to
* @param class_name name of the class literal to use as monitor
* @param major major class file version, used to determine how to translate class literals
* @param cpg constant pool gen
* @return the slot index of the monitor local variable and the handle of the first generated instruction.
protected Pair<Integer,InstructionHandle> addClassMonitorEnter(MethodGen mg,
InstructionList il,
String class_name,
int major,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
return addClassMonitorEnter(mg, il, class_name, class_name, major, cpg);
protected Pair<Integer,InstructionHandle> addClassMonitorEnter(MethodGen mg,
InstructionList il,
String class_name_this,
String class_name_target,
int major,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
int monitor;
InstructionHandle ih=
appendClassLiteral(il, class_name_this, class_name_target, major, cpg);
il.append(new DUP()); // for store and monitorenter
LocalVariableGen lg2=
mg.addLocalVariable("monitor", Type.OBJECT, il.getStart(), null); //$NON-NLS-1$
monitor= lg2.getIndex();
il.append(InstructionFactory.createStore(Type.OBJECT, monitor)); // for use by monitorexit
il.append(new MONITORENTER());
return new Pair<Integer, InstructionHandle>(monitor, ih);
* Append an instruction sequence for loading the class literal for `class_name'.
* @param il instruction list to append to
* @param class_name class name of the class literal
* @param major java version as stored in the byte code.
* @param cpg for generating bytes
* @return the handle of the first instruction of the sequence.
protected InstructionHandle appendClassLiteral(InstructionList il,
String class_name_this,
String class_name_target,
int major,
ConstantPoolGen cpg)
if (major >= 49) // java 5
return il.append(new LDC(cpg.addClass(new ObjectType(class_name_target))));
// pre java 5, do it the hard way:
// if (_OT$self_class$ != null)
// if (ThisClass._OT$class$that$Class != null)
String receiverClass = class_name_this;
String fieldName = class_name_this.equals(class_name_this) ? OTConstants.SELF_CLASS : OTConstants.CLASS+class_name_target;
InstructionHandle start=
il.append(factory.createFieldAccess(receiverClass, fieldName, classType, Constants.GETSTATIC));
il.append(new DUP()); // keep a copy as a potential result
BranchInstruction checkLoaded=
InstructionFactory.createBranchInstruction(Constants.IFNONNULL, null);
il.append(new POP()); // discard null from above
// _OT$self_class$= Class.forName(<class_name>); // never fails, it is THIS class
il.append(new LDC(cpg.addString(class_name_target)));
new Type[]{new ObjectType("java.lang.String")},
il.append(new DUP()); // keep a copy as the result
il.append(factory.createFieldAccess(receiverClass, fieldName, classType, Constants.PUTSTATIC));
checkLoaded.setTarget(il.append(new NOP()));
return start;
public static void insertBeforeReturn(MethodGen mg, InstructionList il, InstructionList insertion) {
// InstructionFinder is broken see
// which is fixed in r516724 (2007-03-10) but latest release bcel 5.2 is 6. June 2006.
// Iterator<InstructionHandle[]> ihIt = new InstructionFinder(il).search("ReturnInstruction");
// while (ihIt.hasNext()) {
// InstructionHandle[] ihAr =;
// InstructionList insertionCopy = insertion.copy();
// if (debugging)
// mg.addLineNumber(insertionCopy.getStart(), STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
// InstructionHandle inserted = il.insert(ihAr[0], insertionCopy); // instruction lists can not be reused
// il.redirectBranches(ihAr[0], inserted);// SH: retarget all jumps that targeted at the return instruction
// }
Iterator<InstructionHandle>ihIt = il.iterator();
while (ihIt.hasNext()) {
InstructionHandle ihAr =;
if (!(ihAr.getInstruction() instanceof ReturnInstruction))
InstructionList insertionCopy = insertion.copy();
if (debugging)
mg.addLineNumber(insertionCopy.getStart(), STEP_OVER_LINENUMBER);
InstructionHandle inserted = il.insert(ihAr, insertionCopy); // instruction lists can not be reused
il.redirectBranches(ihAr, inserted);// SH: retarget all jumps that targeted at the return instruction