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<h1 xmlns:l="">
<div class="section" title="OclElement">
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<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="OclElement"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>
<code class="code">OclElement</code>
<p>The type OclElement is the implicit supertype of any user-defined type that has no explicit supertypes. Operations defined
for OclElement are therefore applicable to all user-defined types.</p>
<a class="link" href="OclAny.html" title="OclAny">
<code class="code">OclAny</code>
<span class="bold"><strong>Attributes</strong></span>
<code class="code">OclElement : Bag(OclElement[*|?])</code>
<code class="code">OclElement : Bag(OclElement[*|?])</code>
<code class="code">oclContents : Set(OclElement)</code>
<p>The composed contents of self.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Associations</strong></span>
<code class="code">oclContainer : OclElement[?]</code>
<p>The object for which self is a composed content or null if there is no such object.</p>
<span class="bold"><strong>Operations</strong></span>
<code class="code">allInstances() : Set(OclSelf)</code>
<p>Return a set of all instances of the type and derived types of self.</p>
<code class="code">oclAsModelType(TT)(type : TT[?]) : TT[1] invalidating</code>
<p>Evaluates to
<code class="code">self</code>, where
<code class="code">self</code> is of the model type identified by
<code class="code">TT</code>.
<p>Most model elements have metamodel types for use with oclAsType, but no model type and so the return is
<code class="code">invalid</code>.
<p>Model elements such as UML&rsquo;s InstnaceSpecification that do support distinct model and metamodel types return
<code class="code">self</code>
with the cast type
<code class="code">TT</code> that may be used for further navigation.
If the actual model type of
<code class="code">self</code> at evaluation time does not conform to
<code class="code">TT</code>,
then the oclAsType operation evaluates to
<code class="code">invalid</code>.
<code class="code">self</code> is a multiply classified instance, the current classification used for OCL navigation
is changed to the classification to which
<code class="code">TT</code> conforms. The oclAsModelType call is not well-formed if
the classification is ambiguous.
<div class="literallayout">
<code class="code">post&nbsp;IsSelf:&nbsp;result&nbsp;=&nbsp;self<br>
<code class="code">oclContainer() : OclElement[?]</code>
<p>Returns the object for which self is a composed content or null if there is no such object.</p>
<code class="code">oclContents() : Set(OclElement)</code>
<p>Returns the composed contents of self.</p>
<code class="code">oclIsModelKindOf(type : OclType[?]) : Boolean[1]</code>
<p>Evaluates to
<code class="code">true</code> if the type of
<code class="code">self</code> conforms to the model type
<code class="code">type</code>.
That is,
<code class="code">self</code> is of type
<code class="code">type</code> or a subtype of
<code class="code">type</code>.
<p>The return is normally
<code class="code">false</code> since few model elements have model types. UML&rsquo;s InstanceSpecification::classifier provides
a multiple classification for a model type.
<code class="code">oclModelType() : OclSelf[1]</code>
<p>Evaluates to the most derived model type of which
<code class="code">self</code> is currently an instance. If
<code class="code">self</code> is an instance of a multiply
classified model type, the return is the most derived type of the current classification which is established
by an
<code class="code">oclAsModelType()</code> call.
<p>The return is normally
<code class="code">invalid</code> since few model elements have model types. UML&rsquo;s InstanceSpecification::classifier provides
a multiple classification for a model type.
<code class="code">oclModelTypes() : Set(OclSelf[*|?])</code>
<p>Evaluates to all of the most derived model types of which
<code class="code">self</code> is an instance. The return from
<code class="code">oclModelTypes()</code>
is normally equivalent to that from
<code class="code">oclModelType()</code> unless
<code class="code">self</code> is an instance of multiply classified model type.
<p>The return is normally
<code class="code">invalid</code> since few model elements have model types. UML&rsquo;s InstanceSpecification::classifier provides
a multiple classification for a model type.