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<h1 xmlns:l="">
<div class="section" title="UniqueCollection(T)">
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<h2 class="title" style="clear: both">
<a name="UniqueCollection"></a>
<span class="bold"><strong>
<code class="code">UniqueCollection(T)</code>
<p>The UniqueCollection type provides the shared functionality of the OrderedSet and Set
collections for which the elements are unique.
The common supertype of UniqueCollection is Collection.</p>
<a class="link" href="Collection.html" title="Collection(T)">
<code class="code">Collection(T)</code>
<span class="bold"><strong>Operations</strong></span>
<code class="code">-(s : UniqueCollection(OclAny)) : UniqueCollection(T)</code>
<code class="code">ADDITIVE</code>
<p>The elements of
<code class="code">self</code>, which are not in s.
<code class="code">intersection(c : Collection(T)) : Set(T)</code>
<p>The intersection of
<code class="code">self</code> and c (i.e., the set of all elements that are in both
<code class="code">self</code> and c).
<code class="code">symmetricDifference(s : UniqueCollection(OclAny)) : Set(T)</code>
<p>The set containing all the elements that are in
<code class="code">self</code> or s, but not in both.
<code class="code">union(s : UniqueCollection(T)) : Set(T)</code>
<p>The set consisting of all elements in
<code class="code">self</code> and all elements in s.
<span class="bold"><strong>Iterations</strong></span>
<code class="code">sortedBy(i : T[?] | lambda : Lambda T() : OclAny[?]) : OrderedSet(T)</code>
<p>Results in the ordered set containing all elements of the source collection.
The element for which body has the lowest value comes first, and so on.
The type of the body expression must have the &lt; operation defined.
The &lt; operation must return a Boolean value and must be transitive (i.e., if a &lt; b and b &lt; c, then a &lt; c).</p>