blob: 7d21810b30c9f6ac4ff5c7beafbf98a0b392b2d1 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'EssentialOCLCS.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/Pivot.ecore'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.pivot/model/PivotLookup.ocl'
import '/resource/org.eclipse.ocl.xtext.base/model/BaseCS2AS.ocl' -- To import other OCL definitions
package basecs
context ElementCS
def : elementParent : ElementCS =
if oclContainer().oclIsKindOf(ElementCS)
then oclContainer().oclAsType(ElementCS)
else null
def : parent : basecs::ElementCS = elementParent
package essentialoclcs
context AssociationClassCallExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::AssociationClassCallExp =
ocl::AssociationClassCallExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(referredAssociation.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
referredAssociationClass = referredAssociation
-- isPre = isPre
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredAssociation <> null
context BooleanLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::BooleanLiteralExp =
ocl::BooleanLiteralExp {
booleanSymbol = symbol.toBoolean(),
type = Boolean
context CollectionLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionLiteralExp =
ocl::CollectionLiteralExp {
kind = ocl::CollectionKind.allInstances()->any(,
ownedParts = ownedParts.ast(),
type = ownedType.ast()
context CollectionLiteralPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionLiteralPart =
if ownedLastExpression = null
then ocl::CollectionItem {
ownedItem = ownedExpression.ast(),
type = ownedExpression.ast().oclAsType(ocl::OCLExpression).type
else ocl::CollectionRange {
ownedFirst = ownedExpression.ast(),
ownedLast = ownedLastExpression.ast()
-- type = commonType(ownedExpression.ast().type, ownedLastExpression.ast().type)
context CollectionTypeCS
def : ast() : ocl::CollectionType =
-- env().lookupCollectionType(name, ownedType)
let lower : Integer =
if ownedMultiplicity = null
then null
else ownedMultiplicity.getLower()
upper : UnlimitedNatural =
if ownedMultiplicity = null
then null
if ownedMultiplicity.getUpper() = -1
then *
else ownedMultiplicity.getUpper()
in ocl::CollectionType {
name = name,
elementType = ownedType.ast(),
lower = lower,
upper = upper
-- FIXME probably move this to BaseCS.ocl
--context basecs::ConstraintCS
--def : ast() : ocl::Constraint =
-- if messageSpecification = null
-- then basecs::ConstraintCS.ast()
-- else ocl::Constraint {
-- specification = ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
-- variable = ocl::VariableDeclaration {
-- name = 'self'
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- endif
-- TODO special context initializer
context ContextCS
def : ast() : ocl::ExpressionInOCL =
ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
ownedBody = ownedExpression.ast()
context ExpCS
--def : precedence : Precedence = LEAF_PRECEDENCE
def : isLocalLeftAncestorOf(csExp : ExpCS) : Boolean = false
def : isLocalRightAncestorOf(csExp : ExpCS) : Boolean = false
def : localLeft : ExpCS = self
def : localLeftmostDescendant : ExpCS = self
def : localParent : ExpCS = null
def : localRight : ExpCS = self
def : localRightmostDescendant : ExpCS = self
def : parent : basecs::ElementCS = if localParent <> null then localParent else elementParent endif
-- TODO there is a tricky part with respect to the case of having a messageExpression
context ExpSpecificationCS
def : ast() : ocl::ExpressionInOCL =
if ownedExpression = null
then ocl::LanguageExpression {
language = 'OCL',
_body = exprString->asSequence()
else ocl::ExpressionInOCL {
language = 'OCL',
ownedBody = ownedExpression.ast()
context IfExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::IfExp =
ocl::IfExp {
ownedCondition = ownedCondition.ast(),
ownedThen = ownedThenExpression.ast(),
ownedElse = ownedElseExpression.ast()
-- type = commonType(ownedThenExpression.ast().type, ownedElseExpression.ast().ast)
-- isImplicit = isImplicit
inv ElseIfHasBeenFlattened: ownedIfThenExpressions->isEmpty()
context InvalidLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::InvalidLiteralExp =
ocl::InvalidLiteralExp {
type = OclInvalid
context IterateCallExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::IterateExp =
let iteration : ocl::Iteration = null in --lookupIteration(ownedPathName, ownedArguments)
ocl::IterateExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(iteration.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedIterators = iterators.ast(),
ownedResult = accumulators->at(1).ast(),
ownedBody = arguments->at(1).ast(),
referredIteration = iteration
-- isPre = isPre
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->notEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredIteration <> null
context IterationCallExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::IteratorExp =
let iteration : ocl::Iteration = null in --lookupIteration(ownedPathName, ownedArguments)
ocl::IteratorExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(iteration.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedIterators = iterators.ast(),
ownedBody = arguments->at(1).ast(),
referredIteration = iteration
-- isPre = isPre
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->notEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredIteration <> null
context LetExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::LetExp =
ocl::LetExp {
ownedVariable = ownedVariables->at(1),
ownedIn = ownedInExpression.ast(),
-- isImplicit = isImplicit
type = ownedInExpression.ast().oclAsType(ocl::OCLExpression).type
inv LetHasBeenFlattened: ownedVariables->size() = 1
context NameExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::OCLExpression =
if oclAsType(AssociationClassCallExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(AssociationClassCallExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(IterateCallExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(IterateCallExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(IterationCallExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(IterationCallExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(OperationCallExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(OperationCallExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(PropertyCallExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(PropertyCallExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(ShadowExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(ShadowExpCS).ast()
else if oclAsType(VariableExpCS).isValid() then oclAsType(VariableExpCS).ast()
else null endif endif endif endif endif endif endif
context NullLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::NullLiteralExp =
ocl::NullLiteralExp {
type = OclVoid
context NumberLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::NumericLiteralExp =
-- if symbol.floor() = symbol then
ocl::IntegerLiteralExp {
integerSymbol = symbol,
type = Integer
-- else
-- ocl::RealLiteralExp {
-- realSymbol = symbol,
-- type = Real
-- }
-- endif
context OperationCallExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::OperationCallExp =
let operation : ocl::Operation = null in --lookupOperation(ownedPathName, ownedArguments)
ocl::OperationCallExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(referredOperation.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
ownedArguments = arguments.ast(),
referredOperation = operation,
isPre = isPre
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->notEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredOperation <> null
context PropertyCallExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::PropertyCallExp =
let property : ocl::Property = null in --lookupProperty(ownedPathName)
ocl::PropertyCallExp {
name =,
-- type = specialized(property.type),
ownedSource = source.ast(),
referredProperty = property
-- isPre = isPre
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredProperty <> null
context SelfExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::VariableExp =
let refVariable : ocl::VariableDeclaration = ast().lookupVariable(name)
in ocl::VariableExp {
referredVariable = refVariable,
type = refVariable.type
context ShadowExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::ShadowExp =
ocl::ShadowExp {
value = value,
ownedParts = parts.ast()
-- -- type = env().lookupType(nameExp.pathName)
-- type = nameExp.ast().oclAsType(ocl::Type)
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->notEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty()
inv : parts->notEmpty() implies value = null
and not (value = null) implies parts->isEmpty()
context ShadowPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::ShadowPart =
ocl::ShadowPart {
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
referredProperty = referredProperty -- REF Xtext cross-reference
context StringLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::StringLiteralExp =
ocl::StringLiteralExp {
stringSymbol = segments->iterate(x : String, result : String = '' |
result = result.concat(x)),
type = String
context TupleLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::TupleLiteralExp =
ocl::TupleLiteralExp {
ownedParts = ownedParts.ast()
-- type = env().lookupTuple(ownedParts)
context TupleLiteralPartCS
def : ast() : ocl::TupleLiteralPart =
ocl::TupleLiteralPart {
name = name,
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression,
type = ownedType.ast()
context TypeLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::TypeExp =
let refType : ocl::Type = ownedType.ast()
in ocl::TypeExp {
referredType = refType,
type = refType
context TypeNameExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::Type =
multiplicityType(element) -- REF element manually hand-coded which returns the proper type
-- TODO context UnaryOperatorCS
context UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExp =
name = '*'
-- unlimitedNaturalSymbol = ocl::_UnlimitedNatural{'*'} FIXME bug in AS2CG
context VariableCS
def : ast() : ocl::Variable =
ocl::Variable {
name = name,
ownedInit = ownedInitExpression.ast(),
type = ownedType.ast()
context VariableExpCS
def : ast() : ocl::VariableExp =
let variable : ocl::VariableDeclaration = null in --lookupVariable(ownedPathName)
ocl::VariableExp {
name =,
type = variable.type,
referredVariable = variable
def : isValid() : Boolean =
ownedCurlyBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedRoundBracketedClause->isEmpty() and ownedSquareBracketedClauses->isEmpty() and referredVariable <> null