blob: 3ed278ff8908cc55a0d4466ad8847903a1955ddb [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2018 SAP AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAnnotation;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EOperation;
import org.eclipse.ocl.common.OCLCommon;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.Variable;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.AnnotatedEObject;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.HighlightingToStringVisitor;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.OclHelper;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.SemanticIdentity;
* Abstract implementation of the {@link NavigationStep} interface. Provides fields for source and target type and performs the
* necessary type checks in {@link #navigate(Set, TracebackCache, Notification)}. Furthermore, does the unfolding of the <code>from</code>
* argument to {@link #navigate(Set, TracebackCache, Notification)} and dispatches for individual objects to the
* {@link #navigate(AnnotatedEObject, TracebackCache, Notification)} operation to be implemented by all subclasses. Furthermore, generaly
* bookkeeping facilities are implemented here, such as counting cache misses, managing an {@link #id ID} and maintaining for
* which {@link OCLExpression}s this is the corresponding navigation step (see {@link #debugInfo}).
* <p>
* This class implements the observer pattern specified by the {@link NavigationStep} interface for setting the source and target
* type and for defining this step as always empty.
* <p>
* A default {@link #hashCode} and {@link #equals} implementation is provided based on the <em>behavior</em> of this step.
* Navigation steps are only allowed to call themselves equal to another step if for all <code>from</code> objects their
* {@link #navigate(AnnotatedEObject, TracebackCache, Notification)} operation returns equal results for an equal model state and the same
* original change {@link Notification notification}.<p>
* Subclasses have to make sure that any modification to equals/hashCode-related parts of the object's state
* are announced by firing {@link HashCodeChangeListener#beforeHashCodeChange(NavigationStep, int)} before
* and {@link HashCodeChangeListener#afterHashCodeChange(NavigationStep, int)} after the change. This class
* manages this for those state changes affecting this class's implementation of equals/hashCode.
* @author Axel Uhl
public abstract class AbstractNavigationStep implements NavigationStep {
private static int idCounter;
private final int id;
private EClass sourceType;
private EClass targetType;
private final Set<OCLExpression> debugInfo;
private int cacheMisses;
private int resultObjectsCounter;
private List<AlwaysEmptyChangeListener> alwaysEmptyChangeListeners = null;
private List<SourceTypeChangeListener> sourceTypeChangeListeners = null;
private List<TargetTypeChangeListener> targetTypeChangeListeners = null;
private List<HashCodeChangeListener> hashCodeChangeListeners = null;
private boolean alwaysEmpty;
private String annotation;
private final SemanticIdentity semanticIdentity;
* The navigateCounter counts how many times the navigate method of this NavigationStep is called
private int navigateCounter;
* Used for calls to {@link AbstractNavigationStep#fireAfterHashCodeChange(int)} and
* {@link AbstractNavigationStep#fireBeforeHashCodeChange(int)} to generate a new token.
private static int maxToken = 0;
private Set<Variable> leavingScopes = new HashSet<Variable>();
private Set<Variable> enteringScopes = new HashSet<Variable>();
public AbstractNavigationStep(EClass sourceType, EClass targetType, OCLExpression debugInfo) {
this.sourceType = sourceType;
this.targetType = targetType;
this.debugInfo = new HashSet<OCLExpression>();
this.debugInfo.add(debugInfo); = idCounter++;
this.semanticIdentity = new AbstractNavigationStepIdentity();
protected static int newTokenForFiringHashCodeChangeEvent() {
return maxToken++;
private class AbstractNavigationStepIdentity extends SemanticIdentity {
* For source and target type, special rules apply. Normally, if either
* of them is <code>null</code>, this means that it hasn't been
* initialized yet, e.g., because it depends on some
* {@link IndirectingStep} getting its source or target type set later.
* This will then propagate through the observer pattern (see
* {@link #addSourceTypeChangeListener(SourceTypeChangeListener)} and
* {@link #addTargetTypeChangeListener(TargetTypeChangeListener)} to the
* using step(s). However, until this propagation has taken place, we
* don't know yet what the source or target type, respectively, will be.
* Therefore, we have to be conservative and assume that they eventually
* will be set to different values, so <code>false</code> will be
* returned for <code>null</code> values of either source or target
* type.
* <p>
* There is one exception, though: if a step {@link #isAbsolute() is
* absolute}, then its source type may be ignored and will be ignored
* for this equality comparison.
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
boolean result = false;
if (o instanceof AbstractNavigationStepIdentity) {
AbstractNavigationStep otherStep = ((AbstractNavigationStepIdentity) o).getNavigationStep();
result = getNavigationStep().getClass() == otherStep.getClass()
&& getNavigationStep().alwaysEmpty == otherStep.alwaysEmpty
&& ((isAbsolute() && otherStep.isAbsolute()) || (getNavigationStep().sourceType != null
&& otherStep.sourceType != null && getNavigationStep().sourceType.equals(otherStep.sourceType)))
&& getNavigationStep().targetType != null && otherStep.targetType != null
&& getNavigationStep().targetType.equals(otherStep.targetType);
return result;
public int calculateHashCode() {
return 4711 ^ getClass().hashCode() ^ (alwaysEmpty ? 31 : 0) ^ (sourceType == null ? 0 : sourceType.hashCode())
^ (targetType == null ? 0 : targetType.hashCode());
public AbstractNavigationStep getNavigationStep() {
return AbstractNavigationStep.this;
public NavigationStep getStep() {
return getNavigationStep();
public EClass getTargetType() {
return this.targetType;
public EClass getSourceType() {
return this.sourceType;
public void addAlwaysEmptyChangeListener(AlwaysEmptyChangeListener listener) {
if(this.alwaysEmptyChangeListeners == null){
this.alwaysEmptyChangeListeners = new ArrayList<AlwaysEmptyChangeListener>(1);
public void addSourceTypeChangeListener(SourceTypeChangeListener listener) {
if(this.sourceTypeChangeListeners == null){
this.sourceTypeChangeListeners = new ArrayList<SourceTypeChangeListener>(1);
public void addTargetTypeChangeListener(TargetTypeChangeListener listener) {
if(this.targetTypeChangeListeners == null){
this.targetTypeChangeListeners = new ArrayList<TargetTypeChangeListener>(1);
public void addHashCodeChangeListener(HashCodeChangeListener listener) {
if (this.hashCodeChangeListeners == null) {
this.hashCodeChangeListeners = new ArrayList<HashCodeChangeListener>(1);
void setSourceType(EClass sourceType) {
boolean changed = (this.sourceType == null && sourceType != null)
|| (this.sourceType != null && !this.sourceType.equals(sourceType));
if (changed) {
this.sourceType = sourceType;
if(sourceTypeChangeListeners != null){
for (SourceTypeChangeListener listener : sourceTypeChangeListeners) {
protected void fireAfterHashCodeChange(int token) {
if (hashCodeChangeListeners != null) {
for (HashCodeChangeListener listener : hashCodeChangeListeners) {
listener.afterHashCodeChange(this, token);
protected void fireBeforeHashCodeChange(int token) {
if (hashCodeChangeListeners != null) {
for (HashCodeChangeListener listener : hashCodeChangeListeners) {
listener.beforeHashCodeChange(this, token);
void setTargetType(EClass targetType) {
boolean changed = (this.targetType == null && targetType != null)
|| (this.targetType != null && !this.targetType.equals(targetType));
if (changed) {
this.targetType = targetType;
if(targetTypeChangeListeners != null){
for (TargetTypeChangeListener listener : targetTypeChangeListeners) {
public void addExpressionForWhichThisIsNavigationStep(OCLExpression oclExpression) {
public int getNavigateCounter() {
return navigateCounter;
public int getResultObjectsCounter() {
return resultObjectsCounter;
public Set<OCLExpression> getDebugInfo() {
return debugInfo;
protected AnnotatedEObject annotateEObject(AnnotatedEObject fromObject,
EObject next) {
if (AnnotatedEObject.IS_IN_DEBUG_MODE) {
return new AnnotatedEObject(next, fromObject, getAnnotation());
} else {
return new AnnotatedEObject(next, AnnotatedEObject.NOT_IN_DEBUG_MODE_MESSAGE);
private String getAnnotation() {
if (annotation == null) {
annotation = getVerboseDebugInfo();
return annotation;
* Constructs a human-readable description of the OCL expression used as debug info for this
* navigation step. This includes traveling up to the root expression in which the debug info
* expression is embedded.
private String getVerboseDebugInfo() {
try {
if (AnnotatedEObject.IS_IN_DEBUG_MODE) {
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
result.append("Step's expressions: ");
for (OCLExpression debugInfo : getDebugInfo()) {
OCLExpression root = OclHelper.getRootExpression(debugInfo);
if (root != debugInfo) {
result.append("\n ==== in expression =====\n");
result.append(root.accept(HighlightingToStringVisitor.getInstance(root, debugInfo)));
result.append(((getDefines(OclHelper.getRootExpression(debugInfo)) != null) ? "\n ===== which is the body of operation "
+ getDefines(OclHelper.getRootExpression(debugInfo)).getName() + " ====="
: ""));
return result.toString();
} else {
return AnnotatedEObject.NOT_IN_DEBUG_MODE_MESSAGE;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
private EOperation getDefines(OCLExpression rootExpression) {
EOperation result = null;
if (rootExpression.eContainer() instanceof EAnnotation) {
EAnnotation annotation = (EAnnotation) rootExpression.eContainer();
if (OCLCommon.isDelegateURI(annotation.getSource()) &&
annotation.eContainer() instanceof EOperation) {
result = (EOperation) annotation.eContainer();
return result;
* The incrementing of the navigate counter gets its own protected method because subclasses
* must be able to suppress incrementing under special circumstances
* (e.g. suppress count of additional recursive round trip in IndirectingStep)
protected void incrementNavigateCounter(Set<AnnotatedEObject> from){
* Breaks down the navigation from the <tt>from</tt> set to the individual elements in <tt>from</tt> and manages the type
* checks.
* @param cache
* keys are lists of which the first element (index 0) is the {@link NavigationStep}, the second element (index 1)
* the from-object (of type {@link AnnotatedEObject}) for which to look up any previously computed results.
public Set<AnnotatedEObject> navigate(Set<AnnotatedEObject> from, TracebackCache cache, Notification changeEvent) {
Set<AnnotatedEObject> result = new HashSet<AnnotatedEObject>(from.size());
if (isAbsolute()) {
from = Collections.singleton(null);
if (!isAlwaysEmpty()) { // don't do anything for empty steps
for (AnnotatedEObject fromObject : from) {
// for absolute steps, don't do the source type check and invoke just once, passing null for "from"
if (isAbsolute() || doesSourceTypeMatch(fromObject)) {
// use a copy of the TracebackCache if there are several objects in "from"
// because for each fromObject, different variable scopes and values may result
for (AnnotatedEObject singleResult : getFromCacheOrNavigate(fromObject, cache, changeEvent)) {
if (AbstractTracer.doesTypeMatch(getTargetType(), singleResult)) {
resultObjectsCounter += result.size();
return result;
protected boolean doesSourceTypeMatch(AnnotatedEObject fromObject) {
return AbstractTracer.doesTypeMatch(getSourceType(), fromObject);
private Collection<AnnotatedEObject> getFromCacheOrNavigate(AnnotatedEObject fromObject, TracebackCache cache, Notification changeEvent) {
Set<AnnotatedEObject> result;
result = cache.get(this, fromObject);
if (result == null) {
result = navigate(fromObject, cache, changeEvent);
cache.put(this, fromObject, result);
return result;
* By default, navigation steps depend on the object set to which they are applied.
* @return always <tt>false</tt>
public boolean isAbsolute() {
return false;
* By default it is expected that steps return non-empty sets in some cases.
* @return always <tt>false</tt>
public boolean isAlwaysEmpty() {
return alwaysEmpty;
protected void setAlwaysEmpty() {
if (!this.alwaysEmpty) {
this.alwaysEmpty = true;
if(alwaysEmptyChangeListeners != null){
for (AlwaysEmptyChangeListener listener : alwaysEmptyChangeListeners) {
protected abstract Set<AnnotatedEObject> navigate(AnnotatedEObject fromObject,
TracebackCache cache, Notification changeEvent);
public String toString() {
Map<NavigationStep, Integer> visited = new HashMap<NavigationStep, Integer>();
return toString(visited, /* indent */ 0);
private int getCacheMisses() {
return cacheMisses;
protected String toString(Map<NavigationStep, Integer> visited, int indent) {
if (visited.containsKey(this)) {
return "(#"+getCacheMisses()+"/"+getNavigateCounter()+") GOTO "+visited.get(this);
} else {
visited.put(this, id);
return ""+id+"(#"+getCacheMisses()+"/"+getNavigateCounter()+"):" + "(" + (getSourceType() == null ? "null" : getSourceType().getName())
+ ")" + contentToString(visited, indent) + "("
+ (getTargetType() == null ? "null" : getTargetType().getName()) + ")";
public String contentToString(Map<NavigationStep, Integer> visited, int indent) {
return "";
* For <tt>a</tt> or <tt>b</tt> being <tt>null</tt> (a yet unresolved {@link IndirectingStep}, probablu),
* we unfortunately don't know yet if there will be a non-empty subtype tree intersection. Therefore,
* this method returns <tt>true</tt> if either of <tt>a</tt> or <tt>b</tt> is <tt>null</tt><p>
protected static boolean haveIntersectingSubclassTree(EClass a, EClass b) {
boolean result = a==null || b==null || a.equals(b);
if (!result) {
Collection<EClass> targetSubtypesIncludingTargetType = new HashSet<EClass>(AllSubclassesFinder.getInstance().getAllSubclasses(a));
if (targetSubtypesIncludingTargetType.contains(b)) {
result = true;
} else {
Collection<EClass> sourceSubtypesIncludingSourceType = new HashSet<EClass>(AllSubclassesFinder.getInstance().getAllSubclasses(b));
Collection<EClass> smaller;
Collection<EClass> larger;
if (targetSubtypesIncludingTargetType.size() < sourceSubtypesIncludingSourceType.size()) {
smaller = targetSubtypesIncludingTargetType;
larger = sourceSubtypesIncludingSourceType;
} else {
smaller = sourceSubtypesIncludingSourceType;
larger = targetSubtypesIncludingTargetType;
for (Object fromSmaller : smaller) {
if (larger.contains((EClassifier) fromSmaller)) {
result = true;
return result;
* The default size in particular for atomic navigation steps is <tt>1</tt>.
public int size() {
Set<NavigationStep> visited = new HashSet<NavigationStep>();
return size(visited);
* The default size in particular for atomic navigation steps is <tt>1</tt>.
protected int size(Set<NavigationStep> visited) {
return 0;
return 1;
public int distinctSize(){
Set<SemanticIdentity> visited = new HashSet<SemanticIdentity>();
return distinctSize(visited);
protected int distinctSize(Set<SemanticIdentity> visited){
return 0;
return 1;
public int getId(){
return id;
public SemanticIdentity getSemanticIdentity() {
return semanticIdentity;
* @return always non-<code>null</code>, but possibly empty set of expressions that form scopes that are left when this
* step is navigated.
public Set<Variable> getLeavingScopes(){
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(leavingScopes);
public void addLeavingScopes(Set<Variable> leavingScopes){
* @return always non-<code>null</code>, but possibly empty set of expressions that form scopes that are entered when this
* step is navigated.
public Set<Variable> getEnteringScopes(){
return Collections.unmodifiableSet(enteringScopes);
public void addEnteringScopes(Set<Variable> enteringScope){