blob: bc213a11d62989c014df4b4b4b788df937167302 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 SAP AG and others.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors:
* SAP AG - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.traceback;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notification;
import org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Notifier;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass;
import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.OCLExpression;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.OperationCallExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.TypeExp;
import org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.opposites.OppositeEndFinder;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.impl.OperationBodyToCallMapper;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.InstanceScopeAnalysis;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.unusedEvaluation.UnusedEvaluationRequestFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.unusedEvaluation.UnusedEvaluationRequestSet;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.AnnotatedEObject;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.FlatSet;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.IterableAsOperationCallExpKeyedSet;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.OCLFactory;
import org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.util.OperationCallExpKeyedSet;
import org.eclipse.ocl.utilities.PredefinedType;
public class OperationCallTracebackStep extends BranchingTracebackStep<OperationCallExp> {
private static final Set<String> sourcePassThroughStdLibOpNames;
private static final Set<String> argumentPassThroughStdLibOpNames;
static {
sourcePassThroughStdLibOpNames = new HashSet<String>();
// sourcePassThroughStdLibOpNames.add(PredefinedType.ATRPRE_NAME);
argumentPassThroughStdLibOpNames = new HashSet<String>();
// TODO what about "product"?
* If set to a non-<code>null</code> value, the step executes an all-instances query using the
* {@link #oppositeEndFinder}. Otherwise, the steps are performed and their results returned.
private final EClass allInstancesClass;
private final OppositeEndFinder oppositeEndFinder;
* In case of a <code>selectByType</code> operation on a collection, the
* type in {@link AbstractTracebackStep#requiredType} must be matched
* exactly. In this case, this attribute is set to <code>true</code> by the
* constructor, and an exact type check is performed by
* {@link #performSubsequentTraceback(AnnotatedEObject, UnusedEvaluationRequestSet, TracebackCache, Notification)}
* .
private final boolean requireTypeExactly;
* Set to <code>true</code> for operations whose body is specified again in OCL. For such operations, this step will trace
* back using the body expression. Except for <code>allInstances()</code> cases this will lead back to <code>self</code> or
* operation parameters for which then all calls to the operation will be investigated.
* <p>
* While it would be nice to restrict this traceback to the single call currently under investigation, we so far haven't found
* a way to combine this with the caching technique used. We would have to record the complete call stack as part of the cache
* key, leading to a combinatorial explosion of cache keys and therefore to almost zero cache hits.<p>
* Instead, we compute the results for all calls but key them by the {@link OperationCallExp} through which the traceback
* of <code>self</code> or any parameter variables went so that later we can filter for those whose call we're actually
* interested in.<p>
* However, this applies only for operations whose body is specified in OCL. Therefore this flag.
private final boolean filterResultsByCall;
public OperationCallTracebackStep(OperationCallExp sourceExpression, EClass context,
OperationBodyToCallMapper operationBodyToCallMapper, Stack<String> tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor,
TracebackStepCache tracebackStepCache, UnusedEvaluationRequestFactory unusedEvaluationRequestFactory, OCLFactory oclFactory) {
super(sourceExpression, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache.getOppositeEndFinder(), operationBodyToCallMapper, unusedEvaluationRequestFactory, oclFactory);
oppositeEndFinder = tracebackStepCache.getOppositeEndFinder();
// important to enter this step before recursive lookups may occur:
tracebackStepCache.put(sourceExpression, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, this);
OCLExpression body = operationBodyToCallMapper.getOperationBody(sourceExpression.getReferredOperation());
if (body != null) {
allInstancesClass = null;
filterResultsByCall = true;
requireTypeExactly = false;
// an OCL-specified operation; trace back using the body expression
createTracebackStepAndScopeChange(sourceExpression, body, context, operationBodyToCallMapper,
tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache));
} else {
filterResultsByCall = false;
String opName = sourceExpression.getReferredOperation().getName();
if (opName.equals(PredefinedType.OCL_AS_TYPE_NAME)) {
allInstancesClass = null;
requireTypeExactly = false;
handleOclAsType(sourceExpression, context, operationBodyToCallMapper, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor,
} else if (opName.equals(PredefinedType.SELECT_BY_TYPE_NAME)) {
allInstancesClass = null;
requireTypeExactly = true;
handleSourcePassThroughOperation(sourceExpression, context, operationBodyToCallMapper,
tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache, opName);
} else if (sourcePassThroughStdLibOpNames.contains(opName)) {
allInstancesClass = null;
requireTypeExactly = false;
handleSourcePassThroughOperation(sourceExpression, context, operationBodyToCallMapper,
tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache, opName);
} else if (opName.equals(PredefinedType.ALL_INSTANCES_NAME)) {
// the object from where to trace back later in the navigate method may not
// conform to the type on which allInstances() is invoked here; for example, the
// expression may navigate from the result of allInstances() across an association
// defined on a superclass of the one on which allInstances() was invoked. Therefore,
// ensure that the typing of the AllInstancesNavigationStep is correct.
allInstancesClass = context;
requireTypeExactly = false;
} else {
allInstancesClass = null;
requireTypeExactly = false;
// hope, we didn't forget stdlib operations that pass on
// source or argument values into their result
private void handleSourcePassThroughOperation(OperationCallExp sourceExpression, EClass context,
OperationBodyToCallMapper operationBodyToCallMapper, Stack<String> tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor,
TracebackStepCache tracebackStepCache, String opName) {
// FIXME handle product
getSteps().add(createTracebackStepAndScopeChange(sourceExpression, (OCLExpression) sourceExpression.getSource(),
context, operationBodyToCallMapper, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache));
if (argumentPassThroughStdLibOpNames.contains(opName)) {
int paramPos = 0;
if (opName.equals(PredefinedType.INSERT_AT_NAME)) {
// "insertAt" takes two arguments, the index and the object to add.
// The OCL spec says the index comes first, so getting the first argument makes no sense in this case.
paramPos = 1;
OCLExpression argument = (OCLExpression) (sourceExpression.getArgument()).get(paramPos);
getSteps().add(createTracebackStepAndScopeChange(sourceExpression, argument,
context, operationBodyToCallMapper, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache));
private void handleOclAsType(OperationCallExp sourceExpression, EClass context,
OperationBodyToCallMapper operationBodyToCallMapper, Stack<String> tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor,
TracebackStepCache tracebackStepCache) {
OCLExpression argument = (OCLExpression) (sourceExpression.getArgument()).get(0);
if (argument instanceof TypeExp) {
// trace the source expression of the cast
getSteps().add(createTracebackStepAndScopeChange(sourceExpression, (OCLExpression) sourceExpression.getSource(),
context, operationBodyToCallMapper, tupleLiteralNamesToLookFor, tracebackStepCache));
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("What else could be the argument of oclAsType if not a TypeExp? "
+ (argument.eClass()).getName());
* @param changeEvent
* if not <code>null</code>, and the event has a non-
* <code>null</code> {@link Notification#getNotifier() notifier},
* this notifier will be used as the lookup context in case an
* <code>allInstances</code> operation call needs to be traced
* back by computing all context instances of the overall
* expression; otherwise, the <code>source</code> object will be
* used as the lookup context for <code>allInstances</code>
* lookup
protected OperationCallExpKeyedSet performSubsequentTraceback(AnnotatedEObject source,
UnusedEvaluationRequestSet pendingUnusedEvalRequests,
org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.instanceScope.traceback.TracebackCache tracebackCache,
Notification changeEvent) {
OperationCallExpKeyedSet result;
if (allInstancesClass != null) {
FlatSet preResult = new FlatSet();
Notifier allInstancesLookupContext;
if (changeEvent != null && changeEvent.getNotifier() != null) {
allInstancesLookupContext = (Notifier) changeEvent.getNotifier();
} else {
allInstancesLookupContext = source.getAnnotatedObject();
for (EObject roi : InstanceScopeAnalysis.getAllPossibleContextInstances(
allInstancesLookupContext, allInstancesClass, oppositeEndFinder)) {
preResult.add(annotateEObject(source, roi));
result = preResult;
} else {
OperationCallExpKeyedSet preResult;
if (requireTypeExactly && source.eClass() != requiredType) {
preResult = FlatSet.emptySet();
} else {
preResult = (OperationCallExpKeyedSet) super
.performSubsequentTraceback(source, pendingUnusedEvalRequests, tracebackCache, changeEvent);
if (filterResultsByCall && tracebackCache.getConfiguration().isOperationCallSelectionActive()) {
result = new IterableAsOperationCallExpKeyedSet(preResult.getCombinedResultsFor(getExpression()));
} else {
result = preResult;
return result;